Philosophical advice on life. How Chinese philosophers will teach you a good life

Stoicism is a philosophical school that existed up to the end of the ancient world. The purpose of the Stoikov was to achieve inner harmony, overcoming adversity using self-control and awareness of their internal impulses. Apologists of this system believed that it was necessary to make obstacles that are found in the life path, and not to run away from them.

Admit that all emotions are born within you

"Today I managed to avoid an alarming state. Or, it is better to say, today I abandoned anxiety, because I was not on fire, but only inside, in my perception. " Mark Arellium, "alone with him. Reflections "

Not external forces make us feel something, but only we ourselves, and only we create our feelings. An empty sheet, canvas or untouched a list of cases themselves are not a source of stress - voltage is created only by our thoughts about this. Many of us want to postpone responsibility and guilt for what is happening on external objects, because it is easy. But the truth remains true: all conflicts begin inside, in our consciousness. When we run away from reality - for example, from Dedlayina, from urgent letters - we only harm yourself and undermine the discipline. The next time you encounter any obstacle, try to give up a gust to look for a problem in the outside world. Instead, look inside yourself.

Find the worthy to be equal to it

"Choose whose life and speech, and even a person in which the soul is reflected, you are pleasant to you; And let him always have before your eyes - either as a keeper or as an example. We need, I repeat, someone, by whose sample, would be our temper. After all, the crooked line is fixed only by the ruler. " Seneca. Moral letters to Lucilia. (Translation S.A. Osherov).

In all areas of activity - the creation of applications, painting, animation - there are people who can learn. You can learn their techniques, life principles, success stories and mistakes. You can listen to their interviews or even contact them by email, open their main techniques and apply them in your life. But it is only important to understand that this is not an exercise on a comparison. If you are not offered to publish a book in six months or your service did not lead the charts in the first week, like your hero, it does not mean that you are a lizer. Regardless of the results obtained, you need to have heroes on which you can be equal.

Realize that after the failure, life continues

"Maybe the event prevented you to be fair, generous, sensible, reasonable, unnecessary, truthful, modest, free, etc., if any, did the human nature have already received all your own? So remember for the future - in everything that the sadness leads to you, it is necessary to rely on such a position: it is not that misfortune, and male to carry it - happiness. " Mark Arellium. Alone with myself. Reflections. (translation of A.V. Dobrovolsky).

You can spend many years to just watch your project criticize or even ignore. Once I spent a whole year over one work, and it still remains the weakest of all that I have. It seems to me that it does not care what to give birth to a child and see how doctors laugh: "God, this is a freak!". It is such a feeling that happens when something that you put part of myself, fails with a crash. However, the recovery process after Fiasco is an invaluable practice, this a New Look on things. Only these lessons help not make mistakes in the future. No failure - no growth.

Read purposefully, and then apply your knowledge.

"We must read the book, for example, about our will only in order to learn to manage it; the book about our desires - in order to achieve the desired and desire just what follows; A book about our responsibilities - in order to never retreat from them. " Epicate. What is our good? (Translation V.G. Chertkova).

Reading books on marketing or business is useful and in itself: With it, you deepen your understanding of the subject, developing links between various areas knowledge. But truly effective reading can only make the ability to apply these knowledge in practice. Reading improves your mind, helps to avoid stupid mistakes, but its ultimate goal is the result.

The purpose of education is not only a learning of knowledge, but also incentive to action and making smarter solutions. For example, if you read books on personal DevelopmentYou should not only feel inspiration for some abstract changes, but also to be able to behave adequately, meeting a rough client or faced with Ham in the tram.

Become extremely honest with you

"Know your flaw is the first step to health." In my opinion, these words of Epicura are wonderful. After all, who does not know the flaw, he does not want to eradicate it. First, it is necessary to explicit yourself, then corrected. And those that are praised by vices, - really, do you think they think about medicines if they consider their sins by virtues? Therefore, how much can you bring yourself to clean water, look for an evidence! First, I will give the prosecutor, then - the judge and only at the end - Ignorable. Sometimes it is to be offended yourself! " Seneca. Moral letters to Lucilia. (Translation S.A. Osherov).

It is difficult to change your habits, especially if you don't even understand why today I was sitting in Facebook all day, and did not begin to make a project that had long been dreamed of. But try to realize things that are constantly present in your thinking and prevent you from investing, create, live here and now, and not in dreams. Why do I do this? Analyze it. Investigate If you feel resistance, try to push off from him - and go ahead. Learn to think this way - this is the main test.

In general, we are not talking about talent or some unconscious reflex. The practice of awareness is thought about how you think - this is the muscle that manages how you feel, think and how he behaves. The more you use her, the stronger it becomes.

