Winter conception - advantages and disadvantages. Pregnancy at different times of the year

Spring is a wonderful period for conception, when nature wakes up around, everything blooms and smells. Nature itself at this moment disposes to the birth of a new life. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be in a great mood, because everything is fine on the street. Toxicosis in the spring is much easier to tolerate than in the summer heat.

But, the vein most often in women is hypovitaminosis. This is not very good, since vitamins are essential during the laying of all organs and systems of the baby. This problem is solved by the fact that the doctor prescribes to the pregnant woman the intake of special vitamins for pregnant women.

The second trimester falls on the summer, when the tummy still does not create inconvenience, and the first dangerous trimester is already behind. That is why a woman can afford a trip to the sea or an exciting journey.

Many experts are of the opinion that this is the most favorable period for pregnancy. The beginning of pregnancy falls on the season when many vitamins are available. In addition, the weather in autumn is most often good and the summer heat is already in the past. Thanks to this, the expectant mother will be able to walk in the fresh air and receive positive emotions. Toxicosis in autumn is more easily tolerated than in summer.

The downside of this period is that the middle of pregnancy falls in the winter, when the incidence of influenza and SARS increases. But, this time is not so dangerous for the baby, since the illness of a pregnant woman during this period is not so dangerous compared to the first trimester.

If the first trimester of pregnancy fell on the cold season, there is a plus - toxicosis is easier to tolerate! However, nausea is not a prerequisite for the course of pregnancy, it may not exist at all. In any case, in winter there is a whole arsenal of products that can help - ginger, lemon, grapefruit, pineapple, tangerines and oranges. You can make tea or a drink from ginger and lemon, and use the rest of the citrus fruits as a snack.

Edema and clothing

As a rule, pregnant women are less likely to suffer from edema in winter than in summer. But, if the first trimester falls in the winter, then the wardrobe can not be significantly updated. A growing tummy during the first pregnancy will “seem” at about 15-19 weeks of pregnancy. If the second and third trimester falls in the winter, then it will be a little more difficult with clothes and shoes for a pregnant woman. The main condition is to be warm, so the growing tummy needs to be hidden in warm down jackets several sizes larger. However, there is also a fashionable alternative - oversize clothes, which can be safely worn after childbirth.

A separate item is shoes. When the stomach is noticeably rounded, fastening the boots is not an easy task. That is why shoes should be chosen as comfortable as possible, at low speed and without fasteners, zippers, etc. A great option - ugg boots - warm and comfortable.


Winter walks are fabulous, especially if the first snow has fallen. But the weather in cold weather is the same as the mood of a pregnant woman - often changeable, so walking in ice and snow is dangerous because you can fall. Be very vigilant!


Peak colds usually occurs in January-February. It is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman to get sick in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the baby has no protection - the placenta is just being formed. That is why it is necessary to dress warmly, limit communication with the sick, increase immunity with the help of balanced nutrition, often ventilate the house and use a humidifier.


Winter cannot boast of a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and berries on supermarket shelves - this is a minus during pregnancy. But there is always an alternative - seasonal products and frozen ones. In addition, we hasten to reassure: if the first trimester falls in the winter, then the third - in the summer!


If the pregnancy is going well, then the OB/GYN will generally not recommend a first trimester vacation anyway, as there is an increased risk of miscarriage. The ideal time for a vacation is the second trimester. Firstly, toxicosis receded, secondly, there is more energy, thirdly, the tummy is already rounded, but the pregnant woman is quite comfortable. If conception was in winter, then the second trimester falls in the spring. Great! Many resort destinations are open, for example, Egypt, Türkiye ...

In this article, we will consider the pros and cons of pregnancy in winter, and also talk about the features of bearing a child in winter time of the year.

Many women would prefer to give birth in the warm season. There are many reasons for this. For example, in winter it is very cold and you have to wear a lot of warm clothes. Moreover, there are dangers such as ice or a cold. But winter also has its perks, causing some women to plan their pregnancies to schedule their births in the winter months. The question arises: what good can be in giving birth in the cold season?

First of all, all expectant mothers suffer from the heat in summer. After all, they have to protect the body from the sun's rays. In addition, they are constantly out of breath. When the last term of pregnancy approaches, women suffer to such an extent that they hardly leave the room that has air conditioning. Winter is much easier. Indeed, at this time it is more pleasant to take walks and breathe fresh, frosty air.

In addition, during pregnancy, women practically do not freeze. After all metabolic processes in their body proceed much faster. It should be noted that the surrounding nature is in a peaceful, calm state. Therefore, some expectant mothers say that to their emotional state the winter regularity is much closer than the active, hectic summer.

If the birth falls on the cold season, everything possible must be done to avoid dangers.

In winter, it is easy to get sick with a cold, sore throat, flu, and any other illness. How to avoid it?

  • If possible, avoid going to places where there are a lot of people
  • Do not ride public transport
  • Have a gauze bandage with you in case you need to talk to the patient.
  • Take all preventive measures. For example, use folk remedies or use nasal ointments.
  • Ventilate the apartment regularly

What can you say about ice? It poses a great danger to pregnant women. You must remember that on the street you are required to concentrate and be careful. If the road is very slippery, it is advisable to stay at home. Remember that shoes should be on a non-slip base and without a heel. Ask friends or relatives to accompany you on walks.

