The wife should be healthy, beautiful and cheerful. The ideal wife or what men want

What should be a wife

Many men, when they get married, already have some idea of \u200b\u200bfamily life. They dream of what their wife should be like not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Every nationality and even religion has its own requirements for a wife.

Below we take a look at Christian wives and wives of Islam. These are two world religions that have little in common and many differences. In these cultures, women are perceived in very different ways. But for a husband, a wife should always be the best.

The ideal wife will not be passive in bed. She perfectly understands that sex is one of the important components of family life, and it must be taken seriously. It is not a boring duty or obligation when she meets the physiological needs of her husband. It is a pleasure that was created by God.

And in order to experience the best feelings, you need to not only rely on your partner, but also try yourself, take the initiative. Rest assured, many husbands are delighted when their lovers come up with new ideas and ways to diversify their sex life.

In the family, the man should always be in charge. By nature, the instincts of a hunter, a conqueror, a lord are laid in him, and his beloved wife should always be there to support, caress and help. A loving spouse will not reproach you for earning little, will not focus only on your shortcomings. She will love you for who you are.

This is true sacrificial love. Some men are so selfish that they think the role of the helper wife is tantamount to that of the servant. But this is a misconception: loving wife will please, respect you, but voluntarily, out of love, and not forced out of fear.

Future family life is always painted in the best colors. But be prepared to face and cope with challenges together. Many girls dream of being the wives of an oligarch. They are confident that adequate financial security can make them truly happy. But this is not the case. Men who make huge amounts of money, as a rule, are not very attached to the family hearth. Their values \u200b\u200bare slightly different, sometimes the spouses of millionaires have a hard life, because almost all the time they are left to themselves.

What should be a wife in Islam

In Islam, a lot of attention is paid to the family. Women have a special demeanor not only at home, but also in in public places... The man certainly plays the most important role in the family union, but the woman is also very important and is seen as an honorable ally.

In this culture, it is clearly defined by what principle married couples should live. The Messenger of Allah left to his heirs a list of the qualities that a pious wife should have. For example, happy is the husband, whom the wife takes care of all the time when he is not, she also protects him when he looks at her - he is happy and pleased if he asks or orders something - she easily obeys.

It is piety, wisdom, morality, intelligence that are the key characteristics of any Muslim wife. Girls with such qualities will easily marry, will please their lovers.

  1. Muslim wives are obliged to obey their husbands in absolutely everything. They honor their loved ones, observe the necessary fasts and prayers. In Islam, obedience to Allah is higher than to the husband.
  2. The wife is responsible for the cleanliness of the house and the safety of property. She can never, under any circumstances, talk about the shortcomings of her man, especially with regard to the bed. Also, girls do not have the right to spend money, make purchases without first consulting with a loved one.
  3. Leaving the house for any reason, they always ask their husbands for permission. The same goes for inviting guests, even if they are parents, brothers, sisters.
  4. Muslim women abstain from sex only during menstruation or in cases of illness. And so they have to fulfill their marital duty.
  5. Respect for parents, correct upbringing of children, restraint, the ability to hide your anger - all this is about Islamic beauties.
  6. The wife always tries to look perfect in front of her lover, smiles, dresses up and decorates herself according to the culture.

What should be an Orthodox wife

A Christian wife is a co-heir of a grace-filled life, because that is how she is described in the Holy Scriptures. She must honor her husband, submit to him. In Christian families, everything is built on love, harmony, and mutual respect. The husband is the head in the house, and God is the head over the husband.

The wife should be kind, meek, humble, loving. Real Christian girls are brought up in purity, holiness, and bashfulness. They know that they must keep themselves chastity until marriage, not lose their innocence.

A Christian woman respects her husband, puts his interests above her own, tries to support him and help him in everything. And he thanks her for such behavior. In Christianity, there should be no divorce, but the present century, unfortunately, does not always observe this rule. Here, from childhood, they teach that marriage must be approached with all seriousness, it is a sacred union that is concluded once and for a lifetime.

In the Bible (Proverbs), a lot is written about what a virtuous wife should be, and that her price is higher than pearls. Men who possess such a treasure should be the happiest in the world. Christian wives are taught that they should always fulfill their marital duty, not shy away from their husbands, not come up with excuses (headache, too tired, and so on).

Everything should be in harmony and love, without violence and oppression. If you decide to abstain from sex for a while, then this is only a joint decision. Christian wives are expected to be patient, compassionate, merciful, loving and caring for others.

All these qualities can be achieved only by hard work on yourself. But you will get such a happy family life, which you could not even dream of.

In Protestant churches, all this is told to the young during the wedding, when they stand before the altar, God, people and take vows of marital fidelity. The challenge for every Christian family is to cope with all the difficulties that life slips in. A godly wife is the crown and reward of a husband, of which he is rightfully proud.

What other qualities should a wife have?

A real ideal wife must have a set of qualities. Of course, being the keeper of the hearth, equipping the house, maintaining order is a standard set of feminine virtues.

Wives become helpers and closest friends; they have the ability to comfort both the child and the upset spouse. But what is most appreciated by men in their loved ones.

So, 10 qualities of a good wife can be as follows:

  1. Reliable. For men, it is very important that their spouse is reliable, able to listen and support. The main thing is that she can be trusted.
  2. Continuous support. Men are often hesitant if they want to start a new business or change their field of activity. It is important that the beloved is always on his side, then he will definitely cope.
  3. Purposeful. Desperate housewives who spend their free time in front of the TV or gossip with their friends do not cause male delight.
  4. Sexuality. You should always strive for variety in bed. Men are sure to admire such wives who like to try everything new. After all, they are looking for their own sex goddess.
  5. Understanding. Women and men are completely different, they think differently. But the ability to understand and read each other's thoughts is very much appreciated.
  6. Ability to share the values \u200b\u200band preferences of the spouse. You need to learn to find a compromise in all your disputes and misunderstandings.
  7. The ability to constantly surprise your beloved. Everyone loves pleasant surprises.
  8. Ability to speak the same language with her husband.
  9. Constant interest in her husband's life.
  10. Wisdom, without which family life will never be complete.

