Brick barbecue in a wrought-iron gazebo. Brick grill in a brick gazebo

The Barbecue Gazebo transforms the usual cooking process in your kitchen into the culinary magic of cooking over an open fire. Not many dishes on our menu are as truly loved as barbecues cooked on the grill.

Let's take a look at how to get more fun for everyone from participating in this unforgettable experience.

Your gazebo with barbecue

Diy brick brazier drawing

As it is not obvious, but if you do not have a barbecue yet, do it. You don't need special materials and super skills for you - a simple drawing of a barbecue, a dozen bricks, an iron bar and an iron sheet - and you will have an excellent result.

We raise the brickwork to a height of 70-75 cm and put pieces of an iron rod on the mortar, on which we then put an iron sheet. Raising the masonry higher, we lay in the side walls at 2 different heights for the barbecue grill.

Your gazebo with barbecue: important details

Today a gazebo with barbecue is more than just a place for barbecue. Many of us want to have almost the same conveniences in it that we are used to in the house. In addition to the barbecue, gazebos can include smokehouses, skewers, braziers, ovens. From all the variety of existing options, we will choose our own - practical, thinking what we will most often use and how much it is adapted to our needs. Often a small gazebo, which has only the most necessary things, is much more comfortable and functional than a pretentious one, stuffed with a variety of devices.

Add a cooking area next to the barbecue

If you have a small gazebo with barbecue, add a table and a sink to it - this will turn your gazebo into a real summer kitchen. For your table, remember to include a well-cleaned worktop and a small shelf for frequently used kitchen utensils. If possible, put a refrigerator in the gazebo - it will be convenient to store meat and drinks in it.

Make practical use of the gazebo space

The dining table with benches is a traditional solution for the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe gazebo with barbecue. But, if you need to save space, make these benches slide under the table so you have more cooking space.


In terms of the use of materials, the entire gazebo should be durable, serve well outdoors, and be easy to clean. This means wood, stone and metal processed from decay.

Don't forget about the cook

There is nothing worse to cook for the whole company and hear only bursts of laughter behind your back. Cooking and seating should flow into one another, isolating guests from the hot zone on the one hand, and allowing the chef to be the center of the party on the other. This is best done by a high bar, raised on the other side of the cooking zone. After all, watching the chef cook grilled meat for you is a great start to any meal.

Keep warm in the gazebo

In cool weather, to keep warm and protect from the wind, special pvc curtains can be used in the gazebo. If the purchase of such curtains seems to you an unnecessary luxury, you can make them yourself. You will need to buy PVC film, cut it to the size of the gazebo openings, edging it with a strong fabric and put eyelets around the edges. With a cord threaded through the eyelets, you can attach the curtain to the gazebo.

It is always a good idea to use additional heat sources in the gazebo - for example, infrared lamps. They can be placed near areas of maximum functionality - dining or cooking areas.

If your barbecue is next to the gazebo, make a canopy over it

If your grill does not have a hood, it should not be placed in a gazebo, but can be placed next to it. Provide a shelter for the cook over the grill so that a sudden rain shower does not interfere with his work.

Add an open hearth

By equipping an open hearth near or at the edge of the gazebo, you can cook kulesh in it and get an additional surface for cooking. So, on the main grill, you cook meat, and on the hearth, put a grate and cook vegetables. And everything is being prepared for you at the same time.

Add a seating area next to the gazebo

This can be either just a paved area next to the gazebo, or an additional canopy that is part of the gazebo structure, or just an umbrella over the table on the street.

In cool climates, a seating area can even be a separate gazebo.

Convenient firebox

Make sure there is a convenient place to store firewood next to the gazebo. This saves you the trouble of going to the other end of the garden to collect a couple of logs in the dark.

Make the entrance to the cellar from the gazebo

Convenient entrance from the gazebo on one side will save you from having to install a refrigerator in the gazebo; on the other hand, it will make the entrance to the cellar more harmonious than a lonely mound in the corner of the garden.

Create a special mood with lighting.

The combination of the general lighting of the site with the bright illumination of the gazebo will create the right balance between functionality and a harmonious atmosphere. Moreover, the cooking area in the gazebo should be brightly lit, and for the dining area and recreation area it is better to make adjustable lighting - you must somehow create a special mood!

