Reflex therapy. Reflexology in the treatment of neurological disorders

Reflexology has existed for millennia. We can say that two, and it can be that one hundred thousand years.

Reflexology method has overgrown with legends and superstitions, but it is used to treat diseases, chronic and in the acute stage, and hundreds of scientific journals devoted to reflexology are published all over the world.

So what is reflexology and when did it start? In the 3rd century BC. in the Chinese book "Nei Ching" in the form of a dialogue between the emperor and his court physician was described method of treatment "zhen-tszyu"... It is believed that the reflexology method is based on five thousand years of experience.

It consists in strengthening and healing the organs and systems of the body by stimulating certain points on the body. The dots could have been discovered by the ancients on the basis of their pain in diseases.

It was believed that punctures of the skin with needles reveal exit holes disease-causing beginnings. And when patterns were found in the location of the points, they were combined along lines called channels.

The method is used to treat many diseases. How could a method originate, suggesting that diseases can be cured by acting on selected points of the human body? Exist ancient legendthat once one of the subjects of the Chinese emperor suffered from a headache and, accidentally injuring himself in the leg, got rid of the pain.

And then founder of the method I tried to influence various points in various diseases, his followers for thousands of years have accumulated and generalized experience, recorded it in writing, and now we have clear recommendations for treatment through reflexology.

All these legends and legends are beautifulbut hardly convincing when taken critically. A peasant who cured his headache from accidentally dropping a stone at the desired point of the desired meridian had to repeatedly drop the stone at the same place, and even pick up other points, because one session and one point is not enough for healing.

And it is not a fact that the method was discovered in China. About the active areas of the body and the effect of medicinal purposes on the points is said in one of the ancient Egyptian papyri. Moxibustion was widespread during the time of the ancient Greek healer and physician Hippocrates. The toolkit of the ancient Greek doctor included a set of needles; however, we do not know their exact purpose.

Merit of China rather, in preserving the method and bringing it unchanged to our time. This was facilitated by the preservation of statehood for 30 centuries, the assimilation and transformation of all conquerors into Chinese, of whom there were many during this time, and, most importantly, a written record of everything that happened and observed.

Reflexotherapy reached Russia. After the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century, through the Byzantine healing books, the advice came to conduct "Pinpoint burning" special needles. The developed method of acupuncture reaches Europe in the 17th century.

The golden time of reflexology fell on China 10-14 centuries... Reflexology received state support, government institutions were organized for treatment.

And in times "Cultural revolution"When, with a shortage of qualified doctors, “barefoot doctors” were in demand, soldiers, high school students and peasants began to teach some skills in acupuncture and moxibustion.

In modern times, numerous attempts are being made to substantiate the ancient practice of reflexology with morphological, physiological and other scientific studies. Despite individual successes, no decisive breakthrough was made in the study, and reflexology has always evoked protests from representatives "Chemical" medicine.

So what are the basic concepts of reflexology? Let's make a reservation right away that these concepts no analogues in modern scientific medicine, or the existing analogies are very weak. So:

  • the body is a derivative of Chi energy (or prana according to the ideas of traditional Indian medicine);
  • in a healthy body, Chi circulates correctly, and disease is a circulation disorder;
  • chi energy moves through 14 channels;
  • active points are located on the channels;
  • energy circulates through the channels rhythmically, in accordance with hourly, daily, monthly, annual and longer cycles;
  • channels are associated with specific organs and body functions.

Attempts to translate the above into modern concepts end in failure. And, quite rightly, it is believed that finding answers and analogies within the framework of modern medicine impossible.

Reflexology in its most ancient form - acupuncture, arose on the basis of the ancient philosophical concepts of Wu-Xing and Yin-Yang. The concept of Wu Xing is earlier, arose on the basis of the concept of five elements (wind, heat, humidity, dryness, cold) and five primary elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water).

The relationship between five primary elements explain the relationship between the external environment and the body, pathology and physiology of the human body.

The rule is based on the concept of Wu Xing mother-son treatmentallowing to regulate the flow of Chi energy in the channel with disturbed energy. The primary element "mother" transfers energy, and the primary element "son" perceives this energy.

Yin and Yang Teaching - the most important position of the ancient systems of the world. Literally Yang means the illuminated part of the mountain, and Yin means its shadow. Everything in the world is due to the constant transformation of Yang and Yin. Yang is masculine, active, and Yin is feminine, passive.

In a person, according to Chinese tradition, there are 6 yang organs (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gallbladder, bladder, triple heater) and 6 yin organs (liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen-pancreas, ruler of the heart).

Of the listed 12 organs, 10 us well known, and the triple heater and the ruler of the heart (or pericardium) have no analogies in scientific physiology. These two channels are likened to the Sun and the Moon.

Physical health of a person is determined mainly Yin organs... But in any Yane organ there is an element of Yang, and vice versa. Over time, the concepts of Wu Xing and Yin Yang began to form a single whole. Metal and water were attributed to Yin, fire and wood to Yang, and earth was considered the turning point between Yin and Yang.

