Eco children from the point of view of esotericism. Eco children without a soul

June 1 is International Children's Day. The holiday is undoubtedly extremely relevant. Without our protection, it will be impossible for children to survive in this world. Why survive there ?! It is hardly possible to just be born. Dry statistics: now in one year around the world, children are killed as much as people died in six years of World War II. Approximately 60 million! All the power of the human mind is aimed at depriving the baby of the opportunity to be born. This is a modern health care system, and jurisprudence and science. And, among other things, distortions in theological teaching. Yes Yes. A theological error can also take lives. How? We'll see now.

In Western theology, as in the Orthodox East, at all times it was considered a terrible sin. However, among Catholic theologians we find a serious flaw that undermines the very idea that the artificial termination of pregnancy at any time is the murder of a person. How is this possible?! That's how.

The cornerstone here is the so-called "moment of animation", that is, the question of when the immortal human soul unites with the embryo and, accordingly, it becomes a human. This dispute in the theological environment has been going on for a very long time.

“The issue of indirect or subsequent animation was discussed by some Church Fathers in order to refute the so-called theory of“ transmission ”proposed by Tertullian, who, to explain the transmission of original sin, proceeded from the assumption that not only the body, but also the soul is passed on to the child from the parents, - we read in textbook on bioethics. - To refute this theological thesis, other fathers, and then Saint Thomas Aquinas, proposed a theory of the subsequent implantation of the soul.

This theory states that the soul, being destined for substantial unity with the body, ontologically has a different origin and is created directly by God. In addition, the Thomistic hypothesis assumes that for the implantation of the soul, a certain organization of the body is necessary, a certain "form" which, being a soul, forms the body. Saint Thomas believes that the vegetable and animal soul has existed since the moment of fertilization. Thus, the chronological problem acquires an ontological meaning.

The Eastern Fathers of the Church did not accept the theory of the subsequent implantation of the soul of Thomas Aquinas

The moment of implantation of the soul is attributed to the period between the 30th and 40th days after fertilization, by analogy with the biblical precepts related to the purification of a woman after childbirth. It should be added immediately that not all the Church Fathers were of this opinion, this is especially true of the Greek Fathers, and above all to those who argued that the soul arises at the very first moment after conception, in which other fathers followed him, in particular Saint Maxim ... But at the same time, moral and canonical norms (imposing severe punishments) remained unchanged, insisting on the inadmissibility of abortion in all cases. Abortion remained a sin, moreover, a crime, no matter at what moment it was committed, but if there was a doubt about the characteristics of this crime, namely: should it be called murder without ado, or simply a special crime against life, then from the answer to this the question depended on the measure of canonical punishment, but it did not affect the general opinion about the inadmissibility of abortion. "

If these thoughts of Thomas Aquinas in our time become widespread in the philistine environment, then how many people can come to the conclusion that up to 30-40 days the fetus does not yet have a soul, therefore, is not a person. And if so, why should abortion before that time be considered murder? Thus, based on this conclusion, a decent Catholic woman up to 30-40 days of pregnancy can calmly interrupt it, without making any deals with her Christian conscience.

It turns out that, in general, abortion is prohibited, but up to a certain date it is possible. Thus, we see that one misunderstood theological idea can cost the lives of thousands, if not millions of people.

It is noteworthy that similar ideas that until a certain date the fetus is not yet a person arose not only in theology, but also in biology. For example, in 1866, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel formulated the so-called biogenetic law, according to which the main stages of evolution are reproduced in the individual development of an organism; built the first family tree of the animal kingdom. What does this mean in practice? The fact that almost the entire period of embryonic development, according to Haeckel, the fetus is not a human, it goes through the path of evolutionary development - from a lower species to a higher one - and only at the end of pregnancy turns into a human. That is, if you have an abortion in the early and even middle terms, then this, according to Haeckel, cannot be considered a murder of a person. It is also scary that Haeckel's tables, or morphological series, where it is shown how a lower mammal turns into a human, are still placed as a visual aid in our schools, in biology classrooms, despite the fact that even during the life of this "scientist" this law was recognized as falsification.

Haeckel, who formulated the biogenetic law, was a very strange type. And many of his ideas were revived in Nazi Germany.

In general, Haeckel himself was a very strange type. For example, he sincerely believed that some birds were higher on the evolutionary ladder than African blacks. Many of his ideas were subsequently revived in Nazi Germany.

