Time is running out - rise up! Why do we fuss in vain? Acceleration of time is a reality Time has accelerated why they are hushed up.

Probably, many have noticed that in recent years something has been going wrong with the passage of time. Days and months fly by rapidly, overtaking our capabilities, and we have time to do less and less. It would seem that the day has just begun, but lo and behold, it is already ending! We did not have time to "enter" the third millennium when we had already run twelve years, and we did not even notice. The previous explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the more mature a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant.

Nowadays, the rapid run of time is noticed not only by people of age, but even by teenagers and young men! So what happens over time? Time has begun to shorten! Compared to a hundred or more years ago, the present day has become shorter. In terms of real, not calendar duration, if we take the old time that has not changed for centuries as the standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours, against the previous 24. It turns out that every day we receive about 6 hours less, and that is why we always do not have enough time. days fly at an accelerated rate.

The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. On sacred Athos, monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, the Athonite elders have long developed a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so every day, strictly by the hour. Before the monks had time to complete this "program" overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

An equally amazing discovery was made by the Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. It burned out completely within a year. But now, for the umpteenth time, there is still a lot of oil before the main Christian holiday. It turns out that even the physical laws of combustion are ahead of time!

The shortening of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 1930s his father, having returned from exile to his family, with a minimum of assistants, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in the memoirs of Boris Shiryaev about the Solovetsky camp there is an episode how 50 prisoners, almost half of whom were "goners", built and commissioned a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders had only hand saws and axes in service.

Now, even with modern electrical tools, we will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

The problem of the inconstancy of time was comprehended at the junction of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time in its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It is ... heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional ... Since 1914, time has somehow become denser and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the thickening of time ... ”.

Comprehending the problem of reducing time, one involuntarily turns to the science fiction of H.G. Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions have come true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes to explore the ocean depths. Let us recall Wells's story "The Newest Accelerator." Professor Gibbern invented a wonderful elixir with which you can change the time for a particular person. In a person who has drunk the drug, all the processes in the body are accelerated hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as he would not do in ordinary life in a few minutes. At the same time, the world around seems to be frozen, and even bees move at the speed of a snail. It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale is a lie, but in it ...

In the case of our real time, we have in some way the opposite effect. For some mysterious reasons, the life processes in the world could slow down. We breathe more slowly, the heart beats less often, the cells regenerate longer. Thanks to the slower work of the body, we manage to do about 25 percent less for every minute of time than the representatives of previous generations did. Accordingly, the perception of the world has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated its run and flies by a quarter faster.

But this is just a version. It is more likely that time itself, in spite of its apparent constancy, can be "compressed". What do scientists think about this? Interesting explanations of the variability of time were given by the well-known physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, the late Viktor Iosefovich Veinik. Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, like a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a kind of time substance, which he called "chronal field".

In the course of the scientist's experiments, a wrist electronic watch placed in an experimental installation created by him could slow down or accelerate its course. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the "chronosphere", which controls the transition of the past into the future. The scientist considered the rate of certain processes (he called it the term "chronal") and came to the conclusion that the intensity of these processes decreases in the world - for example, the intensity of radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living things, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. For them, all processes proceed quickly - babies grow quickly, quickly gain weight, quickly learn to understand the world ... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times.

This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies. For an elderly person, the weeks begin to flicker as quickly as days in his youth. But that is not all. It turns out that not only specific people age. The whole society and civilization as a whole are gradually "decaying"! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, which is why the run of time is accelerating for everything on Earth.

Now the intensity of all processes has dropped thousands of times, and today we can even feel the slowing down of time, which is happening literally before our eyes. By the way, even now there are places on Earth with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. Burdocks there are like hefty umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, low and unremarkable plants.

There are many theories about changing the course of time. But the most convincing is the opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who proved by experience that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the density of the flow. According to Kozyrev's theory, if the solar system's rotation speed changes, the time automatically changes.

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Tricky questions and paradoxical answers
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Explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of a person's own time

Explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time


Science still cannot explain the widely known and numerous facts of acceleration and deceleration of time, in particular, the obvious acceleration of time towards old age. In this work, these facts are explained from the standpoint of representing time as an information product.
Science still cannot explain the widely known and numerous facts of acceleration and deceleration of time, in particular, apparent acceleration of time in an old age. These facts find an explanation from a position of representation of time in this work as informational product.

You can listen to this text on my Youtube channel: Tricky Questions and Paradoxical Answers (Y Nizovtsev)

From time immemorial, time on Earth by people has been counted in accordance with periodic processes associated with the rotation of the planet around its axis - a complete revolution occurs in a day - and with the rotation of the Earth around the Sun - a complete revolution occurs in a year.

From the point of view of physics, these periodic changes, going sequentially, create a progressive course of events, or the time in which we live, that is, time in physics is considered a form of certain processes, or a condition for the possibility of changes.

Thus, it is still believed that we live in a certain external sequence of events with practically unchanging time flow, within which all processes, including the most complex ones, do not have any effect on the monotonous, continuous and constant "course" of time.

