Christmas story of what will happen after the change of dimension. Death is a change of dimension

Now let's talk about the rituals that accompany the process of the Transition:

1-3 days: next to the deceased in the temple there was only a priest (what the deceased should hear should not be heard by the living), who read him instructions from the Book of the Way, since the deceased perceives everything as alive, but cannot make itself known.

4-6 days: the body was taken from the temple and brought home to say goodbye to relatives and friends. The body is in the house: all mirrors are hung so that the living cannot see the reflection of the deceased; the doors were not locked so that his Soul could freely enter, if this was not done, then it remained for 3 years; they made grounding of the deceased to prevent decomposition of the body - a copper wire was attached to the middle finger of the hand, the other end of which was placed in a jar with earth; copper or silver coins were placed on the eyes; near the face - a mirror or a light feather, to prevent cases of burial of those who fell into lethargic sleep.

Day 7: croda (cremation), funeral boat or burial in the grave. But before these rituals, the body was carried out of the house, feet first. On the street, the coffin was placed on chairs to say goodbye to neighbors, and then carried (carried) to the burial place (churchyard). Before closing the coffin, the relatives kissed the deceased on the forehead. The fetters were removed from the legs and arms and placed on the legs. Coins were put into the hand, the coffin was closed and sank to the bottom of the grave. Everyone threw a handful of earth into the grave, then they buried the coffin. They washed their hands and dried them with towels, commemorated them. Nothing was taken from the cemetery. Then there was a farewell dinner at home (no alcohol).

Day 8: in the morning they go to feed the deceased (the dead absorb the energy of the food), bring food and leave it on the grave, leave. They do not take anything with them, do not touch the graves with their hands, especially fresh ones. Next visit on day 9.

Day 9: (Slavic week) the measured (etheric) body disintegrates, and the separation of the Soul from the body occurs ("breaking the silver thread"). The soul rises up, describes the "eight" around the Earth and the Moon. The atmospheric layers are perceived by her as a kind of border river. Purgatory takes place (planet # 7 - Valhalla), where it remains until the fortieth day, when the astral shell disintegrates. In general, this period (40 days - the Slavic month) is considered the time of the final break of karmic ties with earthly incarnation, or, more simply, the time of passage of the "three courts", which will be discussed further. Therefore, the commemoration, arranged in nine-day and forty-day terms, was intended to facilitate the Soul's break with earthly existence.

Many peoples have knowledge of what happens to a person when he dies, what he feels, what he feels and what he should do when he gets to the Otherworld. These are the so-called "books of the dead". The Slavs also have a similar "Book of the Way". Its importance for our time is enormous, because most of us nowadays do not know anything about the existence of the original Faith of the Ancestors, and, therefore, our Souls in the Explicit World, practically, do not develop according to the KON, but are left to themselves or alien cults that have their own plans for these "lost Souls". According to KON (this is also said in the "Book of the Way"), a person in Java must form, in modern terms, a program that recognizes our true "I" - SPIRIT. Or, more simply, to acquire SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS OF OURSELVES as a SPIRIT controlling at every moment of time of our activity, and before this self-awareness we are robots. The Yngling Old Believers have such a concept as the "swastika movement of the Spirit." It is called the system of spiritual transformation and human development. It is "Swastika" because it has four Paths that a person must follow. Just go, and not stand still, because stagnation leads to mental death or degradation of the Spirit.

Mental death is called absolute informational self-destruction. Degradation of the Spirit is a distorted perception of the higher spheres, lowering a person to a lower level of development and, in fact, turning a person into an animal that lives at the level of instincts and animal needs.

From the very birth we are taught - or rather programmed as needed by the Society and those who run this society. - the goal is one to CONTROL YOU, to make of you a slave of an unconscious zombie biorobot, a battery in the system.

Who are you really? BODY?
Is the world around it matter?


Excerpt from the book Transurfing Reality. Vadim Zeland.

Children of God

But God is not outside, but inside you! There is a particle of God in every living being, and thus He controls the whole world. The ego worships some abstract symbol, and turns away from its soul, that is, from the true God. Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna are the highest manifestations of the Lord. An ordinary person is, though not the highest, but still the same manifestation. So one manifestation worships another? Who needs it?

Striving for God in order to get rid of your ego is the path of inner importance. Inner importance manifests itself only if you submit yourself to someone else's judgment. Returning to oneself without looking back at others is the true path to God. If I free myself from the need to look back at the opinions of others, then I am self-sufficient, and my ego ceases to exist, and just an integral personality remains. Do not listen to those who urge you to change and mold yourself into something that meets certain standards. They force you to change yourself - turn away from your soul and follow the pendulum rule: "Do as I do!" Turn to yourself, accept yourself as you are, allow yourself to be yourself, take your right to be right. To devote all of oneself to serving some abstract God is to turn away from one's soul. This is nothing more than adherence to the pendulum of religion.

Such is the theosophy of Transurfing, which, however, is not imposed on anyone. I am not proclaiming absolute truths, but just trying to identify some patterns. Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions.

Of course, religious leaders will not like this reasoning. Although among them there are also different people with different beliefs. Zealous adherents of the pendulum of religion are distinguished from genuine clergy by the manner of viciously opposing their dogmas to all others. This aggressive pressure immediately betrays the adherent of the pendulum. Fortunately, the days when these adherents could burn dissenters at the stake are gone. But the strife on religious grounds still remains, and there will be no end to them, since no one will cancel the first law of the pendulum.

