We build a gazebo with a barbecue with our own hands. Do-it-yourself brick brazier in a gazebo: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

What rest without grilling meat on coals? But what to do if the weather has completely deteriorated, and you are already fully armed with soaked kebabs and bags of food? In this case, a gazebo equipped with a brick barbecue will help. You can shelter from the weather under a roof, and you can calmly cook food on the coals, even in the rain.

Below we will consider options for brick barbecues, as well as their step-by-step construction. Let me draw your attention to what we have already considered.

Undoubtedly, the laying process is quite time consuming, especially for an unprepared person. But if you do not pretend to be jewelry forms and make it for yourself, then our analysis will be enough for you.

In tandem with the stove

At the end, you will see some interesting gazebos, in which a brazier under a canopy has already been implemented. You can probably glean useful information for yourself from the buildings presented and take some idea to your note.

Classic barbecue grill

The simplest and most budgetary option is considered to be a classic brick grill, which is designed for cooking barbecue on skewers.

In shape, it is absolutely different from its metal counterpart, because it closes on all sides, and the smoke leaves through a special chimney.

The trouble with all these small structures is poor traction, which must be calculated directly on the spot. In an open gazebo, this is not so critical, but still unpleasant. Soot appears, which does not add aesthetics at all.

At the same time, for little money, you get a complete installation for cooking in any conditions, even the most extreme ones.

Brick BBQ

The difference between a barbecue and a regular grill lies in the way the meat is cooked.

In this case, a grate is used, on which the meat is laid and periodically turned over by 180 degrees. For some, this approach is considered more comfortable and interesting.

The meaning of the building does not change much from this. Brickwork is also used, inside which firewood is heated and meat is roasted.

A more global approach to cooking can be realized with an oven complex. It may include a brazier, oven, stove, etc.

The whole thing is equipped with good hoods, as a result of which you can cook in several formats at the same time.

Such a design can cost at the level of the gazebo itself, since in addition to a large amount of building material, calculations are required.

It will be a shame to invest 100 thousand rubles in such a project, and get a complete lack of traction or a brick that has collapsed after the first furnace.

Therefore, in this case, construction should be approached as responsibly and with a decent wad of money in your pocket. The pleasure costs money, in this case it cannot be avoided.

Step-by-step construction of a barbecue inside the gazebo

Video instructions

The process of creating a brazier can be most clearly seen in the video. We have prepared several videos, each of which shows a different approach to this action.

Since everyone's gazebos are different, then the placement of the barbecue, its size and shape can be radically different. Therefore, we believe that it is better to look at the various options, and then choose the one that suits you.

Dimensional Drawings

An interesting project provided by stove-maker Romanwho prepared a full 3d model of a brick barbecue. It is presented in a video that he posted on YouTube (see below).

In the form of photographs, we have collected the most interesting drawings, according to which you can calculate the size of the future building, as well as the consumption of materials for it.

Filling the slab foundation

The weight of the barbecue can be up to several tons (together with a brick chimney), so it is imperative to fill it. The devices of such a base are shown in the photo below.

You will need to adjust the size of the site to your project. It is possible that you will need a small area, but you need to make it for a grade of 5 with a plus.


It is better to look at the masonry clearly in the video, therefore in this block of information we will present a schematic step-by-step masonry, which indicates all the bricks separately.

Each master has his own "quirks" in terms of applying the solution and setting the level of the entire structure, but the order is the same for everyone, and it is this moment that we want to convey to you.

Installing a chimney with good draft

One of the most important moments in creating a brick from a barbecue is considered to be traction, in the absence of which all work goes down the drain. To do this, it is necessary to think over the hood and chimney, which should be not only effective, but also aesthetic.

We considered this moment in detail in the publication about the grill hood (). It will be a shame if the calculations turn out to be initially incorrect and the smoke goes in the opposite direction inside the gazebo, so work through this moment in advance.

A variety of gazebos with photos

Below we have prepared a small selection of photos that you can use as a guide for your future construction.

If you want to find even more examples, then go to the publication about gazebos with barbecue, barbecue and stove (). There you will find them in abundance.

If you still have any questions on this topic, do not hesitate and ask them in the comments. We will try to answer you within 24 hours.

