Teething gel. Teething gel: important information and overview of remedies Teething ointment without lidocaine

The appearance of the first incisors in infants can be very painful. You can relieve the unpleasant sensations of teething with the help of pain relieving gels., which are produced especially for small children. Moms and dads should figure out their types, names and application features in advance in order to choose the best remedy for their baby at a crucial moment.

When and how teeth start to cut

It is impossible to predict the timing of the appearance of teeth in a newborn. Most often, the first tooth becomes visible at 6-8 months. But for some children, this event happens as early as 4 months, and someone is waiting for it only by the end of the first year of life.

The timing of teething may depend on heredity: on how quickly the teeth grew in parents and grandparents. And also from the course of pregnancy in the mother. From how she ate at that time, what she was ill with and what medications she was taking, especially at the end of the first trimester and at the beginning of the second, when the fetal teeth are forming. The main thing is that the time of their appearance does not affect the quality of teeth.

A complete set of milk teeth is formed by the age of 2.5–3. And before that, the baby is forced to periodically feel discomfort in the mouth. Someone will be more fortunate, and the teeth will hatch almost imperceptibly, while someone will need medication, which consists in the use of a dental gel designed just to facilitate teething in children.

Milk teeth grow in the order established by nature (excluding individual variations):

  • the two lower incisors erupt at about 6–8 months;
  • two upper incisors - a month after the lower ones;
  • upper and lower lateral incisors at approximately 10 months;
  • molars or molars - between 12 and 18 months;
  • lower and upper canines - 2 months after molars;
  • second molars - from 2 to 3 years.

The most painful crumbs endure the eruption of the first incisors, as well as voluminous molars.Parents should be ready to navigate the situation in time in order to understand what is happening with the little one and know how to help him.

How to understand that a child's teeth have begun to erupt

There comes a time when the baby becomes particularly restless. He is naughty, does not sleep well and eats, tries to chew on everything and drools. This behavior can be a harbinger of changes in the mouth in the near future.

But completely different causes of childhood malaise cannot be ruled out. Any doubts should be discussed with a doctor, especially if severe anxiety is accompanied by a high fever, diarrhea or other serious manifestations.

The pattern of teething can also be individual. Possible symptoms:

A child can stay in this state for several days. If the symptoms are prolonged, a doctor's consultation is necessary. It is worth contacting a pediatrician in cases where the temperature initially exceeds 38.5 °C, or diarrhea occurs more than three times a day. It may not be about the teeth at all.

How to help your baby

If there is no doubt, and the discomfort is really caused by pain in the gums, there are available ways to make life easier for the little sufferer. They should be used to the maximum, trying to avoid the use of medications.

Massage of the gums is an effective remedy. It will relieve itching and tension in soft tissues, activate blood circulation, reduce swelling and help the tooth erupt faster. Massage is performed with a clean finger or a piece of gauze dipped in cool water, light movements back and forth.

The baby is able to massage the gums by himself, if you give him a special teether to chew (pictured). In addition to massage, this item will also provide a pleasant cooling effect if cooled in the refrigerator beforehand.

Lotions with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage will help relieve inflammation in the oral cavity.And by all means it is necessary to distract the baby's attention from painful sensations: to communicate with him, play, calm down, carry him in his arms.

If none of the above brings even temporary relief, you will have to use medication. Whether to give the baby anesthetic and antipyretic drugs, what and how much, in each specific situation, the pediatrician should decide.

Special children's gels for local anesthesia and relieve inflammation of the gums will help the baby and parents survive this difficult period. Their choice in pharmacies is wide enough.

Gels for pain relief of gums for children: varieties

All dental gels existing on pharmacy showcases are divided into three main groups:

  • homeopathic;
  • pain relievers (anesthetic);
  • antiseptic.

Which gel is best used for teething in a child depends on his condition. Moderate inflammation of the gums, causing only mild discomfort, will remove the ointment or gel with extracts of medicinal plants. These are the safest natural remedies for a small organism. Such a teething gel from 3 months can be smeared fearlessly, provided that the child is not allergic to herbal ingredients.

Anesthetic gels for teething in children are used only with a bright inflammatory process with unbearable pain. The pain is relieved by synthetic substances with the effect of local anesthesia, such as lidocaine or benzocaine.

The analgesic effect of such an ointment during teething occurs instantly and lasts up to several hours. The problem is that anesthetics, absorbed into the blood, are capable of causing certain harm to the body. And because of the cooling effect, they can cause numbness or tingling of the tongue, making it difficult to suck and ruining your appetite. Therefore, the use of such local anesthetic is recommended only in extreme cases and strictly in the prescribed dosage.