Essentially, religion is communication with God through intermediaries. In the rites of baptism, weddings and burials, you cannot do without clergy. But this is not so necessary either. Wouldn't God accept his child, if they didn't bother to baptize him? If each of us has a particle of the Creator, are we not His children? Do you need intermediaries in your relationship with the Father and Mother? Everyone decides this issue for himself.

Religion in relation to its adherents is a particularly rigid pendulum and calls for renunciation of external worldly goods. It is customary to associate any spiritual path with an ascetic lifestyle. There is an opinion about the enlightened that if a person reaches heights on the path of spiritual development, then everything earthly ceases to interest him. Don't fall for this bait. Everyone can and should be interested in their material wealth, comfort, well-being. If this is not so, then the person is completely at the mercy of some idea. This idea, most likely, belongs to one of the pendulums: religious, philosophical, or some other "spiritual".

Pendulums, in accordance with their second law, seek to force the adherent to devote himself entirely to the interests of the structure. If a person firmly sits on this hook, he really ceases to be interested in anything else. He may even be in the grip of the illusion that he deals exclusively with his soul or "talks with God." In fact, the soul of such an “enlightened one” is walled up in a deaf case and cannot declare its needs.

Why did the soul come to this material world? To prepare yourself for that unearthly life in heaven? This is complete nonsense! If the soul has already come to this world from heaven, then why should it prepare itself for heavenly life again? And is it possible here on Earth? This worldly life is a unique opportunity for the soul. That's why she came here from the spiritual world, in order to learn all the delights of the material world. The soul always has time to enter the spiritual world. What is the point of depriving her of everything that this wonderful, wonderful, magnificent world, in which there are so many wonderful temptations, gives?

By giving all of yourself to the service of God, you move away from Him. The Creator creates many realities through the medium of living beings as his living incarnations. God intends to experience all facets of the reality that he creates. It is for this that He sends His children into the material world. God gave you freedom of action, so enjoy your freedom! You don't need to lock yourself in your cells and spend long hours in prayer. This is not serving God, but depriving Him of the joy that can be obtained from a fulfilling life. It's like not letting a child go for a walk, forcing him to devote all the time to cramming.

The adherents of the pendulums of religions will inspire you that you are not capable of anything, and that God is almighty. Your freedom and strength is not beneficial to the structure - it needs working screws. Pendulums have already succeeded a lot in the process of enslaving the will of man. It remains to be amazed how great the influence of pendulums must be for the children of God to lose all idea of \u200b\u200btheir power. A person was initially given the power to form a layer of his world by embodying potential options from metaphysical space into material reality. The pendulums managed not only to take away the awareness of their abilities from people, but even to pervert the meaning of life itself, replacing service to God with worship.

God hardly needs worship. Do you need the worship of your children? Perhaps you would prefer to see them as good friends. In fact, the purpose of life, as well as the very service of God, is to create - to create with Him.

Many people believe that faith in God is all that is required of them. They believe in His existence and power. So what? After all, they do not understand God - for them He is like some abstract, unattainable and often terrifying idol. They were taught that God must be worshiped, keep the commandments and a righteous life to prepare themselves for something that no one can really explain.

But faith is not understanding. Prayer is not communion with God. The language of God is creation. This statement can either be accepted or not, and there is no point in arguing and arguing on such a topic. This is not a philosophical problem, but a matter of choice. Therefore, there is nothing more to add here.

By forming a layer of your world, your reality, you communicate with God. When you rejoice in your creation, God rejoices with you. This is where true service to Him lies. And faith in God is, first of all, faith in oneself, in the strength of one's abilities as a creator. There is a particle of the Creator in every person. Bring joy to your Father. As far as you believe in your capabilities, so much you believe in God and thereby realize what He said: "According to your faith, let it be to you."

What do the latest discoveries in quantum physics, biology, genetics, and medicine give us to understand? This is what we imagine, model and then materialize the surrounding reality at our own will, consciously managing the process of fixation in the physical dimension of the multidimensional vibrating fields of our vital energy. We create reality with our consciousness, manifesting information in the material world through our DNA.

When we consciously imagine the desired reality from the depths of our essence, space and time become completely subordinated to us, as it was originally. Space-time is transformed due to high-frequency vibrations of our soul, which recreates the surrounding reality in its own image and likeness, following the example of the Prime Creator. In other words, the information of our soul or quantum particles of our experience with the help of our visualization are radiated into the “external” world in the form of multidimensional energy-information waves and recreate themselves in the corresponding forms of matter. Thus, the surrounding reality shows us only what we expect to see.

We see around only what our consciousness is tuned to - what constructs our imagination.
Therefore, if we do not want to experience something, we should NOT concentrate on such information, we should NOT fix it in the form of experience - we should live as if we simply DO NOT KNOW about the likelihood of a reality that we do not need ... If, on the contrary, we want to BUY something in the FORM OF EXPERIENCE, in the form of a concrete reality, we should CONSCIOUSLY IMAGINE what we want, systematically fixing our CHOICE in reality.

What does matter, LIGHT consist of? At the junction of knowledge of science and religion.

Spiritual revolution. Liberty. Be who you are! Our true nature ...

