Bird with pink breast as a sparrow. Birds with red breast and yellow beak

I already wrote about a large number of birds in our park. Birds became not just a lot - there were completely new species that were not even met before me. Therefore, I had to carry out a small study.

I was lucky to live on the very edge of the city near the lane of wildlife, where there is a little river, a pond, a spring, park and open meadow space. This is sufficiently small (compared to all Moscow) a piece of land, thanks to such a landscape variety, it can be very close to different birds: forest, field, river.

Since now I began to meet any new birds, the names of which I do not know, I began to look for information about them and came to a very interesting site, where there were not only names, pictures and descriptions of birds, but also their main habits, preferences and even Voices that can be heard. This is very important, because some birds turned out to be very difficult to see, but with a great desire can be determined by voice).

The site in question is called, and there you can find information not only about birds, but also plants, insects, mushrooms, etc.

But back to the birds. I decided to gather here the birds that I met within the city of Moscow! - What can not but rejoice! I think no one should represent the typical city birds of the middle strip of Russia, which constantly live with us in the neighborhood: sparrow, sinitsa, pigeons, crows, galka, skvortsy. Rarely but in winter you can meet sweetsels With Hochlates, the heads that rupture rowan berries.

Sometimes there are big black grachics (Once I saw them in a great set, apparently at the place of rest during the autumn flight). I was able to see beautiful red-breast snegrayBut not as often as I would like. Soroka The last time I saw in the area of \u200b\u200bMoscow State University - she leaned from her round shaggy nest. Water often come across seagullsBut most of all saw them in Ostankino and ponds nearby, and they probably feed them on the local meat processing plant.

Urban birds For the most part, they do not fly into the warm edges, many winter in the city or walked from place to place. We, for example, in this winter at the river wounded duck-MallardThey were there several hundred. If it were not for residents of the surrounding houses, bringing food, they would have to be tugged.

Singing birds - mostly migrable. They flew to us in the spring, and fill the air with their trills. One of the most famous songs is a nightingale trill. Nightingale - The bird is small and inconspicuous, but to pass past the bushes in which the nightingale is almost impossible.

Beautiful song in Drozda, overflowing, multistage. Drozda There are very different, in our park there are gray with breasts in Krapinka. They resemble Skvortsov - the difference in color, size and tail length).

Finch Not only sing well, but painted very elegant. These birds are not fatal - you can approach them an elongated arm.

Wagtail With long thin tails and fast paws, you can often find on the tracks: they rush and catch insects. You won't see these birds from the feeders - they are not at all vegetarians.

On open meadow spaces, you can hear a wonderful song. zhavoronka, similar to a ringing murmur. I love this sound very much, he reminds me of my homeland and about the wide steppe. In the city, this, of course, we will not hear, and even see the lark nearly, it sings in flight, from somewhere on top.

But streams In the city seizure easily. In the evenings, their squeak is often distributed high above the houses. Sometimes they can be seen from the water - they hunt for midges.

Water lives and birds cricket or recycling. Her evening song is really like a cricket singing.

Recently, in a distant quiet place, he met a very beautiful bird with a yellow breast, frightening, careful, poorly familiar with people. By pictures, I tried to understand how it was called. Maybe it was yellow shaking (She was sitting on Earth).

Maybe oatmeal. The bird was not larger than sparrow, but more elegant.

Chizh. Here, too, with a yellow breast, but it seems like him.

Greenfinch or forest canary. I met a similar bird on some high grass - she clings to the stems and sits, comes the seeds.

Lentil Sings ringtones and fun. Lives at the river. But it is difficult to see it - hiding well in the branches, I do not let me up.

Zaryanka (Malinovka) saw only glimpse, but her voice recognizes in general chirp. This bird is completely crumb, and she got the name for her bright breast.

Peredshka - The bird, which seems to be borrowed by the "Trell" of the automotive alarm).

Forecoon I have not seen, but her unusual peak sometimes comes from the thickets.

And the mukholovka song is full of optimism and even as if joking. This little imperceptible bird catches insects in the grass.

Rolling You can learn about his style of movement on the tree trunk, for which he got its name.

Typically woody - woodpecker Also, occasionally falls on the eyes during walks, but it is easier to notice its characteristic knock.

