Adenoids and Komarovsky kindergarten. Adenoiditis in children - symptoms and treatment, Komarovsky's advice

Almost everyone knows about the tonsils, the inflammation of which is called. But in our throat there are several types of these organs, they just cannot be seen as easily as the tonsils. In the center of the nasopharynx is one of the largest tonsils - the pharyngeal. It is also capable of inflamed and enlarged under the influence of various factors.

Most often, the development of adenoids occurs as follows:

  • the child becomes infected, and the tonsil tissue becomes inflamed, diagnosed;
  • after recovery, the organ decreases in size, but already acquires a slightly larger volume. The child becomes ill again after a short period of time. The load is again placed on the amygdala, which has not yet had time to recover, and this is repeated constantly;
  • as a result of chronic inflammatory processes, the lymphoid tissue of the adenoids becomes hypertrophied. They no longer return to normal, but, on the contrary, continue to grow.

Among the factors that increase the likelihood of developing adenoids in a child, Komarovsky calls allergies, low immunity, poor air condition, which the patient breathes.

Important information from Dr. Komarovsky! Most cases of adenoids and other chronic ones occur because a child who has recovered is sent to kindergarten or school - a place where viruses accumulate, too early. For adults, an indicator of recovery is a decrease in temperature, elimination of factors of malaise and normalization of appetite. But after such improvements, you need to wait at least a week, and not send your child to places with possible carriers of infections.

The entrained pharyngeal tonsil is the adenoids. Since it is located in the path of air flow from the nose to the pharynx, its enlargement leads to the blockage of breathing. This is accompanied by snoring and snoring at night. You may notice that the baby is breathing through the mouth. In the event of such symptoms, it is necessary to diagnose and establish in order to decide how to further treat it.

Why are adenoids dangerous?

A child with adenoids long timehas difficulty eating, sleeping, and in general in everyday life. Air must pass through the nose to be cleansed and warm. If this does not happen, then untreated air constantly passes through the lower respiratory tract. This can provoke new inflammatory processes.

Difficulty breathing also affects the nose itself. Children with adenoids often suffer from chronic rhinitis. Due to a stuffy nose, the voice becomes nasal.

Difficulty breathing at night has negative consequences such as constant fatigue, headache, irritability, inattention and even disturbance mental development.

Another common companion of adenoid growths is hearing impairment. And it happens due to the overlap of the auditory tube. Its opening is located in the nasopharynx, next to the adenoids, so when they enlarge, they block it. As a result, ventilation and drainage of the middle ear is impaired and hearing impairment.

The lack of nasal breathing for a long period leads to deformation of the bones of the face. Lower jaw sags, bite is broken. In medicine, there is even a term - "adenoid face".

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the disease is serious and needs to be treated. This must be done competently, so we suggest learning about the methods of treatment according to Komarovsky, because he explains everything in an accessible manner and without falsity.

Komarovsky on the treatment of adenoids 1, 2, 3 degrees surgically and without surgery

Adenoids can cause symptoms of varying degrees of complexity, depending on how large these vegetations have grown. At the first degree, the adenoids are slightly enlarged, respectively, the patient's condition is relatively satisfactory. As a rule, during the day such children breathe normally, although some difficulty in breathing is still present. But at night, signs such as snoring and an open mouth become noticeable.

The first stage is usually not treated, but only measures are taken to relieve symptoms (eliminate a runny nose, nasal congestion, cough), and also try to prevent the progression of adenoids and the development of complications. To do this, the child should get sick with infectious diseases as rarely as possible.

Interesting to know! On initial stage adenoids are rarely found, most diagnoses are made at the second and third stages.

The second degree of hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil is of moderate severity. During this period, new diseases can join, in particular - and. Well, the third degree is the most severe and dangerous, since vegetation covers almost the entire nasopharynx.

Treatment of grade 2 adenoids in children can take place without surgery, depending on the condition of the child. At 3 degrees of adenoids, no one offers treatment without surgery.

In general, there are generally accepted indications for:

  • the formation of an adenoid face in a child;
  • long-term blockage of nasal breathing;
  • nocturnal snoring, respiratory arrest during sleep, and poor sleep;
  • secondary otitis media, provoking hearing loss;
  • adenoids in combination with chronic sinusitis.

