Breast Fibroadenoma: What are the causes of the appearance, delete or not? Is it capable of independent resorption of fibroadenoma? Can the breast fibroadenoma disappear.

Breast fibroadenoma is most often found in young girls and women up to 30 years. It was during this period of life a female organism is most susceptible to hormonal changes, which is the cause of the development of the disease. Although there are cases when the tumor appears after the onset of menopause.

Fibroadenoma is called a neoplasm in breast of benign. This means that the tumor does not apply to neighboring fabrics and other organs. It is believed that hormonal malfunctions in the body are the cause of the disease. It can be:

  • long-term reception of hormonal drugs;
  • abortion;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • poland and so on.

Usually the disease proceeds asymptomatic. The tumor in the chest does not hurt, there are no redness on the skin or other visible signs. The neoplasm is found randomly with self-forming or during the passage of the medical examination.

Unlike malignant tumor, Fibroadoma does not bother the patient. A benign tumor can be of different sizes from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The ball in the breast is easily rolled.

Can fibroadoma herself dissolve?

Women who have found fibroadenoma often begin to look for answers to the question of whether the tumor itself is distributed. On different forums, you can find the answers that fibroadoma at the incident of a certain time independently dispelled. Typically, such messages are written from third parties, and not the most patients, which was amazingly healed.

Doctors argue that Fibroadoma is not resolved independently, and in most cases surgical intervention is required. Although there are several cases in medicine when a benign tumor disappeared. Most often it happens with the false form of the disease.

Separate two forms of the disease:

  • true. The tumor was formed in a closed capsule;
  • false. The neoplasm is not fully formed.

With false fibroadome, if conservative therapy is correctly selected, then there is a chance to get rid of the ball in the breast, although the treatment can take a long time. Sometimes the tumor decreases in the sizes in the following cases:

  • when refusing to receive oral hormones;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with breastfeeding;
  • upon completion of puberty.

At the same time, pregnancy or breastfeeding can, on the contrary, provoke the growth of the neoplasm.

Will fibroaddenoma reborn in cancer?

When a woman was diagnosed with breast fibroenoma, it worries whether the disease can acquire malignant. If you look for, some kind of benign neoplasm has grown into cancer, it is very difficult to find such patients. This is due to the fact that fibroaddenoma in rare cases is reborn into an oncological disease (no more than 10% statistics).

But sometimes the leaf shape of fibroadenomes can be reborn into cancer. The peculiarity of this form of the disease lies in the rapid growth of the tumor and the ability to turn into a sarcoma (malignant tumor), therefore, when immediately increasing the neoplasum, immediate surgery is recommended.

The patients are subject to greater risk of moving fibroadenomes in cancer:

  • with a hereditary factor (if mom, grandmother or sisters had oncology of the breast);
  • with a weak immunity;
  • with bad habits (smoking or alcohol use);
  • with insufficient use of vitamin C.

Also, young girls are at risk, under the age of 25, which are not for medical purposes take hormonal drugs over a long period.

Is the breast fibroaddenoma dangerous?

Women who first encountered a paramount, concerns how dangerous the disease is, and what the main danger lies. Fibroadoma can manifest themselves with single or multiple neoplasms. The disease can cause different factors starting from puberty and ending with strong stresses, which caused a change in hormonal background.

Stress - one of the negative factors

In itself, the disease for the life of the patient is not hazard. Although the threat to life and health depends on the form and type of fibroadenomes. For example, the false form of the disease under certain circumstances can solve itself.

The most dangerous is leafoid or philloid fibroaddenoma. This type of benign breast tumor is characterized by rapid growth, as well as the possibility of moving into cancer.

Despite the fact that the risk of moving fibroaden in cancer is completely small, when a seal is detected in the form of a ball in the breast, you must consult a doctor. Only a doctor may diagnose after inspection and examination:

  • mammography;
  • cytological studies.

The correct diagnosis allows you to assign effective treatment. You should not wait until the tumor disappears independently because it can be fraught with consequences.

Treat or not treated?

The only way to treat fibroadomes is surgical intervention. The removal of the tumor is carried out through a small incision in the chest, after which the neat cosmetic seam is superimposed. Many patients are afraid of operations and try to treat new formation by folk remedies. Sometimes it gives its results, but in some cases wisely will agree to surgical intervention. The operation is required in such cases:

  • with the rapid growth of the tumor caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding or other factors;
  • in the leaf form of the disease;
  • when the neoplasm has large sizes, and breasts become asymmetric.

If a woman has a chance that Fibroadoma itself is dispersed itself, for example, a tumor is small and does not grow or decrease its decrease, the solution on the operation is postponed for a certain period. The doctor observes the dynamics of the disease with:

  • mammography;
  • clinical studies.

Most often it concerns patients in menopause. With this disease, you can live long if it does not progress. But the doctor's constant observation is simply necessary in order not to miss the moment when the neoplasm will begin to grow. Sometimes the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy, which will help to normalize the hormonal background. Some folk remedies help prevent the growth of fibroadenomes. But before receiving any unconventional methods of treatment, consult with your doctor to not harm the body.

Fibroenoma, as a rule, is striking young women, but the exact causes of its occurrence are not established. Indications for operation during fibroadenom can become rapid growth or large size of the tumor, as well as the risk of developing malignant disease.

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Asks Gulya:

Good evening, in February, I was removed by fibroaden chest. Sometimes I don't know if it could be an approach of critical days normally?

Replies Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good day. After removing fibroadomes, you must be supervised by the doctor who operated on. In case of painful sensations, you need to visit the doctor for inspection and examination.

Asks Svetlana, Rostov - on - Don:

Hello, Andrei Ivanovich! I am 31 years old, a child of 1 year and 7 months, it is in breastfeeding to the present. A year ago, I had a seal in my right breast, according to the results of the ultrasound: there is a violation of ultrasonic architectonics, in the sector for 11-12 h, the sharply hypochogenic formation of 17x12x20 mm with liquid cavities and pronounced perinodular vascularization, to the right of the axillary lymph nodes increased to 10-11 mm , hypooehogenic. According to the results of the puncture biopsy and the conclusion of the doctorologist: T, the cytological picture is most of all corresponds to the fibrotane, it is necessary to differentiate with fibrous-cystic disease, painting according to the Pappenheim method 3, the code for MBC No. 64.8 is other refined breast diseases. A mammologist without explanation sends an operation. Orally in the laboratory said that a benign tumor. Alleged with the above, I had a number of questions, I will be very grateful to you if you answer them.
1. How to understand from a cytological study, what kind of fibroadenoma is it and can it be malignant?
2. In case of cessation of breastfeeding, is there any likelihood that fibroadenoma dispersed, was there such cases in your practice?
3. Is it possible to observe the tumor of 2-3 months, and only in the case of its growth, operate.
4. Diagnosis "Most of all corresponds to fibroadenomes" can be considered final. I apologize for medical illiteracy, but by taking an analogy with jurisprudence, such a qualification would not have passed.