It should be said that not only direct errors, but also theological omissions can lead to serious consequences for a person's life. For example, in “” it is said: “Morally inadmissible from the Orthodox point of view are also all types of in vitro (out-of-body) fertilization, involving the procurement, conservation and deliberate destruction of“ excess ”embryos.” That is, logically continuing this thought, one can come to the conclusion that those types of in vitro fertilization that do not involve the procurement, conservation and deliberate destruction of "excess" embryos are allowed by the Orthodox Church. However, in practice this is not the case. Most of the Orthodox theologians specializing in this issue speak of the complete inadmissibility of IVF methods. There is an obvious omission in the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church", the price of which is crippled human destinies.

I remember about five years ago, when I was still studying at the seminary, the teachers told us that soon biomedical technologies for artificial insemination, surrogacy, sex reassignment, etc. will burst into our lives, and future pastors of the Church of Christ must be ready for this. It seemed to us something very distant, unlikely, sci-fi. However, very little time passed, and I really had to face in vitro fertilization closely.

Several months ago a woman came to our church. She had a complicated pregnancy. A woman is pregnant with twins conceived by the IVF method. As it turned out from communication with her, eight more (!) Fertilized eggs are now stored frozen, or, in the language of science, creoconserved. When I asked if she understood that the destruction of these eggs by the Church was equivalent to murder, she replied that she did. When I asked her what she was going to do with them, “Give birth,” the woman replied. She looked about 40 years old, and it became clear to me that she would not be able to give birth to everyone purely physically. I saw that she understood this too, which is why she was terribly tormented and suffering.

Children conceived by IVF do not produce offspring. Absolutely. 100 percent!

One more example. Just the other day I had a chance to communicate with one professor, doctor of medical sciences. He occupies a fairly high position in the health care system, and I asked to help us with administrative resources in opposing abortion. The professor fired up and told, as if in secret, a lot of interesting things. For example, that children, conceived by the IVF method, do not give birth. Absolutely. 100 percent!

- And how is this known? - I ask. - Are statistics kept?

- Yes, there are already many such eco-friendly children in Moscow. They grew up, began to marry, but they cannot give birth to children. You can't fool nature ... Only I ask you, do not refer to me anywhere.

- Medical secrecy?

The professor sighed. I understood him: he could only say this in secret - the in vitro fertilization procedure costs several hundred thousand rubles, and the healthcare system is not going to give up such profits. A kind of corporate ethics, or, better to say, omerta - a vow of silence, like the Sicilian mafia.

In general, I noticed long ago that all these monstrous biomedical technologies are directly or indirectly aimed at destroying the family. The devil hates the Little Church, throws his best forces into its destruction. The media industry of debauchery, and the entire power of the legal system, now comes science.

A terrible theological error! And according to the thoughts of the holy fathers, without the urgent need to theologize, it would be wiser to remain silent. However, it is impossible to be silent now. Life itself demands an answer from us. Once again, the world rises with its philosophizing against the Church of Christ. Lord, give us reason, give strength and courage to stand in the truth!

"The day before yesterday we knew nothing about
electricity; yesterday we knew nothing about
huge reserves of energy contained in
atomic nucleus. What do we not know about today? "

Louis de Braille.

Why is there a huge part of thinking humanity rebels against the artificial creation of man? It's not about the "religious prejudices" of church leaders or underestimation the "greatness of science" in the mass consciousness, as some of the most zealous experimenters argue. Here, rather, we can talk about the instinct of self-preservation of the human community, about the inner voice, oh the voice of the soulwhich warns of a huge danger similar activities for humanity... People who have saved ability to listento this inner voice, called conscience, they always stood as a barrier on the path of evil. But, in this case, they not always enough persuasive reasoningbased on deep knowledge of the hidden human nature, his divineessence.

