Types of knowledge (religious, scientific, philosophical, artistic, life, practical, social). Types of human knowledge is based on common sense generalized practical knowledge

How is the nature of everyday knowledge definitely defined? What function in the life of people, in the opinion of the author, does life-living knowledge perform? Relying on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of "knowledge."

Now our time is not difficult to fall in a mistake, identifying knowledge in general with knowledge only scientific (or even with what is considered scientific) and discarding all other types of knowledge or considering them only to the extent that they can be like as scientific knowledge. This is explained by the modern peculiar public atmosphere, the cult of science, inherent in modern society and existing despite the growing criticism of the costs of scientific and technological progress and even in parallel with it. The development of sciences did not simply discovered many facts, properties, laws, set the set of truths - the specific type of thinking was produced. But to mix knowledge in general with his scientific form - deep delusion. In everyday life, not all problems standing in front of a person and society require an indispensable appeal to science: the book of life is open not only by the eyes of a scientist, it is open to everyone who is able to perceive things, feel and think.

If we proceed from the fact that the basis of all knowledge is the experience in the broadest sense of the word, the types of human knowledge are distinguished primarily because they are based on experience.

It makes sense to delimit the "passive" knowledge of the reader of a artistic work or a student who records a lecture, from the knowledge of the author, the knowledge of the Creator - whether it is a scientist, an artist or religious devotee. (Although in the first case, the element of creativity is not excluded; they say that a brilliant reader needs a brilliant writer.) "Copyright" knowledge varies most brightly according to the type, primarily by the nature of personal inclination ... However, harmony is characteristic of outstanding creative individuals Cognitive abilities.

Easy knowledge and knowledge is based primarily on observation and smelting, it is empirical and better agrees with generally accepted life experiences than with abstract scientific construction.

The significance of everyday knowledge as a predecessor of other forms of knowledge should not be understood: common sense turns out to be often thinner and more insightful than the mind of another scientist ... Based on the common sense and everyday consciousness, such knowledge is an important indicative basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationships among themselves And with nature. Here is its common point with science. This form of knowledge is developing and enriched as scientific and artistic knowledge progress; It is closely related to the "language" of human

cultures in general, which makes up on the basis of serious theoretical work in the process of world-historical human development. As a rule, everyday knowledge is reduced to the statement of facts and their description.

(A. G. Spirkin)


1) misconception:

Identifying knowledge generally exclusively with scientific knowledge;

2) Causes:

The cult of science inherent in modern society;

The presence of a specific type of thinking.

The elements of the response can be given in other, similar in the meaning of the wording


The correct answer must contain the following items:

2) Two other differences, for example:

Other differences may be called


Such explanations may be given:

1) not all problems can be studied, understood as part of one type (form) of knowledge;

2) empirical and theoretical knowledge is interrelated and can hardly be isolated from each other (empirical information is fixed in concepts, judgments, conclusions, etc.);

3) a combination of various types (forms) of knowledge gives the most full picture of the world.

Other explanations may be given


There should be answers to three questions:

1) Reply to the first question:

Empirical character;

2) Reply to the second question:

The estimated basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature;

3) Reply to the third question:

Cognition is a type of activity, the content of which is the reflection of the objective reality by the senses and the mind of a person, and the result, the acquisition of knowledge.

Answers to questions may be given in other phosphors in the meaning of the wording.

Slide 1.

Clade 2.

Lesson plan. The term "knowledge" types of knowledge. Scientific knowledge of social knowledge. http://banner.konfuzius.ru.

Slide 3.

The term "knowledge" is used in different senses: as abilities, skills, skills that are based on awareness as cognitively significant information as a special cognitive unit, expressing a person's attitude to reality and existing alongside and in relationship with its opposite - a practical attitude.

Slide 4.

Types of knowledge. Empty is empirical. Based on common sense and ordinary consciousness. It is the basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature. It comes down to the statement of facts and their description scientific understanding of reality in its past, present and future, reliable generalization of the facts. Carries out the foresight of various phenomena. Reality is associated with the form of distracted concepts and categories, general principles and laws that often acquire extremely abstract forms (formulas, graphs, schemes, etc.)

Slide 5.

Types of knowledge. Practical mastery of things, the conversion of the world. Looks like a holistic display of peace and man in it. It is built on the image, and not on the concept of rational reflection of reality in the logical concepts and categories. Associated with rational thinking

Slide 6.

