Rules for handling documents having a chipboard mark. Marks on a document Alternative questions in crosswords for the word visa

The need to stagnate "for official use" on documents and publications containing service information of limited distribution is determined by the Contractor (Developer) and an official signing or approving the document. The specified mark and the instance number are affixed in the upper right corner of the first page of the document, on the cover and the title page of the publication, as well as on the first page of the accompanying letter to such documents. Use other restrictive marks or vultures is prohibited by the Regulations on the procedure for handling the service information of limited distribution in the federal executive bodies. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 N 1233 ..

Reception and accounting (registration) of documents containing service information limited distribution are carried out, as a rule, by the structural units that are entrusted with the reception and accounting of non-report documentation.

Documents marked "for official use":

  • - Printed in the typewritten bureau. On the turnover of the last sheet of each instance of the document, the typist should indicate the number of printed copies, the surname of the artist, its last name and date of printing of the document. Printed and signed documents along with drafts and variants are transmitted to register an employee who carries into account. Chernoviki and options are destroyed by this employee with a reflection of the fact of destruction in accounting formations;
  • - taken into account, as a rule, separately from uncreute documentation. With a minor volume of such documents, they are allowed to record them together with other non-interest documents. A chipboard mark is added to the registration index of the document;
  • - after registration is transferred to employees of units under receipt;
  • - are sent to third-party organizations by Feldgerer bond, custom or valuable postal shipments;
  • - We multiply (replicated) only with the written permission of the relevant leader. The resolution is drawn up on the last sheet (on the reverse side) of a multipudible document. Accounting for multiplicated documents is implemented Pohantridly;
  • - Store in reliably locked and sealed cabinets (boxes, storage).

If you need to send documents with a "for official use", in several addresses, the distribution pointer is drawn up, in which the numbers of instances of the sent documents are adopted. The distribution indicator is signed by the Contractor and the head of the structural unit that has prepared the document.

Performed documents with a note "for official use" are grouped into cases in accordance with the nomenclature of the affairs of uncompetitive office work. At the same time on the case of a case in which such documents are placed, the mark "for official use" is also affixed.

The destruction of cases, documents marked "for official use", which have lost their practical importance and not having historical values, is made on the act. In accounts, this makes a mark with reference to the corresponding act.

The transfer of documents and the note with the note "for official use" from one employee is carried out with the permission of the relevant leader.

When changing the employee responsible for the accounting of documents with a note "for official use", the act of acceptance of these documents is drawn up, which is approved by the relevant leader.

Checking the availability of documents, affairs and editions with a note "for official use" is carried out at least once a year by commissions appointed by the order of the head. Such commissions necessarily include employees responsible for accounting and storing these materials.

In libraries and archives, which focuses a large number of publications, affairs and other materials with a note "for official use", checking the presence can be carried out at least once every five years.

The results of the inspection are executed by the act.

On the facts of loss of documents, affairs and publications containing official information of limited dissemination, or the disclosure of this information is informed by the head of the Organization and the Commission is appointed to investigate the circumstances of loss or disclosure. The results of the investigation are reported to the head appointed commission.

On lost documents, cases and publications with a note "for official use", an act is drawn up, on the basis of which the corresponding marks are made in the accounting forms. Acts on the lost cases of permanent storage period after their approval are transferred to the archive to include the Fund.

When removing the note "for official use" on documents, affairs or publications, as well as in accounting forms, appropriate marks are made and all the addressees that these documents (publications are sent) are informed.

The requirements of the items of this Procedure applies to removable machine media containing limited distribution information. The media must be taken into account in the subdivisions used to record the protected information. On a magnetic carrier, a registration number is affixed, a mark "for official use", the date and painting of the employee responsible for the accounting of carriers.

VIDEO RECORDER, -, m. Tape recorder, recording and reproducing sound and image. II adj. VIDEO TOOPONE, - one.

VideoPirate, -A, cf. Unlawful reproduction and rental of video films.

Video -Ah, g. The institution collecting and storing video films, as well as the very meeting itself.

SEE, I see you see; visible; Nesov. 1. Enjoy the ability of vision. Good in. Owls see at night. 2. Someone. Perceive with vision. B. Lot Mountains. 3. Who (what). Have a meeting with Yesterday I saw him with friends. Glad you in. 4. What. Watch, test. I saw a lot in your age. 5. What. Conscious to see. B. His mistake. B. In what-n. His calling. You see, I was right (i.e. agree, admit). 6. With the words "sleep", "in a dream": Present in a dream. 7. Someone. Perception of intellectually and visually (play, film, actor game), watch (in 3 meanings). B. Performance in the new formulation. V. Circus view. V. Smoktunovsky in "Gamlet". 8. See (see), input, sl. UPOTR. If you wish, pay attention to that, to emphasize that. (often with a touch of condemnation, distrust, irony). He see, a little unhealthy. * Do you see, see, input. Shot. Same as to see (in 8 meanings). You see if it is no longer called. God sees (talking) - confidence in its rightness, Farm. II owl. see, see, see; - 2,3,4,5 and 7 signs). * Here you will see (see) - Warning to the interlocutor: the future will show that I am right that it will be. There We will see (talk.) - the same thing that will be seen there. II Multicro. bring -al (Ko 2, 3, 4 and 7 meanings). II SUT. vision, - I, cf. (Ko 2 Sign.; Spec.). Night-vision devices.