Bodies for existence in Java

1. Protective body (aura);

2. Explicit (physical) body;

3. Dimensional (etheric) body.

Bodies for existence in Navi

4. The stellar (astral) body;

5. Figurative (mental) body;

6. Body-figurative relationship with all surrounding vital structures (karmic, causal).

Bodies for existence in Rule

7. Body of the Soul (that which feeds the Soul);

8. The body of the highest form;

9. Body of Spirit.

Thus: the physical Body of a person (1-3), Soul (4-6), Spirit (7-9).

Become a Complete Human Being

The energy centers through which they control the human essence, and having liberated them, one can awaken to the existence of a Complete Human.

5 Elements of material nature:

1 - Earth
2 - Water
3 - Fire
4 - Air
5 - Ether

Personality component:

The primary element of material nature:

7 - Reason

5 Senses of Perception:

8 - Eyes
9 - Language
10 - Touch
11 - Nose
12 - Ears

Inner feeling:

5 Corresponding sense objects:

19 - Form
20 - Taste
21 - Touch
22 - Smell
23 - Sound

Unites all living beings

24 Spirit of the Animal Soul

25 Element - exists only in Man - the presence of the Divine Essence - The Overseer

Any information about the world in which we live comes to us through the five senses of perception, that is, we cognize the world by seeing it with our eyes, touching it with our hands, inhaling a smell, feeling the taste with our tongue and perceiving sounds by hearing. Since from the very birth we are completely dependent on these feelings, we could not assume that the “external world” could be different, different from the world that exists and is cognized through these feelings. Recent studies in various fields of science have made changes in the system of views and have caused serious doubts about the perception and the perceived world.

Where am I born from and where do I go after Death?

Birth is Death, and Death is New Birth - a change of cycles in an ascending stream. DEATH (to death - phonetically): Change of Measurement Te (this) or "this approved transmission, created through differentiation." That is, in our TIME each of us will change the dimension of our existence (receive “death”) and become the Essence of another World, having made the transition through dimensions and spaces.

For some reason, when children move from second grade to third grade, we do not arrange funeral services with mourners and a magnificent funeral of his costume, in which he went to first grade. The child just grew up, received a new suit from his parents and went to the third grade renewed and knowing much more. So why should we arrange such a magnificent funeral, and shout the one-man "What are we going to do here without you ..." ?! The person has reached his milestone and moved to a step higher. He accomplished what he had to accomplish here, and his departure was natural, even if he seems premature to those around him. The death of the body took place, and nothing more. It's just that the child grew out of his old costume. I will only explain that those who, through their own fault or decision, leave this life earlier, do not fulfill their mission and do not receive the necessary experience, which means that they will return here again in a "memorylessness" to receive these lessons. This is like staying in school for the second year, and there is nothing good about it. In ancient times, for the sake of the deceased, they started a holiday. Everyone around, and especially the family, were happy that he had gone up, along the path of his development, and ranked among the Gods - the Patrons of the family. He became his patron. And there were never tears of sadness or loss at the funeral, for everyone wished only good and good to his neighbor, and the highest good is development, a new step in knowledge. What does the funeral ritual look like today? The deceased is placed in a wooden coffin and buried in the ground. That is, at the moment of the modern "Burial", the following happens. You kind of can (literally, like vegetables in jars every year) the remains of your loved ones. And you must admit that canned food can be stored for a very long time and not smolder (spoil). So it is with the body of the deceased. The spirit will not leave the body until its last bone decays, which means that for many hundreds of years it will lie in the ground or wander nearby in the form of a soul that cannot find rest. That is why so many ghosts, ghouls and other indignant evil spirits have developed. Plus, when souls wander around this world for a very long time without their physical body, they accumulate negative in themselves and degrade, to such an extent that at the moment of reincarnation they do not go up. The primordially Slavic tradition of burial, or as we can call it a truly Orthodox funeral, was adopted by many peoples of antiquity. The Slavs have always betrayed the body of the deceased to Fire. Fire is a great and all-purifying force that purifies body and soul. He is able to burn the body to ashes, and rid the soul of the negative that it could receive during life. A soul that has been burned does not burn in agony (as all other religions scare us) - it arrives in bliss and is filled with energy. She will certainly go into the world of Gods and Primordial Ancestors (but, again: provided that all the necessary lessons have been learned) and Become Divinely pure. In the Slavic tradition of funerals, there was Kroding. The crodation ritual is a procedure in which "Croda" was assembled from logs and dry straw on the outskirts of the forest (a pedestal made of logs from 2 to 5 meters high). The body of the deceased was laid on Kroda, and set on fire. At the moment of Burning, Round Dances were led around, they called out to the Gods and ancestors, with requests to take the Soul into the Right World, into the World of Gods and First Ancestors. They appealed to the Goddess of Death Mara and the Goddess Karna, who accompanied the deceased on their last journey. Such a Kroda is capable of burning everything to the ground, including bones. The ashes were scattered in the wind, passing it into the bosom of the Sacred Wind, thereby accelerating the path of the soul from the middle world (ours) to the upper world. And for the sake of memory, they put it on the family temple, or in the fence near the house, the Pillar Statue with the face of the Deceased, because now he, as the guardian of the family, will guard the living. Let us emphasize once again that Death has never been something mourning, but gave the fire to the dead with a feeling of joy and happiness, for the one who ascends the steps of his development. The Slavs believed that death is beautiful because the very meaning of Death consists in the transition to the upper world of the Gods. FOR A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THIS ISSUE BELOW WE OFFER VIDEO: 1. Alexey Vasilyevich Trekhlebov about death. What are we dying for

