Climbing plants from plastic bottles. Methods of using plastic bottles in a modern country house

Hopefully after this article, you will not look at plastic bottles as trash, but as a source of inspiration! Tulips, poppies, roses, orchids. And all this is still stored in PET containers. But as soon as we take to learn how flowers are cut, and turn cans into a beautiful decor!

I have selected models that are simple enough for a beginner to make them. It will be great if you not only use the tips from the article to decorate your yard and garden, but also send photos of your work! I am sure you will succeed, and the decor made of plastic bottles will remind you and your family and friends for many years that you are a talented person!

DIY flowers from plastic bottles - a step-by-step master class for beginners

Some models are so magically beautiful that it seems they cannot be repeated! But in reality, everything is very simple. And I'll show you a simple diagram of these original colors.

Cut off the bottom of three two-liter bottles. Cut out volumetric parts from the bottom that are bent outward (they are around the legs).

The shape of the details should be like a droplet.

Round the corners of the "droplet". And we make an incision in the middle of the top line, so that we get a heart shape. This is a rose petal!

We process all the edges of the petal over the candle fire. They fold back and get a more believable shape like a rose. We bring it not to the top of the flame, but below, there is less temperature.

We take one of the petals. Fold it in half. And then we bend each side to the middle line - we get a tube, the basis for the bud.

We glue a petal to this blank.

And so we glue the middle with petals on three sides. We glue them with "backs", sides that are curved.

Glue the next row of petals with the back side.

And we glue the last row with backs again. So we got the volume and splendor of the workpiece.

The edges of the petals can be slightly tinted in any of the colors. So the rose will cease to be transparent. It will take shape and volume!

If you get a neon glue, apply it to the very edges of the flower to make it glow in the dark.

DIY flowers from plastic bottles - a step-by-step master class for beginners. Author\u003d-7EPwoiMhtE

How to make flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands for the garden and vegetable garden

I wanted to show you how to make a flower for a garden from leaves. This is something between calla and dieffenbachia: large leaves on thin stems. It looks very elegant and attractive.

Cut off the top and bottom in 2-3 green bottles. We cut the "pipe" in half. This is how we get the "canvas".

We cut the canvas into rectangles. Fold the rectangles in half lengthwise.

Cut out a leaf on a long stem from each rectangle.

The leaf and stem are approximately equal in length. The leaf shape is similar to a droplet or heart.

Another 3 blanks should be narrow, no more than 1cm wide. One of the blanks must be twisted with a tourniquet.

We paint all the blanks from the spray can to get a more saturated color. We begin to assemble the structure.

In the middle there is a twisted blank and 2 thin leaves. We tie them tightly with a green tape.

Place the leaves around this center and tie them with a ribbon.

When all the sheets have been tied around the middle, we bend them down to make the design more magnificent.

We place the craft in a pot with foam. Mask the top of the foam with a green cloth.

It remains only to find a place in the very "flower".

How to make flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands for the garden. Author\u003dUaTciCNerQg

New ideas for flowers for the garden and vegetable garden from bottles + schemes

This flower can decorate a pond or the area around it. What if there is no pond? It's easy to create! You can plant blue colored plastic bottle caps on concrete!

We cut the bottle in half. Cut the part where the neck is into 8 strips.

Bend the strips 90⁰.

We make the edge of each strip look like a leaf, cutting off the corners.

Cut the edge of the second part of the bottle with sharp, shallow (2.5-3 cm) teeth.

Cut off the bottom in another bottle. And we make exactly the same cuts-teeth in it.

We need the middle of the second bottle. We cut it along, we get a rectangle.

We paint the first part green. The other three are in red and orange. Putting the flower structure together. We twist the rectangle into a tube. We pass it through the neck of the first part.

We glue the bottom of the second bottle to the bottom of this tube.

Glue the lower part with the bottom from the first bottle on top of the structure to the green part.

A very simple model that a beginner can do. At the same time, the flower turned out to be elegant and large. By the way, for staining, you need to choose a paint that is waterproof so that it is not afraid of rain and moisture.

New ideas of flowers for the garden and vegetable garden from bottles. Author\u003dL56LZZHYf8k

The second version of the flower from the neck of the bottle. We make 7-8 rounded petals on the top of the bottle, bend them back.

On PVA glue, we glue paper with silence or toilet paper. If there are irregularities, this is even a plus, there will be a more interesting texture of the flower.

We glue the petals on both sides. When the glue dries, we paint it with a beautiful waterproof paint, maybe acrylic. If you plan to keep the flower outdoors, then you need to cover it with 2-3 layers of varnish.

We fix the wire in the lid by bending it into a loop.

We twist the lid, glue 3 cotton swabs and a pompom in the middle of the flower.

Flowers are ready to decorate your garden.


Here are some more beautiful flowers from shampoo bottles. The petals are cut out, the edges are processed over the candle, we slightly bend the petals after heating to get a wave at the edge and in the middle along the petal.

Using hot glue, we collect a flower from 2 rows of petals - 4 large ones with an overlap, inside a circle of 4 small ones glued with an overlap.

It remains to glue the stamens. You can buy them, or you can make them yourself. To do this, put a drop of hot melt glue on the edge of the wire and dip it in sparkles. It can also be made from PVA, but it will take a long time to dry.

Beautiful flowers from bottles. Author

See what kind of curtain you can make from the bottoms of the bottles. We cut the bottom along the concave lines on the bottle, round off the petals. We process the edges and the flower is ready.