Due to the fact that daylight hours are very short in winter, and family members spend all daylight hours at work, you have little opportunity to take a walk. This is very bad, because the skin in the sun produces vitamin D, which you need. However, you should still be outdoors whenever possible. Ask your husband to walk with you before work.

In winter, the lack of vitamins is especially acute. Now this problem it is solved very simply, because special vitamin complexes for expectant mothers have appeared. You must remember only one danger. Overdose must be avoided. After all, modern industry artificially fortifies everything. Remember that during the period of taking a vitamin preparation, less fortified foods should be included in your diet.

If you decide to become a mother, and this decision was made in the winter, then you better know in advance about the pros and cons of winter conception.

Winter is not a very good time to plan and conceive a child. This is what most parents think. Indeed, during this period female body increases the level of prolactin, a hormone that suppresses sexual desire and inhibits the work of the ovaries. Therefore, in winter, the egg is less likely to mature than at other times of the year. But still, children conceived in winter are not much less than those conceived in autumn, summer or spring. Next, we will talk about the pros and cons of conception in the winter.

Benefits of winter conception

In winter, the sexual desire of women is suppressed, but frosts do not affect male sexuality in any way. Scientists from the United States believe that couples who do not yet have children should try to conceive their first child in winter, as they have proven that under the influence of frost and cold, men produce sperm better. Therefore, the chances of conceiving healthy child increase in winter.

If you get pregnant in the winter, then the second trimester of your pregnancy will take place in the spring, that is, for a period of sharp emotional upsurge, when greenery appears on the street, birds fly in, and so on ...

The third trimester of pregnancy will come in the summer, when you can take a break from heavy clothes, and you don’t have to look for wide winter things.

What could be better than light dresses and sandals, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, and the opportunity to spend this time on the beach? But your birth will fall at the beginning of autumn. At this time, the same large selection of healthy natural fruits and vegetables is at your disposal. Using all these benefits, mommy will be able to improve the quality of breast milk.

Cons of winter conception

The main disadvantage of winter conception is that the first trimester of your pregnancy will fall on the epidemiologically most unfavorable period. In the first few months of intrauterine development, the child is most vulnerable. The placental barrier has not yet been formed in the fetus, so it is defenseless against viral infections.

Therefore, a pregnant woman must understand and comply with this. necessary measures precautions: wash hands with soap, use a gauze bandage, apply oxolinic ointment.

The second trimester of pregnancy falls on early spring, which cannot please the expectant mother with a wealth of vitamins, but ... sauerkraut can correct this state of affairs. It retains all the necessary remnants of vitamin C. Citrus fruits, green onions, parsley, carrot and apple juices will also help.

The third trimester of pregnancy will bring the expectant mother a test in the form of midsummer and hot heat. A pregnant woman may suffer from edema. The expectant mother should avoid frequent and prolonged exposure to the open sun, and drink no more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

That's all. To plan the conception of a child for the winter period or not, it is up to future parents to decide, the main thing is that your baby is desired, healthy and loved!

You can either write your own.

Benefits of winter conception

When it's winter outside, women's sexual desire is suppressed. But the cold season definitely does not affect the male desire. In addition, US scientists believe that couples who do not yet have children should try their luck in winter. It has been proven that under the influence of frost and cold in the male body, sperm production improves. Therefore, the chances increase during this period. If you get pregnant in the winter, then the second trimester of pregnancy will be in the spring, or rather, a period of sharp emotional upsurge. The first greens will appear ... Yes, this does not mean that the expectant mother should completely refuse to take various multivitamin preparations. They must be taken all three trimesters. Third trimester of pregnancy

But the third trimester of your pregnancy will have for the summer. You can take a break from heavy clothes, especially since there will be no need to look for wide winter clothes. Light dresses and sandals for a future mom - what could be better? But the birth itself will take place in early autumn. This means that you will have a large selection of fruits and vegetables at your disposal. Eating all these benefits, the newly-made mommy will easily improve the quality of milk.

These include the fact that the first trimester of pregnancy will fall on the most unfavorable period in an important epidemiological plan. It is in the first couple of months of intrauterine development that the embryo is extremely vulnerable. He does not have a placental barrier, and the future baby is defenseless against complex and dangerous viral infections. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to understand this and carefully observe all the necessary precautions: wash your hands more often with soap and water, wear a gauze bandage, use oxolin ointment.

The second trimester of pregnancy, conceived in winter, falls in early spring. Yes, she still can not really please you with vitamins. But sauerkraut will help fix the situation. After all, this product has preserved all the remains of vitamin C, citrus fruits, carrot-apple juices, green onions, parsley. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother will have to go through the height of summer. She may suffer from swelling. It is also important for a future mother to avoid frequent exposure to the open sun, especially from 11 am to 5 pm, not to drink more than 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

By the way, British scientists have noticed that children born in the fall are in no hurry to be born, but the planned births themselves for the fall are often late. Doctors do not yet know how to explain this phenomenon. Perhaps this trend is tied to natural biorhythms. They can force the human body to slow down its vital activity. So, planning a conception in the winter or not is up to you. In any case, the main thing is that the child is desired, and subsequently - loved!

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