Many people of the older generation are well aware of the words of the hero of Ostrovsky's book "How the Steel Was Tempered": "Life is given to a person once, and live

S-ME-T is a Change of Measurement. (Old Faith)

And now we will talk about the moment of DEPARTURE from the explicit World - DEATH, as we previously spoke about the moment of COMING - BIRTH, for everything is interconnected: birth is death, and death is birth, i.e. cycle change in upstream time. Or, as Olga, nicknamed "The Prophetic", said: there is no death, there is only a transition to another level of consciousness and being. At the moment of transition, a person is reborn, that is, proceeding from the image of the word “re” - “repetition,” rebirth, the shedding of the old physical shell. How does the transition process take place? The ancestors said that you will not see your death. The soul is aware only of the final stage of the transition, when a surge of energy arises, creating an energy channel through which it leaves the dead physical body, with a crumbling protective body (aura). This channel passes through the vortex zones (chakras) from bottom to top along the spine: from "source" to "fontanelle". Figuratively, this process is perceived by the essence as a flight through a luminous tunnel, at the exit from which a Transition to another dimension occurs. To facilitate adaptation, the departed is met by other entities that he sees under different faces: deceased relatives, higher entities. The images of a river with a carrier appear, a city in which the essence receives answers to all its questions, etc. But this will be discussed further.

Now let's talk about the rituals that accompany the process of the Transition:

1-3 days: next to the deceased in the temple there was only a priest (what the deceased should hear should not be heard by the living), who read him instructions from the Book of the Way, since the deceased perceives everything as alive, but cannot make itself known.
4-6 days: the body was taken from the temple and brought home to say goodbye to relatives and friends. The body is in the house: all mirrors are hung so that the living cannot see the reflection of the deceased; the doors were not locked so that his Soul could freely enter, if this was not done, then it remained for 3 years; they made grounding of the deceased to prevent decomposition of the body - a copper wire was attached to the middle finger of the hand, the other end of which was placed in a jar with earth; copper or silver coins were placed on the eyes; near the face - a mirror or a light feather to prevent burial of those who fell into lethargic sleep.
Day 7: croda (cremation), funeral boat or burial in the grave. But before these rituals, the body was carried out of the house, feet first. On the street, the coffin was placed on chairs to say goodbye to neighbors, and then carried (carried) to the burial place (churchyard). Before closing the coffin, the relatives kissed the deceased on the forehead. The fetters were removed from the legs and arms and placed on the legs. Coins were put into the hand, the coffin was closed and sank to the bottom of the grave. Everyone threw a handful of earth into the grave, then they buried the coffin. They washed their hands and dried them with towels, commemorated them. Nothing was taken from the cemetery. Then there was a farewell dinner at home (no alcohol).
Day 8: in the morning they go to feed the deceased (the dead absorb the energy of the food), bring food and leave it on the grave, leave. They do not take anything with them, do not touch the graves with their hands, especially fresh ones. Next visit on day 9.
Day 9: (Slavic week) the measured (etheric) body disintegrates, and the separation of the Soul from the body occurs ("breaking the silver thread"). The soul rises up, describes the "eight" around the Earth and the Moon. The atmospheric layers are perceived by her as a kind of border river. Purgatory takes place (planet 7 - Valhalla), where it stays until the fortieth day, when the astral shell disintegrates. In general, this period (40 days - the Slavic month) is considered the time of the final break of karmic ties with earthly incarnation, or, more simply, the time of passage of the "three courts", which will be discussed further. Therefore, the commemoration, arranged in nine-day and forty-day terms, was intended to facilitate the Soul's break with earthly existence.

Many peoples have knowledge of what happens to a person when he dies, what he feels, what he feels and what he should do when he gets to the Otherworld. These are the so-called "books of the dead". The Slavs also have a similar "Book of the Way". Its importance for our time is enormous, because most of us nowadays do not know anything about the existence of the original Faith of the Ancestors, and, therefore, our Souls in the Explicit World, practically, do not develop according to the KON, but are left to themselves or alien cults that have their own plans for these "lost Souls". According to KON (this is also said in the "Book of the Way"), a person in Java must form, in modern terms, a program that recognizes our true "I" - SPIRIT. Or, more simply, to acquire SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS OF OURSELVES as a SPIRIT controlling at every moment of time of our activity, and before this self-awareness we are robots. The Yngling Old Believers have such a concept as the "swastika movement of the Spirit." It is called the system of spiritual transformation and human development. It is "Swastika" because it has four Paths that a person must follow. Just go, and not stand still, because stagnation leads to mental death or degradation of the Spirit.

Mental death is called absolute informational self-destruction. Degradation of the Spirit is a distorted perception of the higher spheres, lowering a person to a lower level of development and, in fact, turning a person into an animal that lives at the level of instincts and animal needs. This can happen to both a person and humanity as a species. Therefore, not only a specific person can degrade, but also a people, a state, a civilization. Only a few in a degrading environment retain the wisdom and knowledge of a given civilization in order to pass it on to the next civilization. This knowledge stores information not only about the past power and achievements of a particular civilization, but also about the reasons that led to the degradation and destruction of the existing civilization. There are many examples of changes in civilizations on Earth. For example: the aborigines of Australia use boomerangs with high aerodynamic characteristics, but in wildlife there are no analogues for building a boomerang. Aboriginal legends say that the boomerang was received from the Gods who used to live on Earth (before the Aborigines). Then, leaving knowledge and household items, the Gods left this World. The buildings of the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt, as well as the Baalbek Terrace, Stonehenge and other monuments amaze modern scientists with their engineering thought. The modern technological level is not able to repeat something like that with such accuracy, or even close to it. If the angle of deviation of Baalbek's columns from the central axis at the top of the column is 0.2 mm, then in skyscrapers it is about 20 cm.Or the connecting seam in a modern structure has dimensions from 0.8 to 2.0 cm, then in ancient buildings from 1 mm up to 0.2 mm.