Primary elements - symbols of the components of the material world and movement: tree - growth, fire - activity, earth - the center of cyclic movement, metal - decline, water - passive force. The following sequence of stimulation of primary elements has been established: wood generates fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, metal - water, water - wood.

The rule of communication and interaction of primary elements and internal organs of a person is based on the method of choosing points of influence and their combinations for treatment within wu Xing teachings... Suppose a liver disease needs to be cured. First of all, it is necessary to stimulate the points of the liver canal with reflexology.

To enhance excitation of the liver canal can additionally irritate the points of the bladder canal (the preceding link), and to enhance the inhibitory effect - the points of the small intestine canal (subsequent link) or the point of the colon canal.

Developed system helps reflexologists, since when choosing a non-ideal option for choosing points for treatment, the selected option, nevertheless, is often useful, since errors are extinguished, and the positive effects are enhanced by the system design.

Treatment can be based on any principle, but it is better to combine principles to achieve the greatest effect. Various reflexology methods with the right choice points of influence are successfully used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, blood circulation, nervous system, organs of movement, ear, throat, nose, eye, skin and gynecological.

Teaching about points and channels

In classical anatomy and physiology, the concept never existed points and channels... The classics of reflexology claim that there are 360 \u200b\u200bpoints on the human body, or 720 points, taking into account the symmetry of the human body.

These points were discovered 5000 years ago, and their existence is usually confirmed by the presence therapeutic effect their application. But the healing effect can also be explained by time and care.

A decrease in electrical resistance of the skin at points, some authors insist that a decrease in electrical resistance is also observed along the channels.

A number of authors believe that the channel system should be abandoned, objectively there are only points. It is also possible that, if desired, using a sensitive device, one can detect at least 10.000 points.

Formation of point systems reflexology begins in the human embryo and proceeds in parallel with the formation of internal tissues and organs. At the same time, a connection is established between the points of reflexology and the internal organs, which allows by influencing the points to influence the internal organs. This relationship is finally formed by the time a new person is born.

Channels in Chinese are literally called "Lines with dots", in the European tradition they are called meridians. Each channel refers to one of five elements, but each channel contains points that are associated with each of the elements, and these points are located on the hands and feet.

Among the points of any channel there are so-called main pointsranging from hand to elbow and from foot to knee. The main points are assigned certain functions - tonic, sedative, stabilizing, "accomplices", "heralds", "successes" and pain relievers.

Herald dots, performing the function of signaling, correspond to the Zakharyin-Ged zones discovered at the end of the 19th century in Russia and England.

The number of points on a certain channel looks arbitrary and is not explained by anything. In addition to the points combined into channels, there are about 150 out-of-channel points... Such points exist on the auricle, where the correspondence of points to the projections of all parts of the body is revealed.

Out-of-channel points are found in the nasal cavity and in the oral cavity. Such points and zones of all organs are also found on the foot and hand. Extrachannel points are most likely not points, but zones localized around the joints, their purpose is extraorganic connections.

The method developed if in the 2nd century it was made bronze statue with dotsunited in 12 external paired canals, then after another 200 years, 2 median canals were added to them. The middle channels belong to the fire system, one of them is Yang, the other is Yin.

On this finding the channels not finished, they continued to search and find them. To the 12 main channels (or meridians) were added 8 extraordinary, or "miraculous" channels, and more muscle, diverging and connecting.

Until now, none of the supporters or opponents of the presence or absence meridians-channels-lines I could not finally confirm my point of view.

Reflexology methods

Reflexology Is a collective term for a variety of medical techniques, which include acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, cupping therapy, application of plates, electroreflexotherapy, magnetopuncture, laser reflexology, apireflexotherapy.

Reflexology method modern science refers to alternative medicine, and it is successfully combined with traditional treatment.

Acupuncture (acupuncture)

The usefulness of acupuncture is recognized in almost all countries, and it is used to treat many diseases. With acupuncture needles from various metals and alloys are inserted into active points - gold, silver, stainless steel.

The ends of the needles are sharp, the presence of burrs is not allowed, but the needles cannot be too sharp, because in this case, tissue may be injured.

The needles are inserted in the patient's sitting position, lying on their back, lying on their stomach, lying on their side. The needle is inserted both hands simultaneously - the needle is held with the right hand, and the pressure is applied with the left.

The needle can be inserted perpendicularly, obliquely at an angle of 45 °, or horizontally (the angle of introduction is 10-15 ° to the surface). After inserting the needle to the required depth (in old people and weak patients the pricking is superficial, and in strong patients it is deeper), measures are taken for the “arrival of Chi”.

it puncturing (the needle "bites" the point), rotation, pressure and massage, pulling, scratching, shaking, fast rotation left and right 3 times, shaking.

The needle can be left in the body the patient for a period of 10 to 30 minutes, within the limit of up to two hours. Upon completion of the procedure, the needle is removed, after which pressure is applied to the point to prevent bleeding.


