Maintenance and care of hamsters. Hamster care

Many of us have fond memories of pet hamsters, which is why these increasingly popular pets are often the first choice for kids. They are relatively easy to maintain and can become very tame with regular care and guidance. But hamsters are quite fragile and small creatures that do not lend themselves to rough treatment, and therefore are not suitable for very young children.

There are several types of hamsters that are usually kept as pets, these are popular breeds such as the Syrian hamster, pygmy hamster, Russian hamster, Chinese hamster and Roborovsky hamster. Depending on the breed, hamsters live on average two to three years.

Hamsters are sociable little animals and tend to stay in pairs or small groups, although female Chinese hamsters can be aggressive towards other females, so they are best housed alone. If you plan on keeping more than one hamster, you should purchase a pair or group of pets together, as they rarely accept new roommates once they have settled in a cage. Despite the fact that in general they get along well with each other, nevertheless, occasional skirmishes can occasionally occur, so it is advisable to make sure that the cage is suitable for the whole group, that there are different zones in it, and, if necessary, the individual can run away.


Although specific hamster species have slightly different housing and housing requirements, the Rotastak system, with plastic colored boxes connected by pipes, is a good choice for all breeds. Hamsters are nocturnal animals and are somewhat sleepy and quiet during the day, but they are very active at night and love to play, climb, run and explore their surroundings. You can purchase the Rotastak system with the ability to install additional sections, and, in the future, it is easy to change the structure of the housing, or install additional parts and zones in it, which best suits the needs of your pets.

In the sleeping sections, you need to place bedding and it is advisable to make them small so that the hamsters can snuggle together, the rest of the sections, for example, for entertainment and games, should have toys and have as much space as possible. The floors and slabs of the various areas should be lined with wood shavings, and it is best to place pieces of shredded paper in the sleeping compartment. Do not use hay or straw as a backing, as their sharp edges and edges can damage the delicate cheeks and eyes of hamsters.

You must be able to maintain a constant temperature in the sections, so make sure the dwelling is located away from direct sunlight and away from radiators and other sources of heat.


Hamsters thrive on quality hamster food made from grains and seeds. Hamsters also love fresh vegetables and fruits, such as chopped carrots and apples, but it's best to feed them very little to avoid an upset stomach. Another pleasure for them is to gnaw at the ears of various grains, such as wheat, to get to the seeds inside. You will also need to provide your hamsters with a mineral stone to make sure your pet is getting all the nutrients it needs.

Their bowl should be large enough not to tip over during their frantic games, and food should be changed on a daily basis, while the bowl should be well scrubbed. You will also need to provide your hamsters with a water bottle, periodically filling it with fresh, clean water.

Games and parenting

Hamsters, as nocturnal animals, should be allowed to sleep during the day. When you first bring your hamsters home, give them a few days to get used to the new environment and get comfortable before playing with them and picking them up. Talk to your pet periodically so that he recognizes your voice, and then stick your hand in his house so that he sniffs it, and, if possible, offer him a treat. Pet the hamsters very gently, and try to encourage them to climb onto your hand. Hamsters are small animals, so you should grab them very carefully, being careful not to scare or touch your ears and head. Hamsters are also quite agile and tend to be in constant motion, so be careful when holding them high off the ground. Hamsters love to climb and explore, so they may count you as a piece of furniture, for example, and climb up and down you.

Children should always know how to approach, stroke and handle hamsters correctly, be sure to watch them to make sure they don't do it too rudely. Remember that hamsters can bite when they are scared or in pain, so always supervise children when they are around their pet.

Hamsters love to play in pipes, climb stairs, and, of course, adore their "running" wheel, which is always interesting to watch. You can also purchase a special ball for hamsters that can be placed on any level surface, and the hamster, being inside this ball, will spin and run safely for himself and without fear of running away.

Cleaning and maintenance

At home, it is advisable to clean the house of hamsters every one to two weeks, using disinfectants that are safe for pets, while replacing all pieces of paper and sawdust on the floor. Removing droppings and leftover food should be done daily at a certain time, hamsters can be quite dirty animals, but as a rule, this should not take more than a few minutes. Hamsters usually use one spot in their cage as a litter box, which makes cleaning a little easier, and once you've confidently identified that spot, you can place a small dedicated litter box there.