All information available to modern man about his true nature focusedmainly around the study of gross material dense human body, i.e. "carcasses". Good that recent times Such a concept as the human aura is also freely accepted. Just a few years ago, in our European society, at best, it caused a condescending grin. Nowadays, there are already devices that make a bioelectrographic scheme of the human aura, based on the Kirlian effect. But this is still not photographing the aura with full display its true quality.
Gradually, naturally will enter consciousness people and understanding of the Subtle World and its interaction with a person. Yes, actually, myself true man - "a person (mind, consciousness) living for centuries" - and there is invisiblewith a simple eye energy structure.
We urge skeptics not to jump to conclusions on the mental adequacy of the authors letters. Think first of Giordano Bruno, who, just 500 years ago, was burned to death for "heresy against God." And in India and Tibet, 5 thousand years before this event, the sages of the East calmly reasoned about the heliocentric system. The main place of the Sages of the East in the creation of the great Mystery of the Universe assigned to the Man.
A person differs from everything around him. living world, which is a constantly reincarnating higher Ego, and the body is only biological animal the formcorresponding requirements of this immortal Ego, created dense matter for execution proper functions in a dense world, wherein passes another earthly life of this Ego.
we not in vain they brought example with D. Bruno and referred to the wise men of the East. It is from the East that the knowledge that Europeans are not yet known or little known comes to people. But they are! Exactly these sources of knowledge about a true Man, if those who are so zealously engaged in IVF experiments were familiar with them, they would protect humanity from those troubles that will surely come, like effects such ignorantirresponsibility.
Full-fledged, let's call it like this: Man, created when intercourse two living realpeople , exactly at this moment in the bosom (power system) womencomes ready for next incarnation Ego. For conceiving a full spiritualized person necessary exactly alive a pair of true people... We are still talking about various deviations at the time of conception. do not speak is very large and disturbing topic... So far we are dealing specifically with children created by extracorporeal(ECO) fertilization, "test tube" children and cloning human.
What's going on at the time of fertilization ovum in vitro? Is the energy of parents present here?creating consonant myself byquality energy fieldwhich is entrance gate for incarnating entity True Man? Of course, nothing like this is out of the question with artificial insemination.
So what is created in a test tube and then hatched (raised) by a woman, expected with great trepidation of love by future parents, and then born? As terrible as it sounds - only animal form human. One can object - but he is talking, looks and behaves like a human
But first, he was created genetically based exactly a person, and secondly - mental development depends from the structure of the brain, which is often due to precisely genetic inheritance and conditionsinto which the person falls. And the parents of these expected and "dear" children, of course, have nothing in terms of development do not deprive... Parents do not just go to such tests and expenses, and in their opinion they are simply "priceless" children, whom they like selflessly... Their, of course, you can understand ...
But the emerging the problem is too seriousto talk about the danger of the possible insults parental feelings. The question arises: in addition to what the doctors noted good physical and mental development these children, will they be followed further observations at least in plan psychological testingon the subject ability to empathize in grief to other people, responsiveness and donation ability their interests for the good of others, gentleness and kindness of heart? How they will behave in later life, what are relationship with the world around them, how they will feel beauty and subtle spiritual aspects human relationships? Probably already now character traits manifestwhich perhaps alarmingobservant and sensitive parents? Something not in judgments, in behavior child? Probably, it will be selfishness, claims to leadershipat any cost, cold observation - for example, how a butterfly will behave if it has tear off the wings?
You may argue - well, where did you turn it! Yes in modern society and among naturally conceived more than half of these pathological souls! Agree... But why should they do artificially in addition to those who are already scourge for others? Why deceive people so thirsty for motherhood and fatherhood? Are you sure they know about the true consequences of such experiments, would you agree to a similar child?
It is interesting to know if there have been long-term observations of such children, for example, over several decades? How do they implement people from test tubes in the parental field, how much self-sufficient and self-criticalthey themselves and their children, what is the% of their development, compared with average data, psychological deviations, including the extreme degree - drug addiction, alcoholism, mania? Who watched the long-term consequences of the appearance of such people in society?
Structure these creatures in human form is such that subsequent reincarnations for them impossible, due to the fact that they do not have immortal, reincarnating ego, which, in fact, and is a true Human... Why create human for one life, like a toy, and very unpredictable?
Of course, not everyone who conducts these in vitro fertilization experiments does so. for selfish motivesalthough it costs a lot of money. There are people among them with a true thirst for knowledgeburning with desire to make happy spouses without children... But these are in no way does not justify and does not exempt from the consequences such an action, even if committed out of ignorance (ignorance)... The discovery of nuclear energy led to the creation of nuclear weapons, dangerous energy sources. How can you call their creators - great scientists or great destroyers? Their powerful intellect was not backed up high bright spirit, and all the power of this intelligence was aims to destroy.
And in this case we create ourselves such creatures. A sort of modern "azazeli" (as in the famous novel of the same name by Akunin). Certainly experiments to create artificial life will be held and, probably, in something even they are necessary. But not withpeople ! After all, to such an animal form may be any qualities are grafted, invested any vices - no spiritual barrier... It's scary that from the TV screen with shining eyes ignorant in this matter, doctors and scientists are broadcasting to us about the "success of experiments" its potential a great danger to humanity.
From the point of view of unbiased researchers, legislators, this issue is not thought out at all, not researched due to absences deep knowledge about the true nature of Man.

