Secrets of ancient civilizations. reptilians and their role in human history



Based on materials from the books of G.A. Sidorov.
"Chronological and esoteric analysis of development
modern civilization. "

There are still quite a few proofs of the presence of unearthly intelligence on Earth.
Ufologists, for example, believe that reptilians are happy to have sexual intercourse with earthly women. Most likely with a certain type of earthly women. With the one that worries them, which is physically similar to themselves.
What kind of women are they then? And where to find such people? There is nothing to go far, they have long been found, and in full show their charms on the podium.

Only to whom? That's the question. Obviously not for earthlings. Well, what normal earthly man can care about an asthenic woman, two meters tall with broad bony shoulders, a skinny flat bottom, exorbitantly long sinewy legs without hips and small saggy breasts? Is that a patient with a program stuck into the psyche through the media.
Normal, of course, no. From such a beauty, he begins to feel sick, she does not cause anything in his psyche except a feeling of pity.

But look what is happening in the world media. Sheer delight before ugliness! You will not see truly beautiful women on the catwalk. The earthly woman - a woman of the golden section with a proportional perfect body and normal height has gone out of fashion. It was replaced by something between a reptilian and a human. And it doesn't matter that the divine proportion is violated…. This no longer worries anyone.

Then who is our trendsetter? It turns out that they are also non-humans? It turns out that way. Then who? The same ones that the catwalk models look like. Moreover, the whole show business is controlled by their slaves from the elect.


** Head and hip circumference is close to waist circumference
*** Neck circumference to shin circumference
*** The circumference of the chest is always less than the circumference of the pelvis
*** Shoulders narrower or equal to hips
*** High neck
*** High-leggedness does not exceed 6 cm from half the height.

It was such a woman that was perceived by men as a true beauty. The one that is capable of inspiring a hero's feat, the creativity of a poet, artist, musician. It equally combines lightness and heaviness, strength; endurance and at the same time touching fragility. This is a wife, a lover, and a mother at the same time. Everything at once and on the same level.


Women, resembling the structure of their bodies, statuettes of reptilians from Kurdistan and Sumer.
They, like lizard-headed creatures, have shoulders much wider than the pelvis, disproportionately long, snake-like, slender limbs, relatively small, low-set chest and a short, shapeless, straight body.
And very tall for a woman.
But the strange thing is, these are the women we see on the podium.

Their beauty, long legs and "grace" are enthusiastically admired by the media.
Mass disinformation media literally impose asthenic women on society;
They hammered into the heads of men that all the attractiveness of a girl is in the legs.
The legs should grow out of the neck. Nothing else matters.
And the fact that legs grow from the neck only in snakes, for some reason they are silent.
The cynicism of the media is not just outrageous - it is insulting.

Do those who promoted the reptilian woman consider the man of Earth to be so dumb and easily suggestible?
Degenerates are not counted, for normal people, men, untwisted beauties, no matter how much they wag their skinny asses, cause only regret.
But if people don't need them, then for whom are they collected on the catwalks?
Who on Earth is interested in such women?
Whom do they turn on?
Is it only perverts of earthlings?
Or maybe someone else is hiding behind the perverts?

And, probably for a reason, according to our medicine, babies covered with scales are more and more often recorded on Earth.
If this is not an experiment then what?
And is it not from such women that such human reptiles are born?


Note the head structure of the finds in Mesopotamia and the image from the Djulsrud collection.

For the first time, strange figurines of reptilian people were found in the north of Mesopotamia in Iraqi Kurdistan, where, according to the Bible, was the famous Eden.
Later, exactly the same images were found in various cities of ancient Sumer and Akkad, Whom did our ancestors want to show in the form of reptilians?
It is not clear yet.

Where did this lizard-like race come from on Earth?
And where did she disappear to?
And did it disappear at all?
That's the question.

The thought involuntarily comes to mind: are these creatures the hidden force that with such zeal is leading the humanity of the Earth to degeneration and disappearance.
And TNK, or the so-called world government, created with their participation, is just an instrument for the implementation of their sinister project.
The fact that in the collection of Dzhulsrud, along with people of the ancient antediluvian race, there were also reptilians, suggests that snake-like have species on Earth since the Mesozoic.
And is it not about battles with them that many legends, legends and myths of the peoples of the world tell.

Etruscan Italian

A female of the Golden Ratio with thin graceful bones, narrow (non-western) shoulders, wide hips and non-spider-like legs in the western manner.
A similar addition is often found among Belarusian women, women in the central part of Russia and Siberia.
The sculpture was created by the Italian sculptor Vitali.
He made it from his wife.

The watercolor portrait of the model shows blue eyes and light brown hair.