With severe inflammation and the presence of suppuration on the gums, the doctor will recommend lubricating the focus of infection with antiseptic gels and ointments. They will not only relieve inflammation, but also stop the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Their dosage is also limited.

Teething gel for babies: which one is better

According to pharmacy chains, among the gels used for teething in infants, the most in demand are:

  • Dentinox - teething pain gel for children over 4 months old. Its active ingredients - lidocaine hydrochloride and chamomile extract - provide at the same time a local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and mild antiseptic effect. It can be applied two to four times a day. There is a drug with a similar composition called Kamistad, but due to the high content of lidocaine, it is not recommended for babies under 12 years old.
  • Calgel is an anesthetic drug with antimicrobial effect. Along with lidocaine, it contains the antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride. The percentage of active ingredients makes it possible to use Kalgel for teething in children from three months. The frequency of use is up to 6 times a day. A contraindication, in addition to sensitivity to the components of the drug, may be hereditary intolerance to fructose contained in the drug as an excipient.
  • Dentol-baby is a fast-acting benzocaine-based anesthetic. Allowed from four months and can be applied 4 times a day, but no longer than seven days in a row. The analgesic effect lasts only 20 minutes.

Parents who do not lose hope of getting by with gels when teething without lidocaine most often choose the following names:

  • Baby Doctor is a gel for relieving symptoms of teething, approved for use from 3 months and including only natural ingredients: extracts from chamomile, calendula, echinacea, marshmallow roots and plantain. It will mildly relieve inflammation and increase local immunity, but has no persistent analgesic effect. You can rub it in as many times a day as required: without restrictions.
  • Cholisal is a local anesthetic, antimicrobial and antifungal drug based on cetalkonium chloride. It adheres well to the mucous membrane, due to which it has a long - from 2 to 8 hours - relieving effect. It is gently rubbed into the gums 2-3 times a day, however, at the age of up to one year, Cholisal must be used with caution: allergic reactions and short-term burning sensation are possible immediately after application.
In exceptional cases, associated with damage to the mucous membrane, Pansoral is prescribed - an antiseptic agent, which is indicated for ulcerative phenomena on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Up to periodontal disease and severe tonsillitis. This powerful drug should only be used as directed by a dentist and not older than 2.5 years.

General rules for the use of dental gels

Any gel for teething pain relief has its own characteristics of use and effects on the body, possible side effects and contraindications. Therefore, rule number 1 is to carefully study the instructionsbefore you test the effect of the drug on your child, and strictly adhere to the recommended dosages and frequency of use. And if possible, discuss the choice with the doctor, especially if the baby has chronic diseases or a tendency to allergies.

Gels, which include anesthetics, should be used only when the gum hurts unbearably, and the other means are helpless.

You can anoint the inflamed area with your finger after thoroughly washing your hands, rubbing the substance into the mucous membrane with massage circular movements. Or you can anoint the gums with a cotton or gauze swab. Regardless of the method of application, the amount of medication should be very small.

Adults should provide for storing the package with the medication out of the reach of the child.

Surviving the appearance of the first teeth in a newborn can be difficult for the whole family. But this period will not be very long and very soon it will leave only memories of itself. Gaining patience and the necessary information, being attentive and not neglecting the advice of doctors - this is the best thing that adults can help their beloved man.

The first teeth and wisdom teeth - no pain

There are children who go through teething calmly, without experiencing painful sensations, for others this process causes prolonged discomfort and a visible deterioration in general condition. To facilitate the process of eruption of milk teeth or to replace them with permanent ones, special gels are used.

By composition, the following groups of gels can be distinguished:

  1. Teething gels with analgesic effect - the basis of the funds of this group is an anesthetic (usually lidocaine hydrochloride), they act superficially, providing a quick effect. Most often, the composition of preparations based on lidocaine includes anti-inflammatory, antiseptic or homeopathic components, providing a combined effect of the gel.
  2. Homeopathic Teething Gels - include in their composition extracts of various plants, which provide an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Anti-inflammatory or antiseptic gels.

Any teething gel is a topical agent that cannot provide long-term relief of pain. Such drugs are recommended to be used no more than six times a day.

Top 7 Best Teething Ease Gels






From 243 rubles

Combined gel for facilitating teething with anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effects.

Cetylpyrimidinium chloride, lidocaine hydrochloride, excipients.


From 205 rubles

Combined drug that eliminates pain and prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa.

Polidocanol, lidocaine, chamomile flower tincture and auxiliary substances.