Very sorry that we have no cuckoo. The last time heard a cuckoo on the sparrow mountains last year.

Sometimes you can see high in the sky of soaring birds such as falcon or haasting. Buzzard - From their family. He is a predator who hunts on fine animals.

I met I. varakushku - Magic bird of my childhood. The bird is small, sulfur, but her breast is rushing.

And very beautiful birds - shchegla. Recently saw a whole small pack of several birds. They sang fun and flew from place to place between old dry trees.

There are many other birds, to figure out among which I am not able to: preams, slavs. And many other birds are more modest plumage, but no less useful than their beautiful fellow.


If you saw a noisy flock of small (size from the squorter) of beautiful birds with a yellow shirt on my head on my head. Below photo and Description Sweet. However, without a description, it is easy to guess. Taurus fisheli gray brown with raspberry inserts on wings and yellow abdomen.

On the head of the bird there is a small hooker from the elongated feathers yellowish in the solar beams of the shade, and the tip of the tail is unnaturally short, like chopped with a yellow stripe at the end. The bird of Svistle periodically lifts his shoes, it presses to the back of the head.

How it is correctly called a bird with a kerching on the head.

Your name is the bird of Svistel received
For unusual singing, sharply with overflows whistles, although it can output and more melodic, murdering as the streams trill. And in our country, the Svristelle is called gentle-"éylochka" or "izheloma" for the love of mistletoe berries, and the French and Germans are called Svistel for the beauty of the plumage not otherwise as an exchanger and silk-tightened singer.

But the bird was glorified by no singing and not beauty, but with love for rowan berries. Seeing a bush, a flock of birds, losing all caution, with greed attacked on the Ryabina berries, going to them without a measure, this often uses birds, covering the entire flock with a mesh with a lion.

Only here for the sake of beautiful singing, the exterior to keep it useless, although she gets used to captivity she quickly, but the singing from the waves will not wait, at least whistle to hear.

Sweetsels, of course, can, the birds are familiar to living in a pack, only for the family budget is obligated. As conventional patriot birds Sweetsels do not feed the grain, she gives the berry, and they eat berries, they without measure, of course, it is not necessary to feed Ryabina's wax, in nature, it feeds on a viburnum, lingonberry, mistletoe, of course, only food for insectivore birds even more expensive.

Living in the forest, there are very often in the winter in winter appearing within the city, while the birds are very close to themselves, as if admiring themselves. They are unnaturally loud chirping with a loud whistle, naturally attracts attention.

The cause of such behavior birds with a hokholki on the head of loving rowan It lies in the rowan berries, while staying for a long time on the bushes, they roam, turning into alcohol, like the birds like it. Ryabina's berries, there are often losing coordination, fighting on the walls and various obstacles are fighting, and sometimes they cannot fly away at all, becoming easy cats.

There are birds from such love with a hokholk to rowan berries and benefits, there are more berries that they need to feed, with the litter they exit practically as well and the spring transferred for many kilometers of rowan seeds give life to new plants.

Like all birds living in the forest enemies of birds with a hokholcom (Smashels) are, and who not only ruin the nests, but also catch adult birds.

There is another bird with a horsepower eating rowan berries. This is called the mock, here is her photo.

Forest bird with a hokholk on the head of the mock.

Bird Cardinal also has a jacket on his head - a photo.

But, and the Bird Cardinal in general, the rowan berries does not eat, although it also wears a very elegant red shochor.

Forest Bird with Khokholcom on the head

Next video movie for children - where there lives the wax.

Schegol is one of the most brightly painted pattering birds. Red "mask" on the head, black wings with wide bright yellow stripes, brown back and white abdomen give him an exceptionally elegant look. In addition, he has a very beautiful, voice voice. For this, the shcheglov is often called European parrots.

Schies always briefly and mobile, they do not sit alone alone, all the time they spread and jump on bushes or on the branches of trees, trailers down their heads to their loved ones because of the seeds of the reniki cones, often come to each other; With quarrels, the fuses publish sharp venisive sounds.

The life of most birds from the kind of shcheglov is associated with wood and shrub vegetation.