Gazebo with barbecue. Fire-fighting measures.

All electrical appliances in the gazebo must be grounded. Electrical wiring must be carried out with outdoor cable. Wooden structures must be treated with fireproof impregnation.

Place the gazebo in a cozy corner of the garden.

While placing a summer kitchen next to the house has a number of advantages, there are advantages to placing a gazebo with barbecue in the far corner of the summer cottage. Here, along with food cooked on an open fire, you will give yourself a feeling of escape from the everyday hustle and bustle: enjoy the magnificent view and the silence of the garden.

Decorate a gazebo with barbecue

A barbecue gazebo in your garden is the perfect place to use your taste in furnishings and decor. And the decor here, not only the decorations on the wall, but also curtains, and kitchen utensils and flowers on the table. Let the gazebo become your cozy refuge in the midst of everyday worries.

Use landscaping elements to highlight the gazebo area in the garden. The very architecture of the gazebo is an important element of the entire landscape design of the site.
Make interesting additions next to the gazebo to highlight the special meaning of this area in the garden. For example, set up a herbal kitchen garden or a large flower garden next to the gazebo.

Simple projects of gazebos with barbecue

Not all of us have access to luxurious gazebos made of Siberian cedar or silver pine. We invite you to get acquainted with simple and functional projects of gazebos with barbecue. Made of ordinary materials, clear and simple design - these projects are available to any summer resident.

Project 1. Gazebo with barbecue and bathroom

The owner of the land plot, together with the construction of the house, will definitely plan a recreation area. A wood-fired sauna, a gazebo and a barbecue area - everything should be there. For a comfortable stay, you can combine some objects. How to build all these building objects on your land in this article.

It is possible to combine not only objects according to their purpose, but also according to materials and types of construction. Arbor designs can be developed independently or found on the Internet. You will also definitely need schemes where the correct order is indicated.

  1. A canopy gazebo is the easiest option. It can be done without a special foundation, just on the ground. Brick or wood poles, polycarbonate roof. It will perfectly cover from rain or hot sun.
  2. Brick will be the best option. This capital structure, with a light foundation, will serve for a long time. The option with closed windows will allow you to enjoy grilled meat all year round.
  3. Brick braziers can be arranged in an elegant gazebo with forged elements, but on a brick base. Forged openwork is also used to create a kitchen and recreation area.
  4. A gazebo made of wood is a real teremok on the site. To be combined with a barbecue, it will require additional refractory processing.
  5. A brick brazier in the gazebo is additionally equipped with a smokehouse, a cauldron oven, a spit and a hob. The result is a fully equipped outdoor kitchen.

Everything must be put on the drawing and follow all the diagrams.

After we have decided on the project, we choose a place on the site. It shouldn't be far from home.

There should be a pleasant view from the open gazebo. If you manage to equip a pond and a garden nearby, this will be the best option. The playground should also be nearby - the little ones will constantly run to the gazebo, you always want to eat in the fresh air.

Location of the kitchen and dining area

Alternatively, these two objects can be located in different gazebos. But cooking on an open fire is by itself a pleasant sight and it is very interesting to see what happens on the grill. And the one who cooks, often the event participant must be with the company.

A large barbecue area can be separated from the dining table by a kitchen island or a bar counter. The gazebo should be large, at least 20 m².

For small gazebos, it is not necessary to separate the brick brazier, the table is nearby. Or a small brick barbecue area with sofas for relaxation.

We start construction

According to the project, there must be a calculation of all materials. For the entire construction, additional tools will be required, perhaps most of them are already there, and building materials will have to be purchased only for barbecue and grills.

  • Brick will be required 2 types: standard red and fireclay (refractory) for the furnace.
  • Clay, sand, building mixtures. For the laying of the fireplace itself, special refractory mixtures will be required. Foundation concrete.
  • Grizzly, firebox and ash pan doors
  • Corners, steel sheet, fittings
  • Hob, smokehouse metal rods hooks.
  • Metal and reinforcing mesh.

Fill the foundation

Gazebos with a brick barbecue are two different construction projects. Each has its own foundation and walls. It is not recommended to combine the back wall of the fireplace and the wall of the gazebo. Building a brazier for centuries will allow a solid and stable foundation. The more the number of rows, the more solid the foundation should be. Each row of bricks must be supported by a concrete screed of at least 15 cm.

