Differentiation of sounds s-z and letters that denote them in words and sentences. Speech material for the differentiation of speech sounds s-z-c methodical development on the topic

Summary of the lesson at the checkpoint on the topic:

Differentiation of sounds З-С.

Lesson Objectives:

to consolidate the skills of correct sound pronunciation;

to clarify the articulation of sounds [s] - [h];

to learn to give a comparative description of sounds [s] - [s];

learn to differentiate the letters S-Z;

develop the skills of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis;

develop phonemic perception;

develop visual and auditory attention;

develop logical thinking and memory;

develop general motor skills;

to educate the activity and independence of students in the classroom;

develop the ability to interact with each other.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Health-developing component:

creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the group;

removal of fatigue from the muscles of the trunk, shoulder girdle and arms (game "On the contrary").

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Hear riddles and guess them.

    Sits under the porch

The tail is a ringlet. (Dog) (Slide 1.1)

    Running uphill

Somersault from the mountain. (Hare) (Slide 1.2)

What is the first sound in dog. (Sound [s])

What is the first sound in the word hare? (Sound [z])

Have you guessed what sounds we will learn to distinguish in class today? (Sounds [s] - [h])

The topic of our lesson: "Distinguishing sounds [s] - [h]" (Slide 1.3)

III. Main part.

    - Self-massage:

"Vodichka, vodichka

wash my face

to make your eyes shine

to make your cheeks pink

so that the mouth laughs,

to bite a tooth

And now we went into the forest and mosquitoes flew over us (mosquitoes are ringing).

- Articulation gymnastics ( work with mirrors).

Take each your mirror, now you and I will do articulatory gymnastics: (exercise illustrations)

Smile "-" proboscis "


"Kneading the dough"




Delicious jam "

Let's clean the lower teeth "

IUAE ______

IUAE _____________

IUAE _____________________

2. Clarification of the rate of articulation of the studied sounds (work with mirrors).

Look in the mirror and tell us how we pronounce the sound [s].

Let's characterize the sound [s].

(The sound [s] is a consonant, voiceless, solid.)

Look in the mirror and tell us how we pronounce the sound [z].

In what position are our lips, where is the tongue, put your hand on your throat and say, they work vocal cords or not?

Let's characterize the sound [s].

(Sound [h] - consonant, voiced, solid.)

3 ... Comparative characteristics of the studied sounds, determination of similarities and differences.

What do the sounds [s] - [h] have in common? (They are consonant and firm.)

What is the difference? (The sound [s] is dull, and the sound [z] is voiced.)

4. Work on the development of phonemic perception.

Now I will make various sounds. When you hear a dull sound [s] show your palms, and if you hear a ringing sound [h], clap your hands.

Sounds: s, w, w, h, h, s, t, h, u, s, p, h.

Syllables: Sa, zha, for, pa, sa, scha, for, that,

Learning the tongue twisters "Repeat - don't be mistaken!":

Sa-za-sa - a FOX is walking through the forest

Za-sa-za - sly eyes.

5. Development of auditory attention.

Listen to the poems and tell me what letters are meant.

1. Look at this letter:

It's just like number three. (About the letter Z.)

Pick up the card with the letter Z.

2. The mouse sat in the corner,

I ate a piece of the donut.

What letter is shining

An old clear month?

Crescent moon in the dark sky

The letter C hung over the house.

Pick up the card with the letter C.

6. Exercise for a minute.

("straight" movement).The hand and forearm are placed on the table,children are sitting.


Drank, drank, drank, drank! Z-z-z-z

The cold winter has come. Brrrr

Drank us some firewood sooner, s-s-s-s

We will heat the stove, we will warm everyone! S-s-s-s

7. Work on the development of phonemic perception and auditory attention.

Distinguishing sounds [s] - [h] in words.

I will tell you different words.

When you hear a word with the sound [c], clap your palms 2 times,

When you hear a word with the sound [h], clap your palms 1 time.

Count how many words I will name with sound [s], and how many with sound [s].

Words: teeth, goat, nails, hare, nose, bag, owl, socks, fox

What words do you remember?

8. Sound analysis of the words GOAT, FOX

We are building a train. We make word schemes. (Trailers are syllables, wheels are sounds)

9. Anchoring.

Work on individual cards.

10. Lesson summary.

What sounds and letters did we learn to distinguish in class?

(Sounds [s] - [z], letters C - Z.)

What do they have in common? What is the difference?

Which task did you like the most?

All were great.


Illustrative material for the lesson.

Abstract of a group speech therapy lesson.

Topic of the lesson: Differentiation of sounds [S] - [Z] in syllables, words and sentences.

Purpose of the lesson: Strengthening the skills of clear pronunciation and the ability of children to differentiate the sounds [S] and [Z] in syllables, words, sentences.


1. Educational:

Clarify the articulation of the sounds "S" and "Z";

To consolidate the correct pronunciation of these sounds in syllables, words and sentences;

Develop respiratory and speech organs;

Develop phonemic hearing;

Enrich vocabulary;

Ensure correctness grammatical structure speech;

Work on the development of phrasal speech.

Activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic " New Year", compilation of a creative story" New Year "based on plot pictures with the help of key words with the continuation of the plot.

2. Correctional goals:

Develop auditory and visual perception, memory, attention, logical thinking, creative imagination;

Develop and improve articulatory and finger (fine) motor skills;

Develop sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis;

Improve phonemic perception and hearing;

Consolidate knowledge about the features of the holiday.

3. Educational:

Foster organized behavior during class;

Cultivate interest in games with sounds and words;

To cultivate perseverance in the classroom;

To instill attention and interest in beautiful and correct oral speech.

To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, independence, initiative, responsibility, self-control.

To develop the ability to work in a team and individually, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other.

Creation of a positive emotional background, joy, expectation of the holiday.

