Do-it-yourself bath in the country. A pond that cleans itself

A private swimming pool in the country is not a luxury, but just an additional opportunity to provide yourself with an excellent summer vacation. This object will attract not only you and your household, but will delight all friends and acquaintances who will come to visit you. A swimming pond often does not require fabulous investments, its cost is quite acceptable and affordable for owners of suburban cottages near Moscow.

There are dozens of options for the design and decoration of swimming ponds in the country. With your own hands or with the involvement of specialists, you can create both a reservoir of a modest area, designed only for immersion in water, and a large pool in which several people can swim at once without feeling inconvenience. Today we will tell you how to build such a hydraulic structure in your country house.

Stages of building a swimming pond

All work on the creation of a swimming reservoir can be divided into 5 stages.

1. Structural design (usually this concept includes careful thinking about the location, area and shape of the object).

2. Budgeting (in the case of independent work, it is still necessary to at least approximately calculate the costs by making an estimate of the cost of materials, tools and services that you plan to use).

3. Marking and digging a pit (You can do it yourself or hire special equipment).

4. Laying waterproofing and installation of cleaning equipment (the type of waterproofing must be foreseen at the initial stage of building a swimming pond in the country).

5. Pond decoration and filling with water.

Let's consider all these stages in detail.

Stage 1. Design of the pool (choice of location, shape and design)

You can build a swimming pond in the country, as close as possible to a natural reservoir. The main principle of creating such an object is the allocation of 2 zones: for swimming and decorative. The decorative part usually also represents a special area for water purification - bioplato. We will talk about it in more detail below.

At the planning stage, it is necessary to determine how harmoniously the pond will fit into the landscape and design of the cottage. If it will be located on a flat area, it may be necessary to add some dynamism to the design of the swimming pond, for example, to build an elevated alpine slide, a waterfall or a fountain near it. If the site has elevation changes, it is quite possible to do with a simple hydraulic structure located in one of the natural depressions.

Consider the depth of the water table, the topography and the nature of the soil. Not only the available depth of the pond depends on this, but also how easy it will be to care for the pond. For example, if the aquifer is deeper than 5 m, you can dig a pool up to 2.5 m deep, but if the water is at a depth of about 3 m, then the available depth will be less, and the banks will most likely need to be additionally strengthened.

Remember that the larger the pond, the more it will cost. Therefore, balance your budget with your wishes. You should not be guided by the principle “the main thing is to start construction, and money can be invested gradually”. If you do not have at least most of the amount for construction, it is better not to start it, since too long periods of time between the stages of work can affect its quality.

A little about bioplato for water purification

A swimming pond in a country house differs from a conventional decorative pond in that higher requirements are imposed on it regarding the purity of the water. There should not be any harmful microorganisms here, since they will settle on the skin every time and can get on the mucous membrane, causing negative reactions. That is why two main schemes of water purification have been developed.

1) Standard swimming pools without plants and with blue transparent water, they are cleaned not only with filters, but also with chemical reagents based on chlorine, bromine, active oxygen and other substances.

2) Natural style swimming pools (with aquatic plants) cannot be cleaned with reagents, therefore a separate solution has been invented for them - bioplato.

Bioplato is a special regeneration zone in which plants and friendly bacteria act on the water, trapping and eliminating pesticides, particulate matter and other substances. This is a kind of natural filter, the creation of which is inexpensive, but which will play a very important role in improving the sanitary and hygienic indicators of the pond. Bioplato is arranged right in the pool in shallow water or nearby in the form of a small pond. The area of \u200b\u200bthe bioplato should be at least 15% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathing reservoir. In this case, the zone does the best job of treating the water. Bio-purification plants are planted in abundance on the bioplato.

What is the benefit of a professional arrangement of reservoirs and ponds

Many summer residents who decided to create a pond with their own hands are worried about the question: "Is it possible to build a reservoir without waterproofing?" This is theoretically possible, but there are many limitations to making this decision. For example, it can be implemented if your soil is highly clayey and water is practically not absorbed into the soil. In other cases, it is necessary to make at least an elementary and inexpensive waterproofing, otherwise there is a high risk that water will simply go into the soil, swamping the dacha and undermining the foundations of buildings.

Here are a few of the most common materials that can be used for a watertight bottom.

  • Film. Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and butyl rubber material with a thickness of at least 500 microns is used. The film is comparatively cheap, simple and easy to install. However, the coating is not as strong as we would like and is easily damaged when cleaning the bottom. The film is only suitable for small ponds.
  • Ready-made forms. They are made of plastic and fiberglass and have a service life of approximately 10-20 years. They are quite durable and aesthetic, differ in a variety of shapes and resistance to temperature extremes. However, if damaged, it is difficult to repair the mold.
  • Concrete. Filling the banks and seabed with concrete is a relatively rare practice. However, in the field of building swimming pools, it is common. To create a reliable structure, you need to perform all work strictly in accordance with the technology in order to avoid possible destruction. Concreting is an expensive and time-consuming process.
  • Sprayed polymer materials. It is the most modern waterproofing solution available today. It is a liquid polymer that is sprayed onto a surface under pressure and then solidifies to form a strong, waterproof, flexible membrane. You can apply any number of layers of material, placing layers of reinforcing mesh between them. This design lasts 30-40 years or more and is great for swimming pools.

Stage 2. Preparation and budgeting for the construction of a swimming pond

All data obtained at the previous stage must be summarized and compared with your budget. Based on this information, you should draw a diagram of the pond, indicating its shape and size. This can be done on plain graph paper or in special computer programs. The drawing is needed in order to calculate the amount of materials required for finishing the bottom and banks.