Many bird lovers prefer to keep scokes as domestic birds. Along with Chizhi, the fuses are the most popular indoor birds of our latitudes. Schegol - one of the most intelligent patriot birds. He calmly tends to fly into his hand for feed, flies freely from the cage and returns back. It was the scoop that they use in all sorts of tricks, catching it to pull out the fortune-talking tickets "for happiness".

In our present photo file, we, together with Viktor Kozlovsky, go on the photo octot behind these beautiful birds ...

In the plumage from the fifteen five bright colors: yellow on the wings, red and black on the head, white on the trouser, cheeks, neck and backbone, brick back and two spies of the same color on the breast. Handsome, what to say!

In most cases, the shcheglov can be seen with the packs of walkers of the birds in winter, and it is quite difficult to get to them. It is worth one of the birds to drag or fly, as the whole flock follows it.

The fuses belong to the reulting family and feed on plant seeds. It may be horse sorrel, winged, wormwood, but most of all they like the burden. Having discovered him in the wasteland, the flock every day in winter visits to seeds, spitting his spiny cones.

In the spring, the chokes appear chicks. From the bright coloring of chicks at this age, there are only yellow feathers on the wings, the rest of the coloring is rude spots scattered throughout the body, and a pair of black fly feathers on the wings.

Here is one or two chicks flying at one of the parents, and when those fall into the grass to search for food, chicks are sitting on the nearest tree and carefully watch them. Adults are fine and see them so much, but chicks are constantly reminded of their hungry cries. Favoring and catching any animal, the parent flies to her tree to the chick.

The usual at that time feeds are caterpillars, larvae, small butterflies. The seal immediately begins to tremble with wings, causing it to feed it, while taking incredible postures near the parents, right up to his whisening on the branch upside down, just to elapse feed it first. Sometimes adults arrive into the crown of the tree and already from there call the chicks to pieces to them, forcing them to peck out from the branch of the branch, training wings, as well as hiding from all sorts of enemies.

Parental instinct for feeding chicks after departure from the nest continued for about two weeks. When the chicks became completely independent, parents started the second masonry in early July.

Schies - beautiful parents. Many children stay alongside their parents with their families.

The fuses construct the nests of the semi-shaped shape, woven from thin plants and lined up from the inside the fastener and the hair of animals. The nests are located at almost the end of thin long branches, are perfectly disguised and practically not available for terrestrial predators.

The bird's world of the Moscow region is diverse. So much that many do not even suspect. Today we will tell about what birds there are Moscow region, and also imagine their chic photos and a brief description.

Stork white is a large bird that lives predominantly in marsh localities.

Stork black - a rare species that came to the Red Book of many countries, including RB, RF and Ukraine.

Cormorant big is a huge part that can dive under water.

Pooban - a representative of the predatory species belonging to the Family Family.

Bekas is a small representative of the bird world with a long and very sharp beak.

Berkut is the largest eagle.

The bummmatch of the North - refers to the family of recycling. Is a migratory.

Burgomaster, or a gull large polar - one of the types of chap.

Waldshnep - asocial animal. Prefers to hide from human eye. Active at night.

Varakushka is a small, somewhat more than an ordinary sparrow.

Veretnik Large is one of the favorite birds of hunters.

Veretnick Small - externally similar to the Bolshoi Veretnik, only with shorter legs.

Verticheka is a relative of Dyatlov, but his behavior is more like a sparrow.

House Sparrow is the most common view of Sparrow.

Sparrow field - unlike a house sparrow, independent of man.

Raven - very careful, easily move on the ground.

Crow gray is one of the most recognizable birds of the Moscow region.

Make a big - today in the suburbs refers to the endangered species.

Night small, or the top - is the most small heron.

Vilia, or woven - one of the types of pigeons.

Gagara Redsoba is the smallest of a kind.

Gagara Chernozema is the most common type of Gahar.

Hairchka Borogol, or Pukhlyak - prefers to dwell in coniferous forests.

Gaichery serogol - less than a puffy and a black hawk.

Chernogol gaucker, or marsh - live and moving bird, a little less sparrow.

Galka is one of the smallest representatives of the vane.

Sicksturian - refers to migratory species. A small, slightly larger sparrow.

Garshnepe - Little Bekasik weighing up to 45 grams.

The Ceremaker is a very large pheasant who received his nickname due to loss of vigilance during the marriage period.