Some time ago, we became interested - what happens during artificial (test-tube) fertilization in order to give birth to a child?
Once we had a chance to observe a child conceived in a test tube (a friend from a children's neurologist showed it), she had such a patient on her site. It was a 9 month old girl.
Her aura was transparentlike a soap bubble, spots floated in it uglycolors - from brown, marsh brown to dark burgundy and black. We scanned using the method straight-knowledge these spots - it was a whole bunch of negative qualities, inherent, as a rule, an unpleasant person. Here there was a sense of presencecapriciousness, selfish and angry, coldness of a predator, like a snake watching its future prey - extremely unpleasant sensations went from this child... We assume that energy spots in the aura of ugly, unclean flowers are negative elementals - destroyers.
In babies of this age aura milky whitesaturated from the inside along the entire perimeter even glow, not yet colored by emotions-qualities and the children themselves are perceived as if sleeping in her, they breathe with peace, no matter how screamers they really weren't. This same child "looked" screaming, with bulging eyes, the aura from within was absolutely transparent, empty, if a do not count these spotswhich we talked about above. The doctor told us that the girl is very loud, and shoutsshe always not an infant voice, and rude - literally "yells".
Expectant mother during pregnancy felt bad, it seemed to her that she carriesalien creature ... Although she and her husband both passionately wanted a child. Of course, here you can talk about the "peculiarities of the psyche of a pregnant woman," but have something to think about, true?

Thinking over ( looking through on a subtle level) then this situation, we realized that on the aura of the future babylike ink on a blotter, imprinted mental qualities those who conduct the action, i.e. all participants in the process artificial fertilization of an egg and "planting" of a fertilized egg into the bosom of the future mother.
If a would this process artificial conception was carried out (let's say this in your view) people of extremely high morality and in places with the cleanest energy, and not in a modern city, then perhaps the creature would turn out with nobler qualities animal soul... For example, how does a horse differ in its noble qualities from the rat, but this creature byinner essence it wouldn't be anyway man!
We also saw a mother who was herself "from a test tube", but gave birth to a child, conceiving him naturally... She had enough cool attitudeto the girl, and the child - monster, the embodiment of such an abominationthat his extremely unpleasant was to feel ( browse). Considering that along the spiritual line embodiment for human ego is lining upmother child, it is clear that nothing good cannot come to such a family...

Well-known journalist and writer, active propagandist ideas of the Teaching Living Ethics L.P. Dmitriev in his book "The Messenger of the Morning Star Christ and His Teachings in the Light Secret Teachings of Shambhala", book 7, in the chapter" Is it always "living dead" become during life? Or it happens that these are already embodied? "and further in other chapters of this work very accessible and weighty explains the most pressing issues of this topic.
For more detailed information, we advise you to read this book by L.P. Dmitrieva, to everyone who is interested in this topic.
We use just a few words of the author for reinforcementthose finds, which we have implemented by yourself during work over the topic "man's obsession".
As shown by subsequent research, the topic "obsession" could not be limitedso that show all "hellishness" of our present ignorant and thoughtless existence.
The faster we went in order to exhaust the topic of "obsession" in the quality of study that turned out to be available to us, the stronger and more clearly manifested another, no less "hot" topic - the living dead. Ability see the possessed "automatically" led to ability recognize FM.
Their number among people not that huge, it is terrifying.

In the above texts, all the words in bold italics were underlined when editing with a fiery line. The authors have highlighted them in a special font.
The author's emphasis in the texts of L.P. Dmitrieva are left as they are placed in the book by the author himself - bold and simple italics.

