Speech therapy lesson in the middle group, pets. Synopsis of speech therapy lesson "Pets Exercise for the language Pets middle group

Theme: Pets

teacher-speech therapist speech therapy center at DNZ No. 98, Mariupol

goal: reinforce children's knowledge of pets and their babies. Formation of plural words for baby pets. Genitive plural number, possessive adjectives, declension of the noun "cat" in cases. development, fine motor skills, visual perception. Ability to express various emotions.

Equipment : object pictures depicting pets and their babies, cut pictures. D / And "Guess who it is?", "Find pets." Whose tail? "," Whose face? " Puzzles.

Course of the lesson

Children stand in a circle and say a speech.

Here you can be surprised, joke and make mistakes.

Play and have fun and learn a lot.

1. What is my mood? Children choose appropriate

cards and put on a typesetting canvas.

2.Gymnastics for the eyes. Make your eyes blink.

We close our eyes And now we relax

We inhale slowly. We went to the places.

And on exhalation again

3. Game "Who will sit down?" Children's names are called whispers.

4. Repetition of vowel sounds. The vowel symbols are displayed on the board.

5. Pronunciation of vowel sounds with different vocal strengths.

6. Game for the development of auditory attention. Slap like me.
7. Making riddles.

Ringing a bell

She ran away from me (GOAT)

The meadow melts in the evening darkness,
Where to find her? .-me-me-me ..

And sour cream and kefir

Milk and delicious cheese (COW)

To keep us healthy

The redhead will give us ... ...

Friends with the owner, guarding the house (DOG)

Lives under the porch, tail in a ring.

Galloping with a mane

He gallops fast, beautifully (HORSE)

You will not catch up with him

Look how it jumps: -And hoo.

A ball of fluff, Jumping dexterously, (RABBIT)

Long ear Loves carrots.

A fur coat and a caftan walks in the mountains along the valleys. (SHEEP)

8. Who screams how?

9.Who lives where?

The cow is in the barn. The horse is in the stable. The pig is in the pigsty.

The dog in the booth Goat, the ram in the barn.

10. "Moms, dads, kids." What are their names?

11. D / And "Who has who?" (puzzles). Education genus. case noun

denoting the name of the cubs house. animals.

12 . D / And "Finish the sentence".

At the burrow, a gray one waits for prey ... .. (cat).

And now, even a mile away, he will not come close to ... .. (the cat).

The rat is old and that, seeing the terrible ... .. (cat)

Run away quickly under the house, so as not to meet with ... (cat)

There it trembles and in the darkness remembers about .... (cat).

13. Mudra "Knowledge".

I straighten my fingers, but I bend two

I make rings out of them and put them on a heart.

And now I'll sit and breathe a little.

14. D / And "Whose face?" "Whose tail?"

15. D / I "Guess who it is?" Animal shadows are called.

16. Make up the story "Angry Boy".

17.J / And "Collect the picture." Cut pictures depicting pets.

18. Д / И "Teremok". Children close the windows where "they settled"


19. Drawing up proposals for demonstration of actions.

Practical use of perfect and imperfect verbs. Children make sentences as they complete the activities. Ex. “Vanya drinks milk. Vanya drank milk. "

20.Д / И "Wonderful bag". Children by touch determine which of the animals is in the bag and only then get them out.

Synopsis of speech therapy lesson "Pets"

Subject: Pets

Goal: Creation of conditions for replenishment of vocabulary.


to educational purposes :

Formation of ideas about pets, their appearance and lifestyle;

Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic "Pets" (animal, cow, horse, dog, cat, goat, meow, bark, moo, neigh, hooves, mane, horns);

Formation of a generalizing concept of pets;

Perfection grammatical structure speech (the formation of nouns with the suffixes -onok, -onok, -at, -at).

to correctional and developmental goals :

Development of speech breathing, phonemic representations, visual attention, articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

to educational purposes :

Formation of interest in wildlife, benevolence, initiative, responsibility, cooperation skills;

Fostering a caring attitude towards pets.

Course of the lesson

I . Organizational moment . [Clarificationpronunciationinonomatopoeia.]

The speech therapist meets the children at the door of the office, greets them and invites everyone to sit at their table.

Speech therapist. Look at the animal figurines that I will show you. Name the animal and tell me how it speaks.

1st child. Cat: meow.

2nd child. Dog: woof-woof.

3rd child. Cow: mu.

4th child. Horse: hoo.

Speech therapist. Right. Well done! Sit down.

II ... Main part

Didactic game "Who is giving a voice?"

Pets came to visit us. But these animals do not live alone, but with their cubs.