If a child has one of the listed symptoms, then it does not matter how old he is and what degree of adenoids. He needs an operation. Although there are controversial situations when neither parents nor doctors can make a choice. How to treat a child in this case?

To remove or not remove adenoids, when is the best time to have surgery?

Adenoid vegetation develops intensively up to 7 years of age. Then they begin to gradually decrease. Therefore, children try to do it as little as possible, in the hope that the child will "outgrow".

When deciding to conduct an operation, Komarovsky advises to compare all the pros and cons. For example, if you cut out the adenoids from a child at 2 years old, there will be a high probability that they will grow back, so sometimes it is better to wait out this period if circumstances permit. That is, if the tonsils are not brought to the child severe discomfort, then you can wait, but the occurrence of secondary diseases, be it the nose or throat, are forced to act immediately. Indeed, in the few years that parents will wait for improvements, serious and irreversible complications may occur, and no one wants to risk the health of the kids.

Komarovsky says the following: “there is an opinion that removing adenoids is harmful, and it is better to treat them conservatively. However, practice shows that there is nothing wrong with removing them. Parents should not be afraid of adenotomy. Without hypertrophied tonsils, the child will not start to constantly hurt, but his breathing and general condition will quickly improve. "

Important! Nobody says that you need to operate on everyone on the right and on the left without good reason. After all, each operation carries the risk of complications from anesthesia and opening of bleeding.

What to expect from the operation?

The operation to remove the adenoids (adenotomy) is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts only 5-10 minutes. The doctor uses a special scalpel, as well as a coagulating (cauterizing apparatus), so that the wound does not bleed.

Please note that the operation is not performed during an exacerbation of adnoiditis or other inflammatory diseases. First, they must be treated and the inflammation is holy.

Period after surgery

Since the operation is simple and not dangerous, at the end of it you can go home. Its results are visible within 3-4 hours. The child will breathe more freely, the nose will "open".

During the recovery period after surgery, Komarovsky advises:

  • if the child is in pain, then you can give him a mild pain reliever, for example, or;
  • food for the patient should not be hot;
  • it is better to give everything in the form of mashed potatoes or cereals;
  • in the first week it is necessary to limit physical activity.

During the operation, the doctor cannot physically cut out all the lymphoid tissue. A small part of it will remain. Therefore, in the future, the adenoids are able to grow again. The likelihood of such a turn of events will be higher if the doctor's instructions on organizing the child's life are not followed.

Pain relief when removing adenoids

Here is what Komarovsky tells about anesthesia: “Previously, the operation to remove the adenoids was performed without any anesthesia at all. The child was simply held, and the doctor had to quickly perform the operation. Naturally, the children screamed and kicked, there was a high risk of bleeding.

Later, local anesthesia was invented (instilling special drugs into the nose with an anesthetic effect). This method allows you to get rid of pain, but the child does not become bolder from this. Therefore, he again screams and twitches. There remains a risk of bleeding opening.

Therefore, now in medicine it is customary to use for adenotomy general anesthesia, especially since there are many of its options and the child can be given a short-term anesthesia, which will not bring harm. "

Conservative treatment of adenoids from Komarovsky

Many believe that there are some kind of magic pills or drops that will help cure adenoids. However, Komarovsky, discussing the treatment of adenoids, said that "if a child is constantly ill, then no drugs can cure him of adenoid growths." Of course, if the tonsils have enlarged against the background of allergies, then the use of antiallergic drugs will contribute to their reduction, but in other cases, it is impossible to achieve this with the help of medicines or some procedures.

Children with adenoids need to adjust their lifestyle:

  • introduce physical activity and walks in the fresh air;
  • organize proper nutrition, hardening;
  • change environmental parameters (humidity, air temperature).

All this will contribute to the natural strengthening of the immune system.

Bacterial complications of adenoids, are they possible?