Another incredibly beautiful and simple flower from the site. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, shape the petals and twist the edges with a candle.

We tint it with paints or varnish.

Cut a flower with five petals of a smaller diameter from the middle part of the bottle.

We paint it with a contrasting color.

With a preheated screwdriver, make a hole in the middle and thread the bead on the line.

We also thread the fishing line through the large flower and fix it with hot glue.

And here is a real palm tree from a green bottle.

And here is an incredibly beautiful and lush flower.

Here are some more beautiful and simple flowers from the bottoms. Looks very cool when there are a lot of them.

How do you like this idea?

Instructions for creating a tulip

Let's make a whole bouquet of tulips. And plastic bottles will become the most suitable material for creativity for us! It is easy to cut out parts from them, assemble structures and paint them in the desired color.

In a half-liter bottle, cut off the neck and bottom. Cut the "tube" lengthwise.

In the resulting rectangle we make deep cuts, leaving 1.5-2 cm. we make cuts every 0.3-0.5 cm.

Cut out 3 volumetric petals from the bottom. Give them a droplet shape.

We heat the bases of each petal and glue them together.

Cut off a thin strip from the middle part (just another bottle). Fold it in half. This is the stem of a tulip.

Cut out 4 small leaves.

Glue the bud to the stem. And place the leaves under the bud.

We paint the flower. The bud is red. If necessary, the stem and leaves are green.

We collect all the blanks of flowers and drag them with the fringe that we did at the very beginning.

Glue the neck to the bottom. It turns out a stable flowerpot. We insert our bouquet into the neck.

Very simple and incredibly beautiful! Tulips can be made in different colors. Fasten their petals at different angles so that it looks like some tulips are blooming.

Poppy from a plastic bottle with a candle

Poppy is a very delicate flower. But, if we cut it out of the bottle, it will stand for many years in our country house, decorating its landscape. And the candle fire will help to give the desired shape to the leaves and petals.

We cut out details according to templates: flower, leaves, sepal. Let's cut out another round core. And we also need a thin long strip, on which we will make cuts along the entire length.

It is best to cut parts from cans that match the colors of our parts. If we have not found suitable colored bottles, then we will paint them. Only this must be done after we heat and assemble the parts into a single structure.

We heat the sepal and petals over the candle flame. This is how we give the desired shape to these details.

We wrap the wire with a long strip of fringe, but not to the top. At the very top, where the flower will be, leave 2cm of bare wire. To fix the plastic, we do this above the candle.

We also make small cuts along the edges of the leaves. Shape the leaves by warming them over the candle.

We connect the leaves with the stem, heating the plastic over the fire.

We make a hole in the middle of the sepal and put it on the bare edge of the wire.

We plant the flower in the same way.

Cut the edges of the core with a fringe. Warm up over the fire so that these edges "fluff up".

We put the core on the wire. We bend the edge of the wire, fixing the details.

Glue the red and green circles on top of the wire.

It turns out very beautiful and, like a real, poppy! You yourself can choose the size of the flower, from miniature to huge.

Another version of poppy from a bottle is simpler, but no less beautiful!

How to make DIY tulips from PET

Now I will show you how to make a bouquet of tulips that have blossomed. It turns out very original, I can't even believe that it is so simple! Now we will make a bud from only one blank!

Cut out an even square.

From 4 parts we make cuts to the middle, leaving 0.5-1 cm each, no more!

Round the edges of the resulting 4 parts.

We heat the blank over the candle, giving the shape to the flower so that it looks like a tulip.

To do this, first we process the edges over the candle, then hold the middle of the flower above the candle so that it gathers into a bud.

We connect the petals a little, overlapping one another and slightly warm up over the fire.

We hold the middle inside the flower over the fire for a very short time so that it turns black.

Cut off a long strip 0.5 cm wide.

We heat it over the fire and wind it in a spiral.

Cut off one edge in a wedge shape. We warm up a sharp corner over the fire. So we make the corner stronger.

We make a hole in the middle of the flower blank. We insert a wedge into the hole of the bud. We fix it with glue.

Cut off the neck and part of its height in a two-liter bottle. We cut the height, until narrowing to the neck, into 5 strips.

In each strip, round off the edges to form a leaf shape.

Over the fire, we give shape to each sheet, straightening and stretching them with our hands. The blank for the bouquet is ready.

We insert flowers into it. We lower the workpiece into the pot. We fasten the structure with cement mortar: pour it into a pot.

Such a bouquet is not afraid, neither rain, nor snow, nor the scorching sun. It will stand perfectly for many years in our garden.

How to make tulips with your own hands from PET\u003dVtrsj0e3-gA

Master class for beginners on creating a peony

In fact, a peony is very easy to make if you have cut templates. And without them, you can cut the workpiece into thin strips of 1.5-2 centimeters, round off the edges, as in petals, and design a peony with this detail.

We cut out blanks of different diameters according to 3 templates.

Shape the petals of the blanks over the candle fire.

We paint the blanks.

We glue the blanks one into the other (according to the diameter). In the middle we glue the beads.

Here the flower is ready! If you want to put it on a leg, then heat a thin strip from a plastic bottle over a fire (stretch the strip slightly). Get a stalk. You can glue the cut out leaves to it. Paint this blank green and combine with a flower.

A source

More options for peonies and peony roses.