After that, calculate the amount of sand, rubble, geotextile, film and all other necessary materials. Think and write down what tools you might need. The standard "set" of the builder, who plans to create a swimming pond in the country, consists of gloves, a tape measure, a wheelbarrow, several buckets, a level, several shovels (shovels and bayonets), a hacksaw, a rake, and a sledgehammer. This is the required minimum of tools that will definitely come in handy.

Then go shopping and write down the actual prices. Enter all the materials, tools and services that you need in your estimate, indicating the price (preferably with a margin in case of price increases). It is not recommended to buy until a complete list has been drawn up and the total cost has not been calculated, because it is easier to redo something at the planning stage than to rebuild the structure later. If the total amount suits you, order and deliver materials and start construction.

Stage 3. Digging a pit for a bathing pond

The pit can be dug with your own shovels or with the assistance of special equipment. It is hardly worth spending money on the services of an excavator if the area of \u200b\u200bthe pond does not exceed 10 square meters. m, and the depth - 1 m. If the work is more ambitious, manual digging will take a lot of time and effort.

Draw a contour on the ground, marking it with a bright rope stretched between pegs driven into the ground. After that, you can start digging, starting from the deepest section and gradually moving to the banks. If you do the opposite, there is a risk of not observing the planned depth. Dig with a margin, because a sand-gravel mixture and geotextiles will be laid on the bottom, occupying a certain volume. The depth of the pit should be approximately 10 cm greater than the final depth of the bathing pond bowl. When using PVC or butyl rubber film as waterproofing, a narrow ditch about 30x30 cm in size is dug around the perimeter of the structure at a distance of 30-50 cm from the edge of the pit to fix the material. The bottom of the swimming pool is made even with smooth elevation changes, sometimes a stepped design is chosen.

Stage 4. Laying waterproofing and installation of pumps

At the bottom, you need to pour sand with a layer about 5 cm thick, level and tamp it. After that, a dense fabric - geotextile is laid on the sand cushion (it is designed to protect the film, so if you do not use the film, this material will not be needed). A container is installed on top or a film is laid, removing its excess at the edges into pre-prepared narrow channels and fixing it in them. All folds in the film must be smoothed out. Then a test filling is carried out to check the condition of the waterproofing, and pumping and filtering equipment is installed. If everything works well, you can move on to decor and finishing.

Stage 5. Decoration of the reservoir

The appearance of the swimming pool can be supplemented not only with stones of various sizes and moisture-loving plants, but also with lighting (external and underwater), fountains, alpine slides, waterfalls and various decorations in the form of figures and statues. The main thing is not to use too many elements, otherwise you can visually "overload" the pond.

If you feel that you are unable to cope with the construction of a swimming pool in the country on your own, order the services of professionals. The company "Vodoemchik" has been building reservoirs of any type for more than 14 years.

We carry out a full range of turnkey works:

  • design of hydraulic structures of the required style and area;
  • selection, purchase and delivery of materials and equipment;
  • all earthworks;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • pond decoration, creation of fountains, streams and waterfalls.

We provide a 5-year warranty for all works!

Our related services:

Pond device

With what do you associate such a word as dacha? Rest after a week of work. Everyone, of course, wants to have a soft lawn, a rich aroma of herbs and a babbling stream with a pond. Do you want to receive aesthetic and physical pleasure from your stay at the cottage? In this case, you should equip a special pool for swimming in this area. And in this matter the company "ProfPokrytie" is always ready to help you.

What are the advantages of a bathing pond?

Pools made of plastic are not able to harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the site. Plus, they need rather expensive, timely cleaning, water replacement and disposal for the winter. But a swimming pond is a completely different matter. This is a unique opportunity to create an artificial reservoir with beautiful vegetation in your country house, in which you can also swim with the whole family.

The design and shape of such an oasis can be absolutely any. There are no limits beyond your design ideas. But specialists working in our company are always ready to help you with this, offering a wide range of sketches of ready-made projects. The bathing pond does not need expensive cleaning, because thanks to its design features, the ecological balance with self-cleaning is maintained throughout the year.

Such a reservoir consists of three main elements:

  • the bathing bowl itself;
  • regeneration zone;
  • bioplato.

All these components are united by one common system with conductive lines and electrical equipment. A recreation area is being set up near the bathing place and a convenient entrance is made.

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Choosing the right place

An artificial swimming pond should be located in a place where there is no wind and partial shade. If its dimensions do not exceed 100 square meters, then it is easier to take care of it. But on condition that half of this area will be allocated for regeneration (vegetation around the pond).

If your summer cottage is very small, but you still want to organize a place for swimming here, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 30 sq.m. will be enough. In this case, the regeneration zone will be about 10 percent. In this case, you will need to use special pumps and filters. Also, our experts do not recommend equipping a pond in close proximity to trees. Fallen leaves from them will quickly pollute the water and promote the growth of algae.

What plants are best for a bathing pond?

They are located in a specially designated regeneration zone. They are planted in bulk soil or in containers. This applies to such plants as arrowhead, forget-me-nots, bog flower, umbelliferae and exotic water lilies. All thermal stands for the period of freezing should be removed from the pond to a cool room for overwintering.

  • reed;
  • broadleaf cattail, etc.