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Svetlana, I want to immediately make a reservation that the question of treating Fibroaaden is very controversial and in the domestic literature (I mean the country of the former USSR) is still not covered in detail. In my work, I adhere to the "Western" standards of diagnosis and treatment with Fibroaden, because I read, mostly English-language literature (authistance, USA, Canada, Israel). So, these standards look like this. To confirm the diagnosis of "Fibroenoma", a clinical study (inspection, palpation) is needed, an ultrasound (for me it is not entirely clear your conclusion, because hypo echogenicity can be a sign and cysts, especially since there are some mysterious "liquid cavities"; for fibroadenomes It is more characteristic not "pronounced vascularization", and one modest nutritional leg) and morphological research. Morphological examination may be cytological (your case) or histological. A more reliably histological examination at which the structure of tissues is estimated. However, the cytological (study of separated cells) is also acceptable. Potentially dangerous is the so-called. Lastoid, or philloid fibroadenoma. This is recommended to delete. However, with confidence, talking about the Last Fa, in my opinion, it is possible only with histological examination. Obviously, this is caused by some uncertainty of your cytological conclusion.
Histological study is performed or when the Fa is removed, or at the so-called. "Pistol" biopsy. Further. When the FA diagnosis is established, and it is found that it is not a sheet tumor, in women up to 35 years old (some write - up to 40) is recommended active-expectant tactics. The patient receives conservative treatment and comes to the control ultrasound in six months. If the FA increased in size, the operational treatment is shown. In all other cases, it is possible to continue dynamic observation with Uz-control every six months. If the FA has not disappeared by 35 years, it is recommended to remove it.
FA growth may be provoked by pregnancies and feeding. After the cessation of feeding, the regression regression is possible to "preserver sizes".
The diagnosis "most of all corresponds to Fa", of course, preliminary. And in general, I had a thought, is it not a cyst (taking into account the increased lymph nodes)?
And I recommend feeding for you to finish. Otherwise, you may have a high level of prolactin.

Asks Natalia:

good day
I am 27 years old. One childbirth. The bands are not. After childbirth, a seal in the chest was discovered. It did not feed. The connotation of a mammologist took the puncture and did an ultrasound. Mammography did not do, there are no problems on gynecology, the thyroid is normal (surrendered hormone):
Ultrasound-right iron-norm.
Left iron, hypoethogenic rounded formation 19 * 17 mm with an inhomogeneous structure, fuzzy contours, shallow 8 * 4mm above it.
Puncture: in the smear pieces of adipose tissue, complexes of epithelial cells with small and enlarged nuclei, macrophages (I can not decipher), "naked" kernels.
Such a cytological picture may be in fiborematosis or fibroadenom.
Full conclusion: Fibrozno-cystic mastopathy, 2 Fa.

4 months passed. The chest began to hurt, and during the ovulation period was felt burning and pain in the armpit. Takes Mastodinon, the pain was passed. Stretched to prepare for the operation. Holded to go (i.e, there were already 5 months and the day of the day of this diagnosis) to re-ultrasound.
The doctor is an experienced gynecologist-uzist. Made the following conclusions:
1. The chest is traces of mastitis.
2. It is that on the first ultrasound defined as a small FA actually cyst.
3. The size of large formation decreased and 14mm * 11mm steel.
(were 19mm * 17mm)
Conclusion of this ultrasound: There is a rounded hyperochogenic formation on the site with smooth hyper (?) Echogenic contours with a clear ... (the word could not disassemble) diameter1.52. Suitable homogeneous. Cosks are not changed. No.
Conclusion: Cyst with fat content.
At the moment there is a pregnancy 10 weeks. This formation seems to not have increased and does not show itself anyhow.

Question: Maybe these are really cysts? The doctor said that for cysts are characterized by clear contours.
What would you say in this picture? Can Fi-Fat Content? And how will gv affect if this is really a cyst? I read that the lactation does not matter when, the lactation does not matter, but maybe it can disperse?
It is very grateful for the answer. That's. I had scored all the worst.

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Good day. Answer: Maybe the cysts. How can I judge this without seeing photos?
What would you say in this picture?
Answer: What picture is meant?
Can Fi-Fat Content?
Answer: It may be a fibrolipoma. Cysts with "fat content" I did not meet in my life.
And how will gv affect if this is really a cyst?
Answer: HB, I understand this breastfeeding? It will not affect. The main thing is that this seal does not become a mechanical obstacle for milk outflow.
I read that the lactation does not matter when, the lactation does not matter, but maybe it can disperse?
Answer: Cyst does not go anywhere if it is a cyst. It is big, with dense, in all likelihood, walls.
It is very grateful to the answer. That's. Yes, I wrapped myself all the worst. "
Answer: Do you have nothing more than sitting and wind? With the same success, you can sit in the car and think: "I'll break it today, I will break it today!" What do you think - then get. Throw away all this nonsense from my head, read the Internet nonsense after the nickname "I read", calmly give birth and breastfeed.