Doctor Komarovsky, answering a question about the possibility of bacterial complications, said the following: “If a child does not breathe through the nose, but through the mouth, then the mucous membrane of the throat and bronchi dries up. Also mucus dries up, and this is fraught with the development of bronchitis and pneumonia, which easily become bacterial. "

Another possible bacterial complication of adenoids is. Overgrown tonsils block the entrance to eustachian tubeleading to the middle ear, as a result of which in this cavity are created good conditions for the development of bacteria. Therefore, they are often complicated by otitis media, the main symptom of which is ear pain and hearing impairment.

If you suspect a bacterial complication in a child, then independently prescribe to him antibacterial drugs do not do it!

Komarovsky's tips for preventing and treating adenoids

In order for adenoiditis to bother your child less often, you need to take some measures. The main thing to take care of is the air that the child breathes. The more microbes in the air, the more polluted it is, the drier and warmer, the more likely it is to develop pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

Komarovskiy K. O .: “children prone to the onset of adenoids need to stay more often in the fresh air”.

If a child has already fallen ill with ARVI, we must make sure that the disease passes easily and without consequences, since severe inflammatory diseases more likely to cause complications, including adenoid hypertrophy. And the child will recover faster if you maintain optimal humidity in the room, ventilate and give the child water. Thus, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat will not dry out and everything will be fine!

Informative video

Colds among children, unfortunately, it is not uncommon. It is good if they would pass without complications, but often they cannot be avoided. One of the most common of them and quite unpleasant is adenoiditis. In the general public, it is simply called adenoids. Many doctors are looking for the most effective ways treatment and consider this ailment from all sides. One of the most productive and successful in this regard on the "stage" of Russian medicine is Dr. E.O., very well known in Russian-speaking countries. Komarovsky. His works on adenoids in children are in great demand and are effective when applied. Let's take a look at what and how, according to Komarovsky.

Komarovsky, like any other doctor, distinguishes two types of treatment for adenoids in children - surgical (operations) and conservative. The pediatrician advises to resort to the first option only if the treatment options for the second are no longer there or they have simply dried up. Adenoiditis can be cured with such a device as a nebulizer (inhalation), and medicines, and folk remedies - we will consider all this below, but it is important to follow such important recommendations during treatment as:

  • Heal viral diseases in your child to the end, otherwise they develop into adenoids and nullify all treatment.
  • Organize comfortable living conditions for the child, especially carefully monitor the humidity in the house.
  • Do not forget about prophylaxis both after and before treatment, it can be a nebulizer, steam inhalation (folk), medicines to strengthen the immune system, and so on.

Komarovsky does not prohibit treating adenoiditis with his own hand, but notes that the doctor will be the best in prescribing treatment.

Read also: How to get rid of a congenital stridor?

Drug treatment

In order for the adenoiditis to recede, it is important to do the following procedures:

  1. rinsing the nasopharynx with drugs prescribed by a doctor daily;
  2. nasal drops are important to drip immediately after rinsing;
  3. inhalation folk ways or, more effectively, using a nebulizer with nat. solution;
  4. taking medications to enhance immune system child;
  5. taking medications aimed at fighting infections in the nasopharynx.

Important! You do not need to choose pharmacy drugs for the fight against adenoids, consult your doctor, with the exception of a nebulizer, nasal rinsing and inhalation products.

Treatment with folk remedies

Komarovsky also notes that some folk remedies, when used correctly, significantly enhance the effects of treatment with medicines and from inhalation (nebulizer), despite the degree of the disease.

  • Anise tincture. To prepare such a product, you need to take 25 grams of dry anise, grind it and dip it in 100 ml of alcohol. It is important to infuse this remedy for 10-12 days in a place with a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius, sometimes shaking it. You need to apply as drops, before diluting cold water in the ratio: 1 part anise - 3 parts water. Dripping 2-4 times a day, 6-9 drops.
  • St. John's wort and celandine. Take 100 grams of crushed St. John's wort (powder state) and mix it with butter in the ratio: 1 to 3. Put this in a water bath. Wait until the mixture becomes homogeneous and add a couple of drops of celandine juice to about 25 grams of the mixture - 4-6 drops. Stir and let cool solution. Bury it in the same way as anise tincture.
  • Herbal assorted. Purchase and mix in equal proportions herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, and horsetail. Dilute a tablespoon of allsorts with 250 ml of boiling water (1 glass). Cool and strain the solution. It is necessary to instill in the child's nose every 3-4 hours, 8-12 drops.