List of required equipment

Once you've decided that keeping hamsters is a good choice for you and your family, try using this checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

  • Rotastak system or similar dwelling units of suitable dimensions
  • Wood shavings for the floor
  • Pieces of shredded paper
  • Suitable food for hamsters
  • Food bowl
  • Water bottle and brush to clean it
  • Mineral stone
  • Vitamins and Probiotic Supplements
  • Special wheel or ball for hamsters
  • Ladders, pipes and toys
  • Pet-friendly disinfectant

Fluffy and playful indoor hamsters today are kept by many as pets. These small animals are often given to children to play with, feed and care for. Rodents are not picky, so not only an adult, but also a child can cope with their care at home.

Choosing a house for a hamster

Transporting a rodent and choosing a house for it should be given special attention, since these pets can be stressed without any special reason. A hamster should not be settled in a new dwelling right away. After buying at a pet store, the animal can be kept in an ordinary glass jar for several days and given time to adapt.

At home, it is not recommended to keep rodents in jars, plastic containers or cardboard boxes. For them, you can equip a large aquarium or, best of all, a cage. The house should be forty centimeters wide and sixty in length. If a cage is selected, then it is necessary to ensure that its rods were located horizontally. In this case, the pet will be able to move freely on all planes of its home.

Types of hamster houses

Pet stores today offer a wide variety of gadgets to keep rodents in. However, some pet owners make their own houses.

Kinds houses:

Whichever house is chosen, it should be installed in a quiet place away from radiators, direct sunlight and drafts. Place the home so that other pets and small children cannot reach the small pet.

Correct house equipment

Having picked up a suitable home for a hamster, it must be equip:

Hamster care features

At home, caring for rodents consists in feeding them, cleaning the house and bathing the pet. The life rhythm in rodents depends on the season, which you also need to know about.

How to feed your hamster at home?

In nature, rodents eat grains and animal products. At home, they should be fed carefully, having previously studied what can be given to the pet as food, and what can't:

When caring for a hamster, great attention should be paid to the drinking regime. During the day, rodents drink from seven to ten milliliters of water, which should always be fresh and clean.

Hamsters should not be fed with food from the table, since foods that are useful for humans can adversely affect the health of the rodent.

Nail care

Have rodents rather sharp claws that they need to sharpen and cut. Therefore, you should definitely purchase a mineral stone and a special clipper for your pet. The free edge of the claw must be cut off regularly. This procedure should be carried out carefully. You must try not to touch the capillaries. To better see where the capillaries begin, you can illuminate the claw with a fluorescent lamp. If the pet was nevertheless accidentally injured, then the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Hamster hibernation

With the onset of winter, hamsters begin an economical mode of life, and they can hibernate. This happens when the air temperature is low, poor lighting and a poor diet. In a warm home environment, rodents wake up. It is not recommended to wake them up.


Hamsters don't like water, so bathe they should be carefully. This procedure is carried out only if an unpleasant odor emanates from the animal or the fur is very dirty. Water should not get into the pet's nose, ears and eyes. The rodent will be scared if released in the water. Therefore, while bathing, the pet must be kept.

It is not recommended to use shampoos or other detergents while bathing. As a last resort, you can wash your hamster's coat with rabbit shampoo. After bathing, the pet should warm up, so until it dries, it should be wrapped in a cloth and held in your hands. After that, the hamster is wrapped in a dry warm cloth, in which it should dry well and warm up.

Deal with stress

Rodents can be stressed for no apparent reason, so they should be provided with a comfortable environment and exclude stressful situations.

Main reasons stress:

  1. Small children, dogs and cats must not be allowed in the pet cage. They can scare the animal with their behavior.
  2. Rodents are very afraid of noisy streets, and even a simple move in a car can cause cardiac arrest in them. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them out for a walk.
  3. The house should be cleaned only when empty, after removing the hamster from it.
  4. Near the pet's home, you should talk in a moderate tone, and address him only affectionately. In no case should you shout and raise your voice.
  5. Dirty litter, an uncleaned house, lack of water and food can also provoke stress for the animal. Therefore, the rodent needs constant care.
  6. It is not recommended to move the cage from place to place. This change can be stressful for the hamster. Also, you should not change the daily routine to which the pet is accustomed.
  7. Hamsters feel great in the dark, and if the fluorescent light is suddenly turned on at night, they can start to panic.
  8. Once a pet has lived, it can fall into depression, if you add a hamster to it. Therefore, another house is bought and equipped for the new rodent. In order for hamsters to live together, they are raised together from an early age. However, when they grow up, each will need its own cage.
  9. When breeding hamsters, you do not need to constantly check newborn animals. The female will not like it, and she will become angry.