Types of knowledge. Irration is not associated with rational thinking and even contradicts him. The subject is emotions, passions, experiences, intuition, will, as well as some phenomena, for example, abnormal, characterized by paradoxicality and not subject to the laws of logic and science personal depending on the abilities of the subject and on the characteristics of its intellectual activity

Slide 7.

Scientific knowledge everyone knows and everyone understands only fools and charlatans. Anton Chekhov.

Slide 8.

Scientific knowledge is a special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically-organized and reasonable knowledge about nature, man and society. Cor.edu.27.ru.

Slide 9.

Check your homework: what is the features of scientific knowledge? irgrri.ucoz.ru.

Clade 10.

features of scientific knowledge are as follows: - objectivity of the mined knowledge; - development of the conceptual apparatus (categorical); - rationality associated with consistentness, evidence and systematicism; - verifiability; - high level of knowledge generalization; - versatility; - The use of special methods and methods of cognitive activity.

Clade 11.

Scientific knowledge is universally in the sense that any phenomenon can do the subject of research can study everything in the human world. However, everything that science makes its subject, it explores on the part of laws and reasons. Scientific knowledge has its own levels, forms and methods.

Slide 12.

Check your homework. Name the main levels and forms of scientific knowledge. irgrri.ucoz.ru.

Slide 13.

Scientific knowledge - levels: the empirical detection of objective facts, as a rule, by their obvious relations. Theoretical detection of fundamental patterns, detection for visible manifestations of hidden, internal relations and relations.

Slide 14.

Forms of scientific knowledge Empirical level: Scientific fact (event, physical process) Empirical law Theoretical level: problem hypothesis theory

Slide 15.

Methods of scientific knowledge Empirical methods: observation, experiment, measurement, description, comparison. Theoretical methods: analogy (similarity in qualities), modeling (reproduction of similar characteristics on another object "model"), idealization - mental objects that do not really exist in the experience and reality ("straight", "point", "perfect gas", "Absolutely solid body") abstraction (mental distraction from a number of properties of the subject and allocating any property)

Slide 16.

We draw conclusions: Empirical knowledge - fragmented (give knowledge only about the individual sides of the object being studied) Theoretical knowledge - systemic, reveal the essence of the object being studied. Only the unity of all methods of scientific knowledge ensures their truth.

Slide 17.

Social knowledge. People exist for each other. Mark Arellium. It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. Lenin.

Slide 18.

Slide 19.

Social knowledge is an analysis of social processes and identifying natural knowledge of humanitarian knowledge repetitive phenomena - analysis of the goals, motives, human orientation and understanding of its thoughts, motivations, intentions of social and humanitarian knowledge of mutual perjugate. Without a person there is no society. But man cannot exist without society.

Slide 20.

Features of social knowledge 1. Subech and the object of knowledge coincide. 2. The welfare social knowledge is always associated with the interests of the individuals of the subjects of knowledge. 3. Social knowledge is always loaded with an assessment, this value knowledge.

Clade 21.

Features of social knowledge 4. The complexity of the object of knowledge is society that has a variety of different structures and is in constant development. 5. Since social life changes very quickly, then in the process of social knowledge, we can talk about the establishment of only relative truths. 6. The possibility of using such a method of scientific knowledge as an experiment is limited.

Clade 22.

Features of humanitarian knowledge understanding - (p. 62 M. Bakhtin) appeal to texts of letters and public speeches, diaries and software applications, artwork and critical reviews, etc., in order to understand their meaning. The inability to know knowledge to unambiguous, all recognized definitions. Humanitarian knowledge is intended to influence a person, spiritualizing, transforming its moral, ideological, ideological benchmarks, to promote the development of his human qualities.

Slide 23.

Social fact An objective scientific event that had a place at a certain time under certain conditions. Does not depend on the researcher. May not be fixed. Knowledge of an event that is described taking into account the specifics of the social situation in which it occurred. Fixed in books, documents or otherwise.

Slide 24.

Types of social facts. Actions, Acts of people, individual individuals or large social groups Products of human activity (material and spiritual) verbal (verbal) Actions: opinions, judgments, evaluation

Slide 25.

Why interpret social fact? In order for the fact to become scientific, it should be interpreted (lat. Interpretatio - interpretation, clarification). First of all, the fact is supplied to any scientific concept. Then all essential facts are being studied. which develops an event, as well as the situation (the situation) in which it occurred, the diverse relations of the result of the fact with other facts are traced.

Clade 26.

Let's draw conclusions: Thus, the interpretation of the social fact is a complex multi-stage procedure for its interpretation, generalizations, explanations. Only interpreted fact is really a scientific fact.