What should be the wife of an officer

Being the wife of a military man is a real feat, which not every woman is capable of. The wife of an officer must be not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also devoted, loyal, modest, neat, in line with her husband in mental development.

Her behavior in society should always correspond to the rank of her husband, she is always a cut above the rest of the fair sex.

  • 1. A woman should love her husband and children. Without love relationship she loses her contentment, no matter how successful she is in other areas of her life.

    2. a woman should always be cheerful. This makes her protected from all trouble. Gaiety is a sign of innocence, and it gives men a natural need to care. Children's and women's laughter is the best sedative for a man's hearing after a hard day at work.

    3. Dishes must always be clean. The cleanliness of dishes is an indicator of a woman's cleanliness and a guarantee of peace in the family. The best option is for the husband to be surprised all the time: "when does such cleanliness have time to be established! 4. A woman should always be economical in spending. The ideal combination of efforts is this: the husband tries to earn as much as possible, and the wife tries to spend as little as possible. Such a family is invincible. becomes.

    5. A woman should understand that family relationships depend on her behavior. The goal of her life is to create a harmonious family, she should become a professional in this. Thus, if she takes responsibility for marital happiness, then the man will not be able to change or hinder anything. The woman controls the relationship, not the man - these are different things, and it is destructive to confuse them.

    6. A woman must learn to manage her husband, but not command. A good wife knows how to get her husband out of her husband through changes in dress, tone of voice, home decor, and taste of food, while remaining affectionate and helpful. But she does all this not for herself, but for the whole family, realizing that it is easier to achieve the right decision this way than by arguing or shouting.

    7. A woman should not be offended. A woman's mind can keep a detailed list of all the mistakes and miscalculations of her husband for a long time, but this is what kills her as a woman: so she simply loses her attractiveness and peace.

    8. a woman should not take revenge. Nobility adorns a woman.

    9. a woman should not be jealous. Envy is the complete opposite of humility and simplicity. This feeling completely disqualifies a woman as a wife. As a rule, such a woman brings nothing but trouble both in her house and in any place she visits.

    10. A woman should not "Nag" her husband, because this is a sign of her lack of intelligence. An intelligent woman accurately calculates the time, place and circumstances to come up with a request, and speaks only once, but these words penetrate the man's soul, he is tormented by doubts for some time, and then fulfills the request as a gift and becomes happy that he brought joy to his wife. A woman should be very brightly delighted and show that she did not expect, is grateful and delighted.

    11. A woman should not pretend to be a victim. This forbidden technique is usually used when the ground begins to slip out from under your feet in the field of relationship control.

    12. the woman must "Burn the Bridges". Marital happiness does not come from partial surrender to your husband. Complete and undivided surrender of oneself is one of the conditions for a successful marriage. Divorces have appeared quite recently and obviously not from a godly life.

    13. A woman should not develop feminine qualities in her husband. Only if she does this will she become bored as a result: her husband is not a girlfriend. A happy and productive marriage will be when both partners learn to use the full potential of their gender differences. Complementarity is more productive, and opposites attract.

    14. A woman must learn to attract her husband benevolently. Not the body, but character traits. Lust will surely cause disappointment later, and chastity - respect and desire for care.

    15. The wife should inspire her husband with her femininity. She needs to approve of any achievements of her husband in every possible way. Despite the fact that he demands truthful and sober judgment from her, always only praise him, otherwise he will become an enemy for life.

    16. A woman should not be familiar. Respecting your husband is the only thing possible form communication with him to save the family.

    17. a woman should have a sense of humor. A tired householder after a day's work is having fun with his wife. Moreover, the sphere of expression of emotions is a purely female element.

    18. a woman should be shy. This quality gives a special charm to the fair sex, arouses the respect of men. It enhances the beauty of a woman, even if she is less beautiful than others. Shyness, along with gullibility and defenselessness, cannot be imitated, but can only be developed, constantly improving what will happen the best gift for husband.

    19. A woman should dress according to her husband's wishes. Not yours! She herself cannot guess what he likes at one time or another, so she should dress and show herself, but not be offended if he says something like: "Dressed up as in the Market." A man satisfied with the appearance of his wife does not begin to seek satisfaction from looking at others.

    20. The wife should appreciate the husband. Whatever he does for the home, it must be judged to the highest standard. Any underestimation will immediately cause anger in him and a desire to quit what he started.

    21. The wife should respect her husband's friends and family. The concept of "husband" includes all his environment, all his thoughts, deeds, plans and hopes. The wrong attitude towards the environment of your husband will make him think about your value and, God forbid, you will overwhelm him.

    22. The wife should develop the ability for art. This will completely occupy her mind, make her beautiful, mysterious and calm, but not at the expense of her daily duties.

    How do you know you’ve met the exact guy you want to spend the rest of your life with? Do you want to be sure that you were not mistaken in your choice? Then read on to find out what qualities you need to look for in a man, so that you will not regret anything later.

    I've been married twice. This taught me a lot, including I became quite well versed in men. From my own experience, I want to say that love in marriage is not enough.

    Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean that love is not at all important in marriage. You need to be head over heels in love with the person you are going to marry, otherwise there is a risk of falling in love with someone else, being married. So what qualities should your future husband still possess so that your boat of love does not crash on family life?