Any civilization perishes when the material completely denies the spiritual, when the laws of heaven are replaced by the laws of human society, which lives only to fulfill its material needs. So that the death of civilization does not occur or that the pure, bright, spiritual part of this dying civilization becomes the beginning of a new one, and the "Swastik Way of the Spirit's Movement" is applied, each of the Ways of which collects its knowledge, as part of one whole spiritual baggage necessary for further spiritual improvement new civilization and its spiritual progress. The progress of Mankind and civilization as a whole is possible only as the sum of the spiritual progress of individuals. It makes no sense to talk about some kind of spiritual society when the people are degenerating and in poverty.
1. "The Way of Cognition" is based on the ancient principle: cognition of the Wisdom of all Human Clans, spiritual systems of development and self-improvement, cognition of the surrounding world, and through it the inner world of man. It is also necessary to take into account the knowledge left by the previous civilization, etc.
2. "The Path of Creation (the path of good practical deeds)" is based on the practical application of knowledge aimed at the prosperity of not individuals, but clans, peoples, civilizations, for which the very structure of creation is necessary as an experience of creation in the next world. A person must learn to invest his Soul in what he creates and creates. This applies not only to the explicit material consciousness, but also to the mental-spiritual, for a person, by his structure, can not only create his own universe (reality), but also destroy everything that exists. On the figurative plane, a person can be infinitely great and powerful (be greater than the greatest), but also infinitely small and insignificant (be less than the smallest).
3. "The Path of Asceticism (mystical contemplation)" is based on the knowledge of the finer structures of the World of Reveal and the World of Navi. At the same time, a person contemplates the multidimensionality of Being and the multidimensionality of the World. There are several paths of asceticism, and each person chooses the Path that is closer to him in the Spirit.
4. "The Way of Vara" leaves a certain imprint on a person, because its structure is based on the Ancient Wisdom of its people, encrypted in a certain way. This Wisdom is rooted not only in some stellar or solar system, but in general in the origins of the Universe, lying in the depths of inferno (darkness).

Going along one of the 4 Paths, a person sooner or later realizes that these Paths are interconnected with each other, and he will move, as they said before, "on all four sides." Having cognized the essence of these Paths, he will no longer be a man of the outer Circle of Beginnings (outgoing Paths), but becomes a man of the inner Circle, since he dedicated himself to some Way (became an initiate).

And this self-awareness that you are a SPIRIT passes the most rigorous examination after death. Therefore, it was said earlier about the "ignoramus at the death line." And now let's (on the basis of ancient knowledge about the Transition, prepared for general perception), let's see what happens to us during and after death.

The first stage (lasts up to 3 days).

The time of man's departure from the World of Yavi is approaching. At first, his eyes seem to be watery, everything is covered with fog, the body is filled with burden, plunging into cold, chills. Hearing is dulled, but it is only the surrounding world that becomes inaudible, and inside there is a rumble that turns into ringing, from an unusual explosion, decaying and extinguishing sparks appear in the void. The person died and begins to feel that he is flying into some well, into some pipe, and at the same time he rotates, and the pipe narrows, and he feels pressure on himself (this breaks through the central energy channel "Haramna" in the spinal column, which for The soul feels like a tunnel or pipe). And he flies through this pipe, and flies, as it were, to the intersection. In the region of the heart there is this point, which we feel as a crossroads before a crossroads. Directly he sees the White Light, to the right - greenish, to the left - bluish. It is necessary to move directly to the White eternal Light, located at the end of the pipe.

And he flies straight, and the pressure on him increases, becomes, almost painful, turns him inside out, but he flies towards the Light (a person feels these sensations, because the movement of the Soul began from the lower chakra (Source) at the tailbone, and the energy arriving on each subsequent chakra, it becomes denser, hence the feeling of narrowing the tunnel). As soon as the Soul of a dying person flies out of the spinal canal, the incredible Expanse opens up before him and he sees himself from the side. Once outside the body, the first thing that asks his Consciousness: am I dead or not? Where am I - asks the awakened Essence of him - if my body lies over there?

He soars, as it were, within the same limits of places, occupations, people as during his lifetime, but this is no longer the area of \u200b\u200bthe Explicit World in which he lived earlier (although it lies very close). It seems to the deceased: you will reach out and take any thing from your former environment, but the world familiar to him no longer notices him and does not react to him in any way. And this is explained by the fact that the one who left his body went into the area of \u200b\u200bthe Interworld, called the Edge of the World of Yavi, from which the deceased later, crossing the border of the Worlds along the passage called Kalinov Bridge among the Slavs, enters the palace of the city of the Sun, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Edge of the World of Navi. Looking at himself in new conditions and focusing on the details of any part of his new body, he discovers that it has become transparent, that his new body is just a play of light. The deceased, being in the Edge of the World of Yavi, clearly sees the Clear World left behind, his relatives, his lying physical body, doctors who are trying to reanimate him, he even hears what they are talking about. Ivot here it is important to keep your thoughts clear! At this moment, consciousness is not filled with impressions, sounds, pictures, smells and easily perceives Itself, which is the real Reality. Consciousness and the sparkling 16-dimensional mind are inseparable!