Orchid from a plastic bottle - step by step instructions

Even flowers as beautiful as orchids are easy to make from junk material like bottles! To do this, you can use a multi-colored container, or you can paint the craft after molding.

Cut out flower details and leaves according to templates.

If necessary, paint certain details.

We make a hole in all the flower blanks in the middle.

We string them on a wire or a toothpick. But it is better to do this with a half of an ear stick, so that the thickened part with cotton wool is on the front of the flower. We fix everything with glue.

Glue the details for the buds on the half of the ear stick.

We attach cotton swabs to the wire. We attach this wire to a large wire that serves as a stem. We place the flowers in order throughout the stem.

Wrap the large stem and small stems with tape.

We fix the cut orchid sheets with glue at the very bottom of the structure.

We "plant" the flower in a pot. We fix it with stones, cement or other material.

Such a pot with an orchid will decorate the garden or it can be installed at the doorstep.

A source

Video and how to make a lily, chamomile, bells, lotus, daffodils

Of course, the selection of crafts with different colors is huge. And that's because plastic bottles are great stuff. Here I have made a small selection of videos for different colors. If you wish, you can use a different color scheme for crafts, choose different sizes and mounting methods. For example, some flowers can be "planted" right around the garden bed, as a kind of fence. To arrange compositions from others. And the third to disguise the walls of unattractive buildings. And you can only use flower buds without stems.



See how beautifully you can beat an old stump or tree trunk.

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Frankly, I was skeptical about bottle crafts before, but after looking at these earrings, I changed my mind.

Bush holders and plant supports can be bought at a garden store, or you can do it yourself, fortunately, there are enough options and materials. We offer you a variety of designs, among which you will definitely find something for yourself.

Of course, not all supports for garden plants can be made from scrap materials, some will have to go to a hardware store. However, the end result in any case will come out cheaper than the factory one, and the pride of self-production will not leave you for several more seasons.


For zoning and decorating a site in gardens, arches entwined with weaving plants are often used. An arch can become an entrance to a site, a garden, a vegetable garden or a recreation area, an element of a hedge. Depending on its size, you can place benches, swings or shade-loving plants in it.

You can build an arch on the site from wood, metal, plastic pipes, or purchase a ready-made structure. Regardless of which option you choose, the arch supports will need to be dug to a depth of at least 60-80 cm and concreted or fixed in the ground with stones and brick breakage, since this structure has strong windage and can be damaged by the wind.

You can also find arches made of stone, they are more durable than all the others, but it is almost impossible to fold one without preparation.

Although everyone chooses the size of the arch himself, it should not be lower than 2.2 m and already 1 m, because otherwise it will be difficult to pass through it after the plants have braided the support.
In order to make a metal arch yourself, you will need a pipe with a diameter of 30 mm, a bar or reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm and 10 mm, a tape measure, a pipe bender, a welding machine, a hacksaw for metal, wire cutters, a hammer and a level. The works are performed in the following order.

  1. Cut 4 identical pieces of pipe for the legs.
  2. Bend a 10 mm bar into an arc using a pipe bender (you need 2 or more of the same parts).
  3. Weld them together using crossbars made of 6 mm reinforcement (crossbars can be either straight or diagonal or bent into a ring).
  4. Dig the pipe supports into the ground and concrete.
  5. Connect the supports to the finished arcs.
  6. Paint the structure and plant climbing plants around the edges.

Rope supports

The simplest support for climbing plants with your own hands can be made using ordinary twine or thin rope, both natural and plastic. Such a support is usually located against the wall of a house, gazebo or shed and is intended for climbing ornamental or garden plants. It is elementary in execution, but has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the support made of twine is unaesthetic and looks poor, secondly, it is not too strong and under the load of green fruits can break off, and finally, it is short-lived and every year the rope will have to be cut and fastened again.

If you want to quickly make a support for climbing plants with your own hands, then just drive nails into the wall under the roof or fix an anchor, and tie a twine to them, to the bottom of which you can tie the plants. You can place such a support both on the south and on the north side of the house, depending on the preferences of the culture that you plan to plant.


Plastic and metal arcs can be useful not only for covering plants with foil or spunbond, but also for creating support. Arcs can be made of plastic or metal, the main thing is that they are strong enough, keep their shape and are not afraid of frost. The easiest way is to buy ready-made arcs in a garden store or on the market, since they are inexpensive, but bending them yourself and getting an even result is not so easy.

Due to their low height, arcs may not support all plants. It is best to tie short tomatoes, young vines of grapes, flowers with thin and high stems to them.

Flower beds

If you have enough free time and willow twigs, you can braid your flower beds, turning them into giant baskets, the handles of which will act as supports for climbing plants. In such a flower bed, you can plant cucumbers, honeysuckle, honeysuckle, blackberries, clematis, hops, lemongrass, and there will be room around the edges for ordinary annuals or herbs.
Such a product tolerates winter easily if, after manufacturing, the rods are varnished, but it is advisable to protect it from moisture using a covering material.

Column supports

They look beautiful and unusual, but not every site is suitable in style. They can be hewn from stone, cast from concrete, carved from wood, but in any case, they will only look harmonious in a classic English garden in front of a large stone house. If you have a standard 6 acres and a panel house, you should not experiment with columns.

Moreover, they are rather impractical, maiden grapes, bindweed, morning glory, hops are able to curl on their surface, but roses or grapes simply will not stay on a smooth vertical.