Hamsters love to live in peace and quiet, separate from their relatives and other pets.

Caring for a hamster at home is not difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules of care, choose a good house for the pet, equip its home with the necessary items and feed only permitted products.

How to take care of your hamster at home? This question arises in the head of a person when he is going to have a small rodent. Now we will analyze this topic in detail.


So how to care for a Syrian hamster? How to properly maintain a jungarik?

Whichever breed you choose a rodent, of course, it needs a medium-sized cage (over 50 x 30 cm). Note that a three-liter jar is not suitable for keeping rodents, as it will be cramped there. If it is not possible to purchase a cage, but there is an aquarium at home, then it can be used as a home for a hamster, of course, without water.

How to care for a hamster at home and where to put his home? There should be no hot battery or noisy objects near the cage (for example, radio or TV). Bright sunlight is harmful to these rodents. Therefore, he should not fall into their home. Keep the cage out of the reach of small children and other pets.


The second thing to buy when considering getting a hamster is litter. Currently, there is a wide range of products in this category on sale, so there is no need to use unsuitable things, such as cotton wool, as bedding. The best filler is medium-sized wood chips. Hamsters love to burrow in them.

Required items

You will also need a house. In this place, the hamster will sleep, and also hide its supplies. That is, in such a dwelling, the rodent will spend most of its life. Note that hamsters eat even half asleep.

Therefore, it is necessary that the house is well ventilated, with windows and an opening for the entrance, it is desirable that the lid is removable. The best option is plastic housing. It is easy to clean and dries quickly. A more environmentally friendly option is a wooden house. Unfortunately, it is not hygienic.


You also need to purchase a wheel. Without this element, the hamster will get bored. In addition, such a simulator is necessary for animals to lose extra grams. Thanks to this device, animals fulfill their natural need for physical activity. It is desirable that the wheel be attached to something, otherwise it may fall. A good option is to attach the device to the back of the cage, close to the floor. This will also save space. It is best to choose a metal wheel with wide rods to prevent the hamster's legs from falling through.


What else do you need to buy to keep a rodent? Drinking bowl. It needs to be attached to the cage. Its main function is to provide the rodent with drinking water. It is advisable to use boiled or mineral. Tap water can cause diarrhea in the animal. You need to change the water in the drinker every other day.

How to care for a Dzungarian hamster? The care features are the same as for other breeds. In addition to everything described, I would like to say that it would be nice to purchase labyrinths for hamsters through which they can climb. If there is no financial opportunity to purchase such items, then they can be made from plastic bottles or cardboard. In addition, you can also buy a walking ball.

How to take care of your hamster at home?

Leaving involves many components. We will consider all the points of keeping a rodent. So how to care for a Dzungarian hamster? Let's start our conversation with a delicate topic. We'll talk about the rodent's toilet. In a cage, it can be done in a corner.

The tray can be purchased at the pet store. The toilet area should be cleaned several times a week. If there is no tray, then the entire cage should be cleaned just as often. Although sometimes even once is enough, if the hamster is clean. In addition, a general cleaning is required. It should be done four times a month. What does the general cleaning include? Full litter change and pallet washing. Here's how to properly care for your hamster.

We talked about cleanliness. We will now discuss another important topic. Note that you should not let rodents out of the cage into the apartment. Babies can get lost, they can be stepped on and more. If you want to let the rodents go for a walk, then carefully monitor each hamster.


How to properly care for your hamster? Provide him with comfortable living conditions and correctly think over the diet. We will now talk about the nutrition of rodents.

So what to feed your pet hamster? So we come to another important topic. From how correctly you think over the diet of the animal, its state of health and life expectancy will depend.

If you are wondering how to properly care for your hamster, remember that you cannot feed it stale food. Otherwise, the animal may develop serious illnesses.

It's a pleasure to watch this rodent eat. But still, what to feed him? Pet stores sell special food for hamsters. You can use them. But, of course, no feed contains all the necessary trace elements, so it is possible and necessary to supplement the diet of animals. We will now tell you what exactly. You need to feed your hamster two to three times a day.