    # 1 Honesty

    The first and, perhaps, the most important quality that should be inherent in your chosen one is honesty. First of all, he must be honest with himself. He needs to know his weaknesses and strengths, shortcomings and what he is capable of in life. When spouses are honest with themselves and with each other, it is much easier to remain open in the marriage and willing to talk with each other.

    # 2 Reliability

    Your future husband must be reliable. Can you be sure he won't forget to pick you up from work? Will he remember to pick up the children after the sports section or go with friends to the bar? Do his words always coincide with actions when he promises to go to the store or clean up the closet?

    # 3 Kindness

    Another important quality for a family man is kindness. You may not believe it, but in fact, men who have this quality are quite rare. A man should be kind to you, to to a stranger, children, the elderly. If men are kind to everyone, he will be kind to you too. If he helps old women cross the road or is involved in charity work, then he is a very kind person.

    # 4 Monogamy

    Without a doubt, the prospective spouse must be monogamous. I have read quite a few articles in which scientists have argued that a person is not monogamous, but I believe that a person can be faithful in marriage and monogamy is a very important quality for a life partner. There is nothing more valuable than the confidence that your soul mate belongs to you and only you.

    №5 Identical views on life

    Since you will have to communicate for the rest of your days, it is imperative that you look at life with one eye. If your boyfriend is a very religious person and you are not, then you should discuss this issue. If you want to have twelve children, and he has none, you need to find a compromise.

    In marriage, you will often have to find compromises, so it is important that you and your future husband have at least the same ideals.

    # 6 Sex appeal

    People quite often say: "Sex is not the most important thing," but I am ready to argue about this. I think it's important to make sure that you turn on the man with whom you are going to wake up in the same bed every morning for the rest of your life. I know a relationship where sex is okay, but there were problems emotionally and spiritually. Do you know how it ended? They broke up.

    Sex appeal is extremely important in a relationship, because if you are not satisfied or turned on by a man, then you will most likely avoid intimacy with him. Now I'm a little over thirty. The only thing I pay attention to in men is sexuality, because at my age, sex is a necessity for me (nothing can be done - the biological clock is ticking). This awaits you too, trust me.

    Don't think that moments of intimacy are unimportant. You are wrong! A man needs to know that he satisfies you.

    # 7 Sense of humor

    An equally important quality for a life partner is a sense of humor. Life consists of black and white stripes. Sometimes you just want to laugh heartily with your loved one and forget about all the problems for a while. My ex-husband was a foreigner. It was sometimes difficult for him to understand our humor. While watching old Russian films, there were moments when I died of laughter, but he did not understand these jokes. It was a habit for me to laugh to myself. By the way, if you are planning to have children, you both need a sense of humor.

    # 8 Love for children

    When you start talking about children, try to understand how your boyfriend feels about them. If you both want to have children in the future, watch how he behaves around the children.

    No. 9 The quality of a family man

    Before deciding on a serious step in your life, you should discuss not only the issue of children, first of all, you should be sure that your chosen one has the quality of a good family man. He must protect his family, take care of you, respect you as his wife, and children must respect him. Look for the strong qualities of a family man in the future husband!

    No. 10 Respect

    Finally, last but not least, what you need to pay attention to is respect for each other. You can't love a person you don't respect. You need to make sure that your future husband is hardworking, reliable, kind and caring. These qualities are very important for a man. Your man should treat you with respect. If he does not respect your ideas and views, then he is not worthy of you - run from him as far as possible. But if your boyfriend is the owner of all or most of the above-mentioned qualities, then appreciate him, respect, love and you will live a long and happy life together.

    Which of these qualities does your boyfriend or husband have? Let's discuss it!

    According to the results of numerous opinion polls, the qualities of an ideal wife were determined.

    1. Thrift

    Since ancient times, a woman has been considered the keeper of the hearth. She must do everything possible so that the house is always clean, tidy, and a delicious dinner awaits her husband on the stove. Created coziness, care for her husband, mouth-watering smells of culinary masterpieces are the first step on the path to perfection.

    1. Wisdom

    A wise woman is made not only by life experience, but also by constant work on herself. If you have an excellent education, you are literate and fluent in foreign languages, and your chosen one writes with mistakes and poorly learned his native speech, you should not brag about your skills, humiliating him.

    What is the ideal wife? This is a smart lady who will help her soul mate grow with her, tactfully avoiding conflict situations, she has her own interests and social circle, is constantly developing and remains a mystery to her husband. She will provide strong support in time, and when necessary, she will become an affectionate kitty.

    1. Appearance

    The ideal wife, according to men, always looks well-groomed. It is not necessary to be a written beauty to please your spouse. It is necessary not to neglect the comb and make-up, visit beauty salons and eat right - the result from regular skin care will please not only your husband, but also you! Many psychologists who save married couples from divorce recommend throwing away old dressing gowns, closed pajamas, stretched T-shirts and worn-out slippers. Even at home, you need to dress neat and attractive.

    1. Ability to support

    How should a wife treat her husband? She is obliged to become a support and support, respect his interests, be near in sorrow and in joy, sympathize with failures and sincerely rejoice in victories. A man is the head of the family, he is a breadwinner and reliable protection, so you need to listen to his words and praise for his actions. You should not constantly criticize and "nag" your beloved - for a woman who sees a strong personality in him, her husband is ready to move mountains.

    1. Sexuality

    Intimate relationships play an important role in the life of spouses. What kind of woman should be in bed? Open, ready to please her beloved, not afraid of experiments and always ready to fulfill her marital duty. In the bedroom of an ideal couple, the phrases "headache" or "not today, I'm tired" do not sound.