LP Dmitrieva writes: "... Despite the fact that the Earth's population increases at the end of the Dark Cycle, its quality deteriorates very quickly and inexpressibly. That is why Helena Roerich already in the 30s said that millions of people are incarnated on Earth without That is why the Great Teacher said that in the 20th century, at the junction of cycles, larvae conquer the planet of people!
Of course, the future for such creatures is terrible. But the life of mankind is also terrible in the presence of these terrible creatures in its midst, who often have a strong intellect. When the "power of darkness", such people reach even the heights of power, and then society sees how power merges with crime! "

H.P. Blavatsky writes: “There are completely evil and vicious people who, nevertheless, are just as highly intellectual and deeply spiritual in evil (their evil is not as crude as that of primitive minds, it is refined, that is, more terrible - ed.) as well as those who are spiritual in good. Their (lower) egos can avoid the law of final destruction, or annihilation, for ages ...
Such people develop cunning to the extreme, and no one, with the exception of those who are familiar with this doctrine, will not suspect they have no soul, because neither religion nor science has the slightest idea that such a fact really exists in nature. "
("Instructions for Inner Group Students").

Such embodied elementaries, having only a fourfold, animal nature, are called by the Teachers "two-legged", "tailed".

LP Dmitrieva: "A person who has extinguished the fire of higher psychic energy, says the Teacher, becomes a living corpse during his lifetime - a" living dead ".
Despite the integrity of the physical body, the subtle body of such people begins to decompose during their lifetime. When the death of the physical body comes, such a disembodied one passes into Kamaloka, but he will never cross its higher limits - he will not pass into Devachan!
Such a creature can still reincarnate, and immediately. And it becomes, as Blavatsky says, a scourge for humanity: "Let 'Jack the Ripper' serve as a typical example."
We will be surprised to learn that at the end of the cycle, the "living dead" have penetrated into all strata of society - from bottom to top. And among them there are many who seem to be even successful people. These two-legged ones are full of animal magnetism, and this gives them the power to be devilishly active.
When the "power of darkness" - these most dangerous individuals unite into clans, the so-called families, they make their way into all power structures, into religious organizations, into science, education, art, etc.
Such "living dead" even have their own ideal of happiness, to which they direct all their astro-mental forces.
By the end of the Kali Yuga (Dark Age) cycle, soulless people predominate on Earth, according to the prophecies of the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata".

H.P. Blavatsky, "Secret Knowledge":
"The relentless pursuit of wealth, the entertainment and pleasures of social life, the cultivation of graceful manners, tastes in clothing or the rise of one's position in society, scientific fame intoxicates and captures these living dead ...
The high development of intellectual abilities does not presuppose a spiritual or true life ...many of our greatest scientists are only living corpses. "
"Black magicians or criminals with no hope of correction, -says H.P. Blavatsky in "The Key to Theosophy", - criminals who have been such for a long series of lifetimes are also the living dead.For the luminous thread that connects the spirit and body, or the human soul with the animal soul, is forcibly torn. "
"In addition, those who sincerely reject the possibility of conscious life, apart from any form of matter and brain substance, are also dead units."

Dead units are subject to karmic destruction.

LP Dmitrieva: "After the death of a person, from which in the just completed earthly life the human soul has now abandoned forever, all the atoms and psychic vibrations that made up the nature of such a person are rejected by the higher soul -" are expelled from the consciousness of Individuality, "but not In the lower planes of the Subtle World, the whole personality appears as a whole, only without the previous physical body.Since the path to Devachan is closed for such entities, their rather tenacious nature, in order to continue to exist on Earth, immediately rushes behind the physical shell. earthly death immediately, but only now in a more pitiful creature.
Thus, in this case, on Earth, in the human body an elementary is actually incarnated - the gross material lower kama-manas.
Can such a being incarnate over and over again?
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky says: maybe many more times!
And each time the incarnation will follow immediately after death.
What is the reason for these multiple incarnations of lower manas?
Blavatsky explains that "the impulse animal life too strong: he cannot freeze in just one or two lives. "
The meaning of the life of the lower manas, rejected by the higher soul, is to persist in evil.
As a result, such an animal person intensifies his criminal activity in humanity. If conditions are favorable for him, he further strengthens his coarse psychic and astral particles (vibrations). In earthly conditions, such a devastated soul is strengthened by material elements during the next earthly life.
Getting to Kamaloka for a very short time, she returns to Earth again as soon as she finds a human body suitable for vibrations. "(End of texts from the book of L.P. Dmitrieva)

The question becomes quite reasonable - what must be physical parents to provide such a body like an elementary? What society must become in order to create a huge mass favorable conditions to implement such creatures?