Bush holders

Each of the summer residents made a standard bush holder at least once in his life, because it is impossible to calmly look at the branches of gooseberries, currants or heavy flowers that have fallen to the ground. For example, a do-it-yourself support for peonies can be made of plastic pipes, wooden bars, metal.

The easiest way to make bush holders is from wood, however, under the weight of branches and the influence of weather conditions, they can wear out and break, so they will need to be updated every 3-4 years. To make a bush holder with your own hands, you will need a wooden bar 30 × 30, 30 × 40 or 40 × 40 mm, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, a hacksaw, paint or wood impregnation.

  1. Tie the branches and leaves of the bush with a rope so as not to damage them when installing the bush holder.
  2. Cut the timber into equal lengths, use self-tapping screws to fasten them together in a square.
  3. Attach the legs to the corners of the square.
  4. Treat the structure with impregnation or outdoor paint.
  5. Slide the bush holder onto the bush and lightly dig in the supports.
  6. Untie the rope and spread the branches of the bush over the support.

Supports for peonies must be installed in the spring, when the bushes are still small in size and their leaves and stems have not spread, and the support for the berry bushes is made while they are still young and with flexible branches not weighed down by the harvest.

Cone-shaped supports

Don't have time, materials and desire to invent something? Then ordinary wooden stakes, fittings or plastic pipes left over from repairs will come to your aid. Dig 7-8 pieces into the ground around the curly plantings, and tie the upper parts together so that you get a cone, collecting them "in a bundle".

Remember that the tendrils of most plantings will be difficult to catch on smooth material, so give preference to wood or unpolished metal with a rough surface. Before digging in, paint the elements of the cone with water-repellent outdoor paint - this will prolong the life of the structure.


Stelae made from metal bar, wire or plastic arches are most often used for planting ampelous plants such as petunias or long-stemmed nasturtiums. Moreover, flowers can be planted both at the foot of the stele, gradually braiding it, and in special pots fixed on the top or walls of the stele.

The easiest way is to make a pyramid-shaped stele from reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm and thick wire, but the availability of free time allows gardeners to make supports in the form of towers, ferris wheels or spirals.


Initially, the pergola had a very practical purpose and served as a support for a vine with heavy pouring bunches. Over time, this design, which came from the Mediterranean, became popular all over the world and is increasingly decorative. Although in the beginning pergolas were built as large sheds, now on our sites their sizes can change at the request of the owner.

In fact, this is an open veranda, attached to the house or separate, in which part of the openings are filled with a thin lattice, beams, curtains, and the role of the roof is played by weaving plants. It is quite simple to build a pergola - you need to make a wooden frame from a powerful bar, if you wish, covering some walls with screens or partitions. Then plant grapes, maiden grapes, clematis, climbing roses and other plants that winter in your area without shelter at the pergola supports. In a few years (subject to mild winters), a real Mediterranean pergola will decorate your site.

Pyramid stands

By analogy with a cone stand, a pyramid is also being prepared, however, 4 supporting elements are enough for it. This can be fittings, wooden blocks, pipe cuttings, etc. Dig in their lower parts with a square on a flower bed or ridge, and connect the upper ends together by welding or winding with wire. After that, plant the climbing plants at the base and wait for them to rise.

Natural supports

A support for climbing plants can be not only an artificially created element, but also a natural one, for example, a tree, a culture with powerful tall stems or a large stone. In order to use this technique in your area, you need to either plant climbing plants under the trees, or combine suitable crops within the same ridge.

In nature, you can most often see how maiden grapes or bindweed twine around tree trunks and stones, and in the garden you can replace them with clematis. And it can also be a solution to problems for those who do not know how to make a support for the peas with their own hands - you just need to plant it on the same bed with corn.


If you do not know how to make a support for clematis with your own hands, consider the option of a decorative lattice made of metal or wood. Usually they are used as decorative elements covering the unsightly walls of houses and outbuildings on the site. However, with the help of lattices, you can create a shady corner or zone a space.

They are made simply - metal rods or thin planks are attached to the support frame, crossing each other and forming cells. After that, the support frame is dug into the ground or, with the help of crossbars, is attached to the wall, which it should cover.


The chain-link mesh or plastic construction mesh is similar in principle to a rope support - it also needs a frame or an attachment point. Most often, the metal mesh serves as both part of the fence and a supporting element for the hedge. Clematis, bindweed, peas, cucumbers and other plants with a soft stem can easily climb along thin twigs. But for grapes or climbing roses, the mesh will not be strong enough.

It is advisable to let annual plants along the grid, which can be simply cut off in the fall, since it will be very difficult to disentangle the stems from the cells, and it is almost impossible to lay the entire structure for the winter.

The supports of the grid, dug into the ground to a depth of 70 cm, should be at least 1.5-2 m apart from each other, otherwise it will bend under the weight of the plants.

An option for the largest garden, literally a park on a private territory - berso. This ancient small architectural form came to us from France in the 17th century, where, with the help of a frame and haircuts, extended corridors were created from trees, in which both the wall and the roof were made of branches. The openwork elements of the frame itself made the bersot decorative in the cold season.

Of course, in a summer cottage, such an element will look massive and take away all the free space, so it is better to replace it with a pergola or an arch. But in a huge garden, you can plant several willows in 2 rows and set high metal arcs around which to form a berso. True, you will need at least 7 years and experience in artistic tree cutting, but you can safely say what it is only in you and in the Upper Gardens of Peterhof.


