G. Collection of tasks and exercises in chemistry for high school

Chemistry 8-11 class

Collection of tasks and exercises


New wave

Chemistry - It is very interesting, though not easy science, and even more so for children 14-17 years old. Sometimes even teachers themselves forget how to solve certain tasks. Reshebnik to the textbook "Chemistry 8-11 Class Collection of tasks and exercises Homchenko New Wave" - This is an easy way to deal with the tasks that you are "not on the teeth". But you should not use this memo constantly, as it is created so that you can find the answer to the question in which they themselves could not figure it out.

For which the reshebnik was created

There is nothing shameful in the case that you do not understand any task, since all people are different. Someone literally "grabbing on the fly," and someone needs to sit longer and understand the incomprehensible topic.

But some tasks are very difficult to solve only with the help of your mind, and the parents do not have any meaning. Use reshebnik Only when it does not have to solve any task.

What is the function of this book

The reshebnik It was created in order for the student to be as follows:

  • Find an answer to the task incomprehensible.
  • Expand your knowledge in the area chemistry.
  • Learn to solve the tasks yourself.

And this is not all possibilities. GDZ.

You begin to get acquainted with the new subject called Chemistry. Since more than antiquity, people tried to understand what the world around us consists of how one substance is converted to another. These and many other questions you will find answers in the school textbook for the entire course of chemistry from 8 to 11 classes. And for schoolchildren it was easier to perceive new information, a well-known specialist Homchenko I.G. Disassembled tutorial and posted ready-made answers to your reshebnik.

Collection GDZ in chemistry for 8-11 class Collection of tasks Homchenko Reveals the essence of all tasks and exercises from the textbook. The material of the benefit fully complies with the requirements of the school program and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for general education institutions. Finished answers will help schoolchildren to deal with incomprehensible tasks and independently check themselves. In addition, such a publication and parents who will be easier and faster to test the homework of the child and explain to him incomprehensible themes. And for teachers, such a guide will perform as an additional material for classes.

Total GDZ in class 8-11 chemistry includes thirty chapters. And at the beginning, students will get acquainted with the basics of the subject. In the second chapter, they learn about oxygen and its radicals. They will understand how hydrogen participates in the formation of acid and salt, students from the following chapter. Next, eighthmakers will dismantle the topic of solutions, water and bases. The fifth chapter will bring knowledge about the classes of inorganic compounds. From the sixth chapter, nine-graders finally learn about the law D.I. Mendeleev and will figure out the structure of the atom.

The ninth grade involves the study of chemical bonds and features in the structure of substances. The eighth chapter is fully dedicated to the law of Avogadro. They will learn all the exercises and tasks for halogens nine-graders from the next chapter. An equally important topic about electrolytic dissociation will be considered further. In the eleventh chapter, schoolchildren have to deal with the P-elements of the VI group of the periodic table of Mendeleev, which are a subgroup of oxygen. The twelfth chapter will tell about the laws of the flow of chemical reactions.

On the elements of the V group of the periodic system, which are a nitrogen subgroup, students learn from the thirteenth chapter. The N-elements of the IV group of the periodic table of Mendeleev from the carbon subgroup will not remain unacm. The general properties of the metal will be known from the fifteenth chapter. And the sixteenth chapter will tell about metals as the elements of the main subgroups of the periodic system. But about metals, as elements of side subgroups, it will be known from the next chapter.

Tenty-graders will also need to master the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds. In the nineteenth chapter, they will talk about limiting hydrocarbons. But the twentieth chapter will tell about all unsaturated hydrocarbons. In the tenth grade, the topic of aromatic hydrocarbons is also considered. You can learn about natural sources of hydrocarbons from the twenty second chapter. About alcohols and phenols will be known from the twenty-third chapter. And now eleven graders will begin to get acquainted with aldehydes and carboxylic acids.

Graduates will learn to solve problems and make laboratory work dedicated to esters and fats. Reactions with carbohydrates are considered in the twenty-seventh chapter. The twenty-eighth chapter will bring information about all nitrogen-containing organic compounds. And at the end of the chemistry course, schoolchildren will consider high molecular compounds. And the thirtieth chapter is completely devoted to the repetition and deepening of knowledge at the rate of chemistry. Did not forget the authors to give answers and on all settlement tasks.

2nd ed. and add. - M.: 2011 - 214 p.

The collection includes tasks and exercises in chemistry, fully corresponds to the school program approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for general education institutions. The book is designed for chemistry teachers as a textbook.

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Watch, download: 1 .10.2018, Links are deleted at the request of the "New Wave" ed.

