July horoscope for cancer. Cancer woman horoscope for July

July 2018 will be successful for Cancers in all respects. The horoscope says that this month they can do whatever they want - work, leisure, personal life, all this will give them pleasure and wherever they can show themselves from their best side.

The main tasks of the month of the sign Cancer

During the whole month, the Sun will be in the 1st house of your horoscope. Therefore, in July 2018 Cancers will be full of energy, self-confidence, they will attract everyone's attention and in any company or situation they will be the real masters of the situation. You will be full of new promising ideas and, more importantly, the horoscope claims that you will know how you can achieve what you want. Moreover, at work during this period you can not be afraid of competition - after all, most of your colleagues will be on vacation. This means that you have a real chance to show everything that you are capable of.

According to the Cancer horoscope, July 2018 is the time when you need to take the initiative into your own hands if you want changes in your personal life. In July 2018, you don't have to wait for a prince on a white horse to gallop up to you - try to jump on the horse yourself and go in search of him. And by the way - pay attention to your appearance... Perhaps it's time for you to go to the hairdresser or update your wardrobe?

Horoscope for July 2018 Cancer: study, business and contacts

Mercury in July 2018 will be in Cancer's 2nd house - the area of \u200b\u200bproperty and finance. He will endow the usually melancholic and dreamy representatives of this sign with extraordinary clarity of mind. This month, as the horoscope says, you will be unusually good at calculating the situation and will immediately see where you can make money and what it is better to refuse. Make a clear plan of action and try not to step back from it. When contacting others, the horoscope advises not to be offended by criticism, but to try to look at the situation from the position of your opponent. It is possible that you yourself will see exactly where you made a mistake.

Love and money sign Cancer in July 2018

Your money situation this month will be ambiguous. On the one hand, in July 2018, you cannot expect particularly large incomes yet. But on the other hand, you will be quite happy with what you have, you will have enough for everything that you want to buy. If you have any doubts about the prospects of an upcoming transaction, the horoscope advises you to listen to your inner voice and not rush to invest in it. Also, you should not take any loans or credits this month.

In the first decade of July 2018, Venus moves to your 3rd house - the area of \u200b\u200bthe family and immediate environment. She will give you amazingly harmonious relations with your relatives - you can count on their help and support in all matters at any moment. The horoscope does not advise lonely representatives of the sign to sit and wait for the weather by the sea. As the horoscope for July 2018 predicts, Cancer should take the initiative if you like someone. Invite this person for a walk together, to a cafe or to the theater - whichever suits you best. Cancers who are in a relationship or marriage are encouraged to spend more time with their loved one. It's good if you try to bring at least a little of the original romance back into your relationship. By the way, the horoscope warns that this month an acquaintance with the parents of your chosen one may take place - this will be a serious application for the future.

Horoscope for July 2018 Cancer: activity and health

Mars continues to be in the 8th house of your horoscope. But in July 2018, he is regressive and seeks to return to the 7th house. This is not a very good position on the planet, you should be careful and, if possible, avoid any dangerous situations. The Cancer horoscope for July 2018 strongly advises to reduce the intensity of physical training - there is an increased risk of injury. Avoid spending too much time in the open sun to avoid sunstroke. In general, everything will be as usual with your health, no serious shocks in this area can be expected.

Having studied the predictions from the Cancer stars, women will learn how to spend the month of July productively and feel confident in all areas. The horoscope indicates that intuition in the middle of summer among representatives of the element of Water will be well developed. If in any decisions they feel insecure, then they should rely on their instinct. Cancers will be able to avoid many problems in their personal life if they behave wisely. After reading the horoscope for July, a Cancer woman will understand that it is better for her to refuse hysteria and clarification of the relationship. But unmarried girls will have to try hard to win over the desired object.

"Attention! Love horoscope indicates that the influence of Venus in July will have a beneficial effect on the femininity of Cancers. If women of this sign use their feminine charms, then they will easily solve the current troubles and win the attention of the male. But the love horoscope advises married women not to tempt fate and not flirt with the opposite sex. If Cancer's spouse finds out about this behavior, then this constellation is in serious trouble in July. However, it will not be superfluous to manipulate your beloved with your charm in mid-July. "


Excellent chances will open up for all Cancer women in the middle of summer. The heavenly bodies indicate that the representatives of the element of Water will have excellent opportunities to strengthen their relationships and make them stronger. But the horoscope recommends for singles in the field of love to be more active, because their own success in personal life depends only on them. If Cancer women manage to go on vacation to the sea with their loved one, then such a trip will only strengthen the union. The love horoscope warns unmarried girls to behave more carefully on vacation so as not to get into trouble. It is better not to go to nightclubs and entertainment establishments for a Cancer woman alone.