Rodents are often fed with bread (preferably stale) and animal products such as milk and cottage cheese. By the way, the latter are especially useful for females while feeding babies. In addition, hamsters can be given yoghurts (unsweetened), kefir and yogurt.

Note that hamsters really like milk. It is a very healthy product that contains liquid as well as protein.

Walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts are essential foods for rodents. Also, hamsters are given porridge (rice, buckwheat and others). If you are cooking with water, you can add a drop of oil to the dish.

Rodents will gladly taste the seeds of watermelon and pumpkin. You can add meat, fish and eggs to the diet of animals (all boiled only). It is recommended to give such food once a month.

Fatty, salty, fried foods should not be added to the diet of rodents. Citrus and exotic fruits are not good for hamsters. Because of the acid, the animals can become upset. Onions, garlic and red cabbage are some of the foods that should also be eliminated from their diet. Leaves of cereal crops are prohibited for animals. Dandelions should also not be given to rodents, as a caustic milky sap is released from the stem of this plant, which irritates the inner surface of the bags.

How to care for newborn hamsters?

This is a very important topic, so we could not ignore it. If two hamsters of different genders live in your house, then sooner or later they, of course, will have offspring. Now we will tell you how to properly care for baby hamsters.

Even during pregnancy, the female must be planted separately from the male. In the place where you will transplant the mother, spread material from which she can build a house for herself. Straw is best suited for these purposes.

From the first minute of the birth of babies, you must be restrained. There is no need to violently show emotions near the cage, such behavior can frighten the female. As you can imagine, a newly born female doesn't need extra stress. After all, she still needs to feed the kids.

The female needs additional vitamins during the feeding period, so get them at the pet store. How to give them correctly? Your doctor will answer this question. He will select the right vitamins, dosage, etc.

What is caring for hamsters in the first days after birth? Now let's look at this question. Do not change the litter during the first days after birth. And somewhere on the tenth (or better on the 14th) day, you still need to do this. Before this procedure, transplant the female and the babies into a separate container. Note that babies cannot be picked up earlier than 10 days of age.

As a rule, the female feeds the babies herself for up to a month, so they do not need feeding. But, starting from the age of two weeks, you can throw porridge, grated carrots, bread crumbs into the cage. This will help kids get used to adult food. If the mother suddenly runs out of milk, then they can already completely switch to such food. At the age of three weeks, hamsters become almost independent, they already see, hear, eat ordinary food. When they are one month old, the cubs can and should be removed from the mother to avoid conflicts. That's all the tips for caring for small rodents.


Now you know how to take care of your hamster at home. Follow our advice, then your favorites will only delight you.

Fluffy pets depend on the quality of their care. The size of the cage with the correct litter, the diet, the organization of washing and drinking are all factors that contribute to the good health of the rodents. We must not forget about the attention that pets require to themselves.

A living rodent in natural habitat is very mobile, because it must regularly get its own food. Pets of this species can run several kilometers in a short time. Keeping hamsters at home is based on providing adequate space for movement. The cage should be large (for example, 50x30 cm), and the number of floors does not matter, and is also made of durable materials (not wood). Its area and accessories are important: labyrinths, a wheel (always of a large diameter), a ball.

How to take care of pets? The cage needs to be cleaned, because any filler exudes an odor, which leads to the ability to absorb moisture. When caring for hamsters, remember to wash your toys. It is important to take good care of your hamsters, for example, choosing the right material for flooring the bottom of your home. Existing materials:

  • paper (napkins, newspapers, etc.);
  • fibrous material (fabric, cotton wool);
  • corn filler;
  • wood shavings and pellets (pressed and simple sawdust);
  • cellulose filler.

Hamster house

The cage for fluffy rodents is large, which complicates the task of finding a place for its installation in a house / apartment. If the problem of how to care for a hamster is being solved, the requirements for its location must be taken into account. It is recommended to avoid places near batteries, because the minimum permissible distance from heat sources is 2 m. There should be no windows / doors or other sources of drafts (fans, air conditioners in the room) nearby. This means that the corridor, kitchen and balcony are not suitable for this task. Such restrictions are due to the tendency of hamsters to get sick.