The fact that such an approach to the concept of time is not entirely adequate was shown in the special theory of relativity by Einstein.

The fact is that in our - "home" - conditions this "external" time really remains practically unchanged, that is, at relatively low speeds of movement of such macroscopic objects as a person on Earth, it is impossible to notice these changes. These conditions primarily include the following parameters of the speed of movement of the system of our residence: the linear speed of movement of any point on the Earth at the equator (the highest axial speed) is about 0.5 km / sec, and in orbit around the Sun - about 30 km / sec.

Einstein, on the other hand, showed the dependence of time on the speed of the object's movement: the time for the object on which the observer is located slows down with an increase in the object's speed, which becomes especially noticeable for him at speeds close to the speed of light (300,000 km / s).

This means that time, as a form of the course of certain processes, in principle, can change depending on certain conditions.

That is, the general concept of the immutability of time turns out to be at least dubious, which, on the other hand, is confirmed by the change in time not only for some physical objects, but also for living beings with a change in the conditions in which they are located.

In particular, it is known that the pace of life and, consequently, its duration within the astronomical, or calendar, or "external" time can differ for many species of living beings by tens, hundreds, thousands and millions of times.

If a person lives for about 70 years, sometimes living up to 120 years, then a hummingbird or a mouse - only a few years, living on average up to 4 and 8 years, respectively; The Madagascar turtle cockroach lives for about 7 years, and the life span of the Solenobia butterfly from the Bagochnica family is only a few minutes.
The mollusk - the European pearl mussel lives for about 250 years, large turtles live up to this age, Antarctic sponges and pedunculate oaks live up to 1500 years, sequoias - up to 2000 years.

However, to explain the facts of change in the "course" (pace) of time, both for various types of living beings and for a specific person in certain circumstances in the form of its slowing down or acceleration, while often for the neighbors of the same person, the "course" of time does not change, by a change some physical parameters, as Einstein managed to show, do not work, although the real facts of such a change are obvious.

Here are the most famous of them.

A faster "flow" of time is clearly felt by every person in old age, if, of course, he lives up to it. In particular, old people notice with surprise that they do not have time to do the same thing in a day (day) that they did in earlier years. Time for them seems to speed up: ordinary affairs no longer fit into the usual framework, much has to be shifted to "tomorrow". And the difference between their own - changed - time during the day with the "external" time of the day, that is, the loss of time, can be up to three or four ordinary hours. In addition, old people notice that their response to external signals is often delayed. Therefore, it becomes difficult for them to drive a car, the speech of the interlocutor or TV commentator more and more often does not reach their consciousness, although their intellect itself, in terms of the degree of ingenuity, may not suffer significant losses.

Also, everyone already knows that busy days and worries slip by imperceptibly, while days of idleness, or "empty" days from work, drag on endlessly, just as time passes slowly for a prisoner in solitary confinement, where nothing happens.

These facts do not fall under the well-known laws of physics, and psychologists try to designate them as apparent or purely subjective.

There are also known attempts to reduce these phenomena to obscure energetic, chemical, or even mystical factors, which can only make a more or less educated public laugh.

In addition to the above facts of the clear, but still unexplained, acceleration or deceleration of the course of each person's own time, depending on the routine situation, relatively rare facts of changing the course of a person's own time are known and described in many sources, which are usually found in extreme cases.

Various sources describe military episodes associated with the evasion of some soldiers from arrows, bullets, shell fragments, mines flying at a speed of 100 - 150 m / s.

All soldiers who have gone through this phenomenon talk about it like this: there is a short-term visual slowdown in the movement of arrows, bullets or fragments so that they could be followed and evaded.

In particular, the soldier FN Filatov, during the instant of the explosion of the shell not far from him, fell into a state in which the instant of the explosion "stretched out" so much that he saw fiery cracks running along the shell of the shell, the metal cracking and fragments slowly scattering.

The time of any living creature, in particular, of a person, no matter how strange it may seem in comparison with the dogmatic views of modern science, which objectifies it as a frame for the course of certain processes, in reality is an informational process, during which material objects are recognized by consciousness by scanning the environment with the means at his disposal (sense organs in combination with processing centers).

Impulses (information packets) coming into consciousness, or rather, to the corresponding centers of its carrier, from the sense organs, contain coded information about material objects that consciousness was able to identify. These signals merge in consciousness into a picture of a constantly changing environment, since the pause between impulses arriving one after another is leveled in the consciousness of a living being due to a certain duration of processing of each piece of information and the resulting delay, which makes a continuous discrete process of information flow for consciousness (threshold of perception) ...

If we proceed from this position, then the speed of the passage of time for each individual human consciousness depends on the amount of information (the amount and content of information packets) entering the processing centers of the human body, and on the speed of processing the incoming information in these centers.

Under normal conditions, for each person, his own time “flows” in an ordinary way, without changing its course: he fixes it in accordance with such external factors as the hour hand, the movement of the sun in the sky and other periodic phenomena.