    The qualities of a future wife. Qualities of a good wife

    Qualities of a good wife

    The main qualities of a good wife include the familiar ability to cook, creating and maintaining comfort in the house and not only. It would seem, which of the women does not know how. But to the surprise of many, some girls never learned how to cook well and tasty. Failure to understand the importance of this knowledge leads to the fact that the husband feels deprived, and the children are unkempt. In addition, it is very important here not just the ability to cook and clean the house, but the performance of these actions with love. Even scientists today agree that a person's mood is reflected in what they do. That is why a dish that is prepared with love will be much tastier than one that is made just for what is needed. What can we say about the atmosphere in the house, when a woman put a piece of her soul into it. Such a house is filled with light and warmth, you want to return to it. Therefore, it is so important to talk to your husband with a smile, radiating care and warmth.

    But here it should be mentioned that not everything in the family should be taken only on your fragile shoulders. If a man is gloomy and unfriendly, does not consider it necessary to say at least one pleasant word, is always dissatisfied with whatever you do and constantly reproaches that you are not doing anything, sincerely believing that household chores are not work, find the strength to force yourself respect or look for another man who will appreciate you. A good wife is not a woman who tries to please a man in everything, enduring his disrespect and unfounded claims with a smile. A real wife always loves and respects herself, she appreciates her work and knows how to remind all family members of this. And in the case of a deaf misunderstanding, she ceases to please everyone and does what brings her joy. A good wife will never sacrifice herself to someone who takes everything she does for granted.

    If you delve into scientific research, it is worth saying that domestic work is comparable to the work of a bricklayer or builder. And although today household appliances facilitate women's labor, they cannot completely replace it, especially when it comes to cleaning and cooking. Therefore, it is not only very important to be able to cook well, to be always in good mood and maintain home comfort, but love and value yourself. Only then will a woman be truly happy and become a good wife, especially when her husband and children love and appreciate her. In the end, a woman who is unsure of herself begins to gradually experience discomfort in the depths of her soul, which leads to a gradual increase in her nervousness and claims to everyone around her. As a result, the atmosphere in the home begins to deteriorate rapidly, becoming suffocating and heavy. Everyone flees from such a house, if only they are not in it. If you still doubt the need to pamper yourself and take care of your appearance, remember that the mental health of your family and its longevity directly depend on this.

    We provide you with four qualities of an ideal wife according to Leonid Tugutov, a famous scholar of Vedic knowledge. Compliance with these requirements will allow a woman to create the right "weather" in family relationships and avoid most conflict situations at the household level.

    1. A good wife respects her husband. In general, mutual respect among spouses is the basis for a happy family life. And in order for a man to be happy, he must see what a woman sees in him good qualities and for her he is always a hero and she quite sincerely admires him.

    2. A good wife obeys her husband's orders without question. In a happy family life, a woman should often forget about her “I”. Many women begin to look for logic in the orders of their husbands and, on the basis of this, draw conclusions whether it is necessary to carry out this or not. Here's what you need to consider. Firstly, male and female logic is absolutely not friendly with each other. Secondly, the husband sometimes acts not at all logical. The fact is that it is important for him to see the very fact of performance. Understand that his wife is listening to him. Only after being convinced of his wife's obedience, a man will give the woman his full protection and take her under his protection. Only the reasonable behavior of the wife and her obedience awakens in the husband responsibility and his other best qualities. A clever good wife from a fool, a scoundrel and a miser is capable of making a wise man, a brave man and a generous person with the correct female behavior. Ladies, remember that “The husband is the head and the wife is the neck. Where it turns, there the head looks. "

    3. A good wife does not get angry or offended by her husband. This is perfectly reasonable behavior. If a woman is angry, then the man automatically assumes that he is not perfect and acts unfairly. The worst thing about this is that his wife sees it too. If the wife is not offended or angry, then her behavior stimulates her husband to self-regulation and self-change.

    4. A good wife does everything for the happiness and pacification of her husband. Otherwise, the man will seek satisfaction on the side. And this applies not only to the genital area. Very often men lack the usual simple relationships and affection.

    Wise wife or how to be

    What is better to remember and what a wife should be like. What you need to do at least occasionally or how to maintain a relationship with your loved one.

    Prologue: When my husband offered me to marry him, I thought he was offering me a hand and a heart, and as it turned out later, a stove and a mop.

    The relationship between a man and a woman is an eternal mystery and where is the struggle. Struggle for leadership in career and everyday family life.

    A large number of marriages break up during the first years of marriage. Who is to blame, men who are polygamous by nature and only look outside and do not try to understand and pay due attention to their wife?

    Or women who, after some time, turn into loud and obnoxious bitches, thinking about anything just not about their husband, and criticizing him for everything that is possible? In any case, husbands blame their wives and vice versa.

    Is it possible that no one is to blame?
    Maybe the problems are due to the fact that people often marry not for a real person, but for the image (representation) of the one they would like to see next to them. The image that may have developed in childhood, or maybe in youth, does not matter, but each of us has such an image inside.

    We marry a certain ideal, and in the end, over time, we realize that we got only a faint idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we dreamed of. Or maybe try to change something, for example - somewhere to accept some kind of shortcomings, somewhere to apply acting inclinations and influence the shortcomings and weaknesses of a person, somewhere. With a strong desire, everything is possible, the main thing is to do everything competently. Slowly and with patience.

    It is also important to understand for yourself that there is nothing wrong with experiments and that it is better than continuing to do the same thing day after day, remaining in the same, not the best relationship with your soul mate.

    If your relationship is okay, then great, if not, then do at least something.

