We remove fat from the abdomen and sides at home - quick and effective ways. How to remove fat from the belly and sides? Take a holistic approach What exercises help to remove fat on the sides

Fat deposits on the abdomen and sides are the main problem for young mothers and women over 30 years old.

From this moment on, the metabolism slows down, and in order to keep yourself in shape, you have to make a lot of efforts.

What exercises do you need to do to remove fat from the abdomen and sides?

There are many exercises aimed at working out the abdomen and sides. The rectus abdominis muscles can be pumped using upper and lower press exercises. The first option involves lifting the upper body, and the second option is raising the legs.

Exercises to eliminate belly fat:

  • Torso lifts
  • Leg raises
  • Twisting

In fact, these are basic sets, there are many varieties of them. They can be performed by both mothers on maternity leave and advanced athletes. You can complicate classes with the use of dumbbells. Along with such exercises, nutritional correction is recommended.

VIDEO: Removing the belly

The saddest thing is that not all fat deposits in this area disappear very quickly. The most difficult thing is for women with an "apple" figure. The physique looks like a rectangle, and all fat accumulates in the area of ​​the shoulders, arms, abdomen and sides. But with proper nutrition and exercise, fat can be fought.


  • Twisting. Common activities to help strengthen muscles. It is necessary while lying on your back to raise your legs and arms at the same time. At the initial stage, the complex is difficult to perform, so it can be simplified. It's just that the upper body is fixed in an elevated position, and the legs are drawn to the elbows, bent at the knees.
  • Raising the legs. The arms lie straight on the floor, the whole torso is lying on the back. It is necessary to raise the straight lower limbs at a right angle. Try not to bend your knees.
  • Top crunches... It is necessary to bend your legs and put your feet on the floor. Place your hands on your neck and lift your upper body. You don't need to touch your knees, just raise your upper body a little.

How to remove internal, visceral fat from the abdomen, waist and sides?

Visceral fat is the internal fat that coats the organs. If the weight is normal, this fat is not enough, respectively, and health is normal. It is believed that for women, the waist is 80 cm, and for men 94 cm. When these indicators are exceeded, internal organs suffer. Visceral fat can be removed with exercise and proper nutrition.

Exercises to eliminate visceral fat:

  • Bike. This is an imitation of cycling.
  • Scissors. The exercise is performed while lying on your back, with the legs moving one above the other in the air.
  • Exercises in the pool. It is necessary to lie on your back in the asterisk position, inhale and exhale deeply. At the same time, keep your body on the water.
  • Cleansing the liver. It is necessary to remove toxins, which often provoke the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. Place the heating pad on the liver and drink the rosehip decoction.
  • Bodyflex. Most exercise will not help you deal with visceral fat, but bodyflex works well.

VIDEO: Belly from bad habits

A diet to remove fat from the belly and sides?

Many people are looking for a diet that will allow you to lose fat exclusively from the abdomen and sides, but unfortunately, such methods of losing weight do not exist. Weight goes away gradually from all parts of the body. The fastest way to lose weight is the face, chest and buttocks.

Products for weight loss in the abdomen:

  • Proteins. Lean boiled or baked meat
  • Complex carbohydrates. These are cereals and cereals
  • Eliminate yeast. Eliminate this food completely from your diet.
  • Cellulose. Eat lots of fresh, boiled, and baked vegetables and fruits
  • Drink water. About a day you need to drink 1.2-2.0 liters. Do not combine water with food

VIDEO: Diet from the belly

First of all, when losing weight and doing exercises, subcutaneous fat goes away. This is very pleasing, since the figure improves significantly.

Fat Loss Options:

  • Eastern dance. This type of exercise is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.
  • Fitness. Most effective in combating belly and flank fat are swings, bends and twists.
  • Gym. You can perfectly shape the waist area with a barbell and dumbbells. In this case, the bar is fixed motionless above the head, and the lower body moves.

Can massage remove fat from the abdomen and sides?