Rest in the fresh air, accompanied by a feast, can spoil both the scorching sun and drizzling rain. An open gazebo is a great shelter option. Equipment on its area of \u200b\u200ba brick barbecue will provide comfortable cooking over an open fire in any weather. In addition to the traditional shashlik, you can cook food in a cauldron, smoke meat, poultry, fish. It is better to plan the construction of the stove simultaneously with the construction of the gazebo.

What is this article about

Seat selection

The open flame prevailing in the barbecue can harm the health of the owners and their guests, cause material damage if the structure of the gazebo or the surrounding vegetation catches fire. Carefully study the wind rose on the site and select an empty spot on the leeward side.

Close proximity to trees, shrubs, household and sanitary buildings, parking for cars is not allowed.

A brick brazier is a heavy, monumental structure. A gazebo with such a stove should not be located on unstable soil prone to subsidence. You can equip a strip foundation for the entire gazebo or make a monolithic concrete pillow on a sand bed. When building a barbecue on a finished site, you must make sure that it is flat. A slight slope is compensated by an additional amount of mortar in the lower row of masonry. When the height difference within the barbecue area is more than 1 cm, the base is leveled with another layer of concrete about 4–5 cm thick.

The gazebo must be conditionally divided into cooking and recreation areas. Both the chef and the guests need comfort and room to maneuver. When calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe future gazebo, provide enough space for a table and the required number of benches and chairs. Think about creating conditions for storing kitchen utensils, stock of firewood, coal.

Gazebo construction

Choosing any of the options for the gazebo, you are guaranteed to decorate your site with it and diversify your leisure time. Build a wooden one faster, with a brick one will take longer.


The advantages of wood arbors are high speed and ease of construction, relative cheapness of the material, perfect harmony with the natural landscape of the local area. They are environmentally friendly, durable and practical. Such buildings are collected from:

  • joinery (boards, beams, battens, plywood sheets, etc.);
  • chopped logs.

The design is very simple: posts and roof. Building shape: square, circle, polygon. The openings can be either open or closed with slats, window and door blocks. You can decorate the perimeter of open-type gazebos with climbing plants, make a fence of thin rods, and sew up with clapboard. The floor is made of wood or laid out of paving slabs. The roof is covered with tin, metal sheets, slate, bituminous tiles, polymer materials, or simply tightened with a thick cloth.


A cozy capital brick building does not require maintenance (impregnation, painting), remains invariably beautiful and durable for many years. Such gazebos can consist only of supporting columns and a roof (open type) or have a full-fledged enclosure that retains heat in the cold season. Open spaces are often filled with forged spans of metal or wood. Popular panoramic facade glazing with sliding systems or traditional hinged windows.

Partially closed square or rectangular buildings are popular, where brick walls have one or two sides, while the rest remain open. More compact structures are in the form of a six or octahedron. Truncated triangle arbors are the simplest option.

The requirements for the location of the brick arbor are the same as for their wooden counterparts. For construction on normal ground, a shallow foundation (30–40 cm) is suitable: strip or monolithic). After it has hardened, the lower part of the walls (basement) is erected using the technology of ring masonry, in one brick. For insulated structures, it is often made three-layer (two parallel walls in a half-brick are separated by an opening of about 5 mm, filled with loose insulation, lightweight concrete). The base is erected, observing the rules of dressing and reinforcing every fourth row with a metal mesh.

Then columns with a metal core are laid out, serving as a support for the roof. At its base there are wooden rafters. Form - hip or hip with a different number of slopes. The covering is wood, slate or tile. Be sure to equip the floor. The main requirement for it is fire resistance. Various types of tiles or concrete are used.

In open gazebos, the floor should have a slope of several degrees towards the entrance to drain rainwater entering the openings.

The main element of the gazebo is a brick brazier that will function perfectly in a building made of any material.

We build a brazier

Projects of barbecues for gazebos are quite diverse in design: from miniature castles to a stylized Russian stove. Their required structural elements:

  • brick walls (most often U-shaped);
  • firebox;
  • wood niche;
  • metal grill;
  • grill projections;
  • chimney.

The brazier can be decorated with a decorative arch over the hearth. Covering its sides with concrete slabs with stone or wood countertops create spacious work surfaces that serve as a cutting table. Below them is a cupboard.

An obligatory element is a pipe for removing flue gases outside the gazebo. In the absence of it, people resting in the gazebo will suffocate from the smoke.