Moxibustion consists in the effect of heat on the active point. Moxibustion is used in conjunction with acupuncture, they complement each other perfectly. Moxibustion with moxa cones and moxa cigarettes is used.

Moxa wool Is a dried milled wormwood powder.

Sometimes in moxa cigarettes special additives are introduced. There is also a method for warming up already inserted needles.


A massage effect is used on the points of reflexology without violating the integrity of the skin. Massage of individual points is called point massage, along the course of the canals, superficial. Traditional massage involves a combination of acupressure and surface massage. The therapeutic effect is similar to that of segmental massage on Zakharyin-Ged zones.

Vacuum reflexology (cupping therapy)

act on acupuncture points through negative atmospheric pressure.

Sometimes banks are combined with bloodletting, the jar is placed after the bloodletting.

Applique metal plates

The method is applied if the patient is afraid of acupuncture, when treating debilitated patients, as well as if the point of action is near a wound or a large blood vessel. It is used to treat children and pregnant women, the elderly.

Healing plates - these are polished metal circles with a diameter of 2-15 mm made of gold, silver, stainless steel or red copper. The circles are superimposed on the points and fixed with an adhesive plaster.

It is believed that the presence of a hole with a diameter of 0.2-0.7 mm in the plate increases the effect of the impact. Plates overlap for 3-5 days, after which a break is made for two days.

Next overlay plates for 3 days from a different metal. Instead of applying metal plates, applications of foil, mustard plaster or pepper plaster are also used.

Is the impact on active points with electric current. Back in 1796, it was proposed to enhance the effect of acupuncture with static electricity.

Distinguish electroacupuncture - exposure to electric current through an inserted needle, and electropuncture - exposure to electric current through an imposed cutaneous electrode.

Electropuncture is painless, sterile and strictly dosed. The stimulating effect is achieved by passing a current for one minute through the selected point with a polarity reversal every 10 seconds.

Braking effect is achieved by passing current for 3-6 minutes with polarity reversal every 40 seconds. DC voltage from 1 to 9 volts, current flow of the order of 10-250 μA. A painful reaction at such currents is completely excluded.


With magnetopuncture the points are influenced by a magnetic field, constant or variable. It is assumed that the south magnetic pole relieves pain, and the north one activates the organ.

Laser and apireflexotherapy

In laser reflexology, the points are exposed to pulsed radiation from a low-power laser. And with apireflexotherapy, the effect on the points occurs bee stings.

Contraindications to the procedure


to reflexology are:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • general depletion of the body;
  • high temperature;
  • infancy;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental agitation;
  • state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • venous thrombus formation in the acute stage.

Also, impacts are not carried out on days with the appointment of other procedures (UVL irradiation, X-ray therapy, ultrasound, etc.).

Reflexology method is effective with the right selection active points of influence. At the same time, the system is protected from some errors in the selection of points, since if the principles of selection of points are observed, errors are extinguished, and the positive effects are enhanced.

How is the treatment with reflexology, see the video:

Reflex therapy (reflexology) is an ancient teaching that allows us to exert a physical influence on specific parts of our body (reflexogenic points or acupuncture points). As a result of such stimulation, an impulse appears that enters certain nerve centers, after which they send this signal to the painful organ, thus creating an impetus to start the body's self-healing system.

This science includes a whole complex of very different techniques, which are based on non-drug, but mainly physical methods of influencing the corresponding parts of the body in order to cure various diseases.

This technique first appeared in China. The earliest information about it dates back to the fifth century BC. Even in those ancient times, people noticed that by acting in different ways on the affected parts of the body (burns, open wounds, bruises), it is possible to significantly alleviate a person's well-being, and sometimes even completely cure him of the disease.

This is how a whole medical system was formed, which was later called reflexology. This doctrine has absorbed the centuries-old experience of oriental doctors and today it has become widespread and worldwide recognized.

It should be noted that in European countries this practice found its application back in the seventeenth century of our era. But its rapid development began at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the American physician Fitzgerald discovered that if you press on specific areas of the body during massage, you can reduce or remove pain, and also improve the functioning of internal organs. He published his findings, describing in general terms the concept of the relationship between different parts of the body.

Fundamentals of therapy and the main condition for the effectiveness of reflex treatment

The judgments promulgated by Fitzgerald are based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe human body as an integral interconnected system, which means that a failure in one part of it entails a disruption in the functioning of another. The energy structure of the human body, which is made up of a set of different energy systems, is of great importance here.

During a reflexology session, the doctor selectively influences the reflex areas through which several power systems run, choosing the pressure force, the angle of exposure, and the duration of treatment. These energy systems interact with each other according to certain rules that determine the required ways of healing and regenerating the body.

Thus, various types of influence on bioactive currents make it possible to coordinate the functions of internal organs through exposure to the surface of the body, activating their work or, on the contrary, inhibiting hyperactivity.

Therefore, the main secret of the effectiveness of such treatment lies in the correctness of the determination of bioactive points, the order of their stimulation, as well as the method of action.

