The Last Monarch of the Russian Empire: The Story of Anton Bakov's Adventures. Grigory grabovoy and bakov - you have already made such an offer to him

MOSCOW, January 24 - RIA Novosti. Russian presidential candidate from the "Monarchist Party" and its founder Anton Bakov announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy from the elections.

According to Bakov, who became known for his intention to revive the Romanov empire on the islands of the Pacific Republic of Kiribati, he wrote an appeal to all presidential candidates, in which he explained the reason for his refusal to participate in the elections.

“I regret to inform you that, in accordance with the conclusion of the lawyers, I will be forced to withdraw my candidacy for the presidency of Russia. The recognition of the Romanov Empire as the first sovereign state by the Republic of Gambia, in their opinion, automatically endowed me with a second citizenship, which, in accordance with paragraph 5.1 of Article 3 The Federal Law "On the elections of the President of the Russian Federation" makes it impossible for me to be elected president, "reads the text of the appeal, which is at the disposal of RIA Novosti.

In December last year, Bakov announced that the Romanov Empire he created and the Republic of Gambia signed a memorandum of friendship and cooperation. Bakov said that after the "ratification of the memorandum" in the territorial waters of the Gambia, it is planned to begin the construction of artificial islands with an area of ​​10 square kilometers.

However, later, the Gambian authorities denied information about the signing of the memorandum. In a statement on the website of the President of the Gambia, it was said that the corresponding document, published on December 11 by Radio of New Zealand, was fake.

The founder of the Monarchist Party, in his address to the candidates, expressed confidence that the people of Russia would make a wise choice.

"If you succeed in the elections, I ask you to instruct the Russian Foreign Ministry to conduct negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the authorities of the West African state of the Romanov Empire," the address says.

According to Bakov, despite the fact that Russia did not recognize the Romanov Empire, the opening of its embassy in Moscow and consulates in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg "would contribute to national reconciliation and the acquisition of the official status of the Romanov dynasty without the need to amend the constitutional legislation of Russia."

"The Romanov Empire expresses a firm and clear desire to become a reliable ally of the Russian Federation. A treaty of friendship and cooperation between our countries could also fix the refusal to demand restitution and other claims," ​​Bakov stressed.

At a press conference in Yekaterinburg, the billionaire said that on Wednesday he would go to the election commission, where he would submit an application to withdraw his candidacy. He stressed that he does not consider this election a farce.

Earlier, the Central Election Commission of Russia allowed Bakov to open a special account to form an electoral fund, start campaigning and collect signatures in support of his nomination in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Also, the CEC registered the candidate's authorized representatives on financial issues. Bakov said last week that he had collected all the signatures required for registration.

Russian presidential elections will be held on March 18, 2018. Compliance with electoral legislation will be monitored by government agencies, observers, candidates, and media representatives ..

Ex-State Duma deputy businessman Anton Bakov creates a state in the Pacific Ocean. The new "Russian Empire" will be located on three of the twenty uninhabited islands of the Republic of Kiribati - Malden, Starbuck and Millennium. The project will cost the businessman $ 350 million.

Anton Bakov is the founder of the Monarchist Party, he has already tried to recreate the Romanov empire in Montenegro and the Cook Islands in Polynesia, but the project has not yet been completed. The Kiribiti authorities must approve the lease of the islands at the end of February. The Insider spoke with the founder of the "Russian Empire" and found out why the businessman decided to organize his project so far from Russia.

- Why monarchy?

I have been involved in politics in Russia for many years - for 14 years I was only a deputy in the Sverdlovsk region, then in the State Duma. I have accumulated many questions for the Russian, and, in general, not only for the Russian state. This concept needs to be reformed and will change globally. As a type, the socialist state has already died, the national state is dying off before our eyes, and obviously completely new types and types of states will arise that will exist in organizations like the European Union. We see the rise in Catalonia, in Scotland, but these are belated outbursts of nationalism, their time is lost. What will the modern state be like in 20, 50 years? I think it will be monarchical, since monarchy is the most effective way of government. It is not in vain that one-man command prevails in the army and at enterprises. I recently published a monarchist manifesto, in which I write all this in more detail.