Project selection

The draft of a standard small barbecue suitable for installation in a gazebo looks like this:

Also, in addition to the stove, you can attach a work surface, a sink,. Such a composite brazier may look something like this:

However, when choosing such a complex project, it is better to turn to a professional, since in this case, in addition to a large volume of masonry, it is also necessary for such a heavy structure and chimneys.

Features of masonry grill

An ordinary industrial production is suitable for construction. The structure is laid out of refractory bricks (most often brand shb -5) in accordance with the strict procedure attached to each project. The recommended joint width is 10 mm. Marking is made on the basis and the first row is laid out. The verticality of the corners is confirmed by the level. Second row bricks cover the seams in the bottom row. Further, it is also necessary to observe the dressing. Each pair of layers is overlaid with a reinforcing mesh.

You can improve the appearance of the fireplace facade using:

  • its masonry of facing bricks;
  • plastering the surface;
  • finishing with natural stone, tiles.

A suburban area or cottage will perfectly complement a gazebo equipped with a barbecue. It is simply irreplaceable for lovers of outdoor recreation and food cooked on an open fire.

Mangal structures inside the gazebos can be completed with:

  • a stone stove with a cast-iron cauldron;
  • portable or stationary barbecue, grill or barbecue;
  • a fireplace, which is usually equipped with.

Photo: combined version - from timber and stone. The roof is covered with polycarbonate.

The advantages of wood structures

This natural material fits organically into any exterior. Such buildings are distinguished by an attractive appearance, and the addition of garden furniture and a stove in the Russian style will make covered gazebos with barbecue a functional structure. Due to the natural characteristics of wood, buildings made of this material are warm, and if the structure is also glazed, then the room is suitable for use in the cold season.

When working with wood, remember that this material is highly flammable. Therefore, such a gazebo with a barbecue must necessarily comply with the fire safety standards of buildings with a stove or fireplace. An open fire is arranged at a distance of at least a meter from pieces of furniture or decor. At least 50 cm is left between the side walls and the stove. The elements of the building are treated with a fire retardant - a special impregnation that prevents the spread of fire.

Drawing of the gazebo 6x6 meters

Also, do not forget that wood is highly susceptible to rotting. The following rules will help to isolate the structure from moisture:

  • before concreting, enclose the supports in metal glasses;
  • soak the structural elements with an antiseptic or paint;
  • pour gravel or crushed stone around the building with a fireplace to improve drainage.

Metal gazebo with barbecue - a common option

Due to the simplicity of manufacture and a long service life, designs of structures with a metal hearth are also popular. Such structures are:

  • forged;
  • with a frame made of a profile.

Elements of forging will decorate any gazebo, give the building airiness and lightness.

Photo: open forged construction - summer version.

However, not everyone can make such decorative details. It is much easier to assemble the frame from a metal profile and sheathe it inside and out with finishing material. If a layer of insulation is laid in the wall, then such a gazebo is suitable for use at any time of the year. A glazed wall or roof section, as well as large windows, will visually facilitate the structure and fill the interior space with light. And installing a fireplace or stove will allow you to cook and warm at the same time.

Solid stone building

Brick or stone gazebos with barbecue are the most durable, but at the same time costly structures. When developing a project for such a structure, they take into account the large weight of the material and provide for the device of a strip reinforced foundation.

Under the stone stove, a separate base is made of a twenty-centimeter concrete layer with a metal frame. This applies to any barbecue gazebo.

The material is selected depending on what the main building is made of. So, brick houses complement, wild rough stone is more suitable for buildings located away from home, closer to nature.

A wall (or several walls), glazed with stained-glass windows, trimmed with transparent polycarbonate or wooden lattice, will make the gloomy stone gazebo more graceful and lighter.

Which hearth to choose for outdoor cooking

Each family prefers one or another dish: some love barbecue, others prefer grilled vegetables and meat, and still others equip the gazebo with a stove with a large cauldron for aromatic pilaf.

Devices for cooking in nature are divided into the following types:

  1. Barbecue grill on skewers.
  2. Oven for fried and boiled dishes.
  3. Barbecue is a round type of barbecue. Vegetables or meat are cooked on the wire rack.
  4. Grill - brazier with a lid. A distinctive feature is that the products are fried from all sides at the same time, and thanks to the lid, a constant temperature is maintained inside.
  5. A gazebo equipped with a fireplace is intended more for heating than for cooking.

Photo: forged brazier - for those who want to save money on bricks.