Trellis for blackberries, cucumbers, roses, peas and other climbing and climbing plants can be very different. Most often, they are made in the form of a lattice with a solid frame, but there are also simpler solutions that even an inexperienced summer resident can do.

If you don't want to bang and paint anything, you can make a primitive trellis from 2 stakes and wire. Drive stakes, beams or pieces of pipe along the ends of the ridge, and pull several levels of wire or twine between them. This can be a great support for outdoor cucumbers or other vegetable crops. But in a flower garden, such a solution, although functional, is not too justified due to its low aesthetics.

And what supports for plants in the garden and vegetable garden do you make?

Climbing plants create their own atmosphere in the garden, with them the site looks different - brighter, more colorful, cozy. There are more places for rest, secluded corners formed by a living green wall in it. And if this wall is also in flowers, you are guaranteed a good mood, since the energy of flowering plants is very positive. Supports for climbing plants are various devices for the manifestation of their decorative qualities, which also ensure correct growth and development of plants.

Supports can either be created with your own hands or purchased from manufacturers - many firms produce pergolas, arches, trellises specifically for climbing plants. At one time they were not given due attention, in the courtyards there were hops and girlish grapes, but climbing plants do not deserve oblivion, and today the fashion for vines and bindweed has returned, and with them our gardens have become much more beautiful and more comfortable.

The simplest and most affordable support options

Consider the option of constructing the simplest support for a climbing plant in the shape of a cone. You will need 4-6 sturdy long sticks, wire or twine and smaller sticks to create the grid. On the ground, we make markings - a square, in the corners - recesses for sticks, fix them in the soil, add the rest, connect the tops and tie them. Then we fix it crosswise on large small sticks. The support is ready.

It can be used in the garden for pumpkins, cucumbers, grapes, and also for flowering plants - sweet peas, purple morning glory, cobea, honeysuckle, ampelous gloxinia, etc. such a support is small in size, it is better to use it for curly annuals - they are more miniature.

It is very easy to build such a simple support, you do not have to spend money on materials, you can make them as much as you need. The plot will look more attractive, and you will ensure the correct growth of the plants

Ready-made forged supports of various shapes can be purchased for miniature climbing annuals. Morning glory, ornamental beans, ivy are ideal for them

There are also such ready-made supports for ampelous and curly annuals, this is an interesting alternative to pots and hanging pots

Construction # 2 - chain-link mesh support

For weaving plants, a chain-link mesh with large sections will be an excellent support. You can simply buy one and a half to two meters of canvas and stretch it between two wooden or iron poles. Buy a chain-link galvanized, or, even better, plasticized - it does not rust, it looks aesthetically pleasing. We process the wooden posts with a protective agent, paint the metal ones, stretch the mesh, fix them with wire or special hooks - and the support is ready. Over time, the plants will curl it so that the mesh will almost completely disappear from view, and you will have a living green wall, against which you can place a bench or hammock.

Support for climbing roses from a chain-link mesh with decorative wooden posts. Carved pillars give such a support an aesthetic look, and when the roses grow up, it will become an excellent element for decorating the garden.

Chain-link fences, in addition to the protective function, are a good support for climbing plants, especially quickly the net will be hidden from view by maiden grapes or hops, which grow quickly and grow well.

Pergolas, arches and trellises as supporting structures

Lightweight lattices with a pattern in the form of a diamond or square, made of wood, metal or plastic, have appeared with us relatively recently. These are pergolas specially designed for garden decoration and as supports for climbing plants.

Classic pergola - support posts and lattice roof. Wisteria is used as an ornamental climbing plant, resulting in a gallery for walks of amazing beauty

Pergolas are usually combined with garden decorative elements such as an arch, a gazebo, a bench. If the bench and the pergola form a single structure, then in the company with a climbing plant, for example, a kampsis, a very picturesque corner is obtained. The classic pergola is a structure of uprights with a roof of crossbeams in the form of a lattice. Any vines and climbing plants can grow on the roof. Such a design with a girlish grape looks especially beautiful when its leaves turn red in the fall, with wisteria.

Very often, the pergola and the arched structure are used as a whole - this is one of the most beautiful decorative elements, both by itself and in combination with plants. A double arch with a lattice on top can be positioned over a wicket, a bench, use arches instead of supporting pillars in a row and create a wonderful gallery. It will look very beautiful with climbing roses.

Forging on the site always looks great, you can order various original pergola arches for the garden and use them as a support for roses, grapes, honeysuckle

Arches of climbing roses have already become classics - today they are widely used for weddings and other celebrations, and such an arch or several on the site will create a festive atmosphere in which you will stay every day

One of the small forms used to decorate the garden is the trellis. Tapestries were widely used in Russian noble estates, they came to us from Europe, where they were used to decorate gardens by both ordinary peasants and noble gentlemen. Initially, this concept meant a dense planting in a row of low-growing shrubs or trees, forming a green vertical wall. Today, a trellis is also a support in the form of a metal or wooden lattice, a net stretched between the posts is also called a trellis.

Unlike a pergola, a trellis lattice can be an independent support - it can be leaned against the wall of the building, fixed in the right place in the garden. The design can be either light or massive, in a sturdy frame. You can use both single trellises, and a group, creating screens from climbing plants in the garden. , like screens in a room, can be used for zoning an area.