Gogol is a small duck duck.

The pigeon is gray - has awesome eyesight. Some of the species that domesticated man.

Garichvosta Garden, or Gorichvostka-Lysushka - most often live in gardens and parks.

Gorichvostka-Chernushka - has a dark plumage and in size a little less sparrow.

Ring of Rocky - a representative of the family of pigeons. It has a characteristic ring on the neck.

Small Gorusta - a small bird with a long tail, a family of pigeons.

Ordinance ordinary - a small bird of family pigeons.

Grach is a representative of the vane. The length of the body does not reach 50 cm.

Mijorrow is a small kulik belonging to the Bekas family.

Gumennik - waterfowl of the duck family.

Goose white - very similar to the gray goose, however, it has smaller dimensions.

Gray Gray is one of the most popular wild geese.

Derbnik - a very rare view. Predatory Falcon.

Shrimba - a small bird weighing up to 140 g.

Drozhda singing - the middle bird in length is up to 25 cm.

Drozd Chernozey - refers to singers. Singing slow, leisurely.

Drozd is black - the singing bird, which is found both in the villages and in the cities.

Drose-Belobrovik is the smallest thrush and the most common bird of its species in the post-Soviet space.

Drozd-Rubberbon is a rather large part with a gray head color.

Drop, or Dudak - the most severe flying birds.

Dubonos - a small bird with a huge beak.

Dubrovnik - small, refers to the family of oatmeal.

Dupel is a small abasy with a long and massive beak.

Woodpecine white - the largest of the family of Dyatlovy.

Woodpecker is a big motley, or the woodpecker is a motley - one of the most famous representatives of his family.

Woodpecker green - dwells to a greater extent in the western part of Eurasia. Russia is rarely found in Russia.

Woodpecker Small motley - the smallest representative of his family.

Woodel gray, or gray-headed - winter leads a nomadic lifestyle, prefers a forest area.

Syrian Woodpecker - previously attended only in the Middle East, but over time he swallowed to Europe. The average motioned, or the spill-up - a small bird of family dyatlovy.

Woodpecker Threepal - a characteristic feature is a yellow spot on the head.

Woodpecker black, or desire - one of the largest representatives of his kind.

Flashlights are white - movable and small larks.

Lark Forest, or Yula - a small bird of brown color.

Lark Field - are known for their loud and melodic singing.

Larks horned - typical larks, however, with characteristic "horns" on the head.

Stopna larders - a well-singing small bird.

Lark black - a small bird to 21 cm long.

Crane gray - a large bird with a body weight up to 6 kg.

Forest wrestling is the most common type of family.

Siberian curl - a little less sparrow. The length of the body does not exceed 17 cm.

Zaryanka is a pretty bird resembling a ball.

Growstone ordinary - flies like a volatile mouse, jumping with both legs.

Ordinary moonfound is a bit larger than sparrow. It has a relatively big beak.

Smereyad - parents feed their chicks mostly snakes, despite the fact that their diet is very wide.

Small heaven - prefers to dwell on the shores of lakes and rivers.

Finch - small sizes, slightly less sparrow.

Oriole - has a yellow-black plumage and slightly extended body structure.

Babe Casher - Until recently, this goose was considered a very rare species.

Casary Canadian - a variety of goose. It stands out among its relatives shorter neck.

The Krascarka Krasnokaya is a small goose with a thick neck and a short beak.

Casarka Black is the smallest representative of the genus of the Case.

Kair Thuskeeping, or short-binding - a sea bird, very reminding his penguin.

Kamenka ordinary is not a night bird. Prefers to act in the afternoon.

Kohneshharka - a small abacus up to 23 cm long.

Movement, or water chicken - a small marsh chicken, similar to a pigeon.

Marsh replacement - a small bird with a length of up to 13 cm.

Kamyshivka sparkling - singing migratory bird.

Kamyshivka Drozdovoid - body length reaches 19 cm.

Kamyshivka Garden - a small bird to 17 cm long.

Reed reed - small, refers to singers.

Kamyshivka-Barscake - a small bird (up to 13 cm in length) of the genus real replacement.

Kinuk Mokhnogogo, or Zimnyak - a large representative of the family of hawk. Body weight up to 1300 grams.