Clade 27.

We repeat the previously studied. 1. Creation "The goods has the cost" is an example a) representation b) concept c) judgment d) conclusions

Slide 28.

2. The criterion (s) of the truth is (s): a) compliance with the dominant teaching in society b) practice c) leadership opinion g) all indicated above

Clade 29.

3. And sensual and rational knowledge: a) forms ideas and knowledge about the subject b) begins with the feeling of c) gives a visual image of the object B) uses logical conclusion.

Knowledge - The process of acquiring and developing knowledge, its continuous deepening, expansion and improvement, due to socio-historical practice.

Views of knowledge:

Body knowledge . Easy knowledge is based on observation and smelting, it is best coordinated with generally accepted life experiences than with abstract scientific construction, and is empirical. This form of knowledge is based on a common sense and an ordinary consciousness, it is an important indicative basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature. East knowledge develops and enriched as scientific and artistic knowledge progress; It is closely related to the culture.

Scientific knowledge . Scientific knowledge suggests an explanation of the facts, understanding them in the entire concept of the concepts of this science. The essence of scientific knowledge is:

In understanding reality in its past, present and future;

In reliable generalization of the facts;

In that case, it finds the necessary, natural, for a single - general and on this basis makes an anticipation of various phenomena. Scientific knowledge covers something relatively simple, which can more or less convincingly prove, strictly summarize, introduce into the framework of laws, causing an explanation, in a word, what is stacked in the paradigm adopted in the scientific community.

Artistic knowledge . Artistic knowledge has a certain specificity, the essence of which is in a holistic, and not dissected mapping of peace and especially a person in the world. Reflection of the existing reality through signs, symbols, artistic images.

Religious knowledge - An explanation of the world based on faith in the real existence of supernatural forces. The object of religious knowledge in monotheistic religions, that is, in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is God, which manifests itself as a subject, personality. The purpose of religious knowledge in monotheism is not to create or clarify the system of ideas about God, and the salvation of a person, for whom the discovery of the existence of God is at the same time turns out to be an act of self-cycle, self-knowledge and forms the requirement of moral updates in his mind.

Philosophical knowledge - the creation of general concepts of the existence of peace and man. Philosophical knowledge is a special type of holistic knowledge of the world. The specifics of philosophical knowledge is the desire to go beyond the limits of fragmentary reality and find the fundamental principles and foundations of being, to determine the person's place in it. Philosophical knowledge is based on certain ideological prerequisites. It includes: gnoseology and ontology. In the process of philosophical knowledge, the subject seeks not only to understand the Being and the place of man in it, but also to show what they should be (axiology), that is, seeks to create an ideal, the content of which will be due to the elected philosopher worldview postulates.

Moviest practical knowledge - information related to elementary information about nature, about the people themselves, the conditions of their life, social connections, etc. obtained on the basis of the experience of everyday life, the practitioners of people's knowledge wear although a durable, but chaotic, fragile character, representing a simple set of information, rules, etc.

Social knowledge - Any knowledge, in the strict sense of the word, is social, since it proceeds in society. It should be noted that a person who is the subject of knowledge of the creature is social; Social qualities and spiritual and psychological conditions are also affected by its cognitive activity. Nevertheless, in the philosophical literature, the concept of "social cognition" is used to distinguish between knowledge of society and knowledge of nature, as social knowledge has many features that distinguish it from the knowledge of natural processes and phenomena. The following definition applies to social knowledge: "Social knowledge is the knowledge of the laws of the society and themselves, their goals, desires, needs, is called social knowledge."

Lesson plan.

  • Term "Knowledge"
  • Types of knowledge.
  • Scientific knowledge
  • Social knowledge.


The term "knowledge" is used in different senses:

  • How abilities, skills, skills that are based on awareness
  • How informatively significant information
  • As a special cognitive unit, expressing a person's attitude to reality and existing along and in relationships with its opposite - a practical attitude.

Types of knowledge.


It is empirical.

Based on common sense and ordinary consciousness.

It is the basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature.

Comes down to the statement of facts and their description


Understanding reality in its past, present and future, reliable generalization of the facts.

Carries out the foresight of various phenomena.

Reality is associated with the form of distracted concepts and categories, general principles and laws that often acquire extremely abstract forms (formulas, graphs, schemes, etc.)

Types of knowledge.


Mastering things, peace transformation


Holistic mapping of peace and man in it.

Built on the image, and not on the concept


Reality reflection in logical concepts and categories.

