How to make a guy marry himself. How to make a man marry himself: a few sure ways

It would seem that the very question “how to make a guy marry” sounds somewhat repulsive. Imagine immediately the images of abnormal, predatory women who are just looking for an excuse to marry poor, unsuspecting men. But in life, quite often everything happens the other way around: this girl suffers, waits and hopes to legitimize her long-standing relationship with her chosen one. Men are not in a hurry to offer their hands and hearts - they can endlessly drag on normal relationships or live in a civil marriage with pleasure, without taking official obligations. Well, they don’t want to, and all to you!

Nowadays, civil marriages are very popular, modern morality allows a man and a woman to live under one roof and without a preliminary trip to the registry office. But just deciding to live together, a woman, as a rule, hopes to get to know her partner better and to understand whether she can live the rest of her life with him and whether to give her hand and heart to him. For men, this is a very convenient state of affairs when he continues to feel like a bachelor, but has at home comfort, affection, and a loving woman. And quite often they are not going to change their marital status.

And it happens that it doesn’t come to a civil marriage, but the candy-bouquet period dragged on long years. The man does not dare to take the next step in the relationship - to offer to marry him. Any girl dreams of marriage, and this is completely normal: nature has a desire in us to raise children in ideal conditions, when mom and dad are married and are responsible for each other. But for some reason, it’s much more convenient for a man to meet his friends for the weekend and spend their vacation together, but they are afraid to think about wedding bells. Here you have the whole story!

What to do in such a situation, how to turn the tide of events and make the guy finally get married? In order to understand this difficult issue, let's think: why do men resist official relations?

Reasons Men Avoid Marriage

Although there is an opinion that the word “marriage” is not called a good action, but you and I know that family life with a beloved man is the height of joy and happiness. In theory, people of the opposite sex should experience the same thing. So why do they run away from official relationships like hell from incense?

  1. Of course, the first and most basic reason is the fear of losing freedom. They are still young, strong and attractive, and there are so many nice girls around whom you can make interesting acquaintances in the future. And if he falls out of love with you, and if you don’t arrange him as a wife, and if he gets tired of you like that in five years? Endless “if, if” ....

    Any man for a very long time decides to connect his life with a woman, because it literally “puts an end to” his moral and sexual independence.
    That's only about thirty to thirty-five years of their supposedly "freedom" threatens to turn into ordinary loneliness, when after work they come to an empty house - no wife, no children, no joyful greetings and hugs. It was at this age that inveterate bachelors, so afraid of losing their freedom, nevertheless give up their positions and decide to legally marry their chosen one.

  2. If a man lives in a civil marriage with a woman, then he is happy with everything, and run to the registry office, put obscure stamps in his passport and spend a ton of money on his wedding - for him, the height of stupidity. Now in his life everything is clear, easy and measured. So why should he strain and worry that after the wedding, the relationship will no longer be the same if everything is fine now!

    In addition, do not forget about the famous saying: “A woman in a civil marriage considers herself a legal wife, and a man is a bachelor.” He always has a reason to say to his roommate: they say that you are not my wife and not a decree! And if he had a stamp in his passport, then the status of the official head of the family would no longer allow him to turn a blind eye to common problems, I would have to look for a compromise solution that suits both of you. So if you are mired in "civil relations", then either take the bull by the horns and raise the question of the wedding with a rib, or look for a new life partner. Because there is a type of man who can drag relationships in a civil marriage to infinity.

  3. There are men who are afraid of marriage to death because of childhood memories of their own family. Eternal scandals, drunkenness, insults and even assault. Especially hotly experiencing such situations are boys, whose mother was the instigator of all the misfortunes (yes, yes, it happens!). As an adult, he understands that not all girls are like his mother, but he subconsciously fears the development of the same relationships in his own family.

    Therefore, it is much easier for such men to continue a romantic relationship with a girl indefinitely, not allowing her, as he thinks, to show his “true face” after the wedding. If your man is one of these poor fellows, then your only opportunity to drag him to the altar is to prove that he will never find a more tender, affectionate and loving woman in his life. As soon as you melt the ice in his heart and make it clear that feuds and daily tantrums are not expected with you, he will finally make you a long-awaited marriage proposal.