From 183 rubles

Chamomile tincture acts as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic component, and lidocaine relieves pain.

Lidocaine, tincture of chamomile flowers, auxiliary components.


From 143 rubles

Provides fast pain relief

Benzocaine and excipients


From 304 rubles

It helps to eliminate the local inflammatory process and reduce tissue edema, thereby relieving pain.

Cetanconium chloride, choline salicylate and auxiliary components.

Baby doctor

From 207 rubles

A remedy based on natural ingredients, it almost instantly removes inflammation and soothes the oral mucosa.

Extracts of calendula, echinacea, chamomile, plantain, marshmallow root, excipients.

Pansoral first teeth

From 225 rubles

Has a softening and soothing effect.

Extracts of saffron, chamomile, marshmallow root, auxiliary substances.

Best Teething Cooling Gels

Calgel is the best combination gel
facilitating teething

Photo: www.smed.ru

Price from 243 rubles.

The gel is designed to reduce the intensity of pain during the eruption of milk teeth and prevent inflammation on the gum mucosa.

From the reviews about "Kalgele": Irina 27 years old - " i am buying Kalgel for my second baby, excellent effect, and most importantly, the possibility of using the drug from the age of five months ".

Advantages of the drug:

  • the possibility of use in children from five months;
  • fast pain relief;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Cons of the drug:

  • a large number of contraindications;
  • available at the pharmacy with a prescription.

"Dentinox" is a three-component preparation,
eliminating pain, irritation and inflammation

Photo: www.ereyon.com.tr

Pricefrom 205 rubles.

The infusion of chamomile, which is part of the teething agent, provides an anti-inflammatory effect, and local anesthetics polidocanol and lidocaine provide pain relief.

From reviews about "Dentinox": Margarita 24 years old - " An affordable effective remedy, thanks to which my baby stops crying from pain for quite a long time, and the use of the gel before bedtime allows the child to fall asleep peacefully ".

Advantages of the drug:

  • contains herbal ingredients;
  • has a quick analgesic effect;
  • application is possible in children from four months of age, when replacing milk teeth with permanent ones and in adults when teething wisdom teeth.

Cons of the drug:

  • high risk of developing an allergic reaction;
  • can not be used in people with high sensitivity to fructose;
  • not recommended for use in the event of damage to the gums.

"Kamistad" is the best combined product
facilitating the eruption of a wisdom tooth

Photo: www.kupilekarstva.ru

Pricefrom 183 rubles.

Kamistad is used to treat diseases of the oral mucosa and to facilitate the eruption of a wisdom tooth. The drug has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

From reviews about "Kamistad": Oleg is 32 years old - " The eruption of a wisdom tooth was accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the gums, the dentist advised me to use Kamistad, which greatly facilitated my well-being in those two weeks until the figure eight erupted completely".

Advantages of the drug:

  • effectively relieves pain and inflammation during the eruption of a wisdom tooth in adult patients;
  • available over the counter without a prescription.
  • Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and work with various mechanisms.

Cons of the drug:

  • prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age;
  • development of an allergic reaction is possible.

"Dentol baby" is a good anesthetic gel for teething

Price from 143 rubles.

It is used to quickly relieve teething pain from infancy to adulthood. It is not recommended to use the gel more than 4 times a day or more than a week.

From reviews about "Dentol baby": Margarita 28 years old - " I use "Dentol baby" both for my little daughter - she is only five months old, and for my seven-year-old son - his first permanent teeth are teething".

Advantages of the drug:

  • low toxic;
  • has no irritating effect;
  • the most affordable financially.

Cons of the drug:

  • can not be used in the development of the inflammatory process;
  • does not apply in the presence of damage to the gums;
  • may be the cause of the development of allergies.

"Holisal" - the best gel for teething
with anti-inflammatory effect

Photo: www.ircenter.ru

Pricefrom 304 rubles

Gel is a combined preparation with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects. Reduces tissue swelling, relieves inflammation and reduces pain.

From reviews about "Kholisal": Anna 31 years old - “I used“ Holisal ”when I had a wisdom tooth, I was satisfied with the effect, so when my six-year-old son started to erupt the first molars, I bought Holisal without hesitation. It's a pity that this remedy cannot be used for a six-month-old second son..

Pros of the drug:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • perfectly absorbed when applied;
  • it is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Cons of the drug:

  • can not be used in children under the age of one year;
  • quite high price;
  • do not use in people with hypersensitivity to salicylates.