Associated with rational thinking

Types of knowledge.


Not related to rational thinking and even contradicts him.

The subject is emotions, passions, experiences, intuition, will, as well as some phenomena, for example, abnormal, characterized by paradoxicality and not subject to the laws of logic and science


Depending on the ability of the subject and from

features of his intellectual activity

Scientific knowledge

Everyone knows and everyone understands only fools and charlatans.

Anton Chekhov.

Scientific knowledge is a special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically-organized and reasonable knowledge about nature, man and society.

Check your homework:

What is the features of scientific knowledge?

the features of scientific knowledge are as follows:

Objectivity of the mined knowledge;

The development of the conceptual apparatus (categoricality);

Rationality associated with consistency, evidence and systematicism;


High level of knowledge generalization;


The use of special ways and methods of cognitive activity.

Scientific knowledge is universally in the sense that any phenomenon can do the subject of research can study everything in the human world.

However, everything that science makes its subject, it explores on the part of laws and reasons.

Scientific knowledge has its own levels, forms and methods.

Check your homework.

Name the main levels and forms of scientific knowledge.

Scientific knowledge - levels:


Detection of objective facts, as a rule, by their obvious relations.


Detection of fundamental patterns, detection for visible manifestations of hidden, internal relations and relations.

Forms of scientific knowledge

Empirical level:

Scientific fact (event, physical process)

Empirical Law

Theoretical level:



Methods of scientific knowledge

Empirical methods:

observation, experiment,

measurement, description,


Theoretical methods:

Analogy (similarity in qualities),

Modeling (reproduction of similar characteristics on another object- "model"),

Idealization - mental objects that really do not exist in the experience and reality ("straight", "point", "perfect gas", "absolutely solid body")

Abstraction (mental distraction from a number of properties of the object and allocating any property)

Make conclusions:

Empirical knowledge - fragmented (give knowledge only about the individual sides of the object being studied)

Theoretical knowledge is systemic, reveal the essence of the object being studied.

Only the unity of all methods of scientific knowledge ensures their truth.

Social knowledge.

People exist for each other.

Mark Arellium.

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society.

Check your homework.

What is the difference between the knowledge of social and humanitarian.

Social knowledge - analysis of social processes and identifying in them

regular, repetitive phenomena

Humanitarian knowledge - analysis of goals, motifs, human orientation and understanding of his thoughts, motivations, intentions

Social and humanitarian knowledge of mutual permanent.

Without a person there is no society. But man cannot exist without society.

1. The dryness and object of knowledge coincide.

2. Received social knowledge is always

associated with the interests of individuals-subjects of knowledge.

3. Social knowledge is always loaded

assessment, this value knowledge.

Features of social knowledge

4. The complexity of the object of knowledge - societies, which possesses a variety of different structures and is in constant development.

5. Since social life varies very quickly, then in the process of social knowledge, you can talk about establishing only relative truths .

6. It is limited to the possibility of applying such a method of scientific knowledge as an experiment.

Features of humanitarian knowledge

Understanding - (p. 62 M.M. Bakhtin)

Appeal to the texts of letters and public speeches, diaries and software applications, artworks and critical reviews, etc., in order to understand their meaning.

The inability to know knowledge to unambiguous, all recognized definitions.

Humanitarian knowledge is intended to influence a person, spiritualizing, transforming its moral, ideological, ideological benchmarks, to promote the development of its human qualities.

Social fact

Objective scientific

Knowledge of the event,

Event that had a place at a certain time, with certain

which is described by S.

accounting for specifics

social situation

in which it had


Does not depend on


Maybe ne.

Fixed B.


books, documents

or otherwise.

Types of social facts.

Actions, actions people, individual individuals or large social groups

Products of human activity (Material and spiritual)

Verbal (verbal) actions : opinions, judgments, evaluation

Why interpret social fact?

That the fact became scientific, it follows interpret (Lat. Interpretatio - interpretation, clarification).

First of all, the fact is supplied to any scientific concept.

Make conclusions:

Thus, the interpretation of a social fact is a complex multi-stage procedure for its interpretation, generalizations, explanations.

Only interpreted fact is really a scientific fact.

We repeat the previously studied.

1. Creation "The goods has the cost" is an example

A) ideas

B) concept

C) judgments

D) conclusions

2. Criterion (s) of truth is (s):

A) compliance with the dominant in

society of teaching

B) Practice

C) opinion leadership

D) everything specified above

3. And sensual and rational knowledge:

A) forms ideas and knowledge

about the subject

B) begins with the feeling

C) gives a visual image of the subject

C) uses logical conclusion.