  4. There are such types of men who are fixated on their work and career, who do not want to find time for serious relationships with women, especially - for an official marriage. They are used to disappearing from office from morning to night, going on long business trips and not appearing at home for weeks. This state of affairs absolutely suits these people and they understand that few women are able to endure constant separation and life alone.

Moreover, such men, as a rule, are financially secure, and in any attempt by women to hint at official relations they see only self-interest in themselves and a desire to manage their money. They also gained their financial independence due to the fact that they learned to fight competitors, and they classify women who encroach on their freedom and purse precisely in this category of “opponents”.

If you decide at all costs to marry just such a person, then you yourself should be financially independent, and besides the all-consuming love for your partner, you will find many other hobbies and hobbies. So you will give him confidence that you need him, not his money, and that you are able to live together without taking him from work every hour.

In fact, there are still a lot of reasons why men do not marry, but we examined the most common of them. Now, armed with knowledge of their basic fears, we will try to understand how to make men agree to marriage.

How to make a guy marry

Despite all the stubbornness of men and the reluctance to bind themselves with an official relationship, we can still make them take a decisive step and offer us a hand and heart. How to do it? We reveal small secrets that will help you visit the salon of wedding dresses as soon as possible and choose the right outfit for the most important event in your life.

Heavy artillery

By "heavy artillery" we mean powerful support in the form of his beloved mother. Believe me, any man subconsciously searches for himself a partner in life for a woman similar to his mother. All you need to do is to become his mom's girlfriend and enlist her support. As soon as your future mother-in-law appreciates you and loves you, she will with great zeal begin to convince her son that you are simply perfect wife for him.

In order to carry out the plan, you need to learn as much as possible about his mother: tastes, habits, hobbies. If she is a lady of Puritan education, then you should meet with her in a modest dress, constantly blush and smile shyly. If she is a fatal woman, dressing in luxurious, expensive outfits, then you need to show your taste and style in clothes, as well as be able to talk on topics of interest to her. But the most important thing is to make it clear that you love her son crazy and are ready for anything in order to make him happy.

Family Addition

Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways to drag a guy down the aisle. In almost every man, there is such a thing as responsibility, and the fact that his girlfriend is expecting a child can push him to action. Just do not forget to take into account that your marriage will be successful only if you really really love each other, otherwise after a while you risk remaining a mother, raising one of your children alone. So think a hundred times: “Do you need it?”, As they say in Odessa.

And in no case do not blackmail a man, inventing a non-existent pregnancy. This is only a fairy tale wedding - a happy ending, in life this is only the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman. Guys can not stand when they are forced to do something by force - and even more so, if by deception. Even if you succeed and get married - believe me, your “lived happily ever after” may not happen.

Are we worse than others?

One can understand the fear of men before marriage: the loss of freedom, forever crying children, wife in an old dressing gown and curlers ... Try introducing couples who have long been happily married into your common circle of acquaintances. Looking at the men who “survived the shock” caused by official marriage, and who remained not only alive, but also quite happy with their fate, his fear of getting married would gradually subside.

Try to remain always seductive and refined for him, even if you worked twelve hours a day and you have the first days of premenstrual syndrome. Let him understand that family life will not make you a home-kid, and he will be able, just like your friends, to continue to love and enjoy life, but already in a legal, official marriage. By the way, try not to drag him to the weddings of your friends and acquaintances - for most men this is not an easy test, after which they flatly refuse to celebrate their own wedding.

Perhaps the most important argument of a woman who wants to get married is a sincere, deep love for a man and a desire to stay with him until the end of her days. If your feelings are mutual, then sooner or later the man will succumb to your desire to create an official union, and you will begin a new, wonderful stage in your relationship. If, in spite of all your tricks and efforts, he remains firm as a flint, and does not even want to hear about marriage, then think: is your chosen one worth spending the precious years of his life on him? Maybe you should give him the freedom he loves so much and look for happiness elsewhere?

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When a relationship begins with a man, the woman hopes that everything will end in marriage. A man may love you madly, but the thought of marriage scares him. In family life, the stamp in the passport for women plays a significant role, but for the opposite sex it does not matter.

