Work out emotions. Nine steps - Psychology of effective life - Online magazine

Hello! Today I present to your attention 2 simple and effective practices to get rid of negative emotions that I often use. I like them the fact that it is often triggered instantly. However, they are not always triggered immediately. Sometimes they are going to do many times.

The essence of one practice is as follows. Negative emotion is taken from which you want to get rid of, then the dark forces are called for that they take this emotion (a ritual of renunciation from negative emotion). And the last step is the return of the soul particle, which once was given to the dark forces on this negative quality.

Required condition: You must have a solid desire to get rid of this quality. We live in a world where security programs rule. Negative emotions are directly related to power programs. If you want to use power programs, this technique may not work.

Negative emotions, these are gifts of dark forces, but not free. These dark qualities often help people in the material world to survive with the help of power.

Taking some power program, a person in return gives a part of his soul. The more power programs, the more soul particles are given and the more the person becomes soulless and cruel. Negative emotions feed the inhabitants of the dark worlds.

Dark forces, by voluntary exchange or through deception, take a part of the soul from a person, and in return gives him a negative quality that helps a person live in this world. Through this negative quality, they feed from human energy. It is difficult to say why they need a particle of the soul, but it looks like a link through which they receive energy from humans.

Getting rid of negative emotions, you cease to give your energy to the lower worlds. Your life will become more pleasant, you will have more love and good mood. With this simple practice, all negative emotions need to work.

First learn to do it in a relaxed atmosphere of the house, then you can do it anywhere. As soon as any negative emotion appears, immediately make this practice of renunciation and thank that person, because of which this emotion appeared. After all, he helped you open in you a negative program from which you can now get rid of.

The essence of the second practice is the observation of negative emotion, "highlighting" her and entry into it.

Practice of getting rid of negative emotions

Relax, enter the internal sensations and think from what negative emotion or quality you want to get rid of. Further say aloud(Pronounce words from the heart, this will increase the practice of practice):

I urge you, Dark forces on the ritual of renunciation from (You call the quality from which you want to get rid of).

I thank you, dark forces for used (You call the quality from which you will renounce). This quality helped me in this life, but now I chose the path of love, the path of spiritual power. The creator of my soul, help to cleanse from(Related Quality) . Higher forces help get rid of(Required quality). I want to lose strength(Required quality). And even the Spirit(Related Quality) i did not have.

Further understand a little in a relaxed state. At this time, dark forces take your negative emotion or program. There may be sensations that something pulls out something. Feel what happens. Further say:

Dark forces, return to me back the part of my soul, which I once traded on this quality(Required quality).

Now observe that dark forces will be given to you. It can be some kind of good quality, light, love or something else.

Do not forget to thank the creator of the soul and bright forces for help from getting rid of negative emotion or quality.

Not all this may feel. The more power programs, the worse the sensitivity to energies. In this case, this is not so important. Reference for renunciation will help you better feel energy. Post off in the comments who felt. This practice can greatly change life for the better.

Effective practice number 2

This option for many people is stronger than the previous one, because Most people do not feel energy, and they are afraid to call the dark forces to bring them a negative emotion to bring them, taking it as a magical ritual. If the option is not very clear to you, take advantage of other effective practices.

When negative emotion occurs, start consciously watching her and delve into it. Enter it as deep as possible. Of course, the state will deteriorate at this time, because you begin to experience this unpleasant feeling at Maxim. Stay in this negative condition and watch it. Then you will notice that the condition begins to improve.

If you continue our practice, then this negative emotion will go away at all. In the future, you will be easier to enter this negative. With each time it will weaken and through a certain number of practices, negative emotion will leave you, and you will be fine.

It is impossible to get rid of negative emotions at a time. Any practices need to repeat repeatedly. Patience and work with time will make your business. That only I did not do to get rid of one of my not very good quality, which I had from childhood. I even worked it in past incarnations when it was immersed in them. This gave the effect, but mostly the result was achieved with the help of these 2 practices for 2 years. Yes, it's long, but I did not work faster. This negative probably sat with me even in the bones.

Get rid of negative emotions will help you my charitable training ". In the training there is a study of negative emotions and rewriting them to positive. Click on and start doing right now.

Emotions, emotions, emotions ... Some try to protect themselves from them, fearing to drown in the Puchin of Passion. Others are constantly looking for sharp impressions to spur their emotional state.

Which category you treat yourself, with emotions you encounter every day - they are an integral part of being. However, when it comes to strong negative experiences - maliciousness, rage, fear, etc., - to work out them competently, without damaging any psychological well-being, no relationship with the surrounding people, it is possible, alas, few.

