Covered spinal path Detailed description. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Educational and Methodical Cabinet for Higher and Middle Medical Education Tashkent Medical Academy Department of Human Anatomy and Ohta

(TRACTUS VESTIBULOSPINALIS, PNA, BNA, JNA; SIN.: Vestibospurbinal path, Held beam, leventh beam) downward bundle of an extrapyramidal system, starting from the lateral nucleus of the spinal cord and ending in its front robs.

  • - projection efferent nervous path, binding cerebellum with spinal cord ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - Which is also called an organ of hearing and equilibrium, includes several types of receptors: 1) receptors that perceive sound fluctuations of air ...

    Atlas of human anatomy

  • - Frontal incision through an outer hearing pass. auricle; external hearing pass; eardrum; drum cavity; hammer; anvil; stirrup; retail; snail...

    Atlas of human anatomy

  • - The path, to-ry, avoiding two extremes - sensual creature and self-physicue, - leads to enlightenment and exemption from suffering ...
  • - PNA, BNA, JNA) See the list, Anat. Terms, 73 ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - a bundle of descending fibers of an extrapyramidal system, originating in reticular formation The oblong brain passing in the side rope and ending in the gray substance of cervical and chest spinal segments ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • Big Medical Dictionary

  • - See the list of Anat. Terms ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - Lateralis, PNA; Fasciculus Cerebrospinalis Lateralis, BNA; Tractus CorticOSPinalis Lateralis, JNA ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - ANTERIOR, PNA; Fasciculus Cerebrospinalis Anterior, BNA; Tractus Corticospinalis Ventralis, JNA ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - downward projection nerve path of an extrapyramidal system, starting from the red kernel passing into brain trunk and the lateral rope of the spinal cord, ending in the front horns ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - Downward projection nerve path of an extrapyramidal system, originating in the reticular formation of the bridge, passing in the side rope of the spinal cord and ending in the gray substance of cervical and chest ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - See the list of Anat. Terms ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - peripheral part of the auditory and vestibulastic analyzers ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - Projection downward nerve path, starting in the upper hills of the roof of the middle brain, passing through the brain barrel and the front rope of the spinal cord, ending in its front horns ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - ...

    Orphographic Dictionary

"Preduter-spinal path" in books

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8. VIII A pair of cranial nerves - predver-ulvek nerve

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News about a covered and spinal pathway

  • Professor V.A. Perfen Mma named I.M. Sechenova TT Batyshev Polyclinic Replacement Treatment No. 7, Moscow Pain in the back, or Dorsalgia, may be a symptom of various diseases. Pain in the back is one of the most frequent complaints in general student practice. The main reasons for B.
  • Yu. A. Zozulu, Yu. A. Orlov Institute of Neurosurgery. A. P. Romodanova AMN of Ukraine, Kiev Congenital deformities of development are one of the main causes of child mortality and disability. In Ukraine, almost 400 thousand children were born in 2001, of which 48 thousand had ugliness. Significant seats

Discussion of a covered and spinal pathway

  • Dear ... My daughter Katya was born with a tumor on his back in the thoracic spine, on the right. The nature of the tumor is subcutaneous with a size of 3 x 4 x 0, 7 as a pad and liquid consistency, body color. When Katya cried, the tumor was strained, in a calm state, the tumor was compared with the surface with

Torch-cerebral pathway, Tractus Tectospinalis, - Downward motor PathWith an extrapyramidal system, it exercises unconditional reflex motor reactions in response to sudden strong visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory irritation. The first neurons of the covered and spinal journeys are located in the upper middle brain hills in the subcortex integration center of the middle brain. In this integration center, information comes from the subcortex center of view (the core of the upper hilly), from the subcortex hearing center (the core of the lower hall), from the subcortex center of the sense of smell (nucleus of the packer body) and collateral from conducting common sensitivity paths (Lemniscus Spinalis, Lemniscus Medialis, Lemniscus Trigeminalis).