It is the love horoscope for July for Cancer women that will become the best advisor in important matters. The stars advise lonely girls to stop sitting at home and be sad, and more often to get out into people. The heavenly bodies warn that it will be possible to establish the love sphere only if Cancer begins to act. A love horoscope indicates that a colleague has long been interested in a Cancer woman at work. If the sympathy is mutual, then you should take the first step and invite a nice employee for a cup of coffee.

Married women should be wiser in dealing with their spouse. If Cancer sees that his beloved is on edge, then it is better not to pester him with conversations and questions, but give time to be alone and cool down. Fortify love relationship in July it will work only if the representatives of the element of Water will lend a helping hand to their beloved and will be ready to listen and give advice. The decision to go to the sea in July will be the most reasonable for the spouses, as the atmosphere of relaxation will allow them to forget about problems and relax. The love horoscope recommends Cancer not to forget to please his beloved with a delicious dinner and offers to visit interesting places in July, because such leisure is exactly what the lover needs.

It's time for the signs in love to stop suspecting a loved one of infidelity, and, finally, to trust him. The love horoscope warns that trust is the main foundation for the development of relationships. In July, unmarried Cancer couples expect a storm of emotions and passions. It was during this period that women will have the most unforgettable sex in their lives. If, together with his beloved, Cancer manages to go on vacation, then the impressions of each other will simply go off scale. In any conflict situations that will arise in July, representatives of the element of Water must be neutral.

2017 year

At the beginning of the year, aquatic women are in for a little trouble in the workplace. If Cancer does not get confused, but solves problems in time, then they will be able to be settled. The horoscope for 2017 advises aquatic women not to conflict with the leadership, as this can only aggravate the situation. In February, unmarried girls expect an unexpected turn in the love sphere. A loved one will offer Cancer to live together or even get married. The 2017 love horoscope indicates that such an offer will not be received in the near future, so you should think carefully before abandoning it.

In mid-2017, Cancer will have to face their fear. If a woman of this sign decides to open her own business, then the main thing is not to give up to her. Even if at the beginning the situation seems hopelessly difficult, then as this sign begins to understand current issues, everything will become easier. The horoscope for July 2017 for Cancer (the woman of this sign should study the advice from the stars carefully) will become a faithful ally in many matters. It is in this month that Rakov expects a change in his personal life and career.

The horoscope for the middle of 2017 advises the water woman to try to enjoy life, namely:

  • Find a hobby you like. It can be both handicrafts and sports or dancing;
  • Spend more time in the company of a loved one. A visit to the cinema, theater, bowling will help bring a touch of variety to the gray everyday life;
  • Single girls stop being sad at home, and try to register on a dating site. Communication and meeting with strangers will be exciting for Cancer, however, it will give an opportunity to establish a love sphere.

Become bolder at the end of 2017 is recommended by the stars to representatives of the element Water. If women in love have long wanted to get married, then the time has come to bring their companion to this step. The most favorable month for such conversations is December. At work, Cancer expects stability and boredom. Some representatives of the water element will even decide to change their profile and try their hand at something new. The horoscope indicates that you should not be afraid of such experiments, as they will be beneficial.


At the beginning of 2017, the heavenly bodies recommend that Cancer pay attention to sports. Morning runs or classes in gym will give a charge of vivacity and energy. Representatives of the element of Water also need to try to be less nervous, as stress will negatively affect their health.

In mid-2017, the stars warn Cancer to try to give preference proper nutrition... After reading the recommendations from the horoscope for the month of July, a Cancer woman will understand how she can improve her well-being. Heavenly bodies indicate that problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which will arise closer to July, can be solved by visiting a gastroenterologist. If in the middle of 2017 Cancer begins to get enough sleep, then he will feel the desired vigor and well-being.

At the end of 2017, the influence of the environment may negatively reflect on this sign. Actively communicating with friends, this constellation will begin to drink often alcoholic drinks, which will only harm your health. If the representatives of the element Water refuse bad habits, they will win twice. The horoscope for this period advises you to pay attention to your love sphere and actively spend the weekend in the company of your beloved. Roller skating, hiking and walking around the city is what can bring lovers together and give good mood and well-being.

(July 2019)

Cancers are tired and satiated with an abundance of impressions and a change in the mood of fate. They ask the stars for a break in order to rest and gain strength. You can find out more about the July forecast for crayfish in the forecast for July 2019.