4. Will the following judgments

about social knowledge?

A. In social knowledge, its subject and object coincide.

B. In social knowledge, the experiment is actively used.

A) is true only

B) right only b

C) orders both judgments

D) both judgments are incorrect.

5. What judgment is built on the image?

A) scientific

B) practical

C) artistic

D) Livestoye

6. The form of knowledge expresses the specifics of the empirical level of scientific knowledge.

B) Theory

D) Concept

7. Include and specify the term not related to the concept

"Scientific knowledge"

Pattern, sign, synthesis, objectivity, research.


8. Include and specify the term not related to the concept of "thinking"

Generalization, likeness, feeling, distraction, comparison.


9. Name three types of social facts, each of them illustrate an example.

10. Enter the four differences of knowledge from faith.


Write an essay one of the following:

"To see and feel - to be, thinking, it lives"

V. Shakespeare.

"Truth belongs to a person, delusion - his era"

Check yourself.



References on the topic "Scientific and Social Cognition"

L.V. Bogolyubov "Social Studies", M.Postznznaya 2008

Social Studies -Metural Manual-10 Class, M.Prossing 2009.

P.A. Baranov, S.V.Shevchenko- Social Score-express tutor to prepare for the exam, Astrel 2008.

Sensual knowledge - knowledge with the help of sense organs (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch). Rational knowledge - knowledge through thinking. Intuition - the ability to directly comprehend the truth as a result of "insight", "Natila", "Transcription" without support for logical justifications and evidence.
Forms Sensual knowledge: 1. The feeling is the reflection of the individual properties of the subject, phenomenon, the process; 2. Perception is a sensual image of a holistic picture of the subject; 3. Presentation - the image of the object of knowledge imprinted in memory Formsrational knowledge: 1. The concept is the thought that approves the general and essential properties of the subject, phenomena, the process; 2. The judgment is a thought that claims or denying anything about the subject, phenomenon, process; 3. The conclusion (conclusion) is a mental connection between several judgments and the allocation of new judgment. Types of reference: · inductive (from private to general); · Deductive (from the common to private); · Similarly. Views Intuitions: · Mystical - associated with life experiences, emotions; · Intellectual - related to mental activity.
Features of sensual knowledge: · directness; · Visuality and objectivity; · Play external properties and sides. Features of rational knowledge: · Support on the results of sensual knowledge; · Abstraction and generalization; · Reproduction of internal laws and relationships. Features of intuition: · suddenness; · Incomplete awareness; · The direct nature of the occurrence of knowledge.
Knowledge is the unity of sensual and rational knowledge. They are closely interrelated. Intuition - a kind of conjugation of sensual and rational in knowledge

Differently considers the question of the place of sensual and rational knowledge. There are direct opposite points of view.

Empiricism (from gr. Emperies - experience) - the only source of all of our knowledge is sensual experience.

Rationalism (from lat. Ratio - Mind, reason) - Our knowledge can only be obtained with the help of the mind, without support for feelings.

Obviously, it is impossible to oppose sensual and rational in knowledge, two levels of knowledge are manifested as a single process. The difference between them is not temporary, but high-quality: the first stage is lower, the second is the highest. Knowledge is the unity of sensual and rational knowledge of reality. Out of sensual presentation, man has no real knowledge. For example, many concepts of modern science are very abstract, and yet they are not free from sensual content. Not only because these concepts are obliged to ultimately with their origin, but also because they exist in their form in the form of a system of sensually perceived signs. On the other hand, knowledge can not do without rational data experience and inclusion in the results and course of intellectual development of humanity.

2. Emotions (affective form of manifestation of moral feelings) and the senses (Emotions, expressed in concepts - love, hatred, etc.) - motivated to the sustainability of interests and goals of the subject of knowledge
3. Mailing -the content of the knowledge of the subject, not corresponding to the reality of the object, but the truth adopted. Sources of delusions: Error in the transition from sensual to rational knowledge, incorrect transfer of someone else's experience.
4. FALSE - Conscious distortion of object image.
5. Knowledge - The result of the cognition of reality, the content of consciousness obtained by a person in the course of active reflection, the ideal reproduction of objective natural relations and real-world relations. Multivality of the term "knowledge":
Knowledge as abilities, skills based on awareness;

· Knowledge as cognitive-significant information;

· Knowledge as a human attitude to reality.