For a small reservoir, it is better to use marshy iris, a three-leaf watch and sedge. But for the coastal zone, it is necessary to use: loosestrife, euphorbia, willow loosestrife, rushes and small cattail. As a decoration for such a reservoir, plantings that love a large amount of moisture are perfect. On the edge you can plant weeping willow, rogers, Siberian iris, cuff and fern.

Bathing pond care

Despite the fact that the plants in the reservoir purify the water on their own, you should still periodically monitor it. Clean filter grids, prune dry plants, remove fallen leaves and other debris. There is no need to drain the water for the winter, and replenish it in the summer. If it is a swimming pond, it is not recommended to stock fish there.

The specialists who have been working in the ProfPokrytie company for many years have excellent skills and thoroughly know all the stages of the construction of such reservoirs. All our clients could be convinced of their professionalism. We will select for you the most suitable design of the future swimming pond, carry out all construction work in full compliance with regulatory requirements, beautifully decorate the pond and tell you in detail how to properly care for it.

This is how we work

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initial consultation

preparation of a preliminary commercial offer

Immediately you need to warn those wishing to have a fish and swimming pond at their dacha. This is a rather complex structure, you should take on its construction carefully, the desire to "create a magnificent landscape design" is not enough. This refers to a rather large reservoir, not decorative.

What is needed for construction?

  1. Availability of special earthmoving equipment and trucks for transporting land. There will be quite a large amount of it, the specific volumes depend on the size and depth of the pond. For swimming and fish farming, the depth should be at least two meters, multiply this figure by the length and width and find out the volume of the soil.
  2. The ability to continuously supply fresh water to the pond and think over a way to drain the stacks. Without a constant change of water, the most beautiful pond in a few years will turn into a green fetid puddle, it is a big problem to clean it out or, in extreme cases, fill it up.
  3. Significant financial resources. They will be needed not only for the construction of the reservoir, but also for maintaining it in proper condition.

If you don't have any problems on all points, you can start building. We will tell you in as much detail as possible about all the existing rules and requirements, each owner of a suburban area must independently decide what to do: take into account the existing requirements and guarantee to have a real functional pond or act at your own peril and risk, build at random.

Technical requirements for the construction of ponds

The pond at the dacha for fish farming and swimming is quite large, and this is already a real hydraulic structure in its complexity, requiring a competent approach.

Before the immediate start of construction work, you need to solve the following problems:

When the preliminary questions are clear, you can begin to sketch the reservoir, draw up a diagram of the water supply and drainage.

How to draw a sketch

When you do not have the slightest experience and knowledge, it is better to seek help from specialists. Their services will cost significantly less than correcting mistakes.

Film pond scheme
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If there is some preparation, then with the help of our tips, you can make a sketch yourself. What should be indicated in the picture?

  1. Top and sectional views of the pit. Indicate the size and shape of the pond, the steepness of the slopes of the deep-water zone and the zone of water heating. Indicators depend on the physical characteristics of the soil. Steep slopes cannot be made on sandy soils, they will crumble. To increase the depth of the pond, it will be necessary to significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface. Data on possible slope angles depending on soil characteristics can be taken according to SNiPu 2.02.01–83.

  2. Scheme of water pipes for water supply and drainage. It is necessary to draw not only the location of the pipes, but also the depth of the trenches, indicate the debit of water according to the volume and purpose of the reservoir.

  3. The location of the beach and various elements of additional decor.

FOUNDATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. S V O D P R A V I L SP 22.13330.2011. SNiP 2.02.01-83. Download file

SNiP 2.02.01-83

Water treatment measures, filtration prevention

Filtration protection is carried out when the pond is digging in light soils. In addition, it is necessary to resolve the issue of drainage of melt water, if they can fall through the sides or from a spring at the bottom. The internal surfaces of the reservoir can be protected with traditional compacted clay screen or concrete with special additives. Today, there are newer materials in implementation: rubberized films, synthetic mats with dry clay powder inside, etc. The specific choice must be made taking into account the financial capabilities and characteristics of the soils.

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Over time, the water in the reservoir becomes contaminated with various mechanical deposits. The maximum damage is caused by clay particles entering through the active water-bearing pores of the soil. In the most difficult cases, silting can be up to ten centimeters per year. To eliminate such negative consequences, gravel-sand cushions or non-woven synthetic filter materials can be used on the bottom.

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The percentage of oxygen in the water is very important; to maintain the values \u200b\u200bin the recommended parameters, aeration should be used (if there is no other way of exchanging water). There is another option for aeration - to make a decorative fountain, but this method can significantly increase the estimated cost of construction work.

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Additional facilities for water recharge of the pond

For reservoirs that are built on a river or stream, this problem has been solved by nature. It will only be necessary to build a small dam to retain the water flow and discharge excess. To prevent pollution from the river from getting to the surface, ordinary lattice filters should be installed. If there is fish in the pond, then the same grates must be installed on the drainage system, they will prevent the fish from leaving. Dams simultaneously discharge maximum flows of water during floods or spring snowmelt. Metal or concrete pipes can be used as spillways, the diameter is selected taking into account the maximum debit of the water flow.

Significant problems can arise when cleaning the bottom of the pond. It will not be possible to completely drain the water; you will have to pump it out with powerful pumps. Again, challenges need to be addressed. The pumped-out water should not heat up the buildings and neighbors existing at the summer cottage.

An important characteristic for any pond is the rate of water exchange. Indicators depend on hydrological features. Scientific data indicate that for large reservoirs, the rate of water exchange can be reduced, the system is able to cope with cleaning on its own. No effort is required for reservoirs into which water comes from a river or stream (dam). For all other ponds, it will be necessary to make forced water exchange systems with pumps or purify water by biological and mechanical methods. The power of the pumps and the amount of water depends on the volume and purpose of the structure.