How will a mother cow call her baby? (Moo-oo-oo)

What will the baby call her? (Calf)

How will the pig mom call the baby? (Oink-oink)

What will the cub's name be? (Piglet)

How will the goat mom call the baby? (Fah-ee)

What will the name of her cub be? (Kid)

How will the horse mom call the baby? (Hoo hoo)

What will the cub's name be? (Foal)

How will the sheep mom call the baby? (Me-e-e)

What will the cub's name be? (Lamb)

How will the dog mom call the baby? (Bow-wow)

What will the cub's name be? (Puppy)

How will the cat mom call the baby? (Meow meow)

What will the cub's name be? (Kitty)

The speech therapist takes turns exposing the figures of pets.

Pet talk using figures from the game "Herd". [Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic. The development of dialogical speech. Prepare to write descriptive stories about animals.]

The speech therapist constructs a “corral” on the table in front of the children and puts figures of pets in it.

Speech therapist. Consider animal figurines. Whom did you recognize? Name mom and her baby.

Children show animal figures and name them.

1st child. Goat and kid.

2nd child. Dog and puppy.

3rd child. Horse and foal.

4th child. Cow and calf.

Speech therapist. Correctly. Let's take a look at a cow. What is she like?

Children. Big, black. Speech therapist. What's on her head?

Children. Horns.

Speech therapist. Now tell us about the horse. What is she like? What's on her head?

Children. It is large and brown. She has a mane.

Speech therapist. Good. Who will tell you about the goat? Compare her size to a cow. What is she like?

Children. The goat is small, gray. She also has horns.

Speech therapist. Right. Now let's talk about the dog. How big is it? What is her ponytail?

Children. The dog is small, brown. She has a ring tail.

Speech therapist. You spoke very well about the animals that are in our pen. These animals are called domestic animals, because they live with a person and bring him benefit, and a person takes care of them, cares for them, feeds and watered them, builds a dwelling for them. Do you know what benefits these animals bring to humans? For example, a cow?

Children. She gives milk.

Speech therapist. And the goat?

Children. She also gives milk.

Speech therapist. And also wool and down, from which warm blouses, hats and socks are knitted. What does a dog do?

Children. She guards her master and home.

The speech therapist takes out and places on the table object pictures depicting different horses.

Speech therapist. Right. Now look at the pictures. You see horses on them carrying loads: hay, firewood, fertilizers. In the village, a horse is a very necessary animal. They plow the land and transport the crops on it.

Work in notebook number 1 ... [Development of fine motor skills.]

The speech therapist distributes open ones on p. 30 notebooks, puts a container of colored pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. Let's color in one of the pets, a dog, and its cub. Take a brown pencil and color the dog and puppy. What kind of dog and puppy?

Children. The dog and the puppy are brown.

Speech therapist. Correctly!

Children complete the task.

Speech therapist. Well done! Close your notebooks.

An outdoor game "Calf". [Coordination of speech with movements, development of mobility and creative imagination. Consolidation of the ability to perform jumping on two legs.]

The speech therapist invites children to the rug and offers to line up in a circle.

Boo Boo,

I'm horny.

Boo Boo,

Two jumps on two legs together.

I'm tailed.

Show "tail": take the hand behind the back.

Boo Boo,

Two jumps on two legs together.

I'm eared

Show "ears" from the palms.

Boo Boo,

Two jumps on two legs together.

Very scary.

Show "horns" from the fingers.

Boo Boo,

Two jumps on two legs together.

I'll scare


Boo Boo,

Two jumps on two legs together.

I'm butting.


Breathing exercises. [Development of speech breathing.]

The speech therapist invites children to stand up straight, lower their arms, take a calm breath, “send air into the tummy,” and as they exhale, count to five and back.

The exercise is carried out 2-3 times.

Puzzles "Pets". [Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis. Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.]

The speech therapist distributes to children cut pictures - puzzles.

Speech therapist. Collect the cut pictures I have prepared. Who do you see on them?

Children. These are pets.

Exercise "Repeat after me." [Work on the syllable structure of the word.]

Speech therapist. This game is already familiar. You will have to repeat after me and clap the words. Listen to the first word. Goat.

Children clap and pronounce in turn the words: "ko-za", "se-no", "water-yes".

III ... Outcome [Assessment of children's work.]The speech therapist invites children to list all the tasks that they have completed, and then assesses the work of each child.

Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic

prepared by: Davydova Elena Yurievna
teacher speech therapist
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten "Alyonka"
Nikiforovsky District, Tambov Region, settlement Dmitrievka

Correctional educational:
- to clarify and activate the children's dictionary on the topic "Pets";
- learn to use the preposition u in speech through exercises. "Who has who?", "Who has what?";
- to teach to form noun. pl. hours from units hours through exercise. One-Many;
- to teach to form noun. with diminutive-affectionate suffixes - in the exercise "Name it affectionately".
Correctional and developmental:
- correct thinking through exercise. "Collect the picture";
- strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Correctional and educational:
- to cultivate a cognitive interest in the surrounding world
- to instill a love for pets.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - About whom we will talk today in class, you will find out by guessing riddles.