The illusion of a smooth flow of time is created by the fact that human consciousness, due to its physiological characteristics, is not able to notice the impulsive nature of the incoming information.
The general information packet for each moment passes to the neurons of the brain from different human organs in the form of sequences of nerve impulses, each of which contains the corresponding information. The speed of propagation of nerve impulses ranges from 1 m / s to 120 m / s. The frequency and nature of the sequence of pulses carrying, in particular, visual information, depend on the intensity and spectral composition of light, and the magnitude and duration of an individual pulse do not depend on the nature and strength of stimulation.

Immediately after the generation of the impulse, the nerve fiber is in the so-called refractory state and cannot be excited again within 1-2 milliseconds, that is, the nerve fiber is able to conduct nerve impulses with a frequency not exceeding 500 hertz. The duration of the impulse itself passing through the nerve fiber is fractions of a millisecond in every "instant", which is close to the delay time, that is, the duration of the nerve fiber recovery (refractory state).

A pause between nerve impulses containing information means that they do not go continuously. However, this pause is below the threshold of sensations and therefore does not enter consciousness: in particular, a moving picture for a person's consciousness is provided with an interval between successive "frames" of about 0.04 seconds, which is the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, is more than an order of magnitude longer than the duration of the pause. Therefore, the formed discrete sequential moments of a person's own time, containing in their sequence all the pictures and all events of life for a person, merge into a continuous, inseparable stream in his consciousness.

It is here, in this process, that a person's own time arises, which he unconsciously replaces with external periodic time, although in fact the source of his own time (his “present”) is himself, while the source of the “external” (general) time is unified consciousness.

The "present" of a person, or his own time, is a condition for making changes to the environment, in which he himself, partly instinctively, automatically, partly consciously selects from the environment, which can be infinitely diverse, only those information that can be deciphered by his sensations, acting in conjunction with the processing centers of the body, or information.

This condition can be called a person's own time because in it there are successively formed by himself - by his senses and processing centers - moments in the form of a moving picture of the environment in which events take place, and he can take a direct part in them, which is his a life.

If we turn to the sources, then the time in the holographic projection in the form of separate durations of the renewal positions creates an opportunity for the formation of the current smooth time with movement, space and things due to the “cohesion” of the renewal positions in each individual consciousness, the “gap” between which (the renewal positions) consciousness does not perceive in the form of a living being, imagining thus merging holographic frequency copies in the form of certain things and phenomena known to us.

That is, what we believe to be reality, the world, moving objects arises for any living being as a result of the "cohesion" of renewal positions in each individual consciousness, representing its "present". Moreover, the environment imperceptibly for the consciousness of living beings arises anew each subsequent moment slightly changed, making up a movement in the aggregate of moments.

Thus, a person's own time is an information process, which is a copying of changes in material objects surrounding a person in the form of an irreversible sequence of discrete durations that carry information, merging in consciousness into a picture of a constantly changing environment.

It should be noted that the tempo of the proper time of various species of living beings, which is "inscribed" in the seemingly unchanged external earthly time, can differ significantly: for a one-day butterfly, the life cycle fits in a day, for some microbes - in seconds or minutes, and sequoias live for over a thousand years.

It is believed that basically life expectancy depends on the metabolic rate, which is determined by the life strategy (selection): with high fertility, you can not take care of the offspring - in this case, the life expectancy is short; and vice versa.

However, there is no explanation of the mechanism itself, which provides life cycles of species of living beings so different in calendar duration.

From the point of view of representing the own time of living beings as a process of receiving and processing data from objects of the external environment, or, in other words, as an information process representing changes in material objects through an irreversible sequence of discrete moments that merge inside the consciousness of a living creature into a continuous stream, a significantly unequal life span different types of living beings is explained by the different speed of information processing in the corresponding centers of organisms, the derivative of which is the rate of metabolism.

There are known examples of changes in the speed of the "flow" of one's own, or "present" time - its acceleration and deceleration - for specific groups of people and individuals. In this case, ordinary (external) time does not change its course.

This strange and inexplicable phenomenon, both for the people themselves and for science, is quite amenable to explanation from the standpoint of representing a person's own time (of any living being) as an information process, during which the speed of the "flow" of time for each individual human consciousness, or its own time , depends on the amount of information entering the processing centers of the human body and on the processing speed of the incoming information in these centers.

Thus, a change in the speed of the "flow" of time for a particular person, or his own time, can be qualified as a change in the volume of information processed by his centers or a change in the speed of its processing, which is not directly related to the "external" time, although each person assumes external, as if surrounding him, time, the only kind of time. Therefore, a person considers the factor of changing the course of his own time, which he does not know about, to be a miracle or completely inexplicable phenomenon.

The change in the "flow" of time, due to a decrease in the processing speed of incoming information, is manifested in its faster "course" in old age, which is clearly felt by every person who lives up to these years.

The fact is that the general aging of the body also affects the parts of the brain responsible for processing information from the sense organs: they undergo sclerotic and other changes that make it difficult for them to work, as a result of which in old age the same amount of information is processed more and more slowly per day compared to younger years. This can “eat up” up to one-sixth of the elderly people's own time, although the course of the “external” time, which is 24 hours a day, remains unchanged, that is, for middle-aged people it practically coincides with their own time.

