Start in science. Major problems of families with children with deviations in the development of social problems of modern family with children


This article is a refective presentation of the main work. Full text of scientific work, applications, illustrations and other additional materials are available on the website II of the International Competition of Scientific Research and Creative Works Students "Start in Science" on the link: https: // www. School - Science. RU / 2017/9 / 27699

The main task of social policy is to achieve human and society well-being, ensuring equal and fair capabilities.

Currently, social security in the Russian Federation is constantly evolving. This is evidenced by a large number of legislative acts that regulate legal relations in the field of social security, including at the municipal level. However, most laws affecting family issues are ineffective or do not act at all. All this requires the adoption of urgent measures to strengthen and develop the social institution of the family.

Citizens who are primarily eligible to receive state support are poor families and poor living citizens.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that social policy is the area of \u200b\u200bthe implementation of the most important functions of government bodies on the creation of conditions that ensure the needs of unprotected population. Currently, you can observe the growing interest in the implementation of this policy, to the implementation of various social programs, both by public opinion and by the authorities.

The object of study is social policy at the municipal level.

The subject of research is the mechanisms for the implementation of social policy in the city of Kostroma at the municipal level.

The purpose of the research project is to study the social protection of the population and the development of proposals for improving the mechanisms for the implementation of social policy at the level of the municipality.

To achieve the goal in the project, the following tasks are resolved:

Explore the content and structure of the management of the social sphere at the municipality level of the city of Kostroma;

Reveal the content of social problems of families at the municipal level;

Analyze the role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of families and events held by the Kostroma city administration to increase the social well-being of families;

Give proposals to improve the social protection of families at the expense of the budget of the city of Kostroma.

The methods and methods of writing this work are: the use of federal, regional and municipal legislative legal acts, scientific literature.

The scientific novelty of the project is due to the formulation of the problem and an attempt to objectively and comprehensively analyze the mechanisms for the implementation of social policy at the municipal level in order to make proposals and practical recommendations aimed at improving them.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the conclusions and proposals obtained as a result of the study may be taken into account in the development of legal acts at the municipal level.

In the course of the study of the socio-economic situation of the families of the city of Kostroma, a wide range of problems was revealed.

The main and most common problem among these families is the lack of decent housing, the second most important can be called the problem of economic security.

Most families are not fully aware of their rights, that is, are not legally savvy people (although this can be said about the majority of the population of our country as a whole). And this is also a very significant problem.

There was also significant dissatisfaction with the activities of the social protection of the city of Kostroma.

All these problems in one degree or another similar to the problems of families are not only in Kostroma, but also throughout Russia.

The main reason, in our opinion, intractability of problems in the studied area is that there is no clear and well-thought-out system for family support for both the federal and regional and municipal levels.

In this regard, it is proposed to introduce a municipal target program, which received such a name as "targeted assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality" for 2016 - 2021. (Appendix 1)

Currently, in the city of Kostroma, the trend of the development of the address social assistance system for certain categories of citizens aimed at mitigating social tensions, the solution of the most acute problems of socially unprotected categories of the population: the older generation (citizens who have reached the retirement age), low-income families with children and large families , Citizens with disabilities and families who have a child - a disabled person, citizens who are freed from the places of imprisonment.

One of the strategic goals of social policy remains an increase in the address of social assistance.

The administration of the city of Kostroma tries to cover all areas of the life activity of residents of the city, allocating funds from the municipal budget for these purposes. (Appendix 2)

The sphere of social protection of families and poor citizens (pensioners, people with disabilities, children, lonely mothers, etc.) in nonstationary forms is developing in difficult conditions. First of all, due to its insufficient financing. The situation is exacerbated by a significant number of low-income citizens requiring social support, as well as the fact that the social protection bodies and local governments are mostly forced to take on the unusual functions of them, in particular, on medical, domestic and commercial services of citizens.

However, despite all the difficulties, in general, in the city of Kostroma, it was possible not only to preserve the network of institutions, but also to a certain extent to expand it.

Having considered the work of the social protection bodies of the population and local governments of the city of Kostroma, the following conclusions can be drawn: the main directions of work correspond to the areas of state policy.

Unconditional priority in the field of social policy are investments in humans. Support on the formation of society, the quality of human capital will allow Russia to preserve their place in a number of states that can influence global processes.

Despite the unprotected categories of the population provided to the material and other assistance, the need for assistance remains not just in demand, but necessary. Most need targeted assistance and waiting for it.

To improve the social protection of the population, the development and implementation of the municipal target program is proposed: "Address assistance and public events to improve the social status of families in the municipality" for 2016 - 2021. The program should be calculated for each citizen who needs social assistance and support.

This municipal program includes socially significant information about the person who determine its public, property and legal statuses. The creation of a municipal program will effectively solve the tasks of address interaction with the main categories of socially unprotected citizens.

Thus, we concluded that it is necessary to improve the measures to support the families of the families.

During the work carried out, the goal was achieved: the activities of local self-government support authorities were studied, the established situation in this field, and, on the basis of the assembled material, was developed, a program of activities in the field of social support for families in the municipal formation of the city of Kostroma.

In addition, tasks were completed:

The content and structure of the management of the social sphere at the municipality level of Kostroma is investigated;

The content of social problems of families at the municipal level is disclosed;

Analyzed the role of municipal administrative bodies in the social well-being of families and events held by the administration of the city of Kostroma to increase the social well-being of families;

Proposals are given to improve the social protection of families at the expense of the budget of the city of Kostroma.

As a result, it should be noted that the introduction of a municipal program and the practical implementation of these proposals will allow changing social security technology for the better.

In addition, this will increase the level of social security, which will affect those categories of citizens who receive social payments and services for the social security system.

The provision of social security is a mechanism aimed at maintaining a worthy standard of living of the Families of the city of Kostroma, this is precisely this in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to improve social security technology and adapt foreign experience to Russian reality, first of all in order to increase the level of security of citizens, and as a result of this - stability will increase in society.

Bibliographic reference

Belyakova k.d. Social problems of families and ways to solve them // International school scientific journal. - 2016. - № 4. - p. 51-53;
URL:\u003d112 (date of handling: 03/20/2020).

Scientific article-publication

"The main problems of families with children with development deviations"

The problem of child disability is relevant all over the world. In developed countries, a children's disability indicator is 250 cases per 10,000 children and tends to increase. According to WHO, people with disabilities account for 10% of the world's population, of which 120 million are children and adolescents. The number of disabled children in the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2019 - 670 thousand people. At the time, in 2018 there were 655,000 people, in 2017 - 636,000, in 2016 - 617,000, etc. As you can see, the stats are sad. The number of disabled children in the country is growing.

According to MD Harkova, a family with a disabled child is a family with a special status, the features and problems of which are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and relationships between them, but also more employment by solving the problems of the child, the closeness of the family for the outside world , a shortage of communication, frequent lack of work in the mother, but the main thing is the specific position in the family of a child-disabled child, which is due to its illness. Also, the situation when the family has a disabled child, can affect the creation of a more hard environment required by family members to fulfill their functions. Moreover, it is likely that the presence of a child with developmental impairment, in conjunction with other factors, can reduce family opportunities for earnings, recreation and social activity.

The sick child is a heavy test for the family. MA Galagowzova writes that about half of families with disabled children are incomplete. Every fourth mother, having a disabled child, does not work. About 40% of these families have two children. The number of families with two children with disabilities are constantly growing. Large families with a disabled child are about 10%. Analyzing such data, it is worth it once again that among families with disabilities with disabilities, the largest percentage is incomplete maternal families. A third of the parents had a divorce due to the birth of a disabled child, the mother does not have the prospects for re-marriage and forced all his life to raise a child alone (sometimes with the help of close relatives - sisters, grandparents, etc.). Therefore, the problems of an incomplete family are added to the problems of the family of the child - a disabled person.

