What breed is my cat. Longhaired (and semi-longhaired) non-pedigree cats

Cat owners often need to determine the breed of their cat. This usually becomes relevant before mating, participating in competitions, etc. With 100% accuracy, only an expert can determine whether a pet belongs to a particular variety, but some progress in this direction can be done independently at home. To do this, you only need to have certain knowledge.

Pedigree and non-pedigree

Before determining the breed, most often you have to find out whether the cat generally belongs to any breed or is a mongrel. To find out, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the color of the animal atypical, something different from most of the fellows?
  2. How are the ears, limbs, tail developed, are there any non-standard differences?
  3. Is the cat larger or smaller than most of its brethren?
  4. Are there any features in the structure of the coat like small curls, waviness, long hair, etc.
  5. Are there any other features in the appearance of the animal?

If at least one question was answered exactly positively, it should be assumed that the cat is purebred.

Breed identification methods

When buying a kitten or choosing a partner for a domestic cat when mating, you can reliably establish the variety, only by looking at it in the relevant documents from the club to which the animal is assigned (if any). If there are no such documents, then the breed is also absent.

Often unscrupulous breeders knit cats from different breeds among themselves, mate pets with the breed and mongrel cats in order to get offspring with pedigree roots and subsequently pass it off as supposedly elite. In this case, it is impossible to judge by the similarity of standard features of belonging to a particular variety. Belonging to it is determined by the following documents:

  • for kittens - according to a certificate for a litter (when registering in an American club) or according to an individual metric (if the registration was carried out in a European club), as well as according to the pedigrees of the parents;
  • for adult animals - according to the pedigree, which was issued by the club and certified with a wet seal (the phone number and address of the organization and the name of the club leader are required).

In the veterinary passport, information about the breed is entered only at the request of the owner. Because of this, it cannot serve as a reliable means of establishing the breed.

If you find an animal on the street, you should pay attention to the fact that purebred cats are rarely stray. If a street animal has any pedigree characteristics, then it is most likely a mestizo.

The cat on the street should be taken to the veterinarian, and he will need to accurately determine the variety. This is due to the fact that some species are prone to certain diseases, which are always transmitted to purebred offspring. In this case, the procedure is carried out according to external data.

If you have a photo of an animal, you can establish its breed in the following ways:

  1. If you have a digital image and have access to the Internet, you can use the online image search function, which most search engines are equipped with today. If the photo is posted in the personal photo album of the cat owner or on a profile resource, you should contact the owner or site administrator to clarify the information.
  2. Go to a cat exhibition and try to find there an animal that is as similar as possible to what is shown in the picture. For reliability, you can show the photo to judges or kennel owners by arranging a kind of test for them.
  3. Try to find in the photo any signs by which you can distinguish the breed. These may include a curly long coat, curved ears, and the absence of a tail. These characteristics are usually specified in the breed identifier.

It should be noted that the image could have been changed in graphic editors. Also, the animal can be mestizo or obtained from mating of outbred parents. In these cases, it will not be possible to accurately determine the variety.


When answering the question of how to recognize the breed of your cat by size, take into account that most ordinary domestic cats have a body length ranging from 50 to 75 cm.The length of the tail usually does not exceed 30 cm, and the mass is 4-6 kg in cats and 2-4.5 kg in cats. However, sometimes the breed characteristics of animals are manifested in the increased dimensions of their bodies. This feature helps to determine the pet's belonging to the breed.

So, the largest species of animals include:

  • kurilian Bobtail (domestic breed, bred on the Far Eastern islands of Iturup and Kunashir);
  • pixiebob (an artificially bred in the United States variety, whose representatives outwardly resemble a red lynx);
  • van Turkish (one of the most ancient breeds on Earth);
  • american Bobtail (bred on the basis of wild cats in North America);
  • chartreuse (French breed, known in its homeland as "dog-cats");
  • forest Norwegian (the body weight of males of this species can reach 10 kg);
  • british;
  • maine Coon;
  • siberian;
  • ragdoll;
  • savannah.

There are breeds of cats, the mass of which is less than that of most domestic animals. The most common ones are:

  • munchkin (a breed that often participated in crossbreeding when developing new varieties);
  • bambino (the result of crossing Munchkin and Canadian hairless sphinxes, whose weight does not exceed 2.5 kg);
  • boredom (obtained from crossing between munchkins and laperms, have a wavy long coat);
  • singaporean (withdrawn to Singapore, then exported to the USA and Europe);
  • kinkalow (the rarest variety of cats, whose representatives weigh about 1.3 kg);
  • napoleon (the result of crossing Persian cats and Munchkins, weighs about 2.5 kg);
  • lambkin (animals with curly hair, like lambs, weigh about 1.8 kg in adulthood);
  • dwelf (a breed of animals without wool, obtained as a result of crossing munchkins, American curls and Canadian sphinxes, weighs about 3 kg);
  • minskin (small and light cats without hair);
  • skiff-tai-don (the smallest cats in the world, better known under the name "toybob").

External signs

In attempts to recognize the breed, cats take into account that the overwhelming majority of outbred cats have medium in size and appearance in appearance - paws, chest, sacrum, head. However, some breeds are distinguished by atypical ears. These include:

  • ukrainian girl (cats with folded ears, stand out by the complete absence of hair or its small presence);
  • elf cat (animals with patterned large ears, bred in the USA);
  • american Curls (the only cats in the world with curled ears, the degree of bend in which can reach 180 degrees);
  • fold Scottish (cats with deformed ear cartilage, due to which the ears of the animal are folded in half, in some cases it seems that the ears have completely grown to the head);
  • poodlecat (an exotic specially bred cat breed with large saggy ears, which are the main indicator of their beauty).

Most cats have a relatively long and well-defined tail. However, in some animals, a short tail or its complete absence is a sign of belonging to the breed. Breeds with this feature include:

  • kimriki (animals that do not have a tail at all, they still stand out with their shortened front paws and a unique jumping gait);
  • japanese Bobtail (cats whose tail does not exceed 12 cm in length and must be curled);
  • manks (animals of this breed either have a lush long tail, or they do not have any).

Small paws

During the breeding of cats with shortened paws, it was believed that they would have severe mobility disorders. In practice, it turned out that the shortening of the limbs is leveled by the increased flexibility of the spine.

These breeds include:

  • boredom;
  • munchkin;
  • minskin;
  • dwelf;
  • napoleon;
  • munchkin.

Definition by wool

Long-haired cats include:

  • himalayan (Persian type animal with a Siamese color gene);
  • forest Norwegian (these animals, in addition to elongated wool, have pants, backbones and a winter collar);
  • turkish Angora (long-haired cat with white color, bred in Ankara);
  • turkish van (white-haired cat with two spots on the head and left shoulder blade);
  • ragdoll;
  • neva Masquerade;
  • persian;
  • maine Coon;
  • burmese.

Curly wool

The wriggling species are grouped under the name Rex. These long-haired varieties include:

  • la-perm (an animal with a gorgeous curly fur all over its body and on its tail);
  • bohemian rex (an animal bred in Czechoslovakia and having Persian cats among its ancestors);
  • silkirk Rex.

There are also short-haired rex, in particular:

  • devonshire Rex (wool in appearance and quality resembles astrakhan fur, animals are distinguished by increased tactility);
  • american wire-haired (an animal whose whiskers even wriggle);
  • german Rex (a breed originally from East Prussia, has a short coat with plush curls);
  • cornish Rex (American variety, similar in constitution to hounds, and in the quality of wool - to rabbits).