Equipment:individual mirrors, fairy-tale characters, in whose names there are sounds "S" and "Z", cards with the letters C, Z, subject pictures with the image of a Snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, plot pictures on the theme of "New Year",

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

3. Development exercise air jet.

4. Articulation gymnastics.

5. Familiarity with the sounds C and Z.

6. Development of phonemic perception.

7. Differentiation in syllables.

8. Differentiation in words.

9. Finger gymnastics.

10. Differentiation in sentences.

11. Psychoverbal gymnastics.

12. Assessment of the activities of children.

13. Lesson summary.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Purpose of the stage: Create a positive attitude and position the children for the lesson.

Good morning! The day has begun!

First of all, we drive laziness!

Do not yawn in class

Nice, clear answer!

P. Introductory conversation:

Guys, tell me what time of year it is? (Winter)

What month is it? (December)

What's the date today?

Tell me what holiday is coming? (New Year)

What do you think, without which there can be no New Year's holiday? (There can be no New Year's holiday without a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts, etc.)

Santa Claus has prepared New Year's tasks for you. For each correctly completed task, you will receive 1 Christmas tree toy, which you can use to decorate the Christmas tree.

First task.Rebus with the answer " snowflake".

Sh. Exercise for the development of an air stream. Blow off the snowflake.

Second task: "Find a logical pair"

Get a new year toy "snowflake"

1U. Articulating warm-up.

Purpose of the stage: To form the correct articulatory way of pronunciation of sounds [З], [С].

Here third task... We need to stretch the tongue so that he can respond beautifully.

Children perform exercises ("Watch", "Spatula", "Pussy is angry", "Brush the lower teeth", "Sweetie", etc. (control through individual mirrors).

Christmas toy "star"

U. Acquaintance with the sounds "S-Z".

Listen to riddles, guess what it is?

He's fluffy, silvery

But don't touch him with your hand:

Will become a drop of pure

As you catch it in the palm of your hand.


What is the name of the time

When they make a woman out of snow,

A bear sucks a paw in a den

Are the kids playing snowballs?


I will not tolerate heat:

I'll spin the blizzards

I'll whitewash all the glades

I will decorate the spruce

I'll notice a snowball at home

Because I ...


Tell me, what sound is heard at the beginning of the word snow? (Sound "C".)

And what sound is heard at the beginning of the word winter? (Sound "Z".)

Today we will learn to distinguish the sounds "S-Z" in syllables, words and sentences.

Tell me, what are sounds? (We hear and pronounce sounds).

Now let's characterize the C sound.

The "C" sound is similar to how the pump works: "C-C-C".

Having prepared the mirrors, let's look at the correct articulation of the "C" sound.

With the sound "C", the lips are slightly stretched in a smile, the teeth are drawn together, the tongue rests with the tip on the lower incisors, the lateral edges of the tongue touch the inner side of the upper molars, the vocal cords: open, exhalation is somewhat enhanced. We hear and pronounce sound.

-And now the characteristic of the sound "Z".

The sound "Z" is similar to how the mosquito "Z-Z-Z" sings his song.

With the sound "Z" the articulation is the same as with the sound "C", only the back of the tongue is raised a little higher, the vocal cords are closed and vibrate.

The sound "Z" is a consonant, paired, voiced, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. We will hang a bell over the sound "Z", because it is ringing.

Tell me, what do the sounds "S-Z" have in common?

That's right, they are similar in articulation.

What is the difference?

-So, we came to the topicof our lesson - today we will continue our acquaintance with the sounds [C] and [Z], we will learn to distinguish (differentiate) them in words, words, sentences.

Sound-letter analysis of the words "winter", "snow".

Y1. Development of phonemic perception.

Purpose of the stage: To form the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds [З], [С].

Assignment 4. Cards - "Add a letter" - select the letters Zi C

Get a New Year's toy.

The game "Moving hands".

Let's play with you, if you hear the sound C, then hide your palms, because they are frozen from the cold breeze, if you hear the sound Z, then you open your palms.

UP. Differentiation in syllables.

Purpose of the stage: Check the skill of the formation of distinction by ear for sounds [S], [Z] in syllables.

- And now we will play a little games with syllables,

Task 5.

1) our first game is called "Say the opposite" (with a snowball).

Za - sa, sy - zy, so - zo, us - uz, zy - sy, su - zu

2) The game "Name an extra syllable."

- Guys, now you must clearly pronounce the rows of syllables behind me, and you must determine the extra syllable:

Sa - sa - sa - sa - per

Co - co - co - co - zo

Su - su - su - su - zu

PS - PS - PS - PS - sy

Zi - zi - zi - zi - si

Zu - zu - zu - zu - su

A little toy.

USH. Differentiation in words.

Task 6. Picture- It's time for Santa Claus to go to the holiday. Help him find all the items that he should take with him (children circle objects with foul-makers)

I give a Christmas tree toy.

Task 7. The game "The fourth extra"

Purpose of the stage: Check the skill of the formation of distinction by ear of sounds [S], [Z] in words.

- Now I will pronounce the words, and you will say which word is superfluous in this chain.

sled, fence, owl, juice;

- rose, goat, vase, nose;

- plane, bag, dragonfly,soup.

- In which word do both sounds occur? "dragonfly"

I give a Christmas tree toy "dragonfly"

Task 8. Letter from Santa Claus- "What is missing in an empty cell?"

Get a New Year's toy.

Task 9. "Name the weather."

What is the weather like in winter if:

It's snowing (snowy)

It's cold outside (cold)

Frost (frosty)

The sun is shining (solar)

The wind blows (windy)

Well done, here's another Christmas tree toy.

1X. Warm-up for fingers. Warm-up with "Su-Jock".

Stage goal: To develop fine motor skills.

Task 10. Letter from Santa Claus - "Put a snowflake out of counting sticks."

Get a new year toy "snowflake"

Guess a riddle:

On winter dress up

In garlands of balls

Hid the gifts

One for the children. (Christmas tree)

Assignment 11. Letter from Grandfather Frost - The children in the kindergarten were asked to bring a little cilant. Help to find.

