Drug addiction reasons: psychological and physiological factors of addiction. Root causes of addiction (transpersonal view) Energy cause of addiction

What happens? Why does a person become a drug addict and why does he need such a test? Drug addiction is a transformational stage in human evolution. Each person is obliged to work out the world of illusions, to know the kingdom of shadows, for a drug addict, under the influence of drugs, creates a world for himself that has nothing to do with the earthly world. Events occur in it that need further elaboration. The concept of this process is such that the addict seems to find himself in another world that does not have anything Divine in its basis, that is, the world, of course, exists, but there is no consciousness in it, everything in it is controlled by the person who created it.

What is a drug. This is a hallucinogenic drug containing substances that cause hallucinations and lead a person to another world. As a rule, people who practice such a quality as will become drug addicts. Each heart is composed of three petal flames. A petal of wisdom, will and love. Here the addict, according to his program, is missing a petal of Will. He needs to go through a situation when, having tried it once, a person is simply obliged to give up the drug, because he realizes the consequences that arise after its repeated use. The addict becomes addicted to the drug. And his task is to get rid of this addiction. This is a very difficult test, but a person who has not learned the path of drug addiction will not be able to get rid of any addiction at all. Therefore, people should not condemn and despise the drug addict. For they either passed this test, and they developed a strong immunity against drugs, or have not yet known the world of shadows. And a person should not repudiate of anything, for the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and we do not know our further path. What should parents do when their children fall into the clutches of drug addicts? They must accept the situation as such in their souls, understand that they need to go this way. In earthly life, provide help: do not condemn, do not scold, but simply explain the situation as given by God, and together try to find a way out. If a person cannot cope on his own, does not fully realize the danger of the situation, well, it is God's will and do not judge either yourself or anyone else for such a test. For if a person has children and become drug addicts, this is your direct will. It was manifested in condemning such people. In these words: "If I knew that my son would become a drug addict, I would strangle him with my own hands." Unfortunately, in our earthly life there is such an attitude towards events that have touched you personally. Therefore, we said and still say: "Change your consciousness, build your stream of thoughts so that it carries only love and nothing but love." And this cup will pass by you personally.

Alcoholism - an esoteric view

People are tempted to expose their weak points.
tones of nature and after that either work on them further, or
dictate completely, as low-potential individuals, no matter what

A person must learn to deal with his weaknesses, and this
the main thing in the development of willpower, in the formation of your "I" as some
a swarm of self-contained and independent units.

The acquisition of such a quality as willpower requires an individual
at the initial stages of development (up to the middle of the earthly Hierarchy).
Above the middle, her willpower in a person is replaced by a higher consciousness
ness. A person no longer needs to resort to willpower, to force
do something yourself, do some heroic deeds; everything looks
dit is more prosaic: it is necessary - and he does, even if he loses his life.
The level of his consciousness is already such that all his activities are based on
higher consciousness, on the understanding of what he is doing, and the need
the ability to bring the case to the required result. So on the lower
At the levels of development of the earthly Hierarchy, willpower acts, and above
of the middle Level, higher consciousness works. Consciousness
includes all the best qualities of a person.

Individuals succumbing to temptation have no willpower,
nor consciousness. They still have to work on all this. but
some young souls are drawn to good, listening to the advice of old
their souls, others do not want to hear anything and give in only to their
their drives. And it is precisely such individuals who take the path of drug addiction and

The determinant leading such a person, at first, repeatedly
quickly gives signals to his student to abandon unworthy
lessons. The teacher stubbornly fights for the student, although he is perfect
but does not notice.

In the early stages of drunkenness (or drug addiction), to show
that a person does the wrong thing, the Determinant sends him signs in the form
some painful sensations: for example, alcoholics open
vomiting, headache, bad condition the next
day. Drug addicts have a painful breakdown of the whole organism. And these are the non-
pleasant sensations that should give a person a thought,
that he is doing something wrong.