Think about how you spend most of your time

"Not translating the remainder of life for ideas about others when you do not relate this to anyone. After all, from another business will refuse, imagining, it means that it does such something and why, and what he says, and what he thinks, and what makes it also plot and a lot of things, which is why attention to his own lead. " Mark Arellium. Alone with myself. Reflections. (translation of A.V. Dobrovolsky).

Someone trolls in the comments? Probably, it is better not to answer in general. Corporate newsletter, stupid photography on which you noted, an unnecessary conversation at work at the coffee machine - from my own observations, only those who may correct priorities are becoming professionals. They respect every hour of their time.

The other day I was sincerely shocked at how much time I spent in an instrand, watching strangers people live their lives, tons of sushi. Although small breaks during the working day are not threatened with any scary, we must remember how we cope with various distracting factors (what if they are addictive?).

Remind yourself: no procrastinations in nature

"In the morning, when you get to get up, let him be at hand, which wake up for a human business. And I also grumble when I go to do that for what was born and why is it brought to the light? Or what is my dispensation so that I get under the blanket?

So it's sweet it.

And you mean born in order to be sweet? And not in order to work and act? You do not see any of the grass, groovers, ants, spiders, bees, how do they do their job, build how much in their power, the world system? And after that you do not want to make a person's work, do not run towards the fact that according to your nature?

We need to relax too.

Right. So, Nature gave the measure to it, as gave the measure of food and drink. And yet you take over the measure, beyond what is enough; And in the case - no, everything "within the possible". You do not like yourself, otherwise I would love our nature, and her will. After all, who loves his craft - will dry for his own business, impertuous, unpopped. So you, it means less you to honor your own nature than a chancener of your chasing, dancer - dance, silver - Srebrolubets, vanity - ambition? After all, these when they are captured by passion, no food will prefer, nor sleep - only b multiplied with what they are fixed. " Mark Arellium. Alone with myself. Reflections. (translation of A.V. Dobrovolsky).

Postpone the phone and live the current moment.

"Nothing is better testing of thinking than the human ability to dwell on what he came to and reflecting on this alone with himself." Seneca. Moral letters to Lucilia.

The point is not that we live in times when everything around distracts - the fact is that we live in an era when you lost the ability to learn. A child playing on a tablet in a restaurant is the same as an adult sitting in instagram when his friends are near. Live the current moment and be alone with yourself - the habits that need to work out. People who are good turning to listen to other people just spent some time to learn.

Try to catch the moment during the day, at least short, and just sit quietly. No matter where it will be. Make a pair of deep breaths, switch the phone to vibration and think about what happened today.

During work, make yourself attend yourself at the current moment. Focus your attention on the current task, follow it carefully, patiently and diligently. Sooner or later, you will understand how much such an approach affects your creativity, and in general, on the quality of life.

Remember that time is the most precious resource.

"Do not live like an endless years ahead. Death will still win. So while you are alive and can you - be worthy. " Mark Arellium. Alone with myself. Reflections.

What I like most of all in Stoicism is the idea that you should always remember about death. Stoiki realized the ephemery of human being and how she repeats in many spheres of life. Understanding that you have lived a certain number of hours (and not the fact that they live as much), gives an invaluable feeling of frequency. When I think about it, I understand that every day is a chance to make yourself better, learn something. And this is not a cliché, it is real opportunity To learn to honestly appreciate what we are capable of, and how we are responsible for the quality of our life.

In such angle, a sense of self-esteem, generosity, labor ethics, awareness and attention becomes even more important. The latter, what would any of us wanted, to die with regretful about lived. Less comparisons, less criticism, less consumption; More creativity, learning and action.

Each person is an individuality with various parameters that like a computer filling can perform various operations per different time. The person is certainly not a computer, it is much cooler, even if it is the most modern computer.

In each person laid a certain grain, this is called the grain of truth, if a person will care and cherish the grain within himself, will grow an excellent harvest that will delight him!

You understand that grain is our soul to feel the soul, you need to possess any ultra-suicual abilities.

Another example is a person daily produces the breed, leaving only gems. If, of course, he knows what the precious stones look like, and if she moves only the ore, passing diamonds and other gems, believing that these are just stones, then this person has problems in life.

Life is such a thing, she is like a person who shifts the ore to find diamonds! What is diamonds? This is a motivation that gives us to act in this world, but Motivation Motivation constantly melts, you need to refuel your motivation to continue to act effectively. What is the motivation born? The cornerstone is information, the correct information is like a compressed spring, if we take it correctly, the spring is squeezed and shoots exactly to the target and we very quickly we hope to goal. If we are taken incorrect to motivation, then why, then the spring fits into the forehead. Why is this happening? Because our inner intention is the basis, for what we act, what we want to get and will not bring harm to those around our motivated actions!

