Sign of zodiac cancer woman characteristic detailed. The most honest horoscope: the whole truth about women-cancer

At first it will be difficult for you to determine whether it is sensitive and tender, or just unbridled. This question will remain unresolved to the end. At times, it will be gloomy and its sad mood will apply to you. At times, she will be filled with laughter and envelops you with their tenderness. The female cancer is a little crazy, then slightly sad and at the same time possesses a rich imagination. It has a good ability to postpone the money. Naturally, you will not be able to look under her mattress until you marry it. Modesty is one of her traits. She has always pending money. She can start spending them when she feels unhappy, but its incomes will always be higher than expenses. Your personal account can be interested, because Money is always interested in her, this is a favorite topic for conversations. She will not discard you if you have no money yet, but you are trying to earn them. And she will help you get them and at the same time you will be free in their spending. But do not go too far. Otherwise, she will feel that your mutual well-being will elude.

When you give such a woman a dear gift, and she says that she did not follow this, here she really does not pretend. What would somehow take her thoughts from bills, income, expenses, fight it to the shore of the sea for a walk during the moon. Here you will see her with all its charm. The moon will reveal all her secret dreams, and the proximity of the sea will bring her relaxation. It is possible that in the continuation of this hour you will see all its emotions that you like, try to develop them.

She will have two approaches to you: a soft, feminine, timid, modest, and the second - where it will apply all the well-known Eva tricks, for example, desperate coquetry. It will like it if you are in love, and if you just come, then its activity and excessive flirt can only annoy you. Such a kind of female cancer represents a serious danger of real love and a good family. There are many men who left their families for the sake of this clinging cancer. Fortunately, such cancers minority. They can deliver a lot of unpleasant to other women.

She does not like when it criticizes. She is very wounded if she looks ridiculous, just does not take out when she is thrown. Woman cancer rarely is openly aggressive. A typical woman-cancer fluctuates all the time, so you need to first take a step to continue the relationship. If she moves forward, then either side or sideways. Being a timid on kind and fear that will not be taken, she prefers to be an echo of a man.

Be kind to her mother. Mother is the woman who should not be insulted. But her sense of humor does not apply to the jokes of the mother-in-law in relation to it. Never read her diaries, because Cancer loves to have secrets and secrets. She does not like to confess herself, but your confession is heard.

Her permanent fears can bother you: it is afraid that it is not beautiful enough, not enough, it is not enough ... and it doesn't matter that her figure is like Venus Milos, mind like Aristotle, she will still not feel like confident. Please convince her that she is young, beautiful, smart and she will become yours. And you should talk this time 20 a day, she always is not enough.

Her mood will change on average 4 times a month in accordance with Vases of the Moon plus also 2 times a day in accordance with the tides. It is very difficult to predict her mood. It can create attractiveness and mysteriousness around such a woman, but it will not be easy for you.

A typical female cancer is preparing perfectly. It will not serve you canned food or frozen vegetables. The kitchen is her favorite room. She will be worn over you as a zeal, and you will like it, because It likes most men.

To all her fears you can add one more - it is afraid that you do not like it enough. But a man can easily prove it, so prove it as often as possible.

After you have won it, she will not lag behind you while alive. And it is not bad, because there are men who like such affections, they will never experience a lack of food or expressions of her love. Very brutally play with the heart of such a woman, because She will obey you and love with sincere tenderness. Why should love if you have serious intentions? You can start flirting with it, but it will be very difficult for you to finish the relationship with her. She does not understand the hints. There is nothing artificial or small in her feelings. If she possesses something: a man or a cup, then they should be her property forever. She may not make a good impression on your friends, but she will definitely impress your charming. She prefers to leave the deepest emotions for her closest people. And after it, when you meet other women and compare them, you may have to run back to your cancer and begins to cling to you firmly.

The most difficult aspect in the relationship with it is to keep it from consanguing into its sink. Her emotions are so sensitive and gentle that the slightest remark can hurt her very much. And it is very difficult to predict what she can be offended. Woman cancer can cry a lot, let you always have a handkerchief. It is optional that will be greedy. But she has a used to collect unnecessary things. She rarely throws a piece of rope, old pattern, husband ... And who are you to say that it will not find the use of these things later?! Do not ask her how it will use one shoe. She uses her! This is not the woman who can like a man in a hole in the bedspread. All for it has sentimental value. All things that she possesses is her treasures. She guards them jealously. This, of course, does not exclude you. She is not so much jealous as the owner. And these are different things.