We offer you instructions from nine steps, which will help to master the delicate skill of the study of negative emotions.

1. Do not suppress negative emotions and feelings

In the "decent society" it is not customary to open strong negative emotions - they must be kept with them and not burden them around them. Especially high expectations about this are presented to men, because "real men do not cry." Specialist of psychological counseling Olga Spiridonova sees one of the reasons for less life expectancy for men than women:.

Constantly suppressing emotions, you still form feeling facilities. So unnoticedly unbearable, hidden deeply emotions are transformed: aggression is permissible, fear - in indifference, hopelessness - in detachment. The negative is literally coping in your body, and at one moment the emotions are becoming more than you yourself - the breakdown happens. Psychologist Victoria Sando offers such a recipe for feeling resistance:

1. Feel your emotion.

2. Give her a name.

3. Secure on paper.

Search for more detailed instructions in its article:

2. Training Natural Body Sensitivity

Accordingly, in order to prevent sensibility of feeling, it is necessary to develop sensitivity skills. All emotions are somehow felt in the body - it is important to learn to recognize them. Pay attention to the clamps in the body, relax muscles, listen to the body signals. This will help return itself at the time "here and now", and not push off unbearable or unconscious emotions even deeper. Such an approach leads to psychosomatic problems, assures the psychologist and the doctor Natalia Tereshchenko :.

3. Learn to recognize the full range of your emotions.

To be able to eco-friendly and express emotions, you need to have sufficient emotional intelligence to recognize and distinguish them. Psychologist and scientific journalist Daniel Gowlman in his famous book "Emotional Intellect: Why he may mean more than IQ" allocates five spheres for which emotional intelligence meets: knowledge of emotions, management, self-motiveness, recognition of emotions from others and supporting relationships.

Depending on the level of emotional intelligence, the author divides people into three groups of emotion control:

1. Owning knowledge about emotional life, complete confidence in the boundaries.

2. Absorbned by emotions, people are not able to get rid of them.

3. Understanding mood, but consider emotions inevitable, which cannot be changed.

Summary of the remaining key ideas of this book are looking for reference :.

Ideally, to recognize my emotions, a person must learn more in childhood. Children's psychologist Alexander Orlov offers parents instructions for recognizing and managing emotions for children in the form of a small story :.

An alternative way to speak with children about emotions and feelings that are disturbing them - through drawings. Children's psychologist Oksana Yusupova argues that it is possible to determine the emotional state of the child in the "doodles" from the age of three :.

4. Know your triggers

If you tend to flash about and without, have difficulties with environmentally friendly and safe for yourself and the surrounding manifestation of strong emotions, you need to learn to recognize your triggers. Ken Lindner in his book "Dangerous emotions" offers seven steps to gain control over negative emotions:

1. Allocate personal triggers.

2. Prepare for difficult situations in advance.

3. Framing and visualization techniques.

4. Transform the negative into a positive.

5. Put out clear questions and goals.

6. Take appropriate solutions.

7. Revise the decision-making methodology.

5. Recognize the "Dangerous" emotion stages

Negative emotions usually live with "families", and not go alone. For example, a psychologist and psychotherapist Lyubov Avramenko allocates a separate "angry family."

6. Call with emotional stress

If you do not regulate emotions in a timely manner, it leads to the experience of emotional stress, and this is always a serious psychological and even physical shock for a person. Social psychologist Olga Moscow-Tarilova calls distraction for the most effective strategy in the case when negative emotions are drunk. If you are afraid about to break, try to distract yourself to something pleasant. Or, on the contrary, to another irritating factor, if you think that the wedge is embroodble. In addition, for pacifying emotions, it recommends practicing wisers :.

7. Learn to let go of the negative

The problem of negative experiences is often not only that they lead to stress and often to moral suffering, but also in the fact that we often do not want to let them go. We can take offense or smoldering irritation for years, becoming slaves of incomparable emotions.

Olga Spiridonova offers an effective way to gain freedom from negative emotions - to connect the mind. For example, insults, as a rule, arise in three steps.

  • Rate your expectations from a person.
  • Assess the real actions of a person.
  • Compare expectations and actions.

Usually this process is automated in our head. To get rid of the oppressive feeling of resentment, you need to add one more step - ask a question why a person came exactly that way, and try to justify him.

8. Finding out emotions out

The only way does not allow emotions to accumulate inside - to bring them out. The most affordable and fairly effective way is to keep a diary. However, it is possible to lead it differently. For example, the psychologist Anna Kutyavin offers several writing options:

  • Morning pages.
  • Letter cleansing.
  • Insights of the day.
  • Letters for forgiveness.
  • Summarizing.

