Four sleighs or four sleighs. Why can you say "two boys" but not "two girls"? General concept of morphological norms

Declination of numbers from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred

In cardinal numbers from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900, both parts are declined.

Declination of numbers thousand, million, billion

The word thousand is inflected as a feminine noun in -ya (like nanny); the words million and billion are inflected as masculine nouns to a consonant (like house).

Declension of compound cardinal numbers

When declining compound cardinal numbers, all the words of which they are composed change:

Declension of fractional numbers

I. p. five eighths of a meter
R. p. five eighths of a meter
D. p. five eighth meters
V. p. five eighths of a meter
T. p. five eighths of a meter
P. p. about five eighths of a meter

Remember: with a mixed number, the fraction controls the noun, which is always put in the genitive singular (compare: three-fifths of a liter, but five liters; two-seventh kilograms, but seven kilograms).

Declension of ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers, like adjectives, change in cases, numbers and genders: the seventh car (seventh, seventh, etc.)

Etc.), third stop, fifth place, first months. In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined.

I. p.
R. p. one thousand nine hundred and twelve
D. p. one thousand nine hundred and twelve
V. p. one thousand nine hundred and twelfth year
T. p. one thousand nine hundred and twelve
P. p. (o) one thousand nine hundred and twelfth year

Remember: year two thousand - two thousand one year (before) two thousand year - (before) two thousand one year (to) two thousand year - (k) two thousand one year When specifying a date after an ordinal number, the name of the month is put in the genitive case: to the first September, before December 12th.

Control. 94. Decline.

37 students, 954 books, one and a half kilograms, one and a half hundred kilometers, 3/4 hours, 735th school.

Control. 95. Write down sentences, replacing numbers with words.

1) The fields sown with wheat covered an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1250 hectares. 2) The weight of the third artificial Earth satellite was 1326 kg. 3) Add 3/5 to 2/5, you get 1. 4) Cedars live up to 800-850 years. 5) The motor ship with 388 excursionists left for the next voyage. 6) 10 years after the discovery of South America, in 1502, Columbus reached the coast of Central America. 7) The length of the capital's underground road reached 173 kilometers, and the length of bus and trolleybus lines - 4300 kilometers. 8) Together with 1203 new words, the German textbook will have over 4500 words. 9) The difference between 87 and 54 is 33. 10) By 2010, the city's population will be at least 1.5 million people. Remember: combinations of compound numbers ending in two, three, four (i.e. 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34 ... 102, 103, 104, etc.) with nouns used only in plural (day, scissors, tongs, etc.) are impossible in literary speech. If necessary, appropriate designations should use synonymous substitutions of nouns or use a compound numeral not in the nominative or accusative cases. For example: Twenty-two days have passed, thirty-three pieces of scissors have been bought, within twenty-two days, etc.

Control. 96. Correct the errors related to the incorrect use of combinations of words with cardinal and ordinal numbers.

1) By the fifteenth of April two thousand and nine, the opening of the house-museum of a famous artist in our city is scheduled. 2) There are more than one and a half hundred amateur school orchestras in our region. 3) The amazingly beautiful cathedral with three thousand six hundred and eighty-five frescoes, built in the 16th century, is one of the most striking sights of Rome. 4) In the year 2000, energy consumption by regional enterprises will increase by 1.3 times. 5) Twenty-four sledges participated in the dog sled race. Remember: collective numbers are used only - with masculine and general nouns, naming males: two friends, three orphans; - with nouns that have only plural forms: two scissors, three days; - with nouns children, guys, people, face (meaning "person"): two children, three unfamiliar faces; - with personal pronouns we, you, they: there are two of us; - with substantive numerals and adjectives denoting persons: three latecomers entered, two flee. Collective numerals are not combined with nouns denoting females, as well as with masculine nouns - the names of adult animals. Combinations of collective numerals with nouns denoting a person's high social status are undesirable.

Control. 97. Choose the correct form of the number and noun.

For (five to five) women; (three - three) beautiful (horses - horses); (six - six) factory workers; (four - four) (scissors - scissors); (two - two) acquaintances (faces - faces); (four - four) (female students - female students).