In the USSR, the monarchy was presented to people at school as something bad - that it was serfdom, that they would flog in the stable, and so on. At the same time, in Russia they forget that it was Tsar Alexander II who abolished this serfdom, and the Bolsheviks reintroduced it. We are all victims of propaganda and educational mistakes, in this case, quite deliberate mistakes. Undoubtedly, the monarchy cannot resemble that school image, so you have to look for new ways and new knowledge.

I would pay special attention not to the traditional European constitutional monarchy, but to real absolute monarchies that exist, for example, on the Arabian Peninsula - all prosperous states in this region are an absolute monarchy.

Anton Bakov (left)

The only place where the monarchy was overthrown with the assistance of the USSR is Yemen. And we know that it is there that there is the greatest famine, devastation and civil war. In countries where absolute monarchy has been preserved, everything is fine.

Take the other end of the world - the monarchy is flourishing in the Malaysian Federation. It is a union of ten sultanates, and at the same time the most growing country in the region. Compare Burma with its constant turmoil, poverty, and neighboring kingdoms - Thailand and the Federation of Malaysia.

In my opinion, a monarchy can be both effective and modern, but we are not satisfied with the options that exist today. Firstly, we must find our own national Russian solution, and secondly, perhaps a universal, modern monarchy of the 21st century. After all, the tradition has been broken, and it is impossible to renew it - you cannot enter the same river twice.

- Many Russian people associate the word "monarchy" with tyranny and bloody events ...

Maybe you are confusing a Russian person with a Soviet person? With the homunculus that the communists have bred in a test tube for 70 years? What can you do, we cannot get into the heads of these people - for this there is President Putin, he does it well.

Republic of Kiribati.

- And in a pleasant Pacific climate - is it just to be more attractive?

Indeed, we add ourselves an additional advantage - it is not entirely athletic, but what can we do, we are not athletes.

- Who do you see as citizens in your new state?

Our project is already almost five years old, at first we had a small virtual state of the Russian Empire, and we gave citizenship to everyone, during this time a little more than 5 thousand people joined us. So far, we have suspended this process - we are not conducting campaigning work: 5,000 are already enough not to be a house of cards. Now, no one forbids joining us either - anyone can come to Yekaterinburg at 11 Turgenev Street, apartment 2 and receive a passport with a two-headed eagle with the inscription “Russian Empire”.

In the future, of course, priority will be given to professionals who will work on the islands. There is a proposal to establish official citizenship for the duration of work, as in the Vatican, but I am not a supporter of this idea - residents and their descendants should have the right to obtain a passport. Now the President of Kiribati has gone to inspect the islands, and he will return on February 23rd, I really hope that we will sign a lease. Of course, it would be symbolic to sign the papers on the day of the centenary of the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne, but the symbolism is symbolism, but we will do it as it is best for the cause.

- How noticeable is the desire of people to leave Russia for you? Who are they and what are they running from?

You yourself know that many people leave Russia, and a lot of our mutual acquaintances have left it long ago. We looked at friends who liked some of our publications on Facebook - we laughed that they all live in different parts of the world. Some left 20 years ago, some 25, and some in recent years. Everyone has their own life circumstances, but for me the turning point was the murder of Nemtsov. Then I finally decided that it was necessary to end this, nothing good would happen here.

When choosing future fellow citizens, will you give preference to those people who leave here for the same reasons? Or will it rather be a professional selection?

I will give preference to those who are persistent. Australia and New Zealand are very attractive due to their more suitable climate. Here, after all, + 27-28 degrees all year round: it's one thing to come to lie down on the beach, and it's another to live your whole life in shorts and a T-shirt. For example, I like it, but a girl with stiletto heels does not, she will be perplexed as to where she should go out on stiletto heels.

