Feelings of oppression. Depressed mood, blues, depression

Daily stressful situations, lack of sleep, vitamins and sunlight can provoke the appearance of a depressed psychological state in every person, regardless of age.

Types of depressed mental states
  1. Emotional... You should not blame a person for not showing his emotions at all. After all, the option is not excluded that now in life he is experiencing emotional depression. The nature of this state is hidden even in childhood. There is a category of parents who, day after day, repeat to their baby: “Why are you crying? Who do you look like now? What are these for? " As a result, the absence of emotional manifestations is considered the norm.
  2. Interior... In an instant, the ability to enjoy life is lost. This can be caused by the loss of a loved one, failure in vital matters for a person. In addition, all this is accompanied by the desire to hide from the surrounding world, from oneself.
  3. Psychological... An oppressed depression can be evidence of fear for one's own life, fear that nothing will be achieved in life, fear that what was planned will never come true.

Depressed, depressed, depressive state - how to deal with it?

There is always a way out. First of all, you need to work on your own "I". One should not expect that this condition will go away without someone's help. Unfortunately, it can develop into something more, pernicious. Thus, the great psychologist A. Adler always said to his students: "If you want to get rid of a depressed state, blues, despondency, you need to remind yourself every day that you want to please someone." What causes feelings of depression? Constant thoughts about your

Many people know firsthand what a depressed state is and how depressing it is. To get out of it, you need to understand why it arose. Only by eliminating the factors that cause it, you can again enjoy life.

What is a depressed state?

When a person loses interest in the world around him, feels a breakdown, mental balance disappears, we can say that he is "captured" by an oppressed state. He does not want to go to work, meet friends, he is not addicted to anything, stressful situations are unsettling.

Such apathy occurs due to certain reasons:

Some people do not acknowledge their problems for a long time, and therefore do not solve them. Over time, the inner discomfort and depressive state grows, and getting rid of it is much more difficult. A person begins to "seize" his anxiety or drown it out with other bad habits. But they bring temporary relief, so it's important to acknowledge the problem and find the “root of evil”.

What is the danger of such a condition?

When the emotional burden becomes overwhelming, it builds up hopelessness. This blocks the person's activity and leads to apathy and depression. He "drowns" in his inaction and life ceases to please him. This is a dangerously suppressed and depressed mental state.

When a person lives by inertia, without setting goals for himself, it is unlikely that he will be able to achieve any results. He ceases to dream, he does not need anything, he becomes indifferent to what used to cause sincere joy.

This leads to severe lingering depression, which a person is unable to cope with on their own.

Dumping the load

It is with him that all problems begin. When the burden of unresolved issues becomes overwhelming, it is necessary to get rid of it. A swarm of gloomy thoughts leads to anxiety and uncertainty, and provokes emotional upset.

We believe in good things!

A pessimistic prognosis, as a rule, appears due to the fact that a person concentrates too much on something bad, losing sight of all the good that happens to him.

An imaginary anxiety can bother a person even more than a real one, because he winds himself up and cherishes his experiences.

When there are many such predictions, this condition arises over time. A person does not look for ways to solve problems and justifies himself by saying that nothing will work out anyway. He shifts responsibility for his life to others or fate, blaming random coincidences for all adversity.

Although modern medicine is rapidly moving forward, and technology has already reached a fairly high level, but we, ordinary people, are increasingly meeting new ailments.

A lot of women living in big cities feel depressed.

The high pace of life and a huge amount of stress - all this has a detrimental effect on the human psyche. With such problems, we often turn to various specialists, but sometimes this only makes the situation worse. What to do with this ailment of our time, and what effective ways are there to get out of a depressed state?

What is a state of depression?

A depressed state is a loss of interest in everything around and being in a deep depression because of it. Every woman knows this - she has no strength and energy, and she doesn't want to do anything. I don't even want to rest, meet friends, there are no hobbies and hobbies, the joy of life is lost.