Theories of the mechanism of action of reflexology

Currently, there are many theories about the principles of reflexology action on the body. The most popular theories are:

  • Capillary theory. According to this theory, spot treatment helps relieve pain syndromes and qualitatively improves metabolic processes.
  • Tissue theory... It consists in the fact that reflexology activates the biological processes of the body.
  • Histamine theory... It is based on the fact that under the influence of active histamine metabolic processes are stimulated, and the body begins to strenuously resist diseases.

Many other theories are also known (ionic, flocculation, electrical), which are based on physical effects for medicinal purposes on the human nervous system, with the help of which there is a coordinating and trophic effect on damaged areas and impaired functions. This fact determines the versatility, versatility and breadth of use of reflex therapy in the treatment of various diseases.

Types of reflexology at the site of exposure

In accordance with the area of \u200b\u200bstimulation of various parts of the human body, different types of reflex therapy are distinguished:

  • corporal - stimulation of bioactive points on the body surface;
  • auriculotherapy - stimulation of reflexogenic points located on the auricles;
  • craniopuncture (scalp therapy or cerebral acupuncture) - impact on energy areas in the head area;
  • nasotherapy - irritation of points located in the nose;
  • spondypotherapy - pressure on specific areas in the spine;
  • glossotherapy - stimulation of bioactive points on the tongue;
  • pedo- and monotherapy - irritation of reflexogenic points on the feet and hands.

When is reflex treatment indicated?

There are a lot of areas in which reflexology can be used: neuropathology, anesthesiology, obstetric practice, ophthalmology, psychiatry, dentistry and others. This technique can be used either alone or in combination with drug treatment.

Reflexology has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • ailments of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • disorders of the urinary tract (cystitis, nephritis, prostatitis, etc.);
  • problems associated with gynecology (hormonal infertility, instability of the menstrual cycle, inflammation of the genitals, etc.);
  • various diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma);
  • allergic diseases (rhinitis, dermatitis, hay fever, urticaria and others);
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis);
  • abnormalities of the digestive organs (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, etc.);
  • various disorders of the central nervous system (neurosis, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, etc.).

In addition, reflex therapy is effective in obesity, insomnia, getting rid of alcohol addiction and craving for smoking. It helps to normalize hormonal activity, improve metabolic processes, can relieve various types of pain (headache, toothache, lumbar, etc.), as well as eliminate stuttering, enuresis or sexual disorders of psychogenic origin.

Reflex therapy methods

Depending on the form and severity of a particular disease, various methods of reflex treatment are used.

  1. ... This method is otherwise called, because it is based on the introduction of steel, gold or silver needles into the acupuncture points of the body. In most cases, this procedure does not cause painful sensations and contributes to the achievement of a soothing or tonic effect (this depends on the way the needle is inserted).
  2. - stimulation of acupuncture points with electric current. It can be used to eliminate pain or as an autonomous way of influencing points.
  3. - influence on reflexogenic points with the help of heat. This method is also called moxibustion, since most often it consists in using wormwood cigars.
  4. ... It involves the introduction of drugs at the points of exposure. This method gives positive results in the fight against excess weight, promotes rapid pain relief and muscle relaxation, improves overall blood supply.
  5. - stimulation of reflexogenic points using an alternating or constant magnetic field. This method is effective in relieving pain, eliminating the negative effects of stress and for prevention.
  6. ... Treatment is carried out by performing a special massage using special cups.
  7. Apireflexotherapy - stimulation of different parts of the body with bee stings.
  8. Phonopuncture - this principle is based on the directed action of ultrasound on acupuncture points.
  9. Heliopuncture - infrared irradiation of biologically active zones.

There are other globally recognized methods of reflexology, but perhaps the most demanded and effective today is acupuncture.

Contraindications to reflexology

Also, reflexology should not be combined with radiation therapy and treatment with narcotic and psychotropic drugs (in large doses). Since reflexology has a rather tangible effect on the entire body, it should not be used in infants, women in position and elderly people over 75 years old.

The benefits of reflexology

In the modern world, reflexology is both an effective and independent way of treating various diseases, and one of the integral parts of complex treatment.

It is recognized as an effective and efficient method in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, has a sparing, normalizing effect on the body, strengthens the immune system and significantly improves the quality of life.

Reflexotherapy helps to eliminate inflammatory processes, reduce pain, improves metabolic processes, launches the internal reserves of the body, helps to successfully fight bad habits, leads to rejuvenation of the body and increases efficiency.

In addition, having a minimum of contraindications, reflexology has no side effects and does not disturb important physiological functions of the body. Thanks to this, it can be practiced even at home.

The big advantage of this treatment is that reflexology not only removes symptoms, but also eliminates the very cause of the disease, providing long-term, stable results. In addition, the effect of the use of reflexology, as a rule, becomes noticeable rather quickly.

Reflexology is a collective concept that includes an extensive base of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for influencing the human body.

According to the teachings of acupuncture, there is a huge number of bioenergetic points on the human skin, which are connected by energy meridians. In total, 14 meridians and about 700 points are known, of which 150 are used for treatment.