When such symptoms are left unattended and do not force
turn a person onto the right road,
calls for other measures. He can beat his charge with the hands of others
people, i.e. create a fight situation; may cause him serious
illness or stage a scandal through his wife.

Throughout his life, the Determinant gives him some
signals for the person to stop drinking. And when nothing works, you
enters his program, and the person dies (i.e. the Determinant stops
send him the energy of life). And this can happen at 36 years old, and at
42, and at 50.

If a person has a sufficient sense of awareness and strength
will, then he goes on a sober path and preserves himself as a person.
But for this to happen, it is necessary that the person first understands
that alcohol was not given for joy, but in order to teach him
defend yourself, i.e. he must realize that:

1) alcohol is evil;

2) after the necessary concept comes, he must learn
give up this temptation, i.e. develop or manifest in yourself

3) he must become an independent person from a group of others
people or even society, if it degrades and imposes on it too
path of regression;

It's the same with drug addiction.
Addiction is a way to identify and quickly curtail
programs of low-spiritual and empty people under the influence of special
chemical substances. If the average life span of alcohol is
is 50 years old, then drug addicts - 35.

If an alcoholic is still trying to show his
then the personal aspects and it is through alcohol that he tries to fight
for himself as an individual whose "I" always sticks out on the first
place, then drug addicts are torn into nothingness, into the sweet rapture of illusion
her, trying to disappear into this nirvana. That is, they are just half-
completely destroy the personality in themselves, turning themselves into an absolute
emptiness. Therefore, the time frame for checking such empty people is limited.
Xia thirty-five years of life.

Alcohol also curtails the human program, but on smaller
speeds than drugs.

What happens when you use alcohol or drugs

Alcohol burns the energy of a person, i.e. destroyed by his
shield fields, and psychic energy - energy-
gia of manifestation of willpower and many unusual properties.
For experienced alcoholics, psychic energy burns out to zero. AND
since it has protective functions, then, therefore, when it burns
nii, a person becomes defenseless from other people's influences. therefore
drunkards, like drug addicts, almost always have cases of
whipping them with low elementals who begin to rule them,
inciting to all sorts of dirty deeds, in the commission of which a person
ness gives off the rough energy that feeds this essence.
Therefore, in a drunken state or in a state of narcotic affect-
that person does not resemble himself: he is sober alone, and drunk is perfect
but different. And the reason is that in both states it performs
He has no desires of the elementals who stuck to him from the subtle world.
When a person has high psychic energy, then protection is also
big. And in a sober state, no one from the low worlds can approach him
can not.

But modern knowledge suggests that a person is led
Determinant. And then the question arises: why does He allow more
to some entities to influence their ward?
The explanation is that when a person burns his energy
giyu, then the signal from him no longer reaches his Heavenly Teacher, and
it becomes difficult to control human behavior. Signal table
ko is weak, which goes out in the lowest layers of the Earth, i.e. violated before
this is a constant connection both in one direction - to the Determinant, and in reverse
nuyu - to the student.

And since the connection is broken, then the Determinant during the period of hard drinking wards
it is already difficult for him from his world, Above, to really influence him. The one
seems to be temporarily out of control. But beyond its scope
grams, the student still cannot go out, since the limiters of the
the worst version of the program is always

The student's connection with his teacher is restored after pre-
reduction in alcohol intake after a few days, when
gradual restoration of human energy.
But, of course, if the Teacher is strong, i.e. He has the most powerful
energy, then He is able to manage his charge in any state
yany, is able to keep it within some limits.

Sometimes we wonder how this drunk man is completely
what he does not understand, finds his way home. This condition is attributed to
ny reflexes. In fact, he brings the drunk home to the house.
tel. It is He from Above that leads him on automatic control when
completely disconnected consciousness. And without control, no one would be drunk
couldn't find my way home. And, of course, whoever has a bad
connection, that does not reach.