There are several factors that can cause depression:

  • many unsolved problems;
  • the illusion of a hopeless and hopeless future;
  • unfulfilled dreams;
  • overstrain or overwork, stress;
  • feeling of guilt towards someone;
  • envy and anger;
  • lack of goals and plans for the future;
  • black streak in life;
  • a feeling of the wrong path in life or its complete absence;
  • disappointment in someone or something;
  • fear.

Many of us tend not to recognize the existing problem and, as a result, not to try to solve it. In such cases, internal tension and discomfort grows at a rapid pace. Some people try to "drown" these feelings with bad habits: they start drinking, smoking, etc. But this can remove the problem only for a while, after which it appears again.

What is a depressed state?

In total, experts distinguish three types of depression:

1. Emotional depression. A person does not properly show his emotions, but he cannot be blamed and blamed for this. Perhaps he is in an emotionally depressed state.

2. Internal depression. This state occurs when suddenly the ability to enjoy life disappears and is lost somewhere in the past. Failure, self-doubt, or even the loss of loved ones can lead to this. At such moments, many people want to hide from everyone, including themselves.

3. Psychological depression. This type of depression is usually caused by fear. Fear for your life, fear that another failure awaits you on the path of life, that plans are not destined to come true.

What are the consequences?

Lack of work can lead to depression and apathy, a person's activity becomes minimal. Nothing pleases as before. Time seems to stop. Perhaps this depressed state is dangerous.

If a person does not set himself absolutely no clear goals, then this is unlikely to lead to results and achievements. What once seemed like a dream is now unlikely to bring joy if it suddenly comes true.

All this, in the end, leads to a very deep depression, from which it is almost impossible to get out of it alone, you will need the help of a specialist.

Effective ways to fight

In severe and advanced cases, you cannot do without the help of a good specialist, for example, a psychotherapist or psychologist. He will assess the situation and the degree of its seriousness, give practical advice in the fight against depression, find its cause and prescribe the necessary medications.

Fortunately, if the depressed state is in the initial stages and has not yet developed into something serious, then you can completely cope with it on your own. There are many useful guidelines in such cases. The tips below cover the basics.

To begin with, you simply have to figure out the reason itself, to understand what exactly caused your depression, unwillingness to communicate, act, do something useful. You can immediately try to solve the problem, if possible. For example, to reconnect with a loved one, make peace, resolve the issue that caused her. It may be the other way around, when you need to break off relations and ties with a person, if communication with him led you to such a state. Sometimes you need to change jobs and generally radically change the type of activity.

Among other things, you should monitor your diet and make some changes to it. It is recommended to have 4-5 meals a day. It is important to include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, dark chocolate and dairy products in your daily diet. All this together is already a huge step towards a good mood.

Regardless of the nuances of the weather, go for a walk in the fresh air, even alone. This will noticeably improve the condition of the whole body, relieve stress and give a huge amount of positive, vivid emotions.

Work and favorite hobbies are important factors in coping with depression. Many psychologists say that many have a problem just because of idleness. In active women, doing what they love, a state of depression occurs extremely rarely. All problems fade into the background when you do what you love. Make a list of things you need to do today and start doing them immediately. Very soon you will notice that you are getting real pleasure from an entertaining activity, and the depression pressure on you is not the same as before.

Should you take antidepressants?

Many "well-wishers" advise taking antidepressants in such cases, but is it worth it? Below we have collected all the pros and cons, so it's up to you to decide.

Usually, antidepressants are taken for depression, as they improve mood and remove apathy, fear, tension. We cannot but admit that they normalize appetite and sleep, increase activity. But, despite all these useful properties, the need for their intake is still quite controversial.

Scientists from Columbia University Medical conducted a study, which found that antidepressants do not give the desired effect for almost 50% of patients who take them. Because of them, the volume of serotonin in the body increases uncontrollably, and this can adversely affect functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and others.

Among other things, these drugs are harmful to the brain. They lead to impaired cognitive and motor function. There are side effects such as difficulty in doing normal daily work, getting around, and decreased overall response. People on antidepressants are more likely to have accidents than others, as their attention is greatly reduced. The longer the medication period, the more noticeable these side effects are.