Daiyolochuyu toy "herringbone"

Task 12: Letter from Santa Claus.The task is the line by numbers and you will find out what Santa Claus is carrying.

We made a snowball

They made a hat on it,

The nose was attached, and in a moment

It turned out ... (Snowman)

Vocabulary work:

Notice the difficult words are written on the board. we read the words: Snow Maiden, Snowman, snow, snowflake.

Tell me, from what theologian did these words come from?

Task 13. Game "What? Which one? What kind?"

- Guys, look carefully at the pictures, and say as many words as possible about this subject.

Snowman (what kind) - big, white, round, cheerful ...

Toy (what kind) - beautiful, glass, round, New Year's ...

Santa Claus (what) - fabulous, huge, kind, cheerful ...

Snow Maiden (what kind) - beautiful, kind, cheerful ...

Well done, another one-sided toy.

Task 14.Exercise "Which word is shorter?"

- Guys, you remember that words are long and short. I will now name the words, and you will say which word is shorter.

Snow - snowball; snow - snowflake; mask - masquerade; Snow Maiden - snow; round dance - magic.

Well done, another one-sided toy.

X. Differentiation in sentences.

Purpose of the stage: Check the skill of forming the correct pronunciation and distinguishing the sounds [S], [Z] in sentences.

Work with the proposal.

Listen to what I'm going to read to you now:

A new year is coming to us.

What is it? (Sentence.)

Tell me, are there any studied sounds in this sentence? (Yes.)

How many words are there in this sentence? (Five words).

Task 15. Exercise "Correct the error" Working with deformed sentences.

Guys, I received a letter from the winter forest. Only it is encrypted, can you help me decrypt it? I will read the sentences, and you listen, find errors in them and name the sentence correctly.

Masha likes to wear the mask.

The Christmas tree is dancing near the Snow Maiden.

The children decorated the toys with Christmas trees.

The Christmas tree lit up on the lights.

Santa Claus brought a bag of gifts.

Well done, another one-sided toy.

X1. Psychoverbal gymnastics

Tap the rhythmic pattern of the quatrain with a pencil (each syllable):

To our Christmas tree, oh-oh-oh,

Santa Claus came big

Santa Claus. Santa Claus,

He brought us presents.

Task 16. Stories of children using reference pictures.

"New Year" and "Winter"

Task 17 Santa Claus has prepared gifts for you, but you need to find them. Riddles will help us.


She sleeps all day, but flies at night.

It sparkles with its big eyes.

Her keen hearing and attentive gaze

They will find frogs and mice in the grass.

Her head is spinning

And he will say: "Uh-huh" to us forest ...


Put it in the lock, turn it.

Unlock any door

Small in stature, but so powerful.

It is called ...


There is a large casket on the floor.

It is upholstered with iron and has a padlock on it.


Children solve riddles and find gifts from Grandfather Frost (pig, piglet, piglets, pigs, etc.)

Task 17 .. Creative work. Decorate the gloves for Santa Claus.

We must thank Grandfather Frost. Make a gift to Grandfather Frost. Decorate his gloves.

HP.Evaluation of the activities of children.Counting toys.

XIII. The result of the lesson.

Purpose of the stage: Children name sounds, clarify the correct articulation of sounds from-z.

- Guys, did you like the lesson?

- What sounds did we compare today?

- Which task did you like the most?

- What was the most difficult thing?

What holiday did we talk about today in class?

What time of the year do we celebrate it?

This concludes our lesson!

X1U Homework. The speech therapist offers children to control the pronunciation of the sounds [S] and [Z] (hide the tongue behind the lower teeth) in syllables, words and sentences.

There was a knock on the door. The postman brought a letter for the children from Santa Claus.


1 Novotortseva N. V. Workbook on the development of speech for sounds [Z], [Z "], [C]. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, - 2003. - 64 p.

2 Mironova S. A. Speech development of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. - M .: Education, - 1991 .-- 204 p.

3 Wiesel T.G. Speech therapy exercises for every day to develop clear speech. - M .: V. Sekachev, 2005 .-- 16p.

We speak and write correctly.

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s] in words and phrasal speech.

Objective: to develop auditory perception sounds s, s ; show the difference in articulation and pronunciation; automate the correct pronunciation in your own speech in isolation, in syllables, words.


1. Development of articulatory and fine and general motor skills;

2. Development of phonemic processes (phonemic perception, phonemic hearing, sound - letter analysis and synthesis);

3. Enrichment of vocabulary;

4. Revitalization mental processes (perception, attention, memory, spatial perception, self-regulation of one's behavior, activation of interhemispheric interaction).

Equipment: picture material, handouts, signal cards, subject pictures withthe sounds: "S, Sb, Z, Z"; letters С, З; picture cards for locating sound , costumes: dragonfly, zebra, hare, elephant.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizing time.

Greeting. Discussion and definition of the season, month, date, day of the week. Finding out the sequence of days of the week (what day of the week is today, yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday; what day of the week happens between two other days).

1.1 Finger gymnastics: "Fingers greet", "Bunnies - rings - goats" (performed sequentially on each hand). Simultaneously on both hands to perform exercises "bunnies" - "goats" and change their position.

1.2 Breathing exercise "Hot tea"

purpose : development of a strong, smooth and prolonged exhalation.

Equipment : colored cardboard cups.

Game progress : - Hello, girls and boys! Today you are guests

Mine and I treat everyone with hot tea, and in order not to burn yourself - I blow

I suggest!

2. Repetition of the passed material.

What 2 groups are all sounds divided into?

Vowels and consonants.

How do vowel sounds differ from consonants?

Vowels can be sung, shouted. When they are formed, only the voice works. And you can't sing consonants. When consonants are formed, lips, teeth and tongue work. They create an air barrier in the mouth.

Development of sound-letter analysis.