Anton Bakov is a Russian businessman and politician, the founder of his own virtual state and the head of the Monarchist Party of Russia.

early years

Anton was born on December 29, 1965 in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg). His parents were simple engineers of the city plant "Uralmash", so the childhood of the future presidential candidate was no different from the childhood of the average Soviet child.

After graduating from high school in 1983, Anton Bakov entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute. He studied for only A's and received a prestigious Lenin scholarship. In 1988, Anton successfully graduated from the metallurgical faculty, receiving a red diploma and becoming an honorary graduate of the university.

Entrepreneurial activity

Anton began to earn money as entrepreneurship while still studying at the institute. In his senior years, he created several cooperatives that were focused on the sale of tourist vouchers in the Soviet Union. After perestroika, Bakov began trading in markets throughout the Sverdlovsk region and air transportation.

In 1991 Anton created the East Line transport company on the basis of his tourist cooperatives. His business partner was entrepreneur Dmitry Kamenshchik, who to this day remains the chairman of the board of directors.

The services of East Line were actively used by "shuttle traders" (traders in small wholesale) who brought products to Russia from China and Europe. During two years of active work, the enterprises Bakov and Kamenshchik were able to earn quite substantial capital and became the main owners of the Domodedovo airport.

Walks in Yekaterinburg: Anton Bakov

In 1994 Anton decided to get involved in politics and sold his stake in East Line to a partner. Nevertheless, several distilleries remained in his assets, which he acquired in the Sverdlovsk region - they are the main sources of Bakov's income.

Career in politics

In the summer of 1993, Anton got the position of head of the Ural-Volga branch of the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs and Regional Policy. Soon he became the right hand of Eduard Rossel - the head and future governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

After leaving East Line, Bakov was elected to the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma. He devoted the first years of his political activity to the struggle against the appointment of the mayor and governor of the region without the participation of Russian citizens. Together with his associates, Anton managed to achieve elections to the local Duma in 1995 and 1996. He nominated himself as mayor of Yekaterinburg, but ceded this position to Arkady Chernetsky.

From 2000 to 2003, Anton was a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. During his work, he conducted anti-corruption activities and became the founder of the anti-mafia public movement, which opposed the redistribution of state property in Yekaterinburg. From 2003 to 2007, Bakov was a State Duma deputy.

Anton Bakov: on the idols of power and the revival of the monarchy

In 2012, Bakov founded his own party - the Monarchist Party of Russia, within which he promoted the ideals of autocracy and called for the creation of a constitutional monarchy in the country.

In 2014, Anton told the press about the creation of his own virtual state, which he called the "Romanov Empire". Later it was renamed the "Romanov Empire". It is noteworthy that the Bakova state was recognized by Gambia, the smallest African country. The Gambian authorities and Bakov signed a memorandum of friendship in December 2017. The Russian claimed that he would soon start building an independent state on the territory of artificial islands in the Gambian waters.

Personal life of Anton Bakov

Bakov was married twice. Nothing is known about the entrepreneur's first darling. Currently, Anton's wife is a foreign language teacher Marina, who gave birth to four children.

Anton Bakov now

In August 2017, it became known that Bakov plans to participate in the 2018 presidential elections. He managed to collect the required number of signatures from voters, but in January 2018 he refused to run. The reason was that Anton had dual citizenship: Russia and the Romanov Empire (previously another presidential candidate, Alexander Chukhlebov, was denied registration by the CEC due to his residence permit in Finland). Bakov said that now he intends to fully concentrate on the development of his state.

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"Russia is such a country: sweet, but very stupid"

The founder of the Monarchist Party Anton Bakov announced his participation in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

The founder of the "Monarchist Party" Anton Bakov is going to take part in the presidential elections in Russia in 2018. Today such a decision was made at the political council of the party. Bakov is a well-known Ural politician and businessman who is famous for his trolling of the current political system. In 2013, he nominated his 22-year-old daughter, actress Anastasia, to the elections for the head of Yekaterinburg, who went under the slogan "the mayor is powerless." In 2011, he founded the virtual state of the Roman Empire, which is "headed" by the heir to the Romanov dynasty. This year, he announced that the empire would have real territory on the bulk islands in the Gambia. In an interview with the website, the politician told why he needed presidential elections and why Alexei Navalny is the new Vladimir Putin.