The best homeopathic gels
facilitate teething

"Baby Doctor" - homeopathic remedy
facilitating teething in babies

Photo: www.ircenter.ru

Pricefrom 207 rubles.

Thanks to the herbal components included in the preparation, an almost instant analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved.

From reviews about "Baby Doctor": Alexandra 28 years old - "It is very important for me that baby doctor" does not contain alcohol and is based on herbal ingredients".

Advantages of the drug:

  • can be used in children from the age of three months;
  • the number of applications per day is not limited.

Cons of the drug:

  • development of individual intolerance to the components of the drug is possible.

"Pansoral first teeth"
a preparation with a softening and soothing effect

Photo: www.pharma-beaute.com

Price from 225 rubles.

Gel Pansoral first teeth is a preparation based on plant extracts with anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect. It is used in children from the age of four months.

From reviews about "Pansoral First Teeth": Elena 38 years old - " The first child's teeth were cut without problems, and the second one just suffered. The doctor prescribed us "Pansoral first teeth", thanks to the use of this gel, the baby behaves much more calmly".

Advantages of the drug:

  • It is possible to use it in children from four months;
  • The composition includes herbal ingredients.

Cons of the drug:

  • Weak analgesic effect.

Which teething gel is best for you?

All of the gels presented above have one common and rather significant drawback: each of them can cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Therefore, do not forget that the gel that facilitates teething is still a medication and before using it, you should consult with a specialist - a dentist or pediatrician.

Attention! There are contraindications, specialist advice is required

  • Drugs
  • Nurofen
  • Gels
  • Although there are children whose teething of milk teeth is painless, for most babies this process causes discomfort, worsens mood, and interferes with sleep and eating. To help babies, special medicines have been developed, presented in the form of a gel. To choose the right drug, parents should find out what gels for teething are, how they affect the body of the crumbs and how to use them.

    Teething symptoms

    Although teeth are cut in different children in different ways, the most characteristic signs of their appearance are distinguished, which many babies have:

    • Increased production and secretion of saliva.
    • Reddening of the gums and swelling in the area where a new tooth is expected.
    • Decreased sleep and appetite, irritable mood and moods.
    • The desire to put in the mouth and gnaw on various objects to relieve itching in the gums.

    It is also possible a short-term increase in temperature, the appearance of a wet cough, a mild runny nose or stool thinning.

    You can learn more about the symptoms of teething in infants by watching the following video.

    How can I help my baby?

    To make it easier for a child to bear the appearance of milk teeth, parents should:

    • Pay more attention to the baby, pick him up often, walk a lot, and continue breastfeeding (while breastfeeding).
    • Suggest special toys with water or gel inside. They are called teethers, and before they are allowed to gnaw on the crumbs, such toys need to be cooled for a short time in the refrigerator.
    • Massage the itchy gums with a fingertip, or a moistened gauze swab put on the finger.

    You can find out how else you can help your child cope with unpleasant sensations by looking at the following video fragment.

    How do gels work?

    Depending on the effect on the child's body, teething gels are:

    • Pain relievers.The main component of such drugs is the anesthetic, which is often represented by lidocaine. In such gels, a pronounced cooling local effect is noted, and the effect is observed quite quickly. In addition to lidocaine or another anesthetic, other components are added to the cooling gels to help relieve inflammation or have an antiseptic effect. These gels include Kamistad, Dentinox, Kalgel and Dentol-baby.
    • Anti-inflammatory.These gels eliminate local inflammation and reduce tissue swelling, resulting in less soreness. The representative of the gel for teething with such an effect is the drug Cholisal.
    • Homeopathic. Such gels include herbal ingredients with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. These include drugs Baby Doctor and Pansoral.

    Review of the best gels

    The most commonly used for children with teething are:

    • Calgel.This combination remedy, which contains lidocaine hydrochloride, facilitates teething, rapidly relieves sore gums, and helps reduce inflammation. The medicine is approved for use from 5 months of age, but it has a rather large list of contraindications and a high risk of allergy to its components.

    • Kamistad. This is a gel in which lidocaine at a concentration of 2% is supplemented with a herbal component represented by chamomile tincture. It has anesthetic, wound healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Because of these effects, this gel is often used by adults, for example, when wisdom teeth are being cut. Due to its high content of lidocaine, it is not recommended for infants and often causes allergies. Also, it should not be used in situations where the gums are damaged or inflamed.

    • Holisal. This is a drug that reduces local inflammation and eliminates swelling of the gums. The high content of anise in its composition can cause increased salivation, so the medicine is not recommended for teething in infants. It is approved for use only in children over a year old. In addition, such a gel is more expensive than other drugs used for teething.