In order to have the most complete picture of the spectrum of problems (material, housing, household, psychological, pedagogical, social, medical), with which families with disabled children are faced, it is necessary to separate each direction to separately.

In the first place among the economic, social, psychological and pedagogical, medical, ethical problems of families with children with disabilities, is put forwardmaterial and housing problems.

Yu.V. Vasilkova writes that housing is usually not adapted for a disabled child, each 3rd family has about 6 sq.m. Useful area per family member, rarely - separate room or special devices for a child. In such families, problems arise related to the acquisition of food, clothing and shoes, the simplest furniture, home appliances: refrigerators, TV. Families are not extremely necessary for child care: transport, cottages, garden sites, telephone. All this is a significant part of the household difficulties faced with such families in their daily livelihoods.

In about each fifth family, the mother does not work due to the fact that no one to leave the child, and there are practically no agencies with a daily stay for children with disabilities, they are not enough. In each fifth family, the mother has random earnings. The amount of labor is currently under development, the enterprises do not go for the approval of the flexible labor chart and the provision of the right-working day of the mother-disabled mother.

Psychological problems . The psychological climate in the family depends on interpersonal relations, the moral and psychological resources of parents and relatives, as well as from the material and housing conditions of the family, which determines the conditions for education, training and medical and social rehabilitation.

S.P. Chizhov, relying on these psychological research conducted in families with children with disabilities, allocates 3 types of families in the reaction of parents to the emergence of a disabled child: with a passive reaction related to the misunderstanding of an existing problem; With a hyperactive reaction, when parents are trembling rapidly, they find "doctors-shining", expensive medicines, leading clinics, etc.; with a mean rational position: consistent implementation of all instructions, advice of doctors, psychologists. It is logical to assume that the most optimal of existing options is the third approach, therefore, to achieve the desired result, a social worker must rely on the position of the third type of family.

MA Galagowzova notes that the father in the family with a sick child is usually the only minider. Having a specialty, education, he is due to the need for greater earnings becomes workers, looking for secondary earnings and practically does not have time to engage in a child. Therefore, care for the child lies at the mother. As a rule, it loses its work or forced to work at night (usually is homing to work). Caring for the child takes all her time, sharply narrowed the circle of communication. If you are unpromising treatment and rehabilitation, then a constant anxiety, psycho-emotional stress can lead a mother to irritation, depression state. Often the mother in care helps older children, rarely grandmothers, other relatives. Heavy situation, if in the family two children with disabilities. As a result of the current situation, frequent weakening of family relations, constant, continuous anxiety for a sick child, a sense of confusion, depression. All this in the end may be the cause of the collapse of the family, and only in a small percentage of cases the family is paid.

The presence of a disabled child, from the point of view of F.I. Kevlya, negatively affects other children in the family. They are less focused, the possibilities for cultural leisure are reduced, they are worse learn, more often sick due to the absence of parents. Psychological tensions in such families are supported by the psychological oppression of children due to the negative attitude of those surrounding to their family; They rarely communicate with children from other families. This state of affairs is seen quite natural, since not all children, because of their age, are able to correctly appreciate and understand the attention of parents to a sick child, their constant fatigue in the situation of the oppressed, constantly disturbing family climate.

V.A. Gorelov emphasizes that this family is often experiencing a negative attitude from the surrounding, especially neighbors who annoy the uncomfortable conditions for the existence of a nearby (disturbance of peace of mind, silence, especially if a disabled child with mental development delay or his behavior negatively affects the health of the children's environment). The surrounding often evade communication and disabled children practically do not have the ability of full social contacts, a sufficient circle of communication, especially with healthy peers. Available social derivation can lead to personal disorders (for example, an emotional-volitional sphere, etc.), to the delay of intelligence, especially if the child is poorly adapted to life difficulties, social deadaption, even greater isolation, developments, including violations of communication opportunities that forms an inadequate understanding of the world around. This is especially hard to reflect on children with disabilities raised in children's boarding schools. Continuing the author's thought, it must be said that society does not always understand the problems of such families, and only a small percentage percentage is supporting the support of others. In this regard, parents do not take children with disabilities in the theater, cinema, entertainment activities, etc., thereby correcting them from birth to complete isolation from society. However, recently a new practice began to manifest itself, following which parents with similar problems began to establish contacts with each other, thereby expanding their circle of communication and compensating in part of the social isolation in which they were before.

Medico-social problems . It is well known that the medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities should be an early, plug-in, long, integrated, include medical, psychological and pedagogical, professional, social and domestic, legal and other programs, taking into account the individual approach to each child. The main thing is to teach the child to the motor and social skills so that in the subsequent he was able to get an education and work independently.

To date, there is no reliable special accounting of children with disabilities in any social security bodies or in the society of persons with disabilities. There is no coordination in the activities of various organizations related to the medical and social security of such families. Information work is insufficient on promoting goals, objectives, benefits, legislation relating to medical and social rehabilitation. Continuing this thought, we note that the entire modern practice of rehabilitation, as well as social work as a whole oriented child more and almost does not take into account the peculiarities of families, while the participation of families in medical and social work is decisive along with specialized treatment.

Sometimes treatment, social assistance is held late due to late diagnosis. V.G. Dry writes that most often the diagnosis is set to 1 or 2 - 3 years; Only 9.3%, the diagnosis is made immediately after birth, at the age of 7 days (severe damage to the central nervous system and congenital malformations). Especially low outpatient medical care. It turns out to be mainly in acute diseases and unsatisfactory profile on the occasion of disability. At a low level, there is an inspection of children with narrow specialists, massage, therapeutic physical education, physical examination, a nutritionist does not solve food issues in severe forms of diabetes, renal diseases. Insufficient provision of medical preparations, simulators, wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, orthopedic shoes.

Analyzing the foregoing, it is necessary to emphasize once again that many social and medical, psychological and pedagogical problems still remain with unresolved, including the unsatisfactory equipment of medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment, not a developed network of recovery treatment institutions, "weak" services of medical and psychological work and medical and social examination of disabled children; There are difficulties in obtaining a profession and employment of disabled children; A significant problem is the lack of mass production of technical equipment for training, movement, domestic self-service in children's boarding schools and a home environment.

State demographic policy measures conducted in Russia, helping families with children, including children with disabilities, until recently, worn fragrant, ineffective nature and did not take into account families in the complex.

D.M. Pavlenok believes that the most important direction of development of work on the provision of psychological and social assistance to children with disabilities is to conduct information work. As a rule, the information available in medical and preventive institutions is medical and does not affect the socio-psychological aspects of the lives of these children. Having live restrictions related to the current disease, these children can adapt to the social environment under modern conditions, to study using remote education systems, as well as be professionally popular. Agreeing with the above opinion, it is worth noting another important area, such as the development of assistance to families of children - disabled, creating a benevolent environment, psychological support of parents, individual support of families in difficult life situations, the involvement of families of children with disabilities in collective forms of interaction: joint creative events , exchange of experience, moral support.

Thus, all the above directions of work play a huge role in solving a wide range of problems faced by children with disabilities and their nearest environment. Therefore, further development of psychocorrection work, improving the legislative framework, expanding the range of services provided by the families of disabled children with social services, an increase in the number of specialized rehabilitation institutions and qualified specialists working in this field will effectively solve all problems considered in this work and form a favorable environment, Allowing people with disabilities to fully live in our society.