    You cannot cover everything with one text, and now the actions of a woman (wife) in relation to her husband, in my opinion, are the opinion of a man.

    What any man would like, what a woman and a wife should be, or:

    1) Take care of your husband as if he were your lover.Imagine, you are at home and now your husband has to return from work - just not your husband, but your lover. How would you behave in this case?

    Probably dressed in beautiful lingerie, dress. Would cook, not pasta with an egg and sausage or sausage (for 30 thousand Belarusian), but something interesting and even exquisite.

    In the apartment, in the very atmosphere, they added a little romance and an atmosphere of intimacy. They would be greeted with a smile and a playful twinkle in their eyes and would not bother a tired friend with questions - did he do this or that, did he buy what you asked for, etc. And only talk about pleasant nonsense and about the two of you.

    Imagine how surprised your husband would be? How nice would he be? And how could this affect your relationship if you did it sometimes?

    2) be able to listen to your husbandwithout interrupting him and trying to understand his opinion by imagining yourself in his place. In this case, it will be easier to understand whether he is right or not. You need to be able to be for a man not only his wife, but also true friend, from whom you can ask for advice, get an opinion, etc.

    If you do not know how to listen to him and only your opinion will remain important to you, then forget about sincere and good communication, which is so necessary in.

    Healthy psychology of communication and relationships,, - the main thing on which a strong family is formed. Without normal communication, as well as without normal sex, there will be nothing good.

    3) Let it be full, but it is, Be a keeper outbreak in everyday life and. Everyone knows, not everyone uses it or over time they forget.

    A hot, lustful female in bed is what every man, or almost every man dreams of and wants to see in his woman. Sometimes you can let your friend do things to you that you may not like. Plus, there is a chance that over time you will start to like it.

    4) Be good and unpredictable for your husband... Monotony is tiring and boring, and this is one of the most damaging relationships.

    This does not mean that you need to be unpredictable in everything - today you like one thing, tomorrow it turns out that you never liked it. Yesterday you really liked the chamomile donated by your partner, but today it turned out that you hate them.

    It is important to be sincere with him and with yourself. At the same time, it is desirable - from the very beginning of the relationship, so that the komfuza does not come out later.

    Unpredictability for good is when He expects that today you will again do chores around the house or want to go for a walk in the evening and sit in a restaurant. And you, instead of household chores, even important ones (nothing terrible will happen if you postpone everything for later), offer to take a walk. And not to a restaurant, but to an amusement park or cinema, as in your first days of acquaintance.

    Remember the movies, cereals (pasta) and back seats in a dark room. How long has it been since the last time? And together with your husband?

    Or you can offer him a spontaneous trip with you, to some city, for one day. Or together to relax in nature and have sex. To forget all domestic problems and worries, relax and spend this day alone with him, in a new place and with new sensations.

    Will nicely decorate family life. To meet a husband as a lover is also from this song. You can think of a desire.

    Just do not be too zealous with unpredictability, it is important for us and your predictability... Assume what is generally expected of you and stability. Everything should be in moderation.

    5) Admire your husband,even if he has many flaws and is not a completely confident person. More often remind of his merits, praise for all possible good and accept him as he is with all his shortcomings. Although there are those that can destroy any relationship (you can read about this at the link).

    We all have our shortcomings, you just need to learn to accept a person as he is and pay less attention to something, as you did in the first time of your life together. And some of these shortcomings, if analyzed well, even try to translate into advantages.

    Or is it so difficult, because there are so many shortcomings, but the cat cried out for the merits. Did you marry a complete nonentity or were you completely blind? This is not an excuse.

    In addition, praise can activate a man's desire to work on himself, especially if you are very dear to him. And from that loser, over time, he may well come closer to the image that you imagined in him during your acquaintance.

    Kind words, praise, and light, pleasant, and without irony, teasing can work very well. And which, believe me, will not keep you waiting long.

    Praise for everything you can, do not over praise - if your man is one of those who need confirmation of his need and importance, this is what will make him better over time.

    Often a woman literally creates a man out of a boy. And sometimes, a kind word and a gentle kiss can work a miracle where any, even the most, methods will be powerless.

    Only one thing here "but", there are men, as well as women, who do not notice their shortcomings at close range, and take praise for granted and obligatory.

    In this case, praise will not help and you will not have to expect any changes for the better from him. Rather, he just, as they say, will sit on your head.

    Whatever he wants to change in himself, only a kick in the butt will help here, or, which is very likely, you yourself need to change something in something (). In general, only practice and experiment will help to determine what kind of husband you have.

    6) And a little more about that, and - no one owes anything to anyone. Build a relationship on mutual understanding and trust, so that both of you feel good and comfortable in this relationship. To put some kind of concrete, closed framework - this can lead, over time, only to the desire to break them.

    If people are smart, then the responsibilities and everything that should or should not be, they themselves will determine for themselves, you can only suggest or redirect a person's thoughts somewhere.

    But this does not mean that everything should be your way, that He owes you and owes something to you. Everything that you do for each other, you do according to mutual desire, and not in order to tell the person later- " i did it for you, please do it too", Or say" you shouldn't go there or do this". Let him decide for himself whether he needs it or not.

    Not right? then tell him, give smart advice. If you were with him in real warm and friendly relations, your opinion will not be empty for him and he will listen, think again. If not, then read paragraph 2.

    7) Stay the way he loved you. Remember yourself, what were you like when you met? That image of yours that he loved. Merry or not very good; loving or not quite, the main thing is that desired for him. Without all your experiments on yourself that you might have done to keep his interest in you.

    It will not be possible to return something, just remember and get closer to that sincere one.