Elena Togliatti asks:

I'm 19 years old! On April 6, 2008 there was a sectoral resection of the fibroadenoma of a mixed structure (sizes 33 * 18 * 30 mm) of the right chest.
Oncologist was appointed a course of treatment: Mastodinone - 4 months, mother-in-law and vitamins. Every 3 months went to him at the reception, in December, with the last examination, found a tumor in the left breast. Made Ultrasound: 11 o'clock 0.6 * 0.5 cm, D - 0.3cm

Passed blood to hormones:
St. T4 - 17.87 (norm 12.0-22.0)
St. T3 - 5.02 (norm 3.1-6.8)
TTG - 2.86 (norm 0.27-4.20)
Prolactin 351.8 (norm 102-496)
Progesterone Luteal - 3.65 (norm 5.3-86.0)
FSG Follicular - 6.91 (norm 3.5-12.5)
LH Follicular - 4,60 (norm 2.4-12.6)
Estradiol follicular - 33.90 (norm 12.5-166.0)

Also made the ultrasound of the thyroid and female genital organs. In gynecology, everything is fine, but not very in the thyroid.
In conclusion, it is written: autoimmune thyroiditis
right share: 1.7 * 1.3 * 4.9 cm
left share 1.2 * 1.0 * 5.0 cm
estiments 0.3 cm
volume 8.0 ml

Do you need an operation? And now what i can do? Of course I will go to the endocrinologist and a mammologist!
And how much is the situation with the thyroid? Can this subsequently cause infertility? He listened that the diseases of the thyroid were not treated, but only stop. Should Fibroaden be removed if such a violation in the work of the body?

Thank you so much for your attention!

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Hello, Elena! I will answer you briefly, given the format. The autoimine thyroidity must be confirmed by a number of laboratory studies (in particular, ATD). As far as I understand, the thyroid is not very increased. 2) If the diagnosis is confirmed, this means that you have a reduced thyroid function. This leads to an increase in the level of prolactin (the fact that its indicators are normal, there is no more about anything). Raising prolactin leads to a decrease in the level of progesterone (which is already accurately confirmed by the analyzes). But a reduced progesterone (in your case - significantly reduced) already represents a problem for future pregnancy (and for the very pregnantness))))))) and leads to the emergence of fibroaden. Without eliminating these reasons, you will go to the operation for work every year. I suggest you to do conservative treatment. Moreover, what is it removed there - 0.6 cm? If you are interested, look at my article on the Internet about the treatment of fibroaden, everything is painted there.
Huge hello tolyatti! My father thirty-five went to the VAZ 2103 and always praised this car.

Irina asks:

Question: Good afternoon!
My case: 1) Ultrasound: In the right breast - hypo echogenic formation with liquid inclusions of up to 2 per 1.5 cm. 2) Mammography: The formation of a ovoid form with clearly smooth circuits to 2.3 cm of the type of fibroadenomes was detected. Recommended puncture under the control of ultrasound.
3) The result of a cytological study: erythrocytes, fragments of cellular connective tissue, cubic epithelium cell groups with proliferation were detected.
Diagnosis: List Tumor? Fiberadenoma with stroma phyloidation?
(Result precisely with signs of questions).
After recommended a consultation of the surgeon, which immediately said: "It is necessary to cut, it costs so much"

Questions: 1) Is there really enough surveys for making a diagnosis?
2) Do you need to discard the level of cells of cells during a cytological examination?
3) Is it worth making an additional MRI?
Thank you, Irina

Replies Bondar Olga Sergeevna:

Good day. Philloid fibroaddenoma or a sheet-like breast tumor is a special kind of benign breast tumors, this type of tumor received for the structure, which is determined on the layer-by-layer section. For this tumor is characterized by rapid growth. In 10% of cases, the sheet tumor can be reborn into a malignant tumor of the connective tissue - sarcoma. Last sarcoma belongs to\u003e

Replies Bondar Olga Sergeevna:

Good day. Philloid fibroaddenoma or a sheet-like breast tumor is a special kind of benign breast tumors, this type of tumor received for the structure, which is determined on the layer-by-layer section. For this tumor is characterized by rapid growth. In 10% of cases, the sheet tumor can be reborn into a malignant tumor of the connective tissue - sarcoma. Last sarcoma refers to\u003e tumors - that is, it is like a face between a benign and malignant tumor of the breast. In the biopsy of the leaf formal fibroadenomes, atypical cells are determined. They differ from normal cells by appearance, but so far still not malignant. Treatment of fibroadenomes of this type -
Judging by the conclusion of cytologists - there are no atypical cells in the preparation. Yes, and the presence of a liquid component on an ultrasound, in combination with the results of cytology, rather in the picture of the cyst is stacked.
I would recommend advocating cytological drugs in another institution and repeat the ultrasound in a month. MRI of the mammary glands - the method is beautiful, but in Ukraine there are practically no specialists who know how to use it.

Asks Alina:

Good day!
I will have an operation to remove fibroadenomes, size 30 x 13 mm. I ask you to help me correctly decide on the choice of a surgeon. The fact is that the first surgeon works in the oncocentre and constantly operates. He gave me a very fast consultation. And promised to make a layer-by-layer tissue, only when I myself asked about it. If I did not raise this question, the layer-by-layer sewing fabrics would not be carried out. (Of course, I understand that he has a lot of patients, but will his employment affect my surgery?) The second surgeon reacted to me very carefully, gave a detailed advice, (about the technical issues of the operation) and immediately told the layer-by-layer tissue and plastic But it works in a private clinic, and not in the oncocenter. Both surgeons offer to make gentle sectoral resection, not an enucleation to reduce the likelihood of new fibroaden.
Thanks in advance for the answer.

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Hello, Alina! In my humble conviction, it's more than smelling is enucleation (figuratively speaking, deepening) fibroadenomes. Sectoral resection is the removal of the area. This is first. Secondly, no operation is the key to the fault of new fibroaden. Operation - mechanical removal of the investigation, but not to remove the cause of the appearance of fibroaden. Thirdly, I recommend to make this operation in a private clinic, for example, ours ("Isis"). Material expenses are the same, and there is no psychological tension. In any case, the choice is yours. Successes!

Asks Alesya:

Good day!
I am 24 years old. Diagnosed - fibroadenoma of the left breast of 10 meters of 10 mm (as far as I understood from the ultrasound survey). We observe the oncologist-Mamologist, who has appointed treatment for a period of 4 months, followed by a re-examination.
I do fitness, aerobics. Does not affect sports on the growth of fibroadenomes? (Sometimes you have to make a small load on the chest muscles).
Is it possible to cure (reduce in size) fibrotane of such size by medication? Are there any moderate solar baths not contraindicated with such a diagnosis? Is it possible to plan children? Is pregnancy and feeding on the growth of fibroadenomes and child health?
It is very grateful to you in advance!