There are breeds that have no wool at all. The varieties of these hairless cats include:

  • don Sphynx (distinguished by baggy skin, large ears and expressive eyes);
  • st. Petersburg Sphynx, aka Peterbald (a breed resulting from the crossing of Sphynxes and Oriental, but outwardly unlike the parents);
  • bambino;
  • canadian Sphynx;
  • ukrainian levkoy.

Identification by color

The following varieties are distinguished by the Siamese coat color:

  • siamese (a variety whose standard is its characteristic coloration and almond-shaped blue eyes);
  • himalayan (distinguished by a light body with darkened paws, ears, muzzle and tail and bright blue eyes);
  • burmese (animals with a point color and “gloves”);
  • snow-shu (cats with a mark on the face that looks like the letter V);
  • balinese;
  • neva Masquerade;
  • ragdoll.

Among the breeds with blue hair, the following are most common:

  • korat (deep blue coat color, the ends of which look silvered, and olive eyes distinguish this variety from the rest);
  • british Shorthair;
  • chartreuse;
  • nibelung;
  • russian blue.

Cats with a sandy coat include:

  • abyssinian (the oldest breed, distinguished by a reddish undercoat and black ticking);
  • somalia.

Some cats stand out for their wild color, which makes them look like cheetahs and tigers. These include:

  • egyptian Mau (spots on this animal cover not only wool, but also skin);
  • bengali;
  • siberian;
  • savannah;
  • kurilian bobtail;
  • serengeti.

Brown is one of the rarest colors in cats. There are not so many breeds with this coat color:

  • havana Brown (originally known as Oriental Chestnut);
  • tiffany-chantilly (they stand out not only for their atypical color, but also for their peculiar character).

Determining the breed of a cat is an easy and short procedure. Knowing how to understand the breed of a cat, you can be calm for your pet and prepare him for exhibitions and competitions.

The choice of breed is a difficult question for the future owner.

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to understand so many cat breeds. From 40 to 90 breeds are recognized by different felinological clubs.

We have compiled a guide to choosing a cat breed to help future owners. The breeds are classified according to the characteristics of the character, care and lifestyle of the owner of the cat.

Difficulty in care

Every cat needs grooming, but some breeds require more or less attention. Difficulty in content can be both depressing and pleasing - consider your desires and capabilities.

Low maintenance cats

If you don't want to spend your evenings brushing your coat or pondering your pet's menu, consider the following breeds:

This is an abbreviated list, but the easiest cats to care for are short-haired cats without quirks in appearance.

Long-haired cats often shed and require careful grooming, while hairless cats get cold and sweat. Pets with short hair are an excellent choice for a busy owner.

Difficult breeds to keep

Are you a passionate cat lover and are ready to devote a considerable amount of time to caring for your pet? Then take a look at these breeds:

Sphynxes are freezing cats that want constant warmth and care. The Persian cat is complex with its record length of hair, which constantly gets tangled in mats. In addition, the Persians have a flat face, which can often cause them pain.

It is not easy to care for cats with unusual ears: Scottish Fold or American Curls. Also, all long-haired breeds can be considered as cats with difficult care.

The nature

The breed of a cat does not guarantee that the pet will have the desired character traits. However, cases of "undesirable" character in pedigree cats are an exception to the rule.

Sociable and talkative

Communicating with your cat is a pleasant experience that talkative pets will happily share with the owner. If you want to discuss the weather with your cat every day, the following breeds are suitable:

Sociable breeds of cats do not like the soul in philosophical conversations with the owner. Do not choose this breed if you value the silence in your home.

Silent cats

Meowing can also irritate the owner of the cat. If you prefer not to hear unnecessary sounds, choose from these breeds:

Silent cats don't bother you and you keep your home calm. Representatives of these breeds will meow only on important occasions.

Active and energetic

It is interesting to watch active cats: today the pet wanted to explore the closet, and tomorrow it will become an astronaut! These cats love activity:

The owners of energetic cat breeds will have to constantly think about what to do with their pet. But it's worth it! They will be happy to solve your puzzles and wait for the next ones.

Sloth cats

There are cats who do not like to run around the master's shelves. After all, you can eat well, and then sleep well! The following breeds are true sloths:

Lazy cat breeds are a good choice for phlegmatic people. Slothful cats are so inconspicuous that only a regularly empty bowl hints at the existence of a cat in the house.

Affectionate and kind

People get cats to pet and love! Affectionate breeds come to hug and kiss themselves, so they are suitable for loving owners:

Such breeds are reluctant to get off the owner: they do not like to part with their beloved friend! Choose an affectionate cat breed if you're willing to give it enough attention.

Smart cat breeds

It is interesting to communicate with intelligent pets: they understand speech, easily learn commands and become a real friend. Smart cat breeds include:

These cats lend themselves to training: they learn to carry a ball, perform actions, dance and walk on a leash. Cats with high intelligence are the choice of people who don't want to have a dog.

According to your lifestyle

Home furnishings and life principles of the owner are an important aspect when choosing a cat breed. Not all breeds will be comfortable in every family.

For busy people

If the owner is rarely at home, he needs a cat that does not require a lot of companionship and care. Such a pet should be self-sufficient.

Look at the following cat breeds if you consider yourself a workaholic:

Such cats will happily greet the owner from work, but will not bother him if he is not in the mood. These pets do not require complicated care and will always find something to do on their own.

For children

If a child asks to buy a kitten, choose from good breeds of cats. The pet must be patient, so as not to get angry with pranks. Breeds that will enjoy children's play:

For children, you should not choose wayward cats and pets who prefer a quiet rest. Incompatibility of interests leads to feline and childhood injuries.

For lonely people

People living alone often lack communication. Such a person should choose a cat with an affectionate character. Loyal cats will gladly brighten the evenings with their purrs:

These cat breeds are attached to people and love attention. Such cats will create comfort in your home and will bring you extremely positive emotions.

For a private house

A person who lives in his own house needs a hunter cat. The pet should be able to exterminate rodents and walk in the yard on its own. If your home needs a rat catcher, take a look at the following breeds:

Born rat-catchers will always stand guard over the owner's house. For catching rats it is better to choose a cat, not a cat: they show the best hunting qualities.

For a family that already has pets

One pet in the house is not enough - there is enough love for everyone! Choose from friendly cat breeds to keep your old and new pet communicating well.

If in dogs the breed can be seen at first sight, then some purebred cats are recognized only by insignificant signs. Therefore, a kitten who was taken from the street can easily turn out to be "noble blood". But it makes no sense to determine the breed of a kitten, because with age, its color can change radically. Therefore, the question of how to determine the breed of a cat remains open.

The animal is fully formed at the age of one year. Then it's time to figure out how to determine the breed of a cat. It will be difficult for someone who is not too familiar with cats and does not consider himself a professional breeder to determine the breed of a pet. However, this can still be done after analyzing all external signs and his behavior. But is this necessary, if the cat is already devoted and beloved?

Most often, cats that are somewhat different from mongrels are simply similar to their privileged brethren. And the owners, who received a pet without documents, rejoice at its interesting color or unusual shape of the ears, without bothering with the definition of the breed. But it's still worth establishing the origin, and here's why:

A pet, whose owner managed to establish its high origin, does not receive any regalia and cannot participate in exhibitions. After all, he has neither documents nor titled parents. But in some cases, exceptions are possible.

Is it possible to return the status to an aristocrat without documents?