About family…

- Previously, we did not touch family relations. And now we will not touch them, - the "medicine man" looked at me intently.
“But I’ll tell you something: Christianity on Earth was created not only to destroy the tradition of spiritual growth through the equality of estates. It was also organized in order to eradicate polygamy on Earth. A cosmic relationship between a man and a woman, where the woman had a genuine, and not a fictitious, right to choose.
- Like this? - I did not understand.
- You see, any normal woman is first of all the mother of her future children. Highly spiritual children, as you know, can only be born from such parents. Genetics tells us that chromosomes when they interact break down in half, and this is so! But hereditary mental traits are transmitted not through material genes, but through wave genes. Our modern science does not yet know about this. But we are not talking about science, but about ancient mothers who knew that a child receives from men up to 80% of all his heredity. Therefore, they themselves chose the fathers for their future children. And they didn't wait to be ordained.
- So what of this? - I did not understand.
- Yes, the fact that one man could have wives and two, and three and even more - up to six, while the other did not have one ... From a highly spiritual, interesting and talented, a lot of children were born. Not a single child from the degenerate! Here's another mechanism of evolution, hereditary. Clear?..

Golden ratio or reptilian complex

Siberian beauty. The girl is a descendant of the indigenous Russian population of Siberia.
Canonical antique face, bright blonde.

The girl is a direct descendant of the Old Russian population of the North.

There are pronounced proportions of the golden ratio.
The circumference of the head, waist and hips are approximately equal.
Waist circumference and pelvic circumference are different from each other
not 30 cm, as is customary in the West, but 40 cm.
The girl has a long neck and high legs.
Her growth is above average.
This is becoming an Orian or Old Russian woman.

Currently, in the West, such girls are becoming
less and less. In Siberia and in the North, it is not yet uncommon.

Take a look at this girl's face - it is beautiful.

Our local Siberian girls posed as models for the sculptor. We again see the proportions of the golden ratio in front of us.

Russian ballet celebrates not only high skill. The perfection of the figures of our Russian dancers praises him no less. Women are graceful and perfect. Most of the girls have a pronounced golden ratio. Where the parameters of the head, waist and hip are close, and the swan neck circumference is equal to the shin circumference.
Many men, especially in the West, go to Russian ballet in order to touch the divine - that degenerate beauty of Aryan women, which will still be preserved in Russia.

An overly tall, broad-shouldered woman, asthenic. No matter how much the author tried to find which of the men might like such a woman, he never found it. The question is, for whom are these "beauties" marching on all the podiums of the West? Who caresses their sight? Certainly not for earthlings. Then to whom?

Heavy body, broad shoulders, complete lack of figure, but long, skinny limbs. The silhouette reminds the world famous strange figurines of the Ubaid culture.

Heavy body, broad shoulders, weak undeveloped limbs.
Is this the woman of the future? Rather, a female representative, who was advertised not for people, but for someone else.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the cosmic War of people with reptilians began, it took place both on earth and in space. The war went on with varying degrees of success

In the old ancient times, when the Earth was completely different, and peace and quiet reigned in young hearts, there was peace. There was a peak of light. The development of a person on this planet revealed his soul and his abilities, but during the period of fading of energies, forces and hidden knowledge were leaving. And it so happened that a completely different biological individual settled on this planet. Thanks to her misunderstanding, the human individual began to move again towards a new dawn. The rays of the sun are visible from the horizon, but the darkness at this time thickens even more, because it knows that it has to dissolve in the rays of this bright sun. It's like lying on the beach sunbathing in the sun, you have plenty of food, food and warmth. What will you do? You will constantly roll in the sun, you will begin to degrade. But if it suddenly becomes cold and here it is, you, either you freeze or start moving.

Our planet Earth was created by advanced civilizations of space, you need to know that people of the light race are already the seventh civilization on the planet. At first, the creators created energies, then animals and plants were brought from other lands (planets), an ecological system was created.

The creators have invested a lot of love and knowledge in our Earth. And only then people and settlers were brought from different galaxies on spaceships. This happened many thousands of years ago. The earth was created for the further evolution of people. But also, she became desirable for reptilianswho themselves do not know how to create something, create. They conquer worlds, enslave and destroy all life on these planets. And when the energies disintegrate, and the planets become cold, black and lifeless, they fly away.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the space war between people and reptilians began, it took place both on earth and in space. The war went on with varying success and, in the end, the people won this battle. Some of the reptilians flew back, some buried deep underground.
They were repeatedly burned out and destroyed. But later an agreement was made that the reptilians would get the ingredients they needed and leave the earth. But reptilians never fulfill agreements, and do not honor agreements. They broke it. They do not know what peace is, as they are constantly in a state of war.

When they realized that they were not physically capable of defeating the white peoples (RASA), they chose a different strategy and tactics.

Ten thousand years ago, they again began to land in small groups, kidnap people for genetic experiments. Introduce your own genetically modified clones to people to capture and enslave Consciousness.

Since people already at that time did not know the truth. As a result, slowly and surely they put their plan into action,
with the aim of taking over the planet and destroying people.
In galaxies, there are currently only three planets where they live, these planets are depleted as a result of which they are constantly looking for free planets.
On their planets, the climate is damp, cold, humid. The rays of the sun penetrate there very weakly, and they practically do not heat.

Pekelny world

There are always classes, groups, social strata. So the reptilians have four of them.

The fourth group is the highest group of reptilians who make the most important decisions.