More about each of the ways, she tells in his article :.

If the writing is not your strong side, try the techniques of art therapy for studying fears. Description of the technique "Put your fear" you will find on the link :.

9. Replace negative emotions positive

The sacred place is not empty - this wisdom is valid for the emotional sphere, as it is impossible. Flame from the inside the negative little - the vacant place formed by something will definitely take it. And better if it is positive experiences.

Work preventive - create yourself situations that bring you positive emotions. Changing the emotional state through the thoughts that we cultivate in our heads are the basis of cognitive therapy.

Its principles are available in the book of David D. Burns "Good well-being. New therapy of moods. " We read it for you and share the squeezing of the main ideas :.

Regularly performing these nine steps, you can teach yourself to ecoly work out negative emotions, take them as a normal part of the emotional sphere, but do not allow them to dominate your mood and behavior.

Today I will give you a technique that will allow you to quickly and effectively transform negative emotions. Why do you need it? And then that any incomparable negative emotions get stuck in our field and lead to disease. Similarly, also act. We do not think about what strength and energy they possess! And from this suffering. It turns out that there are words that simply tear our energy shell, rooted in it and form diseases. But today we will not talk about words, let's talk about emotions.

When to apply negativity neutralization technique:

  • when you have sharply spoiled the mood after communication with some person
  • when you became a member of the conflict
  • when inside you raging the storm emotions and you can't concentrate on your affairs

Step 1. Realize negative emotion

At that moment, when you have spoiled the mood, ask yourself a question:

  • Why do I feel bad right now?

Listen to the answer that will give your subconscious. Honestly admit that something not okay. Do not hide for mask indifference. The easiest way is to burrow the negative inside yourself and pretend that nothing happens. But remember that negative emotions lead to diseases and internal dissatisfaction. Energy will still look for an output. And if you do not bring the negative right now, the consequences can acquire a completely different character.

Step 2. Tell emotion

After you confessed yourself that you are bad, it's time give a place negative. Give place - it means to designate the feeling in the physical world. You can do it in any suitable way. The easiest - draw.

Take the paints, pencils, markers or just a handle. Put in front of you a blank sheet of paper and transfer it your intention:

  • Right now I paint on this sheet paper what is inside me.

And just draw. Do not think, do not appreciate, do not strive to make a drawing beautiful. Your task is not to create an art masterpiece, but turn on paper That pain, anger or offense, which is now bothering you right now.

Step 3. Using Emotion

In the process of drawing, you will find a whole palette of feelings inside yourself. Remember them. Having finished the drawing, look at it and splash out loud those feelings that he personifies. Do it in the affirmative form:

  • Right now I'm angry, because ...
  • Right now I'm offended, because ...
  • Right now, I'm annoyed, because ...

It is very important to pronounce your feelings. People are often afraid to admit themselves that they are angry or offended. In society, it is not customary to pay a lot of attention to its feelings. But we understand that it is only program. Moreover, the program is negative, which destroys human integrity. But man is experiencing not only positive emotions, but also negative. And it is completely normal! Allow yourself to experience the whole palette of negative emotions: pain, anger, anger, insult, irritation, annoyance. That is what distinguishes us from animals - the ability to realizeWhat feelings are raging within us right now.

Step 4. Separate emotion and neutralize it

It's time to get rid of the negative. We understand that we feel. Before us is a drawing that personifies our negative feelings. Close your eyes and ask yourself a question:

  • In which part of my body is this negative emotion?

Feel what the body tells you that it will show you. Then breathe deeply and hold your breath. Imagine how emotion burns In the green flame and leaves your body. Be free in your visualization. Perhaps you will want to pour emotion with cold water, which mocks it and will take away.

I know that this technique is not simple. When you do it for the first time, then come across powerful internal resistance. Many programs will pop up up and block your manifestations. Someone will be embarrassing or shame. Someone will find a million reasons in order not to make equipment. And this is your right. But I want you to understand one simple truth:

Negative emotions give birth blocks and diseases

Therefore, work with your feelings, conscious of them, update and output. And remember that feeling negative emotions is normal! You are a living person and have the full right to anger, anger and insult.

Awareness and dissolution of painful experiences displaced in the subconsciousness from the past.
Studies and dissolve energy units formed in the past.