Water exchange coefficient table

When a natural change of water is impossible for various reasons, then mechanical and biological methods of water purification will have to be used, we will talk about them below.

How to purify water without water exchange

If the pond is rather large, then the water purification mostly occurs naturally by microorganisms and plants. But there are times when these cleaners do not have time to cope with the tasks, the owners have to solve the issue by other methods.

  1. Mechanical filters. The most common and cheapest way. In most cases, they can be cleaned in several stages from various types of contaminants. They consist of washed crushed stone and several fractions of quartz sand.

  2. Chemical filters. Modern devices that absorb chemical compounds not typical for ponds. Additionally, a special installation for saturation of water with oxygen can be used, it provides an increase in its amount in water. And already oxygen accelerates the processing of organic pollutants by bacteria.
  3. Sterilization of water. The UV irradiation unit treats water and destroys all types of bacteria. For fish ponds, it is used only as a last resort when pathogenic bacteria are found in the water.

  4. Microbiological method. Bacteria specially settled in the pond accelerate the decomposition of organic impurities at times.

If you do not follow the requirements for maintaining water in proper condition, then after a few years a beautiful stocked pond will turn into a pit of fetid water.

Special hydraulic structures

At the beginning of the article, we already said that the exclusion of flooding of the foundations of existing buildings must be provided even at the stage of planning the location of the pond. But there are cases when the peculiarities of the landscape of the summer cottage, the physical characteristics of soils or the proximity of groundwater do not allow to avoid flooding with "little blood", it is necessary to build special hydraulic structures.

The maintenance of the water regime of the summer cottage and the diversion of filtration water outside the site is done by drainage - a rather complicated structure from a technical point of view. Ponds can have a low water level (the mirror is located below ground level) or high. In the first case, the drainage water can be diverted back into the pond, and the excess is removed using an ordinary catchment. Disadvantages of this method: rather large distance between ground and water level and very extended systems. The issue can be solved by installing intermediate wells. In the second case, you need to make a separate ring drainage of the pond, it will intercept filtration water and drain them into the collection. It is used on heavy, highly waterlogged soils.

We specially tried to give the most complete information on the construction of ponds in compliance with all the requirements of building codes and regulations. Each developer has the right to independently decide whether to build a pond taking into account the developed recommendations and not worry about its functionality or simplify some technologies.

Information on construction technology is available, there is no problem to choose and get acquainted with the desired pond option. We will give some general practical tips that will come in handy in all cases.

We strongly recommend that you build a pond even before the start of the construction of the main summer cottages. Firstly, the fertile layer of land can be usefully used on another site. Second, the operation of earthmoving equipment and trucks will cause less damage to the landscape.

If the land is sandy, then the bottom is better to be concreted; flexible waterproofing materials do not have sufficient physical strength and cannot prevent the banks from crumbling. During concreting, it should be borne in mind that two types of forces will act: the earth will crumble from the outside, from the inside the bowl will be bursting with ice in winter. It is highly advisable to use metal mesh reinforcement during concreting.

The place for swimming should have a reinforced bank. If different films are used for waterproofing, then they can be damaged by bathers. Special ladders must be installed at the points of entry / exit from the water.

Provide places for the installation of additional equipment and drains should be during work with the bowl. Exits are installed in technological places, more thorough waterproofing is done, etc.

The fish in the pond will have to be fed, natural food is not enough for it. Top dressing is an unnecessary burden on the ecology of the pond, it will not be possible to accurately calculate the amount of feed. This means that water purification systems must be more powerful and efficient.

Video - How to build a pond yourself

landscape designer

DIY swimming pond with the help of professionals

Summer promised to be warm and my wife and I decided to organize our own swimming pond at the dacha. We cannot go abroad on vacation - my wife is a civil servant and she is restricted from leaving the country. We don't like spending time near "public" water bodies. We decided that a decorative pond would be a way out - our plot of 20 acres in the Istra district is quite suitable for its creation. For our three children, the pond has also become a great place for water games and swimming.

The right place for a pond

The selection of a place for a pond was not as easy as it seemed at first glance. At first it seems that you can make a reservoir where you want, but if you dive into the details, it turns out that you have to take into account many factors. A mistake in choosing a place can lead to severe pollution of the reservoir and spoiled water in it. My neighbor's experience was very helpful and I decided not to make his mistakes. So, about choosing a place - what to look for:

  • The amount of sunlight. If the active sun illuminates the pond for more than 5 hours a day, then the water in it heats up above the standard and "blooms", evaporates strongly. A slightly shaded area is best.
  • Trees by the reservoir. There should be no large trees near the reservoir. Falling foliage will cause a lot of trouble - it will have to be constantly removed, including cleaning the filters.
  • Direction of the wind. The long axis of the pond should be in the direction of the wind. Then all the debris will accumulate on one side of the reservoir. Here you can, by the way, install a skimmer to remove dirt. It must be placed on the leeward side. Then problems with garbage will not be inconvenient.

I found a place on the site that almost perfectly fit these criteria. But still there was a birch nearby. It was a pity to remove it, so we decided to leave it. According to experts, this tree creates an additional biological load and can color the water. But I haven't noticed the negative impact yet. We put a filter, including for collecting floating leaves on the surface of the pond.

