Bath brooms - for vitality and health. Bath broom, bath broom Bath brooms from the forest

The bathhouse is a place where people not only wash themselves, but also steam. To experience the beauty of this process, you need a broom. You can buy it or make it yourself.

Birch brooms have a positive effect on lung function.

Even in ancient times it was noticed that the use of this "accessory" in the steam room has a healing effect on the body. Moreover, each broom for a bath heals from "its" ailment.

Birch broom for a bath

The most popular variety of brooms has a beneficial effect on the skin, heals the kidneys, removes toxins and, of course, improves mood.

This option is indispensable for smokers and asthmatics, because birch branches, coupled with steam, improve lung ventilation. Plus, it's great for massage. Birch buds contain a vitamin complex.

Oak broom for a bath

Plumps the skin, prevents profuse perspiration. It is necessary for those who suffer from skin diseases. Thanks to tannins and essential oils, which oak is rich in, the leather becomes elastic, acquires a slightly matte shade.

The option is also suitable for cores. It is best to harvest an oak broom at the end of August.

Currant broom

The currant broom is soft and fragrant, it creates a unique pleasant aroma in the sauna room. This is a good option for skin diseases, colds and joint pain. Currant relieves hoarseness and chronic cough.

Bath broom made of nettle

A nettle broom improves blood circulation and relieves back pain.

The healing properties of a nettle broom have been known in our country for a long time. Nettle is indispensable in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, gout. It is used for pain in the joints, back.

In order not to burn yourself with nettles, it is dipped several times in hot or cold water.

The burning feathers of the grass contain formic acid, which improves blood circulation, has an antiseptic effect, heals wounds, has tonic and restorative properties.

It is best to prepare a nettle broom for a bath in the first months of summer.

We steam with needles!

A pine broom is ideal for thrill seekers. Before use, the spruce broom is dipped in boiling water for thirty minutes.

They start to steam after a good warm-up: this way the skin will better accept the pricks of the Christmas tree. What are the pros of pine needles? First, it is an excellent antibiotic.

In the Middle Ages, she even covered the floors of rooms where pulmonary patients lived. Secondly, it helps with non-healing wounds. Spruce is best harvested in early summer.

Lipa - number one in Russia

In Russia, linden brooms were more popular than their counterparts from oak and birch. Today, it is difficult to find lovers to steam with a healing tree.

But in vain! Linden relieves headaches well, heals wounds, soothes. She has no equal in treating colds. It also has disinfecting properties.

Doctors recommend that people who suffer from insomnia take a steam bath with a broom before bed.

A juniper broom can help fight allergies and paralysis.

Another option for the desperate. The broom made from this plant is stinging, prickly and rough. However, all these inconveniences are forgotten when you begin to feel the healing properties of juniper on yourself. In terms of bactericidal qualities, this evergreen bush is unmatched.

Previously, surgeons even sterilized threads with them, which they then sewed up the wounds with. Juniper broom is an excellent remedy for the treatment of paralysis, neuralgia, rheumatism and allergies.

The evergreen healer conquers the bath complexes of the country

In recent years, the eucalyptus broom has become popular among Russian steam lovers. And not in vain! The plant relieves pain, helps with sprains, bruises, radiculitis, all kinds of inflammation.

In bath complexes with a eucalyptus broom, you can do both massage and inhalation. The second procedure is performed as follows: a broom is dipped in an infusion of eucalyptus, then pressed to the face and breathed through the nose for several minutes.

This procedure relieves chronic cough and runny nose. Branches for the broom are harvested from August to November.

The healing power of maple

The best kind of maple tree for a broom is sycamore. It perfectly absorbs sweat, draws in toxins, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Maple is a strong antiseptic. For a broom, it is better to select flexible young branches with large leaves. This modification, on the one hand, will be flexible and whipping, and on the other, it will generate heat efficiently.

Sugar maple is also suitable for a steam room: its leaf is smaller, and its wound-healing properties are stronger.

A few words about wormwood

The positive properties of the plant were especially praised by the ancient Greeks, for them the words "health" and "wormwood" were synonymous.

Some species of this plant relieve muscle tension and irritability, improve sleep. Such a broom refreshes, relieves headaches, fatigue, and increases efficiency.

A wormwood broom creates a steppe aroma, it is so strong that not everyone can tolerate it. To slightly muffle the smell, wormwood is mixed with birch. The healing effect of this manipulation will not diminish.

Wormwood should be collected immediately after flowering, without waiting for the stem to dry.

It is better to dry it in the shade and store it in a cool place. It is worth saying that the brooms of this herb are very fragile, so many simply mix the miracle plant with more durable branches.

Bath broom made of alder

By its properties, it resembles birch: it also absorbs sweat, renews the skin, removes toxins from the body. Experts recommend collecting young twigs of sticky alder, the leaves of which have an increased absorption capacity.