Without a pedigree issued by an international club, even the most purebred cat is just a copy of the titled animal. But if the cat, picked up on the street, seems to the owner noble in its color or body shape, there is an opportunity to earn status. The algorithm will be like this:

A pet officially recognized as a thoroughbred is allowed to participate in exhibitions, can win prizes there and receive titles. Cats give birth to pedigree offspring, which will already have their own pedigree.

How to find out the cat breed: classification

Phenological clubs are responsible for assigning a breed to cats. Each breed is documented with certificates and meets the basic standards.

The first priority in determining the breed is the appearance of the pet. Many factors are assessed, including body type, color, shape of ears and paws. It is the combination of these factors that affects. So, Russian blue and British cats have a similar color, but a different exterior: the former are more refined, with an elongated body, and the latter are strong and massive.

Now in the world there are about 60 breeds and 200 varieties of cats. It is almost impossible to accurately count their number, even despite the distinct gradation of features. The generally accepted classification divides all cats into 5 groups.

Table 1. Classification of cat breeds

DescriptionRepresentatives of the breed
SlenderGraceful physique;
elongated torso
AverageSmall bodyBurmese;
Blue russian
StrongVery large bodyEuropean;
Long coat, wavy or straight;
average build
Norwegian forest,


With mutations or abnormalities
Small paws;
Crooked ears;
Lack of hair.
And other possible deformations and mismatches with breed characteristics
American curl

If, after long examinations and manipulations, it was not possible to find out the breed, you should contact a veterinarian, professional breeders, or talk to cat lovers on narrowly focused forums. In any case, you should know exactly the breed of your pet.

Pedigree vs non-pedigree: distinguishing on test questions

Sometimes it is not enough to look at a photo to find out whether a purebred cat or not. It is required to carefully study the pet and find answers to questions that will allow you to think about the true nature of the pet.

So, consider a pet and ask yourself:

  1. Does the size of the cat differ upward or downward from the rest of its furry brethren?
  2. Does the pet's color look unusual or is it somehow different from the color of ordinary cats?
  3. Are there any differences in the structure of the hairline - waves, small curls, too long hair or other features?
  4. How are the limbs, ears, tail developed? Are there any differences?
  5. Are there any other details in appearance that distinguish your pet from the neighbor's mongrel cat?

Sometimes the breed of cats lies "on the surface", sometimes it does not have pronounced identifying details

If you answered “yes” to at least 1 question, then your cat is special. In order to pinpoint its noble breed, it is necessary to delve into the details. So let's get started.

What is the difference between purebred and purebred cats?

Basically, all domesticated felines are the same in appearance. Signs that allow you to identify an ordinary cute cat:

  • round head and elongated body;
  • sacrum and rib cage not too wide;
  • long graceful paws with sharp claws;
  • sticking up sharp ears;
  • correctly set eyes;
  • a long, energetic tail, which they waggle every now and then.

But pedigree cats are something special. Their appearance can be mesmerizing, surprising and even frightening. So, consider the bright representatives of noble bloods and find out how they differ from outbred animals.


Let's get acquainted with the breeds, the calling card of which is extraordinary ears, by the shape of which you can accurately identify the cat.

  1. Scottish fold cat. The ear of the breed is very unusual: sometimes it seems that the pet has no ears at all. Due to the mutated cartilage, the auricle is almost folded in half. The bend can be barely noticeable or completely press the shell against the head;

  2. American Curl. In cats of this breed, the ear is completely bent back: it can bend 180 degrees;

  3. Elf Kat. The deformed auricle looks like it is covered with patterns. At the same time, the ears are very large, and their bend resembles devil's horns;

  4. Ukrainian levkoy. The ears of such creatures are drooping, curved forward. It seems that someone has broken the ear cartilage in half;

  5. Poodlecat. An artificially bred variety that is considered exotic. The ears can stick up or be hanging, like Levkoy. Breeders say that the larger the ears, the more beautiful the cat.

Little or missing tail

In domestic dogs, the tails are docked on purpose in order to fit the animal to breed standards or to make the appearance more attractive. Some cats have short tails or none at all. This flaw indicates the noble origin of the pet.

  1. Manx. The representatives of the breed do not have a tail at all, some cats have a small process instead of it;

  2. Kimrick. Fluffy beasts completely devoid of tails. Their paws are short, which is why the gait is a little jumping;

  3. Kurilian bobtail. This breed combines the blood of the Japanese Bobtail and the Siberian. It is distinguished from ordinary cats by a short tail: less than 10 cm;

  4. American bobtail. The tail is slightly longer than that of the Kuril, but not more than 10 cm. It can reach the place where the hind legs grow;

  5. Japanese bobtail. A classic among short-tailed breeds. According to the standard, the tail should not be longer than 11 cm, and upward curling is a mandatory criterion;

  6. Pixiebob. A true domestic lynx with a short tail. It can be completely invisible - about 2 cm, and it can reach 14 cm in length.

Small paws

Exceptionally all breeds of cats with short legs are artificially bred. Veterinarians began to sound the alarm when breeders began to breed these breeds: they thought that because of this structure of the paws, cats would have problems with the spine or mobility.

But these suspicions were not confirmed, and short-legged pets actively participate in exhibitions on an equal basis with others. These are the breeds:

  1. Munchkin. The representatives are also called the dachshund cat because of the elongated body and very short legs;

  2. Bambino. At first glance, a frightening breed with large ears, short legs and no hair at all. But if you watch the representatives of the breed, you can get used to these unusual features and fall in love with them;

  3. Dwelf. Another unusual breed that does not have hair. Their paws are no more than 7-8 cm long;

  4. Boredom. Curly representatives of the breed have long hair, a voluminous collar and short limbs;

  5. Napoleon. Majestic and very fluffy individuals that are not spoiled by their short legs. They give them a cute look and playfulness;

All these breeds are considered dwarf because of the miniature paws of their owners. If you notice that your pet does not increase in height with age, compare it with short-legged noble bloods.

The size

A standard cat is small: as a rule, without taking into account the tail, their length reaches 50-75 cm. We add a tail - about 30 cm. The weight does not exceed 4-6 kg in males and 2.5-4.5 kg in females. However, some breeds do not fit into these sizes at all: they are either too large or too small.

Important! It is quite difficult to determine the breed of a pet by its size, but you can try.

Miniature cats

  • kinkalow - a very rare cat weighing up to 1.3 kg, charming and fluffy;
  • lambkin - weigh about 1.8 kg, have thick hair with curls; for this they were nicknamed feline "lambs";
  • singaporean - short-haired representatives with large ears and huge eyes;
  • scythian-tai-don is the smallest representative of felines in the whole world.

Giant cats

There are about 10 cat breeds in the world, representatives of which exceed the generally accepted weight of 6 kg. Some feline giants can weigh 15-20 kg. If you find it difficult to pick up your cat, it may be one of the following breeds:

  1. Chartreuse. The cats of this breed have developed muscles and a noble gray-blue color. Weight reaches 7-8 kg;

  2. Turkish Van cat. Massive and sturdy animals with fluffy tails. Weigh up to 9-10 kg;

  3. Norwegian forest cat. Fluffy and large, males reach a mass of 10 kg. They have a piercing look and interesting colors;

  4. British cat. Hardy and strong cats with a noble color. Can reach a weight of 12 to 18 kg;

  5. Maine Coon. Fluffy giants with pussies on the tips of their ears, the weight of cats can reach 16 kg;

  6. Ragdoll. A cat with fluffy hair, which with all its charming appearance can reach a weight of 9-10 kg.

Features of wool

Some cats can compete in the length of their hair with girls with long braids who have grown their hair for years. So, the Colonel cat, who became known to the world thanks to his irritated muzzle from memes in social networks, has the longest hair among males - 23 cm. The record holder among females is the beautiful Sophie with a hair of about 26 cm.