Listen to the words, determine what vowels are in these words,

Write the letters in a notebook:


How many vowels are in these words;

What are the names of such words (monosyllabic);


What vowels are in these words;

How many syllables are in these words;

What are the names of such words (disyllabic).

How to name in one word those words with which we worked, who is this?


3. Explanation of the new material.

Look at the pictures, highlight the initial sounds.

Compare sounds c and h for articulation.

How are these sounds similar?

What is the difference between these sounds?

Extract the initial sound from the words. (Speech therapist pronounces words,

Children name only the first sound.)

Sample. Juice (s), himself, sleigh, tooth, umbrella, sleep, castle, bitch, hall.

Development of phonemic hearing.

The game "Pop-stomp"

Speech therapist says the wordsand the children clap their hands when they hear sound - s, and stomp when they hear - p.

Catfish, fork, horn, scythe, tan, heat, nose, sand, goat, salt.

Dynamic pause. Ball game

Add a syllable game

I will pronounce the beginning of words, and you add -sa or -za

Gro ...

Ro ...

Lee ...

Bere ...


Task 1. Change the words in the pattern.

Eye - eyes belt -… bus -….

Nose -…. order -… diver -….

Cargo - ... watermelon - ... state farm - ...

Coward -…. skid-… steam locomotive -….

Task 2. Development of phonemic perception in sentences

- Take the cards. Guess riddles.
- What is it?
- Now name the words with the sound [S] from the text of the riddle. And with sound [Z].

In winter it is white, you roll it up - a wedge,
Summer gray Unfold - damn
(Hare) (Umbrella)

Front - a patch, White blanket not made by hand.
There is a hook on the back. Was not weaved or cut,
In the middle of the back, From the sky to the ground fell.
And there is a bristle on it. (Snow)

The rope lies, you stroke - caresses,
Hisses, cheat. You tease - it bites.
It's dangerous to take her - (Dog)
Will bite.
Is it clear? (Snake)

Physical education. Coordination of speech with movement.

The bunny has long ears (extension-flexion of the fists)
They stick out of the bushes. (put your palms to the head, back and forth)
Ears jump and jump (clap-cam on the table)
The hares themselves are more fun. ( circular motion brushes)

Assignment 3. Development of the ability to think logically and make up phrases. Formation of grammatical skills.

Guys, look at the words on the board. Connect the words from the 1st column with the words from the 2nd column to get phrases. Mark the letters C, Z on the board with a triangle and a square.

Sunny holiday
Delicious and healthy table
Festive strawberry
Ripe glade
Juicy water
Different food
Pure and transparent cabbage
Merry sweets

Assignment 4. Differentiation [S] - [Z] in coherent speech

- Guys, now we are going to play a scene: "Housewarming with animals."

Children are given roles and costumes: dragonfly, zebra, hare, elephant, host.


Leading:Today the animals have a housewarming party. The dragonfly summoned all the inhabitants of the forest to a sunny meadow.
Dragonfly:Let everyone bring delicious and healthy food to the festive table.
Zebra:I am a zebra, I will bring ripe strawberries.
Hare:I am a hare, I will treat everyone to juicy cabbage.
Elephant:I am an elephant, I will bake various sweets for you.
Dragonfly:And I fly to the lake for clear transparent water.
All in chorus:It will be a merry holiday!

The students act out the scene. Then the speech therapist thanks the children and puts them at their desks.

4. Lesson summary

- What sounds did we distinguish in class?
- Why can these sounds be confused?
- What is the difference between the sounds [C] - [З]?
- What did you like?

This speech material does not contain other sounds from the sibilant and hissing groups, since they are most often disturbed together with this sound. If you have broken and other sounds (for example, [p], [p "], [l], [l"]), it is also advisable to exclude words with them from the material for automation.

za-sa zya-sya
zo-so zyo-syo
zu-su zi-si
zy-sy ze-se
zva-sva zvi-svy evil-slu zma-sma
zvo-svo zvo-sve angry-sly zmo-smo
zvu-svu evil-ate mad-ate zmu-him
link-link evil-ate evil-barely snake-laugh
know-sleep heat-sleep know-sleep heat-sleep
azma-asma ozma-osma uzma-usma
yazma-yasma yosma-yosma yosma-yusma
isma-isma esma-esma

Zal-fat, bunny-saika, Lisa-fox, castle-boot, flood-fireworks, back-garden, lick-fox, bundle-sled, rose-dew, goat-braid, crawl away-bite, Zakhar-sugar, behind- planted, climb-sled, sweep-the plane.

Call-sleep, ash-salt, Zoya-soya, vigilant-hill, umbrella-sleepy, cart-sock, ash-owl, pattern-litter, golden-nightingale, box-scoop.

Tooth-soup, take out-take out, tooth-marmot, tooth-cloth, carry-carry, below-take down, goat-scythe, thunderstorm-dew, fuel oil-graze, rodent-dancer.

Swell-rash, watermelon-beads, bubble-cheese, goats-braids, music-blond, bubble-cheese, call-send.

Chill-sit, lakes-villages, chilly-everyone, goat-donkey, prize-winner-boxer, drifting-ribbon.

Rubber-bog, winter-blue, petrol-kerosene, store-extinguished, carried-carried, basket-lint, wintering-orphan, Zina-Sima, winter-blue, winter-aspen, elder-bead.

Zev-sowing, grain-saddle, zebra-gray, museum-sowing, herbs-herring, newspaper-cassette.

Pile-dump, ring-your-own, animal-cricket, platoon-arch, anger-drain, hack-break, evil-layer, snake-dare, know-tackle, heat-sheaf.

Runners-ears, perhaps-fable, thread-braid, different-red, near-after, much-throated, late-fast, eye-vowel, goat-donkey, alphabet-aster, nails-bones, overweight-sad, formidable- tall.

Drought, envy, record, bolt, veil, drifts, ambush, fall asleep, record, sow, populate, sweep, bring in, overgrow, abandon, curtain, carp, season, gray, say, peel off, take down, tie, grease, summon, tears, dragonfly, drake.