With the help of massage, it will be possible to remove subcutaneous fat, not visceral fat. There are several massage techniques. The duration of the procedure is 12-15 minutes, it can be carried out both at home and in the salon. The most effective are cupping and roller massage. If you're doing the manual look, you can use stroking, pinching, and rubbing.

VIDEO: Belly massage

Running to remove fat only from the abdomen and sides will not work. During running, the weight of all fat deposits decreases, and the extra centimeters melt most quickly in the area of ​​problem areas. Therefore, after a month of regular training, you will see results.


  • At the very beginning, set aside running for 15-20 minutes a day. You can run in the park or get a treadmill.
  • Increase your loads daily. Jog first, then accelerate. Alternate between these types of running.
  • Stop from time to time and breathe correctly, rest.
  • After a month of regular jogging, your figure will change noticeably.

If there is a lot of fatty deposits, then it will not be possible to say goodbye to them in a week. You need to purposefully and gradually lose fat. And the slower the excess weight goes, the better. Ideal if you switch to proper nutrition. All newfangled and low-calorie diets lose weight, but then it quickly returns. Therefore, you need to lose weight correctly.

  • Eat a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates
  • Divide the daily diet into 5-6 meals
  • Avoid heavy foods and simple carbohydrates
  • Do any sport
  • Monitor your posture even at home

This is a non-surgical technique for removing fat from the abdominal area. The device is based on ultrasound, which destroys solid fat cells. As a result, they turn into an emulsion, which is excreted by the liver and kidneys. The advantages of the procedure are in its effectiveness and safety. To lose weight, you need to go through 12-15 procedures.

You can also lose weight using non-traditional methods. But it is advisable to use an integrated approach using diet, sports and conspiracies. Traditional healers recommend using a conspiracy that will help remove the stomach.

Conspiracy Words:

“There is water flowing in the ground, preventing those who are thirsty to drink. It flows through granite - it keeps the secret of youth and freshness. It flows through the sand - the tummy disappears. Depth takes it away - chaff disappears. I will drink some water and the fat will melt, but food and water will be there. Amen".

It is necessary to collect about 200 ml of water in a container and pronounce the indicated words three times. Drink up to a drop of liquid. Before you cast a magic spell, you should imagine yourself in a new image, that is, losing weight.

As you can see, in order to remove fat in the abdomen, it is enough to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise. If there is no time, then you can resort to cavitation and liposuction.

VIDEO: Removing the belly

In this article, we have described several exercises with which you can remove excess fat on the sides. We will also tell you about other ways to burn fat.

The entire beautiful half of humanity wants them to have the ideal weight, and their body shapes to look seductive. To achieve the best result, most of them rely not only on adherence to special diets, but also resort to various cosmetic procedures. But it is very important not to forget about doing the right exercises to destroy excess fat. Because it is the side area, as well as the abdominal area, that are the most problematic, and they require special attention.

And in order to lose weight, you need to speed up the body's metabolic processes. Thawed water is a great help in this. It cleans the lymph well and fights the destruction of fats. In order to make it, you need to freeze water in a plastic bottle. Then it needs to be thawed at room temperature and drunk in small portions throughout the day.

It is known that fatty deposits on the sides are the same as on the stomach, only on the sides. And in order to get rid of fat on the sides, you first need to pay attention to the stomach, and "influence" its muscles. When people exercise these muscles, the sides are automatically pulled up because fat is broken down in them.

To get rid of unnecessary fatty layers on the sides, you need to carefully deal with them and put a lot of effort. To quickly and effectively destroy fat, you must first take care of your daily diet. Because healthy and proper nutrition will prevent unnecessary fat on the sides. And also, in addition to nutrition, you need to devote enough time to daily workouts. Such workouts are very beneficial for the muscles, because they make them more elastic, and at the same time they tighten the sides very well.

Why is fat deposited the most on the sides?

This happens because the female body by its nature is designed so that it is always ready to conceive, carry, and feed an infant. This, in turn, leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat on the sides.