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Does not affect sports on the growth of fibroadenomes? - Does not affect
Is it possible to cure (reduce in size) fibrotane of such size by medication? - Perhaps - about 20% of cases
Are there any moderate solar baths not contraindicated with such a diagnosis? - not contraindicated
Is it possible to plan children? - Can
Is pregnancy and feeding on the growth of fibroadenomes and child health? - The pregnancy is influenced: Fibroadoma may increase somewhat in size, then, as a rule, returns to previous indicators.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon. I was diagnosed-fibroadoma Lev M.Zh.Te.Mowers to do the operation. Tell me, please, what tests need to be passing for an operation? The doctor said that while during 10 days we are waiting for the results of the puncture. I can pass tests. To do not waste time .


Hello Olga! It is strange that the doctor did not give you a list of necessary analyzes. Most likely, forgot. In order not to happen so that the absence of some analysis will lead to a postponement of the operation, the best thing you can do is consult a doctor and ask him a list of necessary research. As a rule, it includes a general analysis of blood and urine, a biochemical blood test, blood for sugar, vaginal brush strokes and consultation of the gynecologist, the results of planned fluorography, feces on the eggs of worms, ECG. But options are possible. Take care of health!

Asks lights:

Hello! I'm 34 years old. I plan a pregnancy. A year ago, a polyp endometrial was removed. Now he appeared again. And now they discovered fibrotherm in the chest. These two diseases may be connected? What could be the reason for the appearance of all this? What's next? Thanks in advance for the answer.

Replies Medical consultant portal "Site":

Hello Svetlana! Polyp endometrial and fibroadenoma of the breast is the disease caused by a violation of the hormonal background of the body. Hormonal disorders can be a consequence of chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases, abortions, thyroid diseases, etc. A thorough examination of the gynecologist-endocrinologist is needed, including the study of the level of genital hormones, thyroid hormones. Detected deviations must be adjusted before the occurrence of pregnancy. Take care of health!

Asks Anna:

Good day! I am 23 years old. Please tell me if there are no Don Doctors-Mammologists in Rostov in addition to doctors at the health center and oncological dispensary on the 28th line?
And is there any need to remove fibrotane breasts with a size of 0.78х0.47 cm. If it does not grow during 1.5 years? And what is anechogenic education (size 0.18x0.33 cm), which appeared in me in the same chest (half a year ago this tumor was not), as well as Fibroedenoma, and how to deal with it? I'm going to start a child - can these tumors adversely affect during pregnancy, if they are not deleted?
I am infectious thanks for the answers !!!

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Anna, hello! Unfortunately, I do not have information on Rostov-on-Don, because I live in Kiev. Given your age and the fact that Fibroadoma does not grow, it can be left alone. However, it is previously necessary to perform a punctuation biopsy. Anechogenic education - or cyst, or new fibroadoma. To establish a diagnosis, the ultrasound of the mammary glands with Doppler is recommended. Negative influence (except for a small increase in size) fibroadenomes for pregnancy do not cite. In addition, conservative fibroaddense therapy is possible.

Natalia asks:

Hello! I am 26 years old, I am from Dneprodzerzhinsk. In December, I was diagnosed with a multiple fibroaddenoma of the left m / w, the ultrasound showed them three. In the examination of the doctor oncologist, they also discovered three, with two next to and alone completely in the other side of the first. I assured me that it was not absorbed, and I can only get rid of them quickly! After the direction for the operation, I was examined by an oncorridge and showed me in some places I will have cuts (that is, the knings should have been two). An incision made one, the operation was a week ago, and according to the operation, only two were removed, which were a friend near a friend. To the question of why no one else was deleted to me, no one gives an intelligible answer, for one doctor operated me, and the attending was another. Appointed some kind of medicine without a name, it needs to be prepared to order on the basis of Magnesia and said that they would try to "dissolve", but they are not absorbed!. When I got to the doctor who operated me, he said that everything that was deleted, he deleted that I had a tendency to them and they could appear at any time that I was "resolved" the medicine and was observed by a doctor's doctor. No one suggested me as to be further and where to seek the reasons, the only thing they said, most likely it is hormonal! I'm in full confusion and do not know how to be next! To whom to contact, and how to be with this not remote fibroadenoma!?! I start to get to be afraid and doubt the competence of doctors who watched me!

Replies Filonenko Andrei Grigorievich:

Good day, Natalia. Obviously, the surgeon who operated you was hidden from you. Most likely there was some kind of circumstance that prevented the removal of the remaining fibroadenoms. This was not necessarily a mistake (incompetence) of the doctor or someone from the staff. Nevertheless, I believe that the doctor had to explain to you what exactly prevented the intended removal. Of course, local formations in the breast are not solved. Therefore, you need to plan another operation. About the tendency. Indeed, there is a tendency to local formations (fibroaddenums), but this does not mean that they do not need to operate. On the contrary, in case of such a tendency, it is necessary to fear malignant growth, therefore you need to operate as early as possible. I think that you need to take a referring to the operation again, I just recommend that you ask the department to ask the other doctor. In addition, you can try to contact the head of the department or to Nachmad, so that the separation partially assumed the costs of re-operation.

Asks Maxim:

Good afternoon Andrei Ivanovich. Help me please.

My wife Oksana (25 years old) revealed fibrotane left breast. The doctor oncologist said that she had an unfinished sexual ripening. She did not give birth beyond and unable and that she needs to give birth faster as it may allow you to prevent the appearance in the future new fibroaden.
Is a doctor's assumption true true?
Oksana and I planned a child after 3-4 years, led and conduct a healthy lifestyle.

Replies Babik Andrei Ivanovich:

Female ripening woman ends at 18 years, regardless of presence of pregnancies and childbirth. By itself, pregnancy does not solve anything and the means for the treatment of fibroadenomes should not be. Well you are not a hamster home your home. Oksana need to do ultrasound of the mammary glands (5-10th days M.Ts.), to determine the levels of hormones: prolactin and estradiol (5-7th days Mt.), progesterone (19-1th days Mt .). After that, we will talk about the completion or incomplete of puberty. A healthy lifestyle is very good.