Canyuk ordinary, or Sarych - distributed throughout Europe. Prefers a wooded area.

Caparage - Bird of the IBIS family. Nests in thick thickets next to other birds.

Kvakva - belongs to the alert family, although it is not very similar to them very much.

Kedrovka, or nuts - a very unusual look. In Tomsk, she even put a monument.

Crested white - reaches a length of up to 16 cm.

Klest-Yelovik - has a powerful beak with intersecting tips.

Klest-Sosnovik - live in coniferous and pine forests.

Clintuh is a close relative of the pigeon. The asocial scope that calms down and hides in the bushes when man or large animals appears.

Clums are a large seagull living on the northern shores of Russia.

The cluster is East, or Halei - taxonomically brought closer with the clubs.

Cobchik - small, predatory falcon.

The goat is ordinary - active with the onset of the night. Refers to predators.

Kind is red - a small part of up to 15 cm long.

Konk Lesnoy - refers to the family of the shaking, a little less than a sparrow.

Konk meadow - prefers nest on meadows and pastures.

Konk field - feed insects, which are collected on Earth.

Conduct - Bird feeds on cannabis grains, hence her nickname.

The king of yellowogol is the smallest bird in Russia.

Corode, or Dergach - belongs to the shepherd family. It dwells in thick shrubs and high herbs.

Korshun is black - the predatory representative of the family of hawk.

The wretchedness, or nut, hazel - very movable, sings loudly.

Red-bike - small abasyk up to 20 cm long.

Prachok blonde - insectivorous, feeds not only near the lakes, as many believe.

Pokhok white - the most omnivorous among all the tales.

Small paint is one of the smallest in the family of girlfriends.

Prachock Pepling - about 40 cm long, body weight from 200 to 300 grams.

River's paint - feeds mainly, diving into the water and catching the fish there.

Crack black - small paint to 25 cm long.

Greet - very hardy, predatory bird.

Kropshnep Big - Big Bekas Weighing up to 1 kg.

Craneshnepe Middle - Medium Bekas with body weight up to 600 g

Krochal Big is the most common and largest crochal.

Crochal long-axis, or medium - diving duck.

Kryakva is one of the most common types of its family.

Cuckoo deaf - outwardly and habits are very similar to the ordinary cuckoo.

Ordinary cuckoo is the most common and known view of its family.

Kush, or Ronja - her nickname occurred from the sound she publishes.

Kulik-Sparrow - belongs to the genus of sandplaes. It is one of the smallest representatives of the family.

Quick-forty - a large quillee with orange beak and black wings.

Swallow coast, or coast - is a migratory. It lives throughout Europe and most of the Russian Federation.

Swallow urban, or funnels - like a SIZY Dove originally dwell in the rocky area, but over time he adapted to urban conditions.

Swallow rustic, or linker - has a characteristic long tail in the form of a fork.

Swan small, or tundra - one of the subspecies of the American swan.

Swan-Clikun - in Finland is considered the national symbol of the country.

Swan-Shipun is one of the largest swans, and according to many experts, one of its most beautiful in its kind.

Moscow is a small, energetic bird of the family of Sincets.

Muholovka Small - tiny bird of the family of flutter. Weight does not exceed 11

Flycut gray is the most social bird from the entire family.

Oatmeal reed, or reed - dwells in thickets near the lakes.

Oatmeal ordinary - predominantly graining bird.

Oatmeal Garden - a small bird of genus real oatmeal.

Oatmeal-crumb - a small part of the mass of the body that does not exceed 15 g.

Remez oatmeal - has a motley color, which allows it to allocate among conifers in the family.

Peganka - occupies an intermediate link between ducks and geese.

Pelican pink is a huge waterfowl of the pelican family.

Green foam - prefers to dwell in forest aroles and near the rivers.

Korolkaya foam - a tiny songbird whose mass does not exceed 7 g.

Petrocho-pretties - like her relatives prefers to dwell in parks, forests and gardens.

Petrochka Znainka, or Zarnishka - the smallest of nesting foals in the suburbs.

Foam-Tenkovka - Built its nest in the form of a shalashik on Earth or in hemp.

Pretch-rattling - refers to migratory species.

The carrier is a migratory becas with a lark size.

Quail - previously used as mining, like a singing bird and as an animal for battles.