Historical reference

It is difficult to name the exact time of the emergence of the doctrine of the methods of influencing biologically active points of the body. But on the surface of the body found in Italy, the mummy of the ice man (Oetzi), which is more than 5300 years old, found about 15 tattoos. Interestingly, their location corresponds to the points of modern acupuncture. This finding confirms the hypothesis that people at the junction of the Stone and Copper Ages already possessed knowledge in the field of acupuncture.

It is known that the impact on certain points of the skin was practiced by ancient peoples: the Incas, Romans and Egyptians.

In ancient China, acupuncture knowledge was transmitted orally until the 3rd century BC. e., then all the skills, philosophy and religious worldviews fell asleep to write down. Acupuncture reached its dawn in the 2nd century AD. e. and was popular not only in China, but also in India, Mongolia, Japan and other countries. Then there was a decline in interest in influencing active points and oblivion - the era of drug treatment began.

In the 16th century, missionaries introduced Europe to this method of alternative medicine, but there were no correct patterns of meridians and points, so acupuncture lost its appeal and was recognized as quackery.

We owe modern concepts and methods of reflexology to the American ENT doctor William Fitzgerald, who noticed the connection between the effects on certain zones, the reduction of local pain syndrome and the improvement of organ function.

During the examination, he divided the body into 10 vertical zones and highlighted the fact that the impact on one point heals the entire "responsible" zone.

Further research led Dr. Fitzgerald and his colleague Dr. Bowers to systematize all the data obtained and publish the theory of reflex zone therapy in 1917. The American doctor Riley became a follower in the study of reflexology, who focused his attention on the study of bioenergetic points of the foot.

A renewed interest occurred in the 1930s thanks to ongoing research and the replacement of lost data by the Chinese pediatrician Chen Dan'an.

In Russia, this technique has been actively used since the 1960s, when the government of the USSR ordered the study and development of acupuncture. Domestic physiotherapists have achieved success in using this method of treatment. By acting on active points, "healthy" vibrations can be restored and diseases can be cured by restoring normal energy flow throughout the body.

Reflexology methods

By the place of exposure

Auriculotherapy is the impact on the bioenergetic points of the auricle by pressure, needles and other methods. There are about 100 points on the surface of the auricle. Normally, they are all painless and do not differ from the surrounding tissues in appearance. When any disease appears, the point "responsible" for the affected organ, when exposed to it, responds with the occurrence of pain, and the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe point may also change: redness, pallor, peeling, swelling and other changes will appear.

Cranial acupuncture - impact on biologically active points of the head;

Pedopuncture - foot acupuncture;

Manopuncture - impact on the palm;

Periosteal acupuncture - the impact on the area of \u200b\u200bthe periosteum in the affected area in degenerative-dystrophic diseases and joint lesions;

Corporate reflexology - impact on bioenergetic points located on the body.

By the method of exposure

The impact on biologically active areas can be carried out using needles.

Acupuncture is an effect on the active points of the body by the penetration of silver, steel or gold needles into the skin. The choice of needle material depends on the desired effect.

Micro-acupuncture - impact on the points of the ear or body with needles, long exposure - up to 7-10 days.

Thermopuncture - exposure to certain areas of the skin with a heat source - a wormwood cone or a cigarette. There are the following methods: remote (warming up), burn (moxibustion up to I-III degree), thermo-acupuncture, applying mustard plasters, exposure to infrared light, steam.

Cryopuncture - exposure to cold points, including in conjunction with acupuncture (cryoigloreflexotherapy).

Acupressure is an acupressure massage performed with the pads of the fingers.

Electropuncture - hardware acupuncture using electrical stimulation.

Pharmacopuncture - the introduction of drugs into the area of \u200b\u200bbiologically active points.

Homeosiniatry is the introduction into the field of acupuncture of homeopathic preparations corresponding to the treatment of a certain pathology.

- carried out by sliding movements along the meridians or by creating a certain pressure by vacuum on specific points.

Surface acupuncture - the impact of smooth rollers, a bunch of needles or hammers with thorns.

Magnetopuncture - exposure to points with a constant magnetic field. Sometimes it is used in combination with cupping massage.

Tsuboreflexotherapy is a method common in Japan. It consists in pressing metal balls on the area of \u200b\u200bcertain points.

Application of plates made of different metals - gold, silver, zinc, copper, etc., depending on the desired effect and the existing disease. Prolonged exposure procedure - the selected plates are fixed on the human skin for 5 days.

Vibration massage - exposure to mechanical vibrations of a certain frequency for 20-30 minutes.

Other types of reflexology - microwave resonance reflexology, mixed techniques, implantation, etc.

The choice of a method for a particular person depends on many factors - his age, state of health, the presence of certain pathologies and conditions, the professionalism of the doctor conducting the procedure and the equipment of the reflexology room.


Reflexology is used for many diseases. However, the question of the possibility of its implementation is decided by the doctor.