Being depressed is quite a problem. And if you have not been able to overcome it yourself, do not delay, and contact experienced specialists. We, in turn, wish you health, activity and cheerfulness. Let the depressed state not meet you on the path of life!

Pokidina Svetlana
for women's magazine www.site

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A feeling of depression, complete exhaustion of strength are often observed symptoms of various diseases. Symptoms, which are based on increased fatigue, deterioration in performance, lack of desire to do anything, are called nonspecific by doctors. Often, a person also has a bad mood, a headache, he becomes nervous, depressed and irritable. Anyone can experience this condition. Then a simple work seems difficult to a person, and in the end, he begins to get tired even of his thoughts and feelings.

Don't assume that if you drink a lot of coffee you will be active. Excessive consumption of caffeine can cause similar symptoms. If one day you drink less coffee than usual, then you can suddenly be exhausted, and your mood will deteriorate, as the body quickly gets used to a certain dose of caffeine.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the lack of vitality, poor health and feelings of depression can be divided into three groups: the first is relatively harmless dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, the second is depression, and the third is severe organic diseases. Wishing to "breathe life into a person", it is necessary to know the reasons for his exhaustion, rapid fatigue, weakness, bad mood, etc.

Often a person feels weakened, sad, he has no desire to do anything as a result of dysfunction of the circulatory system, with low blood pressure. Autogenic training, cold showers and other body hardening activities contribute to the improvement of well-being. A person quickly becomes overworked, feels depressed, exhausted and due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes the abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, and lack of sleep. The only way out is a radical change in lifestyle. In addition, exhaustion and depressed mood can be symptoms of a serious illness. They are observed in chronic infectious diseases, hypothyroidism, anemia, and oncological diseases.

When should I see a doctor?

In the event that weakness does not go away for a long time, and the specifics of the work do not allow the person to relax for a minute, then he should consult a doctor. If a person, having recovered from any disease, does not feel completely recovered for a long time, then he should immediately consult a doctor for help.

First of all, the doctor will prescribe laboratory tests of blood and urine. In addition, he may order a chest x-ray. Having discovered the symptoms of an organic disease, the doctor will accurately diagnose and begin treatment. If the reason for this state of health is a bad mood, depression or dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, then, as a rule, medications are prescribed that act on the functions of the autonomic nervous system and soothe. It is not uncommon for people who have a bad mood and exhaustion for spiritual reasons to benefit from non-directive therapy. If everything looks dark to a person, and he cannot do anything because of low blood pressure or orthostatic hypotension, then drugs that increase blood pressure are rarely prescribed. Mostly, the doctor recommends moving more.

How can I help myself?

The best way to protect yourself from overwork, bad mood, exhaustion and weakness is a healthy lifestyle. So, constantly ventilate the apartment and the room in which you work, often walk or ride a bike, play sports. Prolonged sleep and a balanced diet (it is recommended to eat less, but more often) help to strengthen the autonomic nervous system. The abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products is categorically contraindicated. Sports and a sauna will perfectly help in maintaining the physical and protective forces of the body. True, weakness and bad mood can be the result of a change in the weather. Unfortunately, in this case, nothing can be done.

Depression - a state of depressed mood.

Depression has many synonyms and words that reflect a similar condition. The most common is depression. Actually the term depression also comes from the Latin deprimo, which means "to suppress", "to crush".

Other synonyms for depression: prostration, melancholy, apathy, grief, blues, despondency, depression, dejection, gloomy, depressed, etc.

Causes of depression and depression

From the point of view of helping a person in a state of depression and for reasons of development, experts distinguish three types of depressed mood:

1. Depression as a reaction to external unpleasant events.

  • as a result of receiving negative traumatic information for the psyche. For example, the news of a serious illness or death of a loved one, news of the beginning of a war, of some kind of loss, of a threat to oneself, etc.
  • a long-lasting psychological conflict between the desired and the actual.
  • the consequence of overloading the nervous system in the form of prolonged stress or a series of excessive psychological trauma, lack of sleep, malnutrition, exhaustion due to internal diseases.
  • bad weather.