Congenital dementia, idiocy, physical deformities are often an extreme expression of the decay of a former human being. At the end of our Dark Age, the number of such creatures especially increased - and this is evidence that the degradation of humanity is rapidly progressing.
People did not understand what the ancient sages said "if God wants to punish a person, he takes away his mind." If a person lives in violation of the Laws of Life, he is abandoned by the Divine Being, his Light Essence, once possessed in him so that the unconscious and unreasonable human-animal becomes a reasonable Man.

Let us end this chapter with the words of the Lord of Shambhala.

Brotherhood, 178. (zip-archive 164 KB) "That's right: the number of madmen is monstrous. Not only must they be treated, but the cause of their breeding must be found. And dementia also needs supervision. Madness is contagious. Childhood dementia indicates the abnormality of all life. People agree that living conditions are unhealthy and yet every health advice will be met with hostility. This is the horror of shaking the Foundations. "

How do you like the title? But many people sincerely believe that iVF children without a soul... Or, as one "well-known in narrow circles" personality wrote, "IVF children are children of hell." I do not remember the name of this person, although I can easily find it - but I do not want to advertise anti-scientific blogs.

Opinions differ among the opponents of IVF who are not related to science and medicine. Either they think that such children are some kind of "gray souls", then they are initially without a soul - because they were born "from a test tube" and their parents did not put part of their souls into them at the moment of conception ..

In connection with the latter, I have 2 questions:

1. What do these people mean by “investing the soul of the parents”? When youngsters fuck in the stairwell, and then give birth at the age of 14, do they put their soul into it? Or is the soul invested when a woman tricks a man to cum inside her, saying that she is taking pills? Or pierces a condom. A lot of souls when, drunk, unfamiliar people had sex, after which the man merged and forgot, and the woman became a single mother, breaking down on a child? Is there a soul when a woman asks a man to "give" her a child, promising that she will not demand anything in return, or when a mistress gives birth to a married man? Or, perhaps, there was an abyss of spirituality in the old days, when the king came to the queen on certain days, which the doctor indicated, did his job and went to his numerous mistresses?

2. What do you think, in what more “soul” is there - in the above examples or when a man and a woman who are unable to conceive naturally, consciously and responsibly go to IVF, looking forward to a baby to whom they are ready to give all their love?

Let's look at this from an esoteric point of view. About iVF children without a soul"And" children of hell "I have already mentioned - in my opinion, point 1 is quite enough to forget about these statements forever. I can, as an alternative, offer the answer received by the channeling method. Who does not know - this is telepathic communication with any kind of out-of-body consciousness. I don't really believe in this, but I'll tell you especially for you. So, in the course of communication with a certain "contactee" psychics asked questions about IVF children, what kind of souls they are, what is their purpose and plan. There was nothing criminal in the answer of the "higher intelligences". At most, they said that these are "zero souls" that have no foundations, so they do not know the concept of good and evil and absorb everything. But it all depends on the parents - and what they will teach their child, what they will focus more on. That is, there is no particular difference with ordinary children - who also absorb everything from their parents.

Next I will give the opinion of the Church. For me, she is not a special authority, but for people who like to talk about souls, her look may seem interesting. So most of all in the question of IVF, the Church worries about the moment of destruction of "extra" embryos. Let me remind you that in the process of in vitro fertilization, several embryos are implanted in a woman for reliability, then the most viable ones are left. And most of all the priests are worried about the "abortion" of the rest. They are quite neutral about the procedure itself. Someone says that if IVF simply means additional medical assistance for conception, using the husband's sperm, then there is nothing “sinful” in this. The Church has a negative attitude towards surrogate motherhood or an embryo from a donor who is not the husband of the expectant mother. Because here is the intervention in the family. If it is the husband and wife who participate in IVF, then there is no family involvement.