- On Saturday, the "Monarchist Party" is going to nominate you as a presidential candidate. As far as I know, you doubted whether to participate in the elections. Why did you decide?

- I did not decide, the decision was made by the political council of the "Monarchist Party". Today 6 out of 8 our members [of the political council of the party] gathered in this epicenter of the cultural and political life of our region - in the village of Kosulino, in the building Kuznechnaya 7a, and unanimously decided that we should hold a congress of all branches of our party on December 23. One question: who is worthy to be a candidate for the presidency of Russia from our party. While they think it's me. But who knows. Voting is secret, surprises are possible, and meatballs may rain. But it is not very likely.

- Are you yourself ready for such a responsible mission?

- It is very uncomfortable for me to participate in the presidential elections, because I always take the second place in such elections. In 1995, I took second place in the mayoral elections in Yekaterinburg, I was not yet 30. In 2002, I was not yet 40, I entered the second round with Eduard Rossel in the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. If I take the second place in the elections with Vladimir Putin or, God forbid, go to the second round with him, then I will not be good. In the end, why not. He who does not take risks does not drink champagne.

- Who, besides Vladimir Putin, do you consider your main rival?

- I do not consider Putin as a rival either. And I hope that he will not consider me a rival either. Because I would not like to repeat the fate of my friend Boris Nemtsov.

- By the way, in 2015, after the murder of Boris Nemtsov, you said that you were emigrating from Russia. Why have you now decided to return to Russian politics?

- I have not returned to Russian politics. I emigrated, this year I lived for half a year in Oceania and Africa. I am busy with projects of the Romanov Empire, I just think that it is useful for the Romanov Empire to interact with the Russian Federation in these elections. We are recognized by the Gambia.

To be honest, the purpose of my participation in the elections is to get diplomatic recognition from the Russian Federation. We are simply bred. We are like some kind of fools. Russia is such a country: sweet, but very stupid.

I watch all the latest headlines about Putin's presidential nomination. We know that he goes to the presidency in order to legitimize his power, so that everyone knows that the source of the Russian president's power is the vote of the people. At the same time, it is written everywhere: "Tsar, Tsar, Tsar", and Putin is wearing the crown. You cannot be both a king and a democratically elected president. Those who call him tsar humiliate not him, but Russia, destroy the majestic glittering myth that we are trying to create, that there is some kind of democracy in Russia.

The simplest thing is to admit that the tsar is not Putin, but some other person, a descendant of the Romanov dynasty, who reigns over 10 square kilometers in the Republic of Gambia in West Africa.

It seems to me that this would be a reasonable systemic move, because we are confused. We really do not understand, we are trying to fit in one bottle both tsarist Russia and communism and the new democratic Russia. If Chanel or Apple tried to create a brand that contradicted itself and looked like a hedgehog, no one would succeed. We must stop crossing a snake with a hedgehog. Although I understand that the result in the form of barbed wire would suit many.

Do you already have any idea how you will campaign?

- I had two ideas. The first is to beat old man [Vladimir] Zhirinovsky and occupy his niche, but then how to live with this? I have children, grandchildren, a disgrace. I am not against being considered a clown, but all the same ... It's one thing to be a clown by accusing enemies, another thing to be a clown by nature. No, excuse me, Vladimir Volfovich, nothing threatens you.

Therefore, the campaign will be intelligent, smart, maybe too smart, for sure no one will understand it. The way I am.

- You also took part in the primaries of Andrey Bogdanov "Third Power". Are you no longer interested in this project?

- I was in Africa. Bogdanov called me and asked: "Are we turning you on?" I replied: "Of course, I am the same person as everyone else." They needed me. At first they wanted to ask me for 100 thousand rubles, but in the end they didn’t. Therefore, this is all charity, and this is all very good.