Pond size, depth and shape

For the pond, we have allocated a place measuring 15 * 20 meters (about 3 acres). This is quite enough for our family. At the lowest point, the depth is 2 meters. For the correct calculation of the depth, I still consulted with experts.

I did the preliminary marking of the reservoir using electrodes and a signal tape. At first I wanted to fill the contour with sand, but then I changed my mind. if it is necessary to adjust the dimensions, then it will be problematic to move the sprinkled sand line. The markup was also necessary in order to estimate the size of the future pond, determine the size and amount of materials. I slightly adjusted the length and width of the pond based on the markings.

Made the pond rectangular as the curves eat up some of the useful swimming space.

Digging, shaping the pond bowl and removing excess soil

For earthwork he invited a team of workers of 5 people (foreman and 4 workers). The manager of our cottage community helped me find them. He always has free people who can be hired for such work.

According to my design, from a signal tape and electrodes, workers covered the contour of the pond with sand. Then they drove the excavator and started digging. As the soil was removed, we formed the underwater rim leaving the terraces. I had to have 3 of them: coastal 30 cm deep, shallow water - 50 cm, deep water - 80 cm.The width of the terrace is 50 cm.The presence of several zones ensures water mixing and it does not stagnate, and are also used for planting plants in containers.

After the formation of the contours of the reservoir, the terraces were leveled. I, just in case, re-measured the measurements so as not to miss the dimensions of the film and geotextile.

We checked the horizontality of the terraces and the angle of inclination of the pond walls - it must be at least 45 °. Otherwise, it is necessary to additionally strengthen the walls. In the spring, our groundwater rises high and so that the pond bowl does not deform, we made drainage before laying the film.

Already at the stage of digging, I came across a huge amount of dug earth that needed to be removed. The approximate volume of soil that needed to be removed from the site is about 500 m³. I used the services of a company that provides containers for soil removal. True, for the price it turned out to be not so cheap - 290 rubles / m³ with loading.

Pond film and calculation

Determining the amount of materials needed was a daunting task. I found the formula:

Determine the maximum length and width of your pond. Determine the maximum depth of your body of water. Then add two depths and 60 cm to the length of the reservoir to reach the shoreline. Add two depths to the width of the reservoir and 60 cm for the coastline (30 cm per side).

Example: the length of your reservoir is 10m, width is 8m, depth is 1m.

Calculation of the length of the film: 10m (maximum length of the reservoir) + 1m + 1m (two depths) + 0.6m \u003d 12.6m

Calculation of the width of the film: 8m (maximum width of the reservoir) + 1m + 1m (two depths) + 0.6m \u003d 10.6m

For such a reservoir, you will need a film 12.6 m long, 10.6 m wide, film area 133.56 μV

But the most accurate calculation is obtained if the foundation pit is already ready. You can measure it with a signal tape, and then attach it to a tape measure. It is laid first along the longest and deepest place of the reservoir + 1 meter. And then - at the widest and deepest place + 1 meter.

It should be borne in mind that the stores sell films of different widths and, having calculated its preliminary dimensions, it is necessary to correlate them with the real dimensions of the films sold. Otherwise, you have to glue it. It is more convenient to adjust the pond layout to the size of the material.

I used a FIRESTONE POND GARD EPDM membrane (butyl rubber) with a thickness of 1.02 mm. It is suitable even for very large and deep waters. Its service life is 50 years. This film is used for drinking water tanks, fish ponds, decorative and fire reservoirs. There are different sizes of rolls: 3.05; 4.88; 6.1; 7.62; 9.15; 10.98; 12.2; 15.25 x 30.5 m. If there is no suitable size, then it is excellently glued using materials for gluing butyl rubber. And you can glue it right in the pit - that's what I did.

Before purchasing the materials, I asked the store managers to check my calculations and only then did I buy the necessary materials. I bought everything in the Yasenevo garden center, in the Everything for your pond store. Below is the number of materials for creating a swimming pond and prices.

Pond equipment

When constructing the pond, we first strengthened the shoreline with fastening tape, it is resistant to decay and is not afraid of water. I also did this with workers, because you can't do it alone. We determined the highest point on the shore and decided to add soil where it was lacking. From this point, stakes were driven along the perimeter of the pond (distance about 0.7 m). 7 cm retreated from the edge of the reservoir. Then they installed a fastening tape for the coastline. It was attached to the pegs with self-tapping screws. When all the tape is attached, it should overlap the starting edge by 20-30 cm.

Then we laid geotextiles (density 300g / m2), left a margin of 0.6 m at the edges. After that, we laid butyl rubber film. It is very important to lay it out evenly in the pit. We also left 50 cm edges. We put pebbles on the film - otherwise the film may rise in spring.

The next stage is the installation of a filtration system and laying of hoses, connecting all elements to each other. I chose the BIOsys 6 Promax 30000 filter from OASE with mechanical, UV and biological filtration.

I chose from several brands: Israeli AMIAD, English HOZELOCK and German OASE. I immediately rejected the AMIAD brand, because in the Russian market the company sells filters only with mechanical filtration. OASE has many more choices and all kinds of filters. A stagnant pond requires mechanical, biological and ultraviolet water treatment. At the same time, it is important that these 3 types are combined, and not used separately. That is why I chose the BIOsys 6 Promax 30000 model - it performs complex cleaning and is suitable for my pond in volume.

After installing the equipment, we proceeded to the arrangement of the bottom. We decided to lay it with pebbles and sand. So it is more comfortable to walk on it.

One of the most crucial moments is filling the pond with water. Only after that you can cut off the excess edges of the film, leave 20-30 cm. The water should stand for 3 weeks and be saturated with oxygen. After that, you can plant the plants.