As for interference with God's will - the fact that if God does not give children, then one should not go against it - there is no consensus. The wife of a priest argues on this topic as follows - resuscitation can also be viewed as an interference with the divine will, because the time has come for a person, and the doctors are not letting him go. If you think in this way, then any medical action is contrary to the Highest intention. IVF is an ambiguous question, but we can consider God's will in whether the procedure will be successful or not, because it gives far from 100% of the result. “Once I asked Father Mikhail Boyko how to treat resuscitation. And he replied that if there is no will of the Lord, not a single resuscitation will succeed. If we shift this to IVF, then I will say the same. The question is the acceptance of what is sent by God and the belief that nothing happens without the Lord. "

Let's go back to the sinful earth, that is, to medicine. Opponents of IVF love to talk about the pathologies and morbidity of children born in this way. Despite the fact that the first child born thanks to IVF turned 40 this year, and she naturally became a mother of two children, no studies have yet appeared that accurately indicate the negative consequences. In addition, IVF children are considered by many, on the contrary, to be healthier and more developed - after all, they were "selected" as the best embryos of all. So I don’t know how iVF children without a soul live on our land, but, apparently, not worse than others.

Very much in line with my visions:

"... I see over these areas a large accumulation of gray souls that are ready to come into this world. I saw such souls in children born with IVF. Such children were often brought to me for treatment. Recently even Faya (you know her, like Alla) brought her twins to me. I could not help any of these children. These are children of hell. Apparently, the governors were tasked with promoting IVF, if so many gray souls are ready for incarnation. And IVF is support for same-sex marriages ... "
In the end, I understand why gynecologists persuade girls to have abortions for any reason, even at a later date, there is a high probability of complications, and after them only IVF. I saw that after IVF, children have no soul, they are not planned by the Lord, i.e. empty spacesuits without filling and naturally they will be occupied by someone, gray, for example, the lower astral.
It is also striking that we are not told about the abortive properties of oral contraceptives. Conception is possible only after a pause, as it should be in the course - spontaneous abortion, if this happens every month the body is depleted.
Ultrasound changes the structure of fetal DNA, so with pregnancy pathologies, this ultrasound is prescribed once a week! Those. practically provoke a miscarriage. One friend of mine was not allowed to give birth to a second child 6 times, they insisted on an abortion, they say, a child with pathologies incompatible with life: (at 7 pregnancy she came to me, I had to look at the situation. It turns out there is a business on stem cells and than at a later date abortion a miscarriage occurs, the more expensive such an embryo can be sold, we have China nearby, "abortive material", as unborn children are called, was not given to her. She sent doctors and gave birth peacefully at home. additional services naturally, both before and during and after childbirth, set the pathology.Without different COPs, she gave birth almost in the yard of her house (she forgot the key and her husband left), without the help of anyone at all.

It turns out that during childbirth the doctor is obliged to "remove the atlas from the focus or centering" of the newborn, i.e. the upper stream gets confused, if this atlas (the first cervical vertebra) is not centered, then the upper stream gets confused, an energetic blockage occurs and the energy of the cosmos does not reach the anahata. Under mental stress, such people get sick: headaches, mental problems, and in courses for raising the qualifications of various managers are now "put on an atlas", there are specialists. Managers have a great load on their psyche and they need an upper stream without blocks. Well, vaccinations make children donors of the system in the future, they suppress the immune system and children are sickly. That daughter of my friend also avoided vaccinations, as the mother was diagnosed with pathologies and childbirth, as it were, passed outside the clinic :) they wrote to her "quick birth" and withdrawal from vaccinations.

Sometimes when watching, I don't want to believe what I saw myself.

There are people who are not destined to have children. The theme of birth is one of the most intimate. I will dare to say that magic knows much more about this topic than medicine or religion. Why do newborns die, they are sinless ?! Why can't moral, educated, healthy and beautiful people have children? And whore, scum, alcoholics and drug addicts breed like mushrooms after the rain? A man and a woman live together for ten years and remain childless, then divorce, and she gives birth from another man, and he conceives a child to another woman. Together they could not, but separately it turned out, why is this? Is every termination of pregnancy a crime? Smart magic knows the answers to these questions.

Medicine offers to those who want, but cannot give birth to a child, various methods. In vitro fertilization, surrogacy - it would seem that this is a chance! Practically a win-win, because the law allows a couple to abandon a “defective” newborn who has a congenital disease. And the risk of such a disease is very high.

According to the chief pediatrician of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Alexander Baranov, 75 percent of children "out of a test tube" are disabled. It is possible, however, to double the chances of success, to plan the twins in advance in order to get at least one healthy child, and leave the "defective" child in an orphanage. Even disregarding the moral side of the issue, there is one very important point. It lies in the fact that people appear who should not have been. Maybe these are not people at all, but some other creatures endowed with human bodies? Does the test tube baby have a shower?