Before you want to make a man marry you, you need to weigh the pros and cons. After all, marriage is not only a solemn ceremony in a beautiful white dress, where the bride is in the spotlight, but also life's turmoil, life and daily proof of feelings. Before you get married, you need to think: "Do you want to constantly cook, wash dishes, clean up your spouse and wash his socks?". If you really decided on such a feat, and you don’t have an offer from your beloved, you need to know a few tricks so that your beloved leads you down the aisle.

What can not a woman do in order not to frighten away the chosen one?

If you do not want your beloved to run away from you, you need to know some rules of behavior, namely how you can not behave with a future potential spouse.

  1. Don't limit his freedom

The biggest female mistake in the relationship of many couples is an attempt to take control and limit his freedom. If your man wants to go out with friends to drink beer or go fishing, so be it. While the lover is resting in the company of friends, you do not need to call him every 5 minutes. Thus, you will not only annoy your loved one, but also provoke the appearance of sharp comments from friends who will begin to discourage your loved one from thinking of marrying you.

Do not try to rob him of his personal space. No need to climb in your pockets, in your cell phone and other personal items. Such your behavior will unbalance any man and as a result will lead to conflict. No man voluntarily agrees to legalize a kind of life imprisonment under the supervision of a wife.

  1. Do not force yourself

Do not drive a man with a marriage proposal. If you constantly say that you want to marry, he obviously will not like it. He will think that you want to drag him to the registry office.

  1. Hide your greed

A man must understand that they love him, not money, connections and status. Even if you love it for money, don’t show it. Make yourself an innocent sheep. When you go to a restaurant, do not order the most expensive dishes, refuse expensive gifts. Show that you do not need anything except your man ..

  1. Stop blackmailing him with marriage

In no case do not put a man before a choice: if he does not marry you, then you will go to another. In most cases, the opposite is true. Such blackmail can provoke a man to leave you.

  1. Forget about past relationships

Do not tell your beloved about the details of your former relationships and marriages. It’s not going to end in anything good. Your beloved will increasingly feel like next in this chain of love stories.

  1. Do not try to bribe him

If you start saying that your parents want to give you an apartment or a car as a wedding present, this can humiliate his ego. Such an idea may interest only the real Alfons. You don’t need that type.

  1. Do not rush to get pregnant

If you think that when you become pregnant from a beloved man, you can attach him to yourself, then you are very mistaken. If he wants to leave about you, nothing will stop him from taking this step, even having a joint child. In this case, you risk remaining a single mother.

Perfect female behavior through the eyes of a man

There are several unspoken rules that should be followed by every woman who wants to become the best for her beloved. When a man realizes that he has finally met the one that he had dreamed of for so long, he will want to marry her.

  • Diversify your life

Intrigue and be interesting. A woman should be different. Develop yourself, improve both externally and internally. Constantly surprise your lover. Become a secret for him that he will want to solve again and again. Monotony and routine kill the most enduring relationship. If a man is bored with a woman, then why should he marry her?

  • Find a common language with the family of a loved one

It is important not only to maintain family relations with relatives, but also to make a good impression on them. You must convince the mother of the lover that you will become a good wife and daughter-in-law. Be a girlfriend of a potential mother in law. No matter how you wish, you will have to largely agree with his mother. In most cases, a man chooses a wife who looks like his mother.

  • Be caring

A girl who knows how to cook has a high chance. Soon trips to restaurants will end, a man will want to come after work to a cozy apartment, where the aroma of dinner is felt. A man should feel that he is being taken care of. Ask him what to cook for him. Have a romantic dinner on weekends. Always and in everything support, praise the man. It is important for every man to know that he is valued, loved and respected, that he is needed.

  • Watch yourself

Every man wants to see a beautiful and well-groomed woman next to him. Even if you are at home, your view should be neat. Who will like a companion in a long bathrobe, curlers and socks?

  • Convince him with arguments

If your partner does not think about the wedding, you should not intrusively hint. For example, watch movies with the beloved with the finale, where it all ends with a wedding ceremony. Try to visit successful couples. In such a positive company, he wants to start a family.