In this article, I collected the most motivational quotes and statuses, as they say all times and peoples. But of course, make the choice to you that you will hook. In the meantime, we are comfortable, we make a very clever face, turn off all the means of communication and just enjoy the wisdom of poets, artists and just plumbers are possible!

men and wise quotes and statements about life

We have no knowledge enough, it is necessary to apply it. Desire - not enough, it is necessary to act.

And I stand on the right path. Standing. And I should go.

Work on yourself is the hardest job, so they are engaged in a few.

Life circumstances are formed not only by concrete actions, but also by the character of human thoughts. If you are hostile to the world, he will answer you the same. If you constantly express your discontent, there will be more reasons for this. If negativism prevails in your respect, then the world will turn to you with your worst party. And on the contrary, a positive attitude will be the most natural way to change your life for the better. Man gets what chooses. Such is the reality, you like it or not.

From the fact that you are offended, no longer follows that you are right. Ghervea

Year after year, month after month, day after day, an hour over an hour, minute a minute and even second in a second - time runs, without stopping for an instant. No strength is able to interrupt this run, it is not in our power. All we can - spend time with benefit, constructively, or spend it wasted, to harm. This choice is yours; Decision in our hands.

Under no circumstances should not lose hope. The feeling of despair is the true cause of failures. Remember you can overcome any difficulty.

The person is designed so that when something lights his soul - everything becomes possible. Jean de Lafondten

All that is happening with you now, you once created yourself. Vadim Zeland

Inside us there are many unnecessary habits and cases, on which we spend time, thoughts, energy and which do not give us to bloom. If we regularly discard all the more superfluous, then the released time and energy will help us in achieving true desires and goals. Removing all the old and useless in his life, we give the opportunity to bloom in our talents and feelings.

We are slaves of their habits. Change your habits, your life will change. Robert Kiyosaki

The person who is destined to become - is only the person who you yourself decide to become. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Magic is faith in yourself. And when you manage it, it is possible and everything else.

In a pair, everyone should develop the ability to feel the vibration of the other, they should have common associations and common values, the ability to hear what is important for another, and some mutual agreement on how to do, when they have some values do not match. Salvador Minukhin

Each person can be magnetically attractive and incredibly beautiful. True beauty - This is internally shining a man's soul.

I really appreciate two things - spiritual intimacy and the ability to deliver joy. Richard Bach

Fighting other only tricks to avoid the inner struggle. Osho

When a person begins to complain or invent an excuse for his failures, he begins to gradually degrade.

Good life motto - Help yourself.

Wise is not the one who knows a lot, but those whose knowledge is helpful. Eschyl

Some people are smiling because you smile. And some - so that you smile.

Who reigns inside itself and manages their passions, desires and fears, the more than the king. John Milton

Every man eventually chooses the woman who believes more than he himself.

You once pitch and listen, what does your soul want?

We are so often listening to the soul, in a habit somewhere rushing.

You are where you are, and the one who you are, because of how you perceive yourself. Change your opinion about yourself and you change your life. Brian Tracy

Life is three days yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yesterday has already passed and you will not change anything in it, tomorrow has not yet come. Therefore, try today to do it worthy to not regret.

A truly noble person is not born with a great soul, but it makes himself such great deals. Francesco Petraska

Always substitute your face to sunlight and shadows will be behind you, Walt Wheatman

The only one who came wisely was my tailor. He filmed me a measure again every time I saw me. Bernard Show

People never fully use their own forces to achieve the good in life, because they hope for a certain force for themselves - hope that it will do what they themselves are responsible.

Never go back to the past. It kills your precious time. Do not stay on the same place. People you need you will catch up.

It's time to shake out bad thoughts From the head.

If you are looking for bad, you will definitely find it, and you will not notice anything good. Therefore, if all your life you will wait and prepare for the worst - it will definitely happen, and you will not be disappointed in your fears and fears, finding them all new and new confirmations. But if you hope and prepare for the better, you will not attract bad in your life, but just risk just sometimes to be disappointed - life is impossible without disappointment.

Waiting for the worst, you get it, I miss everything is all good that there is actually in it. And on the contrary, you can buy such a strength of the Spirit, thanks to which in any stress, critical situation in life, you will see her positive aspects.

As often, by stupidity or laziness, people miss their happiness.

Many are accustomed to exist, laying out life for tomorrow. They keep the future years in mind when they will create, create, do, know. They think they are full of time. This is the most ambitious error that can only be made. Time, in fact, we have extremely few.