As time passes, they will give birth to offspring. Will their children have a soul? Will it not turn out that a large number of individuals will gather, which should not have been. They arose in a hacker way, not legally, but bypassing. But nature has very strict principles of self-regulation, and sooner or later the excess part of the population will need to be put somewhere ...

I am against "test tube babies". If we consider IVF (in vitro fertilization), then the mother's body will undergo very harsh hormonal therapy. The consequences of this therapy can be very negative for the health of both the mother and the unborn child. There are much more "human" approaches that people have been using for a very long time. Based on these approaches, a method has been created that gives excellent results.

I am implementing this method together with my colleague, a talented parapsychologist Alisa Moskvina. If a woman is not sterile, that is, in principle capable of producing offspring, and wants to give birth, then she can be helped. Doctors diagnose some kind of functional disorder or say: "Go and give birth." But for some reason this does not happen. This is where magic can help!

Irina (let's call the heroine of my story that way) was 38 years old, two years ago she came with a request to help arrange her personal life. I did the necessary work, a man appeared in her life, a serious relationship arose with him. And now she wanted to give birth. The doctors diagnosed her with increased prolactin, her pituitary gland was not working properly. Therefore, from their point of view, she could not get pregnant. To get pregnant, she was prescribed hormones. These drugs did reduce prolactin, but had very unpleasant side effects (all hormonal drugs have these effects). Irina was afraid to accept them, because she did not want to get harm to her health.

Our method consists of four steps.

At the first stage, diagnostics is carried out, its task is to find the deep reasons why a person cannot give birth. If the cause is found, then it can be eliminated. Unlike the medical approach, we are not talking about the creation of any new causal relationships, there is no interference in genetics, the vital resources of other people are not exploited (as in surrogacy). In short, no hacking is happening. Magic deals with the restoration of broken ties, integrity is recreated. This is the second stage, the nuances of which I will not describe.

The third stage is prophylactic and advisory. Taking into account the peculiarities of a person's life program, advice on nutrition and lifestyle is given. As a rule, this stage is implemented by Alisa Moskvina. An important role is played by the fact that it is easier for a woman to discuss a number of things not with a man, but with a woman. Within this stage, the most appropriate time for conception is selected. We must pay tribute to Irina, she conscientiously followed all the recommendations.

After conception occurs, the fourth stage begins. It consists in accompanying pregnancy. The pregnant woman is anxious. This is especially true for those who come to us. For women who come to a magician for help believe (sometimes rightly) that this is their last chance. Increased attention from doctors sometimes becomes a cause for stress. It is very important that emotional anxiety does not move to the physical plane, does not become a reason for illness. So, for example, once Irina called Alisa Moskvina and complained of severe back pain.

- I cannot sleep, I feel very bad, although I didn’t lift anything heavy. I was calm, there were no stressful situations, the period was short, only 16 weeks, - Irina continued, - in the antenatal clinic I was told that the pregnancy was proceeding normally! What is the reason?

After the diagnosis, it turned out that Irina was experiencing the negative consequences of strong envy towards her. The woman remembered that a couple of days ago she met a neighbor at the entrance of her house. The neighbor stared at Irina's stomach, and then, smiling wryly, began to lament that she was very happy, and no one even expected, and when did Irina succeed. ... The loin stopped hurting, sleep was restored.

There are unfavorable periods in the life of every person. Based on knowledge of the life program, one can warn about such periods. You can point to specific topics and areas of life from which to expect the "blow". "Forewarned is forearmed".

In this regard, I recall the story of another patient, let's call her Elvira. She was advised to change her place of residence during pregnancy. For it was clear that for several months, which exactly coincide with pregnancy, she would feel bad being at home. Elvira at first did not take this advice with attention. And then she complained about her condition, she felt bad. When asked how she felt during the period while visiting her mother, the woman remarked in surprise that everything was fine there. And when I returned home, I again felt worse. I recalled that a couple of months ago I warned that she would feel bad at home. Now the advice was taken, her husband rented a house for her outside the city. They moved there, Elvira's condition improved.

Sometimes, at this stage, special magical protection is made against negative influences on the family, health promotion.

As for Irina, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl as scheduled.

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