Indications for reflexology procedures are:

  1. Dermatology and: diseases and defects of the skin;
  2. Excess body weight, cellulite;
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  4. Lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  5. Dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  6. Pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  7. Respiratory system diseases;
  8. Endocrine system lesions;
  9. Gynecological diseases;
  10. Damage to the central and peripheral nervous system;
  11. Mental illness;
  12. Dysfunction of ENT organs;
  13. Ophthalmic pathologies;
  14. and transferred diseases, as well as surgical interventions;
  15. In combination with other types of treatment to enhance the therapeutic effect of the therapy;
  16. Treatment of various addictions;
  17. Prevention of acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  18. Allergic conditions, dysfunction of the immune system;
  19. Psychological problems.


Reflexotherapy is characterized by good tolerance, pronounced therapeutic effect and a large number of therapeutic effects. But still this is a method of treatment, so you should not neglect the few contraindications available to it. These include:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Neoplastic formations;
  3. Diseases of the blood and a tendency to bleeding;
  4. Acute conditions and decompensation of chronic diseases;
  5. Cachexia;
  6. General serious condition;
  7. Mental illnesses that prevent the patient from monitoring the course of treatment;
  8. Depletion of the nervous system;
  9. Congenital pathologies of the nervous system;
  10. Age: infant and after 75 years;
  11. For auriculotherapy - damage to the auricle of various origins;
  12. Individual intolerance.

The number of procedures depends on the patient's condition, the presence of the disease, the individual response to treatment and is always individual. The duration of a reflexology session is strictly individual; on average, the procedure lasts from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

Side effects

After the procedures performed, the following negative reactions from the body may occur:

  • The appearance of a cough or hoarseness;
  • Chills, general weakness;
  • Diarrhea and increased urination;
  • Arthralgia (joint pain).

These phenomena are a favorable sign of the activation of the energy flow, which will pass quickly and without a trace. In some cases, these states may not occur at all.

It should be noted that there are cases of patients' immunity to reflexology. Distinguish between primary resistance - arising from insufficient circulation of energy in the body, which is a consequence of a serious illness, alcohol intoxication, a serious condition of a person, etc., as well as old age, and secondary - it can appear with very prolonged and intensive treatment ... In this case, it is necessary to take a break for the body to rest.

In any case, before starting a course of reflexology, it is necessary to consult with a reflexologist or to determine the indications and contraindications to the technique, as well as to determine the specific type of influence and individual characteristics of the procedures.

Reflexology is one of the oldest methods of relaxation and restoration of the human body. It is based on the understanding that there are more than 800 active points on the human body, the impact on which allows you to stimulate the work of certain organs, which means it helps in the treatment of various diseases.

The birthplace of this medical complex is considered to be China, because the first mentions of acupressure were found in ancient Chinese writings dating back to the 5th century BC. Europeans learned about this direction in medicine only in the 17th century, however, in its current form, reflexology appeared only at the dawn of the 20th century. This happened thanks to the scientist William Fitzgerald, who noticed that massage of certain points on the hands and feet can relieve pain, improve organ function and achieve a state of relaxation. It was Fitzgerald who developed the basis of modern reflexology, the benefits of which we can get in various medical centers and SPA-salons.

Indeed, modern medical centers are ready to offer several reflexotherapy methods at once, among which the most popular are acupuncture (acupuncture and acupuncture), thermo-puncture (heating and moxibustion), electro-acupuncture, cryopuncture, magnetopuncture, as well as vacuum-pressopuncture (cupping massage) and monopressopuncture (acupuncture). massage). Each of these methods has established itself as an effective means of relaxation and restoration of the body. Their only drawbacks are that such procedures can only be carried out by highly qualified specialists in the conditions of medical centers. And the cost of such treatment sessions is quite high, which makes reflexology inaccessible to low-income segments of the population. The only exception is monopressopuncture, which we all know as acupressure. Each of us can carry out such a procedure, it is enough just to know which points on the body are associated with a specific organ, and how to correctly influence them.

First of all, let's talk about the methods of exposure. Typically, applying pressure, rubbing, direct or circular stroking for 2-3 minutes. On areas in which there is no pain, you can apply quick and sharp pressure, as well as massage counterclockwise. As for the points, touching which causes pain, uniform pressure is applied to them until the unpleasant sensations disappear. If massage is applied to such points in a circular motion, then it is carried out clockwise, in order to "turn on" the energy.

Now let's turn directly to the diseases in the treatment of which this method of alternative medicine helps.

1. Diseases of the digestive system

If you suffer from digestive problems, suffer from indigestion, regularly encounter flatulence and stomach cramps, you should massage the center of the palm of your left hand. It is here that an area is located that helps to activate the work of the stomach and intestines, removing the existing discomfort. For constipation, an active circular action is recommended in a clockwise direction, and in case of diarrhea, gentle pressure and rubbing counterclockwise is recommended. In case of liver problems, it is necessary to regularly massage the central part of the palm of the right hand or the areas on the soles of the feet, marked in red in diagram 2.

By the way, under the liver zone on the right leg, you can find a point that stimulates the gallbladder. Daily active exposure to this area helps in the fight against cholecystitis and gallstone disease.