Since childhood, all of us has stressful situations. When these situations arose, we, as a result of the underdevelopment of another kind of awareness, unconsciously used various types of psychological protection, trying to weaken the tension and anxiety, which was caused by stressful situations.
All types of psychological protection, such as, for example, the ousting (suppression) (active, motivated elimination of anything of consciousness with the help of forgetting or ignoring), rationalization and many others - outer unpleasant states from consciousness, immerse the emerging negative emotions and associated with them Thoughts in an unconscious psyche region, which is usually called the subconscious or unconscious. These displaced negative emotions and thoughts become thus an unconscious part of the mind, and they manifest themselves in the lives of adults of people both in the form of various inadequate reactions in various situations and in the form of many physical uncomfortable states and diseases.

Then, at an early age, we could not flow differently.
In adult age when we had the opportunity to understand a lot, a lot to realize, the previous models of behavior in the form of use of psychological protection are no longer adequate. Because they are an expression of escape from problems, lead to freezing them, impede the solution of these problems, prevent the possibility of understanding one or another situation and enter it adequately and reasonably increase the number of depressed negative emotional energy in us and worsen the state of our physical health.

Also in adulthood, we may have the idea that it would be nice to clear our subconsciousness from accumulated negative emotions and thoughts there, from accumulated negative energy there, which destructively affects our life today, and if everything is left as it is, It will continue to destructively influence our future.

And, indeed, in adulthood, we have the opportunity to do this. However, there is one problem here. The fact is that many common ways with the help of which people usually try to come to the realization of depressed emotions and thoughts that were ousted in our subconscious - although they allow you to realize some of the emotions and thoughts, but they still do not allow to realize very Many negative emotions and thoughts that were displaced in the subconsciously deep enough.
The reason why these thoughts and emotions were so strongly displaced - this is what they were especially painful for their experience. And attempts in adulthood with the help of research and analysis to realize these thoughts and emotions do not lead to anything for the reason that the unconscious controlling of the mind blocks access to the awareness of these thoughts and emotions, resists the awareness of these thoughts and emotions.

In order for the energy of any depressed mentally-emotional experience to dissolve, two factors are necessary.

The first factor is that the repressed in the past - and now raised from the subconscious and conscious - the painful mentally emotional experience we need to be fully lived - live emotionally, mentally, energetically, to live in the same way as we lived this condition when this The situation happened to us. The process of psychological therapy can not occur under anesthesia. We must realize the phenomenon, see it and completely survive.

And the second factor is that when accommodation of the uncomfortable mental-emotional state, we need to not be involved in this condition, not to identify with those experiences that will occur.

Official is when something is the same thing and something else is recognized as a different, like something different.
The immediateness of which we say here means that yourself as consciousness we realize as one, but those phenomena that we perceive, we realize as another.
At first, when you learn the immediateness when any experience will arise, you may first think so: do I realize this experience or not aware? Awareness. And since I realize him, it means I am aware of it, this is one thing, and the fact that I realize is another. This means that I differ in nature, according to my properties from what I am aware.
If a person is identified with something, then this means that he perceives it, but not completely. If a person gives his attention to something completely, he realizes the immediateness of this. It is necessary to achieve the return of one or another phenomenon of full attention. And then with this phenomenon, which is given full attention, becomes intimate.

During practice, with time, it begins to raise what once displaced, was suppressed, it suffered. This material is usually negative. Because it was supplanted that I hadn't liked to live before. And nowhere from this material is not going. It needs to be viewed and let him do what he wants without controlling it. So that he was not lying on the bottom when we were, at first glance, we do not see when it seems that everything seems to be normal. And so that, indeed, it would be no longer.
And before leaving, he passes to our perception. In order for this material to really gone, we need to realize our 5th dimension. When we perceive this material, aware of our 5th dimension, we realize that in this dimension we do not judge and are not trying to control what pops up and what passes in front of our perception. In this measurement, we do not try to strengthen or relax what pops up. Then this material rises and leaves, dissolves, and we are freed from it. Then all this material becomes like water, which evaporates, then pairs arises, and then this couple is dissolved in the air, becoming part of the air.
If, on the contrary, start this pop-up material from the subconscious material to control, suppress, become involved in it - he will not go anywhere, you will twist it for a while, experiencing the time of torment, and then he will fall again in you, will fall in your subconscious .

Realizing its 5th measurement of herself, we can perceive what pops up, without condemning without controlling.
Among other things, attention that goes in a state of awareness of the 5th dimension passes through the sense of presence, I have a feeling. This feeling I am - loving, so with such perception you will still be activated by the compassion itself. This is also very aless. And this is also there is no control and condemnation element. The observer has a sense of impartiality, acceptance, and in the sense of presence there is a feeling of freedom and love. And attention, passing through this energy, that is, with awareness of this energy, attention concerns the block, and heals it.
Using this method, you will be quietly therapist.