The female body is created according to the laws of nature, and in order to protect the internal organs from hypothermia and shock, there are layers of fat under the skin. Also, the accumulation of fat is necessary during the period of bearing the baby, when the woman's body eats to protect the fetus, as well as provide him with adequate nutrition. Therefore, it is very difficult for some women to get rid of a small tummy. In addition to the above reasons, there are several more, these include:

  • improper diet;
  • weak physical activity;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • metabolic disease

Helpful Exercises for Removing Lateral and Belly Fat

You don't have to go to gyms to get rid of excess fat in these problem areas. You can do gymnastic exercises at home. These include:
  1. Plank is an exercise that works well with excess fat, it strengthens the muscles of the lower back and abdomen well. To perform this exercise, you need to take the same posture that is taken during push-ups: put the body parallel to the floor, and the support should be on two hands. Try to stay in this position as long as possible. To enhance the effect, you can lift one leg while in a straight position.
  2. The well-known exercise "bike" makes it possible to quickly pump up the press. To do this, you first need to lie on your back, while your legs should be together, but slightly raised above the floor. Then start the same type of movement that resembles riding a bicycle. But at the same time, constantly monitor the correct breathing.
  3. Exercise "imitation of the rowing process" allows you to remove excess fat in the waist area. To do this exercise, you first need to sit on the floor and bend your knees, and then pull your straight arms to your feet. Then return to the position from which the exercise began. This process is like rowing a boat. It must be repeated at least 15 times.
  4. The "mill" is good to do for losing weight on the sides and abdomen. It is done like this: first you need to stand and put both feet shoulder-width apart. Then you need to reach with the fingers of your left hand to the toe of your right foot, do it in turn. To continue the exercise, you need to change your arm and leg. With the help of this exercise, the muscles of the lateral press are well strengthened, and the fatty layer in the waist area is also reduced.
  5. With the help of the scissors, you can remove unnecessary fat in those areas where there are problems. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back on a straight surface and raise your legs up. Then start putting feet one after the other. You need to do it for 10 minutes, but increase the load every day.
  6. To do the "double twisting" exercise, you must first lie on your back, then lift your legs bent at the knees up. Put both hands behind your head, and spread your elbows in both directions, while you need to inhale. When you exhale, you need to alternately tear off the head, neck, shoulder blades and butt from the floor. Try to stay in this position as long as possible and only then return to the starting position. Exercises must be continued in reverse order.
  7. For the next exercise, a chair will be a good helper. You need to sit comfortably on this chair and hold on to it with both hands. Then lean back as much as possible, while bending your legs and pulling them to your chest, then straighten them and leave them on weight for a while. Do the exercise about 15 times.
  8. To make a "triple tilt" you need to put both feet shoulder-width apart. Then alternately do the bends of the torso and arms. First, bend to one leg, then to the center, and then to the other leg, while not lifting the torso. Then you need to fully straighten, and raise both hands up above your head. Then repeat the exercise again, but change legs, start from the second. Repeat the exercise about 30 times.
  9. To do an exercise such as "birch", you first need to lie on your back and raise your straight legs up. Then the lower back must be torn off the floor, and the back must be supported with both hands and stretched up as high as possible. In this position, you need to count to 50, and then go down.

You can get a positive result much faster if you work hard in the gym with a special device. If you put a lot of effort into working on excess fat in the gym, then a noticeable change can occur within a few days after active training.

Experts in this direction argue that in addition to the methods already mentioned, there are still very effective three types of exercises. These include:

  • Exercise on a Swedish board. You need to hold on to a special crossbar with both hands, but at the same time raise and lower your legs up. This exercise should be done slowly and slowly.
  • Twisting on the bench. To complete it, you need to put your hands behind your head. Then with the elbow of one hand, and then with the other touch the knee of the opposite leg.
  • Strengthening the abs on a fitball is much more effective. The secret of the exercise is that it allows you to simultaneously maintain balance and bend your body back and again to your knees.
Such physical activity should be given at least three days a week. It is very good if you do the exercises in the morning, preferably from ten to twelve o'clock or in the evening: from eighteen to twenty.