Important! When treating with home remedies, pay attention to the fact that the child is not allergic to the components of the infusions. A nebulizer (inhalation) bundle - medicines - folk remedy will be especially effective.

If for a long time of treatment it is still impossible to get rid of the adenoids or at least mitigate the inflammation (at the last degree of adenoiditis), then you will have to resort to surgery. Komarovsky says that after removal of the adenoids, most children do not have any problems. To alleviate the condition of the child after the operation, it is important to give him chopped food and ice cream, which will significantly soothe pain and reduce swelling.

Adenoids are very common in children between the ages of three and 12. Parents have to constantly sit on sick leave, as adenoids provoke sore throat, colds, rhinitis, runny nose. In this case, you need to contact an otorhinolaryngologist.

Adenoid - excessively enlarged pharyngeal tonsils. Inflammation of the adenoid is called adenoiditis. The pharyngeal tonsils are located at the back of the larynx. They produce lymphocytes, which protect the body from bacteria and viruses. The pharyngeal tonsils can be a health hazard. Adenoids are a problem that pediatricians often face. The peak of the disease occurs between the ages of 3 and 10 years.

Causes of occurrence

Adenoids can occur in a child due to:

  1. Bad ecology
  2. Genetic predisposition
  3. Frequent colds
  4. Infectious diseases
  5. Allergy tendencies
  6. Hypovitaminosis
  7. Improper and insufficient nutrition
  8. Previous inflammatory diseases of the nose
  9. Presence of asthma
  10. Unfavorable climate

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

At an early stage, it is almost impossible to identify adenoids in babies. Parents think this is a common cold.

What should parents pay attention to?

  1. Pallor
  2. Lethargy
  3. Difficulty breathing through the nose
  4. The kid swallows food hard
  5. Frequent tiredness and irritability

If the tonsils have already grown, then you can see obvious signs:

  1. A runny nose that can no longer be cured with ordinary drops
  2. Persistent cough
  3. Sore throat, nose
  4. Heat
  5. Decreased appetite
  6. Nausea

Treatment of adenoiditis according to Komarovsky

A conservative solution will help alleviate the child's condition, but it is worth remembering that basic therapy involves lifestyle adjustments and the implementation of measures to prevent colds. One of good ways treatment of adenoids - the cuckoo method. It helps to clear the nasopharynx of accumulated mucus and pus. However, there is a minus - the method does not reduce the size of the adenoid.

What are the indications for the removal of adenoids?

  1. Lack of nose breathing
  2. Sleep disturbance
  3. Stopping breathing during sleep
  4. Recurrent otitis media
  5. Lower respiratory tract diseases

Before removing the adenoids, you need to find a doctor who is able to conduct a conversation with relatives.

Modern diagnostic methods

The adenoids are easy to view with the equipment available to each ENT doctor.

The size of the adenoids can be determined by the condition of the tonsils. If it comes to removal, then additional diagnostic methods are carried out, for example x-ray examination nasopharynx, CT, which will accurately establish the degree of proliferation of the adenoids.

Also use endoscopic examinations... The nasopharynx is examined using flexible rhinoscopes. They are introduced into the nasal cavity and allow you to examine the adenoids in more detail, to determine the degree of the inflammatory process and the state of the mucous membrane.

You can examine the child on your own, but this is problematic, since the child will not be able to open his nostrils wide, the parent can hurt the child. Ordinary spoons are not suitable in size, so it is better to consult an ENT doctor.

Possible complications

Adenoids - an obstruction in the nasopharynx resulting in stagnation in the nose and surrounding areas. Discharge from the nose begins to torment the patient. Rhinitis may develop.

The pharyngeal tonsil becomes a chronic source of infection. Created favorable conditions for development allergic diseases and airway inflammation. The child begins to have rhinitis, sore throats, bronchitis that do not go away.

The disease progresses and symptoms begin to build up. Due to a violation of the ventilation of the tympanic cavity, the child has poor hearing. As a result, the child becomes distracted and irritable, it is difficult for him to learn and memorize new information.

How to cure without surgery?

There are two methods of treatment - no surgery and surgical removal... The operation is scheduled only as a last resort.