Very long coat

  • burmese cat;
  • ragdoll;
  • turkish van;
  • himalayan cat;
  • napoleon;
  • norwegian forestry;
  • turkish Angora;
  • persian cats;
  • maine Coons.

Long curly hair

Wavy hair, sometimes reminiscent of real curls, is mainly possessed by Rex. It can be long or short. Long-haired owners:

  1. Selkirk Rex. Fluffy cats with long tails and curled hair. There are also short-haired representatives;

  2. Bohemian rex. The ancestors of the breed are the Persians. But, in contrast to them, the Bohemian Rex can boast not only long, but also curled hair;

  3. La perm. One gets the impression that this curly beauty curls her coat every morning.

Short curly coat

  1. Hermann Rex (German Rex). From a distance, it seems that someone has cut unusual patterns on the fur of these cats. But, looking closer, you can see "plush" curls;

  2. Cornish Rex. An American breed that resembles a hound in physique. The breed has large, pointed ears and wavy hair;

  3. Devonshire Rex. The breed has many fans who claim that the coat of cats is very pleasant to the touch. In appearance, it resembles an astrakhan covering;

    Homeland Devonshire Rex - England

  4. American Wirehaired. Lovely and affectionate cats with a stern look. Some even have a curly mustache.

Hairless cats

Contrary to popular belief, not only sphinxes can be bald cats. Sphynxes, of course, cannot be done without, but other breeds lurked among several species:

  1. Bambino. The already familiar breed, whose representatives have short legs;
  2. Ukrainian levkoy. Looking at the strange representatives of this breed, you reluctantly begin to remember films about aliens;
  3. Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx). In some representatives, you can clearly see the human features on the muzzle. They are completely unlike anyone else, they have a long graceful body, large ears and thin paws;

  4. Don Sphynx. Cats with baggy skin and expressive eyes;

  5. Canadian Sphynx. Their penetrating gaze looks into the very soul.

  6. Color: multicolored or solid

    The most common are cats with one or two colors. As a rule, they are all mongrels. So, you can recognize them by the following wool colors:

  • the black;
  • reddish brown or ginger;
  • gray;
  • chocolate;
  • cream;
  • white.

Cats with one / two / three not too bright shades in their coat color are most often mongrel, if there are no other distinguishing details. In pedigree cats, wool can have not only an unusual color, but also various shades, specks, stripes and patterns.

Siamese color

A fairly well-known color with two prevailing tones - light and dark. So, the first group of Siamese-colored pets may have black paws, tail and muzzle, and the body is white. And, on the contrary, the second group is light limbs and a muzzle, and the body is dark in color.

This color is possessed by:

  1. Balinese cat. Almost albino: there is an acromelanic color in the shades of her coat, which is considered partial albinism;

  2. Himalayan cat. Long hair, blue eyes, light body, dark socks and muzzle are the main features of the breed;

  3. Burmese cat. It has a point color, which is distinguished by light “gloves” on the paws;

  4. Neva Masquerade. A very large breed with a long fluffy tail. Only Maine Coons or Norwegian forest cats surpass such a cat in size;

    The name "masquerade" stuck to this cat because of the characteristic darkening in the muzzle

  5. Siamese cat. A famous subspecies, the most noticeable feature of which is the expressive sky-blue oval eyes;

  6. Snow shu. The name literally translates as “snow boots”, and for good reason. On the paws of the cats there are perceptible snow-white "socks", and on the muzzle there is a mark in the shape of a bird.

Blue cats

Silver or deep gray-blue shades most often speak of the owner's noble breed. There are no spots or impurities of a different color on the coat of representatives. This color is typical for 6 breeds:

  1. Chartreuse. They are often confused with British cats, but Chartreuse have their own distinctive feature: a gray nose and blue fingertips;
  2. Korat. They have amazing bog-colored eyes - this is their main distinguishing feature;

  3. British Shorthair. British adults see the world with bright orange eyes;

  4. Nibelungen. They have large green eyes and a special coat that is not prone to mats;

    The peculiarity of the representatives of the breed lies in their gait - the Nibelungs walk on tiptoe

  5. Scottish cats. Similar to the British, but the head is more rounded;

  6. Russian blue. They are similar to the rest of the blue species, but they have a special feature - they try to never release their claws when communicating with people.

Complex color

Rarely, but still you can find pets with a tortoiseshell or other unusual color. The coat of representatives of such a rare color can have a variety of shades, sometimes one individual can boast several tones at once with fuzzy borders.

One of these unusual colors is tabby. These are two contrasting tones that intertwine and create an extraordinary pattern on the cat's body.

Important! Cats with complex colors are very popular with breeders. As a result of crossing, you can get offspring with a very rare coat color.

Sand / cream colors

Cats with such shades are extremely rare. There are only 2 breeds, which are characterized by this color:

Animal colors

The leopard-colored cats are a true miniature copy of their wild relatives. Some cats with this color are impressive in size, so from afar they can be mistaken for cubs of a leopard. This group includes 7 breeds:

  1. Kurilian bobtail. In all its appearance and habits it is similar to a small a lynx. The main feature is a small tail bent up;
  2. Bengal cat. Real indoor leopards who are passionate about water treatments;

  3. Savannah. The representative of the breed has the appearance of a wild cat, under which an almost canine soul is hidden. Pets are incredibly intelligent and learn almost as easily as dogs;

  4. Siberian cat. Individuals with long thick hair. There are two undercoats in its structure, which have amazing water resistance;

  5. Maine Coon. Good-natured and intelligent pets that take lessons and commands well. They look like medium-sized lynxes, given the impressive size and tassels on the ears;
  6. Egyptian Mau. The main difference from other breeds is leopard spots not only on the fur, but also on the skin;

  7. Serengeti. Spotted animals with long graceful legs.

    Serengeti is a very rare breed, at the moment there are only a few hundred of its representatives

Chocolate shade

Felines of chocolate color are very rare, so a breeder who managed to breed a purebred brown cat is a real lucky one. There are only two breeds in this category:

By the color of the pet, you can approximately find out its relationship to one of the groups. However, for those who do not consider themselves specialists, it will be quite difficult to determine the breed. The slightest signs characteristic of each breed can only be seen by a specialist.

Pet temperament

The nature of the pet can roughly tell the owner what breed the cat belongs to. So, wayward Siamese cats are prone to any adventures and can join any fight. On the contrary, their fellow ragdolls would choose to appear on a cozy sofa.

Eyes: color, shape, setting

Take a closer look at the eyes of your pet: perhaps they will be the decisive sign in identifying the breed. For example, the breed awarded all purebred Britons with a light brown eye color. Turkish Angora eyes are often of different colors: for example, one is blue and the other is light brown. Siamese cats look at the world with slightly slanted eyes.

Exhibitions: how to get there and why?

Purebred cats and cats of noble breeds get the right to participate in exhibitions. They gather at these events for various reasons: someone, together with their pets, wins prestigious titles, someone just wants to communicate with passionate cat lovers, and someone wants to find a thoroughbred pet.

