Municipal government institution "Management of education of the Bagan district" of the Novosibirsk region. Profession - optician What an optician should be able to do

Optometrist - a specialist in vision correction with glasses and lenses. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

In many countries, the professions of "optometrist" and "ophthalmologist" are clearly separated. In our country, many ophthalmologists working in polyclinics prescribe glasses themselves. To do this, they use a special table for checking vision and a set of lenses of different powers. At the same time, in many salons of optics, optometrists work without a higher medical education... They are proficient in methods of computerized measurement of visual acuity, but they are not involved in medical consultations.

Ideally, an optometrist owns not only computer vision diagnostics, he checks the condition of the cornea, lens, vessels, and, if necessary, measures intraocular pressure.

If a person feels that old glasses no longer fit him or he notices vision problems for the first time, it is best to start by consulting an optometrist. He will check vision, light and color perception, measure the distance between the centers of the pupils and write a prescription for glasses or contact lenses... Will help you try on lenses and explain how to use them. And noticing alarming symptoms (for example, opacity of the lens or cornea), will advise the patient to be examined further - by an ophthalmologist.

When it comes to vision correction with lenses and glasses, an optometrist knows even more than an ophthalmologist who specializes in pathologies and their treatment. But it is the ophthalmologist who treats serious illness, including through operations.

Every third inhabitant of the Earth has vision problems. In the United States, optometry is one of the five most prestigious medical specialties. Our doctors-optometrists are also in great demand.


The profession of an optometrist allows you to work in ophthalmology clinics, salons and optical stores. Optometrists without higher education work in showrooms and shops.

Where to study to be an optometrist (education)

The Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUID) conducts refresher courses (certification cycles) and professional retraining in the direction. Part-time and distance learning programs for medical opticians-optometrists with the issuance of certificates, diplomas and certificates after training are available to listeners.

Medical workers - ophthalmologists, optometrists, consultant opticians. Training and practice take place on the basis of a clinic with a large flow of patients and its own clinical base. Modern equipment. Professional teachers with extensive experience practical work... Flexible schedule of classes, taking into account the wishes of the students. State-recognized education documents are issued. Both full-time and distance learning are provided.

Binocular laboratory microscope

You, of course, have seen shops with a large sign "Optics"? It's great if you haven't looked there yet, then everything is in order with your vision. But your grandparents probably wear glasses. And medical opticians make lenses for them. Today this profession is one of the most popular, albeit rare.

Opticians make more than just eyeglass lenses. Optical details are very important and needed for a huge number of instruments: astronomical, measuring, navigation. As well as photo and film equipment.

The simplest optical lenses appeared in Ancient egypt and China. In those days, they were made from topaz and emeralds. In the 13th century, the manufacture of mirrors and glasses began, and in the 16th telescopes, microscopes and telescopes appeared.

Time has passed, but the work of an optician cannot be replaced by any mechanisms. Optics need good vision and dexterous hands, and his movements must be precise and smooth.

At the beginning of work, the optician receives optical glass from glass factories in the form of blanks. They are as close as possible to the shapes of optical parts (lenses, mirrors, prisms). But they are made a little more than required, with allowances. Removing allowances by grinding, roughing, polishing, the master gives the details the desired shape, specified dimensions and quality.

A specialist has to deal with a mass of tools and devices. One must be able to tune them to certain modes. In this profession, one must be able to perfectly read drawings, memorize shades of color, the shape of parts. Accuracy, observation and concentration are very important. Even the smallest scratch or speck on the glass can spoil the part and in most cases such a defect cannot be corrected.

Working with micro-optics is especially difficult. Some of the lenses are so small that they work under a microscope. The precision of processing parts is calculated here in thousandths of a millimeter, so the master must be extremely careful. In the practice of specialists, special orders are often found, so the master must show creative and creative skills.

You can get the specialty of a medical optician in our country in special colleges. At the beginning of training, it is mandatory to study the basics of anatomy and physiology. human body... Students learn to diagnose diseases of the organs of vision and correct their disorders using optical parts. They learn to make modern contact and spectacle lenses and frames. And since, unfortunately, every year more and more people and children suffer from visual impairment, medical opticians will definitely not be left without work.

Unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 71 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 24.07.1985 N 239 / 16-26


§ 56. Optician-mechanic 2nd category

Description of works... Assembly of simple optical assemblies and devices with adjustment of metal and optical parts by sawing, lapping, trimming, rolling and centering with an accuracy of over 0.1 mm under the guidance of an optician-mechanic of higher qualifications. Alignment of optical assemblies and devices using simple control and adjustment devices. Sealing of units and simple devices. Testing of manufactured assemblies and devices and elimination of defects in optical assemblies and devices, depending on the quality of individual optical and metal parts.

Must know: purpose and arrangement of assembled optical units and devices; the device of rebar and drilling machines of low complexity, as well as devices and accessories used on these machines, and the rules for using them; methods of fastening parts in a mandrel; measuring tools (templates, gauges, calipers, rulers) and rules for using them; basic information about the properties of optical glass and auxiliary materials; general information on the systems of tolerances and landings, qualities, roughness parameters and processing cleanliness classes.