Sometimes for the purpose of education, in order to show all the power of evil, going
from alcohol, the Determinant can specifically temporarily give up his
his disciple under the guidance of a negative Essence. And if a person
century is ripe enough for understanding, then it manifests itself after drinking
flickers of awareness: what is good, what is bad, and he
tries to combat this shortcoming.

During the period of drinking alcohol, the connection between the person and the
the body can be violated, or it may not be violated, but special
but some educational technique is used, an opportunity is given
to feel or understand something.

It happens that a person is sometimes specially given a drunk program
tsy to show others how bad it is, or to feel something
himself: some doom, hopelessness, and so on. But it happens
it is rare. Basically, a person enters this path due to weakness
character and small lives experience.

Substances such as vodka, drugs, were invented specifically for
negative System for identifying weak souls, for determining
flaws in the psyche. This is especially important when changing races (fifth and sixth
that), when something that does not correspond to the norms is not allowed into the future
development. A variety of methods are used for checks, including
and the chemical dependence of the psyche on certain ingredients.
Defective souls will all be removed, and those who have passed the test
will continue their improvement further. Therefore, drunkenness, drug
mania is not just vices, these are methods of identifying souls, not a
to development. But this does not mean that for such souls it is not necessary
fight. Man always gets it wrong. He needs precision
formulations, otherwise he will not understand, so I will clarify that such souls
it is imperative to be guided on the path of development. Among them are many
of those who want to improve, but some kind of barrier prevents them
make a dash through it on their own, and stronger souls should
us to help them in this.

Now everyone knows what they are destined for in the end: they will not have
not only in earthly life, but also in evolution. This is very
severe punishment, and therefore one must fight for every soul - in this
human humanity.

Seklitova L. Strelnikova L. Man of the Aquarian Age

In our time, the world has accumulated many dangerous and practically insoluble problems. The main place among them is drug addiction. It has become an international problem and has become a threat to the security of humanity. That is why we need bold, new and extraordinary ways of solving this dangerous phenomenon. It is necessary to take all measures to prevent the spread of drugs in each individual state and in the world.

Drug addiction is especially a threat to young people. Therefore, this problem should be solved through a comprehensive analysis of what exactly motivates people to use drugs, and how they are treated in the youth environment.

The article will discuss the history of the emergence and essence of drug addiction, the consequences and measures to combat the phenomenon in society, the basics of countering drug addiction, the social and psychological causes of drug addiction, as well as the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

General terminology

First of all, you should understand the definition and clarification of the basic concepts: drugs, drug business, drug trafficking, drug addiction, drug addiction.

Drugs are substances, drugs, plants that are classified as psychotropic drugs or narcotic substances. They pose a health hazard if abused.

The term "drugs" itself includes three criteria:

  • Medical - a substance, remedy, drug that affects the central nervous system.
  • Social - if the consumption of a substance for non-medical purposes is so widespread that it acquires social significance.
  • Legal - if the substance is legally recognized as psychotropic or narcotic.

It should be noted that only under the condition of the unity of all three criteria, the drug can be recognized as a drug.

Drug addiction is a disease that manifests itself in How the disease began to be treated only in the 18th century. And in the 60s of the XX century, drug addiction took on alarming proportions. At this time, the number of drug users grew steadily, and the geography of drug addiction expanded. The pace of development and scale have increased.

Drug addiction and drug addiction are closely related. Drug addiction is the prevalence and pattern of drug use. This is a very complex definition.

Drug addiction is a broad and abstract phenomenon. A complex phenomenon that is at the intersection of law, psychology, sociology, medicine.

Drug addiction is a social and legal problem in human society. Within the framework of narcotism, illegal drug trafficking can be considered - this is the rotation, the movement of these funds in the market of services and goods, covers all kinds of all kinds of actions with drugs and substances.

In addition to illegal drug trafficking, drug trafficking is also considered - these are all actions aimed at deriving material benefits from the distribution, storage and manufacture of drugs.