Asks Angelina:

Good day!!! I am 30 years old, sex life never lived. In May 2013, I was removed by an emerometric cyst on the left ovary. Half a year I dug the harmonious drug "Visanna" (at the same time, the harmonies did not check the doctors). In May 2014, they found a folicular cyst on the right ovary, Coke "Mediana" was disappeared, the cyst disappeared. At the same time, I saw antibiotics from Helicobacter for the purpose of the gastroenterologist, since all the time it was nauseous and vomiting was nonxium, amoxicilli, clarithromycin. On the second day of the intake of KOC and antibotes, I have submandibular lymphoamitis, cough, problems with vessels. Cured. It was in June 2014. In October 2014, I began to have problems with the skin (rashed by Herpes, dense acne both on the face and by body), the chest increased by 2 sizes, then one decreased, and the second remained swollen. I made an ultrasound - 2 fibroadenomes, one in the right (structure with a predominance of iron 12 mm, the thickness of the ferrous layer 12 mm, the diameter of the Milky ducts is 2.2 mm, a square isoehogenic formation of 6.7x3.4 mm without a clear circuit), the other in the left chest ( Structure with the predominance of iron 8.6 mm, the thickness of the ferrous layer is 8.6 mm, the diameter of the Milky duct 2.2 mm, hypo echogenic, contours are smooth, clear, uniform. Orientation is horizontal. 6.6x3.9 mm). Lymphoottop zone frontaxilar up to 12x4 mm with stored structure. CONCLUSION: EKHODVALS OF FKM, FIBROADOMAMA of the left breast, forming fibroaddenoma of the right breast. It took to the oncologist, it appointed to Mastodinone without any analyzes (the harmonious drug, gel). I had an allergy to Mastodinon, she left only a state-in-law. Association: how effective is such treatment, why I did not send me to puncture, which you offer the most effective treatment, whether Fibroadoma can pass after the start of sexual life or childbirth.
In addition, I have enhanced cervical lymphozles, all the time tingles the right side of the head, sometimes the right side of the neck, sometimes nausees, nodes in the thyroid gland, but the harmonies in this part are normal (the antibodies are much produced. Due to what the thyroid decreases) .... But the most important problem is for this month or two all my moles have three times increased and continue to grow, many moles appear, which rapidly grow, the old have changed the color, shape ... All !!! And the skin on the face spoiled, the acne appeared, the skin became fat, the sebaceous glands were blocked on the head .. and doctors can not understand what happens to me. Is it somehow connected with fibroadenoma? Could this be a virus or some kind of infection that could contribute to the formation of fibroadenomes .... and the cough does not pass for two months (although half a year ago I did X-ray, did not find anything).
And as soon as I discovered Fibroaden, I had constipation.
Doctor, a gynecologist tells me to drink Coki all my life, because endometriosis, oncologist is not against, but I read your answer on this site, that when fibrouden, it is impossible to drink categorically harmony drugs, since I can be, because endometriosis is treated only by harmonies .... What breast harmless for breast in this case do you recommend?
I will be very grateful for your answer! Happy New Year, happiness to you and health !!!

Replies Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good day, perhaps you did not read my answer, when fibroadoma, the reception COC is not contraindicated, but taking into account the foregoing, I would really recommend to see the condition of the hormonal background, and you should understand that everything you were appointed (Mastodinon, etc., were directed not to resorbing fibroaden, as they are almost never cleaned, but to eliminate edema and disease disease, for the appointment of phytopreparations, hormonal research is not necessary, punctating fibroadomes Over 1 cm, less observed, to your problems with skin, constipation and other The relations of general well-being fibroadenoma do not have a relationship, they are a consequence of the dormricons (one of the hypotheses, since the exact cause of the appearance of the fibroaden e axis of the pores was not found) changes in the tissue of the mammary glands. Drugs for the treatment of mastopathy Many are all vegetable origin, with the exception of voella, but and it is not harmful because it works only on the fabric gland, restoring the hut Nalny imbalance

Asking Aliya:

Hello! I am 21 years old. In July last year, he turned to the Republican clinical oncological dispensary of the Republic of Tatarstan, because I found some kind of education in my left mode.
The mammologist listened to me, made an ultrasound. Result: focal mastopathy Lee MZ. Size: 18 per 8 mm and 21 by 10 mm. Mastodinone was appointed for 3 months, Vitamin E 2 months and a test inspection after 4 months.
I came in 4 months, in November, I was recorded at the reception to the surgeon oncologist, he also listened to me, looked at his chest, I did an ultrasound, returned to him. He looked and went to repeat ultrasound with me. The result: "The hypohech is visible on 8. The formation of a drain character 28 by 10 mm (two-zone Fa), near, closer to the nipple, at a distance of about 8 mm from this formation, a hypo echogenic formation is 7 to 6 mm (Fa?). Recommendation: Check inspection after 3 months (about the new focus to 7 mm), further excision.
He came to the same specialist in early February, he again listened, looked, sent to the ultrasound. Outcome: "On 8, a previously described hypooechogenic formation is preserved at 10 mm at a depth of 8 mm (two-zone Fa) near a number of hypo echogenic formation 6 by 5 mm (Fa?)". Appointed: excision under the / in anesthesia. The operation was appointed on March 15. I asked if you need to make analyzes for hormones, he said that it was not necessary.
Tell me please,
1. Why was given this operation to me under V / in anesthesia, although it seems such operations you can do and local
2. Maybe it's still worth making tests for hormones and what kind of doctor is better to consult about this and further observe
3. Can there be complications after such an operation
4. Recently learned that pregnant, the term is very small, as an abortion may be displayed in my condition in such a situation.

Replies Filonenko Andrei Grigorievich:

Good afternoon, Aliya.
1. The fact is that novocaine (lidocaine) changes the structure of tissues during the operation. In this case, the surgeon is harder to highlight education in tissues, the probability of error increases. Therefore, operations on non-inflammatory diseases of the breast are performed only under general anesthesia.
2. I do not understand why hormones? And if all the same hormones, then what (pituitary glands, sex, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, insulin)? If there are no obvious signs of hormonal disorders (a breakdown of menstruation, for example, otherwise), then the hormones in the blood do not need to be determined before the operation. Perhaps you mean the hormonal status of the tumor itself, but then it should be about breast cancer. Let's hope that in your case there is no speech. Results of hormone test results:
Progesterone (for 19 day M.Ts.) - 4.3 ng / ml.
Prolactin (for 19 day M.Ts.) - 10,49 NG / ML
Estairol (for 10 days M.Ts.) - 42 PG / ML
Andrei Ivanovich, please tell me, please, the reasons for my problem.
And I really want conservative treatment.