2. Depression is a manifestation of the disease DEPRESSION. Depression, as a painful condition, is characterized by decreased mood, loss of the ability to receive pleasure, pessimism, low self-esteem with guilt, and other symptoms.

3. Depression is a manifestation of other mental disorders, such as:

  • encephalopathy (the consequences of organic damage to the CNS);
  • anxiety disorders: phobias, obsessions, panic attacks;
  • psychosomatic diseases: asthma attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, weight gain (or decrease), hypertension, eczema, palpitations, etc.;
  • dependence (alcoholic, narcotic, smoking, gambling addiction, etc.), especially in the initial period of abstinence from use (sobriety);
  • asthenic syndrome, neurasthenia.

Separately, it should be said that psychiatrists distinguish among mentally healthy people such a group of people who have a kind of predisposition to depression and depression.

These are the owners of such personality traits as low sociability and activity, hypochondriacalism (exaggeration of health problems), dissatisfaction with current events and themselves, difficulties in choosing due to increased suspiciousness, pessimism and skepticism about everything.

These character traits have been observed since childhood, and can increase during periods of hormonal changes in the body. For such people, a lowered background of mood is a kind of norm. The development of depressive conditions requiring medical attention, they happen more often than others.

What to do if you become depressed

If this is a one-time temporary condition that does not affect your behavior and ability to work in any way, then you should not pay attention to it, look for something to switch to and the depression will pass by itself.

Most likely, the reason for such a depressed state is an external factor (stress, psychological trauma, overwork, etc.) and therefore this is a normal mental reaction that does not require treatment.

If a depressed mood lasts more than a few days, has arisen for no apparent external reason and affects your activities (productivity has decreased, too much stress is required to achieve normal results, work or school skipping), then you should seek help from a specialist, since, rather all, this is already a painful condition.

How to help a depressed person

Offer your help, try to assess the cause of the suffering yourself and assess whether it is necessary to wait out this condition, or if the help of a doctor is required.

In some cases, you can "escape from depression" by switching to another problem or changing your attitude; in other cases, you should, on the contrary, look and speculate on this topic.

Don't leave him alone with you. Be persistent if you are faced with a refusal to contact a specialist when the condition aggravates.

Sleep disturbance and weight loss are critical indicators in order to arrange a specialist consultation. Alcohol is a bad and dangerous way to help with depression or depression.

Techniques for depression

  1. Psychological: support, empathy and help in solving current problems from others, "regret", relaxation with the help of autogenous training or similar techniques, change of environment (vacation or time off, travel, temporary relocation);
  2. Physical: water procedures (cold shower in the morning, warm bath in the evening), intense and regular physical activity, sound sleep for at least 8 hours, provided that you fall asleep before midnight;
  3. Medical (only as prescribed by a doctor): pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, diet therapy, sleep deprivation, etc.

Who can help with depression

Any person close to you who can empathize can help with mild depression. Or a psychologist who knows how to deal with depression.

If you can see that depression has painful features, then you should see a doctor, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Symptoms that may indicate that depression has turned into depression and a doctor is needed:

  • anxiety, apathy, melancholy without external reasons;
  • low self-esteem;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • disturbed sleep: insomnia, lack of sleep, early awakening, daytime sleepiness;
  • diurnal mood swings; worse in the morning and better in the evening;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss. Or vice versa, a strong craving for food;
  • physical signs of depression: feeling of a lump in the throat, chest tightness, internal tremors, palpitations and shortness of breath, diarrhea or constipation

There is no most effective method or best cure for depression. Each person and case needs their own unique "tools" for dealing with the state of oppression.

Help with depression in the ROSA clinic

  1. We work around the clock, seven days a week.
  2. Convenient location next to the metro, there is parking.
  3. We accept on the first request.
  4. Experienced and sensitive specialists are psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.
  5. Modern methods of research of the psyche and the nervous system.
  6. If necessary, treatment in our own comfortable hospital.
  7. We achieve results in a short time.
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