Movement green is a migratory view that winter in Africa.

Sandcheck white-baked - pekas size from sparrow.

Sand and Icelandic - Small Bekas with a very short neck.

Peschanka - Bekas, one of the most northern breeding birds.

Piskulka is a small goose, brought into the Red Book.

Easy food - a small individual with a curved beak.

Floaber Common - Small Swamp Bekas.

Common crawler - dwells in gardens, parks and forests.

Tempoir - Bekas with long legs and yellow beak.

Rzhanka Golden - it dwells preferably on the swamps.

Rybikchik - a small pheasant, whose weight rarely exceeds 0.5 kg.

The tit is big - in the wild, it is found everywhere, but most often on the shores of the reservoirs and in the open locality.

The tit is long-tailed, or a width is the most common view of long-tailed either.

Tatten's tit is the only one in the family and the family of the saturated sinicles.

Cyntion Crested, or Grenadeta - the Grenader received his nickname thanks to his Khokholku, who reminds the cap.

Singang - a large duck mass until 1400 g.

Sip White - a major predator of the family of hawk.

Skzorten ordinary - very reminds black thrills, but unlike them goes on the ground, and does not jump.

Skzorets pink - has a pink beak, which is more powerful than the ordinary starches.

Slavka Sadovaya - a small bird with a mass of body up to 22

Slavka gray - is the singement itself in his family.

Slant Chernogol - a small bird with a body length up to 15 cm.

Slavka is hawk - is one of the largest representatives of a kind.

Slavka-Write, or mill, prefers nest in the branches of coniferous trees.

Bullfinch is a small bird, in size slightly more than sparrow.

Snegir gray - unlike the usual bullfin, the plumage of gray does not have a red color.

Owl white, or polar - large bird. Oddly enough, females are much more males, both by weight and in size.

Bolotnaya owl - in some countries it is under guard.

Owl eared - in the wild lives up to 10 years, but at home can live up to 40 years.

Owl is hawk - the queen of forests of the northern part of Eurasia.

Soyuka - is distinguished by his bright plumage, because of what, presumably, received its name to "shine".

Nightingale ordinary, or East - one of the most famous singers among birds.

Forty - during molting sharply becomes asocial, hiding from people and large animals.

Strege black is the most common representative of a kind.

The owl of the house is a predatory bird that is often settled in human homes.

The owl of Mokhnogo-legged is a large owl with a pronounced facial disk.

Sparrows raw - very small owl.

Tetrayev - settles on forest edges, along the edge of the forest, in the valleys of large rivers.

Wagtail White - a small representative of the family of shaking.

The yellow is yellow - has a very long tail, which constantly swings from side to side.

The shaking is yellowocholate, or a small yellow-headed - a small bird to 17 cm long.

Udod is a unique bird with a long beak and characteristic Iroquois.

Great Street - Big Bekas with a fairly powerful beak.

Seryly duck - is one of the most common wild ducks.

Pheasant - in the wild, males live alone, in domesticated form they do not differ from the roosters.

Filin is a predatory owl, brought into the Red Book.

Heron is a big white - a big Heron with a shaped neck.

Heron gray - long-legged and long-haired bird.

Chernogol seagull - beautiful seagull with white torso and black head.

Cheglock is a small predatory falcon.

Chizh - they are often kept in cells for their singing.

On this page I collected photos of birds similar to the blue. What for? It often happens, settled on the bird site, sings in the morning, pleases singing, and what the name is "one God knows." So we come up with our nicknamed them, and even more often they saw blue color in the plumage and called the pan, but in fact only the units of the cinecoys have in their color blue.

Tit and Zaryanka

Perhaps someone is useful to determine the name of the feathered friend. So - birds look like a lot of blue, here's photos some of them.

Lazorovka is also a tit, living on the swamps and shores of the reservoirs, where builds its nests in the thickets of shrubs and reasons. Snow-white plumage, a blue tail, a gray back with blue wings, in the people of this bird is called no other than the princess. Unlike other dogs, there is a settling lifestyle, and even in the winter time it cares in the area of \u200b\u200bhis nest.

Bird Malinovka or Zaryanka.