Where to install a stove and build a gazebo

Before choosing a place to place these structures, decide on the type of structure. Stationary barbecue ovens are erected together with a gazebo. But there are also projects where the brazier is located separately. Both the one and the other method of installing the stove are justified.

When setting up a fireplace, remember that a fire not only provides the heat necessary for cooking, but also creates smoke that can interfere with rest or irritate neighbors. It is better to install a gazebo equipped with a stove away from the house, especially if the wind often blows towards the home. The same applies to the nearby territories, so that kebabs do not become a cause of discord with people living nearby.

Photo: a brick brazier is installed on the second floor of the building

If it is planned to build an open or semi-open structure, choose drawings of a gazebo with fences from the north side. Cold winds blow from there, so it is better to protect yourself from them in advance. A practical solution is to equip the structure with removable walls or blackout curtains that will close the openings in bad weather.

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The hearth itself in the gazebo is also generally installed at the northern wall. A stationary oven is laid according to the rules. First of all, it is necessary to correctly design the flue gas system in order to provide good draft for fuel combustion. On this issue, it is better to consult with an experienced stove-maker.

Original and functional barbecues can be bought ready-made, and then modified for a specific project. For example, make the brazier portable on high legs or install it permanently on a stone base.

For a stove with a cauldron, a special project is needed, which takes into account the size of the dishes and the location of the firebox. The dimensions of such a hearth are larger than that of a conventional meat brazier.

A functional solution is the presence of a countertop near the oven, where a sink, cutting boards, shelves for food and dishes are located.

Fuels for garden stoves

For kindling the hearth in nature, they use coal, firewood, gas, briquettes. Not all species give the same heat, the decay time is also different. The fuel is selected based on the technical characteristics of the furnace.

An environmentally friendly type of fuel that does not emit smoke when heated deserves special attention. These are stones of volcanic origin, which are heated by an electric spiral. As a result, the heat from stones is no worse than from wood firewood, and there is no smoke. This option is indispensable for a small suburban area, where a residential building and neighbors are in "dangerous proximity".

Regardless of what drawings, materials and interior arrangement are selected, a gazebo with a barbecue will certainly become a favorite place in the country. After all, it is so pleasant to spend time with family and friends near the hearth!

Order a gazebo from professionals

No time to build on your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Many owners of country houses are trying to make them more comfortable, trying to equip a plot for recreation. That is why arbors are increasingly being created with.

Features of wooden arbors

Wood is a relatively inexpensive material, which is why many site owners choose it to create a gazebo. Moreover, such structures fit well into the landscape design of any site. The tree is easily processed, so if you wish, you can create an original gazebo.

Often, structures are created from rounded logs. To understand which design will be more suitable for a certain area, it is worth considering a photo of projects of gazebos with barbecue.

When choosing the type of gazebo, it is worth remembering some features:

  1. Structures made of wood treated with protective compounds can last a long time. At the same time, damaged building elements can be easily replaced with new ones.
  2. If the soil on the site is dense, you can create a gazebo without a foundation. In this case, it is enough to put a massive concrete slab on the ground. The concrete can be covered with planks or paving slabs.

If you wish, you can find ready-made ones so as not to draw up a structure diagram.

Brick gazebos

If there is a brick house on the site, brick gazebos are often created, since they are combined with the main structure.

It is worth remembering that a brick structure will cost more than a wooden one. At the same time, it will take more time to build. Also, for such a gazebo, you need to build a massive foundation.

But the advantages of such buildings are undeniable:

  • brick arbors are not afraid of fire and moisture;
  • the described structures can be used for several decades without requiring replacement of structural elements, as is the case when using wooden arbors.

It is worth noting that often brick gazebos are made combined:

  1. A wooden structure is often created, one wall of which is brick. This is necessary to create a furnace.
  2. Also, many are erecting a gazebo, the recreation area of \u200b\u200bwhich is made of wood, and part of the structure near the stove is made of brick.
  3. If the brick structure has large openings, they are decorated with forged elements or wooden lattices.

Having considered the projects of baths and gazebos with barbecue, you can choose the most suitable design.

Metal structures

Forged gazebos are brought to the site already assembled or assembled from several parts. Such structures are expensive and can be an original decoration of the site. It should be noted that the described gazebos do not require preparatory and finishing work.

But it is important to process the metal so that rust does not appear on it. One of the advantages of metal structures is that there is no need to create a foundation.

Often wrought iron gazebos are complemented by wrought iron benches. If desired, the gazebo can be painted in the color you like.