    And with all this, don't forget and be careful with a feeling like

    A little music (so as not to be interrupted, press pause, turn on after 20 seconds)

    What a wife should be: 15 necessary qualities + 10 tips on appearance + 6 tips from psychologists.

    Natalya, one of my friends, recognized in our girls' company as "the smartest of the smartest, the wisest of the wisest wives" once said in a conversation:

    “Do you think your husband married you to eat delicious cutlets every day? Not! My husband got married to toss leaves with you in the autumn park and fool around in the bathroom. "

    What started after this phrase! ..

    Disputes about what should a wife be, dragged on until 3 in the morning, until excited husbands "disassembled" their beauties to their homes.

    Let us, too, reflect on this burning topic.

    15 qualities of an ideal spouse: what should a wife be like in the kitchen, living room and bedroom?

    Desperate housewife: 5 skills to learn

    As much as I would not like to talk about kinship of souls and special "chemistry" between spouses in a dispute about what a wife should be, one cannot do without in family life:

      Cooking skills for her husband(at least at a basic level).

      Of course, no one will demand a daily stew of rabbit with béchamel sauce, and perfect tiramisu for dessert, but you still have to learn how to make soup.

      Well, if you were lucky to be born into a family where you had three nannies, two governesses and a personal chef, then it's time to learn cooking using the Internet and buy a multicooker.

      The main thing is to remember to clean your Internet browser search history so that your spouse does not inadvertently find out that the vaunted family recipe for cabbage pie was taken from the web.

      Let him remain in blissful ignorance!

      “My husband and I have been living together for 35 years, and I still remember my first borscht, similar to porridge for piglets, and wonder how he ate them, and even praised them?

      This, probably, is love for a wife in its purest form. " - says housewife Alla with a laugh.

      Sadness and grief overwhelm you from having to spend half the day off in "Cinderella mode" (wash, rub, scrub and vacuum)?

      Catch two simple, like five cents, but effective "life hacks":

      • divide all home "hard labor" into weekday evenings,
      • do not hesitate to give your household a "magic pendel" in the direction of the bucket and mop.

      After all, isn't one wife screwing around here?

      Timely "laundry".

      Believe me, the absence of a pair of clean socks from a husband will not contribute to family harmony and spiritual kinship.

      Especially if in the morning he is in a hurry to an important business meeting, where there is an opportunity to earn his beloved wife for a warm fur coat.

      Ability to calm a raging child.

      Yes, we understand that you are still far from Makarenko and Sukhomlinsky, and no one expects that your child will look like a robot or a well-trained soldier of the American army.

      However, the husband has the right to expect that the wife will be able to stop her son's tantrum in the toy store, will not allow him to yell on the train and saddle the neighbor's dog.

      Elementary medical knowledge.

      A good wife should not panic at a temperature of 37.3 in someone from the household and plunge into a stupor the need to cook chamomile broth.

      And sometimes a strong kiss from his wife and a drop of sympathy will be enough for a husband. Well, isn't she a home witch?

    What should be a wife outside the house: 5 traits of a real socialite

    Reveling in each other's company 24 hours a day, of course, is very romantic, but this crazy world also reiterates what a wife should be, fluttering out of her husband's arms:

      Have your own interests and social circle.

      At least in order not to die of boredom when the husband goes fishing for everything. Show that you are not bastard either!

      Let`s go to the theater, swimming pool, to an exhibition or just to get-togethers with girlfriends! Then also argue who had the coolest weekend.

      “When I told my husband that the girls and I decided to organize a book club, that is, read the same books and then discuss them, at first he laughed like crazy.

      And now, the cunning one, he asks for an advice to read "something like that" and, pouting with pride, tells his friends about his bookish wife. " - Muscovite Svetlana shares her experience.

      A great wife should have a wardrobe for all occasions.

      And for this it is not at all necessary to have a closet half the size of Africa and a lot of money, like the wife of an Arab sheikh.

      Suffice it to recall the unforgettable secretary Vera from "Office Romance", who said: "The main thing is combinatorialism!"

      Strive to be educated and / or constantly engage in self-development.

      At least in order not to clap beautifully painted eyelashes at the party at the phrase "android collider" and not to faint when other wives mention Martin Scorsese's films.

      Maintain "human" relationships with the husband's parents.

      So that Sheskpirov's passions bypassed you with your mother-in-law, you should not snide about her crazy eggplant hair color, but in the kitchen say that "it is wrong, Uncle Fedor, to eat a sandwich ..."

      She must be cute with others and know the basic rules of etiquette.

      Who knows, maybe you are living with the future mayor of the city, or even the first lady of the country?

      Do you want your neighbor to tell reporters about how the president's wife grabbed his hair by the cigarette butts scattered around the entrance 5 years ago?

    Sex without drugs, but only with rock and roll: what kind of wife should be in bed?

    Bed experts (sexologists) suggest what a wife should be in the bedroom so that the thought of a mistress does not even come to her husband's bright head:

      He does not skimp on his marital duty for no reason and does not punish offenses by "excommunication" from the body.

      This lawful wife sees baldness in her hair and a beer belly, and the "sworn" friend sees in your husband "a man in full bloom."

      You don't want someone else to warm him up, do you?

      A good wife should not behave in bed like a German prisoner during interrogation, but be moderately relaxed.

      This is your dear man! Whom to be ashamed of? Whom to fear?

      A wife should not act like an experienced Dutch sex worker.

      Have pity on your husband!

      Thinking about your "combat" past, he will, look, bring himself to a heart attack.

      The perfect answer to the question "How many men did you have before me?" sounds something like this: “It doesn't matter at all. All the real thing in my life began with your appearance! "

      Combine with a smile and innocently downcast eyes.