Poses in yoga will help get rid of problem areas on the sides

Yoga can also help you get rid of fat on your sides. To get the expected result, one must try to do a whole complex of special "asanas" (postures) in order to strengthen the muscles.

Asanas for muscles are positions where the head is lower than the legs, the so-called "stand" on the head. But for its implementation, it is necessary that the hands are very trained, as well as a well-developed vestibular apparatus.

  • "Uttanasana" is translated as "stretched posture". In this asana, the body of the yogi is tilted forward and represents an extended position. This pose significantly strengthens the abdominal muscles as well as the back. But when performing it, you need to carefully monitor the symmetry of the pose, because it accelerates the burning of excess fat.
  • "Janu Shirshasana" - this pose, in addition to strengthening the muscles in problem areas, it also contributes to better functioning of the spleen and liver. As you know, this asana burns fat very slowly, but to speed up this process, it must be done along with other exercises.
  • "Navasana" or "boat pose" - with the help of such an exercise, a large load falls on the muscles of the abdomen and sides, and therefore, it is in these problem areas that fat is burned. But, while performing this pose, however, like other yoga poses, you need to remember that you need to be able to calculate your efforts well in order to successfully enter the position and avoid injury.

A few secrets of how to lose fat

  1. It is necessary in the morning, on an empty stomach, to drink a full glass of warm water with lemon juice. This has a good effect on the work of the stomach, and significantly speeds up the metabolism. After drinking this liquid, only after the expiration of the received, you can start eating food. Water with lemon juice should be consumed every day.
  2. Every time after taking a shower, you need to moisturize your stomach and sides with an anti-cellulite or regular cream. With constant hydration, after a while, you can see the result.
  3. It is very good to do coffee or seaweed wraps. You can also make a mask that moisturizes the skin, but it must be done twice a week and no less.
A moisturizing mask can be prepared as follows:
  1. You need to take 20 g of dry yeast and dilute them with low-fat cream, which you need to reheat.
  2. Then add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey. Leave the mask to infuse for 20 minutes.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, add 4 more drops of essential oil to the mask.
  4. The mask that has turned out should be applied to the sides and abdomen and left for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.In order for it to give a positive result, you can apply a coffee scrub to problem areas before using it.
To achieve the expected result and give your body a good appearance, you need to combine exercise with a special diet and cosmetic procedures. Also, in the fight against excess fat, you need to try to actively move. If possible, walk to work, climb stairs more often, and a walk before bedtime will also be very useful. It is imperative to believe in what you are doing and in a positive result, and then everything will definitely work out.

For more details on how to get rid of fat on the sides, see this video:

Young people like to compare such a figure defect with a muffin - a cake that is baked in a special form, as a result of which a characteristic influx is formed at the top. Older people say that the fat on the sides protrudes above the belt, like yeast dough "running away" from a saucepan. But both young and old agree that the bumps on the sides are unaesthetic and need to get rid of them. How can this be done?

Infographics AIF

First of all, give up tight clothing. When panties or trousers are too small for you, the belt cuts heavily into the soft tissue under the waist and disrupts blood and lymph circulation in this area. Permanent hidden edema occurs, which stimulates the cells to gain fat.

Secondly, you should give yourself more fat burning load - walking, swimming, cycling more often.

And finally, perform a complex that will reduce swelling and help burn fat in those very "enchanted" places. It is ideal to supplement the exercises with massage, at least with your own hands.

East Dance

Kneel down on the mat with your hands on your belt. Lower your pelvis to the right, as if you want to sit on the floor. Move your shoulders to the opposite side to maintain balance. It is not necessary to sit down, it is enough to feel that the right side is stretched. Go back up and repeat to the left.

Do 2 sets of 10 times on each side.

Twisting through the side

Lying on your back, press your shoulder blades and the back of your head to the floor, hands on your chest. Bend your legs and place them on the floor with your feet wide apart. Lowering your chin to your chest, round your back and stretch your forehead towards your right thigh. The amplitude should be very small so that only the shoulders come off the floor. Look down, not forward. At the top point, linger for 3 counts and lower back to the floor. Repeat to the left thigh.