When you have your own house or summer cottage, it is absolutely natural that you want to refine it, create your own unique style and landscape design. However, the real dream of any homeowner is a personal reservoir, which will not only delight the eye, but also allow you to enjoy its beauty, so to speak, from the inside. Immediately presented, but there is a worthy alternative. You can build a do-it-yourself bathing pond on the territory near the house.

Differences between a pond for swimming with your own hands and a pool

An uninformed person might assume that a swimming pool and a bathing pond are practically the same thing. However, there are a number of significant differences. Moreover, the comparison will be in favor of the pond.

From the point of view of practicality, it should be noted that organizing a pond for fish and swimming in the country will be much cheaper and will not require so much effort. Although, of course, this is also not the easiest thing to do and will require certain energy and financial costs.

The main advantage of the pond is its natural beauty, which will be the perfect complement to the garden composition and will be the highlight of any landscape. Unlike the pool, the pond in the country house looks bright, interesting and distinctive every season. In addition to swimming, it also performs a decorative function.

On a positive note, the bathing pond will be used all year round. In the spring, the pond will delight the owner with water flowers and tune in to a romantic mood, in the summer and early autumn period you can swim in the pond, and in winter it will turn out to be a wonderful ice rink.

Thanks to the water filtration system, the country pond does not need chemical cleaning, which compares favorably with the pool.

The choice between creating a pond for fish and swimming in the country or a pool, each owner of the garden area makes for himself. The main thing is that all the features that apply to the summer cottage are taken into account. Do not forget that the reservoir on the territory requires not only careful care, but also a responsible attitude towards it. In particular, security measures should be provided if there are small children in the family.

Types of fish ponds and swimming in the country

In terms of the complexity of the arrangement of a summer cottage pond for swimming, in a general form, one-volume and two-volume reservoirs can be distinguished. But this is a very vague idea, and therefore the complete classification looks like this:

  • one-volume, in the absence of zoning and any technical means,
  • one-volume, with surface current,
  • one-volume, with a flow-through recovery zone,
  • two-volume,
  • two-volume, with a full-fledged water purification device.

But in order to understand how and how to make a pond for swimming in the country with your own hands, you need to figure out what each of them is.

The first type of swimming pond is suitable for a large area as it requires a lot of space to create it. The function of water purification in such a reservoir is carried out by microorganisms, plants, zooplankton. Accordingly, most of it will be allocated for the "revival" zone, which will be filled with all kinds of natural biofilters. The advantage of this pond is its external naturalness and a sense of naturalness.

The second type of reservoir is also presented as a single basin, without division into areas, without partitions or similar divisions. However, water purification takes place using special equipment -. For pumping water. Convenient for extending the swimming area while maintaining a wilderness feel.

The third type is distinguished by its volumetric swimming area, which is larger than in the first versions. Ideal for those who like long swims and active movement in the water. The pond is divided into areas by partitions that are level with the water surface, without rising above it. In this case, water regeneration is carried out both by plants and microorganisms, and by a skimmer. A multilevel system is applied.

A two-volume pond assumes the separation of the bathing area from the water treatment zone, which makes rest in such a pond comfortable and pleasant. It differs from the previous types in the presence of automation for cleaning, control devices, as well as a gravel filter, a water pumping system.

In the fifth variant, a clear zoning was carried out between the swimming zone and the filtration area. Regeneration of the reservoir is carried out using technology, as well as the "plant" method, used metering and control devices, biofilters, control system for the supply and pumping of water.

Reference! The cost of equipping a pond rises in proportion to the sequence of the types of water bodies described.

Based on the financial capabilities, the size of the summer cottage and personal wishes, it is worth making a choice of the pond to be built.

DIY sketch of a future pond in the country

Before starting work on the construction of a pond for fish (as well as swimming) in the country, you need to imagine what this pond will be like, what you want to get as a result, how its design can organically fit into the landscape of the site.

But how to make a sketch of a future pond if there is no special knowledge in this matter and related experience. The best solution would be to seek professional help. Ultimately, paying for the services of a person with the necessary knowledge will be much cheaper than correcting one's own mistakes made due to lack of competence.

Nevertheless, if you have certain skills and a great desire to participate in the creative process, then you can try to create a sketch yourself. It will be correct to adhere to a certain plan:

  1. It is necessary to draw the future pond from different angles, make a top view, as well as in section. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir will depend on the intended depth. The more depth is planned, the wider the pond should be made. On the sketch it is necessary to indicate the dimensions of the reservoir, its shape, the steepness of the slopes, the zone of water heating.

Note! On sandy terrain, do not make steep slopes, otherwise the banks will crumble.

  1. In addition to the drawing, it is important to draw a detailed diagram that displays not only the location of the pipes, but also the depth of the trenches, the water turnover, depending on the type of pond.
  2. Another element of the sketch is the display of the beach area, the regeneration area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir, as well as decorative components.

Choosing a place for a bath

For an artificial pond, it is necessary, taking into account all the features of the backyard territory. It is good to organize a pond for swimming in the country with your own hands directly next to the house, since in this case it is convenient to bring communications to the reservoir. It is advisable to find an area that will not be too shaded, but also not very sunny. Due to the excess of the sun, the pond will begin to bloom. And if surrounded by trees, falling foliage could damage the transfer pump and water supply equipment.