The foundation pit is breaking out. Its volume should exceed the base of the barbecue by 90-100mm in width.
The formwork can be made from any auxiliary material - boards, thick cardboard. Crushed stone and fittings are laid inside.

The gazebo in the country is not just a barbecue shop. This is a full-fledged place for a cozy pastime.

Everything is poured with concrete and left to harden. Roofing material or special mixtures are used for waterproofing.

Masonry solutions

Standard mortar for the construction of a barbecue 1: 3 clay / sand. The solution itself resembles thick sour cream in consistency. To work with refractory bricks, fireclay is added instead of ordinary clay.

For a gazebo, a cement mortar is suitable, in the same ratio. But the clay has been replaced with cement.
The mortar must be used quickly, otherwise the water will be tightly bound to the cement and the adhesion to the brick will not be strong.

Brick brazier

The order is carefully studied. It is impossible to violate the scheme, this will lead to irreversible consequences. Starting from the first row of masonry, we must use plumb lines or levels. Any violation of horizontality will lead to a violation and the fireplace will smoke or not flare up at all.

Reinforced mesh is laid every 2 rows. The overlap is made exactly according to the scheme. The order takes into account all these points, the main thing is not to miss the change of rows.

In the construction of the barbecue, two types of bricks are used.

  • Exterior masonry is made of hollow or red bricks - where there is no strong heating
  • Internal fireclay.

All parts that come into contact with fire must be made of refractory materials. Such a brick expands more when heated. This must be taken into account when laying - the width of the seams should be larger.

For a capital furnace, you will need to lay out a pipe from. You can buy ready-made metal. Or as an option - brick a metal or asbestos pipe.

If a pipe is not provided, then a hood must be made. No one wants to be in a gazebo full of burning and smoke. A brick barbecue for a gazebo must be supplied with an exhaust probe with good traction.

Gazebo construction

After the foundation for the barbecue has been built, the base is poured under the gazebo. You can choose any foundation: tape, pile or combined option.

It is impossible to combine the foundation for the gazebo and barbecue. For stoves, it is always separate, a gazebo or house can warp over time, and a separate brazier with a small foundation will remain unchanged.

The walls are laid out, the places for windows and doors are taken into account, if this is provided for by the scheme. Be sure to apply the level. A deviation of 0.5 mm is allowed no more.
The final stage of construction will be the erection of the roof. From a profiled sheet or metal tile, any option will be successful. It is necessary to provide a place for the pipe and bring it above the roof.

Resting place decoration

Often the grill is immediately covered with bricks. To do this, you need to cut the bricks and lay them beautifully. You can use facing brick, both for the barbecue and completely for the gazebo.

  • Neat birch logs look beautiful in the grill. To do this, when developing a circuit, this must be taken into account. Did not work out? Order a wrought metal woodpile separately.
  • You can also order a beautiful barbecue grill and barbecue service devices.
  • Decorate all surfaces with tiles, including the dining area table
  • The benches should be made of semi-antique solid wood

There are many options for decorating a brick gazebo with a barbecue. Most importantly, it must fulfill its functions:

  1. Feed delicious guests
  2. Create a pleasant relaxation atmosphere
  3. Be a safe place.

A brazier in a brick gazebo will become the pride of the owner, and made will give a lot of impressions from the construction of this object on your own site.

Rest in the fresh air, accompanied by a feast, can spoil both the scorching sun and drizzling rain. An open gazebo is a great shelter option. Equipment on its area of \u200b\u200ba brick barbecue will provide comfortable cooking over an open fire in any weather. In addition to the traditional shashlik, you can cook food in a cauldron, smoke meat, poultry, fish. It is better to plan the construction of the stove simultaneously with the construction of the gazebo.

What is this article about

Seat selection

The open flame prevailing in the barbecue can harm the health of the owners and their guests, cause material damage if the structure of the gazebo or the surrounding vegetation catches fire. Carefully study the wind rose on the site and select an empty spot on the leeward side.

Close proximity to trees, shrubs, household and sanitary buildings, parking for cars is not allowed.