The third group gives orders from the words of the superior group.

The second group to monitor the actions of the execution of orders, is the tactics and strategies.

The first group is the largest, the group of executors, in fact, this is the material used to implement decisions.

The birth of reptilians occurs artificially, in special equipped laboratories by placing an egg (embryo) in a cocoon. The highest fourth group is engaged in this, which divides them into social strata. This is done for quick replenishment, taking into account the large losses of working groups.

Everything that does not develop in the sun is weak, as a result of which they had to create drugs in laboratories, because their physical bodies are weak. Division into groups occurs from the moment they hatch. This is decided by a specially appointed council. Then education-programming is carried out in stages. They are given the skills and abilities necessary for the further performance of their narrow functions. Most reptiles hatch prematurely and will be placed in a laboratory incubator.

Reptilians are now breeding on earth due to the energy of the planet only artificially in laboratories, which is why they are physically weak. Stronger individuals come from other planets. Our ancestors used their physical disabilities, knew the anatomy of their bodies - when the fight took place in hand-to-hand combat. The most unprotected place is the neck, it is easy to break it. Front and back hip joints. More powerful is the skull thorax,
The back is softer and less protected. Each group has its own characteristics. The working group is more strongly protected, their bodies are denser. The higher up the social ladder, the less protection of the body. Reptilians cannot stand dry, hot environments. At temperatures above 30 degrees, they are subject to sunburn. Blind from the bright light.

Very sensitive to sounds, heard at a great distance. They communicate with each other using a throat sound. Sometimes not even audible to an ordinary person. They have practically no sense of smell, taste buds are minimized. Weakly distinguish smells. They can feed on their own kind and their dead bodies.

Reptilians have a clear control system, all divided into classes. All carry out their tasks, orders from their superiors. Anyone who disobeys or refuses will be immediately killed or sent as a test subject to conduct experiments or tests. Reptilians do not spare anyone. Recently, they have been trying to control the masses using wave vibrations. Which, they think, is convenient for managing individuals.

There is a clear pyramid system that everyone obeys. Most of the working class is brainwashed, they clearly follow all orders. They have no memory at all. The first second Group tries to work in the subtle world of the earth. So recently, they began to instill a special gene, taken from people from kidnapped children. There are times when it does not take root and everything collapses with them. The first group is physically the weakest, body weight does not exceed 30 to 45 kg. Muscles jelly-like bodies are not dense, but on the subtle plane they appear to be more powerful creatures with tentacles. The Repto Mages are essentially the second group, or most of them. But since magicians are weak, they always try to work in a group. The weight of the rest of the reptilians ranges from 45 to 60 kg. The fourth group is more hardy, their bodies are protected. Growth from 1 meter 60 cm to 1m. 90 cm. The smallest is the first second group.

Currently, the reptilians have developed the latest technology, using wave vibrations, to zombie and control people. But these technologies work only with people who are physically weak, sick, broken morally and spiritually. They see no other strategy than to rule, destroy, enslave.
But if a person is pure, he lives by the truth. His brain vibrations are high, then in this case they cannot zombify or somehow affect a person at a distance. This is why it is important to strive to live right -
at stake according to the precepts of the ancestors.

All running programs of reptilians aimed at destroying the human race (all people belong to it, except genetically infected, even clones are also people, if they have a soul).

Specifically: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, food addiction, and a number of other zombie programs - they lower the vibration frequency of the brain, and a person begins to feel calm - depressed, well, etc. Reptilians are trying to destroy all life on the planet, nature, animal world, people. You need to understand this
and only by realizing this can we resist this evil. Now it is very important to work on ourselves, to raise our vibrations, to remember who we really are. Remember that we are the descendants of highly developed civilizations, representatives of the pure race of people. Reptilians came from another planet, from another galaxy, due to the fact that their planet was overpopulated.
They are looking for the planets most suitable for their habitat. They descend to the planets, master them, adjust the climate for themselves for their further existence, reproduction. They settled not only on the Earth - in other galaxies there are also a number of planets inhabited by these entities.

Their number is about 150 billion individuals. They can be characterized as cold-blooded, calculating, looking for benefits only for themselves, creatures who, by and large, do not care about related individuals and offspring. They are in poor health.
They do not know feelings, do not value anything around them. They have a high mortality rate. There are about 55 million of them on Earth.
Their number is actively progressing. They live among people, disguise themselves as the population of the planet. Most of them are in senior positions. A person, being next to a reptilian, feels discomfort. An energy wall appears in front of a person, misunderstanding arises. A person feels subconsciously that this is not a person.
They have learned to disguise themselves so well that they cannot even be distinguished by their appearance.
But there are some peculiarities - about half of them have elongated phalanges of the fingers, cold, empty, lifeless, most often yellow, whites of the eyes. People should unite, feel like a single organism, live in harmony with nature, with the Earth. When everyone knows the truth, the Reptilians will not be able to live here, to rule our planet. The energy of all people will simply crush them, leave no chance for existence.