Remember the feeling that you are experiencing, making the first step, no matter how it is, in any case it will be much better than that feeling you are experiencing, just sitting on the spot. So get up and do at least something. Make the first step - just a tiny step forward.

Circumstances have no meaning. Brilliant, abandoned in dirt no ceases to be a diamond. The heart filled with beauty and greatness can survive hunger, cold, betrayal and all sorts of losses, but to remain, to remain loving and seeking great ideals. Do not believe circumstances. Believe in your dream.

Buddha described three types of laziness the first - she laziness, about which we all know. When we do not have any desire to do something. This is too lazy to the wrong feeling of yourself - the laziness of thinking. "I never will do anything in life," "I can't do anything, you should not try." The time is permanent employment of non-essential affairs. We always have the opportunity to fill the vacuum of our time supporting your "employment." But, usually, it's just a way to avoid a meeting with yourself.

No matter how beautiful your words are, you will be evaluated by your actions.

Do not catch up on the past, you will not be there anymore.

Yes, your body will be in motion, your mind is alone, and the soul is transparent, like a mountain lake.

Who does not think positively - to live in life disgusting.

Happiness does not come to the house, where there is a day after day.

Sometimes, you just need to relax and remind yourself who you are and who you want to be.

The main thing in life is to learn all the turns of the fate to turn good luck into zigzags.

Do not let you go out of you that it can harm others. Do not impart into yourself what can harm you.

From any difficult situation now you will leave, if you just remember that you live not with a body, but soul, remember that you have something stronger in the world. Lev Tolstoy

Statuses about life. Wise statements.

Be honest even alone with him. Honesty makes a man one piece. When a person thinks, he says and makes the same thing, then his strength triple.

In life, the main thing is to find yourself, my own and your own.

There is no truth in the com, there is little good.

In the youth we are looking for a beautiful body, over the years - native soul. Vadim Zeland

It is important that a person does, and not what he wanted to do. William James.

Everything in this life is returned by boomerang, no doubt.

All obstacles and difficulties are the steps that we grow up.

Everyone can love, for they get this gift at birth.

All you pay attention - grows.

Everything that a person seems to him, speaks of others, - he actually talks about himself.

Entering twice in the same water, do not forget that forced you to come out from there for the first time.

You think this is just another day of your life. It's not just another day this is the only day that you can today.

Get out of the orbit time and enter the orbit of love. Hugo Winker.

Even imperfections can like if the soul manifested them.

Even a reasonable person will be fooling if he is not expensive.

Give us the strength to console, and not be comfortable; understand and not be understood; Love, not to be loved. For when we give, we get. And, forgive, find yourself forgiveness.

Moving along the way of life, you yourself create your universe.

The motto of my day is fine, and it will be even better! D. zhuliana Wilson

More expensive than your soul there is nothing in the world. Daniel Shelabarger

If inside - aggression, life will "attack" on you.

If you have a desire to fight, you will get rivals.

If within your resentment, life will give reasons to be offended even more.

If you have fear inside, life will scare you.

If you have a sense of guilt within you, life will find a way to "punish".

If I feel bad, then this is not the reason to deliver suffering to others.

If you ever want to find such a person who can overcome any, even the hardest trouble and make you happy, when no one can do it, you just look at the mirror and say hello.

If you don't like something - change it. If you lack time - stop staring at the TV.

If you are looking for the love of your life - stop. She will find you when you do only to what you love. Open your head, hands and heart for new. Do not be afraid to ask. And do not be afraid to respond. Do not be afraid to share a dream. Many opportunities appear only once. Life is people on your path and what you create with them. So start to create. Life is very fast. It's time to start.

If you are moving in the right direction, then you will feel it with a heart.

If you challenge the candle for someone, it will light up and your way too.

If you want to around you were good, good people, - try to treat them carefully, gently, politely - you will see that everyone will become better. Everything in life depends on you yourself, believe me.

If a person wants, the mountain will put on the mountain

Life is eternal movement, constant updating and development, from generation to generation, from infancy to wisdom, the movement of the mind and consciousness.

Life sees you as you from the inside.

Often the person who was defeated, learns about how to win more than one success comes at once.

Anger is the most useless of emotions. Destroys the brain and harms the heart.

Evil people I almost do not know at all. Once I met one, which I was afraid and thought that he was evil; But when I looked at it attentively, he was only unhappy.

And all this with one goal to show you what you are, what we carry in the shower.

Every time you want to respond to the usual old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or pioneer of the future.

Everyone is a star and deserves the right to shine.

Whatever your problem is, its reason lies in your stereotype of thinking, and any stereotype can be changed.

When you do not know how to do - do it humanly.

Any difficulty gives wisdom.