It can be concluded that children with disabilities and their families face a lot of problems that need to be solved so that our society can really call civilized to ensure that children with disabilities can be perfectly adapted to adult life so that such guys feel It is comfortable in society, especially among the peers. And this means that the following measures should be taken:

1. To provide substantial assistance to children and families with disabled children.

Thus, the state should adopt amendments to the laws on providing children with disabilities, which would ensure their successful socio-economic adaptation, and would also provide for the preservation of the economic activity of their parents. At the same time, the expansion of benefits and services should, first of all, to concern children with disabilities most in need, with greater degree of loss of working capacity or functional disorders of the body. It is also very important to help parents and children with disabilities can cope with stress with which they are constantly faced. And most importantly, the assistance is not only from the state, but also from the Company.

2. Create an integrated type institution and assist in obtaining education to children with strong mental disorders.

The state should prepare more good specialists, educational children with disabilities with complex violations. Include in an even greater number of schools, an inclusive education program so that children can get rapid adaptation and develop society in terms of communication and assistance to people with disabilities.

3. It is necessary to carry out a set of measures to ensure accessibility for disabled people of residential and industrial premises, transportation, institutions of health, education, culture and other social facilities.

4. Adapt society to disabled and begin to do this since childcare, conducting classes in schools on which children will have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of a person disabled, as is done in other countries.

Also, it is necessary to constantly raise this topic in the media, talking about the soulless and anti-civilized appeal to them so that people can feel and understand what people with disabilities live in the world, if they are constantly the negative impact that they need not only to regret And sympathize with them, but also help.

List of references:

1. Antonov, A. I. Family - what it is and where it moves / A.I. Antonov // Family in Russia. - 2005. - No. 1-2.- P. 30-53

2. Vasilkova, Yu.V. Social pedagogy / Yu.V. Vasilkova, TA Vasilkova. - M.: Book, 2015. - 297 p.

3. Kevlya, F. I. Family and the development of the identity of the child / F.I. Kevlya // Family in Russia. - 2014. - №2.- S. 78 - 90.

4. Ogrkov, ppm Disabled children: problems and solutions / M.D. Ogrovka // Domestic Journal of Social Work. - 2011.- №11. - p.15-17.

5. Olitoneko, L.Ya. Socio-pedagogical support for children risk groups / L.Ya. Olionlenko, T.I. Schulga. - M.: Book, 2012. - 186 p.

6. Pavlenok, D.M. Theory and Methodology of Social Work / D.M. Pavlok. - M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 418 p.

7. Practice of complex rehabilitation of persons with disabilities: a methodological manual for managers and specialists of the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities / ed. Vg Suhih. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk writer, 2018. - 108 p.

8. Problems of family and childhood in modern Russia: materials of the scientific and practical conference. - Ulyanovsk: Practice. - 2018, h. 2. - 41 s.

9. Family in new socio-economic conditions: Materials of a scientific and practical conference. - N.Novgorod: Publishing House "City", 2017. -53 p.

10. Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of disabled children / ed. G.E. Pashinova. - Krasnoyarsk: LLC "Publishing Group" All, All, Everyone! ", 2019. - 32 p.

11. Chizhov, S.P. Social work / S.P. Chizhov- Rostov N / D.: Rostov-Press, 2017. - 218 p.

In the past few years, in our country there has been a tendency to attract the attention of society and state-power structures to the problems of persons with disabilities. Today, the first steps are being made to improve the system of socio-household and medical rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, contributing to their more full-fledged life and adaptation in society. However, it is too early to talk about any significant promotions in this area, since the range of problems faced by people with disabilities in Russia is very wide and includes many aspects. Particularly relevant in this regard is the question of child disability, since the problems of children with disabilities besides the main (medical, domestic) entries and the whole complex of the difficulties faced with their families (parents, brothers, sisters and other closest relatives).

According to M.D. OGARKOV, family with a disabled child - this is a family with a special status, features and problems of which are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and relationships between them, but also more employment by solving the problems of the child, the closeness of the family for the outside world, the deficit of communication, frequent absence The mother's work, but the main thing - the specific position in the family of a disabled child, which is due to his illness. Also, the situation when the family has a disabled child, can affect the creation of a more hard environment required by family members to fulfill their functions. Moreover, it is likely that the presence of a child with developmental impairment, in conjunction with other factors, can reduce family opportunities for earnings, recreation and social activity.

Thus, it follows from the foregoing that a set of problems of families with children with disabilities is wide enough, affects almost all areas of life, being an obstacle to their normal operation and requires the search for effective resolution methods.

1. Definition and cause of child disability

Disability in children, according to the definition given in the Russian Encyclopedia of Social Work, "is a significant limitation of life, leading to social disadaptation due to a violation of the development and growth of the child, loss of control over their behavior, as well as self-service abilities, movement, orientation, training, communicate, communicate , Labor activities in the future.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 No. 117 "On the procedure for issuing a medical conclusion on disabled children", children with disabilities include children with "significant livelihood restrictions, leading to social disadaptation, due to a violation of the development and growth of the child, His ability to self-service, movement, orientation, control over its behavior, learning, communication, game and labor activity in the future. " It should be noted that the restriction of life is considered to be the deviation from the age norm of the child's life, arising from a violation of health, which is characterized by a limitation of the ability to carry out self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over their behavior, training, gaming, labor and other activities.

Children's disability is one of the most acute medical and social problems of modern society. According to data published in the methodological manual, the practice of integrated rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, the number of children under the age of 16, with a limitation of life and social functions is about 10% of the world's population, i.e. more than 120 million Judging by the above figures, it can be concluded that the problem of children's disability today managed to acquire a global nature and is widespread in many countries of the world.

The problem of children's disability began to form as an independent and multifaceted only in recent years, although the status of a disabled child was first introduced in the USSR in 1979.

Among the basic classes of the causes of children's disability, L. Ya. Ollenno considers mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, eye disease and congenital anomalies, because in the structure of the reasons for these four classes of pathologies there are more than 70% of children's disability. Dynamics of the total disability of children due to mental disorders for the period 1996-2007. Wore the character of gradual growth. As a result, for the period under study, this mental disorders moved to the structure from 2nd to the 1st place among the causes of child disability. In 2007, the level of total disability of children 0-15 years due to the diseases of the nervous system amounted to 42.26 per 10 thousand children's population. Child cerebral paralysis in the structure of the diseases of the nervous system amounted to 59.6%. This allows us to conclude that in the structure of the causes of the disability of the children's population, the leading positions continue to occupy diseases of the nervous system, congenital anomalies and mental disorders.

Until 2004, inclusive, according to the materials of the scientific and practical conference "Family and childhood problems in modern Russia", there was an increase in childhood disability in leukes, congenital anomalies, diseases of the genitourinary system, cystic disease, diseases of the bone-muscular system and connective tissue, diabetes, mental Disorders, neoplasms, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, nervous system, bronchial asthma. In the age structure of disability by 2006, more than 75% were children from 7 to 18 years, which is associated with increasing chronic diseases during school training. In 2006, the increase in disabled children on tuberculosis and deafness was determined. In 2007, in comparison with previous years, the number of disabled children with impaired hearing, tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive organs (mainly peptic illness), congenital anomalies (with a significant proportion of congenital heart defects). The proportion of children with leukes, diabetes mellitus, cerebral disease, cystic diseases, diseases of the blood circulation organs, diseases of the bone-muscular system in the structure of children's disability below in comparison with 2005, but somewhat higher than the previous year. Analyzing the above data, it is necessary to conclude that over the past few years in Russia, the first places for the disability of children belonged to diseases of the nervous system and senses, mental disorders and congenital developmental abnormalities.

In the USA, according to the given given by L.Ya. Oligence, the most common causes of disability are psyche disorder (including mental delay) and the nervous system, bronchial asthma, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and impaired hearing and vision. A number of researchers also note the increase in the proportion of chronic somatic pathology in the structure of children's disability.