Choosing a stove for a gazebo

It should be noted that the foundation is poured separately under the oven. At the same time, it is important to make it above the water level, which can accumulate on the floor after rain. This is due to the fact that the masonry is carried out on a sandy-clay mortar, which is afraid of moisture.

Many experienced builders recommend placing the barbecue in the middle of the building or on the northeast side. In front of the oven, it is necessary to fix material that is not afraid of fire. This is to protect against fire if sparks from the oven hit the floor. It should also be borne in mind that the stove should not be located close to a wooden wall.

Stoves installed in gazebos can be divided into several types:

  1. BBQ stove, which can be stationary or portable.
  2. Russian stove, which has an oven, barbecue and barbecue grill. Sometimes these ovens are equipped with a smokehouse.
  3. Kitchenette. When choosing this option, additional furniture is installed.

The size of the stove installed in the gazebo depends on the expected number of people.

Building the foundation

The easiest option is to install a concrete slab. Such products can withstand the weight of any gazebo. It should be noted that the slab can be laid on dry ground. But before that, it is necessary to dig a deepening of the required dimensions and fill it with rubble. After such actions, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. Roofing material is most often used.

But it is worth remembering that the described option is not suitable in the case when the groundwater is located high or if the site is in a lowland. Due to exposure to moisture, the gazebo can warp over time. That is why it is important to take into account all the conditions that may affect the structure.

Pile and columnar foundation

If the gazebo is being created at the same time as the house, the piles should be driven in during the creation of the foundation for the main structure. In the absence of a desire to hire professional builders, it is worth installing brick pillars or block supports. They are laid at a height of approximately 900 mm. In this case, the height above the ground is about 30 cm.

Important! To create the pillars, you need to use only solid red brick.

The pillars are installed at the corners of the structure, as well as along the walls. It is worth remembering that the distance between the posts should not be more than 2 meters, since the reliability of the structure depends on this. Light arbors are often installed on wooden posts.

Tape base

It is this type of foundation that is chosen most often, since it can be created by hand. To create it, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the future structure and create a formwork. A sand cushion is created at the bottom of the trench. The depth of pouring tape for gazebos is usually about 40 cm, since such structures are lightweight.

After creating the sand cushion, a reinforcement cage is placed in the formwork, which is then poured with concrete. It should be noted that such a foundation can be prefabricated and consist of reinforced concrete blocks. In this case, the process of creating a gazebo is significantly accelerated, since there is no need to wait for the concrete to harden. From the moment the concrete is poured into the trench until the walls are created, it is necessary to wait about 7 days.

Furnace construction

The area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation of the furnace usually does not exceed 1.5x2 m. A mortar of clay, sand and cement in a ratio of 2: 3: 1 is used to connect the bricks. It is important to make the mixture homogeneous, otherwise it will not securely hold the bricks together.

It is worth remembering that the thickness of the seams should not exceed 5 mm. Otherwise, the mortar may begin to crack during operation of the oven. When laying the bricks, excess mortar must be removed immediately before it is dry. The first 6 rows of brickwork are the base of the oven. During the work, it is important to ensure that each brick is located exactly relative to the rest of the structure.

On the 7th row, an overlap is created, for which metal corners are installed. After that, you need to start creating a brazier for a barbecue. It is worth noting that the second row in the barbecue moves inward. This is necessary to create a protrusion for the skewers.

After row 9, you can start building the furnace roof. After row 19, a frying chamber overlap is created, which ends at row 21. The opening above the frying chamber gradually narrows to form a chimney. When creating the roof of the gazebo, the chimney should be properly removed and the hole between the bricks and the roofing material should be sealed.

If you wish, you can make a winter gazebo by creating a closed space. In this case, it is necessary to properly insulate the structure so that it can be used comfortably at any air temperature.

Probably, there are no such people who would not like a comfortable summer vacation. And when there is a gorgeous covered gazebo with barbecue and barbecue in the yard, what could be better? Fresh air, shashlik, your own vegetables and fruits, gatherings with friends and family. The main difference between the gazebo and the house is that there are no load-bearing walls in it. This is a small covered area with a table and barbecue. By the way, the grill requires special attention. It is very important to install it correctly so that you can cook and relax at the same time at a large round table without fear of smoke and heat. Read about all the nuances of building a gazebo with your own hands below.