Any treatment should be prescribed only by an ENT doctor. A special positive effect is achieved in the first stage of the disease.

Complex non-surgical treatment:

  1. The use of medicinal drugs
  2. Laser treatment of adenoids. This is one of the most effective and safest ways to get rid of the problem. Laser treatment will reduce the lymphoid tissue of the tonsil and reduce inflammation. In addition, this device will help relieve puffiness, remove inflammation, and reduce pain.
  3. Homeopathy lags far behind the laser method. Homeopathic remedies Is a safe way of treatment, however positive action in each case personal. The method will help someone, but not for someone.
  4. Climatotherapy, for example, a trip to a sanatorium in the Crimea or Krasnodar Territory. Such treatment will help to strengthen the immune system and reduce the proliferation of tonsils.
  5. Physiotherapy, such as UHF, ultraviolet radiation, electrophoresis .

Surgical removal methods

Surgery - An operation to remove it is called an adenotomy. However, you should not rush, it is better to observe the child's condition. The operation must be resorted to when all conservative methods have already been tried. If this did not bring a positive result, then you need to make a decision about the operation. Many parents worry that the child will be in pain and blood vessels will begin to bleed.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Mothers want to improve the quality of the child's life and, on the contrary, try to avoid surgery, but intervention is needed when the child has already grown a lump and prevents him from breathing. During the operation, the adenoids are not excised, they are cut under the root and return the adenoids to their normal state. After the operation, the child will be able to breathe normally.

In some children, the adenoids can grow even if the operation was performed well. This is due to genetic predisposition to the growth of tissue and after five to six years after the operation I can again disturb. If the doctor says that surgical intervention necessary, then it is really necessary.

The operation lasts a maximum of half an hour. The recovery period takes five days, a maximum of a week. After that, the mother should regularly examine the child with an ENT doctor.

Attention should always be paid to the baby's breathing. If relieved by blowing nose or rinsing nose saline solutions does not work, then most likely the child has adenoids. In addition, there should be a frequent cough, coughing in a horizontal position. Enthusiastic adenoids cause snoring and frequent otitis media.

Modern medicine does not stand still and in every way tries to exclude subjectivity. A physician with experience will be able to make the diagnosis when examined with a stethoscope. However, if it is possible to examine the child using video endoscopy, this is only a plus. This diagnostic method will reduce the likelihood of error and eliminate the risk of surgery.

Adenoids lead to complications, therefore, if they are detected, it is necessary to diagnose and start treatment.

Adenoiditis is a disease characterized by chronic or acute inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils.

Since, anatomically, the tonsils are located in the pharynx, they are practically invisible during a normal throat examination, therefore the inflammatory process may remain unnoticed for a long time.

According to Komarovsky, in 80% of cases, adenoiditis occurs in children, since atrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils occurs in adulthood and no inflammatory processes occur.

Causes of occurrence

What it is? Adenoids (otherwise, adenoid growths or vegetation) are usually called hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsil. Their growth occurs gradually.

The most common reason for this phenomenon is frequent illnesses upper respiratory tract (, and others). Each contact of the body with an infection occurs with the active participation of the pharyngeal tonsil, which slightly increases in size. After recovery, when the inflammation passes, it returns to its original state.

If during this period (2-3 weeks) the child falls ill again, then, not having time to return to its original size, the amygdala increases again, but already more. This leads to permanent inflammation and build-up of lymphoid tissue.

The degree of the disease

In case you do not find it in time easy form and do not take action, adenoiditis transition into acute form, which is divided into several stages of enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsils:

  1. First degree. Adenoids enlarge and close upper part bony nasal septum
  2. Second degree. The size of the tonsils covers two-thirds of the bony septum of the nose
  3. Third degree. Almost the entire nasal septum is closed by adenoids.

The acute form requires immediate treatment, since in the future it can turn into chronic adenoiditis, which negatively affects the health of the child. Enlarged tonsils become inflamed, and a large number of bacteria develop in them.

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

The manifestation of adenoiditis in children can cause a number of complications, therefore it is very important to detect and cure it in the initial stage, and here knowledge of the symptoms will help us. Depending on the stage and nature of the course of the disease, its manifestations can differ significantly.