  • Be unforgettable in bed

For many men, sex is almost the first place in a relationship with a woman. If you have sex constantly in the dark and on certain days, do not be surprised when a man goes to the left. Remember, you must become a first-class lover for your loved one, so that he understands that there is no better than you.

Pamper your beloved with beautiful underwear, take initiative in bed more often, do not be afraid to experiment. Be relaxed and try to give pleasure first of all to your partner. And you will see how much better your beloved person will relate to you.

  • Learn to trust your man

What kind of relationship can be without trust? No need to constantly roll scenes of jealousy. Many psychologists have proved that the nature of jealousy lies, first of all, in the complexes of the jealous person (we are already talking about this on the pages of our women's portal site). Therefore, be more self-confident and self-sufficient person, so that you have no equal. Does a beautiful and self-sufficient woman have competitors? In some cases, jealousy even warms feelings, but this does not mean that you need to torment your beloved every day with your suspicions of treason. Remember, men do not like tantrums. Therefore, do not be surprised that in the near future he will simply run away from the reproaches and scenes of jealousy that have bothered him, and you will remain with nothing.

No matter how sad it may sound, it’s very difficult to get your beloved to marry yourself. According to statistics, the beloved makes an offer a year and a half after the date of meeting. However, everything is in your hands. If you follow all the rules, your relationship can develop into a trip to the registry office.

You want to get married ... does he know about this? It seems like a completely stupid question: “make a man get married”, but in reality this is not so. Well, for example, you are determined to marry him and are absolutely sure that he is about to make you an offer, because you noticed how he was deep in thought with a dreamy look. But how do you know that he wants to go to the altar with you, and not about a new sort of chips, which, judging by the advertisement, should appear in stores next week?

How to make a man marry himself - psychology

For the hearing impaired, I repeat once again: men are not at all strong in reading other people's thoughts. If you have a stable and comfortable relationship, then he will never want to change anything in them. Why take the risk? Therefore, if you want to marry, it is up to you to raise this topic. We hope that the tactics below will help you to explain what’s what.

How to marry a man

How to make a man decide on marriage. If you really want something, you just need to take it and do it. Indeed, in the other aspects of life, you are doing so. Want a new job - go and get settled. If you want a new car - go and buy.

If you want to put on a sombrero on Friday night and drink six glasses of tequila - put it on and drink it. But as soon as it comes to relationships with your man, then suddenly someone else should do everything. (And I considered you an independent, strong woman of the twenty-first century.) The time has come for you to saddle a horse and take your fate into your own hands. In other words, to force the beloved man to marry.

If you want to marry, tell him. We are not living in a Gothic romance novel. Sitting idle and suffering softly, you will not earn a ring on your finger. A game of silence with men does not work. Information should be brought to them in the most understandable form, and even in high definition. For him, your silence means that you are happy with everything. If you want to get anything from him, then you should talk about it.

But don't forget ...

Even if you have the courage, you must do everything at the right time. If you want to ask him this serious question and covertly force a man to marry, carefully choose the time and place. You propose to make a very difficult decision. Lighten at an uncomfortable moment, and everything will go awry. You can scare him, and then remember what they called.

Do you think that guys want to ask their girlfriend this main question comes up completely unexpectedly? No, he asks him after several weeks of painful reflection and planning.

And do not think that he, by sheer chance, invited you to your favorite restaurant just at the moment when your relatives suddenly decided to go there. All this is the result of perfect execution to the smallest detail of a well-thought-out plan. (I know, I know, you are in shock.)

If you are going to invite your man to make such an important decision, then you will have to carefully think through everything. It is necessary to develop a plan that combines elements of the hostage exchange procedure and the act of seduction.

Remember, no sudden movements. There’s absolutely nothing to scare him. Therefore, do not fall upon him with this question during breakfast.

He must be completely relaxed and able to give you maximum attention. And this means that the main question can not be asked at a time when he is focused on something. For example, during the final soccer match (even between halves) or when he holds in his hands some potentially traumatic instruments.

Again, there is no point in raising vital issues when the tax auditor came to him. You need a moment when he is in harmony with the whole world, is most passive, his consciousness is not occupied by anything and, therefore, is open to the perception of new ideas and concepts.