The branches of this moisture-loving plant are flexible, biting, strong, they are convenient to steam. Alder broom is good for gout, arthritis, acute rheumatism and joint pain.

About the ancient rival of the oak

Interesting! Hazel was a sacred plant among the ancient Slavs.

The healing properties of leaves, fruits and bark of hazel have been known for a long time. Massage with such a broom helps with eczema, neurodermatitis.

It is an excellent wound healing agent. Hazel brooms are applied as compresses for varicose veins. Hazelnut steam speeds up metabolism. Flexible young branches with wide leaves are suitable for the procedures.

"I asked ash…"

This plant in inept hands can cause harm to health, and in skillful hands it can heal. Ash leaves and buds contain an essential oil containing alkaloids, carotene and ascorbic acid. These components have anti-inflammatory effects.

Ash is a strong antiseptic and an excellent styptic. The use of brooms from this plant in the steam room is useful for radiculitis, arthritis, gout.

Bird cherry broom for a bath

A flexible whipping broom made of bird cherry has truly unique bactericidal properties. Taking a steam bath with him is the prevention of flu and colds.

But it is impossible to abuse this miracle of nature, "overdose" is destructive: a headache may appear. It is better to include bird cherry twigs in a birch broom.

A birch broom is very soft and has excellent massage characteristics. It will help with aches and pains in the muscles, heal small and wounds. Also, such a broom will improve the condition of the skin - it fights well against black ones. It is also useful for former smokers, as its aroma cleans the lungs well.

Fir broom for a bath

The scent of a fir broom will help cleanse the nose and throat of germs. It will improve blood circulation and relieve stress. We have one drawback - it is very fast. For this reason, the needles fall off. That is why it is not recommended to procure and buy fir brooms for future use. Try to use a fresh fir broom. Do not be afraid, he will not be injected.

Experienced bath attendants advise not to soak a fir broom. It will be enough just to rinse it in cold water. So the fir will retain all the nutrients.

Oak broom for a bath

A broom made of oak branches is durable and a little stiff. It absorbs sweat very well. Such a broom is useful for oily skin - it narrows enlarged pores, makes the skin matte and slightly dry. If you have skin problems, you won't find a better oak broom. In addition, oak leaves are rich in essential oils that help keep blood pressure normal.

Broom from currant branches for a bath

A currant broom, although less durable than oak or birch, is very fragrant and good for the skin. If you want to have an aromatherapy session in the bath, pay attention to the currant broom, but you won't be able to whip it to your heart's content.

Linden broom for a bath

Linden brooms relieve headaches and kidney problems. They increase perspiration remarkably. Another feature of the linden broom is that it serves as an antipyretic agent.

Nettle broom for a bath

If the soul requires something unusual, then pay attention to the nettle broom. He is in high esteem among the most inveterate connoisseurs of the steam room, who know a lot about the bath. There is a slight tingling sensation when using this broom, which some find even pleasant. After leaving the steam room, there will be no blisters and painful sensations on the skin. Nettle brooms are good for rheumatism, joint pain, radiculitis, to relieve nervous tension and reduce pressure.

Experienced bath attendants advise to wet it in boiling water before using a nettle broom. They need to bathe only after the body is thoroughly warmed up.

Bamboo broom for a bath

A bamboo broom is a real exotic bathhouse. They are great for healing massage both in the Russian bath and in the Finnish sauna. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve muscle tension. You should start massage with this broom only when the body is sufficiently steamed. In this case, the broom itself does not need preliminary soaking.

Eucalyptus brooms for a bath

The eucalyptus broom must be kept in hot water for 1-1.5 hours before use. If you lean such a broom against your feet and face, the cold will immediately recede. It is also useful for pain in joints and muscles, neuralgia.

If you do not have a eucalyptus broom, experienced bath attendants advise you to take any other broom and soak it in water, to which a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil have been added. The effect of using such a broom will be no worse than that of a real one.

Mixed broom for a bath

You can choose a broom for yourself by mixing branches from several trees in it. Sauna connoisseurs love to make brooms from oak, birch and linden branches. They consider this combination to be the most optimal. You can also make a broom only from different types of conifers. For example, take branches of fir, pine and juniper.

Do you have problems, bad mood, cold? Go to the bathhouse! In the literal sense of the word. The bath is an amazingly useful and unique procedure, which not only helps to cleanse the body of dirt, but also improves mood, strengthens the body, and helps to get rid of some health problems. Going to the bath, be sure to take a broom, this is an integral part of the bath procedure. A bath broom is not just a massager or a washcloth, it is one of the strongest therapeutic foundations in the bath process.

What is the use of a broom for a bath?