The axons of the first neurons are guided ventral and upward, bypass the central gray matter of the middle brain and go to the opposite direction. Crossfields of the coat and spinal path with the same path of the opposite side of the opposite side is called the tires, Decussatio Tegmenti Dorsalis. This crossover is also called fountain-shaped, or meer subrest, which reflects the nature of the stroke of nerve fibers. Next, the path passes in the dorsal part of the bridge next to the medial longitudinal beam. In the course of the tract in the brain barrel depart
Fibers that end on motnelones of motor nuclei
cranial nerves. These fibers are combined under the name of the coat-centered beam, FasciCulus TectonuClearis. They provide protective reactions involving the muscles of the head and neck.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe oblong brain of the covered and spindy
The path is approaching the dorsal surface of the pyramid and heads into the front rope of the spinal cord. In the spinal cord he takes
The most medial part of the front cord, limiting the front
Middle gap.

The cereal-cerebrospinal path is traced throughout the booby brain. Gradually dropping, he regularly gives branching to the alpha-small motionerer of the motor cores of the front horns of the spinal cord. Motonic axons conduct nerve impulses to the muscles of the body and limbs.

With damage to the covered and spinal tract disappear
Starting reflexes, reflexes for sudden sound, auditory,
Obony and tactile irritation.

Reticular-spinal pathway

The reticular-spinal path, the Tractus Reticulospinalis-downward, the efferent path of the extrapyramidal system is designed to perform complex reflex acts (respiratory, grabbing movements, etc.) requiring the simultaneous participation of many groups of skeletal muscles. Consequently, it coordinating roles in these movements. The reticular-spinal path is carried out by nerve impulses that have an activating or, on the contrary, the braking effect on the motnelores of the motor cores of the front horns of the spinal cord. Besides
Togo, this path transmits impulses to gamma-motoneurons providing a skeletal muscles tone.

The first neurons of the reticular-spinal pathway are arranged in the reticular formation of the brain stem. Axons these
Neurons are in the descending direction. In the spinal cord, they form a beam, which is located in the front corticle. The bundle is well expressed only in the cervical and uppergrates of the spinal cord. It is settled, giving the fibers to the gamma-motioneerons of the motor nuclei of the front horns of the spinal cord. Axons of these neurons are sent to skeletal muscles.

Predver-spinal pathway

The predver-spinal path, Tractus Vestibulospinalis, is the downward, motor path of the extrapyramidal system. It provides unconditional motor motor acts in body equilibrium disorders. The predver-spinal path is formed by axonsers of the cells of the lateral and lower vestibular nuclei (dealers and rollory nuclei). In the oblong brain, it is located in the dorsal department. In the spinal cord it takes place on the border of the side and front cordics, therefore permeated with horizontally oriented fibers of the front roots of the spinal nerves.
The fibers of the predvevno-cerebrospinal journey ends on the alpha-motonearons of the motor nuclei of the front horns of the spinal cord. Motonic axons in the composition of the spinal nerves roots leave the spinal cord and are sent to skeletal muscles.

Olivo-spinal path

Olivo-spinal path, Tractus Olivospinalis, - downward
The motor path of the extrapyramid system it provides the unconditional reflex maintenance of the tone of the neck muscles and motor acts aimed at preserving the equilibrium of the body.

The olivo-spinal journey begins on the neurons of the lower outer core of the oblong brain. Being a phylogenetically new formation, the lower olive core has direct connections with the bark of a frontal stake (cortical-olive path, TR. Corticoolivaris), with a red core (red-core path, TR. Rubroolivaris) and with a cerebellum hemisphew (olivo-cerebellar path, TR . OlivoCerebellatis). The axons of the cells of the lower olive nucleus are collected in the beam - the olivo-cerebrospinal path that takes place in the head-medial separator of the side rope. It is traced only at the level of the six top neck segments of the spinal cord.

The fibers of the olivo-spinal tract ends on the alpha-motnelones of the motor nuclei of the front horns of the dorsal
brain. Motonic axons as part of the roots of the spinal nerves leave the spinal cord and go to the muscles of the neck.

