The baby cries in a dream. Why does a baby cry in a dream? Is it normal? Baby Sleep on Komarovsky

There is a lot of factors causing night crying. What causes tears from the crumbs, how to help him - about this and another will be a question.

Tears of a child are a request for help. They indicate discomfort, pain, inconvenience, which are experiencing a croche.

Just born kid, crying at night for many reasons. What are they and how to help a little man.

  • Newborn children
  • Breast child cries in a dream.
  • Examples:
  • Children older than the year
  • Causes of crying at night in children older than the year
  • Examples:
  • Anxiety and fears
  • Types of fears:
  • What to do if the baby cries in a dream
  • How to improve sleep

Newborn children

These crumbs require constant attention and care. Their crying suggests that the kids are uncomfortable, they should help them.


  • Coliki intestines are accompanied by an incessant crying. The baby presses the legs to the tummy, squeezes the palm, actively behaves. Kingny, he falls asleep, then wakes up, continues to scream;
  • Strong sweating, in the hands of crying becomes stronger. The cause of such a state is overheating. In Karapus, heat exchange is not developed, the body temperature is adjustable through breathing;
  • Chad crying with every minute louder. In his arms, he is looking for mother's chest or a bottle. This condition is called hungry crying;
  • The kid rubs the hands of the ears, eyes, face, sobs hard. Pressing on the gum causes a strengthening of a scream - teeth rubber. At night, pain becomes more sensitive.
  • Intermittent sobbing. Such a crying can be stopped by taking a crumb into hand. It is called questionable;
  • Creek may indicate that the dummy is lost. Having received her, the karapuz calms down, continues to sleep.

Children older than the year

They cry children who stepped over the frontier - one year. They become older, the reasons for causing crying appears more.

Breast child cries in a dream

  1. Intestinal colic. Getting used to mother's milk or to the mixture is gradually. This period is characterized by frequent painful sensations in the tummy, colic appears in the intestine.
  2. Painful feelings. During the night recreation, Chado sleeps, taking a horizontal position. This is the reason for the exacerbation of diseases such as inflammation in the ears, runny nose, cough.
  3. Lack of mom. To the smell of a native person, his breath, warm, the heartbeat kids get used to quickly. The absence of those can cause anxiety in infants.
  4. First teeth. From 5-6 months begin to stuck, the gums are rooting, which causes discomfort from the crumbs, a painful state.
  5. Hunger. Karapuz should eat regularly, but feed it on first demand or in time - parents decide.
  6. Drink. The body of the Chad needs fluid replenishment.
  7. Air in the children's room. The room where the baby sleeps should be ventilated and the temperature is supported - not higher than 20 degrees.

Children's tears are not only bad, there are also positive moments of such a state. The crying baby is well developing. Fifteen minutes of sobs are useful as a prophylactic agent. Tears contain lysozyme, staining along the cheeks, they irrigate the tear - nasal channel, which is good antibacterial therapy.

Causes of crying at night in children older than the year

  1. Food before night rest more norm. Karapuz was pleased with the fact that heavened a fatty delicacy, at night the overcrowded ventricle began to serve "signs". In such a state, the child will often wake up.
  2. No mode is supported. There is a failure in the system children's body, difficulties arise during falling asleep, night sleep.
  3. Gadgets. Abuse of these devices in the evening causes the occurrence of terrible dreams, which make the baby suffer, cry.
  4. Susceptibility. A small quarrel of his parents, causes experiences, crying a baby, not only awake, but also during sleep. Punishment is also one of the reasons for the roar at night.
  5. Dark fear. Can't sleep without a night light.
  6. Activity in the evening provokes over-excitation, which guarantees a turbulent night.


  • The favorite sandwich before rest often becomes the cause of night tears.
  • Playing in a computer or watching a cartoon, the child received information that will make sleep restless.
  • Movement during a night rest can lead to the fact that the baby hit, confused in a blanket, a sheet, revealed. His pain, emotions expresses tears.
  • Anxiety is manifested if Chado has witnessed a quarrel between his parents, he himself was punished. Memories, experiences prevent him from sleeping.
  • Fun (dancing, singing, active games) contributes to the overexcitation of a children's psyche. The crumb is hard to put sleep and calm at night.
  • Violation of night rest mode. If Karapuza put to sleep in different timeHis body will not understand what to do. He will resist, the night will be interrupted.

Anxiety and fears

Anxiety is a sense of constant concern, anxiety.