Such a fence in the form of a trellis fence is a decoration in itself. The sun penetrates through it, climbing roses look picturesque against the background of a wooden lattice

Options for garden trellises with a plant box. It is most convenient to make them out of wood, in the first case you get an interesting arch in the center, in the second - a green wall

It is very easy to make such a trellis from a thin timber, paint it - and you will have the opportunity to accentuate a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe garden by choosing the appropriate plants

To transform the garden today there is a considerable selection of various interesting devices, choose, experiment, and create your masterpieces in landscape design.

Hello dear gardeners! The topic of today's material is interesting to everyone and is always relevant. She is probably familiar to many, but still I hope to surprise you.

Today everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, soft drinks, milk ... Of all the garbage that we collect, the most voluminous bottles are: you put one in the trash bin - and that's it: count half a bucket busy. And what is it like in the country! In many suburban villages, there are simply no garbage containers. There is only one way out: either take all this "good" to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use something that cannot be recycled in summer cottages.

A logical question: how plastic bottles can be used on the farmto be useful, convenient and beautiful? Let's talk about this.

By the way, information sheet: plastic decomposes in water from 100 to 500 years (according to various sources and depending on the type of plastic).

We have few factories that recycle waste, so people themselves find interesting applications for simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things.

Plastic bottles in garden decor

If you wish, you can create such beauty - the neighbors will be envious! Do you want to decorate your garden at a low cost? See if your dacha has empty plastic bottles.

Beautiful neat flower beds

Plastic bottles can be used to protect flower beds. The benefits here are obvious: the flower beds and beds are not washed out by showers, they always look neat and pleasing to the eye. In my opinion, it looks great ... How to make such a flower bed?

Of course, you will need a lot of bottles (preferably the same size). We fill them with sand, close them and begin to build a "palisade". The bottles will have to be dug a little in the ground to give them stability. After the flowerbed is fenced, paint the resulting border in any color. In principle, you can do this in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me that it is more convenient to paint a ready-made fence than each bottle separately. And containers made of dark plastic can be left as they are, it also looks nice. For an example of execution and opinions of summer residents on this way of using bottles, see the materials:

Flowers, palms, butterflies and other "tropics"

The beauty is indescribable. Turn on your imagination, wake up your imagination and create all kinds of flowers in your garden that will never fade or rot)).

To make it clearer how to make something out of bottles (say, flowers), let's look at an example.

What you may need:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, awl, thick threads;
  • pVA glue and "Master";
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
With the rest, everything is more or less clear, but why a candle? It's simple. We cut off the necks of the bottles. We cut each neck not to the end lengthwise, make 6 petals. Give the petals a rounded shape. We light a candle and scorch each petal to melt a little. First, along the edges, so that they are beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, bending them at the same time, giving shape. Plastic forms well when heated.

The stem is best made of thick wire. Stamens are made of thin wire on which you can string beads. It remains only to collect the whole thing, fastening it with glue, using an awl and wire if necessary. Just look what beauty the result is!

Cute animals for the garden

From bottles they just do not make. The simplest thing is perhaps this. All you need is to cut and bend the ears, attach a tail and paint beautifully. However, there are crafts and very complicated ones. For example, animals from fairy tales. I will not describe their production step by step, otherwise the article will turn out to be of galactic proportions. I'd rather just show the video from the slides. From the photo, in principle, you can see what and how to do, it's not difficult to figure it out.

How do you like these animals? Looks great in my opinion! And if you involve children in the process, they will be delighted!

The tools used are the same as those listed above. Paints are not necessarily acrylic. But they dry faster, this is a plus. And they hardly smell. True, they are also different.

Air curtains for garden

These crafts captivated me precisely with their airiness and originality. I specially collect bottles and make such a curtain in my yard! I think you can use bottles of different sizes.

Mostly the bottoms will come in handy, but you can also cut the leaves! From a distance it is not very clear what these transparent flowers are hanging on, but the more interesting the idea. We look ...

As you can see, you can fasten the flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, plastic wrap). I think this option is perfect for a gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. There are a lot of options for curtains from bottles. But I still liked the first one better, didn't you?

Lamps and chandeliers for the garden

Actually, why not? Buying a lamp in the garden is not profitable, just hanging a light bulb is ugly. A lamp made of plastic bottles is an excellent option for lighting a garden area.

It's not a shame to hang such chandeliers in the house.

The main rule: do not allow plastic parts to come into contact with the light bulb, otherwise they may melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp, it heats up less - up to +50 ... + 60 ° C.

Girls! If you don't know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this business to husbands, brothers or fathers ... From you - creative, from them - lighting element \u003d)))

Garden path from bottles

I recently wrote about garden paths in an article. But there was nothing about bottles, only about their caps. It turns out that from the bottoms, a good path is obtained, along which it is pleasant to walk barefoot. note: the bottoms are laid on loose sand, the master must make an effort to fill them with sand. This will exclude their deformation in the future when you walk on them.

Household supplies from plastic bottles

This is where the expanse is ... If you think that garden decor from bottles is not for you, perhaps you will be interested in useful things that can be made from them.

Washbasins and boxes

The easiest option is to hang the bottle upside down, and when you need to wash your hands, just unscrew the cap a little. It is better to cut the bottom of the bottle and make it removable, so that it is more convenient to pour water. There is nothing difficult here, and a child can handle it. Such a washbasin can be hung on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, use this idea when you go to a picnic - it's very convenient, and your hands are always clean.