Woman cancer feels that she herself can not change anything in life or overcome some difficulties. When an unfavorable moment begins for her, she can shed tears, but its natural reaction will be folded and waiting for it, when everything goes. Patience is one of the most pleasant cancer qualities. However, when it is in depression, you must try to bring it out of this state before it goes far. Sometimes she loves to treat her as a child. The desire to be a bit spoiled by your favorite is a secret and deep her desire. She really needs to make sure and know that you cannot live without it. And sometimes she will do everything possible to stripping you and that your patronage instincts spoke to you. But do not let's "blow up" her weakness at such moments. This is defenseless small childwho is waiting for you to protect from this cruel world, can perfectly cope with everything yourself if it takes care. After another quarrel when she will look at you wet frightened eyes, remember, as soon as you leave, wrap the corner, she will rather pull out his eyes, put the record on the player and will begin to make order in the closet perfectly. Of course, you cannot accurately indicate when its depressed is real, and when she just wants your sympathy, and at such moments you better stay with her and listen to the record together.

This woman is capable of heroic actions and victims for whom she loves. The courage, which she lacks on himself, is completely manifested in loved ones who need her strength. She will never betray you when you are in a difficult position, at such moments she can remind you a solid rock. With children, she is also strong and is a refuge for you. They will have good mutual understanding. Perhaps you will feel some loss of attention when children appear. For cancer, motherhood is very important. There will be a place for you, but you have to move a little.

Its main character trait is a unhappy, but not aggressive. She is deeply convinced that no matter how far you did not remove it, you will always return to her and she will wait for you patiently. Who is she: fragile, tender woman or persistent and hardy? But the answer is not so important, isn't it?

The main life cycles of the sign manages the moon. It is she who arranges "rings" and "foals" of the mood of women crayfish, and they received their famous sentimentality, mystery and lovingness. The moon is always reflected in the water - the elements to which the crayfish also belongs. In this combination of two patrons, women crayfish wisdom, love and secret knowledge. In the water, cancers feel at home, so it is the source of their vitality, energy, inspiration and health.

Wathers wrapped women talismans according to the date of birth. Women born from June 22 to July 1, the best faith will be hematite, the dignity will emphasize the carnelian, and the lunar stone will inspire. If the date of birth falls for the period from July 2 to July 11, a cancer woman can increase confidence in yourself with the help of chrysoprase, the level of wealth is to topaz, and the protective properties of the organism - opal. Cancers, which appeared in the decade between July 12 and 22, can use Aquamarine to gain happiness, and for independence - cat eye.

Favorable for female cancers are also considered:

  • numbers: 2 (all numbers divided by 2), 4, 5, 8;
  • days: Monday, Thursday;
  • colors: All "Moon" shades (white, gray-blue, silver).

Cancer Character

When communicating with female crabs, it is worth considering that the mood is changing very often. Astrologers associate this with their patron of moon: when it comes into a new phase, their wards are like something backs. Although such women are peaceful and try to avoid conflicts, they only call them a laptop person - a cancer girl has a solid inner rod.


The main advantage of all women-cancer is the ability to love, keep home the hearth and loyalty to your family. There are nothing more valuable for them than family traditions and the atmosphere of love.

For female cancer, family is a reliable rear, support, protection and hope. She draws his strength in it, and she gives them to her.

Also, representatives of this sign are very sensual, wounds are impressionable and possess ultra-clear intuition, which can often be attributed to the category of mysticism. However, being near the witch-cancer, others may not even suspect her strength.

You can safely trust the secrets with a cancer - they will stay between you. Cancers - understanding interlocutors. Being non-conflict people, they can easily avoid "patients" topics cut off sharp corners.


Women crayfish in someone else's environment and with unfamiliar people can be closed and even to produce a bad first impression. They open not all and subject to certain conventions. This feature often deprives them of unique opportunities, which must be recognized, quite often falling on their share.

Zodiac signs: the most vulnerable places or how not to destroy the relationship

Sign representatives - fatalists. They do not believe that they can "kill" their own happiness themselves, love to shift responsibility and seek to blame in their troubles.