The old people themselves are surprised to notice that they do not have time to do the same thing in a day that they did in earlier years. Time for them seems to speed up: ordinary affairs no longer fit into the usual framework, much has to be shifted to "tomorrow".

This fact of acceleration of a person's own time can be qualified as a consequence of a decrease in the processing speed of approximately the same volume of information arriving for each day, which is equivalent to an increase in the volume of incoming information when processing centers lose their efficiency.

Acceleration of time also occurs in the opposite situation, when the speed of information processing remains practically constant, but the volume of incoming information for a certain period increases.

In particular, the content of information packets for a certain period of "external" time can change significantly: a visible example of this circumstance is saturated - with the receipt of new information - days and worries that slip by unnoticed. According to the increase in the amount of information, time is compacted.

Compared to days full of various streams of information, days of idleness, in particular for a prisoner in a solitary confinement cell where nothing happens, seem endless without communication at least with other prisoners, which implies the severity of punishment by placement in a punishment cell. In such cases, the content of the information packages remains practically unchanged.

Accordingly, a decrease in the volume of incoming new information is a kind of "dilution" of a person's own time, from the slowdown of which one can "be saved", except perhaps by looking at the moving clock hand.

Thus, information constitutes a person's own time every day, being, in fact, the content of his life.

For him, a significant change in information flows means fundamental life changes that lead to a change in himself.

Therefore, a person instinctively seeks, at least, to keep information flows in the news channel, doing various everyday things, mainly at the workplace, even if this work is not interesting to him; a person seeks to find out news from various sources, even if they do not directly affect him; he communicates with friends, family members, etc. The loss of the main channels of information due to illness, retirement, divorce, unemployment, etc. means a real disaster for every person, often almost equivalent to the loss of life.

In the various documentary literature, there are enough cases of time dilation, but the most prominent are found only in extreme situations and occur only with some people, qualifying themselves as a miracle.
The most widespread and documented are military episodes associated with the evasion of some soldiers from arrows, bullets, shell fragments, mines flying at a speed of 100 - 150 m / s.

Soldiers who have gone through this phenomenon describe it as follows: there is a short-term visual slowdown in the movement of arrows, bullets or fragments so much that it was possible to follow and evade them.

Official science suppresses this phenomenon, since it remains incomprehensible to it, that is, it does not fall under the known laws of physics.

From the standpoint of representing time as an informational process carried out by consciousness through the senses, the speed of processing the same amount of information in the human body can increase by an order of magnitude if a person, as a result of personal stress or concentration using a technique known to him or intuitively, is able to briefly switch most of the centers. usually governing metabolism, intestines, smell, touch, hearing, for example, to the processing of visual information related to the flight of a bullet by the corresponding parts of the brain.

Thus, there is the possibility of a significant, but short-term, due to the necessary return of the connected - different in functional belonging - centers to the processing of visual information, slowing down the individual's own time already due to a multiple increase in the processing speed of the same amount of information in the human body, producing a sharp acceleration of the human reaction on what is happening, which affects his visual sensations in the slowing down of the bullet flight time several times: the bullet becomes visible for a given subject and relatively slowly flying, as a result of which it becomes possible to evade it. The rest of the subject's neighbors do not register the bullet's flight that is too fast for the eye, since their consciousness - their own time - still remains within the "external" time.

This process of accelerating the processing of information by a person with a corresponding slowing down of his own time is for him the opposite of the acceleration of his own time as a result of a decrease in the speed of processing of the information received every day by the corresponding parts of the brain, that is, slowing down the reaction of the elderly to what is happening produces the effect of reducing the daytime, which remains practically the same middle-aged people.

By the way, let us note that these phenomena manifest the dependence, the productivity of movement, as such, on time, and, in turn, the dependence of time as a process of information processing on consciousness, which is engaged in such processing.

The speed of movement of an arrow or a pistol bullet is 100-150 m / s and, naturally, a person cannot fix the trajectory of its movement in the normal state. If the speed of processing the same volume of incoming visual information increases by an order of magnitude, increasing by the same value the speed of a person's reaction to external phenomena, then the corresponding slowing down of his own time reduces the speed of the bullet in the person's perception to 10 meters per second. In this case, the person is quite capable of reacting to her movement.

The same applies to the evasion of flying debris during the explosion of a grenade or mine, the speed of which is about a hundred meters per second.

For other people who do not know the “art” of connecting additional centers of the body to the processing of visual information in this case, naturally, no change in the “flow” of their own time occurs.

So there is no miracle here, but there is a need to instantly connect all the "computer" resources of the body, which happens extremely rarely, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and its response to stress or danger.

This deceleration of the "flow" of proper time for a person by 5-10 times is similar in part to the use of the rapid motion filming technique by the operator, in which the speed of the tape in the camera is specially increased, which corresponds to a larger volume of information recorded on the film over the same interval. As a result, when scrolling the footage at normal speed, the viewer observes the movement of objects on the screen tens of times slower, and, in particular, he can see the flight of a bullet, shot in rapid succession.