They also die from physical impact. They are weak. They flew and settled in small groups for three hundred years. This was done so that people did not notice their penetration, gradually penetrated to people. They flew in space ships, as they are highly technologically advanced. Almost all ships were sent to their original habitat. Higher civilizations of space could not allow their penetration and settlement, but it was necessary for people. To grow their souls, to increase their strength.

But every month from them comes the energy of love, goodness, which overwhelmingly affects the reptilians. And they also send information to people. They believe that people will unite. The earth will free itself, and breathe with new strength.

You need to know that EVERYTHING IN THE SPACE IS REGULATED BY Higher civilizations of high densities. And the overweight should not be on anyone's side. On every planet, its inhabitants are able to choose: to save or give the wealth of their land to reptiles - valueless creatures.

Reptilians outwardly have a very similar structure to humans, but there are differences: the blood is cold, very light, the heart is two-chambered. Males do not have an Adam's apple, they implant an implant.
Scarce hair on the eyebrows and eyelashes, narrow nail plates. Reptilians who live underground rarely come to the surface. But such cases do happen - for this they have developed a high-tech sheath suit, they can be recognized by their very non-standard appearance. Reptilians live in almost every city in the world, very often they hold the office of judges and all kinds of bosses.

The most important thing is to know that they do not have magical abilities, and people - on the contrary, and for them this is the worst thing, in fact - everyone has magical abilities, and they know it. There are also reptilian magicians - a mixture of humans and reptilians. They are located in a bunker under the ground - there is a whole laboratory, in this underground incubator they are raised, since the reptilians do not have magical abilities. They live for a short time - only 20-25 years. They have a diamond-shaped skull structure, pointed ears (which are very high), no nose (instead of a nose, two respiratory canals), short upper limbs, a rounded chest, a small tail, long disproportionate lower limbs, an elongated long foot, a narrow pelvis, a lean physique , greenish skin tone, elongated neck.

Those who know them should not be afraid, but you need to know about the existence. Those in power help them, and some people are in their service, like slaves. They are derived as follows: the genes of human children under the age of three are implanted into them, which are selected from the best in their genotype in maternity hospitals, etc., so that they have magical abilities. These developments have been going on for a long time. 150 years ago they started to do it. These creatures combine all the qualities of a reptilian and some of the qualities of earthlings.

To cope with this kind of dark magician requires the will of seven people. Knowledgeable, light, kind. They need to unite in a magic circle in nature at night. With a lit fire. Envelop yourself in one big ball of energy. Then all together to find this creature, penetrate into his head, create a joint, very bright flash of light, a void should remain in the head. Then place his body in a dense cocoon of thick silvery metal. Create a large bonfire to burn in this bonfire. After that, create an energy network on this cocoon, filled with goodness, light and love as much as possible.

The repto mages have developed a new weapon against the light, knowledgeable people. It is a jelly-like substance similar to an octopus with tentacles. This thing is superimposed on the head, then it launches its tentacles into the brain and tries to change it, zombie it, etc. Protected: first of all, you need to cut off the connection, then place this entity in a luminous ball with very thick glasses, then light a green, purple, blue fire. Place this entity in a flame and wait until it dries up. Then shrink until completely dissolved, or expand with light from the inside. Then burn these tentacles, their remains in your head. Also a triple flame. This is necessary so that the energy of this mollusk does not grow and develop in the head.

The first group of reptilians was close to humans. They have only one small piece of reptiles in their genome. They have a balanced body structure, normal arm structure. The phalanges of the fingers are not elongated, the whites of the eyes are normal. The hair is uniform. They need to be filled with light, love and kindness, to help them. To treat them like a human being in order to awaken feelings in them: love, kindness, light. Accept them. They need to be shown how to love, how to care, how to feel. They must be treated as equals in order to make them human.
That's why they exist. Because they contain almost all human information, all human genes.
There's just one gene that we need to help them cope with. After this relationship, he eventually disappears from their DNA. He becomes a full-fledged person.

The second group is three quarters of the reptile genome in the body. Outwardly, they are different. Most often, a thin physique. Narrow, thin bones, leading to frequent fractures. Adam's apple is missing.
Women have a disproportionate figure, the wrong face. Broad shoulders, rounded chest, narrow pelvis. Yellowish tint of the whites of the eyes, scanty hair.

The third group of reptilians. Their gene pool contains less than twenty percent of human genes. The appearance is very different from that of humans: the limbs are irregular in length in shape, a noticeable imbalance at first glance, the skin is uneven, in some places there is peeling, long fingers, a chin extended forward, a depressed forehead, yellow whites of the eyes, an irregular structure of the bones of the lower extremities, short upper limbs, smoked spine lengthened by 5-7 cm.

The fourth group - reptilians, in whose blood there is no human gene. Outwardly greenish skin tone.
The structure of the skin is dense, rough, cold. Narrow pelvis, elongated body. A small tail is present. Wide chest, unbalanced structure of all bones. The hair is absent. They prefer to be underground. The most comfortable existence has been created underground.

What to do while representatives of the reptilian race are in power?