Qualities to develop

Women-cancer should work seriously over optimism and positive attitude to their own life. They have a well-developed intuition and a rich spiritual world, and this is the most powerful weapon against the aggression of the world, which canceli, unfortunately find in everything. When they stop afraid of their own installed phantoms and learn to use tremendous energy spent on fears, they will become true protractors of their reality in which happiness is their eternal satellite.

How to recognize the name of the zodiac signs

Woman's cancer loves

Women of this sign are most like to create harmony in a relationship, mutual understanding in the family and comfort in the house. They are beautiful and breadcrumbes. In their dwelling, it will always smell pies, purely and cozy, and guests are pleased to come to them for a generous portion of love and guardianship.

Women crayfish love to take care of their body. Silk, lace, soft tones, loose hair and aromas that are crazy - their elements. They know a lot about beauty and fashion and always follow it with prudent elegance.

Woman's cancer does not like

Most of all women cancers can not tolerate the state when they have to worry about doubts and feeling guilt. They doubt their own nondealness, and to blame themselves absolutely in everything. Often the cause of such a mood is the problems of personal relationships, loneliness, fears for relatives and loved ones.

Increased sensitivity can be projected into panic attacks, and the tendency to the analysis is in self-called and self-confidence. Conduct alone with internal conflicts and women complexes is very difficult. They visit psychologists more often than other signs.

How to win a woman cancer

To know what kind of ways it is necessary to seek the location of a woman, it is better to immediately figure it out than you can scream or make hate. Criticism! Here is the main enemy of a man who wants to build relationships with a woman-cancer. Internal contradictions, doubts, understated self-esteem and do not give her peace. But one thing is suspected of its inferiority, and another thing to hear comments from a man. The female cancer warts himself with his sophore, and in this state she doesn't like himself the most, therefore a man who caresses negative associations in it will receive immediately "from the gate turn."

The easiest road to the heart of a woman can become her tendency to romanticism and the desire for perfect love. It is quiet, deep water, on the waves of which is always pacificed.

But this does not detract from her passion. Women crayfish - Great mistresses. However, the disclosure of sexual talent is possible only under the condition that each intimate relationship will have emotional content and love affection in which the woman cancer must necessarily believe.

Love and marriage

Love is a reward from female cancer, and it is worthy of her few, although cancers often do not even suspect. They with the same force love men who adore them, and which hate. Just the women of this sign do not know how to differently, moreover, they often become victims of their own error that everyone loves. This makes cancers the most emotionally vulnerable from all twelve zodiac signs.

However, with the right chosen, the weak point of cancers becomes their strength. A man capable of providing a female cancer is an equal exchange of love, sensuality, attention and care, will receive more in the stock edge. The main thing is that he had the same need for feelings, otherwise the female cancer burden him under tons of his love. Not all are able to withstand, but in a different way with these women there is no. They even hate - they still love!

How to bring with mother-in-cancer

Work and career

Work rarely takes a central place in the life of a female cancer. Her main mission is a house, family, care for loved ones. Of course, you can meet women among them who consider work to be the meaning of life, while managing equally distribute their strength and time between work and the house. True, at work, they create a homely atmosphere to balance the needs and desire to realize themselves in the profession to balance dictated zodiac sign. All other types of female cancers are not too assertive and lucky in a quarry. They are slow, and their workflows are also sluggish.

However, cancers can be stubborn and find optimal solutions complex tasksBut, provided that the favorable atmosphere will be created around them, in which they will be able to feel their importance and sincerely recognized by their advantages with their colleagues.

Often, employees use the softness of women-cancer, their fasciance and inability to refuse. Such cancers work not only for themselves, but also "for that guy."

Suitable profession

Women crayfish are in no hurry to grow up. They are cozy and satisfying in the parent house. They easily obey the will of parents in choosing a profession, because they themselves rarely understand which activity they are better to do. Many adopt the profession of father or mother, because she is most clearly understood. I am pleased to make a family business, because it is here that they can at the same time be at home and at work. It is difficult for cancers a work is given related to permanent disposals and business trips.

Women raks are potentially good in positions related to architecture, construction, cooking, pedagogy, animal husbandry, water. All these areas make work beloved, because it echoes the character and globility of the crayfish themselves. Therefore, the chances of career attacks of women will have in such professions as: designers, architects, veterinarians, farmers, restaurants, chefs, obstetrics, pediatricians, educators, psychologists, nanny. But the best profession for female cancer is mom and wife.