Lisa, sit Sonya behind. Zoya, give Zakhar some sugar. On the green leaves there is dew like a tear. The doll has blue eyes, the doll has a blond braid. The little sister will run away into the garden, the brother calls her back. The nightingale is not great, but the voice is golden. Senya took a scoop and pours a box. We named the bird jay Zoika. This girl with a scythe in the yard is called "Goat". Vasya carries sand, his cart creaks. Zina sobbed once and went to play in the sand. I'm carrying a basket, Sima is standing below. In a thunderstorm we hid with you in the forest. A gray drake walks along the shore. The cat Vasily did something wrong: he secretly climbed into sour cream. There are several villages near the lakes. Zina and Sima took a sled. It was a blue winter evening.


Although it is snow and ice itself, but when it leaves, it pours tears. (Winter)

Miracles, miracles -
The heavens are on fire!
The clouds have become scarlet,
The river became pink.

Pounded Pointed Nose
And sharpened Sharp Nose.
Pointed Nose worked -
They took away the green cart.

Gold field.

As long as the eyes are enough - a golden field, a golden sea. Waves walk on gold, bending ripe ears of wheat down. They poured cornflowers - blue stars.

Vanya, Zina and Zoya worked in the field. They loaded grain onto trucks. They took water and food to their parents by carts. Once the guys were by the lake. It is overgrown with grass. The water in the lake was bad. Nobody swam in the lake.
Zoya said: "The lake is drying up. There is no inflow of water into it. Now, if only you could dig a ditch to the lake and run water through it!" Vanya sighed: "Not bad, but a lot of care!" However, Zina objected: "We will take up this matter anyway. And the adults will help!"

The pranks of the old woman of winter

Winter got angry. I decided to freeze everyone. Winter blew out cold, scattered the leaves. The birds gathered and flew over the mountains, over the seas, where there is no evil winter. Others huddled in the cracks. Winter did not freeze them.
Winter was embittered by animals. Has covered the ground with snow. Orders frost to freeze animals. There are frosts after frosts, each more angry than the other, frightening the animals. Animals huddled for the winter quarters. The wicked winter did not forget the fish. Frozen rivers and lakes. But the fish did not freeze, they are not cold under the ice.
Winter fell upon people. Frost covered the windows with patterns. And people flooded the fireplaces. They prepare firewood, carry it in wagons and praise the frost. The children were not afraid of winter either. They run in the yard. Enough winter viciously for someone's ear or nose. And he will rub it - and he is not cold.
Offended, winter began to cry. Winter tears fell. So spring is near.

Birch forest.

Behind the birch appeared a birch bush, dark green. The place here is steppe, deaf. Everywhere the earth was lushly overgrown, and here it was impassable, waist-high grass. Flowers grew up to the waist. From them - white, blue, pink, red - dazzles in the eyes. All glades are flooded with them, so beautiful that they grow only in birch forests. The road is barely visible among the bushes. It smells sweetly of strawberries, bitter - of strawberries, birch, wormwood.

(According to I. Bunin)

Teterev in winter.

Before dawn, a black grouse sat on a birch. Black grouse cannot survive the winter without birch. The fields are covered with snow, no grain to be found. And on the birch branches there are earrings. Black grouse eat them.
Night was falling. The blue gloom was thickening, sinking. Snowfall was approaching. Teterev watched the sunset and seemed to think: where to sleep today?
The wind blew out. Branches fluttered. When the sunset went out completely, the black grouse began to fall into the snow. They plunged into the snow. The wind will sweep the funnel. The beast won't find it. Snow crunches under the beast - the black grouse will have time to take off. The snow is much warmer than the air.

(According to R. Snegirev)

Like harnessed like a samovar.

About one event different people can tell differently. Here's how the samovar was harnessed ...
One master was sitting at a samovar. The samovar puffed, steam began to come out of it. The master noticed this and said: "The power is wasted in vain!" The master decided to use the power of steam. He took the samovar out into the field. I attached a wheel with a belt to it. The samovar began to boil. Steam spun the wheel, the grain began to thresh.
The master's horse limped. The master took the samovar, put it on one side, adjusted the wheels. The samovar went. They began to call it a steam locomotive.
The summer was somehow calm. The master also used a samovar here. I loaded it onto the ship. They began to call the ship a steamer.
So they harnessed a lazy samovar to work.

(According to E. Permyak)

We wish you success!


1. The ability to distinguish consonants S. 3 in oral and written speech.



4. The development of coherent speech.

5. Development, thinking, memory, attention.

Equipment:signal cards, tape recording, pictures: curtain, zebra, elephant, glass, plum, watermelon, cabbage, nest; card with the text of the fairy tale "A Pig at a Party"; table with a crossword puzzle.

The course of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.


What letters and sounds did you work with in the last lesson?

Characteristics of sounds.

What are the articulations of these sounds, what are their similarities and differences?

What do the letters C, 3 look like?

Come up with words with these sounds.

III. Securing the material.

1. Differentiation of consonants C, 3 in syllables.

a) Form syllables. Read them.

b) Read, memorize and write down the syllable rows in the same sequence.

(Time is given to read the syllables of one chain, then the syllable row is closed).


sya-zya-zya zya-sya-sya-zi-si-zi zu-su-zu-su

2. Differentiation of consonants С, З in words.

Words: glass, law, teeth, hearing, laughter, sonorous, icy, winter, tray, sour cream, goat, ointment, geese, basket, shop, stars

b) Solving the crossword puzzle. Guess the word by the first letters of the names.

Hare Vase Christmas tree Castle Woodpecker Glasses Clock

Cube Aquarium. (Star).

c) Working with pictures.

Consider the pictures. Name them.

Make an outline of these words. Write the letters З, С.