If you notice that the process of raising from the subconscious of negative thoughts and emotions begins, then you do not need to force this process, strengthen, and at the same time you do not need to restrain it. That power, the intensity with which it all lives is determined by life itself. And we do not interfere with this, we are in a state of misunderstanding.
Our task is to just see it. Do not close your eyes, on what happens to us, and, on the other hand, do not interfere, do not help. And then we will find that without our participation a lot begins to happen. And here we get the experience of the non-Detelor: we do nothing, but a lot of things happen.
One people have a desire to quickly forcing everything, to develop that it will begin to begin, happened and ended. And other people, on the contrary, are identified with fear, and they begin to hold it, restrain.
These two relationships will interfere with the process.
It is necessary to refer to this process as if it happens to another person. And you just watch it. You are attentive to him, but also allow this process to go as a man.
You need to live what arises. This process has a beginning, climax, and ending, and then this charge, this emotional material will not be.

When we fully emotionally live a uncomfortable mental-emotional state, and when we are not involved in it, we are not identified with it - this state is transformed and dissolved by self-regulation.

If some one of these two factors is absent, then the energy of the emergency mentally emotional experience will scrolls for some time in our consciousness, peers us, and then again falls into our subconscious.

We describe those common mistakes that many people are allowed when trying to clear the subconscious from depressed in the past negative mentally emotional energy.

The first mistake is that people are when they are immersed in the past, worry, cry, think that they are fairly worked out the past, - are involved in these experiences. And then the past every time he continues to wait everything intensively, everything is also painful. And these people are still continuing to scroll and scroll through their painful past situations. And they wondered - when will they become easier? While they live the past, involving it, it will not be easier, and the subconscious of them from such a "study" from negative emotional energy is not cleared.
This is because they are involved in the emerging experience, and are identified during the perception of this experience with the mind.

The second mistake is that when working for children's experiences or other experiences of the past, a person flies his emotions to outward, having fallen into another person or other people. With such a "study", a person who flies his negative emotions, for some time it seems that it becomes easier for him. But, firstly, there is no heart in such behavior. And the relief that this person feels is due to the satisfaction of the "significant image of herself." For example, he shouts at someone on the street, and feels satisfaction from the fact that he "can", that he now feels "more significant." And it temporarily becomes easier for it. In fact, it is just rolling a rut of a psychopathic behavior model. Therefore, such "elaboration" only reduce the degree of awareness. And secondly, it is "relief" very short-term, and after some time this person will find that his negative emotion, which he "worked out", is still with him.

The third mistake is that a person by reasoning and analyzing the theoretically recall the situation, and the reasoning is trying to make its attitude towards a particular situation in the past. And thus, a person is trying to transform a mental-emotional reaction that he has in relation to this situation. At some level it is a good approach. And, of course, if a person applies this approach - it is better than nothing. But this approach has a big limitation - the person can use it only within the borders of what he realizes, and then, as applied to everything. Because some of what he realizes is stretching into the sphere that he is not aware. Therefore, this approach works only in fairly simple situations, and on a fairly surface level. And this approach does not reach the deep spheres of the subconscious, and cannot be applied in these areas. Therefore, such an approach cannot truly transform and dissolve what was supposed to be in the subconsciously deep enough.
This third mistake is to exaggerate the meaning and capabilities of this approach, when a person applies only it, thinking that in this way he will be deeply able to transform what he pushed him into his subconscious.

The fourth mistake is that a person, applying the reasoning method, trying to understand something, passes to the use of psychological protection, and, in fact, begins to engage in self-deception. People who make this mistake are very often saying that they "let go" of this or that painful situation.

The fact is that these people are in a state of identifying with the mind, and in this state it is impossible to truly release the situation. Attempts to let go of the situation in such a state, in fact, they will simply lead to the disassembly of discomfort to the subconscious, that is, to suppress this experience, to suppressing their attitude towards the situation. It will be attempts to learn how to feel something.

In a state of identification with the mind, a person can try to intensify the mind, and with the help of the mind try to understand the situation without going into the ousting. And then the situation is partially (only partially, because of it is connected with what is in the subconscious and is not realized) herself will be released.