So, the signs of acute adenoiditis in a child are as follows:

  • runny nose and coughing fits;
  • when examining the throat, there is a slight reddening of the upper tissues;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the nasopharynx;
  • heat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • a feeling of stuffy nose;
  • headache;
  • general fatigue and loss of strength

Chronic adenoiditis develops as a result of acute inflammation of the adenoids. Its symptoms:

  • runny nose (sometimes with purulent discharge);
  • change in voice and sound of speech;
  • frequent colds and sore throats; nasal congestion;
  • recurrent (ear inflammation) or hearing loss;
  • the child is lethargic, does not get enough sleep and always breathes through the mouth.

The child often suffers from viral infections. This is due to a decrease in immunity and the constant secretion of infected mucus in children with adenoiditis. Mucus flows down the back of the pharynx, the inflammatory process spreads to the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

Chronic hypoxia and constant stress of the immune system lead to a delay in physical and mental development. Oxygen deficiency is manifested not only by general hypoxemia, but also by underdevelopment of the facial skull, in particular, upper jaw, as a result of which the child forms malocclusion... Possible deformation of the palate ("Gothic" palate) and development of the "chicken" chest... Adenoiditis in children also leads to chronic.

What does adenoiditis look like in children: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in children.


Diagnosis of adenoids does not require the use of specific methods and studies. Based on the visual examination, the ENT doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis and, if necessary, uses additional diagnostic methods.


Posterior rhinoscopy. Examination of the tonsil with a mirror. It is very difficult for children to carry out this method, since touching the mirror to the mucous membrane often causes a gag reflex.
Finger examination. A diagnostic method performed by a doctor to determine the degree of overgrowth of the adenoids.
X-ray of the nasopharynx. Allows you to determine the degree of overgrowth of the adenoids and exclude sinus diseases.
Endoscopic method Examination of the tonsil with an endoscope. The most informative method of all of the above, allows you to determine not only the size of the amygdala, but also its condition, and at the same time reveals concomitant diseases in the nasopharynx. Displays the picture on the monitor.

How is adenoiditis in children treated?

Without surgery, you can get rid of adenoiditis 1 - 2 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to observe a complex approachcombining general treatment and local effects on vegetation. Below is a sample therapy regimen.

General treatment is as follows:

  • immunomodulators (Immunal, Echinacea tincture);
  • immunostimulants with a course of 10 - 15 days (FIBS, Aloe extract, Apilak);
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • antihistamines for 7-14 days (Fenkarol, Suprastin, Diazolin, Pipolfen);
  • in acute purulent adenoiditis, antibiotics and sulfonamides are indicated.

Local treatment offers the following options:

  • drops with an anti-inflammatory effect for adenoiditis - Protargol, Nasonex;
  • nasal lavage - used both for adenoids and for their inflammation; for washing, you can use solutions of sea salt, Elekasol, Miramistin, Rotokan, Furacilin;
  • nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect - reduce tissue edema, remove a runny nose, facilitate the subsequent procedure for rinsing the nose; you can drip your nose with Tizin, Vibrocil, Sanorin;
  • introduction of drugs into the nasal cavity in the form of drops, spray or solution applied to turunda - Bioparox, Protargol, Kollargol, Albucid, Sofradex, Avamis;
  • inhalation through a nebulizer - Tsedovix, Mentoklar.

It should be noted that with the age of the child, the adenoids can decrease in size on their own. This is due to the fact that since adolescence, the overall incidence of respiratory infections decreases significantly. The nasopharyngeal tonsil ceases to constantly contact pathogenic microorganisms and begins to regress (decrease in size).

Removal of adenoids

Surgical treatment of adenoiditis in children is carried out with the ineffectiveness of conservative methods, as well as with difficulty in nasal breathing. The decision on whether to remove the adenoids remains with the parents. But there are a number absolute readings to the operation. In these cases, interference cannot be avoided.


  • inability to breathe through the nose (adenoids 2 - 3 degrees);
  • deformation of the sternum and face;
  • large adenoids;
  • hearing loss.