Preface 3.
1. Basic concepts of chemistry 5
Chemical phenomena. Substances 5.
Relative atomic and molecular weights. Constancy of the composition of the substance 6
Chemical formulas and calculations on them 7
Valence 8.
Chemical equations. Types of reactions 9.
The amount of substance. Mole. Molar weight 10.
Calculations for chemical equations 11
2. Oxygen. Oxides. Burning 14.
Obtaining and properties of oxygen 14
Air. Burning 15.
Thermal effect of chemical reactions 16
3. hydrogen. Acids. Salts 18.
Obtaining and properties of hydrogen 18
Acids and salts 19
4. Solutions. WATER. Basins 21.
Solutions 21.
Water 23.
Basins 24.
5. Generalization of information on the classes of inorganic compounds 27
Oxides 27.
Basins 28.
Acids 29.
Salts 30.
Communication between the classes of inorganic compounds 31
6. Periodic law D. I. Mendeleev. The structure of the atom 35
Periodic Law and Periodic System D. I. Mendeleev 35
The structure of the atom. Isotopes. Nuclear reactions 36.
The structure of the electronic shells of atoms 37
7. Chemical bond and structure of substance 39
8. Law of Avogadro 42
9. Halogens 45.
Chlorine 45.
Chloride hydrochloride hydrochloric acid and its salt 46
General characteristic of halogens 47
10. Electrolytic dissociation 50
Electrolytes 50.
Ionic exchange reactions 52
Redox reactions in solutions 54
Hydrolysis salts 57.
11 .r-elements VI of the group of the periodic system D. I. Mendeleev (oxygen subgroup) 59
General characteristics of the elements of the subgroup 59
Sulfur 60.
Sulfuric acid and her salts 62
12. Laws of the flow of chemical reactions 64
Chemical Reaction Speed \u200b\u200b64
Chemical equilibrium 65.
Sulfuric acid production 67
13. ^ -ellements of the group of the periodic system D. I. Mendeleev (nitrogen subgroup) 69
Nitrogen 69.
Ammonia and ammonium salts 70
Nitric acid and its salts 72
Phosphorus 74.
Orthophosphoric acid and its salts 75
Mineral fertilizers 76.
14. N-Elements of the IV Group of Periodic System D. I. Mendeleev (carbon subgroup) 78
Carbon 78.
Carbon oxides. Coalic acid and its salts 79
Silicon and its compounds 82
Silicates and silicate industry 84
15. General properties of metals 86
The structure of atoms of metal elements and their position in the periodic system 86
Obtaining metals 87.
Electrolysis 89.
Physical and chemical properties of metals 91
Alloys. Metal corrosion 94.
16. Elements-metals of the main subgroups of the periodic system D. I. Mendeleev 96
Alkali metals 96.
Magnesium. Calcium 99.
Aluminum 102.
Tin. Lead 105.
17. Elements-metals of side subgroups of the periodic system D. I. Mendeleev 107
Iron and its compound 107
Metallurgy. Cast iron and steel 110
Titan and vanadium 112
Chrome 113.
Manganese 115.
18. The theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds 117
19. Limit hydrocarbons 122
Alkanes 122.
Cycloalkanes 126.
20. Disadvantageous hydrocarbons 127
Alkenes 127.
Alkadienia 132.
Alkina 134.
21. Aromatic hydrocarbons 138
22. Natural sources of hydrocarbons 142
23. Alcohol and Phenols 145
Limit single alcohols 145
Multiatomic alcohols 149.
Phenols 150.
24. Aldehydes 153.
25. Carboxylic acids 157
26. Essential esters. Fat 164.
27. Carbohydrates 167.
28. Nitrogen-containing organic compounds 171
Aminas 171.
Amino acids 173.
Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds 175
Proteins 176.
29. High molecular weight compounds 178
30. Tasks for repetition and deepening knowledge at the rate of Chemistry 180
1. Recommended designations of physical quantities 193
2. The solubility of bases and salts in water 194
3. Rounded values \u200b\u200bof the relative atomic masses of some chemical elements 195
4. Relative molecular masses of some inorganic substances 196
5. Relative molecular weights of some organic substances 197
6. Relative electronegability of some chemical elements 198
7. Electrochemical series of stresses (a number of standard electrode potentials of metals) 199
8. Periodic system of elements D. I. Mendeleev 200
Answers to settlement tasks 201

The development of an important and very interesting training subject of chemistry is almost impossible without solving various tasks and exercise.
This collection contains tasks and exercises on all topics that are studied in secondary educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, technical schools, etc.). It collected tasks at various levels. Mostly - these are the tasks of the simplest and most advanced difficulty. There is a small number of tasks of elevated complexity. The most difficult tasks that, for example, are offered at the Chemical Olympics and upon admission to universities with increased chemistry requirements, are not included in this collection, they can be found in special editions (see, for example, P. Homchenko, I. G . Homchenko "Collection of tasks for chemistry for applicants to universities", M.: RIA "New Wave", 2010). The location of the material in the task book corresponds to the most traditional sequence of studying chemistry in high school.
The solution of the settlement tasks and the execution of various exercises is an important element of studying the chemical exchange rate, since it allows you to better assimilate and systematize theoretical material. Without the practice of solving the tasks of knowledge of students, there are very formalized, therefore special attention should be paid to this element of learning. At the same time, it is important to solve problems and perform exercises regularly, according to the topics of themes.
Most of the settlement tasks included in the collection are equipped with answers that are shown at the end of the book. The task is not given solutions, since the choice of decision methods and the form of recording is determined by the teacher.
When solving tasks, the international system of SI units should be used. Application in calculations and some common incident units, for example, liter (L), milliliter (ml), ton (T) are allowed.
At the end of the task, applications are given in which reference data required for solving tasks. We recommend using when solving the calculated tasks, rounded values \u200b\u200bof atomic masses of chemical elements and their connections (see Appendices 3, 4 and 5). In this case, the received responses should be rounded up to 3-4 significant digits.

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