A brick brazier is a heavy, monumental structure. A gazebo with such a stove should not be located on unstable soil prone to subsidence. You can equip a strip foundation for the entire gazebo or make a monolithic concrete pillow on a sand bed. When building a barbecue on a finished site, you must make sure that it is flat. A slight slope is compensated by an additional amount of mortar in the lower row of masonry. When the height difference within the barbecue area is more than 1 cm, the base is leveled with another layer of concrete about 4–5 cm thick.

The gazebo must be conditionally divided into cooking and recreation areas. Both the chef and the guests need comfort and room to maneuver. When calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe future gazebo, provide enough space for a table and the required number of benches and chairs. Think about creating conditions for storing kitchen utensils, stock of firewood, coal.

Gazebo construction

Choosing any of the options for the gazebo, you are guaranteed to decorate your site with it and diversify your leisure time. Build a wooden one faster, with a brick one will take longer.


The advantages of wood arbors are high speed and ease of construction, relative cheapness of the material, perfect harmony with the natural landscape of the local area. They are environmentally friendly, durable and practical. Such buildings are collected from:

  • joinery (boards, beams, battens, plywood sheets, etc.);
  • chopped logs.

The design is very simple: posts and roof. Building shape: square, circle, polygon. The openings can be either open or closed with slats, window and door blocks. You can decorate the perimeter of open-type gazebos with climbing plants, make a fence of thin rods, and sew up with clapboard. The floor is made of wood or laid out of paving slabs. The roof is covered with tin, metal sheets, slate, bituminous tiles, polymer materials, or simply tightened with a thick cloth.


A cozy capital brick building does not require maintenance (impregnation, painting), remains invariably beautiful and durable for many years. Such gazebos can consist only of supporting columns and a roof (open type) or have a full-fledged enclosure that retains heat in the cold season. Open spaces are often filled with forged spans of metal or wood. Popular panoramic facade glazing with sliding systems or traditional hinged windows.

Partially closed square or rectangular buildings are popular, where brick walls have one or two sides, while the rest remain open. More compact structures are in the form of a six or octahedron. Truncated triangle arbors are the simplest option.

The requirements for the location of the brick arbor are the same as for their wooden counterparts. For construction on normal ground, a shallow foundation (30–40 cm) is suitable: strip or monolithic). After it has hardened, the lower part of the walls (basement) is erected using the technology of ring masonry, in one brick. For insulated structures, it is often made three-layer (two parallel walls in a half-brick are separated by an opening of about 5 mm, filled with loose insulation, lightweight concrete). The base is erected, observing the rules of dressing and reinforcing every fourth row with a metal mesh.

Then columns with a metal core are laid out, serving as a support for the roof. At its base there are wooden rafters. Form - hip or hip with a different number of slopes. The covering is wood, slate or tile. Be sure to equip the floor. The main requirement for it is fire resistance. Various types of tiles or concrete are used.

In open gazebos, the floor should have a slope of several degrees towards the entrance to drain rainwater entering the openings.

The main element of the gazebo is a brick brazier that will function perfectly in a building made of any material.

We build a brazier

Projects of barbecues for gazebos are quite diverse in design: from miniature castles to a stylized Russian stove. Their required structural elements:

  • brick walls (most often U-shaped);
  • firebox;
  • wood niche;
  • metal grill;
  • grill projections;
  • chimney.

The brazier can be decorated with a decorative arch over the hearth. Covering its sides with concrete slabs with stone or wood countertops create spacious work surfaces that serve as a cutting table. Below them is a cupboard.

An obligatory element is a pipe for removing flue gases outside the gazebo. In the absence of it, people resting in the gazebo will suffocate from the smoke.

Project selection

The draft of a standard small barbecue suitable for installation in a gazebo looks like this:

Also, in addition to the stove, you can attach a work surface, a sink,. Such a composite brazier may look something like this:

However, when choosing such a complex project, it is better to turn to a professional, since in this case, in addition to a large volume of masonry, it is also necessary for such a heavy structure and chimneys.

Features of masonry grill

An ordinary industrial production is suitable for construction. The structure is laid out of refractory bricks (most often brand shb -5) in accordance with the strict procedure attached to each project. The recommended joint width is 10 mm. Marking is made on the basis and the first row is laid out. The verticality of the corners is confirmed by the level. Second row bricks cover the seams in the bottom row. Further, it is also necessary to observe the dressing. Each pair of layers is overlaid with a reinforcing mesh.