Fear - the emergence of anxiety caused by an imaginary or actual threat.

Children experiencing these two emotions, restlessly behave in the afternoon. They have a dream, they cry much, sometimes at night, shout. Heartbeat, pulse, child breathing rapidly. Pressure elevated, strong sweating. During such a state, the baby is difficult to wake.

Types of fears:

  1. Visual. Kroch represents non-existent items;
  2. Changeable images. Typically, this state appears during the disease. In a dream, a variety of simple pictures appear;
  3. One scenario. A night vacation Chad is accompanied by the same condition. The baby says, moves, writes;
  4. Emotional. After the emotional shock, the Karapuz is worried about all over again, but in a dream. He cries, shouts.

For children with a sense of fear, the alarm of the house is created by a relaxed atmosphere. Before bedtime, try to give a sufficient amount of attention to the baby. It is advisable to read the freak, talk to him, sing a lullaby, stroke it, hold it for the handle. So he will feel safe, protected.

What to do if the baby cries in a dream

Take the baby on his hands, talking to him. If he does not respond to a voice, look at the diaper, feed the crumb, let the pacifier. Crying continues - check whether the clothes are fine, the bed is well refilled, measuring the temperature. Karapuz still gives an alarm - something bothers him. Most likely, he has a screaming of the tummy, otitis, so on. The diagnosis will be able to put only a pediatrician.

How to improve sleep

  1. Lock the Karapus at the same time, follow the mode. Its organism gets used to sleep itself;
  2. You should immediately determine the place where the child will sleep;
  3. In the evening, let's eat a little;
  4. In the afternoon, the kid leads an active lifestyle, before bedtime - calm;
  5. Room temperature no more than 20 degrees, not less than 18. Check the children's room;
  6. Fresh bed, high-quality diaper;
  7. Daily water treatments, massage or gymnastics;
  8. Observe the mode of daylight, night rest.

Children are often sobs at night. Help the kids will calm their confident voice of parents. Hearing him, they cease to cry, fall asleep. Care for Chad - Calmside at night as a reward.

List of references:

  • Giedd JN, Rapoport JL; Rapoport (September 2010). "STRUCTURAL MRI OF PEDIATRIC BRAIN DEVELOPMENT: What Have We We Learned and Where Are We Going?". Neuron.
  • Poulin-Dubois D, Brooker I, Chow V; Brooker; Chow (2009). "The Developmental Origins of Naïve Psychology In Infancy." Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Advances in Child Development and Behavior.
  • STILES J, JERNIGAN TL; Jernigan (2010). "The Basics of Brain Development". Neurpsychology Review

Boy, 7.5 months, of which the last 1.5 - crying in a dream at night. Soothes either if you throw a little, or if you wake up (and this means not to sleep neither to me, neither at least an hour). And so for several times per night almost every night. What could be the causes of this, can I do something or humbly to do something "and it will pass"?


Most likely reason - increase the tone of the nervous system in connection with increased the need of the body in calcium. Starting from 5-6 months, the child is a very active process of growing bones in general and teeth in particular. Sometimes incoming with food calcium is not enough, and the decrease in its blood level is often manifested allergic reactions and increased nervous excitability. The above is the most logical explanation of the fact why it was good before, and now bad. What to do? Well, by and large, and this will indeed pass. In small ... be sure to serve calcium - 2 tablets per day calcium gluconate or glycelophosphate (crowned and add to food) - 2-3 weeks, then 1 tablet per day 1 month. After 2 weeks of reception to solve the question of pedagogical methods and decide once and forever - who whom. Depending on the decision made or not to give up - let it cry, or humbly suffer.

In the first weeks of life, the crying is almost the only way by which the baby can tell parents about his needs. In most cases, mom is able to understand the cause of tears, but when breast child Crying in a dream, adult family members start seriously worrying and do not understand what to do. No less excitement cause night cries of one year old and older kids. We'll figure it out why children's sleep may be accompanied by crying.

Crying for a newborn baby - almost the only way to inform the family about his needs

Features of sleep newborns

The structure of the newborn sleep differs from "adult". Almost half of the holiday time occupies a "fast sleep" phase (with fast eye movements). This period is accompanied by dreams, as well as:

  • active movement of pupils under closed centuries;
  • the movement of the handles and legs;
  • reproduction of sucking reflex;
  • change of facial expressions (grimacher);
  • different sounds - a newborn cries in a dream, hacking, sobs.