History of origin

Drugs were known to humans in ancient times and were used as medicinal, mind-intoxicating, hypnotics. For example, opium has been known to mankind for about 6000 years. Its hypnotic effect is indicated in the Sumerian tables (4000 BC).

The peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean knew opium as early as the 2nd millennium BC. He is mentioned by Geshod VII century BC), Herodotus (V century BC). Hippocrates used opium extensively for medicinal purposes.

The culture of opium consumption was brought to Asia by the army of Alexander the Great (IV century BC). And from India, it spread throughout Southeast Asia. The introduction of opium into medicine in Europe is associated with the name of Paracelsus (16th century).

Social and psychological causes of drug addiction

In the development of drug addiction, there are 3 groups of reasons: psychological, physiological, social.

  • Physiological factors include heredity (with a constant change in the emotional state, a lack of positive emotions, an increased level of anxiety, a feeling of constant dissatisfaction). All these conditions are associated with disruption of the brain. At the initial stage of drug addiction, psychotropic or narcotic substances help quickly and eliminate all problems. But over time, the effect of taking it becomes less pronounced or disappears altogether, and by that time a person is already dependent on drugs.

Psychological reasons are immaturity of the personality, daydreaming and detachment from reality, inability to satisfy needs in natural ways. As a rule, drug addiction is driven by such personality traits as the need to quickly get what you want, painful ambition, high expectations towards yourself that end in disappointment, refusal to solve accumulated problems, rebellion, and withdrawal into fantasy. Psychological problems that lead to drug addiction come from childhood.

The psyche of some adolescents is immature, unprepared for adulthood. This arises due to excessive custody or excessive demands on the child. there may be domestic violence, after which a person tries to find joy and consolation in drugs.

Drug addiction is also provoked by a too free style of upbringing and permissiveness, in which the child's pastime, his mental and physical condition are not controlled.

The first use is related to ordinary curiosity. Sometimes adolescents become addicted to their desire to achieve intellectual or creative success. Often the reason for the first admission is youthful maximalism, protest self-expression, unwillingness to obey the rules and norms.

Often the reason for the development of drug addiction is more banal reasons - self-doubt, boredom, the need to prove something, to be accepted into a company, imitation of idols.

Many of the listed reasons for addiction are a combination of psychological and social factors.

Social reasons include the crisis of values \u200b\u200bin society, the promotion of antisocial behavior, the lack of promotion of a correct and healthy lifestyle.


The diagnosis of "drug addiction" is made on the basis of a conversation with the patient, his relatives, as a result of external examination and the results of tests for the presence of drugs in the body. Before starting treatment, a comprehensive examination is carried out: chest x-ray, ECG, ultrasound of internal organs, blood and urine tests, analysis for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis.

Consultations of doctors of various specialties are held. The narcologist can refer the patient to a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist to assess intelligence and memory, as well as identify mental illnesses: psychopathy, depression, schizophrenia, and so on.


Treatment of the disease is carried out strictly in a hospital under the supervision of doctors and psychologists. A comprehensive and individual approach is applied to each patient.

The mainstay of treatment is the removal of psychological and physical dependence on drugs.

Measures are being taken to cleanse the body, restore the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Drug addiction treatment is a very complex and lengthy process, and the result depends only on the patient, who must be tuned in to cure, which is extremely rare.


Drug addiction treatment, as a rule, often does not give a positive effect, therefore drug prevention is an important way to prevent it.

You should start with a family, where the parental example is the key to preventing alcoholism and drug addiction. Trusting relationships, friendly and open communication between parents and children are also of great importance. A dictatorial upbringing style, indifference, and a rude attitude towards a child make him unprotected from drugs.

If a child in adolescence has problems with communication, there is isolation, secrecy, he needs a consultation with a psychologist.