Most diseases of women-cancer are psychosomatic. The reason is a protracted depression. You can get rid of them by changing the life attitudes and habits, not doctors and medicines. Women of this sign often there are painful menstruation, accompanied by migraines. It can be considered compensation for this ailment that women cancers pregnancy and childbirth are easier than the other signs. Invalid health cancers abortion. They may entail not only physiological problems, but also psychological.

The most vulnerable seats of women cancers are the food-processing and output system of the body. In addition, they are prone to completeness are subject to hypotension and frequent constipation. During the periods of full moon, women are undesirable to sleep too long and drink plenty of liquid, including alcohol. As prevention, women-cancer should more often arrange unloading days, warm baths, full-fledged rest and sleep. In the case of depressions, careful use of hypnosis is allowed.

How to raise baby cancer-girl

Girls cancer are born with high spiritual needs. They are curious and need to take care of their parents to their rich inner world. The souls of children-cancer are very sensitive and wounded, so you can not bring up a child of this sign through punishment and restrictions. A meaningful silence is enough for the girl to felt his guilt. However, given the tendency of cancers to their senses, it is impossible to carry a stick here. In the family, the girl should feel beloved and important, otherwise she can lose their support and faith in itself.

For psychological and mental comfort, a child needs a homely animal. It may be any animal chosen by the girl, but better if parents buy aquarium and fish. This requires water element of cancers. Caring for animals, raks strengthen their significance, gain emotional calm and the daily portion of unconditional love they need.

It is impossible in the presence of a girl-cancer to discuss the treason that happened in the family. It can leave an indelible mark in her vane psyche.

Horoscope women cancer

Woman-cancer: appearance

Nature gives representatives of the beautiful sex, born under the sign of cancer, emergency femininity. The look of such a woman is shrill, sometimes naive, reflecting the immediacy and mysteriousness of her soul, if not fascinating, then necessarily attracts attention. These ladies intuitively feel the situation and mood, and their appearance is never part of the dissonance with the fact that they are surrounded, they are always surprisingly hamonary dress up, create a solid finished image. For the most part, love to dress feminine, choose classic clothing. In makeup for cancer women, it is characteristic of using saturated dark shades, which only enhances their unique mysteriousness.

Women of this sign of the zodiac have an amazing property: over the years they become only better. Frequently union with men are much younger than them: they look so good that satellites simply do not pay attention to this difference.

Cancer-Woman - Behavior Characteristics

Women raks are sensitive, wounded, very sensitively react to the slightest manifestations of negative on the part of others. In the nature of the woman of cancer, attribute a double meaning to someone else's words, because of which they are often strongly upset without special causes. Like men, women's cancers are surprisingly quickly changing the mood. They can hate and condemn people, then get up on their defense. Above them can not be mocked and even joke in their presence you need extremely careful.

A woman's woman is inherent in the fault complex, she constantly feels that something is wrong in something, she will have it all the time that its image in the eyes falls, and it is urgent to do something to restore it. She loves to be afraid about best Life, never breaks up with the past, constantly "kept" in it, goes through, as rosary, old resentment, is upset once again because of the once missed chances. Downtown, in the opinion of other people, tears for cancer are also not uncommon: so appears to be externally their internal discomfort.

Zodiac Sign Cancer - Woman in Work and Career

As in all the rest, the women of this sign of the zodiac are focused on stability. Career may seem seductive, and they can even start making successful steps in this direction, but their excessive emotionality sometimes crosses all the efforts on professional Niva. If there is an opportunity, a cancer woman even in the workplace will try to get settled with maximum comfort, create an environment if not at home cute, then at least cozy. These workers respect, listen to their advice and opinions, willingly trust them with secrets, knowing their reliability. According to the horoscope, the woman's cancer refers to work very responsibly, but if it takes a choice between family and work, he will be made without hesitation in favor of family happiness.

Woman Cancer in Love

Female crayfish is extremely afraid to look accessible - in a wide variety of the senses of this word. They fear to seem wounds, want to make the impression of independent, strong natures. These ladies are charming, modest, always sympathetically listened, they are in problems, and it is extremely impressed by men, so they quickly penetrate them the warmest feelings. This woman is designed so it is difficult for her to give out love completely. But at the same time, if she is lucky to find a real love, her chosen will see the willingness to make it literally everything. But on his part, she needs a constant demonstration of feelings and care. She will not bearing next to him an aggressive or indifferent person. In love, cancer is very true, and sometimes its loyalty becomes even obsessive.