Climbing the fence
I go out hunting.
The mice hid in their holes
I watch them for a long time. (Cat)

The nose is a round snout,
And the perky tail is crocheted.
Mom is a pig, dad is a pig.
He is their favorite son. (Piglet)

A faithful friend to man,
I can hear every sound very keenly.
I have a great scent
Sharp eye and keen hearing. (Dog)

Champion in fast running
I sometimes drive carts.
Uncle groom brought me
Water, hay and oats. (Horse)

Hungry - hums
Fed up - chews
Small children
Milk gives. (Cow).

Speech therapist: - How do you call all these animals in one word?
Speech therapist: - That's right, home. Today in class we will talk about pets. And so that our tongue helps us with this, we will do gymnastics for the tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

The cat licks milk.
Stick out the "wide" tongue from the mouth. Crumple the tip of the tongue up with a "cup" and hide the tongue in your mouth.
The calf sucks milk.
The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Bring the wide tip of the tongue under the upper lip and tear off with a click
Horse snort.
Lip vibration.

3. Exercise "Who has who?"

Speech therapist: Mothers and their cubs have lost each other. They really want to be together. Let's make them meet. Children complete the task.
Speech therapist: Now let's check. Who has who?

The cat has a kitten.

The horse has a foal.

The dog has a puppy

The pig has a piglet.

The cow has a calf.

4. Exercise "Who has what?"

Speech therapist: - Guys, which of the pets has horns? (A cow, a ram, a goat)
Who has a mustache? (Rabbit, dog, cat)
Who has soft feet? (At the cat)
Who has an udder? (In the cow, in the goat)
Who has a snout nose? (At the pig)

5. Exercise "One-Many".

Speech therapist: - Now let's play the game "One - many".
Cat - cats
A dog is a dog
cow - cows,
horse - horses,
sheep - sheep,
kitten - kittens,
calf - calves.

6. Exercise. "Name it kindly."

Speech therapist: - And now, guys, come on - they kindly call animals.
Cat. What do you call her affectionately? (kitty),

7. Physical education.

Here is what a cat, (They go "cat" step)
Round face, (Stroke the face)
And on each foot (They represent claws)
The claws are scratches.
All toys for him - (Jumping in place)
Cube and reel. The cat, like a ball, (They jump one after another in a circle) Jumps around the apartment.

8.Exercise. “Collect pictures”.

Speech therapist: - Collect pictures and name the animals that you get. (Pig, cat, ram, dog, cow, goat)

9. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist: What animals were you talking about today in class?
What animals are called pets? (Children answer).
Give examples of pets.

Informational resources:
logoped18.ru ›logopedist / logopedicheskiy-konspekt ...
festival.1september.ru ›articles / 627480 /
michutka.3dn.ru ›publ / sjuzhetnye_ kartinki ... kartinki


Objectives:Formation of ideas about pets, their appearance and lifestyle. Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic "Pets". Formation of a generalizing concept pets. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of nouns with the suffixes -onok, -enok, -at, -at). The development of coherent speech. Development of general speech skills (sound pronunciation, correct voice reproduction, timbre color of the voice, intonation expressiveness of speech). Development of visual attention, thinking, creative imagination, imitation, articulatory, fine and general motor skills. Fostering love and caring attitude towards pets.

Equipment:Game "Herd", colored pencils, notebook No. 1 according to the number of children, subject pictures with images of pets, subject pictures with images of horses.

Course of the lesson:

Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Please go to the table with pet figures. Name the animal and tell me how it speaks.

Well done, right. Sit down in your seats.

Talk about pets using figurines from the herd game.

Consider animal figurines. Whom did you recognize? Name mom and her baby.

Correctly. Let's take a look at a cow. What is she like? What's on her head?

Now tell us about the horse. What is she like? What does she have on her head?

Good. Who will tell you about the goat? Compare her size to a cow. What is she like?

Now let's talk about the dog. How big is it? What's her ponytail?

You spoke very well about the animals that are in our pen. These animals are called domestic animals because they live in a person's home and benefit him, and a person takes care of them, takes care of them, feeds them and watered, builds them a dwelling place. Do you know what benefits these animals bring to humans? For example, a cow?

What does a dog do?

Now look at the pictures. You see horses on them carrying loads: hay, firewood, fertilizers. In the village, a horse is a very necessary animal. They plow the land and transport the crops on it.

3. Work in notebook No. 1.

Let's color one of the pets, a dog and its cub. Take a brown pencil and color the dog and puppy. What kind of dog and puppy?