Work examples

1. Two-, three-lens eyepieces - assembly with adjustable distance between lenses, selection of spacer rings.

2. Spectacles for special purposes, simple - mechanical and manual processing, assembly.

3. Rectangular and roof-shaped prisms - assembly in a frame with centering on the collimator.

4. Units and devices of the lens type - assembly.

§ 57. Optician-mechanic of the 3rd category

Description of works... Assembly of simple optical assemblies and devices with fitting of metal and optical parts, rolling and centering with an accuracy of over 0.05 to 0.1 mm. Manufacturing of simple control and adjustment devices and collimator-type devices for checking the resolution of a diopter tube. Assembly of devices and units with reading mechanisms in small-scale and serial production. Choice of methods for fastening assemblies and parts on machines, selection of optimal cutting conditions.

Must know: appointment, assembly and alignment of optical assemblies and devices of medium complexity; centering telescopic lenses and aligning them for image quality on a monochromatic point; rules for setting up turning and reinforcing and drilling machines, control and measuring tools (thickness gauges, indicators, micrometers, etc.); device and alignment of simple control and adjustment devices; heat treatment and finishing of parts; system of tolerances and landings, qualities, roughness parameters and processing purity classes.

Work examples

1. Micro lenses up to 10x magnification - assembly.

2. Projection lenses - assembly.

3. Objectives with screw mounts - assembly, alignment.

4. Eyepieces of PDF devices - assembly, alignment.

5. Glasses for special purposes, complex - assembly.

§ 58. Optician-mechanic of the 4th category

Description of works... Assembly of optical assemblies and devices of average complexity with fitting optical and metal parts with an accuracy of over 0.005 to 0.05 mm. Rolling and centering of optical parts with an accuracy of over 0.01 to 0.05 mm. Manufacturing of devices and average complexity of control and adjustment devices required for alignment. Adjustment of gear and worm gears associated with micrometer screws. Sealing devices with increased requirements for operating conditions. Repair of devices of increased complexity with the replacement of parts and assemblies.

Must know: the device of control and adjustment equipment of increased complexity and the rules for using it; manufacturing and assembly of simple control and adjustment devices; basic information on the theory of optical devices; precise control and measuring instrument (optimometers, indicators, optical protractors, calibers, etc.)

Work examples

1. Collimators for parallax checking - assembly and alignment.

2. Micro lenses up to 40x magnification - assembly, alignment.

3. Filming lenses - assembly, adjustment.

4. Distribution devices - assembly.

§ 59. Optical mechanic of the 5th category

Description of works... Assembly of complex optical assemblies and devices with fitting of metal and optical parts with an accuracy of over 0.001 to 0.005 mm. Rolling and centering of optical parts with an accuracy of over 0.005 to 0.01 mm. Manufacturing of all kinds of complex devices and control and adjustment devices. Assembly of micrometric and adjustment of reading mechanisms. Repair of complex devices with the replacement of parts and assemblies.

Must know: arrangement, interaction and alignment of complex optical units, mechanisms and readout devices, their operating conditions; methods, methods of fitting optical and metal parts with an accuracy of over 0.001 mm.

Work examples

1. Vertical and horizontal goniometers - installation.

2. Universal measuring microscopes - assembly, adjustment.

3. Driving mechanisms - assembly.

4. Optical devices - final assembly and alignment on the planetary installation.

5. Spectral devices - assembly, adjustment.

§ 60. Optical mechanic of the 6th category

Description of works... Bundle of especially complex optical assemblies and devices with fitting of metal and optical parts with an accuracy of 0.001 mm. Rolling and centering of optical parts with an accuracy of 0.005 mm.

Must know: assembly and adjustment of particularly complex and sensitive instruments of individual and pilot production; methods and methods of fitting optical and metal parts with an accuracy of 0.001 mm and centering with an accuracy of 0.005 mm; device and alignment of particularly complex control and adjustment devices.

Secondary specialized education is required.

Work examples

1. Rangefinders, comparators, goniometers - assembly.

2. Collimators for checking the distance of the rangefinder - installation, alignment.

3. Levels - assembly, alignment.


For friends!


The word "optike" (Greek optos - visible, visible) came into the Russian language to denote such a branch of physics as optics. This science studies visual phenomena. Currently, there are many optical devices that are indispensable for both visually impaired people and the operation of various mechanisms and devices.

Glasses can be considered a very important optical invention. The very first of them appeared in Italy in the 13th century, presumably in 1284. In China, this item had a special meaning: the judges specially wore glasses made of smoky quartz. This helped to hide the attitude towards the verdict that they announced.

Description of activities

Nowadays, the field of manufacturing optical products is widespread. Various innovations are introduced into its production, which makes it in demand in many areas. For example, optical achievements are actively used in the manufacture of photographic and video equipment, microscopes, telescopes, and binoculars. Optics is of particular and, probably, the main importance in the field of vision correction. For example, an optical mechanic is engaged in the manufacture of lenses and prisms. When making glasses, he strictly follows the instructions in the doctor's prescription, while applying special technological methods.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Labor responsibilities

The main responsibility of such a specialist is the manufacture of optical products. However, before starting to process glass, opticians must check the serviceability of the equipment, adjust it. In the work on the manufacture of lenses and prisms, he should use such techniques as roughing, polishing, centering, enlightenment - all this must be done while observing safety measures.

Features of career growth

A representative of the “optician” profession may work in an enterprise that produces optical products or equipment that requires special lenses. Such a professional may work in an optics salon and engage in the manufacture of glasses. The size wages This specialist is determined by the place of work, the quality and quantity of optical products created.

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