Replies Pinds of Maria Vasilyevna:

Hello. 1. You did not write the indicators of the "corridor of the norm" for the laboratory in which tests were handed over. Therefore, to interpret the results of the study of hormones is not possible.
2. On the Internet, none of doctors prescribe treatment. If you want to "drive a sickness to a dead end" - are treated on the Internet.
3. It is possible conservative homeopathic treatment. You can make an appointment with a mammologist -Gomeopath, which after inspection and consultation will appoint you treatment. Administrator bodies 229-83-45.

Fibroenoma is a benign tumor, which grows, destroying the ferrous tissue of the breast. There are two main types of fibroadomes. This fibroaddenoma is usual, which can start developing in dairy ducts and outside them.

And Fibroadoma Lastoid. She, as studies show, "originating" from fibrotome cells, which is located inside the ducts. Most often only one fibroadenoma appears, but the practice is known for the emergence of multiple fibrotane in the chest.

This tumor does not exceed three centimeters. Although there are cases when after the diagnosis was found fibrotane with a tennis ball. Although such research results are extremely rare, it is still undesirable to neglect the possibility of screening from an oncologist-mammologist. It is better to make sure that everything is in order than to trace the beginning of big problems.

Specifically about the main thing

Absolutely every woman who did not bypass this trouble is tormented by doubts about the seriousness of the disease. And if you become more accurate, it is clear whether the fibroaddenoma is solved independently, without surgery.

It must be said that initially it all depends strictly from the stage of the disease, namely from the size of the tumor. If the body of fibroadomes are not more than one centimeter, that is, all the chances of the complete recovery of the breast. Such a small fibroadenoma is self-sustained with competent conservative treatment.

That tumor, which has large sizes, can also grow into a malignant stage. With this conclusion, one output is surgical intervention. And it will be the only reasonable solution.

How to independently detect Fiberaden?

The usual adenoma of small sizes does not cause inconvenience, not painful. With an external inspection it is impossible to notice. But it can be fascinated with a thorough tactile preventive inspection.

Adenoma The usual has a smooth circuit in contrast to the cancer or fibroadenoma sheet. The usual adenoma moves to ferrous tissues.

The other type of fibroadenomes - sheet - has a fuzzy contour, it is large, and in the running cases it can be quickly recognized, as it is almost under the skin.

In order to finally eliminate the risk of moving sheet fibroadenomes into a cancer malignant tumor, it is necessary to produce histological analysis in the strictest order. The results of the analysis taken by puncture from the body of adenoma for the presence of atypical (cancer) cells.

Who is a risk group?

Unfortunately, even the girls of the teenage group are not insured against the disease. Fibroadoma may arise at such a young age due to a banal hormonal failure. The appearance of the adenoma can be suspected when the menstruation is very swelling and boasts and compacted, and when ticking is observed by pain.

Also, Fibroenoma accompanies women with endocrine diseases, disorders of the CNS, the failures in the reproductive system, as well as made an abortion.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

To date, the main part of the diseases of the mammary glands is benign pathologies, many of which are quite common. Their list includes various forms of mastopathy ( changes in the fabric of the mammary glands) and cysts ( cavities having a wall and content), as well as fibroadenomes. In this article we will talk exactly about fibroenomes, the causes of their occurrence, symptoms, as well as methods of their therapy.

Definition of concept

Fibroadoma is a benign breast tumor of ferrous origin, which is one of the forms of nodular mastopathy. The appearance of this tumor resembles a dense node of a rounded or oval shape. Its dimensions vary from 0.2 - 0.5 mm to 5 - 7 cm in diameter. There are such cases when its dimensions reach 15 cm in diameter. When harding, it is possible to identify the fact that this tumor is mobile, that is, it is not connected with skin. Painful sensations in palpation women do not feel. A distinctive feature of this neoplasm is considered to be the predominance of the connective tissue stroma ( basics) above the iron parenchym ( main cloth). Most often, this tumor can be diagnosed in women aged 15 to 35 years.


It consists of 2 types of fabrics, namely connecting and epithelial tissue. Both of these tissues are among the normal components of the breast.

Causes of development

The exact causes of the development of the tumor are still unknown. Experts adhere to the opinions that its appearance is due to the reinforced action of estrogen ( female genital hormones) who provoke the development of focal proliferation ( focal growing) Iron fabric. To this conclusion, they came because the tumor is particularly often formed during periods of increased synthesis of estrogen, namely during pregnancy, during lactation and puberty, as well as during menopause ( complete cessation of menstruation) And in the premenopausal period.

Clinical picture

In most cases, the development of the tumor proceeds asymptomatic. Only in some patients there is a slight pain in the place of defeat. A large tumor can be noticed visually. It is a subcutaneous tumor formation of a breast that is inherent dense, but at the same time an elastic consistency. There is a neoplasm, as a rule, outside the Arestolar zone ( outside the round area surrounding the nipple chest). Most often it can be detected in the upper exterior quadrant ( quarter) Breast.

Existing classifications

Fibroadomians can be both mature and immature. In the first case, they are endowed with a denselastic consistency and a decorated capsule. In addition, their growth is very slow, so their dimensions remain unchanged. As for the immature forms of this tumor, their consistency is soft. In addition, they are prone to progressive growth. Mature forms most often manage to reveal between the ages of 20 and 40, but the immature are observed in most cases among girls during their puberty.
There is another classification of a given pathological condition, according to which fibrotrans can be single or multiple. Multiple tumors can be located simultaneously in both milk glasses.

According to histological studies, the following options for this neoplasia are allocated:
1. Pericanalicular option: Tumors are inherent homogeneous structure. It observes its clear restriction from the surrounding tissues. The consistency is more dense and is often subjected to various dystrophic changes, during which calcinates are deposited ( microlls);
2. Intrakanalicular option: The tumors are inherent in the valley structure, fuzzy contours and inhomogeneous structure;
3. Mixed Option: The structure is precarious, the structure is non-uniform. In addition, symptoms of pericanalicular tumors are observed.

All these versions of the tumor are unable to grow into cancer.

Last Fibroadoma - What is it?

Shetoid or, as it is also called Philloid Fibroaddenoma, is the only kind of given tumor education, which sooner or later can grow into malignant neoplasm. This type of tumor received its name for its structure. This formation differs from other varieties with its polycyclic contours, large sizes and a rapid growth rate.

How dangerous is this education?

There are cases when the dimensions of fibroadenomes increase very much, and for a rather short period of time. As a result, education not only occupies the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe chest, but also turns it into a large ball, due to which the dairy glands become asymmetric. In the medical literature, this phenomenon is called giant tumorswhich will easily grow into cancer.