    • Dentinox. This is a combined remedy, the main active ingredients of which are lidocaine and polidocanol. Such anesthetics are supplemented with chamomile tincture, so the use of such a drug quickly eliminates pain and reduces the manifestations of inflammation. The gel is indicated for teething in children over 4 months of age, and is also often used in adults. At the same time, the medicine often causes allergies, is prohibited for people who are sensitive to fructose, and should not be used in case of gum damage.

    • Baby doctor.It is a gel containing natural ingredients that have properties to reduce inflammation and soothe mucous membranes. The remedy includes extracts from plants such as chamomile, marshmallow root, calendula, plantain and echinacea. In addition, there is no alcohol in its composition. The drug is approved for use in babies older than 3 months and the number of applications to the gums is not limited, but there is a risk of developing allergies to its components.

    • Dentol-baby. The anesthetic effect of this gel is due to the presence of benzocaine in its composition. The drug is characterized by low toxicity, no irritating effect on the mucous membrane, and also a low price. Moreover, such a gel is contraindicated for inflammation or damage to the gums and is capable of provoking allergies.

    • Pansoral. Due to the content of plant extracts from marshmallow, chamomile and saffron in such a gel, the drug soothes and softens the mucous membrane. The medicine can be applied to the gums of children older than 4 months, but the analgesic effect of this gel is relatively small.

    When choosing a gel that will help an infant with painful teeth, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. Since most of the gels recommended for teething children include herbal ingredients, they can provoke allergies. That is why, when choosing a particular gel, one should take into account the child's tendency to allergic reactions and the presence of contraindications.

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that each gel has its own age restrictions, which must be taken into account when buying a medicine.

    Instructions for use

    Having studied the annotation attached to the drug, it is important not to forget about such nuances of using gels:

    • The medicine is used for severe discomfort in the baby from teething, often before going to bed or before eating.
    • The frequency of use is every 3-4 hours, but most drugs should not be applied to the baby's gums more often 3-5 times.
    • The amount of gel applied to the baby's gums should be small.
    • For application, use a thoroughly washed finger or cotton swab.
    • The gel is applied with massage in a circular motion without pressure on the child's gum.

    Teething is a painful process that all young children go through. The child during this period is very restless and gives mom a lot of trouble.

    In adulthood, people again experience these unpleasant symptoms when wisdom teeth begin to grow. To relieve painful sensations, special gels are used today.

    Growth symptoms

    Everyone knows that during the growth of teeth, small children become moody. But how to understand when it is time to apply the gel. To do this, you should study the signs of the formation of milk teeth:

    1. The gums turn pink or red and become inflamed.
    2. There is a deterioration in general condition and a decrease in appetite.
    3. There is a constant and profuse salivation.
    4. The face and cheeks turn red.
    5. The baby cries at night and does not sleep well during the day.
    6. The child shakes his head or touches his ear.
    7. The kid pulls everything into his mouth to scratch his gums. May bite or make smacking sounds.

    Against the background of teething, the child's immunity decreases, so many parents note an increase in temperature. Diarrhea or constipation is also observed. Continuous salivation irritates delicate skin and rashes may appear on the chin. They can be lubricated with petroleum jelly, especially when going outside.

    If these signs are found, you can safely apply the gel. Do not be afraid for the baby's health, all drugs have been tested and will not harm the child.

    Principle of operation and types

    The product is rubbed into the child's gums. This is done with a sponge or cotton swab. You can apply the product with your finger. Since it does not have a strong analgesic effect, it reduces the unpleasant symptoms that the child experiences by about 20 minutes.

    It is not recommended to use such drugs more than 6 times a day.

    Among the existing gels for gums, the following types are distinguished:

    • cooling action;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • homeopathic medicines.

    Let's consider the action of each of them using the example of various medicines.


    Such drugs contain lidocaine, therefore they act as anesthesia. As a result, the child has less pain, inflamed gums bother him less.

    Among the popular funds are:


    Its main advantage is that it can be used for babies who have reached 5 months of age. It is prescribed for painful sensations during teething. According to reviews, this teething gel for gums does an excellent job with its task, it also has antimicrobial and anesthetic effect.

    In addition to lidocaine, the composition includes citylperidine, which is an antiseptic. It destroys most pathogens and fungi. Thanks to this action, it is used not only for teething, but also when a baby has thrush in the oral cavity.

    The disadvantage of this remedy is that it has an extensive list of contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for the following diseases:

    • hepatic, heart, or renal failure;
    • bradycardia;
    • disturbances in the work of the stomach;
    • arterial hypotension;
    • sensitivity to drug components.