An important point in choosing a suitable place is the size of the site, its shape, soil, and the presence of groundwater. Irregularities in the ground, a depression, pits or something similar can be wrapped in dignity and turned into a multi-level pond. A flat area will allow you to create a reservoir of any shape and depth, if groundwater does not interfere with this.

A feature of the pond for fish and swimming in the country will be a specific soil, sandy or sandy loam. Here you will have to be puzzled with additional strengthening of the banks. There are two methods to accomplish this task:

  • construction of gentle slopes using film.

Each of these options has positive and negative factors that will help you decide what is more profitable to do in a particular area. So, the advantages of rigid waterproofing are its durability, strength, ease of installation, as well as operation and cleaning. However, there are also disadvantages, which include the inability to change the shape of the pond, the high cost of the structure and its susceptibility to natural influences.

With regard to the bath, which digs on its own, you can find such advantages as changing the shape of the reservoir if you wish, natural appearance, adaptation to temperature changes. But, unambiguously, there are negative aspects, which are considered to be the need for a large area, since due to the gentle banks, the pond area increases significantly, the fragility of the film system, the arrangement of slopes out of the blue.

Not the last thing when choosing a place for a pond is played by groundwater, which can also affect its creation. After all, if the groundwaters occur on the territory close to the surface, at a depth of up to one meter, then a natural natural lake can be organized. If the waters are deeper, for example, from two to three meters, then this should be taken into account when strengthening the bottom and banks. Ideally, when they pass at a depth of five meters, since then you can safely dig a pond two or three meters deep and not worry about additional reinforcement.

How to make a swimming pond in the country. Features:

A private bathing pond always has a fairly large size, which a priori presupposes a rather complex hydraulic engineering mechanism for the correct use of water resources.

It is important to determine how the water will flow, drainage methods, preferred vegetation. It is necessary to conditionally divide the reservoir into zones. Highlight shallow, deep-water, regenerative, beach, decorative.

The execution of work involves the following stages:

  1. Creation of a project (it means exactly what was described above, namely, thinking over the location, size and configuration of the future reservoir).
  2. Development of an estimate (for independent work, you must at least make an approximate calculation, taking into account the price of materials and accessories).
  3. Basting.
  4. Waterproofing and cleaning equipment installation.
  5. Pond decoration, etc.

After the plan of action is outlined, you can proceed directly to work.

Pit under the swimming pond

Work on digging a foundation pit can be carried out on its own, or using specialized equipment. Here the working method depends on the size and volume of the pond. If a not very large reservoir is planned, not exceeding one meter in depth, but ten square meters in width, then it makes no sense to involve an excavator and other special equipment. But when the depth is calculated at 2-2.5 m, and the width is more than 10 m, then digging the pit by hand will become very energy-intensive and will take at least a month, subject to intensive work throughout the day.

Reference! Before digging a pit for the pond with your own hands, it is preferable to save the surface, fertile soil layer. This is a valuable material that will always come in handy at a summer cottage. But even if there is nowhere to use it, there will always be those who want to take away the black soil, since it is indispensable for many tasks performed on the ground.

First, you need to mark the area of \u200b\u200bthe future pond. To do this, you need to drive stakes around the perimeter and stretch a bright ribbon. After these simple manipulations, you can start digging. It is worth digging from the center or the deepest place to the shores, otherwise it is possible not to observe the depth that is in mind. In addition, you need to dig with a reserve of at least 10 cm, due to the fact that geotextiles and sand and gravel mixture will be compacted to the bottom, which also occupy a certain place.

It should be borne in mind that digging a large hole is not limited to the preparation of a pit. An essential role is played by the provision of measures preventing the drainage of water from the pond. After all, if you do not think about this moment, then there is a high probability that the entire personal plot will be flooded. And accordingly, it is necessary to properly prepare the bottom of the reservoir. In this case, the bottom is the entire surface covered with water.

It is used as waterproofing throughout the construction site. In this case, at a distance of 35-55 cm from the edge of the pit, break through a small groove with dimensions of about 30x30 cm to fix the material. The bottom of the pond is made smooth with smooth transitions in heights; in some cases, a stepped device is preferred. The pit itself should not be with steep banks, and the slope should be no more than 40 degrees, better even 30 degrees.

Waterproofing material

When sandy and sandy loam soils are present on the site, the waterproofing must be built of clay or loam 30 cm in height. For convenience, you can use a rigid ready-made form. Also, in sandy areas, the manufacture of concrete insulation is applicable, although this is an expensive and time-consuming method, but the structure is one of the strongest and most durable. A modern and effective material - liquid rubber. Comfortable due to its elasticity.

Laying waterproofing material

First, they are determined with the material from which it will be. Next, small pebbles or crushed stone are laid. Another layer of about 5 cm will be sand, which must be well tamped. Then you can cover the pit with a film. The film is laid with a surplus of 40 cm and again sprinkled with sand quite abundantly, with a layer of at least 50 cm.A new layer of 80 cm will be made of rubble or pebbles, and if desired, sand can again be poured over it. After completing these procedures, the pond is ready to be filled with water. Naturally, when using a ready-made rigid form, the procedure is simplified.

Installation of pumps

A submersible pump is installed at the bottom of the pond, from which pipes are pulled to the source and connected to a filter for water purification. The pump is needed to create a circulation of water, which is pumped into the filter and returned back after purification.

Installing a pump in a pond means that, in general, it is ready to use and all that remains is to decorate and decorate it to your liking.

Two types: submersible and centrifugal. The submersible is located at the bottom of the reservoir, and the centrifugal one is outside, below the water level.