Medial longitudinal beam

Medial longitudinal beam, FasciCulus Longitudinalis Medialis
represents a totality of descending and
fibers carrying out agreed eye movements
"Block and heads. This feature is necessary to maintain equilibrium.
Body bodies. Performance of this function becomes possible only
Co. as a result of morphofunctional communication between the nervous cent
Muscle Innervation Rami eyeball (engine
cores III, IV and Vi pairs of cranial nerves), centers,
Interested in the innervation of the muscles of the neck (Motor kernel of the XI pair
and motor kernels of the front horns of the neck segments of the dorsal
The brain), the center of equilibrium (the core of the deuteris). Coordinate the work of these neuron centers of large nuclei of the reticular formation -
Intermediate nucleus, Nucleus IntersTitialis (Kakhal kernel), and the core of the rear spike, Nucleus Commissuraposterior (the kernel of Darkshevich).

The intermediate core and the core of the brain rear spike are located
and the rostral part of the middle brain, in its central gray matter. The axons of the neurons of these nuclei form a medial longitudinal beam, which passes under the central gray substance
Born line. Without changing his position, it continues in the dorsal part of the bridge and in the ventral direction deviates in the oblong brain. In the spinal cord, it is located in
front cake in the corner between medial surface front
Horn and front white spike. A medial longitudinal beam is traced only at the level of the upper six cervical segments.

Within the middle brain to the medial longitudinal beam
Fibers from the rear longitudinal beam combining
Jegetative centers. This connection between media and rear longitudinal beams explains emerging vegetative reactions
With vestibular loads. From the medial longitudinal beam, fibers are sent to the motor core overall nerve.

This nucleus has five segments, each of which is responsible for the innervation of certain muscles: the neurons of the upper segment
(1st) innervate the muscle raising upper eyelid; 2nd - direct eye muscle; 3rd - the lower oblique muscle of the eye; 4th - the bottom direct muscle of the eye; 5th - the medial direct muscle of the eye.
The neurons of the 1st, 2nd and 4th segments receive fibers from the medial longitudinal beam of their part, the neurons of the 3rd segment - the opposite side. The neurons of the 5th segment also closes on
The central unpaired core (convergence) and are associated with the medial longitudinal beam. They provide the ability to move the eyeball in the medial side and the simultaneous convergence of eyeballs (convergence).

Further, within the middle brain, fibers to the neurons of the motor core of the block nerve of the opposite side are directed from the medial longitudinal beam. This core is responsible for the innervation of the upper braid muscle of the eyeball.

In the bridge, axons of the cells of the dealers kernel (VIII pair - predver-ulvek nerve) come to the medial longitudinal beam),
which go to the ascending direction to the neurons of the intermediate
kernel. Fibers to neurons depart from the medial longitudinal beam
The motor kernel of the discharge nerve (VI pair) responsible for the innervation of the lateral muscle of the eyeball. Finally
Within the oblong and spinal cord from the medial longitudinal bunch of fibers are sent to the neurons of the motor kernel
Extreme nerve (xi pair) and motor nuclei of the front horns
Six upper cervical segments responsible for the work of the muscles of the neck.

In addition to the overall coordination of the muscles of the eyeball and head, the medial longitudinal beam performs an important integrative
The role in the activities of the muscles of the eye. Communicating with kernel cells
Overall and discharge nerves, it provides a coordinated function of the outer and inner straight muscles, manifested in a combined turn of the eye to the side. In this case, there is a simultaneous reduction in the outermost muscle of one eye and the innermost muscle of another eye.

With the damage to the intermediate kernel or the medial longitudinal beam, there is a violation of the coordinated work of the muscle apple. Most often, this is manifested in the form of Nistagma (frequent contractions of the muscles of the eyeball, directed towards movement, when stopping a look). Nistagm can be horizontal, vertical and even rotator (rotational). Often, these disorders are complemented by vestibular disorders (dizziness) and vegetative disorders (nausea, vomiting, etc.).