Control. 98. Find, explain and correct mistakes in the use of collective numbers.

1) Three athletes performed very well. 2) The Olympics lasted for three days. 3) We were preparing for the exam for two days and nights. 4) Seven girls and five boys left the school. 5) Four students received an additional assignment. 6) Three professors made a presentation. 7) Seven generals arrived for the exercises.

Quest Source: Decision 2741. USE 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

more than one and a half hours

pair of BOOTS

took off more HIGHER

FOUR sleighs

fell off the SHOULDER


Consider the proposed phrases and determine which of them made a mistake.

more than one and a half hours - a cardinal number in the genitive form. The form is formed correctly. Wrong option: one and a half, one and a half

pair of BOOTS - a noun in the genitive plural, the form is formed correctly. Wrong option: boots

took off more HIGHER - the form of the comparative degree of the adverb is formed incorrectly. We correct only the selected word. Correct: HIGH.

FOUR sleighs - the form of the collective numeral is formed correctly, since sleigh is a noun that is used only in the plural.

fell from the SHOULDER - a noun in the genitive plural, the form is formed correctly. Wrong option: shoulders.

Checking. Be sure to understand each word from the proposed options so as not to make a mistake.

In response, write down the corrected word (correct only the selected word) in capital letters.

Four, - oh, - oh, numeral collector.
1.With masculine nouns denoting persons, with personal pronouns plural four and no dependent word: number four. Four brothers. Four orderlies. Four children. Four of us Met four. Divide by four.
2. usually nominative case n. and accusative n. With nouns that have only plural four: four subjects. Four days. Four sleighs. Four points. Four scissors. Four forceps. Four pants.
3. usually nominative case n. and accusative n. With some nouns denoting objects that exist or are worn in pairs: four pairs. I don't have four eyes. I put on four socks.
For four as only four can. Eats for four.

Examples of using the word four in the context

    ... When the dawn wind blew, I found their numb corpses ... Four!
    ... Free People, four there were them at the beginning of this moon!
    ... Their four against one. You will be beaten.
    ... About a hundred old-timers remained in the monastery, four accompanying vans, empty library shelves and the smell of impending danger. - Shumilov P.R.The word about the dragon
    ... All four We sat at the table in silence until the waiter brought another drink.

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

climbed more HIGHER

Go ahead

FOUR sleighs

Let's try to solve

no time

Explanation (see also Rule below).

The grammatical norm of the formation of the comparative degree of the adverb is violated. It is impossible: he rose (how?) More higher.

Norm: word more / less + beginning. form of adverb.

Answer: high.

Since one word is selected, we replace only that word.

Answer: high

Relevance: Used since 2015

Difficulty: normal

Rule: Task 7. Morphological norms of word formation and inflection

General concept of morphological norms.

Morphological norms are the norms of the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives and many others).

The morphological norm regulates word formation and inflection. These norms are necessarily studied in the school course of the Russian language and are checked in task 6 of the exam. There are strong and weak norms in morphology (as well as in syntax and in the area of \u200b\u200bpronunciation). The strong ones are respected by all who speak Russian as a native language. The weak are easily influenced by the outside, poorly absorbed and often distorted. Their presence is determined by many reasons, in particular, the peculiarities of the development of the phonetic and grammatical systems of the Russian language. So, the norms of education and changes in participles, gerunds, adjectives and other parts of speech that existed in the days of Leo Tolstoy have changed significantly today. It should be noted that for a fairly large list of words there are, on the one hand - colloquial forms, and on the other hand - literary, written... But along with this, there are such forms that are unacceptable even in colloquial speech and are a gross violation of morphological norms. Anyone who consults dictionaries knows that explanatory dictionaries there are certainly marks “colloquial”, which means colloquial, and others indicating the normality of the use of the form of the word in a particular style of speech.

In the tasks selected in the exam, students are required to find a word with a mistake and change it so that it meets the literary, written norm.

The normativeness of the use of this or that word is checked by the current modern dictionaries, and not by the "Internet" or "Wikipedia". Words that allow two literary norms (and this happens!), As a rule, are not presented in the tasks.

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