Cancers, who recently were deeply lonely and abandoned people, have a very high chance of parting with their loneliness. Representatives of this sign will have an amazing opportunity to meet a great person who can help them find happiness.

The second month of summer will also be remembered by those crayfish that are spoiled by the attention of a large number of admirers. The roles will change and people born under this sign will themselves feel enveloped in a sense of indifference to someone.

Also, an increased wave of feelings will rush to those representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship. These will be the very feelings about which so much has been written in literature and said in both music and cinema. Cancers who have long held on to an outdated relationship will finally dissolve it, as they will be carried away by a new heartfelt adventure.

Horoscope for Cancer Women: July 2019

In family matters, you should listen to women's intuition. She can tell when family members will need the shoulder of a woman with cancer, but they will hide their problems from her, not wanting to burden. It is advisable to listen attentively to what native people are talking about and what their desires they share. If possible, try to surround them with warmth and care.

In the professional field, a woman with cancer will expect consistent success. For those crayfish born in July, substantial monetary gifts for the holiday are expected from the side from which they least expected.

Unmarried women will plunge into the abyss of love adventures. Perhaps their adventures will even be somewhat extravagant. Perhaps at first, such love activity will confuse women, however, as soon as they understand why the Stars provide them with such an opportunity, they will immediately begin to receive pleasure.

For married women, heavenly bodies promise peace and prosperity in relations with their husbands during this period. But, provided that women show a sufficient amount of wisdom and tact to smooth out conflict situations. The stars will help them with this.

Unmarried women who have a wedding scheduled for July may suddenly cancel it. If for some reason this happens, then reproach yourself in this situation is unnecessary. This means that a truly worthy companion is waiting for a new twist of fate.

Horoscope for Cancer Men: July 2019

For men-crayfish, stars promise self-development in July 2019. Admission to receive will be successful higher educationperhaps the second. In their field of activity, packs will be able to realize all their ideas and intentions.

Throughout July, men will be absorbed in work, but this work will not be a burden, it will bring a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure. Problems to which great diligence will be applied at this time will surprise men with such good resultwhich they could not have expected. Colleagues will be friendly to employees, and those who were previously distant and cold will show reverence and respect. It is possible that you will have the opportunity to try yourself in a leadership position. You need to take advantage of this moment and show the good abilities of an organizer and a wise leader. Then it is quite possible that you will be lucky enough to gain a foothold in this position.

It is in July that men will desire to conquer their beloved woman quickly and with the least money spending, but everything will not be so easy. Cancers will find happiness and the desired result, but only if they work hard for this.

Single men will have tons of opportunities to mate. In their environment there will be a large number of girls at the heart of a bachelor.

The beginning of this month is the best time to talk about frank topics with your family and friends, tell them about your worries and experiences. Horoscope for July 2018 Recommends Cancers to ask for forgiveness, from everyone whom you have recently offended, they have been waiting for this step from you for some time. After you do this, you can quickly replenish your vitality if you finally learn to control your ambitions.

Cancer horoscope for July 2018: woman and man, health and finance, love and relationships.

July is good for you because at the end you will have a significant material reward, be patient, there is a little time left to wait. However, throughout the month you should control the funds that you spend, think about it, because there are probably things in your shopping list that you can do without.

Cancer advice for July: at the beginning of the month it is worth showing your assertive character and activity. Now you can take risks, it is in this case that you will achieve good luck and success. In the second decade, a difficult situation may happen to you, at such a moment listen to your inner voice, then you will find the right way out!

  • July 3-7 - not the best period, you should control those emotions to which others will try to bring you out. Do not say harsh words, try to just listen and not impose your point of view. Criticism in your address should be treated less vehemently, because others are telling the truth.
  • From 14 July - the situation will change for the better. You will have thoughts that it would not be bad to help those in need, not only with advice, but also with money. Ask your loved ones, and friends may be the ones who need support!
  • July 19th and 20th - it is worth gathering your relatives at a common table, where you will discuss issues concerning your family.

The last week of July will be decisive, it will be possible to summarize. It is worth paying attention to those actions that were committed during the month and outline a plan for August and September.

Love horoscope for July 2018

The second summer month is more suitable for developing personal relationships. Now you start the most good timeto settle any disagreements with your loved one. If you don't have a partner, then now is the best time to find one. How can I do this? You can go to a cultural event with your friends. There will be people who hold the same views as you do. And in their midst you can meet the one you need!