    Since the product contains saccharin, it is not recommended to use it for children suffering from diabetes or diathesis.

    The gel works for a short time. If unpleasant symptoms remain, then it is allowed to reapply the medicine after 20 minutes. The frequency of use per day is no more than 6 times.

    You can buy this teething gel for gums starting at RUB 240. per tube.


    Its main application is to relieve pain during the growth of wisdom teeth. Thanks to the chamomile, which is part of the medicine, it has antiseptic action.

    Also, the medicinal plant is famous for its wound healing effect and the ability to reduce inflammation... The agent quickly penetrates to the site of inflammation and reduces it. In addition, after applying the drug, you can count on anesthetic and antimicrobial action.

    Kamistad is prescribed to relieve the following symptoms:

    1. Inflammation of the oral cavity.
    2. Irritation of the mucous membrane when using removable systems or prostheses.
    3. With the growth of wisdom teeth and teething of milk teeth in children.

    The list of contraindications for Kamistad gel is large and similar to the previous drug. It is not recommended to use it for children under 3 months of age. The cost of the funds averages 165 rubles.


    Most often it is used when teething the first milk teeth, but it can be used to alleviate the condition with the growth of eights. The tool provides anesthetic effect... It contains lidocaine and chamomile extract.

    The drug is often prescribed for those who are highly sensitive to lidocaine, since it is contained in this drug in small quantities.

    Polidocanol, which is part of the medication, fights bacteria. Despite the low content of lidocaine, it is not recommended to use it more than 3 times a day. The maximum application period is 2 weeks. You will have to pay about 200 rubles for Dentinox. per packing.

    Do not take Dentinox to children who are allergic to fructose, since the medication contains sorbitol.


    The drug contains benzocaine. After application, it acts for 20-40 minutes. The drug has good antiseptic effectbut has no antimicrobial effect.

    When buying a drug, you should pay attention to the dosage. 7.5% gel can be used for children from 4 months, the drug 10% is suitable only for children over 6 years old.

    How to apply cooling gels correctly

    Before starting the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands. Then squeeze a small amount onto your finger. Further, the inflamed areas are treated with gel, making light massaging movements. If the child has already grown several teeth, then he may bite. In this case, it is better to use cotton swabs.


    The main purpose of such funds is to relieve inflammatory processes. As a result, gum swelling and painful symptoms are reduced. Preparations of this series can be used at any time, without reference to food intake.


    The drug does not contain lidocaine and is used to relieve inflammation... He also possesses antimicrobial and analgesic effect... The gel reduces swelling and compression of soft tissues.

    During application, the baby may feel a slight burning sensation, which after 2-3 minutes. leaves. After that, pain sensations begin to decrease immediately. Cholisal is the most expensive of the listed drugs. Depending on the region, you can buy it from 230 to 320 rubles. for a unit.

    The main advantage of analgesic drugs is that they can work for 8 hours. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the product is not washed off with saliva. The frequency of use per day is 2-3 times.

    Since during teething, the baby pulls everything into his mouth, then there is a chance to bring infections. Cetalkonium chloride, which is part of Holisal, has a powerful antimicrobial action... It destroys most viruses, fungi and bacteria.


    The peculiarity of such drugs is that they contain only natural ingredients... Therefore, they are absolutely safe and they are prescribed for children from 3 months.

    Most often, doctors prescribe the drug Baby Doctor "First Teeth". It effectively relieves pain and can be applied an unlimited number of times a day.

    The gel relieves inflammation, heals wounds, has an antimicrobial and soothing effect, since it contains a number of medicinal herbs. Among them are chamomile, echinacea, calendula, marshmallow root, plantain.

    What to use to relieve pain during the development of wisdom teeth

    Since the process of their growth is very long, a person experiences unpleasant symptoms for a long time. This is due to physiological reasons, dense walls of the dental bag and a strong mucous membrane.

    Special gels can be used as first aid. You can not eat very hot or cold food during this period.

    Of the listed drugs to reduce pain during the growth of eights, Dentinox and Kamistad... If, after using them, the symptoms do not go away, the body temperature rises and swelling is observed, then it is necessary to contact the dentist.

    It is almost impossible to relieve teething pain in a small child. Therefore, you should not neglect medications at this time.

    After making sure that the reason for the child's whims is related to the teeth, you can safely use gum gels. They temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms and give mother and child an opportunity to relax.