SEE, I see, you see, not. I. To be visible, to see the eye. The ships are seized. 2. With whom. See each other, meet. Cook friends. 3. Posted by imagination. It is seen by the past. 4. (1 and 2 l. Not UPOTR.). Realize to be seen. The output is seen in new solutions. II owl. see I'll see, you will see disagree - I am, - like (to 1 and 3 meanings) and talki quit, you are singing (by 2 meanings; talk.).

VISIBILITY, -Ah, g. 1 .. See visible. 2. The ability to see (in 2 meanings). Good in. Horizontal, vertical in. (when flying). 3. Appearance, advantages. deceptive (collapse). B. West. * Apparently, input. sl. (R.) - Apparently, probably.

VISIBLE, , -Oh; -them. 1. Affordable vision. In to the world. 2. Noticeable, obvious. With visible embarrassment. Visible case (of course, obviously; simple). 3. full. f. Apparent, external. His sympathy is only visible. 4. Apparently input. sl. It seems apparently. You, apparently, do not know about it yet? * Apparently invisible (R.) - Very much. The people were apparently invisible. II SUT. visibility, -Ah, g. (to 3 meanings). For visibility (to create only an external impression, for the view; simple).

Visible (, - - - Operate, 1 and 2 l. Not UPOTR.), - Nesov. Be visible noticeable for sight. The forest can be seen.

PROMINENT, , -Oh; Viden, visible, can be seen, visible and (the settue) are visible. 1. Available vision, noticeable. The house is visible from afar. In a prominent place (so what can be seen, from everywhere). 2. VIDE (-DN, - is, -yny and -d), in meaning. Tale. It seems, felt, felt. Win success. In his words, a lie is visible. 3. Turn., Full f. Significant, famous. Prominent position. V. Scientific. 4. Turn. (also - forn). ROSE, STATE. V. Male. Soboa is visible, 5. Can be seen, someone with the union "like", in meaning. Tale. You can see (in 2 meanings). From here it is clearly visible. You are not visible, show out. It can be seen how the motor ship sails. 6. Seen in the meaning. Tale. You can understand, comprehend. It can be seen that he is lying. Senior more visible (senior know better how to do). 7. Seen, input. sl. Apparently, it seems probably (breaking). We'll have to see, leave. * how Seen, input. sl. - I have to conclude, it turns out. Cause, as you can see, go well! Thereit will be seen (talking) - further will show how things will go what happens.

Species See View.

Modification - I, CP.1.Sm. Create. 2. Option, type, subject, or phenomenon that appears in other, modified quality, while maintaining its base, entity. Project in several modifications. Small modifications in the program.

Modify -No, -nut; -nted (-d, -En); owls that. Make changes to partially change. B. Plan. II Nesov. modify - I speak. II SUT. modified, -I, cf.

See -Not, - you are;

owls. Change in relation to private individuals. II Nesov. modify - I am, you're.

VIEWFINDER, -I, m. (specialist.). Optical device in a photo or film camera to determine the boundaries of the image.

Leap see.

VISA, -Sh. 1. Marking official on the document. Put your visa. 2. Permission to enter the country, departure or passing through it, as well as the mark in the passport as a sign of such permission. II adj. Visa, -ay ,y. B. Mode.

Fixed with marks helping to determine where it is at the moment and what is the stage of its execution.

Mark on the arrival of the document into the organization

When entered on it is affixed first markfixing the fact and time of receiving it in this organization, a special stamp apparatus or manually rubber stamp. It consists of an abbreviated name of the organization, where the document is received, the date of receipt and the incoming account number (index).

The receipt date is an important search sign and the beginning of the deadline for the execution of the received document. From this number, the document is considered to be in the work of the institution and the institution is responsible for the received document. The incoming account number can serve to search for a document in office work, and, moreover, it is used to take into account the number of documents received per month, quarter, year. Laying a mark on obtaining a document is recommended on the lower field of the document.

For documents received by fax or computer mail, the date and time of their receipts are fixed automatically.

Electronic copy document identifier

If the document is entered into the machine's memory or created on a computer, a special mark is made on the paper document. The electronic copy of the document is the mark (footer), which is supplied in the lower left corner of each page of the document and containing the name of the file on the machine media, date and other search data installed in the organization.


After primary and sent to the head (organization or structural unit) for consideration. The result of consideration is reflected in the resolution.