For Cancer women

You can have sexual intercourse with a person who turns out to be not a bad lover at all. But you won't be able to build a serious relationship with him, because he is used to everyone doing everything for him. However, this relationship will most likely leave you positive impressions - so it's definitely worth a try!

Love horoscope advice: if at the beginning of summer Cancer has not yet found his partner, then in the second half of July a spontaneous romantic acquaintance will take place. It is worth paying attention not to a person's appearance, but to his inner world and state of mind. Pay attention to who you see every day, because he is secretly in love with you.

For Cancer men

In early July, you can introduce your girlfriend to her parents. They will appreciate your choice! Well, if you decide to make an offer to your chosen one, it should be done closer to the end of the month.

But to have a casual partner for one night is highly discouraged - there is a high risk of catching an unpleasant disease.

Financial Horoscope for July 2018

At the beginning of the month, there will be some questions related to money in your main job. The problems that begin to haunt you are actually not so serious and you can cope with them.

You can take up a new type of activity and get into a new team, where you should first take a closer look at people, only then start showing yourself. You should not speak harshly if something does not suit you, and before making a decision on a particular issue, you need to think about it more than once.

Cancer advice: The second half of the month is good for starting your plans. Now you are protected by the Sun and Mars.

  • July 20 to 26 - you can fall under the influence of your leader, most likely it will be a representative of the fair sex. She can help you get a promotion. However, it's up to you to decide how to act and how to behave. You can achieve success yourself, only you have to do it longer.
  • If you start a new labor activity from July 24, on this day, your colleagues will not be able to accept you, because at first glance you will seem to them too arrogant. In order to somehow endear them to yourself, you can invite them to go to a cafe after work and talk on different topics.

Health horoscope for July 2018

Now it is worth paying special attention to your health, because your chronic diseases... See your doctor for a prescription of vitamins to maintain your body. You can also engage in vigorous activities that are useful for strengthening the body: dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, yoga. In addition, exercise will help you lose weight and get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Advice to women on July 10 or 15 go to a beauty salon, you can get a massage that will help you relax. In the evening, you can call your partner for a walk around the evening city.

Don't forget about cardiovascular system, which by the end of July will make itself felt.

What else do Cancer astrologers advise in July 2018?

In the first decade of the month, Cancers will be busy completing some projects. Meetings, clarifications and partings are coming. Strong emotions about partnership are possible. The Black Moon will soon complete its journey through the Cancer partner realm, and something disappointing will go away. Change is to be expected in collegial projects and at work.

In the second half of the period, Cancers take on the new moon in their own sign. The degree of new moon speaks of frequent travels and trips, the desire for something new. A new stage in life will begin, which will take place in full view. You can't hide anything. Adventurism will be in full swing. Cancer will start making decisions quickly and randomly. Some will hit the bets and even win. Dependence on a partner will be quite intense, but quick orientation in a situation is undoubtedly.

Much will be renewed, and, first of all, Cancer itself. Overall, July will be successful for this sign. You can afford a lot. And, practically, to have fun everywhere. In addition, you can show yourself on the winning side.

The sun will stop testing Cancers for strength and spread rot in solitude. Now Cancers will be in the center of events, the attention of others will flatter them. Quarry peaks are now on the shoulder, like the sea is knee-deep. This is the time of personal initiatives and the manifestation of one's "I", which, by the way, will undergo changes for the better and in terms of external signs too. Cancer is now friendly with the head, but his will is weak. If you leave it to yourself, then nothing will come to an end.

Love and family

Venus will be in Cancer's third house. This promises harmony of kinship and souls. Love will be waiting for you in the nearest alley, on the Internet, on a bench. In short, be attentive to all the moments of romance close to home. The family can give Cancer direction for further improvement.


Business activities can cause semi-fainting in many Cancers. It's best to put the work aside or you'll have to clean up old problems. Better vacation than stress.

Success awaits Rakov in the civil service, in political affairs and in the field of art. You will have to fight against unfavorable conditions or get into difficult circumstances. The financial situation can become unstable. You should not look for treasure on your land.


July is not a very good place to enter into formal relations with banks regarding loans. Traveling can get ruinous on your wallet. Many projects in financial terms will turn out to be more costly than Cancers expected. Especially large incomes are not expected, but you will not have to suck your paw either, tightening your belts.


Jumping over the fence, you can fall into a ditch. Consider your actions to avoid injury. It is necessary to restrain impulsivity, because she will not lead to good. The planet of surprises Uranus can force Cancers to rush, which will not be a factor in maintaining your integrity. Also, the activity of ill-wishers is not excluded due to the retro movement of Mars. Cleaning the arteries folk methods - very appropriate.

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