The predominance of the "fast" phase in infancy is due to the intensive growth of the brain and the rapid development of the highest nervous activity. If the crumb is periodically crying at night for a short time of time and not awakened, then this is the option of the norm.

Doctors call this phenomenon of "physiological nightlife" and believe that it helps the child to reset the tension caused by emotions and impressions obtained per day.

Another function of "physiological crying" is "scanning" space. Publishing sounds, the newborn checks whether he is safe, whether his parents will come to the rescue. If the cry remains unrequited, the crumb can wake up and arrange a hysterical.

Crying child It is important to realize my security - he subconsciously checks whether Mom will come to calm and protect it

Under the age of 3-4 months healthy kids There is a reflex moro, which is to automatically raise the handles in response to the action of the stimulus. A sharp movement can wake a child. It is possible to solve the problem with the help of swellery. There is a non-voiced winding technique, which allows not to skip the motorcy and simultaneously provides a full-fledged rest.

How to react to "physiological crying"?

It is not necessary to console a child too actively at the time of "physiological crying". It is enough just to push him something with a gentle voice or stroke. In some cases, after a few seconds, the kids calm themselves. Intensive pointing in hand or in the crib or loud speech may finally wake up a crumb.

The correct reaction to the "sleepy" crying is also an educational burden. The child must learn to complain and take his night loneliness. If you take it on your hands at the slightest signs of anxiety, he will demand the attention of Mom and Pope every night.

Approximately 60-70% of children learn to calm down on their own closer to the year. Nevertheless, mommy must definitely know how to calm the crumb if necessary.

Development crises

In the first year of life, the child passes a huge path of physical and mental Development. Some periods of change are felt particularly sharply, they are called crisis (see also :). They are characterized by a significant increase in the load on the nervous system and may be the cause of crying at night.

It is important to protect the psyche of crumbs from overloads:

  • observe sleep and wake intervals;
  • with the slightest signs of fatigue to give him the opportunity to relax;
  • avoid emotional ovensography.

It should be borne in mind that at 12-14 weeks there is a change in the pattern (structures) of sleep. The transition to the "adult" model leads to a deterioration in its quality or "regression of 4 months." The child can be filled with tears at night, wake up from it and do not calm down long.

During this period, it is worth teaching it to an independent population. One of the ways is to perform actions that crumbling are packed, but do not bring to sleep. It is necessary that the baby is pacified before going to bed, and not excited, then it will be easier for him to immerse themselves in the embrace of Morpheus.

Emotional overexcitation can also be a hindrance to a healthy night Soon a child

Cycles and sleep phases

Changes lead to the appearance of the "superficial sleep" phase, which starts immediately after falling asleep and lasts 5-20 minutes. Then the crumb is immersed in deep sleep. At the time of the transition, the child partially awakens. At first, it provokes crying, then he learns to overcome this period without tears.

In addition, hysterics when changing the phases may be associated with emotional overexcusion or accumulated fatigue. To prevent this, you should lay the baby to sleep on time. If he still woke up and cannot calm down, the next time of wakefulness should be reduced.

The replacement stages (phases) of sleep form a cycle. In an adult, he lasts about 1.5 hours, and little child - 40 minutes. Duration increases as agreed.

The cycles are delimited by short-term awakening that needs a baby to assess the surrounding environment and its condition. The baby is capable of crying if something does not suit him - for example, in the room too hot or he is feeling hunger. You can calm it, satisfying needs. In the future, it is necessary to take care of the elimination of provoking factors in advance.

Emotional overload

In many cases, after 6 months, the child cries in a dream due to emotional ovenslusion. The reasons for this are incorrectly organized day mode and an easy-to-use character. Overtime and irritated kid cannot sleep normally, which increases the voltage of the nervous system. The accumulated "charge" prevents the crumb to rest calmly at night - even plunging into sleep, he often wakes up and crying greatly.

  • do not allow the kid "drove" - \u200b\u200bto start laying a little earlier than he starts to be capricious from fatigue;
  • limit strong emotions, including positive, in the afternoon;
  • minimize the amount of time allotted to watch TV, in the evening it is better to refuse it.

Children over the year can wake up at night in tears because of nightmares or fears. It should be found out the cause of the problem and help the crumb to get rid of it. Corrective techniques can be read on the global network.

A older child can dream of nightmares associated with scraps of day emotions and fears. It is necessary to clarify the situation and try to stabilize it with the help of corrective therapy.