In addition to the accessories, you also need to take care of where the drinker and food bowl will be located and how to attach. The air in the room should be of an acceptable temperature, hamsters love warmth, but not heat (22-28 degrees). You need to protect your pet from stress, which significantly shortens the life of small animals. This means that the children's room is not suitable for installing a cage. To take care of the hamster's house, it should be washed once every two months. It will be correct to use baby soap due to minimal or no fragrances. All rodent toys should be washed.

Dealing with the question of how to care for a hamster, you need to know that the filler should be cleaned at least 1 time within 3 days. However, this period can be extended by using non-absorbent materials that do not absorb moisture. The closest to this group are corn and wood pellets. The paper gets wet quickly and smells immediately. Slightly better properties than ordinary sawdust.

What do hamsters eat

In the natural environment, small animals of this species feed on plant and animal food. The basis of the hamster's diet is the seeds of cereals, legumes. At the end of winter, the rodents feed on green grasses. Closer to summer, the diet changes, seeds and berries are added to it. In the same period - tubers. Animals can feed on insects and even carrion. If the individual belongs to a large species, it preys on small animals.

How to feed a hamster at home

You can add special formulations to the diet. Popular feeds from manufacturers Homka, Rodent, Little Animals, Little One, Prestige, Vitapol, Benelux, Fiory. Select granular, grain mixtures. In addition to dry food, give your hamsters moist food. It can be fruits, vegetables, low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, chicken (breast), boiled egg. Wet food is given at varying frequencies and quantities. How do I care for my food bowl? It should be washed every day, constantly maintained in full condition, so that the lack of food does not introduce stress to the animal.

Dealing with the question of how to care for a hamster, you need to know that it is recommended to periodically give your pet to gnaw branches, to maintain a normal level of calcium in the body, add chalk / mineral stone. Pumpkin seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds and herbs (clover, lettuce, dandelions) should all be included in the rodent's diet. You can not give sweets, fatty and salty foods. Spices should be excluded, as well as citrus fruits. Stone fruits (apricot, cherry) are also not suitable.

Food for hamsters of different breeds

Dzungarik is not picky, the usual diet, which is described above, is quite suitable for him. The main food is cereal grains. The lack of special preferences makes it easier to care for Dzungarian hamsters. Dwarf pets consume portions equal in volume to individuals of large species, due to an accelerated metabolism. Be sure to add carrots, apples, rusks of white bread and herbs (the same as for dzhungarik and other species).

The Siberian hamster should receive fruits in moderation, the basis of the diet: seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables. Representatives of the Syrian species eat food, as well as vegetables. Fruit should be in moderation. Syrian hamsters are picky about the choice of food. It is recommended to pay attention to the brand of formulations that the rodent prefers.

Hamster and offspring care

Pregnancy of a female lasts 16-18 days; in Dzungarian cats this period increases to a month. Closer to birth, you need to provide the pet with complete peace, not to take it in your arms. A pregnant female hamster should receive an increased amount of nutrients: calcium, protein. Fruits, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, and sprouted wheat are added to the diet. The basis of food is cereals.

Hamster care

You need to provide peace, which is important in the first week of life. Cleaning the hamster's cage should also be done regularly. After about 7 days, you can give the babies water, for this use a drinking bowl. The offspring of hamsters should be separated: males and females separately, but this should be done some time after birth. For a child of Syrian rodents, the period is limited to 3-4 weeks. How to take care of babies if they don't have a mother? A newborn individual who has refused the milk of a surrogate mother feeds on milk mixture, for which a syringe without a needle is suitable.

How to wash your hamster

This should not be done without urgent need, because fluffy pets are clean. However, if the question nevertheless arose how to care for Dzungarian hamsters or pets of other species, they first heat the water (40 degrees). How to properly care for and wash rodents? It is forbidden to wet the head; it is allowed to wet only the body. Bathing should be short-term, after which the animal's hair is dried with a hairdryer.

Video: caring for hamsters at home

Most people want to have a pet in their home. Many people buy dogs or cats, some buy small and fluffy hamsters. Rodents are quite suitable for keeping any living space at home. They are attractive for another reason - the easiest possible care. How to take care of your hamster at home? What are the features of caring for these cute rodents? We will talk about this further.

Hamsters in the house

There are many species of domesticated rodents, but hamsters are very popular. Before you start them in your home, you should think carefully about many questions:

  • placement of rodents;
  • purchase of cages and other items of maintenance and care;
  • lack of allergy to rodents;
  • constant care.