Answer: The higher components, as they consider themselves, do not always receive what is inside. Strong is not the one who is at the very heights of power - only he is strong who can control the subtle world. It is impossible to physically change the subtle world, since the physical body is temporary. The subtle world is always there. To whom the subtle world belongs, the physical world belongs to that.

You need to act when the time for action comes. The world can only be ruled by a person who has the world within himself, who carries it. Because the strength of a person who has the world inside is limitless. Those - who are in power - do not have such a force with which they could control subtle bodies and change matter. They are trying with their last bit of strength to do something and hold on to power with their last bit of strength, but they have no power over us when we are united. Unity encompasses the unity of the Earth and the cosmos.
Space is the universe. This is the whole point. The frequency of oscillation of the brain depends on everything. The brain is a receiver that can be tuned to any frequency. This can be learned. Television, newspapers, magazines, schools - these are programs that lower the vibration frequency and the brain works in the conditions necessary for existence in captivity.

When you start to find information in the inherent place where the light is laid, it wakes up the brain. The brain starts to work. Both hemispheres are connected together, which brings harmony. Now all television, newspapers, magazines have a detrimental effect on our brain, which, accordingly, affects our psyche. Limit yourself from all of this. If the information carries true, correct knowledge, you will feel a surge of strength, a flow in your chest.

You need to relax while receiving this information. In order for the vibrations to be at the desired frequency, you need to stop the flow of thoughts by directing light to your head, connecting both hemispheres together, and imagining how the brain receives this information. After which it is distributed throughout your body, along the subtle fields.

Information is in everything - it is energy, vibrations. The more frequent the vibrations, the cleaner the frequency. The optimal frequency of oscillations of the brain (and to achieve this you need to understand) is that the brain is at rest at this time (there is emptiness), but energy processes are present. This achieves the highest limit of fluctuations in the brain.
The virus, artificially created by the Reptilians, works as a program to destroy humanity.
The information or programs launched by them are initially located in the subtle body, in the lower layers of the aura, and it is not always easy to protect it. Since all negative emotions have lower vibrations, they are located at the bottom of the lower chakra. You need to constantly cleanse yourself with fire, send big rays, balls of light there. The transformation begins when the vibrations in the lower chakras begin to rise.
You need to constantly practice, improve, when communicating with other people. The physical body and subtle bodies are very interconnected, and yet lighter energies are needed when working with the subtle body. And when working in a trance with the physical body, the energies should be heavier. And green light should dominate in them, because our body is a product of the Earth - Mother.

If in a trance state you look at the subtle plane, at the aura of a person, the physical body, you will see the differences, and you will understand what the subtle body is. The third component - spirit - starts resonance - gives permission and opens a subtle channel. Currently, you just need to help confused people. It is necessary to unite all people on Earth, regardless of nationality.

The external differences of people came from settling in different climatic conditions. From the use of different food products, from the terrain. The body adapts to various influences. Yes, at present, people are different - outwardly there is a dissimilarity of faiths and cultures, but if you look deeper, you can find a lot in common. All have the same ancestors, but you need to know that, in each nationality, three percent of people with the reptilian gene.
The main thing to remember is that all people are a single organism that lives for good. In ancient times, when true faith was present in the hearts of people, the world was filled with goodness. Higher civilizations sent powerful streams of light, vibrations that people could receive. The streams are still going on, but not everyone is ready to perceive them. The time comes bright.
Everything that has been lost will be reborn again. It is important for everyone to know why he lives on the planet, for what. All the answers to these questions open the true path. Understanding that everything is in motion. There must be balance in everything. Knowledge and understanding comes with experience. It doesn't take much to be happy, fulfilled. Love everything around.
You are part of the source of the great light that gave birth to everything around. Work on yourself. Love everyone behind your back
who supports you. Everything is interconnected in a single chain. Realize this and remember. Faith is in the blood.

Having come to true knowledge, you will no longer turn off the path, only knowledge will give you strength. All the answers are inside you, in your blood, in your heart, in your soul. Over the next two or three years, cataclysms will occur on the earth, the North American continent and a number of other countries will be greatly affected. Russia will suffer the least.
At present, the seventh transformation of the planet is taking place, as a result of which the continents of the earth will change or completely disappear, as well as a mixing of water masses. Everyone should think about why this is happening and where it will lead. It is unlikely that the world government is ready for the development of such events, will want to, and can, cope with it. Their script is much different from ours. The task of everyone living on this planet is to change himself for the better. See the light.

There is secret knowledge that a person can reveal only when a person is pure. When his Ego is controlled by the soul. The human soul will be ahead of the Ego. First the soul, then the ego.
This knowledge is not revealed to everyone. It takes a long way to become pure. Constantly practice, exert effort, etc. Nothing in this world happens, is not given just like that. You need to go through and make every effort - this is the law. A person needs to change. This is his growth and movement. The essence of all mystical teachings is in true knowledge.
But it will flow when you are pure. Purity in your actions, your thoughts.

All this was born a long time ago, and it brings strength to those who are ready, ready for perception.