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    • Olga

      May 13, 2015 at 01:35 PM

      My child has a special tooth. We suffered for a very long time. Among peers, this happened much faster. Since my son is large and his teeth are large, naturally, teething is more noticeable. Gels did not save for long, but this is also a great victory. You cannot do without the help of medicine. According to the old method - we bought a silver spoon to scratch the gums. The kid really liked it and the teeth began to erupt more easily.

    • Svetlana

      May 21, 2015 at 08:25 PM

      In the first months of his life, our grandson was found to be allergic to certain foods when complementary foods were introduced. Therefore, we approached all medications with extreme caution. They took them exclusively after consulting a doctor. It was the same in the period when the teeth began to be cut. The doctor was very careful in prescribing a teething gel for us, but we used it in exceptional cases, only when the child became restless, cried and could not sleep at night. The rest of the time we got along with folk * remedies that alleviate the condition of the baby. They gave him crackers and dryers, cold teethers. Distracted by all available means. So patience for you and your kids! And good health, of course!

    • Alicia Vladimirovna

      April 7, 2016 at 12:04 AM

      At 3.5 months, our teeth began to erupt, you might say early, we also thought so, but it turned out that the first tooth was asking for the outside. We used Calgel to somehow ease the pain of our baby. By the way, he helped us a lot. There is a tooth! Now, according to the plan, we have a visit to the dentist in order to learn firsthand how to care for the oral cavity, and for an examination too, so that from an early age the dentist becomes our friend and we are not afraid of him.

    • Dasha69

      May 19, 2016 at 08:39 AM

      My daughter's teeth grew like a book - everything on time and on time. But the pain was terrible. She was capricious, nervous, slept very badly at night. Of course, we turned to the pediatrician with this question. Our doctor said pick something at the pharmacy. But how can you choose SOMETHING at the pharmacy when your baby is only 8 months old? We consulted a pediatric dentist. He prescribed Dentinox for us. We were very pleased with the drug. All symptoms are gone.

    • Yulia

      September 30, 2016 at 08:43 PM

      I smeared the child's gums with Dentol gel, but it only relieved the pain for a short time. Therefore, I smeared my gums before bed to relieve pain and calm the baby. And then I bought Dentinox gel, its effect is ten times better. He calms the child for half a day. I even experienced it myself - when the gums became inflamed - I smeared it and did not feel pain and discomfort for about 5 hours. So I couldn't find anything better than Dentinox.

    It is no secret for parents that teething can cause discomfort to a child experiencing painful sensations and a close adult who does not always understand how to help.

    In infancy (7-9 months), the baby begins to erupt in milk teeth. The process cannot go unnoticed, which is reflected in the behavior of the crumbs. Whims and crying appear, which cannot be dealt with in the usual ways, especially if adults do not have parenting experience and relevant knowledge. To date, many tools have been developed to cope with an uncomfortable psycho-emotional state. Among them are numerous gels. The only question is the safety of their use.

    Signs of teething

    The body of each child is special, and therefore the symptoms of this phenomenon are different. The characteristic features include:

    • Saliva is abundant, gums swell and redden
    • Disturbed sleep, lack of appetite, need to gnaw to relieve pain.
    • The appearance of a white streak at the site of teething.
    • The condition of the baby is deteriorating.
    • The body temperature rises, a runny nose, a wet-looking cough, diarrhea appears.

    During teething, special substances begin to be released, which can lead to an elevated body temperature, normal values \u200b\u200bof which range from 37 to 38.5 C. Diarrhea can be caused by a feature of the intestines, which reacts to the constant flow of saliva. Parents should be observant and respond by contacting a doctor when the temperature indicators significantly exceed the normal values, and the duration of diarrhea is several days more than three times a day.

    Relief of painful sensations is possible if you use special teethers, which are made of a rubberized semi-solid material. They are filled with liquid to cool them - placed in the refrigerator for a pleasant itch-relieving effect. The child is able to perform actions similar to massage, thanks to the use of a bagel or a crust of bread. These funds can be used and if there are enough of them, then there is no point in purchasing the appropriate drugs.

    Most of the children suffer from painful sensations at this age period: they suffer from a lack of insomnia, they can regularly act up and want to be in their arms in order to feel the protection and care of a significant adult. This mood is very stressful for the nervous system, which is particularly vulnerable in infancy. It is this kind of situation that is the reason for the acquisition of gels, which contain safe substances.

    Caution! During breastfeeding, it is worthwhile to pay special attention to the selection of drugs, given that if they enter the oral cavity, they can complicate the feeding process. This applies to medicines containing lidocaine.