But when they say: "We need to let go of the situation," very often meaning the process of understanding, but the process of discarding thoughts about the situation, the process of distraction from thoughts about the situation, that is, the most real suppression of thoughts and emotions about the situation. After all, what is suppression? Suppression means the cessation of perception of something by a volitional way. Suppression is carried out using an attempt to ignore the situation, "not paying attention to the situation" with the aim of forgetting it. And then such displaced thoughts and emotions become the content of the subconscious.

The situation should be completely missed through itself, fully re-emotionally live, not involved in the thoughts and emotions associated with it. Only then will she truly let go.

So, in order for the energy of the depressed mentally-emotional experiences to dissolve, it is necessary that it has been fully emotionally energetically experienced, and that we do not have involved in these states so that we have no identification with them.

And then there may be a few questions.

The first question sounds like this: how can we fully survive the depressed once a negative emotional state, if an unconscious controlling of the mind because it blocks access to the awareness of these thoughts and emotions for us, what are they very painful for our perception?
In other words, how do we get access to them to fully survive them? How to remove the blocking from them that a thin control layer of our mind has installed on them?

In order for the controlling layer of our mind to give us the opportunity to realize the outstanding mentally emotional experiences, we need to show the controlling part of our mind that our consciousness is ready to see outstanding experiences. We show your mind with this readiness because we gain the ability to not be involved in pop-up negative experiences.
The larger the ability to be inadvertently developed in us, the greater the amount of experienced experiences by the controlling part of the mind raise from the subconscious and will show us as a result of which these displaced experiences dissolve.

After all, why the controlling part of the mind hid these experiences from us?

Our psyche has an instinct of self-preservation, which seeks to protect us from the perception of what we are not yet ready to see, perceive, as a result of which these experiences are only tormented. And their perception, in mind our negotiation, adequately perceive these experiences, does not bring us any understandable for the mind.
This information about our unpreparedness to perceive these negative experiences was assessed by the controlling part of the mind, as a result of which the psyche did not let these experiences in the area of \u200b\u200bour consciousness.

The negative emotional energy displaced in the subconscious - from the point of view of its energy nature - is a compressed voltage energy.
And this energy, like a compressed spring, simply in nature seeks to free up, which means that it seeks to free up from our subconscious and become explicit for our consciousness.

Our subconscious wants to be cleaned, free from this energy.
The mechanism of self-imposition, self-cleaning, self-healing is laid in any live system. Any live system is trying to heal. When this system has time and excessive energy, excessive force, it begins to be freed from pathological conditions. At the same time, we can not enhance the cleaning with additional methods, do not force it, and help the system to output what the system is withdrawn with that speed, with which it is more convenient. For example, emotional cleaning occurs. When you just sit or learn and watch, suddenly can begin to emerge some past resentment or any other emotions, desires, thoughts. And the catharsis occur. This happens itself, because the body wants to free themselves from all this. If there are thoughts in the mind, it should not be in this way: it should not be that that there should be no such thoughts that should not be such a relationship to the observed one, it is important not to identify with these thoughts, not Give your power, your energy to these thoughts. Do not be inside anything of what is happening, not incarnate in it. Because identification with these thoughts will not give to occur clearing and self-regulation.
As a result of such practices in the body, various conditions may arise, accompanying the purification of the energy bodies of the body, energy channels: heat, cold, trembling, sensation, which reduces some parts of the body, the feeling of intensive energy movement, painful sensations of a different nature.
Therefore, you need to prepare in advance what it can happen, and you need to treat it calmly, as to the necessary, natural and positive part of this process. Positive - because after this process we will feel better than felt before this process.

Therefore, as soon as we have a stable ability to not be involved in what we perceive, our psyche will immediately understand, and, as we readiness, it will begin to raise us from the subconscious material for living.

We do not need to do anything for this. We do not need to remember your past for this with effort. All that you need, will rise by itself, we do not need to hack the past.

There are techniques of hacking, the past can be hacked, but those who wake up often go crazy because these people have no readiness to perceive the past. Life does not specifically let these people in the crowded past, because life knows better than our readiness to perceive it.

The correct way is when we create the willingness to perceive not involving, and we are not trying to hack anything.
When the outstanding past starts to rise, you will not be easy. You need to be ready for this. You must not be afraid to pass it.

Special attention is paid to the possible occurrence of reluctance to move on in this direction, the emergence of unwillingness to see what pops up from the subconscious. This resistance is part of the disease. Do not identify with this reluctance, act out of mind. In this process, you should not be afraid (in the sense - to interrupt fear, if it occurs, the action of reason, not to be guided by fear, not to identify with fear) to go through inconvenience, through pain, through unusual.