Write down the words, divide into syllables (curtain, zebra, elephant, glass, plum, watermelon, cabbage, nest).

d) Guessing riddles, writing down words-answers in two columns with different pastes,

The oblique has no den, in front of the piglet

He does not need a hole Behind - a hook,

A leg is saved from enemies, in the middle is the back,

And from hunger burrow (HARE) And she has a bristle. (PIG)

I walk in the rain and in the heat. Balls hang on the knots

I have such a character. (UMBRELLA) Turned blue from the heat. (PLUM)

The white stone melts in the mouth. (SUGAR) What can only be seen at night? ( STARS)

Shines, sparkles, Though she herself is both snow and ice,

Warms everyone. (THE SUN) And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (WINTER)

Read the words of the first column and the second.

3. Differentiation of consonants С, З in sentences.

Make sentences from these words.

Behind, the dog barked by the fence.

My teeth hurt, Sonya, badly.

For, a dog, chased, a hare.

I took a hare, a dog, a trace.

In, haystack, snake, hay, crawled away.

Ringingly, singing, garden, nightingale.

On, sparkled, bushes, grew.

Analysis of sentences: find the main members of the sentence.

4. Differentiation of S-Z in texts.

Listen to G. Yudin's fairy tale "A Pig at a Party".

Determine which of the sounds from the sounds S-Z more often occurs in the text.

“Once a dog invited its pig neighbor to dinner. She laid a table in the garden, laid a beautiful bedcloth, laid out napkins, salt in a salt shaker, lilacs in a glass, and even candles in candlesticks. She cooked all kinds of food: here I had cheese, beets in sugar, currants in sour cream, plum juice, and I fried sausages for myself with bacon. A pig came, didn’t even say “hello”, climbed onto the table in boots, ate everything, left nothing to the dog, even salted a candle and ate it with lilacs.

Then she lay down on the tablecloth and said: “You are bored, dog! You would have read poetry or a fairy tale. " “You have no conscience, - the dog was angry - you are a pig! Get out of here now! " And since then the dog is angry with the pig.


What is the sound of the text?

Whom did the dog invite?

How did the dog prepare for the arrival of the guest?

How did the pig behave at a party?

Why is the dog angry?

Retell the content of this tale.

IV. Lesson summary.

What did you learn in class?




1. To form in students the ability to distinguish consonants B, P in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic perception.

3. Development and improvement of the grammatical structure.

4. The development of coherent speech.


Equipment: a table for mnemonic reception, a syllabary table, bags with deformed text, figures of Pinocchio and Malvina made of foam or cardboard.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizing time.


What sounds and letters did you work with in the last lesson?

Let's play the game "Who is more?" The one who comes up with more words wins

III. Acquaintance with a new topic.

1. Guess the riddle. Isolation of the first sounds from guess words.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

Ii wanted to rip it off,

He fluttered and flew away (BUTTERFLY)

Rises at dawn.

Post in the yard.

A scallop on the head

Who is this? (COCK).

So what are these sounds?

2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds, establishing their similarities and differences,

3. Comparison of sounds with their graphics. Mnemonic reception.

Letter B with a large abdomen Letter P in the sports hall

In a cap with a long visor! The crossbar was called.

Well, honey, don't be lazy.

Come on and pull yourself up.

4. Differentiation BP.

a) in syllables

1) Working with a syllabic table.

Read the syllables in pairs, tell what sounds these pairs of syllables are deposited with:




2) Listen to the rows of syllables, remember, repeat in the same sequence:



3) Form syllables:

P and B I
about e
Have Yu
s and

4) Writing syllables in a notebook:

py, bo, ab, al, ub, pyu, bu, bab, pub

Read the written syllables.

b) Differentiation of sounds in words.

1) Snapping off the number of syllables in words:


2) Listen to the words, determine the presence and place of the sound B or P.

Sample: a) in the word PALKA - the sound P is at the beginning of the word.

b) in the word Fence - sound B, it is in the middle of the word.



3) "Funny sounds".

"B" said: To cut the forest

Listen to "A"

Let's run to look for words! Turned to SAWS,

They look - a barrel

Letters barrel Enter the house.

We rolled over the sand. The ox is afraid:

The barrel became light, Under me

Gone under the clouds (BUTTERFLY) The FLOOR will bend.

Clubs at the entrance, couple

They're coming from the ball husky

And behind them a couple of hounds,

In the clutches of Balalaika,

4) Change the words like this. so that after the consonants B, P, a vowel appears. Underline the last syllable.


(Pay attention to how the voiced consonant is pronounced and written at the end of a word. Remember the rule.)




c) Differentiation of BP in sentences.

1) Finish the sentences by inserting the words you need in the meaning:

stick - beam The old lady leans on ...

vocabulary work The roof rests on ...

barrel - bud Leaves emerged from ...

The cabbage was pulled from ...

Forget - wash down The quarrel must be ...

The medicine is needed ...

The stars are shining - splashing In the blue sky ...

Waves in the blue sky ...

Read the sentences.

Analysis of 1, 2 sentences: find the main terms in sentences.

Speech therapy physical training.

d) Differentiation of B-P in coherent speech.

We have guests today. (Speech therapist shows figures of Malvina and Buratino).

What did Malvina Buratino teach?

So today Malvina gave Buratino a task, but he cannot cope with it and asks you for help.

Open the bags. You will see stripes with text. You must position these strips correctly to make the story. And then headline this story, Get Started. Read the story.

Our house is big and beautiful.

On the ground floor of the house there is a shop.

The store sells clothes, shoes.

Poplars grow at the entrance of the house.

The children planted many flowers around the house.

We love our home very much.

What is the title of the story?

So, did you help Pinocchio?

IV. Lesson summary. What did you learn in class?




1. To reinforce the students' ability to distinguish between consonants B-Pv oral and written speech;



4. Development of coherent speech;


Equipment:signal cards, tape recording, sound clock, punched cards.

The course of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II.Repetition of the passed material.

What consonants did you work with in the last lesson? What are the similarities and differences in the articulation of these sounds? What is the voiced consonant? What is a voiceless consonant?