Is humanity ruled by alien reptiles disguised as humans? Do world leaders and pop stars hide scaly skin and vertical pupils? What nonsense! Nevertheless, many on the Internet take such claims quite seriously. Further on how to recognize reptilian under cover.

A plump young man in a gray T-shirt and loose jeans is walking along the street. He walks the dog. It would seem that this is unusual? But if you look more closely, you will notice that his legs are bent when walking unnaturally - forward.

One Mr Patriarch tweeted: “Zuckerberg's legs are bent forward, not back. The Reptilians were wrong when they collected it. "

The billionaire founder of Facebook has already been suspected of having connections with alien lizards who secretly rule the Earth, and that he himself belongs to this extraterrestrial race. During a video conference he held with Facebook users in June 2016, he was asked head-on: is he a reptile disguised as a human?

“I’ll answer no to that question,” Zuckerberg said. And after a pause he added, licking his lips: "I'm not a lizard." Calling the topic stupid, he moved on to answering other questions, but viewers noticed that when talking about reptilians, Zuckerberg was clearly nervous.

The Facebook founder isn't the only celebrity suspected of having ties to the lizards. Belief in reptilians is not even a conspiracy theory, but rather a special view of the world, according to which a mysterious ancient race has ruled humanity for millennia.

Opinion polls show that about four percent of the US population believes this. Although, of course, it is impossible to know how seriously people answered the question "Do you believe in reptilians?"

Why are reptilians so hard to find? The fact is that with the help of high-frequency vibrations they create holograms that mask their appearance in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from a person.

The intrigues of ancient lizards can explain all the troubles of mankind. They are accused of everything from organizing the attack on the Twin Towers in New York to the emergence of the phenomenon of homosexuality.

For example, ufologist James Bartley has been investigating cases of kidnapping by reptilians for twenty years. And yes, he is confident that with the help of their extraordinary abilities, the alien lizards can influence a person's sexual preferences and even turn him into a pedophile.

Reptilian cult adepts usually believe that Freemasons and Illuminati are secret organizations of lizards, thanks to which they infiltrated the highest echelons of human power. Now reptilians rule all the most important social institutions of the world, disguised as kings, queens, famous politicians and other celebrities.

Deep roots

Mark Zuckerberg was not the only one urged to confess that he is a reptilian. In 2011, the comedian Louis C.Kay during his show several times addressed the same question to the former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield, and he stubbornly refused to answer it.

Three years later, New Zealand Prime Minister John Kay had to explain the same topic because a vigilant citizen made an official request to this effect under the freedom of information law.

“As far as I know, I'm not a reptilian,” Kay replied. - Faced with this request, I took an unusual step for myself: I visited not only a doctor, but also a veterinarian, and both confirmed that I was not a lizard. I have never flown in a spaceship, have not been in space, and my tongue is not particularly long. "

Aliens that take on the form of animals and humans have been known in science fiction since at least the 1920s, and such an image is not uncommon in mythology. In addition, US citizens often report encounters with lizardmen.

But when did ufologists become interested in these mythical creatures? Most likely, this happened in 1967, after Canadian David Seewalt reported that five months ago he temporarily lost his memory on the way to a friend, and then the events of that day returned to him in a nightmare.

According to him, he was hypnotized, lifted aboard a flying saucer using an orange beam and laid there on a table surrounded by computers. Some aliens, similar to crocodiles, took off his clothes and ... What happened next, he could not describe, because it was too scary.

Hillary Clinton is also recognized as a reptilian

Other victims of the abduction of the Reptilians also appeared. For example, in 1978 one Italian talked about this. However, more often people in those days were abducted by "gray men" or tall skinny aliens.

Everything changed when in 1999 the book "The Biggest Secret" was published by David Icke, a former football player, sports commentator, and now - the messiah, designed to open humanity's eyes to what an eerie and mysterious world we exist in.

He brought together ufology, conspiracy theories, legends of ancient astronauts and alternative history into a single frightening narrative, in which the secret rulers of mankind play a key role, having zombified it and subjugated it to their will.

This is an order of the Illuminati, founded, according to Hayk, precisely by reptilians who can change their appearance, aliens from another dimension. By the way, they prefer to eat human flesh. Anyway, people were created by this very race of the Anunnaki lizards.

Ike was the first to proclaim that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain was not human.

“I saw her sacrifice people, eat their flesh and drink their blood. When she reincarnates, her face becomes long, serpentine and pale, ”he wrote.

And the queen is far from the only royal reptilian. According to Hayk, the entire august surname is inhuman.

Of course, social networks enthusiastically began to discuss which of the mighty of this world, secretly from the public, wears scaly skin and hides a forked tongue in his mouth. Almost all celebrities, from politicians to pop stars, have been recorded as reptilians - after all, it is they who fool the entire population of the Earth.

Vertical pupils

On the Internet, the reptilian conspiracy theory is the most widespread. Of course, more often than not, it's just such ironic trolling. However, there are many mentally unstable citizens for whom alien lizards are quite real, and YouTube is full of products of their activity - just look at the number of videos on request by reptilian.