Q: Was there a flooding of St. Petersburg in the years 1700-1800?
A: Yes, but short term, the city was not badly damaged.
Q: So Peter built it in the swamps or found it?
A: Who is Peter?)
Q: Peter the First, who rode incognito to Europe for an internship
A: I don't feel Peter as a full-fledged historical character, I feel him more like a phantom, a lot is attributed ... the feeling that he was not on the main thread and is not a synchronizer (synchronizers are multidimensional personalities that have left their mark in different branches of history, see under the cut)
Q: Yes,
A: It looks like ...
Q: Well, it's not about Peter. Interested - how did it happen?
A: Even earlier than 1800, when overlaying, at least 3 branches were combined, and before them dozens of others, and these are only the main ones, which have thousands of copies-variants in the multidimensionality, if not infinitely many. If you look at the physical Peter of our 2016, then there are 3 types of architecture in it - for giants, for ordinary people and for a transitional link. Such and most are in working order, and not in ruins, tk. protected by ancient magic and stand in places of Power. On thin, the architecture of the cities is different, but the general appearance is about the same. Cathedrals of the type of Isaac and Kazan were built according to the technologies of manifestation of intention, that is, holographic 3D modeling directly from the air *, they belonged to the giants and served as portals for entering and exiting their worlds, which most people could not walk into, and adapters could ... are a kind of younger brothers of giants and older brothers of humans. If giants are "gods" ( read civilizers), then the adapters, one might say, are "demigods", priests, pharaohs, and later kings, counts and other nobles. GigAnts and just Anty, you might say so.

Isaac's steps for giants and not so:

The denser the dimensionality of the space, the tougher its energy and the lower the growth of the local population, therefore, creatures from the upper layers are not always comfortable here, the atmosphere presses them in the literal and figurative sense. What we call cathedrals and temples helped them come and stay here in their highly vibrational environment inside the city's protective dome, communicating with people and Antas, who were kind of governors. But they did not live in "temples", but accumulated energy for the townspeople. And I see that it was dangerous for some people even to approach the giants, too high a difference in energies could kill or burn the nervous system, especially if a person's consciousness is of a low level. Therefore, such people could not be allowed into the "temples" while the giants were there, but only after their departure ...

A: Places such as palaces with high ceilings, like Peterhof or the Hermitage, belonged to the adapters themselves - Antam and lived in them, although not permanently. They were built with technologies less complicated for our minds, there was no manifestation, but the builders could still work with soft stone, in some places they used polygonal masonry, individual parts were projected holographically to charge them with the Power of higher dimensions, to anchor the stream. Buildings for people were already built from ordinary bricks and stone blocks, technologies were mixed from generation to generation, but the trend was towards their loss. This is normal at a high density of space, knowledge is closed as impossible for use, unnecessary or dangerous.

Massandra Castle, Crimea. In the construction of the first floor (confirmed by the guide), polygonal masonry was used, although not without mortar. The castle is also multidimensional, I'll tell you later in a separate post:

* Lyrical addition of a colleague on the topic:

This is exactly what I told about this at the meeting, from what I saw:

That everything is one, that there is neither time nor space, and that every person and even every smallest particle contains all the information about the entire universe :)

There is not much information about the creation of matter, but from what I saw:
We were in a different era, then people did not yet have physical bodies, but more subtle ones. Although in essence there is no physical, dense world,.

Well, these ancient people could change the crystalline structures of the surrounding space and their own, change "physical" objects (which for us look like dense, physical, but for them it was perceived differently), change their internal state, the composition of emotions, energies.

It turns out that you see the structure of a certain pattern, you change and rebuild it a little (well, or seriously rebuild it) and the energy begins to flow in a different way, acquiring already different properties. Basically everything is information. Information is, as it were, primary - if it can be described in this way in the absence of time and space. Each node of this structure is a "batch" of grouped information, followed by even more subtle information, like meta-information describing the properties of this batch. And so on until, in fact, the emergence of the original Idea.
Here is a little difficult to describe, but I'll try.
It turns out that there is, as it were, the "Father", the initial Idea (tobish information) of the creation of our world and the "Mother", the energy that, flowing through this Idea, creates it, makes it manifest. But the energy itself is also information of a certain property. It's like Adam and Eve, Eve was created from the rib of Adam ...
Something like this, very primitive compared, of course, with the way it is and feels. But I cannot describe in more detail yet)

Another interesting infa was about the construction of buildings. The same Isaac. With casts and holographic frames, on which physics was then superimposed:

Buildings were immediately synthesized from energy. In the right place, a 3D drawing was opened as a frame, and then with the help of the magic of several (many) Atlanteans, the building was translated into physics, compacted, supplemented with new energies. Each of the builders brought something of their own. Like gifts of a fairy in fairy tales: they gave and put in features and feelings, emotions. In St. Isaac's, for example, pink marble contains a lot of love, feminine energy *, among other things.


Some super-strong passionary personalities came into two realities at once and did about the same thing, but at different levels at the same time. Thus, we get a stratification of historical characters. For example, the Mongol peoples consider Genghis Khan a Mongol, the Chinese consider him Chinese, and now alternative Russian historians also consider him Russian (and the Ukrainians -).