Diseases of blood circulation organs, notes V.A. Gorelov, are the main pathology leading to the disability of young people of working age. In the Russian Federation, indicators of the prevalence of diseases of the circulatory organs and the musculoskeletal system increased compared with 2000 by 18 and 12%, respectively. The number of children with disabilities with hearing impairment increases annually. The author also writes that children with disabilities in the Russian Federation make up more than 12% of the total number of people with disabilities, first registered in social protection bodies, among the disabled people under 39 years old - 55.6%.

Summarizing the foregoing should once again emphasize the most significant points: children's disabilities - one of the most pressing medical and social problems of modern society, containing many different aspects and acquires an increasingly broad scale; In the structure of disability among children, both in Russia and most countries continue to prevail diseases of the nervous system, congenital anomalies and mental disorders.

2. The main problems of children with disabilities and their families

Family, the closest environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of its upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, learning, career guidance.

The sick child is a heavy test for the family. MA Galagowzova writes that about half of families with disabled children are incomplete. Every fourth mother, having a disabled child, does not work. About 40% of these families have two children. The number of families with two children with disabilities are constantly growing. Large families with a disabled child are about 10%. Analyzing such data, it is worth it once again that among families with disabilities with disabilities, the largest percentage is incomplete maternal families. A third of the parents had a divorce due to the birth of a disabled child, the mother does not have the prospects for re-marriage and forced all his life to raise a child alone (sometimes with the help of close relatives - sisters, grandparents, etc.). Therefore, the problems of an incomplete family are added to the problems of the family of the child - a disabled person.

According to the compilers of the collection of methodical recommendations "Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities", the problem of preparing parents to carry out accessible rehabilitation activities of the house, to provide them with psychological and legal assistance, providing the necessary information about rights and benefits, which available in the city of rehabilitation institutions and rendered Rehabilitation services. In every twelfth family with a disabled child, the parent is disabled or disabilities. Thus, the problem of social protection and assistance to families with children with disabilities is acute.

Effective output from the current situation, according to the author, will be the creation of social and consulting services for parents, the development of an additional patronage system over children with disabilities, the expansion of family recreation, the creation of a network of rehabilitation institutions, the provision of targeted material assistance will create a system of more efficient assistance. Families with disabled children.

In order to have the most complete picture of the spectrum of problems (material, housing, household, psychological, pedagogical, social, medical), with which families with disabled children are faced, it is necessary to separate each direction to separately.

Material and housing and household problems. Material-domestic, financial, housing problems of the family with the advent of a child with disabilities increase. Yu.V. Vasilkova writes that housing is usually not adapted for a disabled child, each 3rd family has about 6 m2 of useful area per family member, rarely - a separate room or special adaptations for a child. In such families, problems arise related to the acquisition of food, clothing and shoes, the simplest furniture, home appliances: refrigerators, TV. Families are not extremely necessary for child care: transport, cottages, garden sites, telephone. All this is a significant part of the household difficulties faced with such families in their daily livelihoods.

A.I. Antonov emphasizes the fact that services for a child with disabilities in such families are predominantly paid (treatment, expensive medicines, medical procedures, massages, vouchers of sanatorium type, necessary devices and devices, training, operational interventions, orthopedic shoes, glasses, hearing aids, Wheelchairs, beds, etc.). From the above, it is not difficult to conclude that the receipt of all listed services requires large funds, and the income in these families is developing, as a rule, from the earnings of one parent (most often, mother) and a child benefit for disability.

Psychological problems. The psychological climate in the family depends on interpersonal relations, the moral and psychological resources of parents and relatives, as well as from the material and housing conditions of the family, which determines the conditions for education, training and medical and social rehabilitation.

S.P. Chizhov, relying on these psychological research conducted in families with children with disabilities, allocates 3 types of families in the reaction of parents to the emergence of a disabled child: with a passive reaction related to the misunderstanding of an existing problem; With a hyperactive reaction, when parents are trembling rapidly, they find "doctors-shining", expensive medicines, leading clinics, etc.; with a mean rational position: consistent implementation of all instructions, advice of doctors, psychologists. It is logical to assume that the most optimal of existing options is the third approach, therefore, to achieve the desired result, a social worker must rely on the position of the third type of family.

MA Galagowzova notes that the father in the family with a sick child is usually the only minider. Having a specialty, education, he is due to the need for greater earnings becomes workers, looking for secondary earnings and practically does not have time to engage in a child. Therefore, care for the child lies at the mother. As a rule, it loses its work or forced to work at night (usually is homing to work). Caring for the child takes all her time, sharply narrowed the circle of communication. If you are unpromising treatment and rehabilitation, then a constant anxiety, psycho-emotional stress can lead a mother to irritation, depression state. Often the mother in care helps older children, rarely grandmothers, other relatives. Heavy situation, if in the family two children with disabilities. As a result of the current situation, frequent weakening of family relations, constant, continuous anxiety for a sick child, a sense of confusion, depression. All this in the end may be the cause of the collapse of the family, and only in a small percentage of cases the family is paid.

The presence of a disabled child, from the point of view of F.I. Kevlya, negatively affects other children in the family. They are less focused, the possibilities for cultural leisure are reduced, they are worse learn, more often sick due to the absence of parents. Psychological tensions in such families are supported by the psychological oppression of children due to the negative attitude of those surrounding to their family; They rarely communicate with children from other families. This state of affairs is seen quite natural, since not all children, because of their age, are able to correctly appreciate and understand the attention of parents to a sick child, their constant fatigue in the situation of the oppressed, constantly disturbing family climate.

V.A. Gorelov emphasizes that this family is often experiencing a negative attitude from the surrounding, especially neighbors who annoy the uncomfortable conditions for the existence of a nearby (disturbance of peace of mind, silence, especially if a disabled child with mental development delay or his behavior negatively affects the health of the children's environment). The surrounding often evade communication and disabled children practically do not have the ability of full social contacts, a sufficient circle of communication, especially with healthy peers. Available social derivation can lead to personal disorders (for example, an emotional-volitional sphere, etc.), to the delay of intelligence, especially if the child is poorly adapted to life difficulties, social deadaption, even greater isolation, developments, including violations of communication opportunities that forms an inadequate understanding of the world around. This is especially hard to reflect on children with disabilities raised in children's boarding schools. Continuing the author's thought, it must be said that society does not always understand the problems of such families, and only a small percentage percentage is supporting the support of others. In this regard, parents do not take children with disabilities in the theater, cinema, entertainment activities, etc., thereby correcting them from birth to complete isolation from society. However, recently a new practice began to manifest itself, following which parents with similar problems began to establish contacts with each other, thereby expanding their circle of communication and compensating in part of the social isolation in which they were before.

Medical and social problems. It is well known that the medical and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities should be an early, plug-in, long, integrated, include medical, psychological and pedagogical, professional, social and domestic, legal and other programs, taking into account the individual approach to each child. The main thing is to teach the child to the motor and social skills so that in the subsequent he was able to get an education and work independently.

The authors of the collection of methodical recommendations "Practice of Complex Rehabilitation of Disabled Practices" believe that today there is no significant special accounting of children with disabilities in the state social security bodies or in the society of persons with disabilities. There is no coordination in the activities of various organizations related to the medical and social security of such families. Information work is insufficient on promoting goals, objectives, benefits, legislation relating to medical and social rehabilitation. Continuing this thought, we note that the entire modern practice of rehabilitation, as well as social work as a whole oriented child more and almost does not take into account the peculiarities of families, while the participation of families in medical and social work is decisive along with specialized treatment.