Educational institutions should also not be left on the sidelines, and drug prevention and control activities should be carried out continuously and in a form accessible to children. That is, they should form in adolescent children a firm life position of a healthy lifestyle and refusal from drugs. The work should be carried out with the involvement of as many children as possible, while choosing relevant and interesting forms: conversation, film, video, social comics, drawing contests, photography contests, and so on.

The authorities of each region are obliged to inform and educate the population about the harm and consequences of drug addiction, and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Prevention of drug addiction also consists in tightening legislation, improving social conditions in people, and reducing contacts with drug addicts.

Among adolescents

Drug addiction is a global social problem that attracts various segments of the population.

Drug addiction is also increasing among adolescent children. Mainly children living in dysfunctional families become drug addicts. But adolescents from well-to-do families are not protected from this disease either.

Teenage drug addiction ruins the lives of young and immature children. The unformed psyche of a child is not able to assess the risks and consequences of taking drugs. They just do not understand that this is ruining their lives, plans and dreams.

Entering the path of drug addiction, adolescents in most cases also commit other illegal actions and crimes. Drugs give rise to what is a big social problem of our time.

It is incredibly difficult to cure a teenager from drug addiction, since he likes to be in a drug state, when all his problems disappear immediately, he does not need to be responsible for his actions or for his promises. He does not want treatment and in every possible way avoids it.

Counteraction to drug addiction among adolescents should be carried out by the joint efforts of all members of society, drug addiction of the younger generation should be eradicated or at least reduced.

Harm from drug addiction

The harm is great! First of all, every single addict poses a threat to society and every family.

Drug addiction leads to degradation, disease, personal destruction, death. Among drug addicts, a large number of AIDS patients.

Many of them lead a criminal lifestyle. To get money for the next portion, they are engaged in all sorts of criminal actions: car thefts, robberies, violence, murder, robbery.

They bring a lot of trouble and grief to their loved ones.

The harm of drug addiction lies in the fact that the sick, as a rule, are young people. Consequently, drugs undermine the health of future generations, which will sooner or later lead to an aging society. Children born to drug addicts are disabled from birth. They are left right in the hospital, and care for these babies falls on the shoulders of the state.

Drug addiction is not just a problem, it is a "ulcer on the body of society", which must be treated with joint efforts, otherwise it will spread to the whole "body" and destroy it.

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Disease addiction

Often the cause of the onset and unhindered development of the disease is the elementary ignorance of the addicts and their immediate environment. Therefore, we consider it necessary to talk about chemical dependence.

Drug addiction is a serious chronic disease. It occurs due to constant intoxication (poisoning) of the human body with psychoactive drugs. The addict experiences psychological and physical attraction to drug use, it is constant and irresistible.

Physical drug addiction

Usually, narcotic substances cause euphoria, at the first doses it is especially strong, almost unforgettable. For many people, this turns out to be one of the most powerful impressions, and of course, a person has a desire to receive it again. To do this, you need to take a drug. For some time, each drug has its own, the drug still gives a strong euphoria, but gradually the intensity of sensations decreases significantly. An increase in dosage is required to obtain the initial effect. So the use of drugs becomes regular, and the dosages are slowly but surely increasing. There is a physical dependence on the drug.

The drug is included in the metabolic processes of the body, replaces natural hormones, giving them to the body in an artificial form in doses hundreds of times higher than the norm. Gradually, the body stops producing the necessary substances by itself, and the drug becomes an "irreplaceable" participant in its physiological processes.

Physical dependence in drug addiction has obvious manifestations in the form of withdrawal symptoms, which drug addicts are so afraid of, and which drives them for a new dose.

Breaking from narcotic drugs

Different types of addiction cause different types of withdrawal symptoms, which will differ in duration and symptoms. Breakage is also called withdrawal syndrome (a set of symptoms), the most terrible, painful and long-lasting withdrawal symptoms occur in those who use opiates. This is due to the fact that opiates, in particular heroin, act on the opioid receptors in the brain, blocking all information about pain and physical problems in the body.