You can improve the appearance of the fireplace facade using:

  • its masonry of facing bricks;
  • plastering the surface;
  • finishing with natural stone, tiles.

A gazebo is an indispensable attribute of a personal plot. The Internet is replete with offers to buy ready-made drawings of arbors for, or entrust the construction of a small architectural form to professionals. But often, the existing proposals for some reason do not correspond to the requests of the land owners, the size does not fit, sometimes it does not suit, it is simply expensive. And in itself - the process is not complicated and quite feasible with your own hands.

This article is devoted to how to draw up a plan, drawing and diagrams of gazebo assemblies, depending on the purpose of the building, how to correctly, a place to rest, a kitchen, etc. And of course, we have selected ready-made schemes and drawings for gazebos for you.

The photo shows the layout of the space with barbecue, corner structures save space

Layout scheme

The first thing you need to decide on is where the building will stand. To do this, you will need a site plan in a convenient scale for you, on which are indicated: the main structure (house), outbuildings (bathhouse, sheds), garden paths schemes, trees.

Advice: It is better not to cut down perennials, they will still serve for shade and for creating landscape design.

Drawings of a do-it-yourself garden gazebo, on the diagram a rectangular building from a bar

Do-it-yourself gazebos with drawings, a photo of a canopy made of a log of a non-standard simple shape with a corner barbecue

Carefully study the plan of the infield, taking into account the totality of the circumstances, and mark on the diagram where, in your opinion, the gazebo will be most appropriate. It is better to place it in the back of the garden, at the end of the path, between the trees. The distance from the main house is 3-5 m.If, then it is desirable to distance it from the main residential building by more than 8 m.

Arbor plan for a summer residence, an independent drawing with dimensions

When drawing up a drawing, do not forget about. To optimally arrange a columnar base. The distance between the posts is 1500-2000 mm, for each vertical support. Column section 300 * 300, 400 * 400 mm. When marking the foundation diagram on the ground, add 100 mm on each side so that the base is larger than the dimensions of the building.

Approximate layout of furniture for an 8 corner building

Functionality and dimensions - what you need to know

For comfortable outdoor recreation, which means that they should be comfortable, durable, reliable, everything should be at hand, nothing should interfere, annoy. And for this you should know some rules of ergonomics.

Typical drawing of a rectangular structure

As a rule, rectangular buildings have a two- (as in the diagram above) or four-pitched roof

Wooden gazebos, drawings of a square building with a hipped roof

Standard table width 600-800 mm, length 800 mm - for 4, 1200 mm - for 6 people. The convenient size of the seat of a chair or bench is 400-450 mm. Thus, the minimum width of the arbor is 1500 (600 + 450 + 450) mm, the length is 1500-2000 mm.

Do-it-yourself summer cottages, drawings of a mini construction from a log

Note: If necessary, it can be reduced, in which case it is better to opt for a small, frame structure-shed, see an example in the diagram below.

Arbor scheme for a small area

The product is on a metal frame, the dimensions are schematic, the length and width of the arbor can be changed to suit your needs

For a comfortable accommodation of one person, an area by floor is needed - 2 m 2, therefore, the optimal size of the gazebo for a company of 4-8 people is 3 * 4 m, 4 * 4 m (12-16 m 2).

DIY hex gazebos, drawings of a standard wooden structure

If you plan not only a place for gatherings, but also a recreation area, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe gazebo is calculated at the rate of 4 m 2 per person.

To correctly draw a drawing or a fireplace, when calculating the area. The optimal depth of a brick barbecue is 750-1000 mm (3-4 brick lengths), width - 1200 mm (10 brick widths).

Drawing of a standard barbecue

In addition to the barbecue or, on the side of it, for convenience, you should provide a working table with a width of 600-800 mm, to it, preferably, a sink - a width of 600-800 mm, and on the other hand a place for storing firewood, for symmetry the same distance. Based on this, the minimum length of the kitchen, including the oven, is 2400-3400 mm.

Barbecue scheme with a working area

In front of the barbecue, it is necessary to provide a free space of 1000-1200 mm in order to move freely during cooking, and the heat does not interfere with those sitting at the table. Thus, when drawing up a drawing of the gazebo, in addition to a place for gatherings of 8-12 m 2, an additional area should be allocated for the barbecue: at least - 2400 * 1750 mm, with comfort - 3400 * 2200 mm.