The conversation during which you want to force a man to marry should take place in neutral territory. If you shock him with this question in your parents' house or in the presence of witnesses at some major social event, he will feel trapped and realize that you want to make him marry. Accordingly, he will instantly have a desire to escape somewhere where it is safer.

Such a conversation is an intimate affair, and it needs to be held in private. If you still want to cheat a little, then choose some familiar and attractive neutral place, one of his favorite establishments, because if you take him to a place completely unfamiliar to him, he will feel like a character from the “Soprano Clan” who suddenly realized that in the next series he was no longer destined to participate.

Do not give lush and ornate speeches. Speak directly. State the facts, tell about your feelings and desires. You probably think that such a conversation is more like a business meeting, but it is this language that he understands best. Just try to stir up the water, clothed with the meaning of what has been said in allegories, allowing for ambiguous interpretations, and he will no longer cut into your words, but he will understand that you want to force a man to marry you.

He will begin to wonder what you want to say with all of this: either you leave him, or you want to marry him, or you report that you are terminally ill, or you are just going to introduce him to a new Hungarian goulash recipe. Guys love everything to be extremely clear and precise. And leave verbal tricks before the wedding ceremony.

Understand how your boyfriend is inclined to escape. Is he ready to make such an important decision? Some guys are very afraid to get involved in a long-term relationship, their similar proposal will simply stun you!

You can do everything right, but nevertheless seriously screw up. Ask about the wedding, and his trace has caught a cold. So understand your man. Is he one of those who always have cash in the bank cell, linen, a plane ticket and a passport in a different name? Making such a man get married is almost impossible.

If he is one of these, you must be extremely careful. This does not mean sitting idle and waiting until he crawls to offer his hand and heart. No, you just have to act a little different with him.

Instead of falling upon him with the most important question right away, slowly bring him to this idea with the help of a sequence of situations in which he will have to make the decisions you need for a certain period of time.

Immerse him in the problem in the same way as you climb into a bath that is too hot, that is, gradually, first one sensitive part of the body, then another. If the thought that someone can make him marry frightens him to hell, then you will have to act with utmost care and gentleness, nevertheless stubbornly leading him to the result you need.

Yes, I know that all this looks like attempts to manipulate the consciousness of others, and in part it is, but you, ladies, succeed well, and therefore success is almost guaranteed.

What to do if a man does not want to marry

Sometimes your efforts alone will not be enough to make a man get married. If the frontal attack failed to take him, roll out heavy artillery, that is, his mom. If both of you have a good relationship with his mother, she can become a very valuable ally for you.

Just talk to her, tell us about your feelings. Just do this honestly, because moms have an extremely sharp sense of cunning and insidious intentions. Open to her. Entrust all your secrets, like a bosom girlfriend.

Tell us what hopes you associate with her son, what kind of life you dream of with him, do not say that you just want to make her son marry. Most of all, any mother cares about the happiness of her son, and if you can put in her head the options for realizing this dream, she will immediately stand on your side.

Once you draw her into your ranks, you can attack him already from two fronts. On the one hand, you will prepare him for making the most important decision using a series of hypothetical scenarios for the development of your future life.

And on the second front, his mother will pester him with endless remarks like, "what a fool he would be if he missed such a wonderful girl." Moms, being moms, are capable of such directness in statements that you have never even dreamed of. They can really take him by the throat, without fear of any negative consequences.

Do not be afraid to attract allies! If you can’t count on your mother, find among his relatives or friends some other woman close to him who will help make the man marry. If she agrees with your point of view and has an influence on him, she will certainly help you tune him to the wedding mood.

How to make a man get married

Remind him what he risks losing. Here you are really capable of demonstrating to him what he may lose. Scare him a little, hinting that you are not such an illiquid product and that reluctance to make you your only one threatens him with serious consequences.

Let him know that today at work or on the street, when you went out for a lunch break, a man was building your eyes. So that he doesn’t guess that you want to make him marry, tell me that you recently had a night out with your girlfriends at nightclubs and three whole guys invited you on a date. State dry facts.