The most popular international organization of cat lovers is World Cat Federstion (WCF). It includes 540 clubs from all over the world. WCF holds an average of 300 cat shows annually, one third of them are in Russia.

What do you need to get to a cat show?

Anyone can come to the cat show, and you can only take part with a pet that is already 3 months old. In order for a pet to be included in the list of participants, you need to prepare documents:

Important! The organizers of the exhibition may require additional documents, so for each exhibition the set of papers should be specified in advance.

20 most common cats in the world

Every year, the Cat Fanciers' Assosiation (CFA) ranks the most purchased cat breeds. It is based on the volume of official registrations of purebred cats. So, according to the latest data, more than 2 million individuals are registered in the CFA, belonging to 42 breeds recognized by the corporation.

Table 2. The most popular purebred cats according to CFA


The breed was created in the 1960s after crossing the Persian cat with the American ShorthairWide stocky body, large paws. The coat is velvety and thick. Cats are calm and affectionate

The breed originated in Persia, which is now called Iran. In the 17th century, she was brought from there to Italy. In 2012-2013, she confidently took 1st place in the ratings, but later lost groundDense body, short and thick legs. Round massive head, wide snub nose. The coat is silky and thick

The progenitors of modern Maine Coons lived on farms in Northeast America. The name comes from the state of Maine, where they were distributed. Local farmers associated them with raccoons because of their dark striped color, so they added an additional part of the name - "coon" (literally "raccoon")A giant cat with large eyes, a fluffy tail and long hair

The ancestors of Ragdolls originated in California from a mixture of Burmese and Angora cats.

The name comes from the peculiarity of this breed: cats completely relax in their arms and allow you to do whatever you want with them

Large cats with long hair and a lush tail, round blue eyes

The first purebred British bred in Great Britain in the 19th centuryMassive cats with a sturdy body, small paws and "plush" fur. The eyes are large, protruding

Appeared in North America thanks to the first immigrants from Europe who brought cats on shipsStrong slender body, coarse thick hairs. Round head, eyes wide open. They are independent and active cats.

The first representative of the fold was discovered in Scotland in 1960. It was a mutated English Shorthair catThe main feature is a gene mutation, which is expressed in "broken" cartilage in the ears

The oldest breed that began its journey from Ethiopia. According to legends, cats of this type were worshiped in ancient Egypt. Some breeders suspect that the blood of wild jungle cats may flow in the veins of the Abyssinians.Refined elongated body, dense undercoat, triangular head with deep oval eyes. Hair of an unusual color with ticking

Documentary recognition befell the Sphinxes in 1966 in Canada. However, some historians claim that representatives of the breed were popular even during the reign of the pharaohs in Egypt and the Mexican Incas.Medium-sized heavy trunk, triangular head. Highly visible cheekbones and mustache pads, deep-set eyes

They were brought to Europe along with the Siamese at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of oriental cats lived in Thailand. The breed was finally recognized in the 70s simultaneously in the states and in EnglandElongated, strong body with a long pointed tail. Small paws, wedge-shaped head. The color is similar to "Siamese", but without a clear color-point pattern

A cat of this breed was first noticed in the UK in 1960. One of the local residents managed to tame a wild pregnant cat that gave birth to adorable wavy kittensA fragile but muscular body with curly silky hairs, huge ears. Wide head with a thin graceful neck

For the first time Siamese cats appeared in Siam (modern Thailand). From there they were brought to Europe by the English consul, where they were bred for about 200 years.Flexible, lean body, the front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs. Characteristic "Siamese" color, bright blue eyes, large ears

The breed was developed in Great Britain in 1950. Later, unusual kittens were crossed with Burmese and British, after which the breed was officially recognizedA small cat with a refined body, a curved back, large ears. Main feature - long wavy coat

The breed was bred in Norway. The ancestors of modern Norse cats served as assistants on Viking drakkarsMassive body with long, waterproof hairs, triangular head with flat nose. Tassels flaunt on wide-set ears, and a voluminous collar on the neck

The breed was developed in France in the 20s of the last century. In Burma (Myanmar), they were sure that the souls of dead monks live in these cats, and they kept them in Buddhist monasteriesHas a light long coat, a point color typical for Siamese cats and light "socks" on the tips of the paws. There are dark markings on the muzzle, joints and tail. Burma has large limbs and a massive body. Calm temperaments, they are quick-witted and prone to learning

The breed began its development since the days of the Old Church Slavonic. Outside Russia, they learned about her in 1893, when one of the cat fans took several adorable kittens from ArkhangelskThis is one of the most expensive cats in the world. Has a short bluish coat that shimmers with an amazing silvery shade

Bred in Vietnam. The breed was the result of crossing Siamese and Burmese catsThe muscles are well developed, the slender body, slanting expressive eyes that change their color. High cheekbones and regular muzzle

Was born in Siberia in 1988. She is considered the pride of Russian felinologyMedium massive body with thick waterproof coat, strong paws. Large rounded eyes

The first chocolate-colored cat was brought to the states from Rangoon in 1930. There she was crossed with a Siamese cat. From this union went two branches of Burmese - American (heavier) and British (graceful)Short, silky hair, small body. The cats are muscular and strong. They have large, wide-set eyes.

The first cats of this breed became known in 1964 in the USA, and only reached Europe by the 1990s.They have an animal color, but are considered completely domestic. They can be small or large in size, lean body, with extended legs. Short, dense coat with spots

How to properly care for a purebred cat?

Any pet, be it a purebred or noble blood, needs decent care. For all breeds, the following procedures will be relevant:

Clipping and brushing

We cut the claws. You need to trim the nails using a veterinary nail clipper. The most important thing is not to damage the living part of the nail. The vessels on the transparent claw are easily visible. It is necessary to step back 2-3 mm from them and cut off the point.

The animal will pull out, so the procedure must be carried out with an assistant. Long-haired cats need to be brushed twice a day, and medium-haired cats every 3-4 days. Comb out the voluminous wool with a slicker, and comb it with a simple comb.


The list of regular hygiene procedures for cats includes:


Pedigree cats have a wide variety of coats. Long-haired, short-haired, hairless - this is not the whole list of nuances that should be taken into account when caring for the coat of your "aristocrat". Different breeds have different hair structures, so each of them needs an individual approach. Basic tips for pet hair care are presented below.


If the owner did not find any visible signs of "pedigree", but the suspicion that "blue blood" flows through the veins of the cat does not pass, it is worth contacting professional breeders. Only they will be able to calculate the breed by the slightest signs. And even if your pet is not British, Maine Coon kitten or charming Norwegian, you should not be upset. After all, he remains a beloved and affectionate member of the family even without titles.

Video - The rarest cat breeds

A purchase from a nursery specializing in a particular breed and the presence of a pedigree metric guarantees that you are purchasing a purebred animal. As a rule, such kittens are taken to continue breeding or to participate in prestigious exhibitions. But if the cat was presented or taken "from the hands", then it is difficult to determine the belonging of the animal without documents on the pedigree. You can try to "investigate" yourself - to compare the characteristics of the pet with the standards of existing breeds.

What is breed

Breeding cats of a certain breed is the result of natural or artificial selection. In the first case, a change in the characteristics of cats living in certain conditions is associated with their adaptation to the climate and lifestyle. Such animals are called aboriginal. These include Siberian cats, Norwegian forest cats, Maine Coons, Kurilian bobtails.