6. Types of knowledge:

· Building - is built on a common sense (is empirical. It is based on a common sense and an ordinary consciousness. It is the most important indicative basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature. It comes down to the statement of facts and their description)

· Practical - constructed on actions, mastering things, peace transformation

· Artistic - built on the image (holistic mapping of peace and man in it. Built on the image, and not on the concept)

· Scientific is based on the concepts (understanding of reality in its past, present and future, reliable generalization of the facts. Carries out the foresight of various phenomena. Reality is trained in the form of distracted concepts and categories, general principles and laws that often acquire extremely abstract forms)

· Rational - reflection of reality in logical concepts, is built on rational thinking

· Irration - reflection of reality in emotions, passions, experiences, intuition, will, abnormal and paradoxical phenomena; Does not obey the laws of logic and science.

· Personal (implicit) - depends on the ability of the subject and on the characteristics of its intellectual activity

7. Forms of knowledge:

· Scientific - objective, systemically organized and reasonable knowledge

· Naughty - scattered, non-systematic knowledge that is not formalized and is not described by law

· Double-handed - prototype, scientific knowledge background

· Paranuchant - incompatible with the existing scientific knowledge

· Flashless - consciously using speculation and prejudice

· Anti-scientific - utopian and consciously distorting idea of \u200b\u200breality

Truth and its criteria. The relativity of truth.

In many ways, the problem of the reliability of our knowledge of the world is determined by the answer to the fundamental question of the theory of knowledge: "What is the truth?".

1. In the history of philosophy, there were various views on the possibility of obtaining reliable knowledge:

· Empirism - all knowledge about the world is justified only by experience (F. Bacon)

· Sensualism - only with sensations can be learned by the world (D.YUM)

· Rationalism - reliable knowledge can be drawn only from the Mind itself (R. Descarten)

· Agnosticism - "The thing in itself" unrecognizable (I. Kant)

· Skepticism - to receive reliable knowledge about the world can not (M. Monten)

True There is a process, and not a one disposable act of comprehending the object immediately in full.

Truth is one, but it allocates objective, absolute and relative aspects that can be viewed and as relatively independent truths.

Objective truth - This is a content of knowledge that does not depend on a person or from humanity.

Absolute Truth- this is an exhaustive reliable knowledge of nature, man and society; Knowledge that can never be refuted.

Relative truth - this is incomplete, inaccurate knowledge corresponding to a certain level of development of society, which necessitates methods for obtaining this knowledge; This is knowledge, depending on certain conditions, the place and time of it.

The difference between absolute and relative truths (or absolute and relative in objective truth) to the degree of accuracy and completeness of the reflection of reality. Truth is always concrete, it is always associated with a certain place, time and circumstances.

Not everyone in our life is evaluated from the point of view of truth or delusion (lies). So, we can talk about different estimates of historical events, alternative interpretations of works of art, etc.

2. Truth - This is a knowledge corresponding to its subject that coincides with it. Other definitions:

1. Compliance of the knowledge of reality;

2. What is confirmed by experience;

3. Some agreement, Convention;

4. The property of self-consistency of knowledge;

5. Usefulness of the knowledge gained to practice.

3. Criteria of truth- What makes sure the truth and makes it possible to distinguish it from error.

1. Compliance with the laws of logic;

2. Compliance with previously open laws of science;

3. Compliance with fundamental laws;

4. Simplicity, economy of formula;

5. Paradoxicality of the idea;

6. Practice.

4. Practice - A holistic organic system of active material activity of people aimed at converting real reality, carried out in a specific sociocultural context.

Forms Practices:

1. Material production (work, conversion of nature);

2. Social action (revolution, reform, war, etc.);

3. Scientific experiment.


1. The source of knowledge (practical needs were caused by the existing science existing ones.);

2. The basis of knowledge (a person does not just observe or contemplates the world around, but in the process of its life converts it);

3. The purpose of knowledge (a person for that and knows the world, reveals the laws of its development to use the results of knowledge in its practical activity);

4. The criterion of truth (as long as some provision expressed in the form of the theory, concepts, simple conclusion, will not be checked on experience, will not be prolonged in practice, it will remain just a hypothesis (assumption)).

Meanwhile, the practice is simultaneously defined and uncertain, absolute and relative. Absolute in the sense that only developing practice can finally prove any theoretical or other provisions. At the same time, this criterion is relative, since the practice itself is developing, improves and therefore cannot immediately prove those or other conclusions obtained in the process of cognition. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bcomplementarity is put forward in philosophy: leading Criteria Truth - Practicewhich includes material production, accumulated experience, experiment, is complemented by the requirements of logical consistency and in many cases practical usefulness of certain knowledge.