The given examples of the acceleration and deceleration of time relate precisely to a specific subject of consciousness, which, while being in its own time, is at the same time in "external" time. From the “course” of the latter, it can deviate for a short time with multiple changes in its own time, and relatively small changes in its own time occur almost every day during life, depending on the changing conditions of existence.

A similar phenomenon with a person's own time occurs because it is formed by his own sense organs and information-processing centers, and, naturally, depends on them, and the “external” time is no longer formed personally by him, but by the entire totality of living beings through a single-multiple consciousness ... This time is external to each individual subject of consciousness, since it seems to contain the own time of each subject, and these subjects usually do not share it with the external, only sometimes being surprised at their discrepancy, but not trying to plausibly explain this due to the lack of a basis for this explanation ...

Thus, a person's own time for a relatively short period of time (several seconds), due to the limited resources of the control centers of the body, can significantly slow down due to the temporary joint action of different functional centers to help one of them, located both in the head and in the spinal cord. brain, intestines. The possibility of an accelerated reaction to the impact of the environment, acquired for a few seconds, allows the given subject to get out of the seemingly hopeless situation without losses, since the people around him and other objects function in the same mode of ordinary time.

To illustrate the actions of a subject who has learned to transfer himself into a state of slowing down his own time, you can watch the American film "The Great Equalizer", in which the main character, receiving the benefits of "stretched" times ten times just a few seconds of "external" time, playfully deal with skillful armed with professional mercenaries, like a cat with mice.

Be that as it may, but all events for each subject of consciousness (his own time) are certainly "inscribed" within the smoothly current "external" time in which galaxies revolve, the sun rises and sets, autumn comes after the summer, youth turns into old age , the stars "walk" across the sky - everything flows smoothly and periodically.

Although in fact this "external" time does not remain unchanged: sooner or later the stars burn out, the universes collapse, appear again, and so on - ad infinitum, creating the necessary background, more precisely, the conditions for the existence of conscious (living) beings with their own time.

So, each living being forms its own time by itself with the hidden assistance of a unified consciousness, and the entire totality of living beings representing individual consciousnesses forms a common, or "external" time in which every living being dwells. In this process, the unity of all living beings is manifested, each of which in its consciousness in its basis - holographic projection - coincides with a single consciousness, and, conversely, a single consciousness manifests itself in each individual consciousness.

In other words, "external" time, which includes global being, is formed by the entire set of individual carriers of consciousness, each of which coincides with a single consciousness in its essence - holographic projection. This "external" time is a necessary condition (like a home) for the existence of a unified consciousness already in a divided form - as individual carriers of consciousness, represented by living beings that are acquired in their own time, but within the framework of "external" time, which is a unified consciousness the totality of living creatures.

In addition to the above facts and phenomena, two limiting situations for the proper time of living beings, that is, organisms-systems that have consciousness, are very interesting.

One limiting case, related to the ratio of the amount of information and the capabilities of the system receiving it, is to reduce information flows to a minimum or even to stop the flow of information into the system.

The opposite case in this respect is the situation when the volume of incoming information begins to exceed the capabilities of the centers that process it.

In the first case, the disappearance or elimination of the information supplied to the system-organism for various reasons stops the normal functioning of the system, since the course of events for it (its own time), initiated by the inflow of information, is suppressed, which is equivalent for the system to the loss of the sense of time, that is, the system's own time -organism is practically zeroed out.

The emergence of such a situation means the transition of the system-organism, at least, to the "sleeping" mode, and a person in his reasonable state, the long absence of information flow leads to gradual degradation.

The loss of the sense of time was vividly confirmed by experiments with volunteers in the depths of a dark cave, who gradually (after several days) ceased to feel its progress.

As for degradation, it inevitably and rather quickly occurs with prisoners who have been deprived of any contact with the outside world for several years.

Cases of lethargic sleep are also widely known, which are mostly caused by severe stress or contusion. An indispensable sign of a slowdown in time for those in this type of sleep is a significant slowdown of all physiological processes in the body and a significant duration of this sleep (several years).

The flow of information due to the lack of normal action of the sense organs in lethargy is practically absent. Therefore, a person's own time slows down to the level of "sleeping mode", in which only chemical and physiological processes operate in his body, as a result of which the biological life of the body does not fade away, but the sense of time, as people who have left this mode say, is lost.

The second threshold case, associated with an excess of the amount of incoming information that the corresponding centers of the body can process, seems to be quite simple. In particular, the computer in such a situation blocks its own work and turns into a useless box.

However, systems-organisms are not mindless things.
For example, many students who skipped classes, but do not want to lose their scholarships, try to load their memory with a large amount of material in the session with a very limited number of hours for preparation. In the case of excessive diligence, it is not so rare that the inability to "digest" information that comes in an avalanche leads to irreversible destruction of the corresponding lobes of the brain, or at least to temporary disability. This kind of failure under the onslaught of an avalanche of information that the brain is not able to process in a limited time for a given person, in fact, means the exit of the body system from normal functioning completely (loss of reason) or partially (dementia).

In other words, the subject's own time has nowhere to accelerate in the case of such an excessive inflow of information (singularity point).