Fibroenoma men

This tumor may also appear in a man, but not in the field of the mammary glands, but in the prostate gland. Unlike women from representatives of a strong gender, it arises at older age due to lowering the number of men's sex hormones. There are also numerous predisposing factors that play not the last role in the formation of this neoplasm.

The list can be reached into their list:

  • Injuries of urinary organs;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Pathology of other organs and body systems;
  • Disorderly or irregular sexual life;
  • Various violations of the blood circulation process;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Passive lifestyle;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
In the development of this tumor, men begin to disturb pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back and prostate gland, constipation, violations of the sexual function. In addition, they may have various violations of urination like a sluggish stream of urine or false urges. Often marked dry mouth and loss of appetite. Long absence of treatment can lead to acute urination delay. Because of the accumulation in the urinary bubble urine, stones are often formed. In addition, the bladder veins occurs. Review this formation is possible with the help of the finger research of the rectum. The course of therapy provides for the conduct of operational intervention, during which the tumor is removed.

Does the neoplasia affect the course of pregnancy?

This neoplasm has no effect on the course of pregnancy and the overall health of the future kid.

Does pregnancy affect the tumor?

Since during pregnancy in the body of a woman, numerous hormonal changes occur, this may cause intensive tumor growth. In such cases, experts conduct urgent surgery.

Diagnosis and Differential Diagnostics

To put the accurate diagnosis, the following research methods are carried out:
1. Palpation and clinical examination of the breast;
2. Ton-needle aspiration tumor biopsy ( excision of a small area of \u200b\u200baffected fabric) with further cytological research ( survey of the structure of cell elements);

3. Tolstoyagol biopsy ( it is highly rare);
4. Histological research ( study of tissues in order to determine their composition, the presence of either the absence of pathological cells or the overall state of the remote authority);
5. X-ray mammography ( x-ray method of study of the mammary glands);
6. Ultrasound ( ultrasound procedure) Breast.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with the following pathological conditions:

  • Breast cyst;
  • Mammary cancer;
  • Cystadeopapilloma ( benignant tumor originating from breast ducts).


Unfortunately, today there is no medication, with which it would be possible to get rid of this tumor. The course of therapy in all cases provides for the conduct of operational intervention, but not in all cases the tumor is removed immediately after its detection.

There are 2 types of surgical interventions to remove fibroadenomes:
1. Sectoral resection: During the operation, the removal is subjected to both the tumor itself and the surrounding fabrics. The fabric around the formation is taken at a distance from 1 to 2 - 3 cm. Most often, such operational intervention is carried out in suspected cancer;

2. Enucleation or deserted: The operation is carried out under local anesthesia through a section of several centimeters. The tumor in the course of such surgical intervention is caused, the surrounding tissues are not affected. Operation is carried out in the absence of any suspicion of cancer.

Testimony to remove the tumor

  • Intensive increase in its size;
  • Large sizes of education that cause a cosmetic defect;
  • Suspicion of cancer;
  • Tumors are inherent leaf form;
  • Woman plans pregnancy.
Operational intervention can be carried out both under the local and under general anesthesia. Its duration ranges from 20 to 60 minutes. After surgery, patients are recommended to stay in the hospital from 2 o'clock to 1 day. Most often no postoperative problems arise, but some women complain about minor pain in the postoperative scar.

Can cosmetic defects stay after surgery?

If the operation was carried out correctly and during its implementation, intradermal cosmetic seams were superimposed, then there should be no special tracks on the body, since the suture material in such cases is resolved independently. If the patient had seds that need to be removed by 7 to 10 days after surgery, then, most likely, she will remain a small sizes.

What drugs are prescribed to patients after surgery?

  • Immunomodulatory funds;
  • Preparations that improve liver operation;
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines;
  • Homeopathic remedies;
  • Progesterone preparations;
  • Antiviral medicines.

Can the tumor appear again?

In fact, it may, however, it happens extremely rarely. With its relapses, a completely different area of \u200b\u200bthe same or other breast is exposed to the defeat. Do not forget that surgery is carried out by specialists to eliminate the consequences, and not the reasons for the development of fibroadenoms.

Prevention measures

  • Regular independent inspection of the mammary glands;
  • Timely receipt of the consultation of the mammologist.
These prevention measures will not be able to prevent the development of benign tumors, but with their help you can protect yourself from cancer.

For questions about the forum participants is responsible Tkachuk Olga Anatolyevna, Specialist of the Mammological Center "Vera", a mammologist.

Visiting the pool after surgery

mA1974.: During the diagnosis, cystic fibroidomatosis. Is it possible to visit the pool and bath, and more - what to do, so that the tumor does not form in another breast?
Olga Tkachuk: A bath with such a diagnosis is categorically impossible, in general. Pool you can visit. It must be at least 2 times a year (from 6 to 12 day of the cycle) to pass the ultrasound of the mammary glands and attend a physician of a mammologist.

What is the treatment with fibroadom

Is it possible to take Mastodinon for more than 3 months. Distribution and vitamins can be taken with Mastodinone.
In parallel with this treatment, you can take any herbs and homeopathic preparations for the treatment of mastopathy.
Olga Tkachuk:
Mastodinone needs to be pouring another month, after which the ultrasound of the mammary glands. Other drugs should appoint a mammologist.

uSanta:Uzi showed suspicion of fibrouden. The doctor prescribed treatment for 3 months (Mastodinon, viselel, sedative collection, Aevit), and after six months - re-on the ultrasound. Treatment passed and a new bump was found. What to do?
Olga Tkachuk: You need to repeat the ultrasound (from 6 to 12 day cycle), make the biopsy of the new education (if it is) and the old one, if not done. Then - for consultation to the mammologist.

ZAZA: 2 years like breasts strangely hurts. According to the results of the ultrasound, everything is clean, our doctors can not really say anything, only vitamins prescribe. If there is a Peace Spiral, can it relate to it? What to do and where to go with it?
Olga Tkachuk: "Youth Doctors" does not yet speak of their low qualifications. It is difficult to advise at a distance, but the fact that mastopathy begins to develop because of the contraceptive, the reason may be in the other ... Ideally, you need to repeat the ultrasound (from 6 to 12 days of the cycle) and visit the Mammologist's doctor.