Most likely, all options are correct - this is a mega-scale personality, whose charge was enough for several realities, in each of which the experience was slightly different, depending on the specifics of reality. The same is with the external description: most often he is described as a Mongoloid, in Chinese portraits he is a typical Chinese, and somewhere he is described as blond. The fact is that in reality, where dragon or other genes are, in principle, absent, he could not manifest them vibrationally, so in a white branch he could very well look blond. (Falsification of history and fabricated characters is a separate topic, which of course also has a place to be, but we will not delve into this now).

Let's go back to the main session:

So the buildings of the giants in St. Petersburgnot covered, and the buildings of people and adapters - partly yes. They were not in the same branch and were built according to different technologies, on a different energy foundation - more durable, protected and multidimensional, so the difference is the same. I see Isaac's cellars several floors down, but in physics they are not. On a thin one, it has more domes, and floors, and columns, and the building itself is much higher. The inner space of such "temples" is capable of expanding and accommodating much more people than we can physically imagine. I see its size as a huge stadium, a lot of people, 20 percent adapters, there are few giants, several dozen. Isaac's physical cast cannot accommodate such a crowd, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands.

In that branch, in which ordinary people lived before the layers were combined, the flood really occurred, but much earlier than they were merged into a common reality. After this merger, people and giants existed for some time together, and then the giants again left this dimension, leaving their buildings and some adapters-Antovs as heralds-messengers-rulers, who then merged with the general mass of today's people. And with this separation, there was already a small flood, which did not last long and did not flood anything much. This is a very simplified version, but at least roughly understandable.

Q: Did it only concern Peter or was the process global?
A: Global, of course, but not one-time. And not everywhere the same power of destruction were.

Illustrations from an old post. Identical "temples and capitols" around the world (not all can be attributed to the buildings of giants):

Some were destroyed:

Q: That is, if you look at the process from the perspective of multidimensionality, our layer of reality, like an elevator, floats between different vibrational floors of earthly space and catches whole civilizations and cities out of them, like a sieve for pasta?)

A: You could say that, many layers do this () ... The layers are conditionally comparable to the astral and mental *. At our level, this is the astral plane, where energies are quite dense, matter and events are very costly to change, we have to resort to rituals, encode the common unconscious through films and the media. At higher levels, this is the mental, where thought is able to change not only matter, but also space itself - to expand and collapse it, and even in certain places, buildings, where a room may seem small from the outside, but inside its walls and ceilings are like would move apart. At the same time, no rituals are needed, there is no need to call the spirits of matter, it is already quite plastic. When the dimension changes, the qualities of the conscious observer, the consciousness and perception interacting with it, change, although the process is reciprocal and the nervous system here plays the role of an antenna. The elements of the previous floor do not completely disappear for the observer at once, it takes time, sometimes tens, or even hundreds of years, just like after the energetic work of physical. the body needs time to recover at cellular levels. The process of "catching pasta on different floors" is similar to how we catch entities on ourselves, moving from one "hot spot" ( restaurant, bar) to another, and then we cleanse them in meditations, entering an expanded consciousness, only here we are not talking about essences, but about whole archetypes and latitudes of perception - we are aware of only that part or layer of reality that our nervous system and subtle bodies allow , although its other parts do not disappear anywhere, they exist right here, right in our space, we just do not catch their waves with our antennas.

* Those who have passed the sessions, practice OSA or meditate on their own know what it is about: in the subtle worlds, in a second, thought can create any instrument, for example, a mirror, and this mirror will be as "real" as everything else around, for the mind of the creator contains complete information about him and simply manifests.

Q: Can we say that the statues in the niches of Isaac speak of the passage of the portals by giants?
A: Yes, but there are other meanings. Also shown is their luminosity, area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, encodings are embedded for accepting information, going online. Like icons, this is a kind of Skype of those times, on a subtle plane I see their phantoms, they are mobile, you can communicate with them. Although there are some icons of the late period that emanate from plastic, they are not working, and so, cargo cult ... some are re-stitched ...
Q: Why did they come at all and why did they not stay?
A: Every advanced civilization takes care of the younger. People are like children for them, and our dimension is like a kindergarten. We don’t stay in kindergarten all day, but we trust the educators, and so they also trusted us to Antam, and then to themselves. Towards the end of that era, they did not come often and did not stay for long, rather even on holidays. They brought knowledge, wisdom, sciences, keys to reality, magic, architecture, natural history ... They left because the era has changed, the dimension has dropped below their threshold of life, and the time has come for humanity to move from nurseries to kindergarten, to become an autonomous link in evolution
Q: Is it correct to understand that the portals were then closed?
A: Yes, they are sealed for the time being, but there is a connection, it is just that physically you cannot go here and you cannot get out of here, only in subtle bodies ...
Q: Where have the trees gone, why are they not older than 250-300 years?
A: Where is how. Burnt out, demolished by the flood, rotted away, switched to another frequency. There is the phrase "sterilization of space", preparation of a platform for a new group of souls.

UPD: one colleague in the session came up with an analogy with portals in Pushkin's fairy tale:

There is still another miracle: The sea will swell violently, Boil, raise a howl, Gush onto the empty shore, Will splash in a quick run, And find themselves on the shore, In scales, like the heat of grief, Thirty-three heroes, All handsome men are daring, Young giants, All are equal, as if they were a match - Uncle Chernomor is with them. And that guard is not more reliable, Neither braver nor more diligent.