Resolution - "The inscription on the document made by an official and containing the decision made." It consolidates the disposal of the manager regarding the question reflected in the document. It is like a small administrative document compiled on the received document. From the specificity of the clarity of the resolution and the correct choice of the performer depends on the quality of the execution of the task and the timeliness of the implementation. The resolution contains the same requirements as any administrative document: clarity, concreteness, brevity. The resolution consists of the following elements: text, signatures, dates. In terms of its nature, the text of the resolution may be two species. Resolutions containing a solution to the issue (for example, "enroll", "allocate 300 thousand rubles.", "Refuse") or an indication of the procedure for preparing the issue. In the second case, the text of the resolution must contain three parts: to whom it is entrusted - the surname and initials of the Contractor, which is entrusted - the nature and procedure for solving the issue, the term of execution.

If several performers are specified in the resolution, the person specified first is responsible for the execution of the document and organizes the work of other co-valves involved in the direction of the head to solve the issue. The initials of the Contractor are usually indicated after the last name.

If the execution date of the document is typical or it is listed in the text of the document itself, and, therefore, it is not required to specifically indicate in the resolution, the leader can be improved in resolution only the surnip of the Contractor (performers) with the initials, the procedure for preparing the issue, signature and date.

The resolution is postponed to the registration form and is often the basis for the take of the document to control. In this case, the deadline for execution of the document is taken from the resolution.

In some cases, when there is no free space or resolution on the document, as a separate assignment, resolution is allowed on a separate sheet of paper, usually format A6 or A7 with an indication of the registration number and the document dates to which the resolution refers

Mark of control

If the document requires execution and proceeds to control, a mark on the control of the letter "K" (control) or the word "control" is affixed. This mark can be applied with a rubber stamp or be written from hand with bright red, blue, green pencil.

Her goal is to remind the Contractor that the document is controlled.

Mark on the execution of the document and the direction of it in the case

The final mark on the document is a mark on execution. It is affixed immediately after resolving the issue affected in the document, or the directions of the response. The performance mark is especially important on accounting documents. Thus, all the documents attached to the acquisition and consumables, as well as the documents that served as the basis for salaries are subject to mandatory quenching by a stamp or hand-to-date inscription, indicating the date (number, month, year).

The performance mark indicates that the work on the document is completed. After stating this mark, the document is fed into the case. The mark may include a reference to the date and number of the document indicating its execution, or in the absence of this, brief information about the execution, the words "in the case", the number of this case, the signature and the date. Signs and dates the mark of the artist who worked with the document, or the head of the structural unit. This props is placed on the lower field in the left part of it.

On documents emanating from major institutions, a mark is affixed with the name of the employee who prepared the document. Such a mark allows if necessary to quickly contact the performer who knows all the nuances of the question and can give all the information you are interested in. The mark includes the initials and surname of the artist and the number of his phone. But since the mark implies an appeal to the Contractor, it is advisable to specify not only the name, but also full name and patronymic. This breaks down communication and help politely establish contact with the performer.

The artist mark may be on the front and on the reverse side of the last sheet of the document on the left side on the lower field.

When placing this details, the following rules are accomplished: if the document is reproduced, the mark is indicated on the front side of the last sheet of the document (otherwise you have to make copies of the two sides of the sheet).

On documents requiring special accounting, below the surname of the Contractor indicates the number of copies made.

On documents having a rifle restriction of access, not only the number of instances, but also the address of each one is indicated.

Marking official on the document

The first letter "in"

The second letter "and"

Third letter "s"

Last beech letter "A"

The answer to the question "Marking an official on the document", 4 letters:

Alternative questions in crosswords for the word visa

Tell me on Latin "Viewed"

"Viewed" in Latin

Right to departure from the country

"Signature of the Chief"

Marking an official on a document

The value of the letter "in" in the ABBR. Ovir

Permission to enter out

Travel print

Determination of the word visa in dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
Visas, g. (Latin. Visa - visible) (official). Special, noted on the passport Government resolution of any. Facial to enter the state, departure from him or travel through it. Get a visa. Refuse visa. Mark on what-n. Document, testifying ...

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary is a new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
g. Permission to enter the country, to departure or pass through it. Signature of the responsible official on what Document certifying the familiarization of this person with or getting permission from it to

Examples of consuming the word visa in the literature.

Without asking about visaNor of the vaccinations, the representative of the Ministry of Tourism held us through all the controls, and the Embassy chauffeur took the goal for a visor when Mousse, Umar and Abdullah, picking up his own TV, climbed into the spacious ambassador.

Because in the first call of the Kremlin Mountain, it was necessary to throw everything and hurry a head on the old square, to the accreditation department - to take a passport on visa.

US Consulate in Bombay issued Rajnish visa, and June 1, 1981, selling the property of Ashram and capturing with him the 17 most devoted students, he secretly flew to New York.

He immediately called Baldina and asked for four urgent visas in Ecuador.

I had to bump into bamako to sneak the thresholds of police sites, defining the continuation visasWell, the consul helped, Dali, but with dislike, and only for the sake of, of course, the profit.

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