Sometimes treatment, social assistance is held late due to late diagnosis. V.G. Dry writes that most often the diagnosis is set to 1 or 2 - 3 years; Only 9.3%, the diagnosis is made immediately after birth, at the age of 7 days (severe damage to the central nervous system and congenital malformations). Especially low outpatient medical care. It turns out to be mainly in acute diseases and unsatisfactory profile on the occasion of disability. At a low level, there is an inspection of children with narrow specialists, massage, therapeutic physical education, physical examination, a nutritionist does not solve food issues in severe forms of diabetes, renal diseases. Insufficient provision of medical preparations, simulators, wheelchairs, hearing aids, prostheses, orthopedic shoes.

Analyzing the foregoing, it is necessary to emphasize once again that many social and medical, psychological and pedagogical problems still remain with unresolved, including the unsatisfactory equipment of medical institutions with modern diagnostic equipment, not a developed network of recovery treatment institutions, "weak" services of medical and psychological work and medical and social examination of disabled children; There are difficulties in obtaining a profession and employment of disabled children; A significant problem is the lack of mass production of technical equipment for training, movement, domestic self-service in children's boarding schools and a home environment.

3. Ways to solve problems of families with disabled children

State demographic policy measures conducted in Russia, helping families with children, including children with disabilities, until recently, worn fragrant, ineffective nature and did not take into account families in the complex.

However, in recent years, socially servicing children with disabilities, the development of social and rehabilitation services has paid special attention. By the beginning of 2004, according to the data given in Article A.I. Antonova, in the system of social protection authorities of the Russian Federation, there were 305 specialized rehabilitation centers and 680 branches of rehabilitation as structural divisions in social service institutions. As part of the Federal Target Program "Children-Disabled" in 2001, over 60 centers of rehabilitation of children with disabilities received the necessary rehabilitation equipment and vehicles. But all this, according to the author, is not much reflected in solving the internal psychological problems of the parents of the child-disabled child, especially the mother. A child - a disabled person should feel that close people love him and understand, not counting the worse than other children, always ready to help. However, as mentioned above, a family dealing with the education of a child of a disabled person is in a fairly vulnerable socio-psychological situation.

The birth of a child with pathology is a huge stress for family members. Often, the family does not cope with the emotional load, the consequences are the most diverse - violations of married, child-parent relations, often a family system, not to withstand the stress, disintegrates. In families with children with disabilities, a huge percentage of divorces, incomplete families, in which the entire load, both social and emotional lies at the mother, which is not able to fully contribute to the socialization of the child. In this case, an even greater anxiety increases, the family becomes vulnerable and little functional.

All this creates the need for events aimed at providing social and psychological support to such families. A.I. Sidorenko highlights the following among them:

· Providing medical and psychological support of families with children with disabilities - Consultations of specialists of doctors and psychologists, individual and group psychological work with children, family counseling, conducting educational lectures and trainings for parents;

· Conducting events aimed at combining families with children with disabilities in joint activities - holding meetings, round tables, thematic evenings.

All listed measures, according to the author, should be carried out in cooperation with social protection institutions, social services centers, as well as specialized social assistance institutions to families and children, public associations that support and help families of children with disabilities.

D.M. Pavlenok believes that the most important direction of development of work on the provision of psychological and social assistance to children with disabilities is to conduct information work. As a rule, the information available in medical and preventive institutions is medical and does not affect the socio-psychological aspects of the lives of these children. Having live restrictions related to the current disease, these children can adapt to the social environment under modern conditions, to study using remote education systems, as well as be professionally popular. Agreeing with the above opinion, it is worth noting another important area, such as the development of assistance to families of children - disabled, creating a benevolent environment, psychological support of parents, individual support of families in difficult life situations, the involvement of families of children with disabilities in collective forms of interaction: joint creative events , exchange of experience, moral support.

Thus, all the above directions of work play a huge role in solving a wide range of problems faced by children with disabilities and their nearest environment. Therefore, further development of psychocorrection work, improving the legislative framework, expanding the range of services provided by the families of disabled children with social services, an increase in the number of specialized rehabilitation institutions and qualified specialists working in this field will effectively solve all problems considered in this work and form a favorable environment, Allowing people with disabilities to fully live in our society.


In this paper, the main problems faced by families with disabilities with disabilities are disclosed, the concept and structure of children's disability. In the course of work it was found that a set of problems of families with disabled children was wide enough, affects almost all spheres of vital activity, being an obstacle to their normal functioning, and requires the search for effective resolution methods.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to improve social support for families with children with limited physical and mental capabilities. This was facilitated by a number of circumstances, in particular, strengthening and expanding the legislative and regulatory framework of social support for families with children with disabilities (primarily at the regional level), a certain transformation of the mass consciousness of Russians, who have recently imagined disabilities only in a medical aspect, a dynamic increase in the number Centers of rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Special attention is paid to the social services of disabled children, the development of social rehabilitation services. As part of the Federal Target Program "Children-Disabled" in 2001, over 60 centers of rehabilitation of children with disabilities received the necessary rehabilitation equipment and vehicles. But all this is not much reflected in solving the internal psychological problems of the parents of the child-disabled child, especially the mother. A child - a disabled person should feel that close people love him and understand, not counting the worse than other children, always ready to help.

The problem of child disability is relevant all over the world. Family, the closest environment of a child with disabilities is the main link in the system of its upbringing, socialization, satisfaction of needs, learning, etc. That is why, how fast, qualitatively and efficiently, the social rehabilitation system will solve problems arising in such families, socialization and further adaptation of disabled children to full-fledged life in society depends.

List of references

1. Antonov, A. I. Family - what it is and where it moves / A.I. Antonov // Family in Russia. - 2005. - No. 1-2.- P. 30-53.

2. Vasilkova, Yu.V. Social pedagogy / Yu.V. Vasilkova, TA Vasilkova. - M.: Book, 2000. - 297 p.

3. Galagowzova, MA Methodology and technology of work of the social teacher / M. A. Galagowov, L.V. Mardahaev. - M.: Infra-M, 2002. - 165 p.

4. Kevlya, F. I. Family and the development of the identity of the child / F.I. Kevlya // Family in Russia. - 1997. - №2.- P. 78 - 90.

5. On the procedure for issuing a medical conclusion on disabled children: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 4.07. 1991 No. 117 // Vedomosti Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. - 1991. - № 12. - Art. 35

6. Ogrkov, ppm Disabled children: problems and solutions / M.D. Ogrovka // Domestic Journal of Social Work. - 2001.- №11. - p.15-17.

7. Oliatonko, L.Ya. Socio-pedagogical support for children risk groups / L.Ya. Olionlenko, T.I. Schulga. - M.: Book, 2002. - 186 p.

8. Pavlek, D.M. Theory and Methodology of Social Work / D.M. Pavlok. - M.: Infra-M, 1994. - 418 p.

9. Practice of complex rehabilitation of persons with disabilities: a methodological manual for managers and specialists of the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities / ed. Vg Suhih. - Krasnoyarsk.: Krasnoyarsk writer, 2010. - 108 p.

10. Problems of family and childhood in modern Russia: materials of the scientific and practical conference. - Ulyanovsk: Practice. - 2008., Part 2. - 41 p.

11. Russian Encyclopedia of Social Work / Ed. THEM. Pavlova. - M.: Science, 2006. - T. 2. - 329 p.

12. Family in new socio-economic conditions: Materials on-school - practical conference. - N.Novgorod: Publishing House "City", 2003. - 53 p.