Where to place the gazebo: choosing a place

Initially, you have to choose a place for the future canopy. There are no special criteria here. Everything is at the discretion of the owner. The main thing, perhaps, is to put it away from neighbors. It is also not worth placing it too close to your home due to fire safety measures. And yet, it is most convenient when the entrance to the gazebo "looks" at the house. It's more convenient to do serving. Now we have to think over everything to the smallest detail: sizes, zones, materials.

As a variant of the construction project, you can use this

It is very important at this stage to provide absolutely all the nuances. Especially what you will build from.



This is the most common type of material: it is available, inexpensive, easy to use. If you are not too lazy and do everything properly, then such a structure will serve you for a very long time. The possibility of using a simplified foundation due to the low weight of the structure is also a huge advantage of this choice.

Photo gallery: wooden gazebos

Design solution
"Lightweight" design option
In winter, a wooden gazebo looks especially beautiful Wood is an easy-to-use material: it allows you to experiment with shapes


The only drawback of this material is its relatively high cost. This material is fireproof, which is very important when the brazier is on fire and sparks can fly out. Undoubtedly, such a structure will serve you faithfully for a long time, without requiring much effort to maintain and repair. And lovers of year-round outdoor recreation will like such a gazebo, since it will be much warmer in it in winter.

Photo gallery: brick structures

Cooking in such a gazebo is a pleasure. Another version of the gazebo You can't really sit in a small gazebo, but the main thing in it is the oven An interesting project of a brick gazebo for a summer residence One of the main advantages of using bricks is fire safety.

Forged construction

This is a very beautiful and graceful building. Such charm will surprise any neighbor, relative or friend. But! Without special skills and a huge amount of free time, such a gazebo cannot be built.

Since we are considering options that you can handle on your own, without special skills, we will leave this model to specialists, and dwell on the first two building materials in more detail.

Photo gallery: forged structures in the garden

A wrought-iron gazebo looks very expensive Gazebo with hipped roof The forged structure is located next to the furnace

Wooden gazebo in stages

Very important! If you want to build a structure out of wood, do not spare the finances for processing it so that it will serve you for a long time. Otherwise, it will soon start to rot.

For it, you need to get 6 meters long beams for the least amount of waste. Any structure requires a solid, even support - a foundation. A columnar foundation is perfect for a wooden canopy. It is ideal for lightweight structures. The posts can be made of either concrete or brick. In no case is it recommended to take white brick, aerated concrete and foam concrete block as raw materials. These materials do not tolerate moisture well. If concrete is chosen as the material, then it is poured into the formwork. Further, construction takes place on these posts. Remember that the base for the future recreation area should be flat. Check it out with a level.

A good option for such a foundation would be to use a bar. But this option is less durable. And if you still decide on such a building material, then do not forget to treat the ends of the posts immersed in the ground with bitumen mastic.

The posts should be located in the corners and along the perimeter of future walls. Be extremely careful when creating the base. The stability of the future structure depends on this.

Brick-based column foundation

Attach the base (bottom harness) to the posts - bars measuring 15 × 15 centimeters. Attach the floor logs and frame racks to them with self-tapping screws and metal corners. For a strictly vertical position of the frame, install additional supports. Connect your frame from above with an upper strapping. For the reliability and stability of the frame, using the corners, add wooden horizontal lintels of the same section as the frame itself.

Installation of a wooden arbor


It is recommended to choose a gable. You can cover it, for example, with metal tiles. And moisture resistant plywood would be a good option. In general, the structure should be light and have a sufficient angle of inclination so that snow can easily slide off it in the winter season.

The frame is installed and the floor can be laid. Even simple boards will serve as material for it. But you can think of something more modern. The floor is attached to the logs. No need to stack boards side by side. Leave a small gap for the rainwater to drain.


Now you need to fill in the space of the walls between the vertical posts. Show your imagination and decorate your relaxation area so that you can't take your eyes off! Decorate it: come up with curtains, let grapes grow on it, etc.

Video: creating and arranging a gazebo in the Fazenda program

We build a gazebo made of bricks

An increasing number of summer residents have recently opted for brick buildings. There are a number of benefits associated with this. First of all, such a structure can be used all year round if it is closed to the maximum. It will be a refractory structure and it will be possible not only to put a brazier in it, but to build a whole oven! In terms of service life, it is more profitable than wood. Faithfully, without requiring special care, it will serve you for a very long period of time. And visually it will look very beautiful. But for its construction, you will have to try a lot, starting from the foundation. A light columnar is no longer suitable here.