Mamontenok:Treatment is scheduled (3 injections of Lucrin-Depot, and then 3 months Zhanin). How can such treatment affect the fibroadenom? Can she resolve itself during treatment? When can you go on an ultrasound to see the condition of the chest? Does it make sense to make his treatment time? Or better to wait for the end of treatment? Is there any possibility that fibroadenoma will resolve during treatment?
Olga Tkachuk: Before the start of hormone therapy, you need to do the ultrasound of the mammary glands.
Lyucre-depot is not contraindicated. But the drug Zhanin is absolutely contraindicated in the presence of fibroadenomes (and any nodal education) more than 1 cm. It is possible and during treatment (not the perfect course of course). The likelihood that fibroadoma "will disappear" is extremely low.

Pregnancy at fibroadenoma

dIN76: Fibroadenoma of the left breast. They said that the most effective treatment to get pregnant and give birth to a child. It does not bother and does not increase. The child gave birth, breastfeed it did not work. Fibroadoma became less, but did not leave at all. Is it worth worrying about this?
Olga Tkachuk: It is necessary to carry out the ultrasound of the mammary glands (from 6 to 12 days of the cycle) and together with a mammologist to solve the issue of operational treatment, which is in this case direct indication.

Dashuly Murrrrr: Being at 21 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to make an operation during the fibroadenoma of the right breast. What is more dangerous to leave for later or operate now, and what could be the consequences?
Olga Tkachuk: You need to operate. Fibroadoma during pregnancy and further lactation can be transformed into a "bad education".

nata27:Fibrolipoma has been removed. After the operation, education was found in the same breast. According to the results of ultrasound Fibroadoma in question. The tumor does not grow. Do I need to make puncture? Or immediately surgery? After what time after the operation to remove fibroadomes, you can plan a pregnancy?
Olga Tkachuk: You need to make puncture, determine the accurate diagnosis and make a decision on the further tactics of the patient. Pregnancy can be planned at least tomorrow.

Do you need an operation

Ira-buttercup: According to the results of the ultrasound: Hyperplasia of the iron tissue of the mammary glands. Cyst left breast. Expansion and deformation of Milky Duks. Explain what it is, and what consequences are possible ...
Olga Tkachuk: Judging by the ultrasound of the mammary glands, the puncture of cysts with cytological examination is necessary. After that, the selection of adequate therapy. There are no speech on the operation yet.

Lucia: According to the results of the ultrasound, two small fibroadenomes were found. Does it make sense not to hurry with the operation? AND in general, do it?
Olga Tkachuk
: Fibroadoma is a 100% indication for surgical treatment. You need to operate, the sooner, the better it is not worth it. Sizes are small if everything is fine.

Anka: With breastfeeding of the operated breast, there are signs of lactation and pain. Does it make sense to do ultrasound and go to the reception or first finish breastfeeding?
Olga Tkachuk: To go on the ultrasound, you do not need to finish breastfeeding. But you need to be attentive, mastitis can develop! After the end of feeding - ultrasound and mammologist.

Niska:The chest is operated. How to better wean a child from breastfeeding. Tablets blocking lactation or tangle?
Olga Tkachuk: You need to visit the mammologist and will pick up the chart of cessation of breastfeeding.

Dobrovolskaya: Fibroadoma was found in the left breast. After childbirth, the cycle is not restored. When should I do the ultrasound of the mammary glands? Need to wait for the cycle recovery?
Olga Tkachuk: Cycle recovery is not needed. Do ultrasound and sign up for reception, all this can be done in one day.

mAY-Lyudmila:What is the advantage of the traditional removal of fibroadenomes surgically in comparison with the removal by mammotom?
Olga Tkachuk: The device Mammot does not fully remove pathological tissues. With a "bad" histological conclusion after Mammotom, you will have to make a second operation, already traditional. No one conducted long-term studies of the effectiveness of this method. No one knows if the "injury" fibroadenomans will cause it to rebirth in cancer (as pathological tissues and cells are not completely removed).
The consequences of sectoral resection with "cosmetics" are not visible at all, just the surgeon's hands should be from the shoulders and experience.

Is it possible to combine the operation to remove fibroadomes and plastic operations

Katrins.: Fibroaden detected near the nipple. Need to operate. Is it possible to combine the removal operation to combine with a plastic breast enlargement operation.
Olga Tkachuk: Fibrouden operates, mammologists-oncologists and during the operation a urgent histological examination of the tumor is carried out, and plastic surgeons make plastic. So it is unlikely to combine it ...

Lucia: The device - "Mammone" with its help remove small fibroadomes. Do not tell me, is it better than ordinary cutting?
Olga Tkachuk: With this equipment, you can not completely remove the pathological tissue. Yes, and a surgeon-mammologist visually, during the operation should evaluate the education and surrounding tissues, to do so, to say revision. Using the principles of cosmetic surgery, the seam is practically not visible and the scar changes do not occur.

Examination (ultrasound, biopsy, puncture)

qWEN.: There is an opinion that even with a normal hormonal background, fibroaddenoma may be formed due to excess estrogen, which are not outlined by the liver, it turns out a liver to clean to prevent recurrence.
What day of the cycle make a biopsy, and what anesthesia is applied? What anesthesia make an operation to remove fibroadomes?
Olga Tkachuk:To prevent relapses, it is necessary to regularly be treated and observed at the mammologist.
Biopsy makes any day, without any anesthesia. In some Medevian centers, ice-skinaries are splashing at an additional fee.
Remove fibroaden or under local anesthesia, or under intravenous anesthesia.

Lada *: Small-block formation on the right 5-8mm and a single 12x5 mm. How serious?
Olga Tkachuk: You are shown puncture, followed by cytological studies of the contents of the cyst. Then will be diagnosed.

Breastfeeding with fibroadenoma

Hallena: Is the value of the completion of breastfeeding with the operated fibroenomes? When and how to complete breastfeeding? What to do to not provoke new education?
Olga Tkachuk: Mammologists recommend breastfeeding not more than 1 year. The duration of feeding at you will not affect you. At the end of feeding - ultrasound and consultation of a mammologist. Fix feeding by any way. Unfortunately, there is no such means that the development of fibroadenoms could have warned.

Health care is the basis of human vital activity. As for women, they are recommended to be examined at least once every six months - especially this concerns the visit to the Cabinet of Mammolog, since early diagnosis and preventive inspection allows at an early stage to identify the diseases of the breast and prevent complications.

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