A broom for a bath is an armful of branches or stems of medicinal plants. Patches of various nature play the role of massage, and all kinds of useful substances contained in the leaves and branches of the broom, steaming from hot air and moisture, penetrate into the skin - this is the main use of a broom for a bath. Depending on what plant or tree the broom is made of, the useful properties of a broom for a bath also change.

Which broom for a bath is better?

Usually, a birch or oak broom is taken to the bath, this can be said to be a classic version, but people with certain problems (with back pain, sciatica, gout) can take a broom made of nettle, pine needles, juniper. For headaches, it is recommended to take a steam bath with a linden broom, and in case of respiratory tract diseases, a eucalyptus broom.

Birch broom - under the influence of steam and high temperature, flavonoids and tannins enter the skin from birch leaves, this helps to cleanse the skin of toxins, enhances perspiration, and improves lung function. Birch leaves easily adhere to the skin (the notorious "bath leaves"), absorb all toxins and sweat. A bath with a birch broom is useful for smokers, asthmatics, suffering from bronchitis, since after the procedure the work of small alveoli and bronchi is significantly improved, sputum is easily removed, and ventilation of the lungs improves.

Surprisingly, for some reason the currant broom is not very popular in the bathing world. True connoisseurs of the sauna heat put a broom made of currant branches on the same pedestal with brooms made of oak and birch.

The aroma of currant leaves is simply excellent, and you can talk endlessly about the benefits. Currants are good because they grow in almost all corners of our Motherland. It grows quickly, new shoots break through every year. At the beginning of summer, you can build a solid broom from fresh twigs, and a fragrant sauna is provided for you.

We grow currants in summer cottages, far from the noise of cars and road dust. Therefore, the leaves do not absorb all kinds of kaku, the double benefit of such a broom is guaranteed.

The branches of the broom are flexible, biting, the leaves are wide, fit perfectly on the body. The currant broom turns out to be soft, and a unique aroma is created in the steam room.

Of course, currant twigs with berries are not suitable for use in a bath. And blooming, I think, you yourself will be sorry to use.

In addition to currant aromatherapy in the bath, you can get a healing effect. Currant leaves are rich in essential oils and vitamin C and have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, a currant broom is perfect for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Rheumatism
  • Gout
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Cough
  • Whooping cough
  • Kidney disease
  • Skin diseases

For me, black currants are more aromatic than red ones, but this does not play a special role when choosing branches for a broom.

The currant grows very quickly, every year you need to prune the branches so that the berries are large. Therefore, cut branches can be safely put into the bathing business.

In the bath, not only a currant broom is valuable, the so-called broom steam is also useful and valuable.

Fresh brooms do not require long steaming to soften the foliage. But young currant leaves can be steamed in a basin - here's a useful infusion for a bath.

Currant infusion recipe

We will need:

  • 25 grams of chopped currant leaves.
  • Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Let it brew for about 2 hours, then strain.

This infusion can not only be put on the stove, but also taken orally, it is no less useful. Currant leaves remove uric acid from our body.

A good infusion for shampooing, it is very useful for washing the skin, especially if it is damaged.

Steamed currant leaves can be used as lotions-compresses on sore joints. Here is such a useful bath broom.

I really like to combine currant branches with young birch or nettle. So the benefit of one broom complements the benefit of the other.

A currant broom is undoubtedly good, but I do not recommend harvesting it for future use. It's all about the foliage, it curls up when it dries, and breaks when steamed. Most likely the reason for this lies in the structure of the foliage itself.

For a long winter, it is customary to harvest birch and oak brooms. And fragrant herbal, nettle brooms and currant brooms please bath attendants only in summer.

Bath and sauna for health and beauty Vera Andreevna Solovyova

Currant broom

Currant broom

A broom of currant twigs is fragrant and soft, creating a unique aroma in the steam room. Many bath lovers put it in third place after birch and oak. Currant brooms are harvested from May to August, choosing thin, young branches.

It is effective to use a currant broom as part of a birch broom - these two plants are very well combined and complement each other.

Currant broom is good for skin diseases, colds, kidney diseases, rheumatism, joint pain. With its aroma, it helps with hoarseness, chronic cough.

Steaming with a currant broom, it is good to put currant infusion on the stones in the steam room, and after the steam room drink currant tea with the addition of other medicinal plants. From steamed leaves, you can make compresses on sore joints while relaxing after a steam room.

Young leaves of currant in the form of a decoction or infusion are used in folk medicine as a diaphoretic, as well as for diathesis, gout, kidney stones and bladder. It is effective to use a currant broom in case of violations of the cardiovascular system. The healing effect is due to the presence of essential oils found in the glands of currant leaves, and the ability to remove excess uric acid from the body.

Therefore, do not pour out the steam of the currant broom, but use it for internal use and washing problem areas of the skin. You can make a specially prepared infusion for drinking.

? Currant infusion

Take 25 g of chopped currant leaves and boil them with 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Drink 1 glass twice while resting after a steam room.

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