Woman Cancer in Sex

Representatives of this sign is characterized by an excessive constraint, which is more manifested at the beginning of the acquaintance. Fearing to seem easily accessible, they at first restrain their passion and do it so skillfully that it is often accepted by their partners for coldness or indifference. In fact, cancers are very sensitive and passionate nature aimed at obtaining maximum pleasure in bed. In sex, a cancer will first take care of the satisfaction of his own libido, but at the same time will not forget about the partner, however, it is not inclined to sacrifice his interests for his pleasure.

Woman cancer in marriage

Women's marriage of such a sign of the zodiac come out quickly late due to severe affection for parents and their native home. Having received a beloved man, a cancer woman considers him with his own property, while she fear his loss. She needs a feeling of heat, reliability and protection. At the same time, the crayfish is patient with respect to his beloved person. If the husband has problems, the wife will not force the situation, will not go to betrayal, in a difficult situation will always be on the defense of family happiness. The character of the woman's cancer will not allow her to go on treason - such entertainment, like, for example, flirting with men on the edge of the foul, do not attract it at all. Most of the wives of this sign are not inclined to break the oath of married loyalty.

Zodiac signs: Cancer-Woman - Household House

Women of this sign love their home very much, this is the main place in their lives, and they will try to do everything to be reliable, cozy and beautiful. Cancer-Woman devotes a lot of time to decorate her dwelling, and does it with taste, although often its interior looks somewhat old-fashioned. The house of the representative of this sign of the zodiac conquers guests with its comfort and the warmth of the atmosphere reigning here. As a hostess, a woman-cancer is crazy and stuff, she loves so that in the house everything is in sufficiency, constantly creates all sorts of stocks. It is not only not wasteful, but, on the contrary, is prone to accumulation.

Women has a cancer there is a whole warehouse of old things that have turned into a relic. For the most part, these ladies are able to prepare very tasty, they are engaged in this thoroughly, in each cooked dish put a piece of love for loved ones. It is impossible to say that homework is the source of pleasure for them, but the hostesses they are undoubtedly one of the best.

Characteristics of Woman Cancer - Mother

Cancer - this is the embodiment of motherhood, the instinct of "Mothers-Changes" is developed extremely strongly. She incredibly tied to his children, supports them in everything, tirelessly cares. It should be said that she belongs to other children's children. She is close to their thoughts and feelings, because in a certain sense, such a woman and herself remains a child in the soul. Mama-cancer will not allow his children to tie his fate, with whom it fell, very zealously and even suspiciously related to their chosen. Often the situation when the children of these women because of this find enough closely with their own family, but even then women cancers react to this fact very painfully, since they are waiting for eternal affection.

Who fits a woman's cancer on a horoscope to create a family

If a woman is cancer, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such signs of the zodiac as Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio.

What to give a woman's cancer

A gift to a cancer woman can be connected with her sometimes exaggerated love for the house she places with a maximum comfort for his family. It will delight gorgeous room in beautiful pots, picturesque reproductions and figurines, elegant napkins and tablecloths, high-quality dishes, etc. Woman cancer loves to sort, like rosary, past pleasant memories, so it will be a good solution, for example, a spacious photo album; She will certainly appreciate if you prepare an interesting photo collapse with her participation. A gift for cancer-women associated with the past is also all sorts of antique or stylized objects, books, boxes, tapestries. A representative of such a sign will probably become elegant decorations, for example, of silver or pearls, and the topic of a cozy house for it is generally infinite - a warm plaid, a good coffee maker, cute slippers, etc.

Cancer woman Sensitive, romantic, even sentimental woman. It is easy to offend, bring to tears, as it is impressionable and painfully perceives any remark, even a look or gesture.

In her imagination, paintings are drawn, which may be far from reality, it exaggerates the meaning of words in which some hidden intent can see, such words are wounded, they deliver a lot of experiences.

Cancer woman Located in a constant longing for a better life, remembers the old, goes through past resentment, lost chances. She is afraid that now, too, something is done not so that it will seem other not to what it is. She wants to be beautiful, always young, I want to love someone and be loved. Sometimes she herself does not know that she bothers and what she pour tears.