In the commoner, it is called a dawn, Zoryanka, Olshanka. She is also looks like a blue. In the color of the charge, gray-greenish color dominates. It is a white abdomen, redhead, chest and sides. Some different from the cinemas longer legs. Barbish bird Unlike other earthen birds. Prefers to live in deciduous forests, meets in parks and gardens, the main thing is to be near the reservoir. Robin Heroine of many children and not only stories And even legends.

Preamn - small birds with slender buildings. Looks like more on the bird, than on the blue, compared to it, the foam is longer than foot and shorter tail, but still they are often confused with the tit. The plumage is yellow-green or brown, foams live in deciduous and coniferous forests and even in shrubs, while the nests of the foam are built not only on trees, but also on Earth.

And on this. Preamy ratchet singing looks like a dictator of a working sewing machine, for which it is so actually ordered.

Salt the frequent guest of gardens and parks of settlements, nests in mixed forests, I wonder what to look for food cramps can even upside down - this is his business card. The color of the bird strongly depends on its place of habitat, while in the fastening of the crash there are always shades of bluish-gray. Apparently so it and confused with blue.

Varakushka Bird is less than a regular sparrow. Coloring on the back of brown, the ability of red, neck and goiter blue, in the males with a reddish spot in the middle, although there may be no stain. Blue color from bottom bordered with gray and red rings across the chest. Female of this birds like a blue Often without blue and red color. Varakushka shams on river floors, streams of streams, lakes shores. Nests on the ground, and the nests are from the grass, looking outside with moss.

Chernogol and burient gallops.

This bird similar to the Blue Sparrow, with a nonsense appearance, and yet quite noticeable. In the summer, it is holding around the nesting with couples, in winter, like other sitsy, is knocked in flocks with Ladades, Moscows, rags.

burogol Gaiche

Outwardly different from the blue, with the exception of its closest relatives of the Bohol and serogol gall.

Chernogol Haigher sings wonderful. This bird has another feature that distinguishes it from - it makes winter stocks.


But her relative Burogol Gaichka, on the contrary, made friends with a man and even feeds on his food residues.

Bird green.

The color of the plumage in the greenstock olive-brown, on the back of the dark strokes, on the lower back the yellow shade, like in other cells. From all the blue is fundamentally differentreminiscent of more flight than birds. It makes arcs in the air, and in front of the landing in the air, and sharply takes off up, makes a large height of several circles, and then dives down with folded wings.

Chinese rem.

Chinese remosis is also a relative of the blue. Gray head with black carnival mask, red-brown spin. Young birds have a black mask yet. It seems to me that he even looks like a male in color than on the blue. Remez chooses for housing overgrown banks, lakes or swamps.

Implanka or repol.

The plumage of the male - the dark, the forehead and chest of bright red, the back of the brownish, abdomen and the beer white. The female repolov in the plumage is absent red. Conducting gardens inhabiting gardens, arranging nests in the living hedges, protective wood and shrub plantings, swords of meadows and forest edges.

Conducting or repove of all the sinitsa is considered the only true migratory birdTrue, living in the south, also leads a settled, but more often still a rumor lifestyle. This bird is the most noteworthy of the sinicles and not because of the color, the canople males loves to sing sitting on the top of the trees, on the wires and even on the fence, as you won't notice it.

Bird of the kings.

This bird similar to the blue lives throughout Europe to the Far North and the whole of Asia to the Amur Region. Prefers coniferous, especially pine forests. The kolkom nicked her behind the yellow or orange crown on the head. It is easy to distinguish the female of the bird's bird from the male, in the female she is yellow in the male orange. But the rest of the plumage is very similar to the cinemas, especially the green.

Bird of Moscow.

Despite the name with Moscow, it neither is not connected, because not only cities, but also avoiding settlements. True, in the cold winters, still descends from the mountains in the valley or, moving to the south, setting in the gardens and parks, where it can be seen near the feeders. On the head, the heads of the head are sometimes elongated in the Khokholok, especially in southern subspecies.

Usatny Tit.

Her photo completes our story about birds similar to the blue. The plumage of the sucked tit is more often brown, yellow-brown. The male has a bluish head color with a white throat and black wedges on both sides of the beak, that is why the blue was nicknamed. Meanwhile, on DNA, scientists make such both for birds, the nearest relatives of the Usatny Tits.

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