So, like any structure, a brick shed requires starting with a plan. Think over everything in it to the smallest detail, all sizes, appearance, etc.

Brick gazebo drawing

Select and prepare a construction site. Brick structures are quite heavy, so it is recommended to make a strip or slab foundation. To do this, you need to dig a pit about a meter deep. Pour 15–20 centimeters of crushed stone into it, tamp it well and level it. Lay the waterproofing on top. Lay the reinforcement and make a mortar from 5 parts of crushed stone, 3 parts of sand and 1 part of concrete. Next, we pour it into the pit. In places where the pillars of the future building will stand, install metal pipes and leave everything for 7-10 days. Make a separate concrete base for your barbecue.

The foundation and the beginning of laying a brick arbor

How to lay bricks

Masonry can be carried out both with ordinary bricks and facing. To add personality, you can use bricks of different colors, laying them out in a pattern. The height of the masonry is usually 1 meter, but depending on the owner's intention, its dimensions change. Using ordinary cement mortar is perfect for bonding bricks. Just remember to leave room for the door! And it will be like in a movie about Shurik. If you lay 1-2 bricks, the gazebo will be warmer, and its use will be possible all year round. If you do it in 0.5 bricks, then it will rather be a summer option.

When laying the first row, leave room in the walls for the floor logs (a distance of about 50 centimeters). A floorboard will soon be installed there.

Roof selection (photo gallery)

Depending on the shape of your structure, the roof can be made with two-slope, four-slope or hipped roof.

Gable roof scheme Detailed diagram of the hipped roof

The roofing material can be any roof product of your choice.

Choosing a brazier

Where without it! How can you arrange garden or country gatherings with family and friends without a barbecue ?! Let's consider the possible options.


This option is more suitable for hiking than for installation around the house. A significant disadvantage of this choice is that it will dry out your meat. Therefore, it will not suit gourmets and connoisseurs. It is made of thin steel sheets. The brazier does not keep warm well. The firewood and coal in it burn out too quickly. For this reason, a sheet of cardboard is always waving over him. Its installation requires a flat, horizontal surface. It is not very convenient to disassemble after use. Not only is it hot and dirty, but also the mount often seizes from high temperatures.

Cast iron

This grill is for true connoisseurs and gourmets. It makes excellent kebabs. In such a temperature and heat are maintained for a long time, and the cooking process in it is more uniform. True, its cost starts from eight hundred dollars (about 50,000 rubles). An expensive pleasure. But if you decide that you need it, then remember: the thickness of the walls in it should start from 8 millimeters, and the depth must be at least 15 centimeters.


It is somewhat similar to a barbecue and was created especially for small companies. The grate on it is heated with gas. Cooking on such a grill is quick and not troublesome. Sometimes it has several departments, which makes it possible to prepare not one dish, but several at once. Nuance - make sure that the connection of gas equipment and barbecue is compatible. This model is not of our production and is brought to us from the USA, so its installation is not always problem-free.

This building cannot be called a brazier. But it will be an ideal alternative for someone who spends a lot of time in the country and loves to eat a barbecue. It can be built separately from the gazebo: this way you can distinguish between the recreation area and the cooking area. It is made from refractory (oven) bricks. It is convenient to cook on such an oven, it keeps heat well. True, its cost is quite high. The smallest stove will start at $ 800.

Stone oven in the yard

Grill oven or cast iron roaster

Most of these models use gas to cook food. Often they have built-in stoves and an oven. Perfect for a large company. The surface of such slabs is stone, heated with volcanic coal. Equipped with a temperature indicator. Most models come with pull-out trays and a folding table. The cost of this pleasure starts at $ 200.

Such a device was invented in Russia. It does not need to be disassembled after use, folded, or dragged home. You can throw it away. This is, perhaps, his only positive moment. AND! And, of course, its cost is also very low - from 85 rubles. This is an extreme version of a camping barbecue.

Mini barbecue oven

Shish kebab differs from barbecue in that it is cooked on a wire rack, and not on a skewer or skewer. Barbecuing is cleaner, more practical, more aesthetic and safer. The cost of such a furnace starts at $ 50.

A gazebo with barbecue or barbecue is an integral part of a summer cottage. The variety of buildings for the recreation area is huge. You just need to show imagination and not be lazy to create your own miracle in the yard. We wish you good luck!

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