It is advisable to make a self-made washbasin lockable so that leaves, insects and other debris do not get into the water. There are also more complex designs. You can, for example, cut a hose with a tap into a large bottle. But this is so that it was quite convenient.
And you can make a box out of a bottle for bags, napkins or something like that.

Scoops and scoops

Making a scoop with your own hands is easy. Take a bottle and mark with a marker the shape of the future scoop. The rest is a matter of scissors. Well, or a knife.


This is a shoe that wears out pretty quickly. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers will always come in handy on the farm. No-no, don't think that bottled slippers are just scoops with heels \u003d))). I would like to see it ... Although there are also simple options. For example, this one:

A more complex option looks like this:

Of course, it is not necessary to make such bouquets. In general, the slippers are excellent. To avoid slipping, and the leg feels comfortable, you can experiment with "layers". How to make holes? Yes, even with a hole punch! And if there are men in the house, let them solve this problem.

And also very useful large containers for household needs can be made from plastic bottles:

Devices for repelling rodents and insects

There are many different kinds of them. I will only talk about mole repeller and mosquito trap.

Let's start with a trap
It's very easy to make it. Cut off the upper part of the bottle and insert it with the neck down. The design must be darkened with paper or cloth - mosquitoes will more readily fly there.

Pour into the bottom of the bottle as bait sugar yeast syrup... To make it is simple: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast there, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, wasps, flies.

You can put the structure on the window or hang it up - this is optional. You need to clean it once a week.

By the way, I don't know why the syrup is brown in the photo - maybe made from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it's kvass. By the way, yes - insects also fly to kvass. Once they left a jar of kvass on the porch, so so many midges flew there!

Pinwheel weather vane that scares away moles and more
These devices were described in detail in the article. There is also a video - you can see how to make such a structure, how it works. Ask, what does he scare with? At the bottom of the bottle it is advised to pour beads, balls from bearings and other "rattling" elements. They say that moles cannot stand the sound that this windmill makes. Who has moles? Try it, then unsubscribe here, okay?
Yes, the axis on which the craft is attached must be stuck in the ground - I think you get the idea.

About the fact that some with the help of bottles, I think you already know. The bottom and throat of the bottle are cut off - a cylinder is obtained, which is then dug into the ground. Such a cover protects the root system of a young plant from attacks by a bear.

Tool boxes

For these purposes, rectangular bottles are more suitable. For example, from under engine oils. However, there are also bottles for water of this shape. Containers are made simply: mark with a marker, cut. Everything \u003d))

These boxes can be great on the farm.

Device for deep watering of plants and their night heating

Some plants don't like shallow watering. Therefore, my mother waters some of the beds using plastic bottles.

The bottom of the bottle needs to be cut off, but not completely, to get something like a cap. We tear the earth on the side of the plant, make a small trench and put pebbles there. Drainage is needed so that the water does not erode the soil. Then we put the bottles with their necks down and roll them with the earth. Now, to water the plant, all you need is to open the lid and pour the required amount of water. Here, look at how our summer residents use plastic containers.

Some people dig in containers with the neck up, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that the water leaves.

As for heating plants, you can simply pour water into bottles and overlay the plant with them. In the sun, the water heats up and will give off heat to the earth for some time. I know that glass bottles are also dug into the ground, but today we are talking about plastic.

Garden work knee pads

It is generally contraindicated for many people to work bent over, especially for hypertensive patients. But how then weed the garden? Yes, I’ll tell you about the knee pads. If you work on your knees, your head will no longer be down, therefore, your well-being will not suffer.

All you need to do is find the right bottles, try them on to your knees, and cut the knee pads to the desired shape. Then attach the ties. It's simple.

Flower pots

And what kind of pots from plastic bottles do not exist! Some just pour earth into bottles, others make real masterpieces. The possibilities are endless. What's good: bottles can always be painted in any color and hung anywhere. For example, how do you like these ideas?

Very cute, and you won't immediately guess what the pots are made of.


I made my first candlestick from a plastic bottle in elementary school, in a labor lesson. It's simple. Cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle (about half of the bottle). Then cut the part with the bottom into strips and bend them. And inside you insert the part with the neck. She will hold the candle. In general, it's as easy as shelling pears.

But this is only one of the options, you can connect two necks.


Instead of a thousand words, I'll show you one video.

Why buy a broom when it can be done in half an hour?


The farm periodically needs to pour something from one container to another. Not necessarily something edible - it happens, and diluted fertilizer, and poison for Colorado beetles ... Do not use a funnel from the kitchen for such purposes! And a funnel can be made from a bottle at any time.

Bird feeders

We fed the birds in these all winter. The bottles used were large, 5 liter. I cut out windows in them, made small "thresholds" and "porches". So that it was comfortable for the birds to sit and not to snow inside. Another plus - these feeders are convenient to hang on trees, they already have handles.

Constructions from plastic bottles

These are not funnels with pots, but something more serious. Enterprising people from anything can build something for themselves. For example, plastic bottles make excellent greenhouses and gazebos.

Plastic bottle greenhouses

A finished medium-sized greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure, because I was interested in this issue. Add to that the cost of assembly. Not everyone can figure out what's what. But there is an alternative that is not inferior in terms of performance and will cost you ... just 500-700 empty plastic bottles! \u003d))

The plastic from which bottles are made is 20 times stronger than dense polyethylene. It keeps the temperature perfectly, does not melt in the sun and can last for decades. At the greenhouse made of plastic bottles there are a number of advantages:

  • it is cheap;
  • durable;
  • easily repaired;
  • light in weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • looks pretty cute.