13. Sidorenko, A.I. Basics of social work / A.I. Sidorenko. - M.: Intel - Synthesis, 1998. - 495 p.

14. Dictionary-Directory for Social Work / Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M.: PRESS, 1997. - 261 p.

15. Social work in health facilities / ed. V.A. Gorleov. - M.: Infra - M, 2001. - 186 p.

Pavlek, D.M. Theory and Methodology of Social Work / D.M. Pavlok. - M.: Infra-M, 1994. - P. 392.

The reason for the occurrence of social problems in incomplete families is primarily low-cost, because in the family there is only one work income (sometimes there is no labor income at all, and the family is forced to live on unemployment benefits or child benefits). The income of women is usually significantly lower than the income of a man due to its backlog on the social staircase caused by the fulfillment of childcare duties. Income from alimony, if children have right on them and receive them, as a rule, covers no more than half the cost of their content. Socio-economic problems are not inherent in all incomplete families; In any case, it is easier to be resolved than socio-psychological problems present in the intrapersonality and interpersonal relations of members of incomplete families, especially children.

This is, first, resentment, the oppression and sense of own inferiority that children may experience after the divorce of their parents. Often, children blame themselves in the decay of the family.

Secondly, the feeling of guilt in front of children, often in women (since in most cases, incomplete families are a mother, one raising children), which is the cause of their hyperteks. In an effort to prevent the decline in the life standards of your children compared to children from prosperous families, the mother takes over the excessive workload, but due to superpost, in turn, can not pay them enough time and attention.

Frequently, there are also cases when the insult on the former spouse, guilty of the decay of the family, a woman will take place in his children, showing cruelty. In any case, a favorable psychological climate in the family is missing. The most greater complexity is difficulties in proper polo role identification and orientation of children. The child forms the stereotypes of his perception and behavior, guided by the sample, which adults are for him, first of all parents.

Although the polish behavior of people in various cultures is not fully studied, in family relationships, it is manifested most clearly. Social and psychological stereotype prescribes such features such features and signs that are not inherent in the social role of women. By itself, the rigid certainty of these roles can have an adverse effect if the person is weak, and the stereotype requires dominance, strength, masculinity or vice versa.

But in an incomplete family (especially if it became so in the early stages of the socialization of the child or was originally incomplete) the child is deprived of the sample of how men and women should behave in various role-playing situations, so in the future, in their own family a man far It will not always be able to demonstrate adequate sexual behavior; This leads to dysfunctionality and conflict and, possibly, also to the breakdown of the family. The main reason for the statistically significant connection of the unfavorable of a disintegrating young family with the disadvantage of the parents of the parents of one of the young spouses (or both spouses) is their inadequate polish socialization.

Although incomplete families in which the Father one brings up children is much less than incomplete families in which children raises one mother, they are inherent in the same polisher orientation problems. In addition, the father with a child has more chances to create a new family than a mother with a child. Therefore, one of the problems of such a family will be the formation of relations between the child (children) and the new wife of the Father (perhaps with her children).

Recently became a common new category of incomplete families - incomplete expanded families who are formed, as a rule, as a result of any social catastrophe: the death of parents of young children, finding parents in prison, deprivation of their parental rights, drunkenness - most often exactly this forces the generation of progenitors. Take grandchildren on content and upbringing. Such families, of course, have a low level of income; A number of difficulties are caused by the poor health of the elderly, their more weak adaptation abilities, inability to adapt to the realities of modernity; Unfortunately, sometimes they cannot use their authority, the ability to control the situation, so often children demonstrate deviant forms of behavior

Definition, causes of incomplete family

Incomplete families are families with one parent and children. In general, in Russia, the growth rate of incomplete families increases.

In incomplete families, every seventh Russian child has been brought up, who has not reached 18 years old.

Among the incomplete families are the so-called other families, they are also called incomplete advanced families (brother and sister without parents, grandparents).

The average size of such families is always less than the average size of families with marriage pairs.

In the cities of incomplete families more than in rural areas. The increase in the number and share of incomplete families is a factor that reduces the average family size.

Causes of incomplete families

Divorce of parents. The level of divorce increases. Approximately 22% of men and women were divorced 1 time in life, and, judging by the statistics of the regulations, the level of compensation of divorces by repeated marriages even in men does not exceed 60%.

Fiscal birth. Against the background of a reduction in the total fertility rate, the share of children born out of marriage occurs.

Every 5th child is born out of marriage of his parents. About 40% of children born out of marriage are recognized by fathers and are registered by the registry office on the joint statement of the Father and Mother. This may be actual marriage with family relationships, but with the general instability of the relationship. Men do not consider themselves obliged to associate life with women and provide only material assistance to the child. Often children out of marriage give birth to women in adulthood, who are not able to create a family.

The death of one of the parents. According to statistics, more incomplete maternal families than paternal. Perhaps this fact can be explained by the fact that men's mortality is higher than women.

Extended incomplete families, the number of which grows lately. As a result of the loss of parents (death, deprivation of parental rights, drunkenness, serving the parents of punishment in places of imprisonment) grandchildren take on the upbringing of the senior generation, most often pensioners.

Problems of incomplete families

Material and domestic (financial) problems

If the family has one labor income, it is considered a low-income. With non-working parents, the family is forced to live on unemployment benefits and child benefits.

Children's benefits are low, non-timely paid, as well as a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (SEC), when divorced, there may be problems with the payment of alimony.

Employment problem.The solution to this problem, especially a single mother, is difficult due to the fact that a lonely parent need a well-paid job, close to the house, the ability to have a free schedule, perform work at home, without business trips and night shifts.

A lonely parent takes over an excessive workload, often additional earnings to ensure normal life to its children.

In extended incomplete families, the income is low, it is mainly from the pension of the raising grandchildren of old people of pensioners.

Housing problem. It may occur in all incomplete families, especially if it is impossible to change the living space. Divorced parents are forced to live together, which serves as a reason for conflicts.

A lone mother with a child is forced to live with their parents due to the insecurity of housing. The ability to improve your accommodation is minimal.

Psychological problems

"The problem of parents" is the problem of combining roles, when, due to circumstances, a single parent must perform the functions of another parent. In the father's incomplete families, the way of life suffers, society does not perceive such families.

Lack of family life experience, especially in single mothers, normal family relations with the opposite sex.

After divorce, the relationship between parents can remain normal (binuclear family, parental complicity in raising children after divorce) or are in a state of confrontation. More often, the mother prevents the communication of children with his father, his participation in raising children or father is not interested in children and only helps materially.

The problem of the upbringing and socialization of children. An incomplete family does not have a holistic harmonious system of relations, there is an imbalance between the two groups of family members - those who need material and spiritual support and those who provide this satisfaction, so in such families there is an overload from the second active part. In addition, the Father and Mother are not interchangeable for children in the education plan (the child does not like much).

The supervaluation of parents at work, material and other problems often lead to the neglect of children with all the consequences arising from here. In such families more pedagogically launched children.

The disintegration of the family creates a sense of guilt by the parents before children, because of what a hyperopka arises, leading to the spikeness of children, the ability to manipulate adults in their own interests (lack of independence).

In other cases, the mother reuses his abyss for an unsuccessful life on children (constant relationship of conflict).

In an incomplete family, conflicts between mother and adolescent children arise significantly more often.

Recently, you can see the predominance of female incomplete families - "Grandma - Mother - a child", where every generation seems to repeat the fate of the parent. The child, brought up in such a family, is usually not sufficiently prepared for family life and creating its own family and the likelihood of the decay of marriage in an incomplete family is higher than that have grown in usual.

In extended families, there is no dominant role of parents, raising children of old people often sick and adapted poorly to modern life. It negatively affects the upbringing, especially teenagers.