2. Insomnia

Many treat this ailment with disdain, believing that it is somehow frivolous to see a doctor with sleep problems. In fact, insomnia is a serious illness that seriously affects the quality of life and interferes with the normal functioning of all organs and systems in the body. Having turned to a doctor with such a problem, the patient most often receives a prescription for a sleeping pill, as well as recommendations for establishing a work and rest routine, avoiding stress and proper nutrition. However, this does not at all prevent yourself from helping yourself to establish sleep with the help of reflexology. This is done quite simply, you just need to massage the points located under the heels, as well as under the little fingers of each of the feet, every day. It will also be beneficial to massage the hands, in particular, the pads on the fingers, due to which the pineal gland is activated, which produces the hormone melatonin, which improves sleep.

3. Hypertension

It is no secret that it is with hypertension that the most dangerous diseases that threaten a person with death begin. High blood pressure leads to heart failure and causes critical conditions such as stroke or heart attack. And in itself, hypertension is accompanied by severe headache, weakness and malaise, which seriously impairs the quality of life. To normalize pressure and prevent deterioration in health, you can use acupressure, aimed at improving the functioning of the diaphragm and lungs. In this plan, you should massage the areas on the palms located under the fingers. This should be done by reciprocating movements of the thumb of the other hand or by rubbing the palms. Massaging the areas responsible for the adrenal glands, which are designed to regulate the activity of the circulatory system, will also be of good help in lowering blood pressure. Here it is also worth paying attention to the middle of the stops, where the special points are located (pattern 2).

One has only to add that in parallel with massage aimed at normalizing pressure, it is necessary to stimulate the brain and eyes, that is, organs that suffer from hypertension. To get rid of eye pain, you will need to lightly massage the base of the little finger on both hands, as well as stimulate the points under the toes.

4. Nausea

Nausea is not a disease, but a very unpleasant symptom, which is accompanied by weakness, sweating and often precedes vomiting. Sometimes this is a signal from the body that it wants to get rid of the poisonous substances that poison it. In this case, it makes no sense to fight nausea, it is better to help free the intestines from harmful elements. However, medicine knows more than a dozen diseases that are accompanied by nausea. In these cases, it is necessary to look for a way to deal with this condition. Fortunately, acupressure helps in this case, it is enough to find the points that are responsible for the stomach and intestines. They are located in the center of the left palm, as well as on the narrowing of the soles of both feet. It is better to massage them by pressing or stroking clockwise.

In addition, to get rid of the painful feeling of nausea, you should massage the fingertips, thereby stimulating the brain, which in turn will reduce the excitation of the vomiting center.

5. Depression

Depression is the most common mental disorder these days. It negatively affects our mood and mental abilities, and also provokes the appearance of physiological problems such as headaches, diarrhea or hormonal imbalances. Moreover, depression can lead a person to suicide if this ailment is not recognized and treated in time. Of course, reflexology will not help you get rid of depression, only qualified psychotherapists can do it, however, such a procedure is quite capable of helping to normalize the condition and restore mental balance. As with many other diseases, it is important here to influence the brain in order to regulate the functioning of the nervous system through this organ. To do this, massage the tops of your toes and the pads of your fingers every day. This will promote the production of serotonin, which will have the most positive effect on your mood.

6. Endocrine diseases

Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, thyrotoxicosis or goiter of the thyroid gland, require serious drug treatment and long-term replacement therapy prescribed by a doctor. In turn, acupressure of areas that activate the activity of the endocrine glands, including the "thyroid", becomes an excellent aid in the treatment of these diseases. Anyone faced with such problems can help themselves if they regularly massage the point at the base of the thumb (see diagram number 3), as well as the areas on the soles that go from the big toe to the instep. Massage these areas should be rotational or reciprocating movements.

7. Menstrual pain

Millions of women around the world from month to month experience this unpleasant condition during their period. Moreover, some of the fair sex have menstrual pains so intense that they have to resort to strong analgesics. And this is not only a serious load on the liver, but also a decrease in immunity. But is there an alternative to pain relievers? And here acupressure can come to the rescue, namely the stimulation of the ovaries and uterus. These points can be found on the palms, just below the middle, as well as on the wrist (see diagram # 3).

You can also fight menstrual pain by affecting the brain, namely the pineal gland and pituitary gland, which relax the muscles of the uterus and remove the existing discomfort. To stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands, you need to actively massage the plantar part of the big toe of one and the other leg. It is better to massage in a circular motion counterclockwise.

8. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Diseases of the joints are often troubling people of age. Every person who has had a chance to deal with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis knows that the aching pains that accompany the exacerbation of these ailments are simply maddening, preventing sleep and interfering with everyday activities. Moreover, injections, ointments or pills bring only temporary relief. Can acupressure help here? Certainly. To relieve pain, massage the areas under the little fingers, which will help relieve discomfort in the arms and shoulders, as well as the area under the little toe on the left foot. And people who have pain in their knees and discomfort in the pelvic area require regular massage of the areas on the outside of the soles of both feet (highlighted in red in the diagram # 2).