Therefore, the "flow" of time in a given situation for the subject of action (his own time, or his "present") stops, which is expressed in stopping the functioning of this subject, that is, in the loss of quality (features) by this subject finally or for a long time, if the injured brain can at least partially recover.

So both of these limiting cases with regard to human malfunction are convergent.

The difference is that if, when information flows decline to almost zero (the first case), the timely return of the system-organism to information flows can restore its normal functioning, then when the system-organism is overloaded with information (the second case), it is destroyed, that is her own time is coming to an end. In place of this system, something else appears, perhaps a similar one, and perhaps a system of a different quality.

The abstract of the material assumes, with appropriate interest, a more detailed acquaintance with this issue, for example, on the website www.litres.ru


1. Journal "Technology of Youth". 1980, no. 3, p. 57.
2. Nizovtsev. Yu.M. Everything and nothing. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru.
3. Nizovtsev Yu.M. Human as a hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru

Probably, many have noticed that in recent years something has been going wrong with the passage of time. Days and months fly by, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, but lo and behold, it is already ending!

No sooner had we “entered” the third millennium, as we had already run twelve years, and we did not even notice. The previous explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the more mature a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant. Nowadays, the rapid run of time is noticed not only by people of age, but even by teenagers and young men! So what happens over time?

The day has become shorter

One very famous scientist gave impressive information; time began to shorten! Compared to a hundred or more years ago, the present day has become shorter. In terms of real, not calendar duration, if we take the old time that has not changed for centuries as a standard, modern days last only 18 hours against the previous 24.

It turns out that every day we receive less than 6 hours, and that is why we always do not have enough time, the days fly at an accelerated rate. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
One can doubt the words of the scientist and the objectivity of his conclusions. But it turns out that there are other facts that indicate a reduction in time.

On sacred Athos, monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, the Athonite elders have long developed a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so every day, strictly by the hour. Before the monks had time to complete this “program” in one night, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

An equally amazing discovery was made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. It burned out completely within a year. But now, for the umpteenth time, there is still a lot of oil before the main Christian holiday. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The shortening of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. In the memoirs of Boris Shiryaev about the Solovetsky camp there is an episode when 50 prisoners, of whom almost half were "goners", built and commissioned a hefty bathhouse of all in 22 hours! The builders had only hand saws and axes in service. Now, even with modern electrical tools, we will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

Slowing down life

Comprehending the problem of reducing time, one involuntarily turns to the science fiction of H.G. Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions have come true - for example, about the artificial manufacture of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes to explore the ocean depths. Let us recall Wells's story "The Newest Accelerator."

Professor Gibbern invented a wonderful elixir with which you can change the time for a particular person. In a person who has drunk the drug, all processes in the body are accelerated hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as he would not do in ordinary life in a few minutes. At the same time, the world around seems to be frozen, and even bees move at the speed of a snail.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale is a lie, but in it ...
In the case of our real time, we have in some way the opposite effect. For some mysterious reasons, the life processes in the world could slow down. We breathe more slowly, the heart beats less often, the cells regenerate longer.

Thanks to the slower work of the body, we manage to do about 25 percent less for every minute of time than the representatives of previous generations did. Accordingly, the perception of the world has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated its run and flies by a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of lamps at the Holy Sepulcher. It is more likely that time itself, in spite of its apparent constancy, can "shrink".

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations of the variability of time were given by the well-known physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, now the late Viktor Iosefovich Veinik.

Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, like a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a kind of time substance, which he called "chronal field". In the course of the scientist's experiments, a wrist electronic watch placed in an experimental installation created by him could slow down or accelerate its course. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the "chronosphere", which controls the transition of the past into the future.

The scientist considered the rate of certain processes (he called it the term "chronal") and came to the conclusion that the intensity of these processes decreases in the world - for example, the intensity of radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living things, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. All their processes are fast - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world ... And the life around them, accordingly, seems to them very slow. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies.

For an elderly person, the weeks begin to flicker as quickly as days in his youth.
But that is not all. It turns out that not only specific people age. The whole society and civilization as a whole are gradually "decaying"! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, which is why the running of time is accelerating for everything on Earth.

In ancient times, at a high rate of processes, life on the planet was literally in full swing - dinosaurs were from a three-story house, the grass was like today's trees, and the process of radioactive decay of the atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism.

Over time, the "riot" of life weakened more and more, the representatives of flora and fauna decreased in size, the world began to age. Now the intensity of all processes has dropped thousands of times, and today we can even feel the slowing down of time, which is happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now there are places on Earth with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. Burdocks there are like hefty umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, short and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist drove from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, reflected in the course of the clock, is not the same in different places.

Time compression

Representatives of the occult trend in alternative science - eniology, which studies the laws of energy-informational interaction in nature, society and the Universe - also show a keen interest in the problem of time compression.
According to MD Yuri Lear, real time in the Universe has noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, do not keep up with it). This process began in the middle of the 20th century, when the solar system entered an incredibly powerful stream coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying a huge amount of energy and information in a variety of variations. This influenced the psyche of every person and people's perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about changing the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who proved by experience that time is the energy in which the Universe is. And this energy can change the density of the flow. According to Kozyrev's theory, if the solar system's rotation speed changes, the time automatically changes.