      An "advanced" wife should be ready to experiment.

      And we are not talking about the practical application of all the knowledge gleaned from the "Kamasutra" and "50 shades of gray", but don't you want to diversify your usual sex with a "sandwich" with a couple of new positions?

      The wife should not discuss intimate life with anyone.

      An exception may be perhaps a doctor or psychologist, from whom you decided to deal with the problems of your sexual life with your husband.

    10 "must to by" in a wife's appearance so that her husband can love with his eyes

    Even if 20 years have passed since the wedding, the husband still dreams of what a wife should be like to seduce him "breathing spirits and mists":

      Healthy teeth and lack of breath from the wife are encouraged.

      And you would hardly want to kiss Shrek's reincarnation.

      The wife should be dressed in neat and fashionable clothes.

      Send dressing gowns of questionable colors and styles to Sharik's bedding or make floor rags out of them.

      Lack of hair on the face, bikini area and armpits.

      Hide hair removal products.

      Let the husband think that he is living with a fairy whose skin becomes smooth, like a baby's bottom, at the wave of a magic wand.

      And let the whole world wait with its boom of natural beauty.

      The wife should eat more or less properly.

      Hair should be of a natural structure and color.

      What if your husband, in a fit of tenderness, runs his hand into your hair, and gets stuck in the curls "cemented" with foam and varnish?

      All romance will disappear in the blink of an eye!

      The wife should have a smooth gait.

      You should not move with a marching step or mince, posing as Merlin Monroe.

      In order not to laugh like a hyena that finds carrion, it is worth practicing with a voice recorder.

      And even a scandal with her husband, the wife should not rip off her voice for ultrasound!

      Healthy skin, not hidden behind layers of cosmetic "plaster", will become a real decoration for your wife.

      You're not performing in Japanese Kabuki theater, are you?

      For daytime make-up, just a little powder, a little mascara and a couple of drops of lip gloss - voila - and you are a real beauty!

      A normal wife should have natural nails.

      No overgrown blades, peeling rainbow-colored lacquer or mud rims!

      Better is the usual "jacket" or gentle pastel shades.

      You yourself then complain that your husband has stopped kissing his hands.

      The wife should not "bother" too much about excess weight, but you should be happy with yourself and life.

      No, one and a half centners of fat or bulging bones are, of course, too much.

      But it is unlikely that 3-5 kilograms will lead to a divorce from her husband and maiden name.

      And if the wife is not satisfied with something, it is better not to "endure" the husband's brain, but to sign up for fitness.

    What should be a wife and any woman from the point of view of cinema: 15 amazing films for you and your husband

    A lot of interesting films have been shot about what a beloved girl, wife, real Woman should be like.

    No. p \\ pNameCountry, release year
    1 "Stepford Wives"USA, 2004
    2 "Desperate Housewives"USA, 2004
    3 "Amelie"France, 2001
    4 "Breakfast at Tiffany's"USA, 1961
    5 Home Sweet HellUSA, 2015
    6 "The road of change"USA, 2008
    7 "Mona Lisa Smile"USA, 2003
    8 "The Right Wife"USA, 2015
    9 "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"USA, 2005
    10 "Pretend my wife"USA, 2011
    11 Time Traveler's WifeUSA, 2008
    12 "Window opposite"Italy, 2003
    13 "The artist's wife"Denmark, Sweden, 2012
    14 "The Astronaut's Wife"USA, 1999
    15 "The Iron Lady"USA, 2011

    15 gorgeous books about what a wife should be like for a husband: reading that is hard to break away

    No matter how skeptical you are about the advice from books on psychology about what a wife should be and examples from fiction, we advise you to take a look at the following selection of literature for you and your husband:

    No. p \\ pAuthor, title
    1 H. Brown "Ladies' etiquette. A guide for the modern woman "
    2 E. Shatskaya "School of a real bitch"
    3 V.Sheinov “Woman + man. To know and conquer "
    4 L. Alcott "Little Women"
    5 D.London "The Courage of a Woman"
    6 A. Golon "Angelica - Marquis of Angels"
    7 A. Blok. Diary of a woman no one loved
    8 C. Bukowski "Women"
    9 D. Austin "Pride and Prejudice"
    10 M.Kundera "Incredible lightness of being"
    11 F. Fitzgerald "Tender Night"
    12 L. Alcott "Good Wives"
    13 P. Rakov "50 rules of a smart durra"
    14 O. Novoselov "Woman: a textbook for men"
    15 A. Sviyash "90 steps to a happy family life"

    Men themselves will tell about what an ideal woman should be:

    6 great psychologists' tips on what an ideal wife should be

      The wife should not speak to her husband in a commanding voice.

      Maybe, of course, you will train him like a German shepherd, but we doubt that this will bring you the notorious family happiness and a feeling of a reliable shoulder.

      Let your husband feel like a man around a fragile wife.

      The wife should not criticize and reproach 50 times a day, even if the spouse regularly throws out some tricks.

      Husband brought toothpaste with fluoride instead of calcium, forgot to feed the cat and filled your favorite flowerpot with water until half to death?

      Relax, this is no reason to ruin nervous system and relationships with the second half.

      Take a little interest in your husband's professional activities.

      Even if he repairs cars or sells securities.

      Let him pour out his heart about work troubles to you, and not to the secretary with the fourth breast size.

      A good wife should not argue with her husband in public.

      Our grandmothers also knew that you shouldn't wash dirty linen in public.

      An excellent wife knows how to sincerely enjoy the attention, gifts, money and, in general, any piece of the "mammoth" that the beloved man brought into the "cave".