In addition, stimulation of the adrenal glands helps to eliminate pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, for which it is necessary to press intensively on the points located in the center of the feet. This massage will improve the secretion of corticosteroid hormones, which will reduce inflammation.

9. Diseases of the spine

Middle-aged and older people are familiar with diseases of the spine firsthand, such as osteochondrosis, sciatica or herniated disc. Persons with such problems suffer from constant aching pains, and are forced to take handfuls of medicines to alleviate their condition. However, reflexology can be of great help here too. Pay attention to diagram # 3. Here you can see that the points responsible for one or another part of the spine are located along the thumbs of both hands. For example, the first phalanx of the finger is connected to the cervical spine, the second is connected to the thoracic region, and the region from the wrist to the beginning of the second phalanx is responsible for the lumbar region. Depending on which area of \u200b\u200bthe spine is causing you discomfort, you can massage specific areas of your hands to help relieve pain. One has only to remember that you should act on such zones carefully, lightly pressing or massaging the zones with rotational movements in a clockwise direction.

10. Male sexual problems

With the problem of male sexual impotence, you should immediately contact a specialist. However, here too, acupressure can be of great help in treatment. For example, if the cause of the ailment lies in prostatitis, in addition to taking medications and massage of the prostate, it is possible to recommend stimulating the point on the wrist of the left hand, which is responsible for this organ (see diagram No. 3). It is advisable to lightly press on the acupressure point or make circular massaging movements to either side. In addition, foot massage helps to cope with male sexual impotence, namely the areas under the heels that actively affect both the male genitals and the nervous system, from which the disease most often begins. Take care of yourself!

Good evening. Today I will introduce you (who still does not know what it is) with such a medical term as reflexology. From today's article you will find out what it is, as well as when it is used, how often it can be prescribed by doctors - this post is about all this.

What is reflexology, how is the effect on the body

In neurology, reflexology has been used for a long time and rightfully has well-proven treatment methods.

In fact, it is a medical specialty that assumes knowledge and skills in the treatment of chronic and low-intensity diseases.

Reflexology has many different therapeutic techniques and methods of influencing the reflexogenic zones using acupuncture, acupressure or moxibustion. What specific method of treatment is suitable for a particular disease can only be determined by a doctor.

How is the effect on the body

In the course of reflexotherapy sessions, the doctor, acting on certain, necessary points on the patient's body, starts the mechanism for restoring the neuro-reflex regulation of the body.

The result of such an impact is that the following are activated:

  • central nervous system
  • endocrine system
  • neurohumoral system
  • the immune system
  • vascular system

And already thanks to this activation, the work of all organs is normalized, as well as the general efficiency increases, the patient's sleep and his mood are noticeably improved, the patient forgets about the headaches that tormented him earlier.

Many people, after a course of reflexology, simply choking, share their impressions with complete delight and tell everyone they know about their unprecedented cheerfulness. It can be described in two words - born again!

But do not think that this is a panacea for all diseases. Of course, this is far from the case. It's just that reflexology courses are simply necessary for almost every patient at the stage of the early recovery period, after an illness.

The frequency of prescribing reflexology courses and its effectiveness

In general, neurologists prescribe reflexology courses quite often. This is due to the excellent results from its use in diseases of the nervous system and positive effects on the body.

A variety of methods allow you to influence all organs and systems of the human body, while using the hidden reserves of the body, which many have heard of and which every patient has.

The treatment has many effects, including:

  • anesthetic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • immunomodulatory effect
  • vegetative functions are normalized
  • metabolism
  • the treatment has a calming effect
  • increases efficiency

The main and main advantages of reflexology are its fairly simple technical support, the complete absence of adverse reactions, including allergic ones.

Acupuncture methods can complement or even replace other treatments and even pharmaceuticals.

What neurological diseases is it used for

Reflexology in neurology is used in the treatment of many different diseases. Among them:

  1. treatment of pain syndromes
  2. sleep disorders
  3. neuroses
  4. neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis ()
  5. treatment of the consequences of traumatic brain injury
  6. peripheral neuropathies
  7. infantile cerebral palsy
  8. logoneuroses
  9. and etc.

There are also contraindications. For example, it is contraindicated to conduct reflexology courses for tumor neoplasms, mental illness, individual intolerance, and also if the patient is more than 80 years old.

How long does the treatment last and how likely is a positive result

The reflexology course always consists of 10 procedures, which are prescribed daily or every other day. If repeated treatment is required, then it goes through 4-6 months.

The result of acupuncture depends on the professional and competent preparation of an acupuncture prescription and the accuracy of determining the localization of acupuncture points, needle placement technique, as well as the experience of the therapist.

In addition to simple acupuncture, micro-acupuncture is also used. It is designed for long-term exposure to specific points.

Microneedles are usually inserted after a course of classical acupuncture for 1-2 to 7 days. This alternation continues throughout the course. Periodic pressure on the microneedle irritates the point and can, in certain diseases, prevent attacks and relapses, and also consolidates the therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy.

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