- Would you be interested in taking a place in the systemic policy?

“Of course not, because it’s not that I’m a rat that escapes from a sinking ship. I have a friend Sasha Burkov (Alexander Burkov - acting governor of the Omsk region, ex-deputy of the State Duma - ed.), Whom I have known for a hundred years. He was appointed governor of the Omsk region. No one will appoint me governor, thank God, of any region. But if I had received such an offer, I would, of course, have refused, because I think that the time is like that. I do not want to participate in what is called the systemic policy of Russia. I am now engaged in the policy that will be in Russia in 10, 20, 30 years. Most likely, I will not live, but my children, the Most Serene Princes of the Bakovs, will. And then, perhaps, my efforts will not be in vain.

- Can you describe what you think the politics will be in 15-20 years?

- Let's immediately:

no need to blame Vladimir Putin. He follows the line of least resistance. He accepts Russia as it is.

He adjusts to these people who are growing up, to the unfortunate victims of the Soviet underachieved education, the shortage of sausage, people who do not think broadly enough, because from childhood they are subjected to propaganda when their brains are smashed to smithereens. You cannot imagine how the education system in Russia used to differ from what is taught to children in more advanced countries. All that Putin is doing is playing along with the masses.

But we must go to the future. The leader is not the one who lags behind and follows the opinion of the unfortunate people crippled by the Soviet regime. The leader is the one who is ahead, who blazes new paths, roads, trajectories. But in order for people to follow them, you must first invent them in your head, then slowly propagate them.

Yes, I am playing for a long time, perhaps playing a game longer than my life. It's okay, Russia will remain even after Vladimir Putin - in this I disagree with those who say that Putin is Russia. I am sure Russia will survive it too.

- What are you personally going to do after March 2018?

- I agreed to build artificial islands in the Gambia. Perhaps I will offer one of the islands to Lech Navalny (oppositionist Alexei Navalny - ed.). I've known him for over 10 years, he's a good guy, but unfortunately he also tries to flirt with the majority. It turns out that he is the new Putin. It seems to me that this is wrong. I will give him 2 kilometers of artificial islands and propose to build the beautiful Russia of the future, about which he constantly talks. And we'll see. Why are all these empty promises? Putin won't let you do it. It's very hard, but here's a sandbox, play, show you what kind of sand castle you can build.

- Have you already made such an offer to him?

- Not yet, this is exclusive for you. But I will, of course, turn to him.

- Why do you think that Navalny is the new Putin?

- Because Navalny is addressing the same people as Putin. It's like feeding pigs. The old pig fed them, the young one will come, what will he feed them? The same.

One [ex-Minister of Economic Development Alexei] Ulyukayev was imprisoned, the other promises to imprison [Russian Prime Minister Dmitry] Medvedev. Do you really think that something will change from this?

- And from what can something change?

“I don’t know myself. It is necessary for more than one person to determine this. I am trying to create a monarchy, a new empire, where there would be many monarchs, where many people could become monarchs and realize the vision that they cannot realize in this system. It is far from being ruled by Putin. Putin is a bogeyman from above. The bureaucracy really rules. She rules in all countries. I worked, besides Russia, in 8-9 countries, I communicated with presidents, ministers, officials. Everything is arranged the same everywhere. Everywhere everyone is muffled, there is no will of the people. Where can you break through and succeed? In private business. Private business is booming.

And what good have modern states done? No hunger, no global warming, no getting rid of terrorism and some kind of armed conflicts. We have genocide all over the planet, including in our country. Because the bureaucracy rules, for which the main thing is to ensure its own privileges. I’m not saying that I’ll come up with everything. But I create an alternative model where people can come, some of whom can succeed. Everything on the person. The only basis is a person, nothing but a person does not exist. All these states, parties, ideologies are all secondary. The most important cell is a person. The atom from which our universe is created.