Do 15 times for each leg.

Lying bends

Lie on your side, with your upper hand resting on the floor in front of you. Do not roll over on your back during the entire exercise! Extend your toe and lift your overlying leg straight up, bending slightly at the knee for convenience. Try to touch the side of the ribs with the upper part of the thigh - this, of course, is impossible, but the direction of movement should be exactly the same.

Feel the lower side of your torso being extended and the upper side contracting.

Do 2 sets of 12 times on each side.

Side crunches

Lying on your back, stretch your arms over your head, bend your legs, press your feet and buttocks to the floor. Raise your shoulders slightly and rotate your torso to your right side, being careful not to bend your bent knees. Do not open the pelvis completely! Feel the stretch on one side and the contraction on the other, count to 10 and return the body to its original position.

Do 15 times in each direction.

Standing stretch

Stand straight with your hands at your waist and feet hip-width apart. Pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks, slightly "tucking the tailbone" forward and up. Now extend your right arm to the left at chest level and rotate your torso by hand without unfolding or relaxing your pelvis. At the extreme point, count to 10, feel the right side stretch and the left side contract. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

Do 2 sets of 12 times in each direction.

Personal opinion

Maria Ivaschenko:

I try to live a healthy lifestyle. Sleep at least 7 hours a day, eat right, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, go to the gym.

Want to know the secret of how to truly lose waist fat? Throw out the sugar ...

Waist fat, like most types of abdominal fat, is difficult to get rid of, and for many people it persists even after losing weight elsewhere.

But contrary to popular belief, abdominal exercises, crunches, or even targeted exercises for the obliques (those under the fat rolls at the waist) will not reduce fat in problem areas.

The key is a more holistic approach, involving both dietary changes and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which I'll discuss below.

However, when you burn excess fat, you can reap significant benefits through more targeted exercise like this 10-minute waist fat workout.

Workout with waist fat in just 10 minutes of workout

The next complex, as the resource recommends Health(Health), you need to repeat three times, and each exercise should be performed immediately after the previous one. Try incorporating it into your workout routine three times a week to tighten your obliques and strengthen your core.

40 exercises "woodcutter" (20 on each side)

"Take a weight in one hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Transfer your body weight to your left leg. Start by holding the weight with both hands at your left shoulder.

Then twist to make a chopping motion down to your right thigh. Let your feet and knees rotate as you twist. Raise the weight back to your left shoulder and do 20 more reps.Now switch sides - do the same with the right side."

50 Russian crunches

" Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. The chassis should be at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Take a dumbbell with both hands. Lift your legs off the floor by crossing them at the ankles and balancing on the buttocks. From this position, turn the body to the right and touch the floor next to you with the dumbbell.

Then turn to the left and touch the floor to your left with the dumbbell. Repeat back and forth, maintaining balance with your legs, and making sure that the body does not touch the floor."

30 hip lifts from the side plank position (15 on each side)

" Stand in a side plank position - rest your elbow on the floor, legs and hips on the floor. Tighten your abs and, keeping your body in a straight line, lift your lower body off the floor to take a straight plank position. Lower yourself to the floor and repeat again. Perform 15 lifts on the right side and 15 on the left."

30 twists "bike"

" Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Do not clasp your hands. Straining your abs, lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor.

At the same time, bring your right elbow to your left knee so that they touch each other in the middle of the body. Now switch sides - with your left elbow, reach towards your right knee. Continue as quickly as possible, keeping the body off the floor."

Want to know the secret of how to truly lose waist fat? Throw out the sugar

When 24 adults did seven abdominal exercises, five days a week for six weeks, they did not lose not an ounce fat - neither on the belly nor on any other part of the body. This is because that about 80% of the ability to reduce excess body fat is determined by what you eat and the remaining 20% ​​are related to fat-burning exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits.

If your diet is based on sugar / fructose and processed junk food, your chances of shedding waist fat and gaining flat abs are very slim - even if you exercise fanatically. You simply won't see your abs unless you reduce your total fat, and a poor diet will force your body to hold on to excess fat despite your best efforts.