In the case of artificial selection, a person specifically selects a cat with an unusual mutation (for example, short paws, a flat muzzle, etc.) and crosses it with an animal of the same species with the same characteristics. As a result, a certain trait is fixed and even progresses in the offspring.

The official organizations do not have unanimity on the issue of breeds: CFA recognizes 42 varieties of cats, GCCF -38, WCF - 45, and CFF - 32 (but this is not counting experimental breeds)

Breeding is a practical and / or decorative purpose. In the first case, a person seeks to improve the characteristics of the animal (for example, to achieve a more muscular body, which provides the cat with more strength, jumping ability, etc.). Decorative purposes sometimes conflict with the needs of the animal and even interfere with it (for example, breeds with a complete lack of hair are not viable in outdoor conditions).

For a cat breed to be recognized, it must be registered with an official organization - WCF, WCC, TICA, FIFe, CFA and / or CFF. This process is long, since experts need to make sure that the mutation is fixed, and for this they study representatives of 7-10 or more generations (that is, more than 50 individuals claiming to be classified as a new breed). This takes from a couple of years to several decades.

The Karaket is an example of how long it takes to register new breeds: the first kitten was born in 1998, but TICA only recognized the breed as experimental in 2005

What are the advantages of buying a purebred cat

Information about breed standards is useful when buying a pet - they protect you from fraud, because rare animals are much more expensive than common and even more outbred animals. But why would you need to purchase a "purebred" cat? Compliance with all standards and the presence of a pedigree confirming the pedigree of the parents "opens the door" to prestigious clubs and exhibitions. Participation in them increases the status of the pet, so the kittens that appear as a result of mating with him will cost a lot of money.

Breeding cats allows owners to make a profit, since purebred kittens of rare breeds cost a lot of money

If a cat only possesses the features of a certain breed, he does not have a pedigree (at least the first generation), then he is considered a purebred, but “phenotypically similar” to a Siamese, Persian or other animal. He is not allowed to breed purebred kittens.

Another advantage of knowing the exact breed of the kitten being purchased is the maximum information about its habits. When you start a mongrel animal, you buy a "pig in a poke" - only time will tell what its temperament will be, the peculiarities of communication with owners, children, and other animals. A long-term study of the representatives of one group made it possible to compose a "portrait" of animals - starting with their preferences, activity, friendliness and ending with a predisposition to diseases. Of course, all these characteristics are fairly average (after all, character also depends on upbringing, and health - on conditions of detention), but in general terms, the description always coincides.

Benefits of mongrel cats

Outbred and street animals are not the same thing. The first category includes any cats that do not meet the standards. The origin of the kitten's parents may either be unknown, or his mom and dad belong to different breeds, the crossing of which is prohibited by standards (that is, as a result of mating, mestizo offspring are obtained).

The advantage of outbred animals is their better health. The fact is that when a new breed is developed, crossing is at first carried out among relatives - this often leads to genetic defects. In addition, traits that interfere with the normal life of the animal can be artificially fixed (for example, too short paws provoke pathologies of the spine and joints).

Separation of breeds by coat length

In the classification of the World Cat Federation, four categories of breeds are distinguished:

  • long-haired;
  • semi-long-haired;
  • shorthaired;
  • bald (hairless).

The length of the coat is a strict criterion, its non-compliance is a direct reason for rejection (that is, refusal to obtain a document of conformity for the breed).


Long-haired (or fluffy) are the smallest group of breeds. According to the FIFe classification, only Himalayas and Persian cats belong to them. The main characteristic is thick hair (the densest on the neck, belly, tail). The animal's fur coat is very soft to the touch (“wadded”).

Photo gallery: breeds of long-haired cats

Long and soft coat makes the Himalayas look like clouds The muzzle and nose of the Himalayas are short, but they are never "flattened" like those of Persian cats Persians always have long, fluffy wool that quickly rolls into lumps. A characteristic feature of the Persian cat is the nose, which is almost on the same level with the eyes.


Semi-long-haired cats have thick hair, but not as soft as long-haired ones, so they are easier to care for. There are many different breeds in the category, differing in size, paw, muzzle, color and habits.

Photo gallery: breeds of semi-longhaired cats

American curls can be recognized by their long hair, dense build and curled ears. The color of the Balinese is similar to the Siamese cat, but has a thicker coat (especially in the tail area) The British have wide-set, expressive eyes, a round muzzle and neat ears. Small size, thick coat and a shortened tail, bent into a spiral - features of the Karelian Bobtail Kurilian Bobtail is a powerful cat with strong legs and a funny short tail La Perm kittens may have a regular straight coat, but adult animals are always curly Munchkins are cute creatures with short legs and curved C-shaped ears Maine Coons are large cats with serious muzzles (powerful cheeks, long nose and ears give them expressiveness) It differs from Siberian Neva Masquerade cats by softer coat, chubby cheeks and less heaviness. The name of the Nibelungen breed is translated as "child of the fog", which is associated with a rich solid gray color The Norwegian Forest Cat is a real giant with a large body, long legs and an elongated muzzle You can recognize a pixie bob by his sideburns, a strong broad-breasted body and a short tail. Ragdoll is a large cat with long legs and soft hair Siberian cat has a long and thick, but not too soft coat All tiffanis must have a silky blue coat. Turkish Angora cats often have different colored eyes A distinctive feature of the Turkish Van is a snow-white color with symmetrical red or reddish-black spots on the head Highland folds have small auricles tightly pressed to the head A prerequisite for the sacred Burma is white "stockings" on the tips of the paws Cimriks have either no tail or a very short tail


Short-haired cats are cats with wool, the length of which does not exceed 0.5 cm. It can be both hard and soft. Such animals are unpretentious in care. The absence of a warm coat provides animals with an increased metabolism, so cats are more mobile and playful than their fluffy counterparts.

Some breeds of cats from the category of semi-long-haired can be found in the group of animals with short hair. This is due to the fact that they have all the same standards, except for the length of the coat, so the Federation of Cats classifies them as one breed, but immediately classifies them into two groups - both semi-long-haired and short-haired.

Photo gallery: breeds of shorthaired cats

Distinctive features of all Abyssinians - long legs, muscular body and brown color Australian Mist comes in chocolate, lilac or cinnamon color, but ticking is the main condition American wire-haired cats have a slightly curly coat Bobtails have a tail, but it has shortened vertebrae, is twisted in a spiral and fits snugly to the pelvis Curls have very unusual ears, the tips of which are bent back. The hair of an Anatolian cat is short and so smooth that it “creaks” when stroking The Arabian Mau is a large, muscular cat with a long tail tapering to the tip. A characteristic feature of Thais is acromelanism (dark coloration of the end parts of the body) The Bombay cat can only be black, without a single spot Spotted color, like a jaguar, is the "calling card" of Bengal cats Brazilian Shorthair cat can be of any color Burmese has a wedge-shaped head and nose, slightly flattened at the base Pronounced undercoat on the neck, chubby cheeks and plush fur make the British look like cubs Burmilla - graceful cat with expressive eyes Havana can be recognized by its elongated muzzle, long nose, large ears and slightly slanted eyes. The body of the Devon Rex is covered with short, thick and curly hair The Egyptian Mau has a small (relative to the body) head and long legs. The color of the korat is silver-blue, but the more silver, the higher the breed is valued Cornish Rexes have curly hair all over their body, whiskers and eyebrows should also be curled. You can recognize the Kurilian Bobtail by its medium build and short tail Munchkin is called a "dachshund cat" for its short legs The German Rex has a short, curly coat and a drooping mustache (they can curl too, but this is not necessary) The Oriental cat has huge ears that can be longer than the muzzle. The main feature of blue cats is a short shiny coat of an even blue color with a silvery sheen Soukok is a graceful cat with thin paws. The "trick" of miniature Singaporean cats is big almond-shaped eyes The paws and tail of the Ceylon cat are muscular, it seems that the animal is constantly in tension Scottish cats are distinguished by a naive and kind expression of the muzzle due to their chubby cheeks and round eyes. Savannah is a large cat with a powerful body, long neck, big ears and a spotted color Toygers can be recognized by their striped tiger-like color. Chartreuse has full cheeks, a short nose, small ears and a very soft coat. A graceful body, a predatory look, but a kind disposition - these are the distinctive features of Chausie Siamese cats are graceful, they have long legs and a tail, an elongated muzzle with large eyes and ears


Hairless cats are animals with the Hrbd hairless gene fixed. This gene is recessive, so when such a cat is crossed with a fluffy animal, babies with hair are always born (not always uniform, but even small sections of the cannon will be a reason for rejection).