Physical factors

Why does a baby cry in a dream? Children of different ages They can cry and shout under the influence of various external and internal negative factors. The first group includes:

  • incorrect conditions of microclimate in the room - the inconsistency of the temperature, humidity and purity of the air with regulatory indicators;
  • bright light and loud sounds.
  • physiological needs - hunger, thirst;
  • discomfort associated with uncomfortable clothing, wet diapers;
  • various painful states are teething, meteorality.

Microclimate in the room

Hot dry air in the children's room will not give the baby the ability to fully sleep. It will often wake up and cry from irritation and fatigue. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky gives the following tips:

  1. Maintain temperature at 18-22ºС, and humidity is 40-60%. To do this, you need to install controls on batteries and purchase.
  2. Minimize dust content. This will help ventilation, wet cleaning, rejection of dust collectors in the room (books, upholstered furniture, teddy toys, carpets).
  3. Leave the window open all night. It costs it only if it is frost on the street about 15-18 ºС.

Room ventilation is a mandatory effect before going to bed. It is undesirable only when the kid is diagnosed with allergies to pollen of street plants. In such a situation, the split system will help, that is, a device that is equipped with cooling functions, humidification and air purification.

To maintain moisture in the room at the proper level, it is desirable to purchase an air humidifier

Hunger and thirst

If a newborn is experiencing hunger or thirst, first he has a hunkie or other sounds, and then, without receiving the desired, starts to cry. In the first months of life, eat at night - the natural need of crumbs, especially if it feeds on maternal milk. Reduce feeding frequency can be reduced by increasing food intake during the day. It is especially important to ensure that the infants feel tight before bedtime.

Do not throw the baby, exceed the normative amounts of the dairy mixture or increase the frequency of the trapes. For breastfeedingwhich is often carried out on demand, you need to follow how thoroughly the kid sucks milk from one breast. Immediately after applying, the front milk is allocated, in which there are few nutrients. If the crumb receives only it, it is not fought. For children, "artificials", as well as all babies in the heat when crying at night it is worth offering not only food, but also a clock.

An unpleasant feeling of teething is another reason why the child cries in a dream. It is difficult to make themselves the babies, in which at the same time appears not one by one, but 2-4 teeth. Children experience pain and itching in the mouth who interfere with them to eat normally and make shut in a dream.

The period of teething is quite complicated for the baby, since the gums all the time. Because of this, Kroch can sleep badly

The correct sign that the whims are associated with the teething of the teeth - the infants are trying to nibble clothes, toys and so on. It is possible to alleviate its condition with the help of cooled silicone diskette, as well as special painkillers recommended by the doctor.


Weetto-sensitivity is a painful reaction of the body to change the weather conditions. Today, not only adult people suffer from her, but also kids. The risk group includes children who have suffered difficult labor, cesarean section, intrauterine diseases suffering from elevated intracranial pressure. TO bad well-being Crumbs, accompanied by whims and restless sleep, can lead:

  • increased solar activity;
  • strong wind;
  • atmospheric pressure drops;
  • sharp transition from solar weather to cloudy;
  • shni, thunderstorms, snowfall and other natural phenomena.

Doertics cannot accurately name the causes of meteo-dependence. If the child sleeps badly and often shouts when changing the weather, it is worth consulted with a neurologist.

If parents are wondering why the child cries in a dream, then, most likely, this problem is not familiar to them. Many dads and mothers spend sleepless nights do not regret themselves, a baby's bed.

If the child does not fall out, then with time it nervous system Comes in a depleted state. It threatens with many problems: both lag in development and a sharp deterioration of well-being. Consider more detailed what kid can bother?

Since for a full disclosure of the reasons why the child cries in a dream, medical knowledge is required, I helped wrote this article, my friend, a pediatrician higher category, Khmelev Larisa Ivanovna. I express her thanks to her.

Everyone knows that small child Often cries in a dream. This is considered normal, and does not cause concern. After all, through crying, the kid signals about his problems. And they have a little man can also be different. Often, mom and dad just do not know why the baby woke up.

The reasons restless sleep depend on how old the baby is. Conditionally divide the reasons for 2 groups: in children under the year and in children after the year. In any case, parents should know what to do, and how to eliminate the cause of concern. After all, sleep is the most important medicine from all diseases and alarms. Full vacation is vital to both adults and children.

Cause of crying children up to 1 year

Here the main stimulus is physiological discomfort. Often concerned colic in the intestines, unpleasant sensations in the stomach (may be associated with a lure), a crowded diaper, a feeling of hunger, teething. Sometimes too high or low temperature causes an unpleasant feeling from the baby, and he wakes up.