Where there is more energy, time "decreases", contracts.
- Alas, we do not feel like inhabitants of the planet and treat our common home with the Earth worse than ever! - continues Dr. Lear. - The consciousness of a modern person is artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything that he does at a particular time. It is sad to admit, but catastrophic events like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people's attitude to each other, a terrible price to pay for the unreasonableness of human behavior.

Scientists have figured out why time is accelerating

In recent years, leading scientists on our planet have begun to notice that time is accelerating. Yes, and we hear more and more often: "It seems that I will never have enough time to cope with all matters" or: "Where does the time go?" Indeed, the years are flying faster than ever, and there is a scientific explanation for this.

We are changing rapidly, becoming more aware and more often than ever, turning to spiritual and personal development. Why is this happening?

Pulse of the Earth or why time is accelerating

Scientists discovered many years ago that the Earth has a pulse. This pulse, or beat, similar to a heartbeat, has been steady at about 7.8 beats per second for thousands of years. However, since about 1980, the Earth's heartbeat began to accelerate. It is currently 12 ticks per second, but the most incredible thing is that some scientists believe that the Earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 ticks per second. It is believed that rotation will stop for about three days, and then the Earth will begin to rotate in the opposite direction. This will cause an inversion of the magnetic poles, but what happens after it is unclear ...

It is because of this increase in pulse rate that we feel that time is accelerating, as it were. Why do we “feel” that time seems to be passing faster than before? The fact is that the period that was previously perceived as 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our chronometers still measure seconds, minutes and hours. And still, a new day is celebrated every 24 hours, but due to the accelerated heartbeat of the Earth, we perceive their duration as 2/3 of the normal, or as 16 ordinary hours.

It is thanks to the compression of time that so many people (perhaps without even realizing the real reason) turn on the path to spiritual development, moving away from materialism. Feel the need to change their life, begin to do the right things for the soul. There is a great desire to share good, help others and thank the Creator for this.

From the "Unity" program on the AllatRa TV Internet channel.

Conversation between the studio guest - Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, academician, professor, author of the vertebrorevitology method - with the program host Olga Gorbaneva:

THEM.: - ... Over the past 12 years, the actual time has decreased by at least 20 percent. I'm not saying that the stars began to fly faster or the second hand accelerated ... No, the second hand went on and on. Correctly? And the day follows the night with the same interval. But practically everyone, even children who were recently born, feel how time is shortening. If before a day passed like a day, now a week has passed like one day. And what will happen next? So isn't this a reason to think ?!

O. G .: - Maybe yes.

THEM.: - It is also the answer to another question for those who ask themselves. My opinion is this: people need to change - you shouldn't swear, you shouldn't rely on the One who will come, especially since people don't see it, they don't feel it. Therefore, there is no need to wait for someone to come and do everything for them. We must act ourselves. Stretch out our hands to each other ourselves, we must unite.

But if people are believers, they have nothing to share, because God is one for everyone. And it makes no difference what languages \u200b\u200bpeople speak here in this world. There they will speak the same language. And it is true. In this we can always find reconciliation.

O. G .: Undoubtedly!

Helpful information

You can learn more about the changes taking place on our planet, as well as gain unique knowledge (spiritual, historical, scientific, biographical and others) in the series of programs on AllatRa TV Internet channel with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov and Father Sergius, the mitred archpriest, rector of the church of St. Archangel Michael.

Also, epoch-making knowledge that changes the fate of each individual and society as a whole, carrying the keys to the unity and reconciliation of all people on a spiritual basis, contains books

A practical guide for:

Good day! Today we have a very interesting topic about speeding up and slowing down time. Some people know that time flows differently in different places. Scientists conducted such an experiment when a person performed the same job in different places. The following result was obtained using the example of manufacturing parts on a machine. At first, a person made parts in Moscow, and in a certain amount of time a certain number of parts were produced. Then this man made parts in a small town. Interestingly, during the same time, he produced significantly more parts. Then, he did the same work in the village and there, in the same period of time, even more parts were made.

This also applies to other activities. For example, if in Moscow you can hold 2-3 meetings a day, in a small city you will hold 3-5 meetings, in a village 10 or more.

I have repeatedly noticed that in a village, especially remote from civilization, you do many times more than in a city. For a long time I could not understand how this happens, but before lunch I did about the same as in the city for 2 days.

Another experiment was carried out when people in watches (all of them had clocks adjusted to the nearest second) were swimming in the water and suddenly a diver suddenly began to "drown" them. After desperate resistance, the diver released his victim. After that, the participants in the experiment (they did not know that they would be drowned) had their clocks checked. The discrepancy in time on the clock sometimes reached ten seconds.

Also, various cases of acceleration and deceleration of time during prayers were recorded. For example, in China, they conducted an experiment and read a prayer over flowers that were supposed to bloom in the coming days. The prayer was read for about 15 minutes and the time inside the buds accelerated so much that the flowers bloomed suddenly, shocking the eyewitnesses.