Do not try to warm up the situation with any humiliating things like: “See how men peek at me? They just crave me. And if you don’t think about it, then maybe I will stop fighting them off. ” There is no such ambiguity here. He was already thinking. He has already figured out what consequences might happen if he does not step up his actions.

In this situation, you just show him that you cannot be taken for granted and that he risks losing you if he does not change his mind.

What to make a man want to get married

An ultimatum attack means that you know what you want, and he only has to agree or refuse. Here you are not just asking what he thinks about the wedding. Here you firmly declare that you either marry him or leave him.

The means to force a man to marry is, of course, very effective, but, resorting to him, you must ensure that he does not feel cornered. It will not do you any good. Male pride will only leap in him, he will rest and in spite of you will choose the wrong answer. Thus, if your ultimatum sounds like a verdict for him (God’s for you, and here’s the threshold), he will most likely choose the threshold.

The most important thing is to be honest and sincere and at the same time soft and caring. You need to let him know that you have already decided everything for yourself and now he needs to decide what to do next. As long as he feels that he has a right (not a necessity!) To choose, he will be inclined towards an honest decision. The only disadvantage of this method is that you will have to live with the consequences of solving it if it says no.

How to make an offer to marry a man

Do not lose the spark in a relationship! When a man comes to the realization that he condemned himself to having sex with the same woman for the rest of his life, one can almost hear the petals of his soul rustling, drying up and falling off. (Well, well, here I may have gone a little too far, but in the sense everything is correct). Has he really allowed himself to get married ?!

He is no longer a free bird and will not be able to flit around the world, right and left seducing unmarried women. And women, now that he is not free, will look at him with completely different eyes. Other guys will not accept him in their company because he has become a "family man."

Why do men love but do not marry

To make a man marry himself add pepper! Not so long ago, a familiar bachelor settled on me with talk about family status. He argued that it was impossible to force a man like him to marry, because a free man always has a whole assortment of women, and I, married, have to limit my menu to just one chick every night. Well, there is some truth in his words. My single friend is absolutely right. He really has a choice.

Nevertheless, for a hundred years he had not been with a lady even in a restaurant. I cited a very entertaining statistical fact that married men and men who simply live constantly with one woman have sex much more often than their “free” brothers. Thus, even though he has plenty to choose from, supper, most likely, still has to be alone.

There is no doubt that such a thing as civil marriage was introduced into our lives by men. Being almost married or almost married is very convenient. You no longer need to run out on a daily basis and take time for sex.

Women need stability in everything, and even more so, stability in relationships. For women, official status is more important than for men. The "common-law wife" is often perceived by others simply as a "lover", but the "common-law husband" still remains "free and single," almost a bridegroom. To keep our loved one close, we are ready to agree with everything, including living together without any conditions and obligations. Namely, this most often implies a civil marriage.

This type of relationship is best suited to self-sufficient people who value their freedom, those who do not want to take responsibility for the time being, create a family, or acquire offspring. The main thing in a civil marriage is that both partners adhere to this point of view. By the way, according to psychologists, couples who have lived in a civil marriage for several years quarrel much more often than official spouses. And the point is not only that a man behaves inappropriately. A woman, dissatisfied with her status, provokes a conflict for no apparent reason and begins a lengthy showdown.

Civil marriage was born in the Netherlands in the 16th century. People of different faiths could not get married and such unions legitimized power. Today the opposite is true - a marriage unformed by the authorities, even after the wedding, is considered civil.

Civil marriage in the West has been practiced for a long time. Such relationships have recently become popular with us. More and more couples believe that before the registry office you need to live together, take a closer look, try on your future spouse.

Civil marriage has advantages. First of all, freedom - psychological and documentary, extension of the romantic period, the ability to easily part. On the other hand, civil marriage has sharp pitfalls. Such a marriage is not recognized by law, in the event of a "divorce", the cohabitants do not have legal rights to joint property. For example, if the common-law wife did not work, but kept the household, after breaking up with her “husband”, she might end up on the street. The motto of civil marriage: with what came - with that and left! As a rule, men in such "divorces" do not suffer. It is they who make money, joint property, housing, etc. are registered on them. No wonder they so advocate freedom from stamps!