1. Differentiation of sounds in syllables: syllable series.

a) Read, memorize and repeat the syllable series. (Students read the syllables, then gradually close the syllables row by row. Children reproduce the syllable row from memory. The speech therapist draws the children's attention to the clear pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants).





b) Write syllables in two lines: in the first - with the letter B; in the second - with the letter P.


Read the syllables written in the first line, in the second,

2. Differentiation of sounds P-B in words.

a) Work with signal cards by tape recording.


b) Working with "sound clock".

Find the most short words n put arrows on them.

Find the two-syllable words: BARREL, STICK.

Find the longest words: BUTTERFLY, BOOTS.

Now name the words that include the consonant P and then B.

c) Graphical analysis of guess words.

Nacket, naplett, - Housewife

It sits down and waits for prey, (SPIDER). Flies over the lawn

Will bother over a flower

Not caring about the weather, He will share the honey. (BEE).

He walks in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days He willingly inhales dust,

May gives her earrings. (BEREZKA). Not sick, but sneezes, (VACUUM CLEANER). Thirty-three sisters

Written beauties

Live on one page.

And they are famous everywhere. (LETTERS).

3. Differentiation P-B in sentences.

a) Insert the missing letters in the words. Divide the selected words into syllables.

Mom made a delicious sou ...

Do ... ori ... olit zu ...

He can't eat hot sous.

Urya ... dumped telegraph table....

The house has piled up ... a big snowdrock ...

Kra ... lives in the sea.

Growing up at the edge spreading do ...

Read the sentences, explain the spelling B, P at the end of words.

b) Read the words.

Make sentences with these words. Write them down.





Read the sentences. Count the number of letters P, B, determine which letters are larger.

Speech therapy physical training.

4. Differentiation P, B in coherent speech.

Working with punched cards. Insert the missing letters.

If there was a hunt - ... it will go well ...

To live idle - just not ... oh ko ... tit.

No matter how hard I hide, it will come out.

I didn't study in my youth - I lost my life ...

Pour from ... mouth to empty.

They write not ... er, but with the mind.

IV. Lesson summary. What did you learn in class?




1. The ability to distinguish consonants D - T in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic perception;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

5. Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment:tables for mnemonic reception, syllabic table, cards with the text of the fairy tale "Good Word", a table with inverted words, a table with puzzles, pictures: pipe, firewood.

The course of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of the passed material.

What sounds and letters did you learn to distinguish in the last lesson? What is the voiced consonant? Come up with words with this sound. What is a voiceless consonant? Come up with words with this sound.


1. Isolation of sounds from words by subject pictures... (In the starting position).

Pictures: pipe, firewood.

2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds, establishment of similarities, differences (attention to kinesthetic sensations.)

3. Sound characteristics (consonants, voiceless, voiced).

4. Comparison of sounds with their graphic representation.

Here is blowing smoke. Answer who is an expert:

The letter D is a stove pipe. What is this hammer?

5. Differentiation of D-T in syllables.

a) Read the syllables on the table written in pairs. Tell me, what sounds do these pairs of words sound?





b) Listen to the syllables, write them down in two lines: in the first line, syllables with a voiceless consonant, in the second - with a voiced one:


Read the syllables written in the first line, syllables written in the second line.



6. Differentiation D-T in words.

a) Listen to the words, name what sound D, T:

1) Stands at the beginning of a word.

2) Stands in the middle.

Sample answer:

1) in the word SMOKE - the sound D.

2) in the word COCK - the sound of T.



b) Working with inverted words.

Read the words written on the table:


Now read these words from right to left. What happened?

c) Solving puzzles. Solve the puzzles shown on the table.

d) Write the words in two columns with different pastes.


Read the words that you wrote down in the first column in the second.

e) Say a word:

I know the darkness. I am the opposite of noise, knocking

I can't count them myself. Without me, you will suffer at night.

Because who will pass, I am for rest, for sleep,

He will shake the handle. I am called ... (SILENCE).

I'm glad to people, believe me,

I am friendly ... (DOOR).

Should always be in order

The hedgehog has grown tenfold, Your school ... (NOTEBOOKS).

It turned out ... (DIKOBRAZ).

In the woods, chirping, ringing and whistling

The forest telegraph operator knocks:

"Great, fellow thrush!"

And he puts his signature ... (Woodpecker).

7. D-T differentiation in sentences.

a) Write out phrases with the letters D, T from the sentences. Underline the letters. D - one line, T - two.

Pattern: Cold wind blows all day. COLD WIND.







There was an old summer cottage by the pond.

Read the phrases written out.

b) Insert the missing preposition FROM or TO in the sentences. How will you write prepositions?

The boat sailed ... the shore.

The village was not far away.

Dima helped mom ... carry the bag ... at home.

The train left ... the station.

The kid reached ... the top step. -

Read the sentences.

8. Differentiation of D-T in coherent speech.

Listen to the fairy tale "Good Deed", and then tell me what sounds were found in the fairy tale more?

Good deed.

The bear has nothing to do, so he wanders all day in the forest, misses and yawns so that the trees tremble. Eh! I would have something to do. I would have something useful. to do. A few days ago, he punched holes in the ground with a hefty club. “Maybe someone will make a nest for himself in these holes,” thought the bear. But no one was going to live there. Then the bear hauled herbs and stuffed them into the hollow where the woodpecker lived. "Now the woodpecker will be soft in the hollow." But the woodpecker only scolded him, because it was impossible to get into the hollow. A bear sits under an oak tree, bored, and the village Dimka stomps past him. "Why are you so sad, Grandpa Bear?" - Yes, I have nothing to do, that's sad. - the bear grumbles. "Can you make a pipe?" "A pipe? Why should I do it? " - the bear perked up and once or twice! - made a pipe to Dimka. "Blimey!" - Dima was delighted. Can you do it for my sister Dasha? " “Yes, I’ll do it for all the village kids now,” the bear hastened. “Finally, a good deed was found for me.”