Any kind of relationship - like the sand you hold in your hand. Keep free, in an open hand - and the sand remains in it. At that moment, when you squeeze hard hand, the sand will start to be saturated through your fingers. So you can keep a little sand, but most of wakes up. In relations - in the same way. Believe to another person and his freedom carefully and with respect, remaining close. But if they extell too much and with a claim to possess another person - the relationship rules and get squeezed.

Measure of dusty health is readiness to find a good one.

The world is full of tips, be careful to signs.

I don't understand only one thing as I, as we all manage to fill your life with such a quantity, doubts, regret, the past, which is no longer there, and the future that has not yet happened, fear, which, most likely, will never come true, If everything is so obvious simply.

There is a lot of talking and saying a lot.

We see everything is not the way it is - we see everything as we are.

Thoughts positively, if it does not work positively - not thought. Marilyn Monroe

Find a quiet world in your head and love in your heart. And no matter what happens around, do not let anything change these two things.

Not all of ours lead to positive changes in our lives, but will definitely be achieved by happiness without doing anything.

Do not let the noise of other opinions interrupt your inner voice. Keep bravery to follow the heart and intuition.

Do not turn your book of life in a complaint.

Do not rush to drive away the moments of loneliness. Perhaps this is the largest gift of the universe - to protect you for a while from all too much to allow you to become myself.

The invisible red thread is connected by those who are destined to meet, despite the time, place and circumstances. Thread can stretch or seed, but never breaks.

You can not give what you do not have. It is impossible to make other people happy if you yourself are unhappy.

It is impossible to defeat the one who does not give up.

No illusions - no disappointment. We need to be chewed to evaluate food, experience the cold to understand the benefit of warmth, and to visit the child to see the value of the parents.

You need to be able to forgive. Many believe that forgiveness is a sign of weakness. But the words "I forgive you" do not mean at all - "I am too soft, so I can't be offended and you can continue to spoil my life, I will not tell you a single word", they mean - "I will not allow the past to spoil your future And the present, so I forgive you and let go of all the insults. "

Resenting - like stones. Not a copy of them in yourself. Otherwise you will fall under their weight.

Once at the lesson of social problems, our professor raised the Black Book and said this book red.

One of the main causes of apathy is the lack of a goal in life. When not to strive for, the decline of forces comes, consciousness is immersed in sleepy. And on the contrary, when there is a desire to achieve something, the energy of intent is activated and the vital tone increases. To begin with, you can take yourself - to do yourself. What can bring you self-esteem and satisfaction? There are many ways of self-improvement. You can put yourself a goal to achieve improvement in any or more aspects. You better know what will bring satisfaction. Then the taste for life will appear, and everything else will work automatically.

He turned the book, and her rear cover was red. And then he said "Do not tell someone that he is wrong, until the moment, do not look at the situation from his point of view."

Pesssimist is a person who complains of noise when luck is knocking on the door. Peter Mamonov

Genuine spirituality is not imposed - she is fascinated.

Remember, sometimes silence is the best answer to questions.

Spoils people not poverty or wealth, but envy and greed.

The correctness of the path you choose is determined by how happy you are going through it.

Motivating quotes

Forgiveness does not change the past, but frees the future.

A human speech is the mirror of himself. All the fake and false, no matter how you try to hide it from others, all emptiness, worn or rudeness breaks through in speech with the same force and evidence, with what kind of sincerity and nobility, depth and subtlety of thoughts and feelings.

The most important thing is harmony in your soul, for it can create happiness from nothing.

The word "impossible" blocks your potential while the question "How can I do this?" Causes the brain to work on a complete coil.

The word should be true, the action should be decisive.

The meaning of life in the strength of the desire for the goal, and it is necessary that every moment of being had its high goal.

The bustle has no one and never led to success. The more rest in the shower, the easier and faster all the questions are solved.

There is enough light for those who want to see, and enough darkness for those who do not want.

There is one way to learn - a real action. Celebrated conversations are meaningless.

Happiness is not clothes that can be bought in the store or sew in the studio.

Happiness is an internal harmony. It is impossible to achieve it from the outside. Only from the inside.

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when light kisses them.

What you talk about others does not characterize them, but you.

What is in man is undoubtedly more important that a person has.

The one who can be gentle has a large inner force.

You are free to do anything - just do not forget about the consequences.

He will succeed in him '- God said quietly.

He has no chance - the circumstances stated loudly. William Edward Hartpol Leki

Want to live in this world - live and rejoice, and do not go with a displeased face that the world is imperfect. The world create you - in your head.

A person can all. Only he usually interferes with laziness, fear and low self-esteem.

A person can change his life by changing only his point of view.

That the sage does at the beginning, then stupid makes at the end.