There are many such experiments and they show that time can slow down and speed up, and a person can influence it. Our linear mind is difficult to perceive this information and it is also hard to understand that there is no time as such. All past and present lie on the same plane.

Also, time flows differently for different ages. In childhood, it flows more slowly, and the older a person becomes, the faster it goes. Have you noticed this when the older you get, the less you do? The age-related change in time is most likely associated with metabolism in the body, when the rate of heartbeat and respiration slows down. A person experiences fewer events per unit of time. He simply does not have time to do it and time flows faster for him.

How to slow down time

The perception of time can be learned to slow down. This is a very useful skill for athletes. You've probably heard that in critical situations, everything happens in slow motion. I had this in my life 2 times. Once I had 3 thoughts and each thought flowed independently in my head and did not interfere with others, then I realized that this was possible.

To slow down time, or rather its internal perception, you just need to practice. Try this exercise. Look out the window where cars are moving. Try to reduce the speed of cars with your perception. After a while, you will find that you start to get it right. Also practice moving people or slowing down their speech.

In fact, such exercises speed up thought and the effect of time dilation is created. Thought can be helped to speed up and food. Remove potatoes, meat, and heavy foods from your diet. Include more greens and pine nut oil in your diet.

Time is speeding up when we stop learning... Remember yourself in childhood, when you knew this world. Your consciousness worked in such a way that you could perceive much more information per unit of time. Time slowed down in your perception and you lived a longer and more interesting life compared to adults. Accordingly, in order to slow down time, it is necessary to become a child and begin to study the world anew. Don't be surprised if it turns out to be a little different from how you perceived it. In fact, the world is not like that at all. You just perceive it that way, thanks to what you have.

Change everything you can in your life: route to your work, rearrange furniture, go to new stores, meet new people, read new books and stop watching tv, which stuffs you with various destructive programs and makes a dumb animal out of a person, unable to adequately perceive information.

Sometimes people try to slow down time to delay the aging process. This is the path leading to a dead end. If we talk about slowing down aging and rejuvenating the body, then this is no longer a slowdown in time, but a change in the program for the growth of new cells. Our body is completely renewed every few years according to a certain program. My experiments on this topic have not started yet.

Another way to slow down time is to compact your biofield. The denser the biofield, the more we can do. When we rush and rush, we lose energy and time accelerates.

Working with a temporary channel - an exercise to slow down time and compact the biofield

Relax, take a deep breath and exhale. We begin to rub the palms of our hands together so that they become hot and energy flows out of them well. Now we pull the index finger of the right hand forward, and squeeze the rest of the fingers into a fist.

A practical guide for:
development of the brain, sensitivity to energies, solving health problems, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods of changing fate.

And with the nail of the left index finger, we begin to press the pad of the right index finger under the nail (about 2 mm below the nail). When pressed in the finger, the canal will open. You can press until a little pain. After that, a good energy flow will flow from your finger.

Next, insert the index finger into the navel. We insert it into the navel directly under the clothes and observe where the finger begins to rotate. If you are relaxed and free from thoughts, your finger will begin to rotate a little, or you will feel the urge to rotate it in any direction (clockwise or counterclockwise). It is important here not to invent, but to feel where the rotation is going.

If in doubt or not working, brush off your hand, rub your palms again, press down on the pad of your finger with your fingernail, and reinsert your finger into your navel. It is important to understand where the rotation is going, clockwise or counterclockwise.

Time flows through our navel. If we want the energy of time to enter us, so that we are filled, the flow must swirl clockwise. If the rotation goes counterclockwise, then there are connections and the energy is being pumped out.

If the rotation goes counterclockwise, we begin with our finger to draw a spiral clockwise from a large circle (about 20 cm), we twist the spiral from the outside to the inside, and when we come to the navel, we kind of put a point and move our hand a little. We got to the navel, put a point and moved the finger a little. You can do this several times.

Then rub your hands again, activate the canal on your finger and check where the rotation is going and at what speed. The higher the speed, the better. Notice how your sense of space and time began to change.

This exercise thickens the biofield, and more events will happen in a unit of time. Thus, time dilation occurs.

Now relax again and observe how this time stream in the form of pollen enters you through the navel. We accelerate the rotation mentally or with a finger. If you feel any foreign channel that comes up to the navel, remove it. You can pull it out with your hand or mentally cut it with scissors. This can be done in any way that comes to mind or feels like. Maybe you will see some kind of dirt or something else. You clean and clean everything.

Now, through the channel of the time stream, we mentally enter the navel and see where this pollen goes. There is a certain vessel that is filled with this pollen of time. When you see this dish in the image, see how much of this pollen is there. The vessel must be full. If it is not complete, continue filling it in until it is complete. Also inspect the vessel for cracks or holes. If you find damage, mentally repair it.

Periodically check how your flow is going and whether the vessel with the energy of time is full. This is one of the most effective practices for slowing down time.


You can speed up and slow down time. You can live like 2 lives for a period of time. To do this, you need to learn to be a child and re-cognize this world. I am learning this and it is practicing. Life becomes much more interesting. Of course, we do practice to slow down time. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised by new events in your life.

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