The present reason is quite difficult to learn without a call to the doctor. If the child has improved body temperature, it means that inflammatory process in organism. This may, first of all, express in unpleasant sensations when swallowing, ear pain, strong cough or cold.

  • The liquid that accumulates in the lungs and the nasopharynx, inflammation in the ear (otitis) is caused strong discomfort. When a child is hard to breathe, he wakes up. It is necessary to call a doctor to the house. Following his instructions, urgently take measures: to buy the necessary medicines, to carry out procedures, perhaps to pass some tests.
  • The first thing that Mom should do is bang a nose to a baby to ease your breath, then knock too much high temperature. If the doctor prescribed some medications, then it is necessary to clearly on the recipe and the graphics of giving pills and pills to the child. In no case is not recommended to engage in self-medication, even if you have five children and tremendous experience. Remember that every child is an individuality. The fact that for the rest of the kids is normal, for this may not come up.
  • Do not forget about the respirator if everyone got sick in the house. Make regular wet cleaning, ventilate the room. Limit the chatting of crumbs with the rest of the family. He currently needs only mom. Do not include loud music, noise. Even if the child is not sleeping, try to in the room it is quiet and calm.


The gaziki and discomfort in the belly in the kid can be caused by too high beast of breast milk, an inappropriate mixture for artificial feeding and digestive problems in a particular case.

Of course, if these symptoms are repeated regularly, then you should go with the baby to the pediatrician for consultation. But if rare cases, you can facilitate the child's condition in the following ways:

  1. Stroking the tummy clockwise. Attach a diaper heated to a warm state.
  2. Strictly dosing, it is necessary to give the child to drink or dill water, or tea with Fennelhel. There are also special drops that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Depending on the age, we correctly dose, after reading the instruction.
  3. Hold the baby B. vertical position, tummy to yourself. After some time, the gazika will go away, and the baby calms down. No need to immediately lay it in the crib. Next to the native person, especially in the first months of life, the crumb feels protected.

Where is mom?

Often the crying is caused by the absence of mamine heat. The smell of breast milk, mother's hands - if all this is not, then the baby begins to worry. Especially in the case when after feeding falls asleep near.

Here you need to decide. Or the child constantly sleeps next to his parents and gets used to it, or gradually teach him to the bed. It will take just a few days so that the child is used to sleep in its place. In the case when parents need to be removed, there will be no problems with laying sleep in this case.


Become "funny" night months from four. The period when they climbed the teeth, you just need to trustly survive. Get ready that at this time a day and night can be swapped for some time.

  • To facilitate the sufferings of a crumb, should be purchased a special gel that gave the gums. He is anesthesia, soothes itching and unpleasant feelings.
  • Previously consult with a pediatrician or pharmacist, which personally in your case the drug will be appropriate.


Those parents who apply to the chest of crumb or give mixtures on demand, provide a calmer and permanent day of the day. The kid gets used to such a schedule.

There are parents who decided to feed their child strictly by the hour. In this case, the child can just get drunk until the next feeding. Plastic he gives a signal that he wants to eat. Perhaps in your breast milk There is no longer the fat content that is necessary for the full saturation of the body and feeling a satiety.

Temperature mode

In too much room, it will be hot and uncomfortable even an adult person, and not that a small little man. Therefore, more often ventilate the room.

Try not to dry the clothes in the room where the child is sleeping. Also, do not allow supercooling. The most acceptable temperature is considered +19 - 22 degrees.

Why the baby cries in a dream after the year

Son or daughter grow up and can already tell a lot. But at night, the kid may not even wake up and cry in a dream. The reasons are already deeper: together with physiological there are already emotional. What to do in such situations?


The dinner menu should consist of light and familiar to child products. Last feeding is desirable to implement a few hours before sleep.

  • Try to observe the day of the day. If you have guests, then you can put a baby for 1 hour later, but in no case will not let the situation on samonek. In addition to unnecessary products, overexcitation may come, which will entail a sleepless and alarming night.
  • Do not enter a new dish overnight. It is not known how his children's body will take.

Emotional and physical overexcitation

Children are all different. Especially active fidgets should be prepared to sleep in advance.

  1. If the weather allows, go with a child on fresh air. Talk to him. It will only benefit and set up to a calm way.
  2. Before bedtime, eliminate the TV, tablet, computer and telephone. Read the book, Pourish, play a quiet game. Turn it into the ritual, and, over time, a son or daughter themselves will come to you with a book.