Rear longitudinal beam

Rear longitudinal beam, Fasciculus Longitudinalis Dorsalis, is a totality of descending and rising fibers, carrying out communication between the vegetative centers of the brain barrel and the spinal cord. Rear longitudinal beam (bunch of Schutz) originates from the cells of the rear cores of the hypothalamus. Axons of these cells are combined into the beam only on the intermediate and mid brain boundary. Next, it passes in the immediate vicinity of the medium brain water supply. Already in the middle brain, part of the fibers of the rear longitudinal beam is sent to the addition core of the o'clock nerve. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge, fibers are departed to the tear and
Iron salivaeotativative nuclear facial nerve. In the oblong brain, fibers are born to the lower saliva
Language nerve and dorsal kernel wandering nerve.
In the spinal cord, the rear longitudinal beam is located in the form of a narrow tape in the side corticle, next to the lateral cortex-spinomying path. The fibers of the cuce beam fibers on the neurons of the lateral intermediate nucleus, which are the vegetative sympathetic centers of the spinal cord. Only a small part of the fibers of the dorsal longitudinal beam is isolated at the level of lumbar segments and is located near the central channel. This bundle is called nearpendimal. The fibers of this beam end on the neurons of the sacral parasympathetic nuclei. Accidents of parasympathetic and sympathetic cereals leave the barrel of the head or spinal cord in the composition of the cranial or spinal nerves and are sent to internal organs, vessels and glands. Thus, the rear
The longitudinal beam plays a very important integrative role in
Writally important functions of the body.

The red core influences the alpha-motoneurons of the front horns of the spinal cord through the reticular formation and the lower olive core. The reticular formation of the brain stem forms the reticulous-spinal tract, descending in the front rope of the spinal cord to the alpha-motonearons of the front horns of the spinal cord, whose axons follow to the muscles (Fig. 41).

Covenno-cerebral pathway

The body of the first neuron is the cells of the subcortex center of hearing or vision in the first-grade medium brain. Their axons form a dorzal crossroads of MeerTe, descend into the front rods of the spinal cord. The body of the second neuron is the cells of the motor nuclei of the front horns of the spinal cord, the axons are in the composition of the front roots in the spinal nerves (Fig. 42).

Fig. 41. Extrapyramidal paths

(Presente-spinal path, reticulous-spinal pathway) (Fr. Faitz, 2009)

I. - bipolar spiral node cells;II. - lateral and lower vestibular nuclei;III - Alpha Motonoons of the front horns of the spinal cord;III A - casket core cerebeller.

Management of cerebellum functions involved in coordination of movements of the head, torso and limbs and associated with the red nuclei and the vestibular apparatus, is carried out from the cortex of a large brain through the bridge on cortical-bridge-brick (Tractus CorticopontocereBellaris)which also belong to paths extrapyramidal system(Fig. 43).

Fig. 42. Extrapyramidal Ways (Covennia-Spinal Path)

(O. Faitz, 2009)

I. - cores of the subcortex center of hearing or vision in the mid-brain four;

II. - Alpha Motioneons of the front horns of the spinal cord.

The bodies of the first neurons are laid in the crust of the frontal, dark, occipital and temporal fraction of the hemispheres of a large brain. Depending on the localization of the first neurons and the features of their axon's stroke to their own nuclei of the bridge, it distinguishes the frontal-bridge and the dark-occasional-temporal-bridge path.

The frontal-bridge way is formed by axon cells of the cells of the front departments of the upper and middle frontal zoislavs, descends through the back of the front hips of the inner capsule and ends in its own sides bridge nuclei.

The dark-occasional temporal-bridge path is formed by axons of cells of the cortex of rare, occipital and temporal fractions. It passes through the backyard of the back of the inner capsule behind the thalamocortic path, in the external department of the base of the legs of the brain, ends in its own nuclei of the bridge of its part.

In its own nuclei of the bridge, the bodies of the second neurons of the cortical-bridge-made cerebelling path are laid. Their axons are transferred to the opposite direction and as part of the middle legs of the cerebellum called the bridge-cerebeller paths follow the cerebeller core.

Thus, extrapyramidal pathways carry out impulses to the muscles from subcortical centers, basal nuclei, optic, red core, black substance, olive cores, vestibular nerve, reticular formation. All paths of the extrapyramidal system are interconnected. Switching reflector arcs from the rising downward direction occurs below the bark of the hemispheres of the brain.

An extrapyramidal system supports muscle tone automatically and unconsciously regulates their operation.

Fig. 43. Extrapyramidal paths (cortical-bridge-cerebellery paths)

Textospinal path)

projection downward nervous path, starting in the upper hills of the roof of the middle brain, passing through and the front ending in its front horns.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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