To become happy, you need to get rid of all too much. From extra things, too much fuss, and most importantly - from unnecessary thoughts.

I am not a body endowed with a soul, I am a soul, some of which is visible and called the body.

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You probably have ever heard of the Stoics or about the Staicism. But almost everything you know about them is not true. They were not at all silent bore. Stoics of antiquity were the first to figure out the laws of happiness and figured out how to make a holiday from life.

Stoics were always interested in issues of human psychology and were not averse to using various techniques for overcoming psychological restrictions. But do the principles of the ancient world correspond to the openings of modern studies? Does the science of antiquity of antiquity support?

Of course. And if you want to become happier, I urge you to follow the rules of the "old hardening".

1. "What is the worst version of the events?"

Have you ever asked yourself a similar question? Congratulations, you are a philosopher Stoic.

"Negative visualization" is one of the main principles of stoicism. Thoughts about how much it could be terrible, often, ironically, make it clear that everything is not so bad as we imagined.

Stoics call it "premeditation". Detailed reflections on the worst event of events helps us calm down. Most often, thanks to similar reflections, we understand that our unrest and fears are exaggerated in a particular situation.

Stop for a second and think about what will happen if you lose the most important thing in your life? Family Friends. Yes, it's scary. But at this moment you do not start to appreciate them even stronger? Think that you will feel if you lose them forever? Thoughts about loss strengthen the feeling of gratitude.

When you have a free minute, try to think about what it is like is to lose the most valuable in your life. These thoughts will make you realize, even if you were lucky for a while. You will understand how many reasons you have grateful, regardless of your circumstances.

Most effective method feel happier - this exercise "three blessings"

Every day, before bedtime, write three things for which you are grateful. A sense of gratitude helps us not to perceive life as due. After all, when the feeling of novelty comes, it is it that gives a feeling of happiness and supports love.

2. Pretend

Stoics appreciated calm and believed that anger is a waste of time. But what to do when blood boils up, and negative emotions threaten to pour out?

When you're angry"," Said Seneca - all signs of anger should be turned into their opposite. Make yourself relax the muscles of the face, say quiet, slowed down the pace of walking. Then your inner state will become the same as external, and the anger will evaporate by itself. "

Is an explicit pretending really work? Yes. And science agrees with this.

When scientists asked people to smile, they actually felt happier. More than 26 thousand people were distributed in separate groups. The task of each group was to do the exercises that were to make them happier. Those participants who asked to change the expression of the person showed the highest results.

3. turn outdoor in pleasure

At one time, the steaks specifically went through the streets to be treated in cold weather or missed food intakes to experience a feeling of hunger. Why did they do it? When you refuse yourself in something, you begin to appreciate things more, which in another state we accept how proper.

... if you love to drink a certain variety of coffee every day, try to give up this habit for a few days. When you try again, it will seem much more tastier than before ... this does not mean that you need to abandon coffee forever. Refuse him for a short period of time, and I promise that when you try again, you will love it even stronger than before.

And the ancient philosophers and scientists converge on how important it is to turn everyday things and habits in pleasure. Abstinence makes you stronger. It strengthens the power of the will. Stoics argued that the power of the will is similar to the muscle. The more to train it, the stronger it becomes. They believed that a person who practices the abstinence could be an outstanding personality that is distinguished by the special courage and the ability to self-control.

Science agrees. An expert on self-control and the author of the Book "Will Power" (Willpower) Roy Baumayster argues that discipline enhances discipline:

Humanity has been thinking of many centuries that the character can be built, forcing himself to do what you do not want. Self-discipline makes a stronger person from you.

What determines success to a greater extent than the level of intelligence or professional skills? Will strength and self-control. Try to skip the next trip to Starbucks or refuse delicious cookies. Tomorrow it will be more tastier, and you will have a chance to practice your willpower.

4. Do not be afraid of mistakes

Does it seem to you that stoicism is very difficult? Are you afraid to think about the worst version of the development of events? Do you want to give up your favorite ice cream?

Stoics have provided that. What did the epicthet spoke to their disciples when he taught them the principles of stoicism? What advice did he give them in case if they make a mistake? After all, we are sometimes mistaken.

Learn to forgive your failures!

Stoics understood that they could face the difficulties in the practice of stoicism. Therefore, the epicthet always explained to his students what to do if they can't follow his advice. He understood that the newcomers would be regularly mistaken. Philosopher Marcus spoke to his disciples that when their actions cease to comply with the prescriptions of Stoicism, the most important thing is not to fall into the despondency and not to give up the practice. He advised them to return back to battle.

And what advises to do science when you lose control of yourself and start to lean from work? Forgive your mistake and move on.