    In this state, the child feels the need for an increased concentration of emotional warmth on the part of loving loved ones. It is best to distract the child with toys, cuddle it, feed it, take it for sleep and carry it in your arms for as long as possible. This will make it possible to form, among other things, a stable attachment in child-parental relationships.

    How to use anesthetic gel

    To start using the drug, you should study the instructions and especially note the age restrictions.

    To achieve really maximum effect during the use of gels, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations:

    • Indication for use - painful sensations in a child;
    • Application every 3-4 hours, but not more than 3-5 times daily;
    • Do not apply an abundant amount of gel;
    • Lubrication of the gums with a washed finger or a cotton swab, imitating circular movements, massaging.

    A medical-type drug is used when the first teeth begin to appear. Duration up to several days, as well as after a year. Teething of the rest of the teeth does not cause acute painful sensations

    TOP 7 teething gels

    In the pharmacy, you can find many gels designed for this purpose. We can single out the popular and effective ones according to the estimates and reviews of young mothers:


    A local anesthetic drug can quickly eliminate pain and general malaise during teething in children of different ages, which can prevent the onset of inflammation of the oral mucosa. Contains chamomile infusion and special biologically active substances. Disadvantage: the content of lidocaine (side effect - allergies, it is better not to use during breastfeeding). Price - 320 rubles.


    It helps to eliminate the inflammatory process, swelling of the gums, analgesic effect. The drug will not wash off with saliva, will have an effect against the appearance of inflammation up to eight hours. The active ingredients of the medication will provide protection against the penetration of bacteria. Advantages: no lidocaine, which allows for use during breastfeeding. Price - 280 rubles.


    It is able to provide a cooling, analgesic effect, which is achieved with the help of the hydrochloride that is part of the drug. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly relieves the baby's condition when teeth begin to erupt. The most important advantage is a quick effect, but very little effect (30 minutes). Contains anesthetic. The cost is 340 rubles.

    Baby doctor

    Thanks to the contained echinacea, chamomile, calendula, plantain, the drug helps to eliminate pain, inflammation, destroy bacteria, disinfect, heal, strengthen the gums and relieve irritation. The drug contains natural ingredients, does not have a strong analgesic effect. The cost is 320 rubles.


    Combined medication. In the composition - medicinal chamomile, which allows you to have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and restorative effect. Eliminates pain syndrome, acts for a long time. It should be borne in mind that the composition contains lidocaine. Price - 220 rubles.


    It has a quick analgesic effect within 2 hours. In the composition of benzocaine and additional substances. The effect of reducing pain sensitivity for a short period of time. The cost is 180 rubles.


    The preparation helps to soothe the gums, which is achieved with the help of herbal extracts. An absolutely natural preparation, it has a softening effect, but at the same time it does not have a pronounced effect of eliminating pain. The cost is 360 rubles.

    Quite often, inexperienced parents consider it unnecessary to read the information in the instructions, and this can lead to various complications associated with taking the medication:

    • Inflammation and suppuration of the gums;
    • Allergic reaction;
    • Rash.

    Gum health problems

    This side effect is harmless to the child. You can avoid referring to specialists, enough competent care to completely remove inflammation and the appearance of pus. Experts advise to start treating the gums with a tissue swab, which is moistened in a decoction of plants (medicinal chamomile, sage, calendula). This will not only remove the inflammatory process, but also destroy pathogens.

    Allergic reaction or rash

    The entire range of gum gels can be divided into three types:

    • Relieves pain, but contains lidocaine;
    • Antimicrobial drugs;
    • Homeopathic medicines (as part of a substance from an extract of plants).

    An allergic reaction can manifest itself on a substance - lidocaine, as a result of which it is necessary to provide a replacement for another herbal medicine.

    To avoid problems, the following guidelines should be followed:

    • When signs of eruption appear, it is best to use special toys. If they do not help, crying and irritation of the child is observed, you can use medications.
    • In order to choose medicines correctly, it is worth making an appointment with a doctor - a dentist, who, having learned about the peculiarities of the crumbs, will be able to recommend the most suitable remedy.
    • The occurrence of side effects is the reason for the immediate termination of the use of the drug and consultation with a specialist.

    Gel is a remedy that should be used only in the most extreme cases, when other methods are not able to bring the desired effect and the child is capable of suffering. Parents should carefully study all the information provided in the instructions and not run to the child, as soon as he gave the first emotional reaction. If you follow the simplest recommendations in such a difficult period, both for the baby and the parent, you can avoid negative consequences.

    How can teething be made easier? - Doctor Komarovsky (video)

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