The process in which we experience the rising negative emotions are the necessary process. If we go along the way of awareness, we can not avoid it. This is the process of cleansing our subconscious. We need to live all that is in our subconscious, realizing this and not identifying with it.

In order to further prevent the storage in the subconscious of such energy units at the time of the event, at the time of the stay of the pain you need to go attention to it, go down to the bottom of the pain, try to realize what lives. In practice, we work with our past, with what has already accumulated. The next moment is not to accumulate a new one. Because if we are old to wash, but we will accumulate a new one, then we will need to endlessly undergo the process of working on the past.
Therefore, the following, which we need to learn is not to become unconscious in life situations. To reside them consciously. Even if we don't like us, then do not pretend that they are not. And this is the next stage. It should be understood that if we do not pay attention to unpleasant experience now, then we will have to work in practice. Therefore, it is better to do it in the literal mode. And if we do it, if we consciously perceive everything that happens to us in life, then we can no longer accumulate new emotional charges, new energy blocks.

The main thing is not to be involved in these states. Then we will not cheat them, and we will not extinguish them.
And the situation will then be expressed as it is, what it really is, and then it will end in itself.
At first, this can be learned in the practice of meditation in the time specifically allocated for this and in a convenient environment. And then this is our ability to treat the emerging phenomena. We can transfer to external events: because there is no difference, an event is happening within us or outside of us. Because we are now equally applied to this.

How much is something worried, so it is necessary to worry. If something hurts - it means hurts. The main thing is not to introduce yourself a dose of anesthesia: explanations, theories. Then it gives us an experience of what is and not identifying with it. It is important not to live under anesthesia. In practice, we learn not to live under anesthesia, learn to refuse anesthesia, learn not to take painkillers psychological pills.
Then the cleansing of our subconscious occurs, and the measurement of the mind and heart will be much more comprehensive in our lives.

The reasons for which I publish this record is somewhat.

1. The girlfriend organized the course "21 day". Its essence is to fulfill the minimum of five obligations every day. I subscribed to the course and stated five obligations, one of which is the study of negative emotions. At first I worked on the "Svilla Diary". However, I quickly realized that this was not enough for me. I do not feel satisfaction from study. And I decided to add several points to work.

2. Yesterday I visited on the "gift certificate of the spa procedure in the Safety salon. This caused such a reaction in me that. Without worrying it as it should, you can crawl the fact that I hooked, deep into the subconscious and suffer later. What do I don't want to do at all!

So let's get up!

What will take:

Notepad (notebook) and handle.Why in the title I mentioned a red notebook? But because I went somehow in the store, I saw it. Yes, so I liked him that I took and bought this red notebook. What to record there - I have not decided yet. And then "21 days". For this course, I defined my "friend." We carry out "home accounting", I write down negative and positive emotions that have happened in the day and make other marks.

A bit of theory.

All situations occurring in our lives are lessons. This is either whip or gingerbread. Gingerbread is situations that bring satisfaction to us, whip - situations forcing us to work out this or that sphere of life, idealization, the significance of something, etc. etc.

In fact, the situation is not negative or positive. We do them. Depending on the emotion caused by the situation, depending on our point of view, the situation is painted either into a positive or negative color.

For example, it rains. This is not good, and not bad. I sit, for example, in summer at home, I'm not going to go outside - so I'm indifferent to the rain. For a dacket - rain in summer is joy. For a person, which goes down the street without an umbrella, probably the phenomenon of death-like.

1. FirstWhat you need to do when working out negative emotions - recognize that the situation caused such a reaction. To recognize and admit it is necessary, first of all, to itself. Surrounding, believe me, you will work on the drum, you are negative or not. You can tell about the negative situation to friends, close, you will sympathize, you will regret, but you will not bring it anything good. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the situation can be repeated and everything will start first. Having worked and spent negative emotion by 100% in the future you can avoid it to repetition!

2. The second is to register the best and worst version of the development of situations.If you take the worst version in your mind - this is already 50% study.

3. Third- Analyze what feelings touched the situation, what areas of life, which was questioned, which idealization revealed (idealization of rationality, public opinion, control over the surrounding world, relations, etc.).

4. Development situations, register in notepad / notebooksomething like Prayers. You can use the diary of the Svilla and the text of study, or a prayer for forgiveness in Sinelnikov, or come up with its own.

5. Make conclusions - What did this situation show? What should get rid of what to develop? Conclusions must be positive !!!

for example, the situation was knighted with a friend.

The best option - found out / find out the relationship, will be even better to be friends.

The worst option will never communicate with the girlfriend.