Normally, the hormones endorphins and dopamines perform this function. Since the addict literally bombards his brain with their substitutes, the body stops producing them. When the patient stops taking the drug, all information about pain in the body is uncontrollably and in full sent to the brain - this is the very painful pain that awaits opium addicts. This pain, one might say so, is ephemeral, but for the addict it is more than real and so strong that he is ready for anything to get rid of it.


Today, especially for drug addicts who use opiates and have decided to stop their addiction, there is a procedure for painless accelerated cleansing of the brain receptors from drugs - this is the AMLO procedure, ultra-fast opioid detoxification. It is carried out in almost all specialized drug treatment clinics. Now getting rid of opium addiction, even heroin addiction, which was previously considered almost insurmountable, has become much easier.

Psychological dependence on psychoactive substances

We have explained the mechanism of occurrence of physical dependence on drugs, however, this does not at all clarify the issue of psychological dependence. Many drug addicts, who were most afraid of withdrawal at the beginning of their recovery path, later argued that the most difficult thing was to overcome mental addiction to drugs.

Drugs have a negative effect on the psyche: with drug addiction, a person experiences constant and uncontrollable mood swings, sudden and unreasonable aggression appears, memory and intellectual abilities deteriorate, a sense of reality is lost, and as a result, personality degradation gradually begins. What makes a drug addict go for all this?

The main reasons for drug use

At the beginning of the article, we said that physical addiction occurs due to the regular use of narcotic drugs. But something makes the addict take forbidden substances even before it occurs. What is it? This is the psychic craving for the drug. Any drug addict has a psychological predisposition to drug addiction, certain qualities of the psyche and personality that put him at risk. These can be fears, complexes, harmful limiting beliefs, incompetence in building communications of any kind, from professional to personal.

All this leads to communication problems, a person cannot build harmonious, successful, long-term relationships with colleagues, friends, partners, relatives. It brings pain and misery. As a rule, difficulties in communication arise due to stiffness, closeness, unsociability. In this case, many begin to use drugs, especially empathogens. They seem to the future drug addict as an excellent way out of the situation, and for a while this is true, until problems begin in all areas of life.

There are people who do not even try to build relationships, but prefer to go into the world of drug dreams in order to forget themselves from the problems around them. A person from the outside can see that such behavior only aggravates problems, leads to an increase in their number. However, the addict does not want to change himself, develop, learn communication skills, his choice is to escape from reality to drugs.

The effect of drugs on the body

We have already noted that drugs greatly affect the functioning of the brain. Indeed, there are several organs in the body that are subjected to the most powerful and strong blows from narcotic drugs, these are target organs: the brain, heart, liver, kidneys.

Many of the breakdown products of drugs, metabolites, are fat-soluble substances and readily bind to the fat cells that make up the brain. Many drugs have the ability to instantly penetrate the blood-brain barrier without hindrance, which protects this organ from harmful biochemical effects. As you can see, our brain is completely defenseless against drug use.

The entire cardiovascular system suffers greatly from drug addiction, because, on the one hand, psychoactive drugs have a harmful effect on the state of the blood vessels, making them inelastic, fragile, on the other hand, they cause pressure surges, which leads to the risk of damage to blood vessels and hearts.

The reasons why the liver and kidneys suffer are quite obvious. These organs are the body's natural filters that detoxify the body. Of course, when a huge amount of poison enters the human body, they are the first to take the blow. Since our body is not designed to take in as many toxins as it gets during drug addiction, the liver and kidneys begin to deteriorate. But even healthy organs cannot cope with the entire volume of the drug, so part of the poison enters the bloodstream in pure form or in the form of half-life products.