  • persistent rhinitis;
  • chronic adenoiditis;
  • bad breath;
  • snoring, poor sleep;
  • frequent otitis media and sinusitis,.

Indications for surgery:

  1. Severe nasal breathing disorders;
  2. Incipient deformation of the facial skeleton and chest;
  3. Hearing impairment due to hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  4. Existing chronic inflammatory diseases of other upper respiratory tract organs.

Laser removal adenoids has several advantages over the traditional method:

  1. The recovery period after surgery is reduced.
  2. Minimal blood loss.
  3. The surgeon's actions are more accurate.
  4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe injured area is reduced.
  5. Complete sterility and reduced risk of complications.

Laser for the removal of adenoids in children can be used in two ways:

  1. Coagulation. A focused beam is used. Recommended for removing large lesions.
  2. Valorization. The upper layers of the adenoids are fired with steam, using a carbon dioxide laser. Recommended for early stages and small formations.

Video: indications for the removal of adenoids in a child - Dr. Komarovsky.

In the body, there are groups of cells that perform certain common and similar functions, these cells are called "tissues". There are cells that are responsible for the development of immunity and form the so-called. lymphoid tissue. The thymus gland consists entirely of lymphoid tissue; it (tissue) is located in the intestine, in the bone marrow. Opening your mouth in front of a mirror, you can see the formations consisting of lymphoid tissue - tonsils - essential organs lymphoid system. These tonsils are called palatine.

The palatine tonsils can increase in size - such an increase is called hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils; they can become inflamed - inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic.

The palatine tonsils are not the only lymphoid formation of the pharynx. There is another tonsil called the pharyngeal. It is impossible to see her when examining the oral cavity, but it is not difficult to imagine where she is. Again, looking into the mouth, we can see the back wall of the pharynx, going up it, it is easy to reach the fornix of the nasopharynx, and this is where the pharyngeal tonsil is located.

The pharyngeal tonsil, and this is already clear, also consists of lymphoid tissue. The pharyngeal tonsil may increase in size, and this condition is called "hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil."

An increase in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil is called adenoid enlargements, or simply adenoids. Knowing the basics of terminology, it is easy to conclude that inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil is called adenoiditis by doctors.

Diseases of the palatine tonsils are quite obvious. Inflammatory processes (tonsillitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis) - are easily detected when examining the oral cavity. The situation is different with the pharyngeal tonsil. After all, it is not easy to look at it - only a doctor (otolaryngologist) can do it with the help of a special mirror: a small round mirror with a long handle is inserted deep into the oral cavity, up to the back of the pharynx, and in the mirror you can see the pharyngeal tonsil.

This manipulation is simple only theoretically, since "sticking" a mirror very often causes "bad" reactions in the form of urge to vomit, etc.
At the same time, a specific diagnosis - "adenoids" - can be made without unpleasant examinations. The symptoms accompanying the appearance of adenoids are very characteristic and are due, first of all, to the place where the pharyngeal tonsil is located. It is there, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasopharyngeal vault, that, firstly, the holes (mouth) are located auditory tubesconnecting the nasopharynx with the middle ear cavity, and, secondly, the nasal passages end there.

An increase in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil, taking into account the described anatomical features, forms two main symptoms indicating the presence of adenoids - disturbances in nasal breathing and hearing impairment.

It is quite obvious that the severity of these symptoms will be largely determined by the degree of enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil (otolaryngologists distinguish between adenoids I, II, and III degree).

The main, most significant and most dangerous consequence of adenoids is a permanent violation of nasal breathing. Perceptible obstacle to passing air jet leads to breathing through the mouth, and therefore, to the fact that the nose cannot perform its functions, which, in turn, are very important. The consequence is obvious - in airways untreated air enters - not purified, not warmed up and not humidified. And this greatly increases the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the pharynx, in the larynx, in the trachea, in the bronchi, in the lungs (tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Constantly difficult nasal breathing is reflected in the work of the nose itself - congestion occurs, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, persistent rhinitis, sinusitis often occurs, the voice changes - it becomes nasal. Violation of the patency of the auditory tubes, in turn, leads to hearing impairment, to frequent otitis media.