Many negative

  • If the house is permanent swearing, and you are in nervous state - Your child will also feel anxious and anxiety.
  • Try not to scold the baby, but explain and show patience and love.
  • In your power to create in the house that microclimate, which will allow the psyche of the child not to experience emotional loads and stress.
  • If the kid is afraid of darkness, then buy a night lamp with an asterisk or another interesting nightlight model. The fabulous atmosphere and the presence of loved ones will gradually put the sleep of the child.

Something hurts

Another possible reason for crying, there may be pain that prevents the child to sleep peacefully. Parents necessarily need to ask the kid's self-sensitivity. If he tells you that he has a hurt, then you can take the necessary, in this case, actions. Anoint, massage, if the leg or handle has dropped. And with a not a subsicing pain, which, literally, does not allow you to sleep your child, call ambulance. Do not risk the health of your son or daughter and postpone the doctor's doctor before the morning.


I hope that for you the reasons why the child cries in a dream, they became more understandable. Each child in independence from the color of the skin, nationality and race, remains only a child. And we, parents will always be the faithful guards of his health, physical and peace of mind. And finally, for you a few recommendations that will help you better understand the needs of your baby.

  • If on the first months of life, the reason for the night crying is only physiology (the teeth are cut, the feeling of hunger, not the temperature, the wet diaper), then at an older age the reason poor sleep, night hysterical and crying, maybe emotional overexcitation, feeling of fear, resentment and loneliness.
  • Your goal and task is to provide a child not only physically (feeding, dry and clean clothing, warm bed), but also to track emotions and spiritual state of crumbs.
  • If you do not know the reasons, and nothing helps, then do not hesitate to call a doctor. And before his arrival, be near and attach the maximum effort to calm the child or alleviate his pain. Your concern and love is the main medicine, and your responsibility will help in any situation, and many unpleasant will prevent.

Good luck and patience!

Your Tatyana Kemishis

If suddenly calm dream Your baby was replaced by hysterical crying at night (most often, the child is difficult to wake up and in feeling), then parents should pay attention to several possible causes Similar "night" behavior.

And at the same time help your child Survive this period:

  • Know, how to behave parents AT NIGHT
  • Know, what is good to the child Day

If you think this problem is only yours, then deeply mistaken. At the moment, doctors and psychologists state mass appeals on this occasion (but our moms, and even more so, grandmothers suffered with a lot less often).

Of course, you can smear everything for nightmares (and partly it is so it is), however nightmares are not a reason, but already a consequence.

When a child (and adult) gets severe stress or lives in a state of stress (i.e. constant nervous voltage), then the unconscious is trying to respond this state, incl. And in nightmares.

The article is long (several posts), and you, maybe, night is nearing, so I will immediately write, how to react correctly At night crying (hysterics) of your baby. And in the morning, on the fresh head, read and reasons, and daylights.

ATTENTION!When a child begins to cry in a dream (screaming sharply), in no case will not be it to calm down.

You need from you Beside a childandfollow it so that he does not hit if it starts to crawl or move. Many know that if you take the baby in your hands, then the child is angry, breaks out, strifting like a stretched string. Those. His reaction to your calm is the opposite.

Please understand (And try not to be angry and not annoyed - that you only exacerbate the situation): Your child at that moment very disoriented.

Even if it seems to you that he woke up, he is under the action of a nightmare, and your attempts to calm him down - just a continuation of horror that unfolds in his head. He can scream sharply, resist you - and only because it cannot distinguish a dream from reality.

The child's brain (in contrast to the brain of an adult) can not quickly switch immediately after awakening. His time is requiredTo understand: what is happening is unreal, near - mom, and everything is fine.

So, your behavior at night:

  • you are present near
  • guard the child from damage drops
  • try to touch the lullaby quietly (which he usually fell asleep to the baby)
  • or quiet and spectatively read prayer
  • or quietly, gently, gently call the child by name (without changing intonation, while maintaining the same rhythm)
  • or somewhat-to-gently talk: "Mom - Near, we - together, Mom - Near, we are together ..."

IMPORTANT! Each child is unique (and his nightmare - too). Therefore, if you see that your entanglement, prayer, the appeal by name affects the worse (the cry is strengthened), then do it all silently - to yourself. Call and calm the soul of the child, and she will hear you without words. With a person we will deal with the day.

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