Thinking and activity.

1. Activities - a way to attitudes towards the external world, consisting in transformation and subordination to its human goals (conscious, productive, transforming and social character)

2. Differences in human activity and animal activity

Human activity Animal activity
Human activity Animal activity
The adaptation to the natural environment through its large-scale transformation leading to the creation of an artificial environment of human existence. A person retains its natural organization unchanged, changing his lifestyle at the same time. Device to environmental conditions primarily by rebuilding its own body, the mechanism of which is mutational changes, fixed by the medium
Goaling in activities Feature in behavior
Conscious formulation of goals related to the ability to analyze the situation (disclose causal dependencies, to anticipate the results, think over the most appropriate ways to achieve them) Submission to instinct, actions are initially programmed

3. Subject and object of activity

4. STRUCTURE OF ACTIVITY: Motive (a set of external and internal condition that cause the activity of the subject and defining on the legislation. As motifs you can step: needs; social installations; convictions; in Teresa; attractions and emotions; ideals) - goal (this is a conscious image TOTA TATA, for the achievement of which the effect of human ka is directed. Activities consist of actions circuit) - Methods - Process (Actions) - Result

5. Vida motives: needs, social. Installations, beliefs, interests, attractions and emotions (unconscious), ideals

Types of actions on M. Weber:

· Celemental (characterized by a rationally delivered and thoughtful goal. The individual is particularly applied, whose behavior is focused on purpose, funds and side results of its actions.);

· Validate (is characterized by a conscious definition of its orientation and consistently planned orientation on it. But the meaning of it is not to achieve any goal, but the fact that the individual follows his beliefs about the debt, dignity, beauty, piety, etc.) ;

· Affective (due to the emotional state of the individual. It acts under the influence of affect, if she strives to immediately satisfy his need for revenge, pleasure, devotion, etc.);

· Traditional (based on a long-term habit. This is the automatic reaction to the usual irritation in the direction of the once assimilated installation)

The activities of people are deployed in various spheres of society, its focus, content, funds are infinitely diverse.

6. Types of activity:

6.1 Labor (aimed at achieving the goal, practical utility, skill, identity development, transformation)

6.2 Game (the game process is more important than its goal; the dual character of the game: Real and conditional)

6.3 Teaching (knowledge of the new)

6.4 Communication (exchange of ideas, emotions)

6.4.1 Bilateral and unilateral (communication); Concept of dialogue

6.4.2 Structure: Subject - Purpose - Content - Means - Recipient

6.4.3 Classification: Direct - indirect, direct - indirect

6.4.4 Types of communications subjects: Real, Illusory, Imaginary

6.4.5 Functions: Socialization (formation and development of interpersonal relations as a condition for the formation of a person as a person); Cognitive, psychological, identification (the expression of human involvement in the group: "I am my own" or "I am someone else's"); Organizational

7. Activities:

7.1 Material (material and social and converter) and spiritual (cognitive, value-oriented, prognostic)

7.2 By Subject: Individual - Collective

7.3 By nature: Reproductive - creative

7.4 In accordance with legal norms: Legal - illegal

7.5 In accordance with the moral standards: moral - immoral

7.6 according to the relationship with public progress: progressive - reaction

7.7 Depending on the spheres of public life: Economic, social, political, spiritual

7.8 According to the features of manifestation of human activity: External - internal

8. Creation - type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, never previously existed (the nature of independent activity or its component).

9. Creative activity mechanisms:

· Combination,

· Imagination,

· Fantasy,

· Intuition

Needs and interests

For the purpose of its development, a person is forced to satisfy the various needs called needs.

Need- This is the need of a man in what constitutes the necessary condition for its existence. In motifs (from Lat. Movere - to move in motion, push) activities manifest human needs.

Types of human needs

· Biological (organic, material) - need for food, clothing, dwelling, etc.

· Social - needs to communicate with other people, in social activities, in public recognition, etc.

· Spiritual (ideal, cognitive) - need for knowledge, creative activity, creating beautiful, etc.

Biological, social and spiritual needs are interconnected. Biological as its basis, the need for a person in contrast to animals becomes social. Most people have social needs dominate perfect: the need for knowledge is often as a means to gain a profession, take a worthy position in society.