4. An outdoor game "Calf".

Coordinatorand I speech with movement. Children stand in a circle.

I'm horny. Show "horns" from the fingers.

Boo boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I'm tailed. Show the "tail". Boo boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I am eared, Show "ears" from the palms.

Boo boo, Two jumps on two legs.

Very scary. Show "horns" from the fingers.

Boo boo, Two jumps on two legs.

Scare Stomp.

Boo boo, Two jumps on two legs.

I'm butting. "Butting".

5. Special articulatory gymnastics for the production of whistling sounds.

Exercises "Brush" and "The bridge swings" do 3-4 times.

6. Breathing exercises.

Stand up straight, lower your arms, take a calm breath, "send air to your tummy," Exhale, and I will count to 5.

We carry out the exercise 2-3 times.

7. Cut pictures "Pets".

Look at the pictures I have prepared. Who do you see on them?

Try putting the pieces together.

8. Exercise "Repeat after me."

Work on the syllable structure of the word.

Repeat after me and slap the words.

Ko-za, in-yes, se-but.

9. End of the lesson.

Let's remember what we did in the lesson.

You all worked great today.

Summary of lessons on the development of speech for children 4-5 years old "Pets"

Plotnikova Natalia Vasilievna, teacher of additional education.
Place of work: MAOU DOD "Center for Continuing Education of Children" Balakovo
Material Description:The summary of the lesson on the topic "Pets" is aimed at enriching the vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to make a comparative analysis in children 4-5 years old. Methodical development lessons are available in practical application and can be used in the classroom by preschool teachers educational institutions, teachers of additional education for children.
Goal: Activation of the vocabulary, development of the ability to perform comparative analysis.
consolidation and expansion of ideas about pets,
development of the ability to make comparative analysis.
development of the grammatical structure of speech,
development of memory, attention, imagination, thinking.
foster love and respect for animals,
the ability to listen to comrades.
Activities: play, motor, cognitive, communicative.
Course of the lesson:
Conversation on the topic:
- What pets do you know?
-Why are they called that? (Children name animals, the teacher puts their images on the board).
-What benefit do they bring to people?
- How does a person take care of animals?
- What do pets eat?
- What is the body of a sheep, horse, pig covered with?

"Comparison of body parts in a cow and a horse."
- What does a cow have and what a horse does not? (Horns)
- What does a horse have and what a cow does not? (Mane)
- Compare these animals' legs and tails. What is the difference?
- Why does a horse have longer legs than a cow?
- What is the udder for a cow?

Game exercise "Name affectionately". Every child has a pet toy. Children take turns calling each of their animals affectionately.

Physical culture minute "Homka"
Hamster, hamster, hamster
Striped barrel.
Homka gets up early
Washes her cheeks
Rub the neck.
Homka sweeps the hut
And goes out to charge.
One, two, three, four, five!
Homka wants to become strong.

Game exercise "Who has who?" The teacher shows an image of an adult animal and a cub: "Who has a cow? ... Who has a sheep?" (children call cubs).

"Tell the word" (from S. Pogorelovsky)
Ravens - at the crows,
Elephants have ... (elephants).
And our pasta
There are ... (macaroni).
And more, and ... (less),
And thicker, and ... (thinner) -
And the Macoron boys
And the girls - ... (dumplings).

Game exercise "One-Many". Children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher. The teacher has a ball.
- I call you an animal, and you throw a ball at me and name it if there were a lot of them. For example "cow" and if there is a lot of "cow".

The game "Cut pictures" (Children lay out pets from cut pictures).

Finger game "Goat"
The old man walked along the road
Found a hornless goat.
Come on, goat, let's jump
We kick up our legs.
And the goat butts
And the old man swears.
(Walk your fingers on the table, show your horns with your fingers, knock your fingers on the table, show your horns again, shake your fingers)

Guessing riddles
There is a hairy, a bearded one,
Waving his horns,
Shakes his beard
Tapping his hooves. (Goat)

Who doesn't take off his fur coat in hot or cold weather? (Sheep)

Sir, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse. (A donkey)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house,
Lives under the porch, and the tail is a ringlet. (Dog)

Long ear, lump of fluff.
Jumping dexterously, gnawing carrots. (Rabbit)

Who has a patch that is not clenched into a cam?
On the feet of his hooves. He eats and drinks from the trough. (Piglet)

Game "The fourth extra". Children are shown a picture with a picture
1.dog, goat, chicken, horse.
2. goat, cow, horse, ram.
3. camel, cow, cat and horse.
4. pig, sheep, camel, rabbit.

Well done boys! What animals did we talk about? Why are they called that? What games did you like?
Have questions?

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