Gazebo with barbecue, furniture placement drawing

Construction scheme with barbecue, wooden structures should be treated with a fire-resistant compound

To save space, or make a separate canopy on the site near the building.

Drawings of gazebos with barbecue, this form of construction contributes to the convenient zoning of the kitchen and dining area

Form and design features

In addition to the fact that and, they also differ in shape: rectangular, multifaceted, round, combined, etc.

Assembly diagram of a closed square garden summer house under a hipped roof

Diagram of a large arbor made of wood under a hip roof, on the foundation 4 * 6 m

The easiest way is to make a drawing of a rectangular gazebo, but here too there are pitfalls: when transferring the scheme to a site, make sure that the angles are strictly 90 °, the diagonals are the same, or use the rule of the Egyptian triangle.

Marking a site for a gazebo

Measure 3.0 m on one side, 4.0 m on the other, connect the points in a straight line, check the geometry, if the connecting line is 5.0 m, then the angle is 90 o

Simple rules for building circuits

Drawings of multiorgan structures cause some difficulties. But let us remind you of just a few rules from the school course. So, for example, a hexagon with equal sides always consists of 6 equilateral (all sides are equal, and angles \u003d 60 °) triangles. Or from two equal trapezoids.

Diagram of how easy it is to draw the base of a hexagonal arbor

If you want to change the shape of the gazebo, for example, to enlarge some sides, then first a rectangle is drawn (in the diagram below with a green line), then its diagonals are drawn, and the middle is found. From the point of intersection of the diagonals, perpendicular to the long sides of the rectangle, I lay out identical segments (in the diagram there is a yellow line), then the points are connected. Or you can still draw 2 equal trapezoids with a common base, the height of the trapezoid should be half the side of the gazebo.

DIY hexagonal gazebo drawings, if you want to change the length of the sides

To draw an octagonal gazebo, its base must also be decomposed into simple shapes, as shown in the diagram below.

2 perpendicularly intersecting lines are drawn, equal to the length and width of the structure, a rectangle is built, one side of which is equal to the side of the building, the other - the width

Drawing of an 8-sided gazebo, on the diagram in yellow it is marked how to connect the sides of the polygon

To increase the number of sides in the polygon, it is enough to draw another rectangle and connect the vertices along the contour, as shown in the diagram

Arbor projects - we build with our own hands

Drawing of a gazebo made of wood, 6-sided construction

Scheme of the base and roof of a coal building 6

Drawings of 8 coal elongated structure

In the form of a polygon, it is a little more difficult in the construction of relatively simple rectangular buildings, but they look more original and effective. To make the gazebo not only functional, but also become, decorate it or choose a lighting scenario.

Diagram of how to build a Japanese-style gazebo

Assembly diagram of a wooden grill house

Diy gazebo drawings, photos of metal structures

Metal gazebo from a profile pipe, decorated with decorative elements of forging, frame diagram

A drawing of how to make a gazebo in the country with your own hands

Please note that in many drawings and diagrams, the floor is not in its usual form; instead, a flat area of \u200b\u200bpaving slabs is laid out or a monolithic concrete slab is poured.

Drawing of a gazebo made of metal, photo of a simple design with forging elements

Try to fit the size of the gazebo to a standard sheet of 2100 * 6000 mm.

Metal profile hexagonal structure

In order to accommodate more people, they are installed around the perimeter, it is advisable to provide a round table in such a building.

Drawing of a welded portable structure with a polycarbonate roof

Large square canopy made of rolled metal and polycarbonate, frame diagram with dimensions

Even large buildings and polycarbonate look light and airy. For protection from side rain and wind with transparent monolithic polycarbonate, special durable polyethylene or waterproof fabric screens.

Drawing of a wooden gazebo, cross-section of an octagonal structure

Summer polycarbonate construction, a diagram of how to weld a metal frame

Drawing of a wooden building from a bar, decorated with a wooden lattice

Closed structure with lattice, hex building project

Scheme of a log building in the Russian style

We have presented to your attention the most popular ones. If you have not found a suitable option, then use our tips on how to complete the building drawing yourself.

Drawing of a lean-to building from a bar

Drawing of a combined summer building with barbecue, placement of the main zones

If you do not have professional construction skills, try to choose simple structures, without complex lines and architectural frills.