Photo gallery: breeds of hairless cats

Don Sphynxes are distinguished by the beauty of almond-shaped eyes, but they cannot boast of the density of their mustaches - they always seem to be broken off in cats The difference between the Canadian Sphynx in a heavy and muscular body with a wide chest and rounded belly The Peterbald has a graceful neck, narrow head, elongated ears and an arrogant expression A distinctive feature of the Ukrainian Levkoy is short and forward-curved auricles Bambino can be recognized by its short legs, medium-sized body and small muzzle with expressive eyes

What else, besides the length of the coat, will help determine the breed

The length of the coat is an important sign, but it will not be possible to recognize the breed of a cat only by it. To recognize belonging to a particular group, one should assess the color, size and structure of the paws, tail, ears, eyes, nose. It is useful to assess the size of your pet, and also try to highlight the character traits.

Some breeds have unique features - it is enough to have 2-3 characteristics to understand who is in front of us (for example, long hair and a flattened muzzle are found only in Persian cats, and lack of hair, a shortened body and paws - only in bambino). But more often we are talking about common traits characteristic of many breeds - in this case, you will have to make a comprehensive assessment of all the features.

Dwelf is an experimental breed that is recognized even by a person who is not very cat-savvy, because only these cats lack hair, and their ears are funny curved back


The color of the skin of the wild ancestors of our cats was a consequence of the defense mechanism - it depended on this characteristic how much the animal was able to merge with the environment in order to hide from enemies, and be invisible during the hunt. Now the coloring of purebred cats is the work of man. By learning to isolate dominant and recessive genes responsible for color in males and females, breeders can predict which kittens will be born.

Siamese color

Siamese (or color-point) is a type of color when the coat on the back, belly, hips, neck has a light shade, and on the legs, head, tail turns into darker colors. Breeds have a similar coat:

  • siamese;
  • thai;
  • persian;
  • neva Masquerade;
  • balinese;
  • scottish;
  • british;
  • sacred Burma;
  • ragdoll;
  • himalayan.

Depending on the shades and the smoothness of the transitions between them, there are several varieties of the Siamese color:

  • Seal-point - the main color is soft cream. On paws, tail, back and muzzle, the light color changes to dark brown markings.

    For seal point cats, only blue eyes are allowed

  • Blue-point - pale gray coat with silvery markings.

    For blue-point, it is important that the ears are not much darker than other markings on the cat's body.

  • Chocolat point (chocolate-point) - the main color of the coat is beige, and the transitions are colored in a chocolate shade.

    Chocolat point cats may have their entire muzzle dark

  • Lilac-point - pink-white color with gray-blue transitions.

    In lilac-point cats, only bright blue eyes are allowed

  • Red-point - white or beige color with pronounced apricot transitions on the legs, tail and head.

    The red-point color differs from the cream-point by more distinct markings

  • Cream-point (cream-point) - white color with smooth beige and amber transitions.

    Color transitions in cream-point color are barely noticeable

  • Caramel-point - similar to cream-point, only the transitions are more gray.

    For caramel-point, stripes on the muzzle are acceptable, forming the letter M

  • Cinnamon-point is an ivory-colored coat with reddish-brown transitions.

    For the cinnamon-point color, the characteristic clear boundaries of color transitions

  • Fawn-point - the coat is colored in a pale cream or silver color, and the transitions are indistinct, pink-gray.

    The fawn-point color transitions are barely noticeable, so the cats look monochromatic

There are also non-standard Siamese colors - to all the names listed above, "torti" is added in the middle (for example, blue-cake-point or lilac-cake-point). Feature: the transitions to darker areas are not uniform, but with spots of the same shade as the main body color of the cat.

When colored tortie point, spots can be of any shape and size

Solid color

Solid - uniform colors without a single spot. The color depends on the concentration of eumelanin or pheomelanin - black or red pigments. The following varieties of solid color are distinguished in cats with eumelanin in their wool:

  • Intense charcoal black. Typical for these breeds:
    • bombay;
    • burmese;
    • angora;
    • persian;
    • maine Coon;
    • bobtail;
    • curl;
    • british;
    • scottish;
    • devon rex;
    • la perma;
    • norwegian forestry;
    • siberian.

Bombay cat is the only breed where only solid black color is possible

If there is both eumelanin and pheomelanin, then a mixed solid color is formed (it is also called diluted). It is of the following types:

White cats are called albinos, they have no coat and skin pigmentation at all. The eyes must be light (gray or blue). Since the color gene is suppressed in such animals, the associated gene responsible for hearing also suffers (white cats are often born deaf). Solid snow-white can be:

  • abyssinian cats;
  • persian;
  • british;
  • scottish;
  • siberian;
  • cornish and Devon Rex;
  • turkish Angora;
  • maine Coons.

If a white cat has green or yellow eyes, then she is not an albino, but simply carries the gene for white W (her offspring will most likely be spotted)


Tabby is the presence of a pattern on the wool, formed by several shades of the same color. Determined by the presence of the dominant gene A (agouti). There are four types of tabby:

  • Tiger color (striped, or "mackerel") - the lines should be clear and noticeably stand out against a lighter background, the stripes run from the spine vertically down to the stomach. Found in many breeds:
  • Marble color - represents large stains. They can be on the sides ("bull's eye"), back ("butterfly"), neck ("necklace"). On the ears, muzzle, tail and paws, not spirals are "drawn", but lines.

    The spirals on the sides and back with a marbled color should smoothly merge into each other without interruption (otherwise it will already be a striped or spotted color)

  • Spotted color - spots can be of different shapes and diameters, located on any part of the cat's body. Pedigree spotted cats are Bengal, Pixiebob, Savannah, as well as many hybrids (Ocicat, Serengeti).

    Spotted color is also called spotted tabby, or leopard

  • Ticked color - there is no pattern on the coat, but each villi is colored unevenly (for example, white closer to the root and black at the tip). The result is an overflow effect. Variety - sand color (transition from red to brown). Ticking is typical for:

Wild color is a type of tabby, but when the stripes and spots are as similar as possible to the pattern on the fur of tigers, jaguars and other predators.

Spots (rosettes) in a Bengal cat are an example of a wild tabby color

The tortoiseshell color is an unevenly alternating black and reddish brown color. Distributed among the following breeds:

  • maine Coons;
  • british;
  • scots;
  • persian cats;
  • himalayas;
  • siberian cats.