The situation showed the failure of friendship, misunderstanding, idealization of relations.

Conclusions: if the girlfriend is rushing, I will not pay attention to these little things. It is not worth paying attention to these little things.

Another technique:

The position of the victim-tyrant-wizard (in Sinelnikov).

1. Take responsibility for the situation.

Instead, they were offended - I hurt myself with the help of another person.

Instead, I got sick - I created a disease myself.


2. Answer the question: what and how I created (a) myself this situation / problem?

To consider that the world rules the law of reflection and the law of similarity. Our mood is reflected in the world around the world, the world of mirrors and mood returns to us with a tripled force. Recall the proverb "Bed does not come alone." The trouble goes to the world, it is reflected from the world and returns to us and with more striking.

A little quote - no comment:

"Everything I don't like in another person is in me."

"Everything I like in another person is in me."

"Everything that we are trying to prove or impose others - lacks us by ourselves."

"You are not guilty in this situation, but responsible!".

"Listen to the interlocutor - he will tell you everything."

"Everyone who meets in the life path is revealing."

3. Maintaining a diary

SUMMARY. Last month I did not have enough diary of Svillass ... The diary of Sinelnikov also does not reflect the full picture of the studios (in my opinion). Therefore, I combined all the techniques familiar to me, introduced something in my own and will now lead according to such a scheme:

1. Recognizethat the situation caused negative emotion. Describe the situation as much as possible with the elaboration of emotional (feeling, experiencing emotion), mental / intellectual (I analyze, logically explain) and physical levels.

2 . If the situation is unfinished (that is, the development of the event is possible), register the worst and best options. Event development.

3. Detection of idealizations. Their full list. Read more about each Sviela in the book "Smile, is not too late." It is somewhere on the Internet, there is also an audio format. So, List:

  • Idealization of the surrounding world
  • Idealization of relations between people
  • Idealization of life, fate,
  • Idealization of family life, children
  • Idealization of money and material benefits,
  • Independence Idealization,
  • Idealization of spirituality, religiosity,
  • Idealization of work
  • Idealization of your abilities
  • Idealization of rationality, idealization of beauty and the outside world,
  • Idealization goals.

4. Analyze what created this situation.

5. Analyze what is the situation, to extract lessons, register conclusions, affirmations.

6. Register "Prayer"- by Svilla, in Sinelnikov, or its own. The goal is to forgive yourself, forgive all the participants in the situation, promise no longer to be offended by yourself or others about this, let go of the situation and, even more so, the offense.

7. Praise yourself!

It is more convenient for me to work in the signs. Therefore, for myself I created such:

Who needs an example of working out, how would I do, write in the comments 😉 We will deal with the whole world.

In general, this is the best option. When several studies are offered, from which you choose correct. At least at the initial stage.

IMPORTANT! The main rules for maintaining any diary:

1. Study should be conducted in the handwritten version! Not in the computer, not on the phone and other gadgets. Prescribing everything with your hand, you once again work out the situation. The output is postponed in the head, remembered.

2. The situation and elaboration can be prescribed in ink of any color. Conclusion, lesson, affirmation, identified on the basis of study, it is desirable to record red ink. It is proved that all that is written by red ink - "recorded" automatically to the subconscious.

If the situation is associated with man and causes offense.

Human resentment is a manipulation of a distinguished person. We can not be offended if we do not want. Therefore, if you offended:

1. Admit offense. Admit that a person just did not justify yours Expectations. They are not obliged to justify your expectations!

Manipulating the man with his offend, you go to the incision with the highest forces that have given a person free will.

2. What other emotions caused resentment? (Emotion study - see above)

3. Forgive people

If the insult is sits on a person for a long time and deeply, take a clean notebook and write in every line "I, ... (Your name) for goodbye ... (the name of the offender) for ... (for what exactly is offended by)."

It is important to register this at least 100-150 times!

Understand, forgiveness is what you do for yourself without allowing the insult to clog your soul and body (more in Louise Hay and Liz Burbo). For a long time, you are aware that the person (offender) should not have anything, should not ask for forgiveness, should not justify your expectations, etc.

Also in your magic notebook, write down what you wanted to do, but for some reason you did not in a table consisting of three columns:

Another technique for tracking the level of your emotions.

Before you - chart sign:

The world is beautiful 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00
The world is good
World commonly
World of hostility
The world is terrible

Every day, for a minimum of two weeks, draw a schedule of each day in this tablet. Every hour, and better every half an hour after awakening, put a point at the intersection of time and attitude to the world.

In the future, I will write what will need to be done further and how to analyze.

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