What sounds are more common in the text D or T?

Why was the bear bored?

What useful thing did the bear decide to do?

Did the beasts need the holes made by the bear?

How did the bear decide to please the woodpecker?

Why is the woodpecker angry with the bear?

What good deed has the bear done?

IV. Lesson summary. What did you like most about the lesson?




1. To strengthen the students' ability to distinguish the consonants D - T in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonemic perception;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

Equipment:signal cards, magmlophone recording, punched cards, pictures: pencil, hammer, bucket, ax, shovel, fishing rod, desk, berries, oaks.

The course of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repetition of the passed material.

What consonants did you learn to distinguish in the last lesson? What are the similarities and differences in the articulation of these sounds?

Game "The letter is lost".

On the board are written words in which a letter is lost.

CA ... CA ... OK O ... START AIS ...

... YEREVO ... YNI SA ... OVNIK ... IVAN

KUS ... S NOR ... KI KIS ... AND

From now on we will continue to work on distinguishing these consonants D-T.

III. Consolidation of the passed material.

1. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

a) Read the sound combinations, write down only the consonant.


How many letters T, D. What letters are more, by how many?

2. Differentiation of sounds in words.

a) Work with signal cards, by tape recording.


b) Compare pairs of words in sound and meaning. What sounds do these words sound like? Verbally make a sentence with each word:


c) Guessing riddles, writing down the words of the answers in different columns with different paste.

Many hands, but one leg. (WOOD) The rain is warm and thick

This rain is simple.

He came and filled the tubs. He is without clouds, without clouds;

He diligently watered the beds. Ready to go all day (SOUL)

With the noise of a window, washed.

I danced on the porch.

Wandered around the roof to my heart's content

And he left through the puddles in the field. (RAIN) Not alive - but walking,

Immobile - but leads. (ROAD)

That has grown to heaven - I rush

And (SMOKE) disappeared. Holding onto the wires

I am not mistaken

Through the field and woods Never. (TROLLEYBUS)

He runs along the wires And climbs up the hill. (DOUGH)

If you say here, you can hear it there. (TELEPHONE)

Above you, above me

A bag of water flew by.

I ran into a distant forest

Loose and disappeared. (CLOUD)

Oats are not fed

They don't drive with a whip,

How does it plow

Seven plows are plowing. (TRACTOR)

Read the words written in the first column in the second.

3. Differentiation T-D in sentences.

a) Complete the sentences using the pictures.

Dasha draws with colored ... (pencils).

Nails ... (hammer).

They are wearing ... (bucket).

Chopping wood ... (ax).

Digging the earth ... (shovel).

They catch fish ... (fishing rod).

Children sit at ... (desk).

Different ... (berries) grow in the forest.

At the edge of the forest there are .... (oaks).

Read the sentences.

b) Insert the missing words into the sentences.

Strong on the river….

Moscow is big ...

Spring begins on the river ....

A passenger floats along the river ...

Read the sentences, remember the spelling rule for the consonants at the end of the inserted words.

4. Differentiation T-D in coherent speech.

Working with punched cards. Insert missing letters in proverbial syllables.

Rus is afraid of his ...






IV. Lesson summary. What did you learn in class?




1. {!LANG-ff96e080912e5f4bc503b773c86d42e6!} {!LANG-0e21b5f175207d1293a36681ef79e0f9!}{!LANG-c11895840df7dd4c66aee9185803fc89!}

2. Development of phonemic perception;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical structure;

4. Development of coherent speech;

5. {!LANG-d7259ccc2fdc47380cf392058059b0ad!}


The course of the lesson.

I. Organizing time.



III. {!LANG-57cf52273cb57eb544854cdbc158d78e!}

1. {!LANG-6d7484d5786cc2300d15b1ee573ec171!}


2. {!LANG-dd49b9e949c55c88c4076228fd290297!}{!LANG-a7f812572d410092dcf4a001f739207c!}

3. {!LANG-042e6ddad476cdc633d9954c297a9b06!}





4. {!LANG-de323d2d7f05a333fc7b4a7564592c54!}.

1) {!LANG-6d5c7272dd9511888d2727fe6454b795!}


{!LANG-7775e2e08edd1665f7fdb25ece683c1e!} {!LANG-de02c84daef69e5dc57a012444d3d1d6!} {!LANG-14588440a63bf5556c6b8e6f19adca7e!} {!LANG-c204f0e4c61c47fff51c44016ca5452d!}
{!LANG-757aed43fefa867322ddf510214cb4a3!} {!LANG-9dff1caa197750dae6888fdcc0da3111!} {!LANG-c204f0e4c61c47fff51c44016ca5452d!} {!LANG-c349d5829d8db0b876098eaee0a27643!}
{!LANG-afbe711177273e2da8ac9e62797bbca4!} {!LANG-068f1d1e3a58952ba08e81f152d82eec!} {!LANG-0f9d61ac11d8bacad6c42c1756130347!} {!LANG-8c3014ffa012bdc607fce3caf8208338!}









2) {!LANG-4f14846e3309902c6b67b9938760ea25!}

























3) {!LANG-9acbe5d015f3e644bfbd412a8f09d005!}










{!LANG-c6cbbbc89f76c4e6738c4a9fb246d990!} {!LANG-8c74cc9ace3695afdd8eaac9e015641f!}{!LANG-022ade725c39ad8696b619a345281c91!}

Read the sentences.


4) {!LANG-fe84362aec35d2fbb7bfbc6fe8b69b4f!}



1) {!LANG-00afbbefbe78fe439d935e0f059ce6e6!}

2) {!LANG-c1c526881e034d485ea1c6fe773e9902!}

3) {!LANG-d1e16639352996501497285af1b1decc!}


IV. {!LANG-95e8b946970c834850f57d12a415b6f2!} {!LANG-de82b0dcb251f1d09b71e92562c911b2!}



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