The tortoiseshell pattern of a particular cat is always unique, it will not be possible to completely repeat it in offspring

Multicolor cats (bicolor and tricolor)

Animals are called multicolored if their fur is colored in two or three contrasting colors (namely, contrasting, and not pairs of shades of the same color) - black / brown, white and red. The transitions are sharp. The number and shape of spots are not regulated.

Cats with white in combination with black, gray, brown or red are called harlequins.

Only females can be tricolored and at the same time healthy, but if such a motley male is born, it will be sterile due to a genetic defect. Purebred tricolor cats can be representatives of such breeds as:

  • manx;
  • maine Coon;
  • american shorthair;
  • british Shorthair;
  • neva Masquerade;
  • persian;
  • japanese and Kurilian bobtails;
  • exotic cat;
  • turkish van.

It is almost impossible to predict what color the kittens of a tricolor cat will be - they can be tricolors, harlequins, tortoiseshell and even monochromatic

Body dimensions

By size, cats are divided into large, medium and small. Giants among thoroughbred animals are Maine Coons, Siberian cats, savannahs, ragdolls, Egyptian Mau. The weight of these animals can reach 10-15 kg.

Savannah is the largest domestic cat

The real crumbs of the cat's world are:

  • munchkins;
  • dwarves;
  • lambkins;
  • kinkalow;
  • singapore.

Minskin also does not differ in large size. Their height is barely up to 19 cm, and their weight is up to 2 kg.

Singaporeans are never big, the weight of an adult cat rarely exceeds 3.5 kg

Special ears

Some breeds are distinguished by their unusual hearing organs. For example, you can quickly recognize Scottish Fold and Highland Fold by their forward-curved auricles. In curls, the ears are turned with the tips back. Sizes also matter: the most eared are Siamese, oriental cats, Peterbalds, sphinxes. Maine Coons are characterized by long tassels at the tips of the ears.

Peterbald ears can be 1.5–2 times longer than the muzzle

Special tails

The basis for breeding some breeds is a fixed tail mutation. The Mainx cat and Kimrik have a reduced number of vertebrae in the tail, which is why a short process is formed behind them, like in a rabbit. In bobtails, the number of vertebrae remains normal, but they are reduced in size and helically deformed (twisted and pressed to the body), which makes the cats seem tailless.

American Bobtail has a funny hare tail

Special paws

Some cats can be recognized by their large paws. The longest and most muscular limbs in the savannah. It is not surprising that the representatives of this breed can easily jump several meters up and run at great speed (therefore, keeping this pet in a small apartment is not the best idea).

Short paws are the identification mark of minskins and bambinos. There are also short-footed dwarves and kinkalows, but they have not yet been accepted by official organizations and belong to experimental breeds.

Kinkalows only seem awkward, since tiny paws do not prevent them from being very nimble (they cannot jump high, but they run and climb very dexterously)

Features of behavior

The breed standards prescribe not only the features of the appearance, but also the distinctive character traits. For example, the display of excessive aggression in a Persian cat or a bambino can easily be a reason for disqualification. Siamese, oriental, Abyssinian cats, on the contrary, are distinguished by their harsh disposition and irritability by their nature. Nibelungs and Sphinxes are very communicative, quickly find a common language with new people. Independence is appreciated by Bobtails, Rexes, British and Siberians.

If your cat does not have a "passport" (pedigree metric) - this does not mean that he is not purebred. Let's say you have studied all the characteristics and photos and found that your pet fully meets the requirements. If you wish, you can contact the nearest nursery specializing in breeding a particular breed and ask professional felinologists to study the cat (the service is called "animal activation"). If the experts do not find any reason for rejection, then you will be issued a document with the pedigree of the first generation. It gives the right to participate in exhibitions (albeit in special categories, where similar "pioneers" of their breed are presented).

An example of what a pedigree metric looks like for a Siberian cat

All breeds have strict requirements for appearance and character. Comparing the standards and finding full compliance with the characteristics of your cat, you can make an assumption about the pedigree of the four-legged pet. This is sufficient for assigning the status "phenotypically similar to (name)". There is even a chance to get a pedigree metric of the first generation - a document confirming the pedigree of cats with unknown parents.


Immediately, we note that it is impossible to determine the breed of a cat from just one photo with an accuracy of 100% - it's like trying to diagnose a patient based on symptoms alone. However, you can still get a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthe breed of an animal by its characteristic external signs. Determining the breed of a cat from a photo important when buying an animal: unfortunately, a lot of scammers under the guise of purebred kittens sell ordinary yard cats, which, despite all their advantages, are not purebred. In many situations, you can determine the breed of an animal from a photograph, paying attention to the pronounced external features and features of the body structure.

How to recognize the breed of a cat from a photo?

Unique features and mutations. Pay attention to the structure of the cat's body and its obvious features:

  • The ears of the animal are bent forward - in front of you is a Scottish shorthair cat;
  • The ears are bent back - the hallmark of the American Curl;
  • A short "broken" tail is typical for bobtails (Kuril, American, Japanese, Thai), for the Mank cat and the Kimrik breed;
  • Short paws of a cat, disproportionate to its body - a key sign of the Munchkin breed.

Unusual coat (or lack thereof). The type of coat allows not only to divide cats into short-haired, long-haired and hairless, but also indicates belonging to a particular breed:

  • Wool is mostly absent - in front of you is a sphinx (Don, Canadian), peterbald, levkoy or minskin;
  • Short curly hair is observed in the Ural and Prussian Rex, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex;
  • Long curly coat indicates belonging to such breeds as Serkirk Rex, Bohemian Rex, La Perm, American Wirehaired;
  • Persian, Siberian and British longhaired cats have very long and straight hair.

Remarkable color. Perhaps the color of the cat also matches the distinctive characteristics of the breed. Several groups of animals are distinguished by the type of color:

  • The dominant light coat in combination with dark on the face, legs and tail indicates that the cat belongs to the Siamese group (Siamese, Thai, Himalayan Neva Masquerade, Balinese breeds);
  • With the dominance of a dark color and the presence of white paws, muzzle and tail, pay attention to such breeds as: Burma, snow-shu, ragdoll;
  • Blue, silvery hair without visible spots may indicate that the cat belongs to such breeds as Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, Nibelung, Korat, Chartreuse;
  • The wool is dyed in a sandy color: probably in front of you is Havana brown, Abyssinian cat, Somali, Tiffany Chantilly
  • The wild color of the animal (natural spots, stripes for wild cats) may indicate that it belongs to a Bengal, Siberian beard; perhaps in front of you is also the Egyptian Mau, Kurilian bobtail, savannah, serengeti, safari.

Unusual body structure. Perhaps the physique of the cat seems too unusual to you. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to the characteristic breeds:

  • The cat has a slender but muscular body, it is extremely elongated. Paws are long, thin, the cat is distinguished by grace and grace - in front of you is a Siamese, oriental cat, Javanese.
  • The animal is distinguished by a strong, muscular physique and a large depressed nose - in front of you is a Persian or exotic shorthair cat.

Unusually large body dimensions. If your cat weighs more than 8-10 kg, then it is quite possible that this Maine Coon, Savannah or Norwegian Forest Cat.

It should be noted again that determine the breed of the cat photography alone is extremely difficult, especially if you do not understand felinology. Try to contact specialists who, by the external signs of an animal, will probably be able to determine its approximate belonging to a particular breed. However, according to the rules of all felinological associations, a cat can be considered purebred only if it has the appropriate documents.

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