The two most important nutritional factors are:

  • Reducing or eliminating sugar from the diet... This includes ALL sugars and fructose, whether refined or "natural" such as agave or honey, as well as all grains (including organic) as they are quickly broken down into sugar in the body.
  • Increase healthy fat content in the diet- for example, coconut oil and animal omega-3 fats

One of the most detrimental effects on your weight loss task is fructose. lurking in so many processed foods and drinks that it is nearly impossible to avoid it unless you change your shopping and cooking habits.

Avoiding processed foods altogether and leaning instead on whole, preferably locally sourced, natural foods prepared at home can help you get around one of the biggest dietary hurdles today.

The good news is that once you make these changes, the urge to eat the foods you have given up on disappears. This is especially true in the case of alternating fasting which is one of the most effective ways to get rid of body fat.

For optimal fat burning, do HIIT two or three times a week

If your goal is to lose waist fat, take 20 minutes two or three times a week. high-intensity interval training(no longer needed because it can be easily overdone).

This short intense workout regimen is one of the best fat burning exercises as it improves energy intake and expenditure through its positive effects on muscle growth and muscle fiber quality.

Muscle tissue burns three to five times more energy than fat tissue, so as you build muscle, your metabolic rate will increase, allowing you to burn more calories even when you sleep.

In addition, several studies have confirmed that exercise in short bursts with rest intervals in between burns more fat than continuous exercise throughout the workout.

Another important benefit of HIIT is its ability to naturally increase the body's production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), also referred to as “fitness hormone”.

Growth hormone is a synergistic, foundational biochemical that promotes muscle growth and effectively burns excess fat.

Try these modified push-ups to work your abs.

Push ups don't just strengthen the upper torso. They also strengthen and tighten the belly. Some even consider them ideal abdominal exercises if done correctly. I have included a summary of the basic rules for doing push-ups specifically for the press.

If you want to work out the abs, then, while doing push-ups, try:

  • Once in the plank position, pull in your navel. The belly button is attached to the transverse abdominal muscles, the inner lining that holds the intestines from the inside out and provides the spine and vertebrae with good, firm support, like a belt. Therefore, pulling it in, you begin to contract the deeply lying internal transverse abdominal muscles.
  • Then, do the Kegel exercise. More women are familiar with this term than men. To do the Kegel exercise, tense the muscles in the lower pelvis and hold them in a pulled-in position. For men who are not familiar with the term, it is like trying to stop urinating in the middle of the process. This squeeze will help you feel your abdominal muscles and focus your attention on them.
  • Try dumbbell rows while doing push-ups. Start with a weight that is appropriate for your current fitness level and move up to heavier as you get stronger. Position the dumbbells at a 45-degree angle; pull in your navel; tighten your pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercise) and inhale, lowering your upper body to the floor.

Exhale as you rise, and when your arms are fully extended, perform a deadlift - pull the right dumbbell to your chest. On the next push-up, pull up the left dumbbell.

This advanced technique allows you to work your lateral abdominals as well as your deep core muscles.

When it comes to losing weight, everyone has their own problem area. Some people accumulate fat on the thighs and sides, while others fail to lose weight in their arms. In any case, the only way out is to reduce body fat throughout the body. It is impossible to lose weight or pump up locally, and removing the sides at home or in the gym is possible only with an integrated approach.

To burn excess and tone your abs, you will need to change your eating habits, exercise and lifestyle changes in general if you want to permanently remove fat from the waist and sides.

To get rid of excess body fat around the waist, it is not enough just to exercise or include certain foods in the diet. A quick result is possible only with an integrated approach, which includes 3 important elements:

  • First, you need to improve your diet, cut back on carbohydrate and fat intake, creating a calorie deficit. It is also necessary to increase the amount of protein and fiber in the diet so as not to feel hunger, which will force you to disrupt, normalize digestion and metabolism.
  • Secondly, do physical exercises at home, on the street, in the gym, work out with a rolling pin, no matter what it is, the main thing is to increase calorie consumption, which will further increase the calorie deficit and the body will begin to burn fat and use it as a source of energy , which will further accelerate weight loss.
  • Thirdly, regularly take measurements of body volume and weigh 1-2 times a week at the same time, in order to understand how well progress is going and it is necessary to make adjustments to the training process, nutrition and diet.