Swimming pond design

Personal pond décor can be customized according to the owner's preferences. The design is not limited only to stones and aquatic plants, there are all sorts of ways and ideas for decoration, for example, alpine slides, fountains, waterfall decoration, and beautiful statues and figures are also used as an addition. The main thing is that everything is harmoniously combined, and there are not too many elements, as this creates a feeling of overload and smears the impression.

Pond care

Swimming pond maintenance is easy if the filtration system and pumps have been installed correctly. If installed correctly, the water circulation is adjusted, the filter cleans it, and all processes function properly. It remains only to monitor the water level in the reservoir. With increased heat, you need to replenish the pond in time with the amount of water that has evaporated. In case of excessive precipitation, it is necessary to pump out excess water using a pump, and if a drainage well was provided, then this task is also simplified.

It is worth inspecting the pond every month and exercising if necessary. Periodically clean the reservoir and filters from algae and debris. And in the autumn, you can stretch the net to avoid foliage.

Pond filtration

There are many methods of water purification. One of the most effective, but not cheap, is the installation with silver disinfection of water. However, a more commonly used system of filter, UV lamp, pump and skimmer.

I would like to pay special attention to the filtration system. Filters distinguish between flow (gravity), pressure and belt filters. Flow filters perform mainly mechanical cleaning, however, they have sponges for cleaning from dirt, additives that clean water. Pressure and belt filters, as a rule, for water disinfection.


An artificial swimming pond, like other bodies of water, tends to become dirty over time. It may be some kind of mechanical waste or particles of clay, algae or fallen leaves not removed in time. To combat the negative impact of debris, use a sand and gravel pillow or non-woven synthetic filter materials. Naturally, the filtration system and water pumps contribute to the cleaning of the swimming pond.

To keep the bath clean, it is important to maintain the correct oxygen content in the water, for which aeration is used. Sometimes a fountain can be built for such a purpose, the question is in finances. However, this method also solves the decorative issue.

Water purification without water exchange

In large ponds, water purification occurs naturally, thanks to plants and microorganisms. However, this method does not always help to fully cope. To purify water without water exchange, use:

  • (gravel-sand pad)
  • Chemical filters (increases the oxygen content of the water, which helps purify the water)
  • Sterilizing water (killing all kinds of bacteria)
  • Microbiological method (bacteria that decompose organic impurities)

Additional water make-up facilities

If a personal reservoir is built on a river or stream, then nature itself decides the issue of water recharge. The only thing that matters is the equipment of the dam, which will control the water level; it will be necessary to discharge it periodically. Simple grate filters will help with pollution from a river or stream. Concrete or metal pipes are used as spillways, which helps well during floods.

Feature! The frequency of water exchange is essential.

There are no problems with reservoirs into which water comes from the outside, that is, from rivers, streams, and which are blocked by a dam. In other cases, it is necessary to do additional water exchanges using pumps or to carry out cleaning by mechanical and biological methods.

Errors in the construction of a reservoir

When building your own swimming pond, the following mistakes are sometimes made:

  1. The place for the reservoir was chosen incorrectly (in this situation, the easiest way is to fill up the pond and make it in another place).
  2. Unsuitable time (if you build a bath at random in any season, then there is a great risk that in other seasons the level of groundwater occurrence will change, which will harm in the future, which means that it is correct to first track how groundwater behaves at different times or redo all works upon their discovery).
  3. Overestimated sizes (difficulties are solved by selecting unpretentious plants, installing powerful and strong pumps and filters).
  4. Saving on materials (the solution comes down to the principle of "a miser pays twice", that is, you will have to carry out restoration work and purchase a quality product for repair)
  5. Non-compliance with safety (if the banks are too steep, then they can be chopped off, for example, with a shovel; put fences for children, strengthen decorative stones)
  6. Lack of drainage for water (you will have to additionally dig a trench or put a special pump)
  7. Ugly or overloaded decor (it is worth contacting specialists for help)
  8. Selection of the wrong plants for the pond (remove all fast-growing plants that take up too much space, replace with unpretentious types of oxygen-generating plants).
  9. Unsuitable equipment (if the equipment that is installed does not cope with its tasks, then it should be replaced with a more powerful one).

An example of building a bath on the site

For example, you should use the simplest option for building a summer cottage swimming pond with your own hands. A film will be used as waterproofing. At the beginning of the work, we clarify the level of passage of groundwater and, based on this, we determine the depth of the pond. We mark and fence off the area on which the foundation pit will be dug. Then we get down to business, digging terraces and ledges along the way. The width of the terrace is about 40 cm, and the slope will be 45-50 degrees.

The next steps are:

  1. When the pit is ready, its bottom is covered with sand and durable material is laid
  2. The entrance to the water is prepared in the form of steps or smooth descents
  3. The film is laid taking into account all the features of the landscape
  4. The pond must be filled with water in three stages: water is poured a third, it settles for 2-3 hours, the procedure is repeated until it is completely filled, it is necessary so that the film stretches gradually
  5. Extra edges of the film are removed, and the decoration of the reservoir with stones, which should press the film, begins. In addition, it is allowed to lay stones at the bottom of the pond.
  6. It is only necessary to leave near the reservoir, which are used for cleaning. A shooter or a yellow iris approaches, they land along the borders of the pond.

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Your own bathing pond is not a dream, but an attainable reality. You just need to make some effort, choose a convenient place and provide the pond with a quality pump and filter. The pleasure that a personal font will give cannot be compared with any labor and costs, and the time spent with him will give vivid emotions and impressions.

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