The Ertschancellor of the Imperial throne, a well-known Ural politician and businessman Anton Bakov is seriously thinking about changing his place of residence. The businessman plans to leave Yekaterinburg, but where - he never decided. How the last monarchist of Russia should be remembered by the inhabitants of the Urals - in the material "AiF-Ural".


He was an adviser and rival of Rossel, competed in the mayoral elections for Arkady Chernetsky, lived in a trailer to become the head of the Kurgan region, created his own virtual government, and then decided to buy land in the Pacific and organize his own state.

Many call him a madman, others admire extraordinary deeds and far-sighted thinking, still others consider him a swindler or even a clown, others call him a genius. So it should be with any passionate. The phenomenon of Anton Bakov is difficult to understand, it is easier to look at his activities from the outside. Until he finally left Russia to live and rule in his state in Kiribati, in the Gambia or elsewhere under the rays of the bright sun and warm ocean.

Anton Bakov. Start

The future chief monarchist of Russia and the arch-chancellor of the Imperial throne was born in Sverdlovsk on December 29, 1965, into a family of engineers from Uralmashzavod. He studied at the 104th school, in 1988 he graduated from UPI with honors ... The standard beginning of the biography of an ordinary person, but not for Anton Bakov.

In one of his numerous interviews, the businessman shared that the first steps in entrepreneurship began with the organization of tourist trips to Verkhoturye, for which he borrowed 1,300 rubles from his grandmother. And already in the 4th year of the institute he organized a tourist cooperative "Kedr", and then an excursion agency "Malakhit".

Story 1. Millions on the Koran, or How Domodedovo Became International

Big money came to Bakov when he started charter flights to Poland and China - "Kedr" and "Malachite" were transformed into "East Line". The company was organized together with Bakov's friend and entrepreneur Dmitry Kamenshchik and settled in Moscow's Domodedovo airport. In 1992, the partners managed to assign international status to the airport.

While Anton Bakov was engaged in air transportation, he managed to translate and sell 100,000 copies of the Koran and earn more than 2.5 million rubles from this: the book was sold at 27 rubles apiece. “It was crazy money - more than two and a half million! They were sold in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, and Siberia, the rest of the edition was shipped to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, ”Bakov recalls in an interview.

In 1994, the businessman sold his share to his partner Kamenshchik for 10 thousand dollars and went on a free voyage. Or rather, politics. From this moment, the story of Bakov begins, which many remember.

Story 2. Replacing the ruble

In 1991, Bakov initiated a new currency in the Sverdlovsk region - the Ural franc. The idea arose on the basis of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the system of commodity-money relations. The Ural franc was named after the Swiss franc.

Consent was obtained from the state to print money. Without overstepping the legislative norms, with all permits in Perm, the Goznak factory printed 1,930 million banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 francs.

Ural franc. Photo: Wikipedia

The currency was supposed to become the main one in the Ural Republic, the creation of which was announced by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel in 1993. However, this never happened - in December 1993, a new Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted, where the ruble became the only currency, and Boris Yeltsin banned the autonomy of the Sverdlovsk region by his decree.

Nevertheless, the banknotes surfaced four years later, when Anton Bakov was the director of the Serov Metallurgical Plant. The Ural francs were used as food stamps, but after Bakov left office, they were banned by the new leadership. A total of 1 million copies were seized. Where the remaining 930 thousand disappeared is still unknown.

Story 3. Life in a construction trailer

After selling his stake in East Line to his partner, Anton Bakov went into politics, becoming a deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma and chairman of the Duma committee on legislation. A businessman and already a politician became the right hand of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, was elected political coordinator of the Rossel movement "Transformation of the Urals". Anton Bakov was 28 years old.

Taking part in the election of the mayor of Yekaterinburg in 1995 and taking second place after Chernetsky, Bakov wanted independence.

“The desire for independence led me to the Kurgan region, where in 1996 the election of the governor was announced. Alas, a local registration was required to participate, ”he recalls in an interview.