Part 1: Proper Weight Loss Nutrition

1. Avoid extreme diets

Such nutrition can give instant results. But since you won't last long on it, the dropped kilograms will instantly return as soon as you decide to continue your normal lifestyle.

  • In addition, many extreme diets encourage the consumption of highly processed foods, which are detrimental to health.
  • Most health experts advise giving up dieting and adjusting your lifestyle. This is an easier and more long-term method.

2. Reduce your calorie intake

Unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight in any one specific area. To say goodbye to the ears at the waist, you will have to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the whole body by reducing the calorie content of the daily diet.

  • Food labels and food journals can help you calculate your daily calorie intake. There are also many free online calorie counters / calculators that will allow you to keep track of calories and provide tables of calories for various foods.
  • For quick weight loss, reduce the daily calorie intake by 500-700 Kcal. Eating in this mode and exercising regularly, you can lose 0.5-1 kg per week.
  • Note that diets lower than 1200 Kcal per day are not suitable for long-term use and are not recommended. Subsequently, such a diet can cause the development of nutritional deficiencies.

3. Eat a balanced diet.

Your diet should be based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. A balanced diet that includes all of these food groups will ensure that you are getting optimal amounts of nutrients every day.

  • Diversify your food. For example, don't try to eat an apple every day. Alternate with berries and oranges.
  • A balanced diet also means portion control. The right amount of meals can also help you lose weight.

4. Focus on lean protein foods, fruits and vegetables

This combination of foods stimulates fat burning, especially in the abdominal area.

  • Multiple studies show that low-carb and high-protein diets eliminate fat deposits in and around your internal organs. This nutritional principle will really get rid of the fat around your waist ears.
  • Aim at 85-113g for main meals and 28-56g for snacks to get enough protein to cover your daily nutrient needs.
  • The rest of your diet should be vegetables and fruits. Some nutritionists advise eating 5-9 times a day, others insist that half of your menu should be vegetables and fruits.

5. Cut back on your carbohydrate intake

If you eat mostly protein, fruits and vegetables, you need to keep your daily carbohydrate intake to a minimum. This will speed up fat burning, and allow you to quickly say goodbye to the ears at the waist.

  • Carbohydrates are found in a wide variety of foods, including dairy and grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, and legumes.
  • Don't cut out carbs completely. The easiest way to stick to a low-carb diet is to minimize your intake of starchy vegetables and grains as much as possible. Many of the nutrients they contain can be found in other foods as well.
  • Eat no more than 1 or 2 servings of high-carb foods each day. Let the rest of your diet consist of lean sources of protein or vegetables.

6. Limit processed foods and fast food

Many processed foods or fast foods are high in calories. By rejecting them, you will lose weight faster and get rid of the hated ears at the waist.

  • To avoid the consumption of junk food, you must first remove it from the house. If you buy healthy food, then you eat it.
  • Eat homemade food whenever possible. In most restaurants, dishes are generously seasoned with sugar, butter and vegetable oils. When doing your own cooking, replace butter with olive oil or use cooking spray.
  • You can reduce the calorie content of dishes in a restaurant or cafe if you ask to serve the dressing or sauce separately. Protein foods should also be preferred over pizza or pasta.

7. Drink plenty of water

To maintain health, it is necessary to maintain an optimal water balance. However, getting enough water every day will also help you burn fat.

  • When you are trying to shed excess fat and lose weight, adequate drinking regimen will keep you full and alert all day.
  • Try to drink 8 glasses a day, but depending on your age, gender and activity level, you may need all 13.
  • To dull hunger and activate fat burning, try to drink a glass of water before every meal or snack. This will help you fill up faster and eat less.