The drug and its toxic derivatives circulate in the bloodstream of a person, enter all his organs, and are deposited in all tissues. The process of removing drugs from the body, even after stopping their use, lasts long enough, up to several weeks. All this time, living cells of internal organs are exposed to harmful effects, dying or acquiring pathological changes. This is one of the most terrible aspects of drug addiction - all organs of the addict are destroyed. If addiction is not treated, then at the last stage of the disease they simply refuse one after another.

Social causes of drug addiction

We have already noted that the initial reasons for which a person begins to use drugs are internal psychological prerequisites. However, it cannot be denied that there are social conditions in which it is easier for these reasons to manifest, open up and lead to drug addiction.

The causes of drug addiction can be family problems, which create a difficult atmosphere at home, sometimes lasting for years, troubles at work, social and economic crises, the availability and widespread distribution of drugs in the place where the person lives, for example, in disadvantaged areas.

Teenage addiction

Drug addiction develops in the same way and causes irreparable harm to everyone. But the addiction that arose in adolescence has its own characteristics: the reason why it develops, the characteristics of diagnosis and treatment, the impact on the physiology of the adolescent and on his life in general. Let us briefly describe the moments that distinguish adolescent illness:

  • Children and adolescents, more than adults, depend on other people's opinions, they want to stand out, earn a high social status in the group where they spend their time and communicate. The adolescent may also have an innate tendency to chemical addiction. We add here a weakness of will, a lack of life experience, stable moral guidelines, an interest in new things, a desire to try literally everything in life, and it becomes clear that at a certain age there is a very high risk of trying drugs, even among children from prosperous families.
  • Physiological processes in adolescents occur rapidly, which can mask the course of the disease. For example, mood swings and aggression associated with drug use can be mistaken for common manifestations of adolescent behavior associated with an unstable life position, with the process of forming and defending personality boundaries. It happens, and vice versa, when parents who are overly intimidated by information about drugs begin to treat healthy teenagers for drug addiction. The way out in this case is simple: your psychological literacy, knowledge about the disease, good relations with children and the choice of competent, tactful specialists.
  • The formation of addiction in adolescents also proceeds in a different way than in adults. They are characterized by a strong psychological attachment to the drug, but withdrawal symptoms rarely appear, which is associated with violent physiological changes in the body.
  • Of course, in adolescence, the onset of the disease carries the most devastating consequences, both for the physical and emotional spheres of life, as well as for the social and spiritual. This is the most effective time for learning, the development of intellectual and emotional qualities, the time for obtaining professional skills. Wasted by drug addiction, it will become a big gap in the future for building a career and for creating friendships, family.

Why do teens use drugs?

Unfortunately, drug use is often viewed in many teenage communities as a manifestation of coolness, a special status, which becomes the cause of drug addiction among teenagers.

Many young people do not know at all or know very little about the consequences of drug use. Therefore, preventive measures are becoming one of the most effective ways to combat drug addiction. These are lectures, conversations, screenings of films on the basis of educational institutions, which are conducted by psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists, and social workers.

Now is a special time when talking about drugs is simply necessary even with a schoolboy. Psychoactive drugs have become so cheap and affordable that any middle school student can buy them. The process of buying drugs has also changed and simplified: having a mobile phone with Internet access, you can get a dose in just half an hour, or even less.

It is worth considering that adolescents usually categorically deny drug use, so drug tests are used to diagnose drug addiction in this case.

To understand how to deal with a particular problem, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence, as well as the mechanisms of formation and development. In this article, we will understand what personality traits, life circumstances and other possible factors can cause drug addiction.

  • desire to run away from problems;
  • the desire to seem like an adult;
  • imitation of peers;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • excessive parental guardianship;
  • psychological trauma in childhood;
  • internal experiences;
  • financial difficulties;
  • curiosity;
  • lack of interest.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows - not a single person is insured against drug addiction! Regardless of social status, financial status, age and gender - everyone can become a victim of this insidious and terrible disease. Among drug addicts there are both famous personalities and people from socially unprotected segments of the population. Remember! No drug addict thought he would become addicted when he first tried drugs.

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