Anton Bakov, personal archive of Konstantin Kiselev

To resolve the issue of registration, Anton Bakov registered in a construction trailer in the village of Peschano-Koledino. But the regional election commission refused to register. Then the enterprising politician made an attempt to solve the problem through the courts in order to prove that he was a full-fledged resident of the Kurgan region. On the side of the politician in the court was a woman, a local librarian (“Anton Alekseevich is a regular visitor to our library, he reads a lot”), on the other side - a local police officer (“We didn’t get him involved, I don’t know anything about him!”). But the court still refused to register Bakov.

“I remember how a judge in the Supreme Court asked:“ If you lived in a trailer, where did you go to the toilet? ” The failure was offensive, ”the monarchist recalls.

Story 4. Fight with Fedulev and the second after Rossel

Anton Bakov headed the Serov Metallurgical Plant from 1997 to 2000. He left his post with a scandal. As the businessman himself notes, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel was involved in this. Thus, Bakov turns from the governor's associates into an enemy. In parallel, together with the current leader of the Sverdlovsk "spravedlivoros" Alexander Burkov, Bakov creates a public movement "May", advocating for the rights of workers and the social category of citizens.

In this status, Bakov actively intervenes in various political and economic performances, including high-profile scandals. One of the highlights was a fight with the well-known industrial raider from the Urals, now convicted, Pavel Fedulev.

In 2000, there was a struggle for the assets of the property of the Uralkhimmash plant. Not without Bakov, who in the office of the director of the plant management hit Pavel Fedulev on the head. The story turned into a criminal case, which was eventually terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In 2003, Bakov took part in the elections for the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. The political struggle with the main candidate for governor, Eduard Rossel, is heated to the limit - Bakov is in second place by a slight margin. One of the main arguments against his opponent is Rossel's connection with the Uralmash OPS. It comes to the second round, where Eduard Rossel prevailed, gaining 600 thousand votes, and Bakov 330 thousand.

History 6. Virtual State and the Monarchist Party

From 2003 to 2007, Anton Bakov is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And before the election, during the election campaign in the estate of Bakov-Serov, even wooden toilets were sealed with leaflets depicting Anton Alekseevich.

Since 2011, the monarchist Bakov has been creating a virtual state "Russian Empire", of which anyone can become a citizen, moreover, with the receipt of a passport. And on July 12, 2012, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registers the first legal Monarchist party in the country created by Anton Bakov after the 1917 revolution. The next year, the party leader finds the heir to the Russian throne, Nikolai Kirillovich, a descendant of Alexander II.

Story 7. Daughter mayor

The monarchist party in the elections for the mayor of Yekaterinburg in 2013 nominates itself for this post - the politician's daughter Anastasia Bakova. During the election campaign, Anastasia actively gives interviews, walks with the dog at public events and holidays, and sings the "Monarchist Anthem" of Russia.

History 8. New Empire: Kiribati, Gambia and more

In 2014, Anton Bakov is trying to implement the ideas of monarchism - from the virtual state "Russian Empire" there is a transition to a sovereign state. Nikolai Kirillovich is declared the sole heir to the throne, becomes Emperor Nicholas III, on the basis of which the sovereign state of the Imperial Throne is proclaimed, in which Anton Bakov is the Arch Chancellor.

Anton Bakov, photo from the personal archive of Anton Bakov

Interesting Facts

Anton Bakov is married for the second time. He took his wife Maria away from the family in the late 80s. The couple have four children and five grandchildren. The Ural writer Alexei Ivanov called Bakov a "political Leonardo" and a "shuttle man". As a candidate of technical sciences, he has 20 patents for inventions.

From that moment on, Bakov begins to look for plots of land for his empire. Negotiations are underway with Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Gambia, Antigua and Barbuda and Kiribati. Negotiations are under way to this day. But Anton Alekseevich is not discouraged and continues his search. During this time, world-famous publications - The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, The Times and others - have written about the Ural monarchist.

In April 2017, Anton Bakov announced that he was selling all his assets in Yekaterinburg and leaving the country. It is not the first year that he has been making such a loud statement, but every year these statements are becoming more and more confident.

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