Summer room for a large company with a barbecue and a bathroom, drawing of space zoning

How nice it is to gather with your family in the gazebo and enjoy your vacation, breathing in the fresh air, saturated with the smell of herbs. In the meantime, the wife is busy at the stove in the house, you can sincerely communicate with the guests. Everyone is resting, except for the hostess.

Women are unlikely to like this alignment, so men have something to think about how to unload the hostess and surprise the owners with their culinary abilities, without leaving the gazebo - as they say, "kill two birds with one stone." You can immediately imagine how the mood of a strong half of humanity is changing, and moreover not for the better. But do not rush to get upset, as we will talk about the favorite pastime of men - cooking on the grill. This structure is often located away from residential buildings, but a gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands can also be built, moreover, from various materials.

When there is a barbecue in the gazebo for rest, it is very convenient, especially in the rain, as you have to make sure that the meat does not burn. But there are also some disadvantages, since you cannot install a barbecue in a small gazebo, so it will have to be done more than is necessary just to accommodate people.

Choosing the design of a summer cottage

A quite reasonable question arises: from what materials to build summer cottages with barbecue? It must be taken into account that there will be an open fire inside, and a chimney must be brought out through the roof. We can immediately say that, subject to fire safety requirements, you can use almost any building material, but most often they are built from wood or bricks.

A built gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands has some design features, but at this stage you need to decide on the design. If it is installed in the country, and in winter there will be no one there, then there is no need to glass it. But in a private house, the situation may be somewhat different, and gradually the gazebo can turn into a summer kitchen, in which the family can gather almost all year round. In this case, care must be taken to keep warm inside. How to build a gazebo in which you can gather all year round will also be described in the article.

Choosing the type of barbecue

Depending on what type of barbecue will be chosen, the device and design features of the gazebo depend. Probably everyone will agree that a brick brazier should not be made for a small portable structure, and a small metal brazier will look ridiculous in a large gazebo. Let's consider the possible options for gazebos with barbecue, photos of which we will give along with a description.


A gazebo with a barbecue made of wood or metal can be equipped with a steel product. It is necessary to make a smoke hood that will simultaneously serve as a spark arrester. Such a brazier is relatively inexpensive to its owner, and in the case of making it with your own hands from improvised materials, its cost is greatly reduced.

With a skillful approach, covered gazebos with a metal barbecue can become a work of art, while taking up a very limited space.

As a rule, you do not need to make a foundation for a metal barbecue. With certain design features of the gazebo, the small weight of the barbecue allows you to take it out for a while, which is especially important when you need to place many guests under the roof, while slightly changing the interior.

The disadvantages include the fragility of the steel product, due to its burning out and corrosion.

Cast iron

A do-it-yourself gazebo made of wood with a cast iron barbecue grill has a number of advantages. Firstly, such a product is almost eternal, at least when acquiring it, the owner can safely say “enough for my life”, and this is really so. Secondly, each grill is a molded product, and the manufacturers make sure that it is beautiful.

When building gazebos with a cast iron barbecue, you will have to take into account its large mass - about 100 kg, so you cannot simply install them on the ground. It will be necessary to make a solid foundation or pour the foundation. True, there are also small collapsible cast-iron models of barbecues, but they, as a rule, are not used inside the structure.


Making a brick brazier is not as easy as it might seem, but if you follow the instructions, you can do this work yourself without involving specialists. You will definitely have to make a capital foundation, since the mass of the structure will turn out to be impressive. A structure without a foundation will soon warp, crack or collapse, but if everything is done correctly, then a brick brazier (barbecue) will last a long time. Moreover, the interior of the gazebo for relaxation will not be boring and monotonous.

Where to make a gazebo

Since a gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands, the photo of which is in the article, is a source of smoke and an object of increased danger, you must choose a suitable place for it, adhering to the recommendations of experts regarding where it should not be placed.

Although wooden gazebos with barbecue facilities can also be built, since they provide protection against fire, such a structure must still be mounted at a sufficient distance from flammable objects, which include not only a fence made of wood, a shed with firewood, a haystack, but also wooden house. From ourselves, we can add that not only wooden houses, but also other types of houses burn well, therefore the distance should be sufficient so that sparks from burning firewood do not reach the building, and with strong gusts of wind it is better, in general, not to kindle a fire.