The problem of creating a new family

The experience of past family life prevents a new family: divorced - fear to repeat the error; widowed - memory for the deceased spouse; Lonely - the lack of family life experience, which, as a rule, are very independent and are not ready to compromise. Repeated marriage brings peaceful comfort, improves the material side of life, but more often the achieved desired happens short-term, prevents comparison with a former marriage. Sometimes a "return" marriage occurs when parents are trying to establish their lives again. Such a marriage retains the interests of children. The marriage union arises between people who know the advantages and disadvantages of each other. But he can have a negative side when a father-alcoholic returs the family or a mother with asocial behavior.

Children have a problem with respect to stepfather, stepmother. Repeated marriage can change the life of children; Call the problem of relationships with a new family member, especially if the family includes a parent with his child; Create the problem of relationships between parents - the problem of the birth of a common child; To sharpen the problem of relations between relatives on both sides to re-marriage.

Problems of children

Children are often witnesses and participants in family events or the circumstances of a psychotrambulator nature (disintegration of families, accommodation with stepfather, stepmother, life in a conflict family, the death of parents, the problem of coming parents). All this negatively affects the child, deforms his psyche, moral and emotional development. Children feel offended, oppression, their own guilt for the collapse of the family, they can develop a sense of own inferiority.

Most often, the divorce occurs until the 8-year-old age of the child, when the formation of the psychological identification of a child with the parent of the same sex begins, and the view of the opposite field is deformed.

Close contacts with parents left alone, dissatisfaction with the personal life, which the parent is sharply experiencing, negatively affect the formation of the child's personality, violate the formation of an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between the sexes. All this does not contribute to a clear sexual identification of the child. The absence of one of the parents, as well as marital relations, significantly affects the emerging system of values, in which the central place, especially for adolescents, is occupied by love relief. They early begin sex life, even before adulthood.

Children from an incomplete family by all means trying to overcome the fate of the parents, with their worn personal life, which narrows the system of values, making it one-sided, leads to inadequate resolution of any psychological stress, for example, in the form of suicide.

In the motives of suicidents in 92% of cases, the leading is unfavorable in relations with the opposite sex and inability to properly build these relationships.
Children cease to communicate with their parents. Stepfather, stepmother, as a rule, do not play a significant role in the upbringing of stepsins. Relationships most often become formal.

Children from incomplete families need psychotherapeutic assistance, in the help of a social teacher.

The problem of the relationship of children

In the case of birth in such a family of a common child, there may be a problem with the relationship of stepsins and steppers for this child, as well as the problem of attitude to a new family of relatives on both sides.

Medical problems. Women unresolved in the marital status often have an extramarital pregnancy, 2 times more often ending the birth of premature babies or children with low body weight. Every 2nd child is born with anomaly
development, with intracranial injury. In most cases, this is due to the spread of harmful habits from lonely mothers (smoking and alcohol).
In recent years, adverse health indicators have been noted, the level of total incidence increased 2 times than in full families, chronic pathology occurs at 3 - 4 times more often.

Social research Research Institute of Pediatrics AMN has shown that 10.5% of women after divorce suffer from neuropsychiatric diseases, especially those that have small children. Among those divorced in 2.5 times more women with disabilities than among women in marriage.

In incomplete families, children are 1.7 times more often and longer. Mental injuries during the divorce or death of one of the parents are of great importance in the formation of border neuropsychiatric disorders in children. Being the only source of income, a parent from an incomplete family can not always take a hospital leaf for child care, and children often remain unreath.

Among the reasons for often ill-suffering children, one of the first places is located low medical culture and low medical activity of mothers. Women do not believe that the divorce is a mental injury for a child, do not pay attention to the manifestations of such neuroses in children, like ticks, enuresis, stuttering; Do not treat chronic diseases of them (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, skin, etc.).

Tips for parents raising children in an incomplete family:

  • try to speak as often as possible with the child and listen to him to be with him in constant contact;
  • praise the child for any achievement, and not punish, especially on trifles, stable in the emotional plan and the optimistic atmosphere in the family will retain confidence in the child to the world, will strengthen his self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • treat the understanding of the child if he recalls the past;
  • do not impose the role of a missing parent on the shoulders of your children;
  • try to help your child in everything in order to master the behavior skills corresponding to it;
  • try to develop our family's social connections, it will help the child to actively communicate and establish relationships with familiar men.

Subjects capable of supporting incomplete family

Neighbors: The problem of public opinion and assistance to the family.
Former parent: Problems of conflict situations.
Executive: housing.
Church: Material and natural help.
Trade organizations: supply food and other food
Psychologist: Problems of the psychological climate in the family.
Health authorities: issues of the health of all family members; Organization of medical and social patronage.
Employment Service: Search for convenient work for parents.
Department of National Education: The issue of the extended day group, the problem of free food, material assistance, the provision of textbooks, the psychological problems of children, the problems of leisure (recreation) of children, children's dispensary institutions (DD).
Lawyer: The question of alimony, benefits, pensions on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner (SEC), housing issues, problems on work, the question of the relationship between the former spouses.
Social Protection Department: All types of benefits and pensions.
Parents work place: All benefits for work, DDU, material assistance, housing question, the issue of psychological climate in the team, the problem of relations at the site of the parents.
Similar families: Exchange of experience, organization of joint recreation, issues of joint intersendine enterprise, mutual assistance (clothes, shoes, strollers, toys, etc.).

The main difficulties of the family and its need for professional aid are due to its type.

The reason for the emergence of social problems in incomplete families it is primarily an adequacy, because in the family there is only one work income (sometimes there is no labor income at all, and the family is forced to live on unemployment benefits or child benefits). The income of women is usually significantly lower than the income of a man due to its backlog on the social staircase caused by the fulfillment of childcare duties. Income from alimony if children have right on them and get them like; The rule covers no more than half the cost of their content. Socio-economic problems are not inherent in all incomplete families; In any case, it is easier to be resolved than social-psychological problems present in the intrapersonality and interpersonal relations of members of incomplete families, especially children.

This is, first of all, the insult, the oppression and sense of own inferiority that children may experience after the time of their parents. Often, children blame themselves in the decay of the family. Secondly, the feeling of guilt in front of children, often in women (since in most cases, incomplete families are a mother, one raising children), which is the cause of their hyperteks. In an effort to prevent the decline in the life standards of your children compared to children from prosperous families, the mother takes over the excessive workload, but because of the supernators, in turn, cannot pay for them to accurately and attention. There are also cases of cases when the rehabil to the former spouse, guilty of the decay of the family, the woman is moving on his children, showing cruelty. In any case, a favorable psychological climate in the family is missing. The most greater complexity is difficulties in proper polo role identification and orientation of children. The child forms the stea-repeatypes of his perception and behavior, guided by the sample, which adults are for him, first of all parents.

Although the polishet behavior of people in various cultures are far from being far from full, in family relationships it is manifested the most clearly. Social and psychological stereotype pre-writes the social role of a man such features and signs that are not inherent in the social role of women. By itself, the gender certainty of these roles can have an adverse effect, if a person is weak, and the stereotype requires dominion, strength, masculinity or vice versa. But in incomplete seed (especially if it became such in the early stages of the child's social registry or was originally incomplete) the child is deprived of a sample of how men and women should behave in one-personal role situations, so in the future, in his own family does not always be able to demonstrate adequate sexual behavior; This leads to dysfunctionality and conflict and, possibly, also to the breakdown of the family. Os-new reason for the statistically significant connection of the disadvantaged young family with the disadvantage of the family of the family of one of the young spouses (or both spouses) - their non-Naade Quatean Policole Socialization.

Although incomplete families in which the father alone brings up de-Tay, much less than incomplete families in which children will strive with one mother, they are inherent in the same problems of polyal or-entation. In addition, his father with a child has more chances to create a new family than a mother with a child. Therefore, one of the problems of such a family will be the formation of relations between the child (children) and the new wife of the Father (perhaps with her children).