      Otherwise, you will not see your ears, no beads, no shoes, no that charming red dress from the sale.

      The wife should not give a reason for jealousy, no matter how she wants to feel like a playgirl.

      To die by the hand of a jealous husband is a beautiful but sad end for a wife!

    Oh, how, it turns out, it is not easy to be a wife, the legal guardian of the heart, hand and credit card of your beloved husband! But who said that the road to family life is strewn with pretzels?

    But the correct approach to solving the question “ What should be a wife? " guarantees that after the end of your wedding fairy tale ("They began to live and live and make good money") a real horror movie will not start ...

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    A happy harmonious marriage is one of the components successful life... Each of us needs a family of beloved and loving people, a home to which we would like to return. The responsibility for the family hearth at all times fell on the shoulders of the woman. The ideal wife, what should she be?

    The Ideal Wife's Commandments

    A girl who wants to create a harmonious family and become for her chosen one the only woman for life, support and support, must learn the basic principles on which successful marriages are built. The ideal wife's commandments are as follows:

    Any man looks at other women and unconsciously compares them with his chosen one. Also, by the way a girl looks, how she behaves in society, how she is dressed, one can judge the social status of a man. The ideal wife knows that she is the “calling card” of her spouse, so she always looks great, knows how to maintain a conversation and does not lose in the least against the background of other women.

    Always maintain a positive image of your husband. Never scold him, do not humiliate him, do not make scenes in front of strangers. Also, don't gossip about him with your friends. In society, you should always look good, radiate confident calm and pride.

    1. Be a support for your spouse.

    When getting married, a woman should understand that there are ups and downs in life. Any of us can have a personal, creative or financial crisis. If a black streak has come in the life of a husband, it is for the wife to support him with dignity and go through this test with him.

    The ideal wife will not blame her husband for the current crisis situation, but will try to help him get through a difficult moment. She will try to find a way out of the situation with him, support him morally, will not let his faith in himself fade away.

    1. Be a good lover.

    If you want to be the only woman for your spouse, you need to be able to replace all the other girls that he might have. A good wife is always ready to surprise her beloved and does not deny him intimacy. If you are lucky enough to marry a loved one, this does not mean that the goal has been achieved and that you can relax. Remember beautiful lingerie, romantic dinners, and candlelit dates.

    When you find yourself in bed with your husband, imagine that you are with your lover. In an intimate setting, forget that you are bound by common obligations, everyday life, children. Alone, you are casual acquaintances who have only the night ahead.

    1. Maintain the authority of the husband in the eyes of the children.

    Many women sin by pulling the blanket over themselves in the upbringing of the younger generation. The husband is most often busy with work, and the wife - with everyday life. "I am the mistress of the house!" - the woman decides and begins to raise children, relying only on her own opinion and neglecting the considerations of her husband in this regard. The most common mistake is the situation when the father forbade something, and the mother immediately allowed it, thereby undermining the authority of the father in the eyes of the child.

    The task of a woman is to create the correct model of the family in the understanding of children. In addition, by neglecting the opinion of the spouse, the wife shows her disrespect for him. A good mother will maintain the authority of the father in the eyes of the child, never argue with his decision or behave condescendingly towards him.

    1. Create coziness.

    Do you know why men get married? Of course, not only for the sake of procreation. At all times, a strong half of humanity has admired the woman's ability to transform everything she touches into something beautiful. A good wife is able to create comfort even in the most modest apartment and her husband will not linger after work with friends, but will hurry home.

    To do this, you do not need to invest a lot of effort and money, it is enough to keep the house clean, a hot dinner awaits, obedient children and a loving woman! That's the whole secret!

    1. Allow your spouse to show their masculinity.

    Many women behave as if they were forcibly forced to marry, and continue to make all decisions on their own, seek to lead a spouse and subordinate everyone around to their control. This position is fundamentally wrong. Marriage assumes that you are married, that is, "with a husband"! Ponder these words. A good spouse will gladly transfer the leadership position to her chosen one. He will listen to her advice, but at the same time he will feel like a confident man, the head of the family, and not a henpecked one.

    A wise woman who does not want her spouse to turn into a weak-willed, boring and lack of initiative will not take on a "male" role in the family. She will allow her lover to show her masculinity and will try to strengthen his self-confidence.

    1. Always be in a good mood.

    Of course, maintaining a positive attitude throughout your life is not easy enough. There are situations that can unsettle even the most optimistic person. But most time in our life nothing happens, except for everyday things. It is important to always maintain a good mood and not give in to discouragement. Believe me, even in the daily routine there are many pleasant little things. After all, you can just be happy that you have a loving family!

    It is difficult to live life with a person who constantly expresses his discontent, is depressed. No man will be married to such a woman for long. A good spouse remembers this and learns to switch her attention from negative to positive moments, brings joy to her husband's life.

    Wisdom is the main quality of a good wife

    The ideal wife shows feminine wisdom in all life situations. It is based primarily on love and respect for the spouse and all family members.

    Wise woman:

    • knows how to listen;
    • does not argue, does not provoke conflicts;
    • treats the husband's parents with respect;
    • does not fight for leadership in the family;
    • equally kind and considerate to all family members;
    • knows how to convince her husband that she is right with affection and love;
    • does not order, but gives advice;
    • knows when to keep quiet;
    • follows her spouse and is supportive in all situations.

    In the modern world, the ideas of feminism and equality are more popular. Many girls have forgotten about femininity, their destiny inherent in nature. But any position has the right to exist, everyone gets what he strives for.

    A wife who tries to make her marriage harmonious, become wiser and change herself for the better gets in return a happy family, well-bred children and a loving spouse!

    Sveta, Balashikha

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