Civil marriage in Western countries is a legal concept. In France, for example, cohabitants can conclude a civil solidarity pact in which property relations are stipulated. In America, a woman who finds herself in a similar situation may file a lawsuit to recognize cohabitation as marriage. Having proved the facts of prolonged cohabitation, appearance together in public, sexual relations, she receives the rights of a legal wife. In the Dominican Republic, if people have lived together for more than 4 years, they have the right to joint property as spouses.

But what about civil marriage? Civil "spouses" in Russia do not even have the right to conclude a marriage contract.

In the event that the civil spouses have something to share in the event of separation, then you should take care of this in advance. Lawyers advise conducting detailed bookkeeping, recording all expenses, purchases. Shared property is best formalized in shared or joint ownership. Otherwise, it is most likely that it will not be possible to prove their rights to property upon parting. So far, no such lawsuit has won in a Russian court, although there have been attempts.

Probably every woman dreams of an offer of a hand and heart, a wedding, flowers and a magical honeymoon, especially if she had not had this before in her life. Some tips for those who want to become an official from a common-law wife. First, let's determine your chances of winning.

You live together for less than four years

From the point of view of psychologists, this situation is the most advantageous. The first love is still alive, and the first time you “lapped” you safely passed, thereby proving that you could well exist in one territory. Feel free to proceed with the processing of the civil spouse for the registration of relations. The moment is quite suitable: the man understands that he has found his only one, he is convinced that living together is quite convenient, and at the same time he has not lost his romantic mood. You have every chance of becoming a wife!

You live more than four years and you have no children

Psychologists believe that it is at this time that the first disappointments and recognition of each other “in real light” begin. Pink glasses fall from the eyes, and you see the spouse in all its glory. Women, as a rule, more soberly accepting the world, still want to get married. With men, everything is different. At this “time” it will be much more difficult for you to convince a civil husband to get married. He already lives with you and has everything he wants - a beloved woman next to her, her everyday life and ... a clean passport. Right now, the eternal debate begins on the topic: “Darling, what will this stamp give you?” For the sake of a stamp in your passport, you have to sweat.

You live a long time and you have children

Advice, in principle, you no longer need. This is your conscious choice and you probably already agreed with your husband that "the stamp does not give anything." A woman on this “term” convinces herself of the benefits of a free marriage and even tries to promote it. This is a kind of protective reaction of the psyche. Due to the lack of desire on both sides, there is practically no chance of creating an official marriage.

How to make a "roommate" marry himself

We now turn to practical advice. What if you are dreaming about a veil and a wedding bouquet, and the chosen one is repeating to you about the modernity of civil marriage?

It all depends, in this case, on the character of your boyfriend. In accordance with this, you need to choose the right tactics:

And finally ... There is nothing wrong with looking closely at each other in a civil marriage. If from the very beginning it acts rationally, the union will only strengthen it. Arrange initially that if everything goes well, you will get married in six months, for example. In this case, you will have a trump card in the form of an honest masculine word. No need to think that talking about a wedding scares men away. Yes, they treat them with caution, such is the nature, but any man, agreeing to live together, understands that he is going to create a family - albeit so far unofficial.

Joke on the topic:

Marriage requires some sacrifice, the bridegroom says to the bridegroom. “For example, when we get married, you have to cook dinner every day.”

And you, honey, have to eat it.

Educational program “civil marriage: all the pros and cons”

Maria Mullayanova (student, 20 years old):

I believe that in a civil marriage there is no point. An argument is that it’s easier to break up. Why then connect fate with the person with whom you think about breaking up? Moreover, after 20 years of marriage, people get divorced. And it doesn’t matter whether they lived in a civil marriage or not.

Ulyana Bizimova (chief accountant, 24 years old):

Civil marriage is a good test for young families in terms of joint survival in the domestic environment. Stretching “cohabitation” for many years is not worth it. You should not make global purchases such as cars, apartments, otherwise disputes may begin about whose name to register. It will not lead to anything good.

Natalya Ulyanova (journalist, 25 years old):

I have a normal marriage relationship, but I consider the registered relationship more serious.