Recently became a common new category of incomplete semeei - incomplete expanded families who are formed as pupils, as a result of any social catastrophe: the death of the parents of young children, finding parents in prison, deprivation of their parental rights, drunkenness - - Most often, it is precisely this forcing the generation of the progenitors to take grandchildren for maintenance and education. Such families, of course, have a low level of income; A number of complexity caused by the poor health of the elderly, their more weak adaptation abilities, inability to adapt to the realities of modernity; Unfortunately, sometimes they cannot use their authority, the ability to control the situation, so often children demonstrate deviant forms of behavior.

Large families , The most common times in Russia (at the beginning of the 20th century in the European part of the country, each family had an average of 8 children), currently sustainably conclude a very minor share of the total number of families. Moreover, often largeness is not planned, and the audio (the birth of twins or the birth of a child as a result of the ineffectiveness of contraception or the inability due to the health of the woman to resort to the interruption of pregnancy).

All large families can be distributed to three Cate Boria:

Families in which are planned in many ways (for example, due to national traditions, religious preparations, cultural and ideological positions, family traditions). Such families experience many difficulties, literally by low-income, tesna housing, loaded parents (especially the mother), the state of their healthy, but parents have motivation to raise children;

Families formed as a result of the second and subsequent marriages of the mother (less often - father), in which new children are born. Studies show that such families can be completely prosperous, but their members are inherent in the feeling of an incomplete family;

Dysfunctional large families formed in the result of irresponsible behavior of parents, sometimes against the background of intellectual mental liability, alcoholism, as-social lifestyle. Children from such large families are particularly often needed help, rehabilitation, suffer from diseases and underdevelopment. In the event of the loss of parental pedestal, their fate is particularly difficult to arrange, because the family law is preventing the separation of children from one family, and to adopt 3--7 children of different ages and varying degrees of social deadaption is far from always possible.

Large families of all types have a common social pro-blue, specifically related to multi-way: children from such sections compared to peers from prevailing adolescent families more often demonstrate a low self-esteem, they are inherent inadequate ideas about their own significance, which may adversely affect their entire Subsequent fate. In addition, small intervals in the birth of children, characteristic of large families, lead to the constant presence of a large number of the smallness of them brothers and sisters, which entails a decline in the social age of senior Siblingov. This is an objective pattern, acknowledged in various types of large families, not dependent on the immaterial and educational status of parents.

Family disabled Forced to overcome the economic hardities caused by the decay of the production and rehabilitation system, based on the work of disabled, restricting disability and adaptation ability. Disabled people are generally very limited in their livelihoods. The introduction of programs aimed at the adaptation of society to the needs and possibilities of persons with disabilities, pre-fifth the lack of funds and organizational difficulties.

The implementation of the right of persons with disabilities for work, self-sufficiency is one of the main problems of their social rehabilitation. This is not a way to improve their financial situation, but also the most important factor of self-assertion and domestic development. Studies are in appear that all disabled can be divided into four categories: those who do not work, but want to work; Those who do not want to work, but forced to work (both of these categories are unsatisfied); those who do not work and do not want to work; Those who have a rabid and want to work (these two categories are experiencing greater satisfaction). Thus, the question of the labor rehabilitation of the in-valides as part of their social rehabilitation includes a social and psychological factor: the presence or absence of a motive to occupy labor.

Families raising children with disabilities It is forced to solve all the problems associated with disabilities (low-cost, fierce-waste, etc.), but often expressing a DOC-level agreement to engage in these problems, refusing to put a disabled child with an incorrigible congenital pathologue to it in a specialized boarding school. Such a decision, of course, deserves approval, but the difficulties associated with the collaboration of such a child are extremely great: institutions, producing parents assistance in such activities, while very little; Care for the child - disabled since childhood is often not compatible with another activity, so the mother, as a rule, is no longer a waiting for work or go to another job, more free on schedule, located closer to the house, but the lower payable. The number of divorces in such families is much higher - fathers are often unable to withstand constant difficulties and go out of the family. Disabled children, deprived of a qualified resabin-litting and developing assistance, sometimes conduct practically biological existence, without receiving the skills and skills that will help them at least in self-service, if not in a difficult self-sustainment.

Grachev L.K. The author of the "Social Work Program with families with disabled children" is noticed that in families in which children with disabilities receive even the elementary help of specialists in social re-bilitation, the level of divorces is below average for such categories of families, for such assistance does The situation is not so hopeless. Grachev L.K. Social work program with families having children-disabled.-M., 1992.-C.10.

Full small family , Located in a state of social or family disadvantaged, does not apply to the risk group, but may also need help. Fail-loan fee, bankruptcy of enterprises, unemployment affect both the financial situation and the socio-psychological health of working family members. The destruction of the stability of social status, the loss of confidence in the protection and the inviolability of the family world negatively act on adults and children and can sometimes lead to asocial reactions. A relatively small assistance, rendered at such a time, a family that does not have formal signs of social risk may be able to preserve stability to her - otherwise the family can go to the dysfunction category.

Family servicemen. Families' families experience all problems characteristic of any families, but they have their own difficulties. Thus, the family of the military personnel service is deprived of his Zarabaya - often the main source of income, which, if there is a child, puts the family into a difficult financial situation; In this case, the benefit does not cover the needs of the child. The family resources of the contract soldier are involved in maintaining defense capability along with the personal resources of the most soldier, ensuring a large extent its health and efficiency. However, the family does not receive an adequate reimbursement of these resources. The family follows the servicemen to the destination, where it is very often difficult to housing difficulties, there is no possibility of employment of his wife, and the climate is not rarely unfavorable for children. Repeated Moving Family Moving to a new place of his service forcing children can be adapted to a new school and a new team. Superference in the conditions of a military town, fell apart from an external world, can generate syndrome of socio-psychological deprivation of military personnel and their family members. Another problem of the military personnel is an inflicitness, since his wage is lagging behind the growth of life, especially from the specific needs of the creature in the conditions of military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law. Wives of military personnel, even despite the presence of higher education, as already mentioned, they often cannot get a job due to the limited number of Ra-Bochih places, and unemployment benefits are paid only to their non-significant part. All this often leads to the fact that the people of military personnel are in the situation of social dishes.

Family problems (family relationship dysfunctionality, pathologization of relations between spouses, between parents and children) do not depend on the social status of the family and may also be inherent, provided, intelligent, and low-income or poorly educated family. Social workers currently can assist such a family mainly at the stage of its crisis, at the time of conflict or disintegration, to engage in the prevention of family dysfunctions, establishing family communications in the pre-crisis condition, most social institutions are not yet able to. Meanwhile, this is one of the most important tasks of social work of a stable society. As the social situation improves in Russia, when the tasks of ensuring survival will go to the ass plan, the problems of family therapy, the improvement and stabilization of family relations will take first place.

Among them - the problem family (home) cruelty , Koto-Paradise is only partly connected with external social difficulties, exacerbating under the influence of the general psychopathology of the socio-psychological situation in the country. Family cruelty serves as a means of splashing aggressiveness, accumulated under the influence of Psi-Highlighting conditions of existence, on the weakest and non-protective (in the family these are women and children). It is also explained by tradies that have previously existed, low competence in the re-humidation of its psychological states, the lack of legally alternative removal of negative emotions. However, there is some personal predispose to family violence and to be a victim of violence: it is noted that women beaten by husbands in the first marriage are not rarely subjected to cruel treatment and in the second marriage. Using the technology of stabilization of family relations, the social worker must take into account the personal risk factors, as well as the options in which social therapy will be ineffective.

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