Studies show that self-criticism is directly related to the lack of motivation and bad self-control. She is also one of the main signs of depression that destroys both everything "I will" and all "I want." Self-promotion, kindness and support for oneself - on the contrary, is associated with greater motivation and better self-control.

Do not be afraid to stumble in attempts to make your life better. It takes time. You will learn everything.

The history of Chinese philosophy in our time has become the most popular course at Harvard. What is it so entertaining? Let's look through the most interesting advice on how to become better, according to the Confucius and other outstanding thinkers and philosopams of China.

People are often surprised, learning that Confucius, Man-Tzu, Lao Tzu and other classic Chinese philosophers were not tough traditionalists who taught that our higher benefit comes from the restrictions of social roles. They were not and serene wise people preaching harmonious coexistence with the world of nature. Rather, they belonged to bright and radical thinkers who undermined the conventions of their society. They sought to make the world better, expanding the boundaries of human capabilities.

The middle of the first millennium BC was the same stormy as our days regarding disputes on how to live, how to maintain morality and how to build the best society. Unlike Western philosophers who are known to us better, Chinese thinkers are not as large as possible. Their philosophy can be called high pragmatic, based on issues that seemed insignificant, for example: "How is your everyday life go?" These thinkers emphasized that great changes happen only when we start with the landed and performed. Their exercises show that many of our most fundamental assumptions about how we should live, actually put us in error.

So, what ideas we value, and what alternatives would the Chinese philosophers be offered instead?

Stop looking for yourself

Our thinkers skeptically treated the existence of a true "I". Especially by the one you can detect, looking into yourself.

There is such a popular postulate: it is important to look into yourself in order to understand and realize your true essence. Our thinkers would be skeptical to the theory about the existence of a true "I". They understood that we are multifaceted and develop towards outer peace, not inside. Human individuality is formed through interaction with other people, through the reaction to things and events, through the occupation. You do not behave in the same way with your mother, colleague, dentist and with a close friend. Each of us is a complex creation that is constantly facing other complex creatures. Each meeting outlines various sides. We are from behavioral models and emotional habits that have formed over time. This means that we have numerous opportunities for whom we can become.

Be unauthorized

We are not only what we think about yourself.

As soon as we discover our essence, we must take ourselves and be faithful to yourself. But the Great Chinese Thief of Confucius, who was born in the sixth century BC, reflected otherwise. He would say that the problem with the authenticity is that it is not a liberation as we believe. What do you think, who is this "true me", which you find in yourself? This is your image at a particular point in time. If you stay to him correct, let this image become your guideline, he will hold back and limits your height that comes when you recognize that they are constantly changing.

We succeed when we recognize our complexity and learn to work with it through self-improvement. Growth begins, for example, when an understanding comes that you are not a clogging just because it is inclined to think about yourself as a man quick-tempered, or shy, because you consider yourself an introvert. Most shortcuts are models of behavior that we have formed and derupted. We are not just what we think about yourself. We can always become the best version of yourself.

Pretend (make rituals)

When you smile, as if not angry, or bite the tongue to not pounce, you pretend to behave as an adult.

The opposite side of our reverence of authenticity is ritualistic ways of behavior, which is called "pretendation." Is it not better to allow "true me"?

But Confucius teaches that certain rituals - when we behave "as if" help a person to transform, because they break the behaviors in which he pleased. When you smile, as if not angry, or bite the tongue, so as not to pounce, you pretend. These "as if" create a tiny gap from reality, so they are so valuable. We act "as if we are different and our feelings become more mature. By doing so, we turn into someone more kind and generous, instead of expressing our true, but destructive feelings. We do it again and again, such actions become rituals that allow behavior take over the feelings, and not the opposite. Over time, we change, become better.

See the impermanence of the world

Any district paths are random conversations, impressions, communication - nourish life.

Often considering yourself as a stable person, a person sees the world permanent. Of course, we understand that life can change, but at the same time tend to proceed from the assumption that in general the world is predictable and you need to determine how to fit into it. If we consider ourselves strong in mathematics, we continue to follow this academic path; If we consider ourselves unpredictable, we are looking for a satellite of life, which will join our adventure.

Men-Tzu, a representative of the Confucian tradition, who lived at the end of the 4th century to our era, saw the world with fragmentary and non-permanent. He would advise working with changes in the neighboring paths - to use random conversations, impressions and communication to expand life. Men-Tzu approach means do not build plans for life, and set up a trajectory in motion.

Stop make decisions

When you think about big changes, it is easier to make a decision if you first experience new impressions.

Do you know that bad in life? When you plan your life, make decisions for a future person, relying on the individuality that you are today.