About the flood in the books:

Google has such a service - Google Books Ngram Viewer.

It allows you to see how often a particular word has been used in books published in any year since 1500. If you look at the results for the word deludge - "flood", you can see that the maximum was in 1700.

Here is the translation of deludge in English:

Petersburg was founded by Peter I in 1702.

The next peak of the flood records is 1772-1779. The year of birth of the USA is 1776.

The next peak in the flood records is 1810-1829. Napoleon's attack on Russia - 1812.

I wonder if these peaks are related to the edition of the Bible, where the flood is often mentioned, or to real floods?

A little later on the temporary branch:

Why and why was the Russian Empire destroyed in 1917? Why was the Soviet Union created?

S: The fact is that the Russian Empire at that time did not have either the energy potential or the potential of what you call ideas, we call a single field of thoughts, it did not possess these two components. The only thing that happened was a healthy population, that is, a physical body, a large, huge, physical body, but in such a situation, when two out of three systems do not work, it is difficult to expect any positive result, it was precisely a crisis state, a state of chaos and a purposeful change of Souls that came, embodied in the Russian Empire. During this period, during the post-revolutionary civil war, as well as for several years there was a rotation of Souls, absolutely different Souls entered, with different plans, with different stories, and even with the absence of history on this planet. This made it possible to change, completely change the population, change the energy plan, something that was lacking appeared - a general idea. Now we can say a lot about the fact that it was a negative idea, and, nevertheless, the development took place, the development of the idea took place, the only unique experience of interaction in a single field of different, completely different systems supervised by different civilizations was acquired. This does not remind you (smiles) of the Galactic Council, which has gathered for a while to solve common problems and move at the same time, each in its own development. Likewise, what is above and below, we have various Galactic councils gathering, someone enters, someone exits, but the idea of \u200b\u200bcommon cooperation between different countries and different systems remains. There was no such cooperation under the Russian Empire. It was rather the subordination of the minority to the majority, there was no idea that would lead this generation along. Therefore, what happened was considered very innovative on the one hand, on the other hand, it was the experience that is necessary for a change of generations, Souls, even a change of generations, supervised civilizations, so that as many of those as possible come here. people who are now manifesting as indigo children, as crystal children, as parents of indigo children and crystal children. It is very important. Now the changes are taking place that were laid precisely in those years in 1917.
A source

Much earlier on the temporary branch:

i saw that some of the inhabitants from the planet were evacuated ... unwillingness to leave in front of some kind of threat and sadness is read ... for some reason it remained ... But something is wrong in those who came ... then dullness ..... I do not know at the expense of the fog ... Wait branches very much intersect)))
But it looks like carriers of fog ... smoky and kind of a humanoid type ... With a strange language ... long ago it was kind of like ... something of the order of 1000 is highlighted ... not like the branch that I remember as the main one ...

From an early on the topic:

Our reality is multi-layered, besides the physical plane, there are also subtle ones, on which someone also lives. In large historical centers, layering of different realities can be found in a great variety. Peter is one great example of this.

Q. Can I see Peter's layers?

A. There is the most powerful reality - this is St. Petersburg, which now exists. There is an ancient reality that remains from a very ancient civilization. Reality simply stands in the same places of power that are always there. They vibrationally encrypted the traces of their stay. They helped the places of power to tune in to space. The pillar is up, but streams also went down. In parallel, several cities live here. The ancient city remained as a decoration, it is not a very strong reality. There is the reality of St. Petersburg - some kind of mixture of a modern city and what was before Leningrad. There is an overlap of realities. I see that they are glued together and, in fact, combined into one. The reality of Leningrad is quite strong. About half of the residents are in Leningrad.

Q. How does it differ from the reality of St. Petersburg?

A. This reality of that order is more tragic. A denser reality, there are many dead people, there are many stuck there. There is communism, and souls that have died continue to live there.

Q. Let's try to get to today's St. Petersburg, 2014 here and now. What's under the city?
A. There is another city below it. There are many different cities, both on the subtle and on the physical planes. On the physical there is a system of tunnels. There is some kind of central temple, very beautiful, there is such a dome, very bright. There are food supplies, there are employees. Some of them are people, they come to the surface, some do not come out, they live there, such half-people, not really people in our understanding. The temple is the cult of the ruling civilization. The city was deeper, now we are in different layers. They completed the already existing temple.

Q. When was the temple itself built?
A. They seem to have always been here. Completed by the ruling system, but built by an ancient civilization. The third round of the Atlanteans.
Interesting, huh? In my opinion, the angel is holding the cross in the wrong hand, the snake has disappeared, but the funny thing is that St. Isaac's Cathedral stands in the background, but according to the official version, by this time Isaac had only the first floor ready, and the dome could not have appeared before 1837: in 1837, when the base of the dome was completed, the installation of 24 upper columns began. Rest

The column is multidimensional and strange. When I am physically nearby, a layer is quite clearly read, in which its top is, as it were, sealed by this new cross and an angel. Energy is redirected and looped back. Previously, it connected many worlds and layers vertically, and now (or rather, in the nearest variable spaces that I read), it kind of transforms energy and does not direct it up, but loops around the city, the square ... When I was there, the key branches as they were allowed connected, as needed, updated the vertical. But in some it has remained - apparently, this option is needed for something.

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