Alisa Kovaleva (director of travel agency, 28 years old):

I have a negative attitude towards civil marriage, although I think this is a personal matter for each couple. And then, it is believed that as long as people live in cohabitation - their relations are the most laid-back, and therefore stronger - there are frequent cases when people sign and then after a while get divorced and disperse, although they lived happily for many years .

Alexey Sokolov (graduate student, 23 years old):

I believe that this is correct - an ordinary marriage in a registry office is needed only for a born child.

Dmitry Ustimov (translator, 28 years old):

Civil marriage is a private matter for everyone. In principle, I am only in favor.

Mikhail Prokhorov (technical support engineer, 20 years old):

Living in a civil marriage, people try to protect themselves from all kinds of troubles such as divorces and redistribution of property ... At least, such an option would suit me ...

Vadim Chernyshov (head of department of one of the companies, 27 years old):

I am not against civil marriage because it does not imply mandatory property relations. Marriage is, above all, a property matter, and this has nothing to do with love. People in this case exclusively voluntarily share money with each other and everything else. As for children, it is possible to oblige a bad father to pay alimony without official marriage. In my opinion, a child does not need a bad father - it is better to do without him. Also, sometimes a child is better off without a mother. Therefore, the official marriage of parents alone does not help children. Wedding is another matter, but for this, it seems to me, you need to live about 20 years and not run to church headlong barely having entered into marriage. As for divorces - they, in the case of a civil marriage, occur more smoothly and less nervously - everyone just remains with what they were (except for alimony, which, as I already said, will not go anywhere if a woman and a child are in them need).

The most pleasant gift for many girls is a long-awaited gift. We all grew up in fairy tales in which, on New Year's Eve, dreams certainly came true. And the dream of any of us is care, warmth and family. Sometimes we do not understand the true meaning of happiness and believe that it will visit the heart by itself. But this is far from the case. The keys to a carefree family life are always before us, but to get them you need to guess to stand on your toes.

If you are madly in love with your future soulmate, your lives are intertwined so much that you know the phrase that he will now say - it's time to help the guy decide. In most cases, girls think that the future applicant for husbands has not yet walked up or is afraid of family routine, but in fact he is just so comfortable - your heart is defeated, which means you can take your time.

A year passes and one more, you are hinting - the guy does not understand, you are directly declaring - he is asking for a little more time ... And what to do, how much longer to wait to hear: “marry me”?

You need to fight for happiness, and for this a woman should learn to be a diplomat, says psychologist Ekaterina Fedorova.

Make him nervous. When a man is sure that you can’t get anywhere without marriage. he will not make you an offer. My friend was given the ring only when the man caught her in correspondence with another. From the series "buy - or else another will get it." But never compare a man with anyone: he alone is the best and most reliable.

Create mood

No man wants to have a family with one that constantly rolls tantrums and shows his character. Learn to create comfort and tranquility. After a hard day, a man needs warmth, understanding and care. Most likely, these are echoes of childhood: a cozy house, mother's arms, a warm blanket and a delicious homemade dinner. The guy next to you should fly and get better. Compliment, believe in him and love as he is.

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Be irresistible

Being a girl is not an easy task. Necessary most time to look attractive. Of course, no one says that you need to paint your lips every ten minutes and brush your teeth at night. At home, it’s enough to be sweet and natural, but if you are gathered in society, try to outshine, if not all, then at least 99% of women.

Soft breakup

A pause for a week in a relationship - you need to think. Visit your parents, relatives, friends, go to the grandmother in the village or just arrange a weekend at home. If then you are afraid that you are breaking up, you can always come back, but the chance of getting a ring will be lower.


If the above methods do not work and the guy continues to feed breakfast - do not expect any happy future. It is better to leave, to survive, but not to entertain yourself with illusions. As an English writer once said: "We stubbornly hold on to what we know, even if it is the bars of our own cage." Or maybe you should let yourself go - and then the same eagle will pick you up?

The psychologist Mila Levchuk tells in detail about how to behave properly if a man has not yet decided whether he wants to marry or not in weight in an article: “The Maslenitsa technique is the last chance if he decided to leave.” The technique described in this article is a great way to put an end to a situation when a man cannot decide: loves - does not love, is ready to get married - not ready. And more precisely: are you the one for him.

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