Why are there so many? Maybe the Internet contributes to the development of mental illness? As psychologist Rob Brotherton, author of The Suspicious Mind, explains in an interview with Motherboard, all people tend to believe in at least one conspiracy theory in one way or another.

And the Internet has made especially active paranoid people visible by providing them with a platform to express their thoughts in real time. Indeed, if earlier a conspiracy theorist had to at least write and release a book, now it is enough to gather a grateful audience on his blog and feed it with small posts or videos.

How to recognize a reptilian

Conspiracy theorists identify a potential reptilian by certain distinctive features. So, usually they are white people with piercing eyes and green or blue eyes (although the lizards are able to change their shade). The reptilian has low blood pressure and may have unexplained scars on the body.

Since the Anunnaki disguise themselves as humans, one should look closely at the behavior of the suspects. Reptilians and half-breeds usually do not show empathy, are incapable of love, are very smart and are addicted to science and space.

In addition, it is worth taking a closer look at the video of a person who is suspected of being a lizard: sometimes in some videos, disguise does not work, and you can see vertical pupils or scaly skin.

It is believed that creatures from other planets live among people on earth. The most harmful and dangerous are reptilians. Have you heard of them already? Do you know how to recognize a reptilian and protect yourself from it? If not, then be sure to read the material below. A lot of people disappear from the planet, as if they never existed. Relatives cannot find their trace. There is an opinion, carefully hushed up in the media, that it is the reptilians who deal with them. People tell a lot, but they are not able to provide evidence. Let's try to figure out what to believe and what to laugh at.

Reptilians on earth - truth or fiction?

The presence of alien beings in the vastness of their native land can be treated in different ways. Conspiracy theorists are sure that reptilians have been among us for a very long time. Back in the days of Atlantis, they tried (and not without success) to seize power over humanity. And now representatives of this terrible tribe are concentrated where it is possible to command other creatures, that is, us sinners. But power is not the only thing that attracts Reptilians. A hostile tribe seeks to take the planet away from the aborigines. And for this, all means are good. But they are not yet able to get rid of people completely. They have no soul, which means that they have no control over the mechanism for processing energy vibrations. Only the soul of a living person born on planet Earth is capable of lowering or increasing the amplitude of radiation. There is no longer a being in the Universe capable of such work. Therefore, the reptilians among us are working to transform the energy of the Universe into a lower spectrum that is comfortable for them. Light love (high vibrations) are deadly for these creatures. It turns out that there is a war on Earth that you and I don't even suspect!

How to recognize a reptilian?

Of course, aliens do not roam cities and villages wagging their tails. They are forced to acquire a human form in order not to frighten the population. By the way, reptilians are creatures that are in a sense related to our lizards and crocodiles. This is where the name comes from. They have cold blood, tails, claws and sharp teeth. But such things as conscience, compassion, humor are not available to them. Reptilian aliens, according to conspiracy theories, have the following features:

  • growth above average;
  • bright and rough outlined sexual characteristics;
  • insensitivity to heat;
  • extraordinary physical strength;
  • strange eyes with narrow pupils.

We have brought those distinctive qualities of creatures from other planets that are rather difficult for them to hide. In fact, they are completely different from people. But they know how to transform their shape and look almost like real people. Let's go over each sign separately to understand exactly how to recognize a reptilian.

Physical form

We have already mentioned that aliens can transform. It is not difficult for this entity to look like an ordinary person or even an animal. But there are limitations associated with their psyche. These entities are uncomfortable in the guise of "nerd - bespectacled". They are terribly afraid of their own weakness. Therefore, the aliens take the form of a physically strong person. This can be an athlete with pronounced biceps, a lady of extraordinary flexibility, or another person who can run, jump, lift weights. In addition, reptilians almost never get sick. They are not afraid of our ailments, but theirs are far away, on their home planet. It has been noticed that these creatures do not succumb to the bad influence of alcohol. They either don't drink at all, or they don't get drunk.

Sexual characteristics

When you figure out how to recognize a reptilian, you need to remember that these are different creatures. They are not built like us. But these entities have to adapt to the environment. They do it quite roughly. If a reptilian wants to look like a man, he will take care of acquiring a brutal appearance. For example, that macho, on whom all the ladies between the ages of five and a hundred throw openly inviting glances, may well turn out to be an alien with a green tail. Ladies of this "nationality" have gorgeous breasts and slender hips. Everything about them is a little overkill, and the appearance evokes a sense of artificiality.