I went for a walk on different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles in construction:

  1. The bottom of each bottle is cut off. A thin rail is taken and all the bottles are strung on it. You will get ready-made building planks.
  2. The bottoms and throats are cut off from the bottles. Then what happened - the middle part - is cut along. It turns out a rectangular piece of plastic. We iron it with an iron (always through hard paper) to level it. We sew larger sheets from such sheets. An overlap is desirable. You can use an awl; for fastening parts - cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew with thread or fishing line - the seams will quickly rot and disperse.

When the sheets (strips) are ready, you can make a frame. It is made from ordinary wooden blocks with a hammer and nails. Any form. You can - a house, you can - a triangle. And then we attach what we made from bottles to the frame. In the first case, the planks must be set as close to each other as possible so that the wind does not walk. Well, you can always glue it with scotch tape. In general, you will figure it out!)) And in the second case, ready-made plates from plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame.

An important point is the roof. In general, a good frame is able to withstand a rather heavy weight, but knowledgeable people advise covering the roof not with bottles, but with polycarbonate sheets. Or to strengthen something for the winter - suddenly there will be a lot of snow. Here's another interesting post

Many plants in the garden need strong and secure supports. Such a self-made support for climbing plants should last a long time and not spoil the type of plantings. This is what a homemade support structure was invented by Igor Moskvichev from St. Petersburg.

“I selected well-dried bars and planks one and a half meters long for the supports and sawed them into the stands. From the remains, I also cut transverse strips with a section of 10 × 10 mm and a length of 400 mm. In the lower ends of the racks, I drilled holes with a diameter of 20 mm and a depth of 100 mm with a feather drill. To fasten the crossbars along the entire length of the rack, every 150 mm made through holes with a diameter of 9-10 mm.

Then, from a reinforcing bar with a diameter of 14 mm, I cut legs 400 mm long for the supports. On the one hand, he sharpened them on a grinding wheel, and on the other, stepping back 150 mm, welded a "step" from pieces of the same reinforcement 100 mm long. They serve to make it more convenient to drive the pins into the ground in the right place.

How to make a support for climbing plants with your own hands? Collecting it began by installing a metal leg at the end of the rack. To do this, he filled the hole in the end half with epoxy glue, lowered the finished bar into it, aligned it along the axis and allowed the glue to harden. In my opinion, such a joining of a wooden support post with a metal base is the simplest and most reliable. Epoxy adhesive can be replaced with cement mortar.

Then, with a little effort, I inserted the cross bars into the holes of the rack, additionally fixing them with drops of glue. Instead of wooden ones, metal crossbars made of thick steel wire can also be used in supports for climbing plants.

Or you can make a very simple and solid support in general, it will look good in a country-style garden and separating the vegetable garden from the rest of the garden.

And a few more options for your inspiration!

Support "Column"

Such structures can be placed on either side of a house porch or garden bench.

The manufacturing technology can be extremely simple: stick long even poles or rods into the ground in a circle and tie them with wire.

But to create a tall and durable column, you need to work a little:

- fix 4 metal rods in the cement-filled foundation;

- weld several wire rings parallel to each other.

Or one long, rigid wire in a spiral, fixed at the points of contact with the supports.

Supports "cone" or "wigwam"

These devices are convenient at the summer cottage. They are made in the form of a cone or "wigwam". They are easy to manufacture. Need to

- make markings on the ground in the form of a square;

- press 4 long, relatively straight sticks in the corners and tie them together over the center of the square;

- fix small twigs or branches in a crosswise manner on the resulting frame, you can impose a net of soft wire or twine.

And although this structure looks rough at first, it looks very beautiful when entwined with plants. A support for climbing plants, such as vines, is suitable.

Such a device can also be made from wooden slats, fastening them with nails. It will serve you for several years.

Support "Arch"

Arched supports always look festive and elegant. Although they are complex in design, it is also possible to make them yourself.

Suitable materials are metal, wood, plastic, brick or stone.

The easiest and fastest way is to assemble from plastic pipes, which are buried with their ends into the ground, and fastened with wire on the sides and center.

But in the fall, it must be dismantled and sent to storage in a shed or garage. Therefore, it is better to make an arch from metal. It is more durable and decorative. To make it you will need:

- steel bar with a section of 10 × 10 mm;

- pipe with a diameter of 31-33 mm;

- welding machine

Cut 4 support pillars from the pipe, weld arcs from the bar to them. For convenience, all welding work is carried out on the ground. Then the structure is lifted, leveled and the support posts are concreted in the ground. It remains only to paint.

Support "Pergola"

This is a new and somewhat exotic device.

Translated from the Italian language means "canopy" or "extension".

The pergola has long served as a support for vines, now it is also used for decoration.

A support for climbing plants is best made of wood.

To do this, you will need 8-10 beams made of wood measuring 50 × 100 mm, 4 beams for posts 100 × 100 mm and concrete mortar. The process of work must be started:

- from a plot marking in the form of a square with a side of 2000 mm;
- dig holes in the corners about 60 cm deep;
- install the support beams in the holes, align and pour concrete;

- cut grooves 35 mm wide and 50 mm deep in the beams;
- cut the beams at the edges at an angle of 45 degrees for decorativeness;
- after the concrete hardens, fix two beams on the supports, place the rest on them.

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