Taking important decisions, Mainic Tzu would advise them to approach them through small and executable steps. When you thought about changing your career, to establish yourself in solving or discard it it would be easier, if you first get a new experience in a small scale. Pay attention to your reaction from your impressions, it is she who will behave in a new direction.

Be weak

Notice in the world interrelated instead of separation and varying, then you can harmonize with others.

Statue of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, in the urban district of Loyang, China. Photo: Sipa / Rex / Shutterstock

Another common hypothesis: the strongest wins. We are told that you need to be strong and confident that we want. But Lao Tzu in the treatise Dae de Jing He advocates the power of weakness over the obvious force. Often people think that this means the need for harmonization with nature. Some students, first encountered with the teachings of Lao Tzu, go for walks in the forest to merge with the greatness of the natural world. But passivity is not exactly what he meant. Philosopher said that we should notice how everything in the world is interrelated, and not divided and different. This understanding helps to harmonize with others.

Soundwork allows you to carry out different kind of influence. Without applying open strength, you see how to skillfully change the situation, so people will not hurt you dominant.

Do not flirt in your strengths

Live your life as a series of breakthroughs, because it changes you over time.

We are calling for young years to reveal and hone their skills and talents. If you are sports, you enter the football team; If you constantly go into books, then study the literature. Being older, a person develops similar natural inclinations while they do not become part of his personality. But if you get carried away in this way, you can stop doing everything else.

Our philosophers would encourage you not to focus on what you think about yourself, but breaking prejudice. If you consider yourself awkward, take up dancing. If you are not strong in languages, sign up for French lessons. The goal is not to become in the new sphere better than all, but in order to live life as a series of breakthroughs, because this is what changes us over time.

Throw out awareness

The principles of awareness in a wide sense are opposed to its true purpose.

Recently, we have a lot of hearing how awareness is important. She should help a person in achieving peace and tranquility with a rapid pace of life. It is even presented as a tool for improving productivity and efficiency in business schools, corporations and in the armed forces.

Widely accepted principles of awareness - including, look into yourself and adopt discovered with impartiality and longness - is the opposite of what awareness should have become. Buddhism, in the end, adheres to the doctrine of non-existence of an individual "I". Confucian self-improvement is different. We are talking about interaction with the world and cultivating itself through every collision and interaction. It professes active, not a passive method of self-education to become the best version of himself.

Rethink traditionality and modernity

The current attitude towards everything assumes that you have freed from the repressive traditional world and live your life, making the choice. But if you define the traditional world as the one in which people passively take everything as it is and try to fit into a stable, pre-established order, then you are a traditionalist. Knowledge that we adhere to and consider true, limit our opportunities.

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If you want to change the world, you have to start yourself! Because the most important world is the one that is in your heart and your mind! All that happens around you is the result of your thoughts, or your desires, or your words. The power of intent is the force that should force forward.

And in order to change yourself, we offer you 21 advice that will help you in your intentions!

1. Support and praise people with every convenient feature. Your approval acts as a fertilizer for human growth.

2. Nobody ridicurate and do not humiliate.

3. About the person speak only good. If you can not say anything about something else, better silent.

4. Be careful to the affairs of people, then you always have a reason to praise others, and not to flatter them.

5. Accent attention on positive qualities man. If so far it is not yet sufficient and wise, then show this person in it. And this person will surely want to confirm it.

6. Do not criticize people. If you still got to criticism, then let it be addressed to his actions, and not to the person of man.

7. Do not constantly demonstrate your superiority over other people. So you just gather yourself enemies. Want to be friends with people, then let them feel their own significance next to you.

8. Always notice own mistakes And guilt - and apologize.

9. To listen to you, it is better to offer than to make orders.

10. Irritation is a signal that a person needs help and support. Therefore, with understanding, refer to this state of people.

11. Be a good listener and speak smaller.

12. Sometimes let's understand that a good idea came from another person. After all, it does not matter who was the first, more importantly, what it can lead to.

13. If you think that the man is wrong, then having interrupted it, you still do not stop it. While he does not speak, he will insist on his.

14. Want to be able to stop any dispute, then admit that you may be wrong. Then the cause of the conflict will disappear, and the dispute will stop.

15. More often, give gifts to people without any occasion. It will show that you do not wait for the holidays, but you want to please a person every day.

16. If something annoys you, be patient, wrapping, determine emotions. Do not chop everything from the very beginning. Just give a person to speak, and you pay attention to those moments that you impressed. At the end of the conversation, notify the opponent that you think about what was said.

17. Make your motto: interested in people, rather than cause interest from them.

18. Smile.

19. Contact a person full name. It is much nicer than hearing a reduced name or some nickname. So you show respect for his personality.

20. Try to end the conversation so that a person remains a good mood.

21. Learn to forgive.

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