Children sleep with open mouth, snore, complain of headaches, often suffer from respiratory viral infections. Appearance a child with adenoids is depressing - constantly open mouth, thick snot, irritation under the nose, handkerchiefs in all pockets ... Doctors have even come up with a special term - "adenoid face".

So, adenoids are a serious nuisance, and the nuisance is mainly children's - the pharyngeal tonsil reaches its maximum size at the age of 4 to 7 years. During puberty, the lymphoid tissue significantly decreases in size, but by this time it is already possible to "earn" a very large number of serious sores - from the ears, and from the nose, and from the lungs. Thus, the wait-and-see tactics - they say, we will tolerate until the age of 14, and then, you see, it will dissipate - is definitely wrong. It is necessary to act, especially in view of the fact that the disappearance or reduction of adenoids in adolescence is a theoretical process, but in practice there are cases when adenoids have to be treated even at 40 years of age.

What factors contribute to the appearance of adenoids?

Heredity - at least if the parents suffered from adenoids, the child, to one degree or another, will also face this problem.
Inflammatory diseases of the nose, throat, pharynx - and respiratory viral infections, and measles, and whooping cough, and scarlet fever, and tonsillitis, etc.
Eating disorders - especially overfeeding.
Propensity to allergic reactions, congenital and acquired immunity deficiency.
Violations of the optimal properties of the air that the child breathes - very warm, very dry, a lot of dust, an admixture of harmful substances (environmental situation, excess of household chemicals).

Thus, the actions of parents aimed at preventing adenoids are reduced to correction, or even better, to the initial organization of a lifestyle that contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system - feeding according to appetite, physical activity, hardening, limiting contact with dust and household chemicals.

But if there are adenoids, it is necessary to treat it - the consequences are too dangerous and unpredictable if you do not interfere. At the same time, the main thing is to correct the way of life and only then to take medical measures.

All methods of treating adenoids are divided into conservative (there are many of them) and operational (it is one). Conservative methods often help, and the frequency of positive effects is directly related to the degree of adenoids, which, however, is quite obvious: the smaller the pharyngeal tonsil, the easier it is to get the effect without the help of surgery.
The choice of conservative methods is great. These are general strengthening agents (vitamins, immunostimulants), and rinsing the nose with special solutions, and instilling a wide variety of agents with anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antimicrobial properties.

If conservative methods do not help, the question of an operation is on the agenda. The operation to remove the adenoids is called "adenotomy". By the way, and this is fundamentally important, indications for adenotomy are determined not by the size of adenoid enlargements, but by specific symptoms. In the end, due to the specific anatomical features of a particular child, it also happens that grade III adenoids only moderately interfere with nasal breathing, and grade I adenoids lead to a significant hearing loss.

What you need to know about adenotomy:

The essence of the operation is the removal of the enlarged pharyngeal tonsil.
The operation is possible under both local and general anesthesia.
The duration of the operation is one of the shortest: 1-2 minutes, and the "cutting" process itself is a few seconds. A special ring-shaped knife (adenotome) is inserted into the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasopharyngeal vault, pressed against it, and at this moment the adenoid tissue enters the adenotome ring. One movement of the hand - and the adenoids are removed.

The simplicity of the operation is not evidence of the safety of the operation. Complications due to anesthesia, bleeding, and damage to the palate are possible. But all this happens infrequently.

Adenotomy is not an emergency surgery. It is advisable to prepare for it, go normal examination etc. Operation is undesirable during epidemics of influenza, after suffering acute infectious diseases.

The recovery period after the operation proceeds quickly, well, perhaps 1-2 days, it is advisable not to "jump" very much and not to eat hard and hot.

I draw your attention to the fact that, regardless of the surgeon's qualifications, it is completely impossible to remove the pharyngeal tonsil - at least something will remain. And there is always a possibility that the adenoids will appear (grow) again.

The reappearance of adenoids is a reason for serious parental thinking. And not at all that a bad doctor was "caught". And that all doctors, taken together, will not help if the child is surrounded by dust, dry and warm air, if the child is fed with persuasion, if TV is more important than walking, if not physical activityif ... If it is easier for mom and dad to take the child to an otolaryngologist than to part with their favorite carpet, organize hardening, sports, sufficient stay in the fresh air.

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