However, her mood is not constantly in longing. It is very changeable. Then the woman's cancer has fun and careless, it is concerned and dark, then cheerful, then born and aggressive, then laughs, then crying. This is a moonwoman, and her mood changes with the change of the moon phase, and can change and several times during the day.

Her mood is transmitted to others, and the surrounding it would be necessary to know about it so as not to succumb to the resonance with her melancholy and not fall into the seizures of irritation. The one who is close to her will take care that she had a good environment, cozy, bright atmosphere, a calm and friendly atmosphere, which stabilizes her mood, its mental state. It is not worth it too to criticize it, make fun or scold. She needs anything: Attention. The worst thing for her is to lose confidence that she is loved, giving doubt in devotion to her. She is very afraid to be abandoned.

It is possible that the latter - from her sense of property developed in it incredibly. She is unbearable the idea that she can lose something. Especially - if it is deprivation of heat and protection.

However, this is not a weak woman, she knows how to cope with the troubles and adversity herself, he knows how to defend themselves and stand up on the defense of their loved ones. She without fear rushes into battle for his friends and loved ones, will sacrifice himself in the name of their health and well-being, does not hide and do not betray them in a difficult moment. She is very patient, especially in relation to those who love.

Cancer woman It may be a good friend, she can trust secrets, and friends appreciate this wonderful quality - the ability to store secrets. She herself prefers to be silent, did not disclose anyone, he does not expose his feelings and remains a mystery. She likes to look strong, self.

By virtue of this, she keeps in impregnable with those men who are trying to get closer to her. It seems that it does not allow themselves to be available, because it will be a defeat in her eyes. With those to whom she will reveal or with whom will allow an intimate accidental connection, this woman will not continue the relationship, will try to avoid them.

In general, this is a very faithful wife, and it does not recognize this kind of entertainment.

Cancer woman - Excellent mother. Strong maternal instinct of people of this sign gives her children tenderness, care, understanding. It is so tied to children, which is often suspicious to their youth hobbies, reluctantly agrees to give their daughters to his daughters, at least until it is convinced that her future son-in-law is a worthy person. So there is a danger that her children will also come to the family late, as she at one time - because of their attachment to the mother.

Cancer Girl has special sensitivity and emotionality. The characteristic of it is as follows: even a look, thrown wrong, can hook and even offend it.

Cancer girl - her characteristic

She is looking for everything and sees a secret meaning, and a rich fantasy can throw a variety of plots that have nothing to do with reality. It also has increased romance and sentimentality, it is a very thin nature.

In life, the Zodiac Sign Cancer Girl is often whining the past, remembers how everything was fine, the old insults and missed opportunities, she constantly seems that she is doing something wrong now.

In addition, it can disturb her that the surrounding perceive her is not the same as it actually and the reasons for this will be in yourself. It happens, she can praise without any reason to the reasons, only because in the soul is uncomfortable and anxious.

Character Girl Sign Cancer

Her mood is variable. People, in whose surroundings there are cancers, should know that their mood is often transmitted to everyone else. To help support or create a good arrangement of the Spirit, it is enough to remain benevolent, maintain a calm atmosphere and a cozy atmosphere.

The girl of cancer is not to criticize, scold, ridicule in her side is also unlikely to bring positive effect. Most of all, she wants to know that she loves her, support, approve of her actions and are not going to leave.

The girls-cancer are characteristic of a strong sense of property, the very idea that she can lose one of them, for her painful. Especially acute this concerns people close to her, those who give her warmth and protection.

Cancer girl in relationships

Despite the extra-emotionalness, she prefers her feelings to leave the mystery to everyone. When guys make attempts to rapproche, at first she likes to maintain an inaccessibility position. The girls born under this constellation will be very faithful wives with a strongly developed maternal instinct.

It cannot be said that this person will persistently defend its interests. If something goes not according to her scenario, it will be upset, paying and preventing that I forgot. But it is impossible not to note its incredible exposure.

For the sake of loved ones, it is ready for everything. If a threat hangs over someone, it will never throw this person in a difficult moment, but will do everything possible and impossible for help.

Cancer girl is not a gossip. It is safe to devote the most cherished secrets, no one will ever know about them.

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