It is also necessary to take into account the location of the trees before you build a gazebo with a barbecue on it with your own hands. In no case should the chimney be under the crown of a tree or in the immediate vicinity of it. With prolonged exposure to hot smoke on the branches and leaves of the plant, the latter dry out and can catch fire during one of the picnics.

Construction of a brick gazebo with barbecue

Let's look at how covered gazebos with barbecue are built from bricks. As already mentioned in the article, such a structure has a large mass, so a reliable foundation will need to be made.

Before building a gazebo with a barbecue, even before the onset of frost, the site was marked and a pit 50 cm deep was dug. Having tamped the bottom, we poured a layer of sand 15 cm thick and tamped it. Then the same amount of sand was poured in and the operation was repeated, bringing the thickness of the sand layer to 30 cm.

Geotextiles were laid on top of the sand, with an overlap of 10 cm, and then 10 cm of medium-sized crushed stone was poured and also thoroughly tamped it.

Since we plan that a warm gazebo with a barbecue will be built, then 32 density foam, 50 mm thick, was laid on top of the rubble. After laying the waterproofing, the first layer of reinforcement Ø8 mm was installed at a distance of 50 mm on top of it, and the second layer was placed at a distance of 150 mm above the first.

Since the slab should rise at least a little above the ground, a low formwork was installed so that a slab with a thickness of 250 mm was obtained. To make it easier to level the concrete, we set the formwork so that its edges were flush with the level of the floor that we wanted to make.

Having finished with the preparations, we drove the mixer and filled the pillow with M250 concrete. We waited a month for the concrete to gain strength, and only after that they began to build our closed gazebo.

Now let's take a closer look at how to build a gazebo with a barbecue from a brick with your own hands. It is not at all necessary to make a slab foundation - it was possible to do with a strip foundation, but we did not want to pour the screed later, but did everything in one go. Given the great depth of freezing of the soil in our area, it was the slab foundation with insulation that allowed us to go deeper into the ground by only 50 cm.

Since a warm structure is being built, we did not begin to make thin walls, otherwise they would have to be insulated later.

Erecting summer cottages with barbecue, the photos of which are given in the article, we laid bricks along the height of the window openings, and then switched to supporting pillars, laying them along the height of the structure.

The constructed gazebo must be covered. For the manufacture of the rafter system, you can use both shaped pipes and wooden bars. The second option is more familiar, and the material remained after the construction of the bath, so all parts of the roof are made of wood.

In those places where the furnace will be installed, we will lay pieces of roofing material that will serve as waterproofing, and lay out the contours of the future structure from bricks.

Let's start laying the bricks with a barbecue and then lay out the firebox and countertop.

Since we plan to use the gazebo not only for making a barbecue, we will also make a stove on which the cauldron can be installed.

Having laid out the lower part, let's start making the countertop. For masonry we will use fireclay bricks, and a clay-based refractory mixture will serve as a binder.

We will lay out the chimney from the same fireclay brick and form a channel for.

To avoid the problems of cracking the masonry, we will reinforce each row with wire.

When laying, we tried to avoid oversights, so the position of each row was checked with a level.

This is how our gazebo looks from the outside.

At the sight of how the work is progressing, and even it turns out well, the mood rises.

While laying, we continue to form smoke channels. Then we opened the whole gazebo with a water-repellent compound, and we got a moisture-resistant warm gazebo with a barbecue.

Having finished laying the three-channel chimney, they covered the gazebo with bituminous tiles, but you can use other roofing material

This is how we got a gazebo with a multifunctional stove. A little later we will insert double-glazed windows, and then we will be able to use it, and then the built gazebo with our own hands will serve us all year round.

How a wooden gazebo with barbecue can be safe

When wooden gazebos with barbecue are being built, special attention must be paid to fire safety.

Having placed a metal brazier inside a wooden gazebo, make sure that there is a sheet of metal on the floor under it (as in the photo). If the brazier is located near one of the walls, then it also needs to be upholstered with metal.

Although the brick does not heat up as intensely as the metal, the brick oven also cannot be installed close to the wooden walls - a sheet iron layer must be installed. Also, the walls and floor must be sheathed with metal within a radius of one meter.

As a matter of course, the gazebo itself and all the wooden furniture in it must be treated with fire retardants.

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