There are other classifications of needs, for example, the classification was developed by an American psychologist A. Masu:

Basic needs
Primary (congenital) Secondary (acquired)
Physiological: in reproduction of kind, food, breathing, clothing, dwelling, rest, etc. Social: in social connections, communication, attachment, care for another person and attention to yourself, participation in joint activities
Existential (lat. Exsistentia - existence): safe of its existence, comfort, guarantees of employment, insurance against accidents, confidence in tomorrow, etc. Prestigious: in self-esteem, respect from others, recognition, achieving success and high assessment, the official growth of spiritual: in self-actualization, self-expression, self-realization

The needs of each next level become urgent when previously satisfied.

It should be remembered about reasonable restriction of needs, since, first, not all human needs can be fully satisfied, secondly, the needs should not contradict the moral standards of society.
Reasonable needs - These are the needs that help the development of his truly human qualities in man: the desire for truth, beauty, knowledge, the desire to bring good people and others.

Needs underlie the emergence of interests and inconsistencies.

Interest (Lat. Interest - to have a value) - a targeted attitude of a person to any object of its need.

The interests of people are directed not so much on objects of needs, as in those social conditions that make more or less accessible to these items, jealous, material and spiritual benefits, ensuring customary satisfaction.

Interests are determined by the situation of various social groups and individuals in society. They are more or less recognized by people and are essential motivating incentives to various activities.

There are several interest classifications:

according to their carrier: individual; group; All society.

directions: Economic; social; political; Spiritual.

From interest should be distinguished leaning. The concept of "interest" expresses the focus on a certain subject. The concept of "tendency" expresses the focus on certain activities.

Not always the interest is combined with a tendency (much depends on the degree of accessibility of this or that activity).

The interests of a person express the focus of his personality, which largely defines its life path, nature of activity, etc.

Freedom and the need for human activity

1. Liberty- The word is multi-valued. Extremes in understanding freedom:

Essence of freedom - The choice associated with intelligent and emotional-volitional voltage (the burden of choice).

Social conditions for the realization of freedom of choice of free personality:

· On the one hand, social norms, on the other hand, the form of social activities;

· On the one hand, the place of man in society, on the other hand, the level of development of society;

· Socialization.

1. Freedom - the specific way of being of a person related to its ability to choose a decision and make a deed in accordance with its goals, interests, ideals and estimates based on the awareness of the objective properties and relations of things, the laws of the world.

2. Responsibility is an objective, historically specific type of relationship between the person, a team, society in terms of the conscious implementation of mutual requirements that are imposed on them.

3. Types of responsibility:

· Historical, political, moral, legal, etc.;

· Individual (personal), group, collective.

· Social responsibility - the tendency of man to behave in accordance with the interests of other people.

· Legal responsibility - responsibility to law (disciplinary, administrative, criminal; material)

Responsibility- Socio-philosophical and sociological concept characterizing an objective, historically specific type of relationship between personality, team, society from the point of view of the conscious implementation of mutual requirements that are imposed on them.

Responsibility adopted by man as the basis of his personal moral position, acts as the foundation of the internal motivation of his behavior and actions. The regulator of this behavior is conscience.

Social responsibility is expressed in the tendency of man to behave in accordance with the interests of other people.

As human freedom develops, the responsibility is enhanced. But her focus is gradually shifted from the team (collective responsibility) on the person (individual, personal responsibility).

Only a free and responsible personality can fully realize themselves in social behavior and thereby reveal its potential to the maximum extent.

System structure of society: elements and subsystems

1. The concept of society.Society is a complex and multivalued concept

A. In the broad sense of the word

· It is the associated part of the material world, which includes: methods, people's interaction; Forms of unification of people

B. In the narrow sense of the word

· Circle of people united by the common goal, interests, origin(for example, society of numismatists, noble assembly)

· Separate specific society, country, state, region(for example, modern Russian society, French society)

· Historic stage in the development of mankind(for example, feudal society, capitalist society)

· Humanity in general

2. Functions of society

· Production of material goods and services

· The distribution of labor products (activities)

· Regulation and management and management and behavior

· Reproduction and socialization of a person

· Spiritual production and regulation of people's activity

3. Public relations - Multiple forms of people's interaction, as well as connections arising between different social groups (or inside them)

Society is a set of public relations. The essence of society is in relations between people.

· Material relations - arise and folded directly during the practical activity of a person outside his consciousness and regardless of it. It:

· Production relations

· Environmental relations

· Relationship

· The spiritual (ideal) relationships are formed, pre-"passing through the consciousness" of people, are determined by their spiritual values. It:

· Moral relations

· Political relations

· Legal relationship

· Artistic relations

· Philosophical relations

· Religious relations

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