If people have kept cats and dogs in their homes since ancient times, then hamsters have been kept as pets recently. These there are many species of rodents, but few are suitable for home content, only two:

  • syrian;
  • dzungarian.

It is recommended to buy hamsters between 2 and 2.5 months of age. Before choosing a pet, you should carefully examine him to be healthybecause this criterion is the most important. The rodent's coat should have a smooth and even surface, free from bites, dirt and other defects.

The eyes of the animal must have a healthy shine, and must not have purulent discharge. The hamster's anal area should be free of redness or signs of digestive upset. The animal should not be lethargic or too active... Excessive mobility indicates a stressed state of the hamster. Stress always negatively affects the future health of rodents.

Animal cage

For the comfortable keeping of hamsters, you should definitely buy a cage so that the pet is protected in its space and does not create unnecessary problems for the household. Usually for this they buy a lattice cage with a high tray, dimensions 50x30x30 cm. Plastic or glass aquariums of the same dimensions are also suitable for this purpose.

The rods in the cage should be located with a small distance from each other, so, so the hamster can't get out... The cage must have all the necessary accessories for the animal:

It is best to put the cage with the pet in a quiet and permanent place without drafts, since this type of animal does not like to change its habitat. It is undesirable to place the cages near the children's play area, near the children's sleeping place.


Hamsters need a nutritious diet with vitamins and minerals. Everything food can be purchased at pet storeswhich are ideal for a daily diet:

  • grains, seeds, peas, grains, nuts and oats are the main food in the diet of hamsters;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, these include zucchini, cucumbers, apples, pears, carrots;
  • greens (parsley, dandelion leaves, celery, dill).

Also there are prohibited foods, among them - white cabbage, spices, cheese, sweets and bread.

Only boiled water at room temperature or slightly warm should be poured into the drinker. The water needs to be changed daily, and be sure to wash the drinker before changing the water, and without the use of detergents. No matter how much the hamster drinks a day, in any case, it is better to replace it with fresh one.

The animal should be fed several times a day. It is advisable that the second meal in the evening is more nutritious. Animals are active in the late hours of the day... Do not give them watermelons or other watery foods as they can cause poisoning.

In addition, it is advisable to feed hamsters with vitamins A, E and D, as well as fish oil, lean boiled meat.

Features in rodent care

Any pet needs attention and care. Hamsters are no exception, they may be exposed to frequent stressthat happen for different reasons:

  • lack of access to water;
  • change in the usual daily routine, diet;
  • outside control over his offspring;
  • illumination in the cage in the sleep zone;
  • when a new pet is introduced to the animal, even a hamster.

Hamsters react negatively to screaming, swearing, and various loud sounds. They do not like when people next to their cage make sudden movements, they have this fear and anxiety appear... Animals love peace and quiet and feel great in calm conditions.

Be sure to take care of your hamster's teeth. They need to be given solid food for normal dental growth and development. If the food is not solid enough, teeth will grow faster and this will interfere with normal food intake.

The cage should be washed regularly with detergent several times a week. It is also imperative to change the toilet litter as it gets dirty. The hamster should be placed in a jar for the cleaning period.

The animal needs walks in specially equipped play areas. In such places of rest there should be no sharp objects, and all other accessories and pieces of furniture should be as stable and safe as possible.

Hamster's nails require special care. They must be cut with special scissors as the animal grows. If suddenly during the cutting of nails an injury occurs, then the wound should be treated and bandage the foot. Remove traces of blood and treat the wound site.

Hamsters do not like water treatments, so they should only be bathed in case of heavy pollution. During such a procedure need to watch closelyso that moisture does not get into the animal's ear or eyes. It must be confidently held in your hands so that it does not bite, and after the bathing procedure, wrap it in a towel and hold it until it gets warm.

Any interference with their measured life creates stress for them. For example, it is better not to show them to other animals or strangers. It is better to clean the cage when he does not see it.... Do not take it outside and let it out on the grass, especially in direct sunlight. When an animal is preparing to produce offspring, it needs to create comfortable conditions.

Taking care of hamsters at home is not difficult at all. With careful and careful care, they can live for a long time, in a quiet and calm atmosphere. If the family has children, they will play with him and become real friends for the whole family.

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