Relation to temperature conditions

Reptilians are cold-blooded, as mentioned. They feel much more comfortable in the forty-degree heat. Therefore, do not be surprised if an important person sits nearby and prohibits turning on the air conditioner or opening the window. It is probably a reptilian. He feels good when a normal person languishes from the lack of fresh air in the room, steams like in a bath. Representatives of this don't sweat. Their glands do not secrete fluids to cool the skin. It is arranged differently than ours. You will never see untidy stains near the armpits on their clothes, so natural for a person in hot weather. But the cold is unpleasant for them. The reaction of the aliens slows down in proportion to the decrease in temperature. They try to stay in the frost less and quickly dart into a hotly heated room.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

The only sign that the alien gives out is his eyes. The body can be changed, the head and hands can be transformed, but you cannot hide your eyes. They say that they are the mirror of the soul. Of these, a field is broadcast to others, which reflects the state. Aliens have much lower vibration than the average representative of our species. Their gaze is cold, like a February blizzard, and just as distant. Conspiracy theorists prove that the eyes of a reptilian are distinguished by narrow pupils, like those of a cat. This is only partly true. They become like that at certain moments. When an alien creature is threatened, It is clearly visible. They perceive the energy of love as a threat, the vibrations of which kill them. Try to show genuine compassion for the alien suspect. And while doing so, look into your eyes.

Reptilian targets

You know, in our country it is customary to say that they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds. This means that personality is assessed by actions. The appearance and types of reptilians are not critical in our constant, but somewhat one-sided war. Much more important is their behavior, conditioned by one very specific goal. Aliens need to lower the overall radiation background of the universe. And we are raising it, although very few people know about it. Their opposition to the natural development of mankind consists in creating conditions for the suffering of each individual. For example, almost all wars are the result of their intrigue. It is vital for aliens that people in large numbers suffer, suffer, cry, and the like. Their world will perish if we begin to develop according to the plan of the Higher Forces.

Behavioral features

You probably already know how to understand that this is a reptilian. This individual possesses power, a somewhat artificial appearance, wealth (an additional resource for influencing and is at the helm of events. For example, your boss may be an alien, and he may also be a famous blogger or TV presenter. A reptilian woman will definitely turn out to be an oligarch's girlfriend. she needs not for her own pleasure, but in order to perform a common task for the aliens. They need to lower the vibrations of the Earth. In a remote village you will not find representatives of this species. There is no one to influence, so they have nothing to do in the fields and forests? aliens give out indifference. They do not radiate love, although they diligently pretend. This is felt only by the partner in an intimate setting. From the side it seems that normal is going on And in the quiet of the bedroom an epiphany occurs, sometimes very unpleasant. from the face of the earth. And where people go - nobody knows. this topic has been published a lot. Is there even one grain of truth in them? Nobody can reliably prove it. Be careful!

The famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been dealing with the problem for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them the same way. They are upright creatures. Their height is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The head is a cross between a human's head and a lizard's head. The same can be said about the face. The skin is scaly, greenish to brownish in color, sometimes spotty. The eyes are bulging, golden or light red, with a vertical pupil, similar to a cat's. A ridge runs from the top of the head to the mouth. The body might seem human if not for the protruding ribs on the chest. The hands are four-fingered, with membranes, ending in claws.

Contacts almost always take place at the initiative of the reptilians. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such meetings, people did not see spaceships. ... This gave rise to some researchers to suggest that the birthplace of the Reptilians is the Earth and that they currently live in its bowels.According to the views of these specialists, reptilians arose on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the species of lizards.

The reptilian civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where she entered into competition with representatives of alien races who were exploring our solar system... Apparently, the Reptilians were not the strongest in this competition. They ceded control of planet Earth to a race we call (also called the Tall White Aliens). Subsequently, these latter took care of the appearance of people on Earth.

There were many wars for the Earth between reptilians and aliens, and the most ancient civilizations of people have preserved the memory of their culture.

The wars of the gods are mentioned in the Mahabharata, an Indian epic:

"Vimanas (flying ships) approached the Earth with incredible speed and released many arrows, sparkling like gold, thousands of lightning ... The roar they issued was like thunder from a thousand drums ... This was followed by furious explosions and hundreds of fiery whirlwinds ...
Burned by the heat of the weapon, the world staggered as in a fever. The elephants burst into flames from the heat and ran wildly to and fro in search of protection from the terrible force. The water became hot, the animals perished, the enemy was mowed down, and the fury of fire fell down the trees in rows ... Thousands of chariots were destroyed, then deep silence descended on the sea ... "
(The weapons of the gods are very similar to nuclear weapons.)

After that we went on in silence. When we came to the foot of Babia Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed to a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters. When we leaned on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An opening was opened into which a cart could freely enter.
A tunnel opened in front of us, going steeply downward. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a flattened circle, was straight, wide and high, so that a whole train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and there were almost no footsteps. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.

Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until we came to a spacious hall that looked like the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross-section, others round.

... the father spoke again:

Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and to different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and then to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left one. You can also get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - the North and South. On the way of each tunnel there are "junction stations" similar to the one in which we are now. So, without knowing the exact route, it is easy to get lost in them ... The father's story was interrupted by a distant sound, similar at the same time to a low rumble and a metallic clang. Such a sound is emitted by a heavily laden train, moving away from its place or sharply braking ... Reptilians for the possession of our planet ... civilizations), we can assume that it is precisely the appearance of the Moon on terrestrial ... on the moon it was confirmed, our the first the task is to find out where ... no one was found evidence in favor of this theory ....

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