8. Watch out for snacks

Consider snacking options ahead of time with a preference for carrots, celery, apples, and yogurt. High-calorie snacks will become a hindrance to weight loss, and often lead to weight gain.

  • In the process of losing weight, keep the calorie content of snacks in the range of 100-150 Kcal.
  • Also, only have snacks when you are really hungry, or if the break between meals is more than 4-6 hours.
  • Most people eat extra pounds not during their main meals, but between them. Wean yourself mindlessly pulling everything in your mouth, standing in front of the refrigerator or pantry.
  • Replace late night snacks with a cup of tea or chewing gum, and set the exact time, such as 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm, after which you stop eating.

Part 2: Home Exercises to Lose Your Hips

1. Bicycle crunches

This versatile exercise perfectly tones the abdominal muscles, working hard on the side, waist or oblique abdominal muscles. For this:

  • Lie on your back with your hands clasped behind your head. Raise your legs 30-60 cm above the floor.
  • Bend your left knee and reach towards your head, turning your torso so that your right elbow touches your left knee.
  • Now straighten your left leg, and repeat on the other side, bringing your right knee and left elbow together.
  • Do 15-20 reps per set, increasing the number of sets as the muscles strengthen.

2. Russian crunches

This exercise may be a little easier than traditional crunches, but it purposefully loads the ears on the hips and obliques. Execution technique:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and your back straight. Bend your knees slightly without lifting your feet off the floor.
  • Tilt the body back slightly, deviating slightly from a 90-degree angle. Take a dumbbell weighing 2.3-4.5 kg, and turn the body to the left, lowering the dumbbell almost to the floor.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat the exercise on the right side. Do 20-25 reps.

3. Side bar

The plank loads all the core muscles well, but one of its modifications - the side plank - activates the oblique muscles. The sequence of the exercise:

  • Stand in a side plank position with your right elbow resting on your left hand on your waist. Make sure your body is in a straight line and maintain this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side, leaning on your left arm. You can do the exercise several times, alternately for each side.

4. Exercise for the muscles of the whole body

Yoga and Pilates help tone your entire body by giving you stretched, strong muscles. Such classes are ideal for those who are afraid to "pump".

  • Go to a yoga studio, or sign up for a full body group workout at your gym if you have a membership.
  • Try yoga from online videos or DVDs. It can be cheaper than going to a yoga studio or buying a membership to a sports club.

5. Aerobic exercise

Regular cardio exercise will not only improve your overall health, but it will also help you burn calories and shed body fat.

  • The range of exercises available is huge. Try jogging, cross-country walking, hiking, biking, dancing, and kickboxing.
  • To maintain health and weight loss, devote to cardio training for 30 minutes. 5 times per week.
  • If you find it difficult to set aside special time for training, try to be more active in your daily life. Walk more, do household chores, go shopping, etc.

Part 3: Monitoring Progress and Maintaining Motivation

1. Measurements of volumes

For greater clarity of results, measure your volumes. This will help you understand how much fat has gone from your thighs and belly.

  • Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of the narrowest part of the waist, its lower area (5 cm below the navel) and hips.
  • These measurements will help you track your progress. They provide more information than the numbers on the scales, since muscle is heavier than fat.
  • Do not forget to take initial measurements so that there is something to compare with.

Reducing the ears on the thighs means the loss of excess fat, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in body weight. Regular weighing will also prevent you from gaining weight.

  • Weigh yourself 1-2 times a week on an empty stomach. Remember that clothes and shoes also have their own weight, so weigh yourself without clothes or underwear.
  • Check your weight systematically to track your results. If you've gained weight or lost too much weight, weighing yourself regularly can help you take action faster.

3. Food diary

Studies have shown that people who write down everything they eat lose more pounds than those who do not.

  • A food journal disciplines you and helps you keep track of all the foods you eat so you can be more mindful about your menu.
  • Start a paper journal, or install the corresponding application on your smartphone.
  • Celebrate all meals, snacks, and drinks. If you are gaining weight or losing too much weight, this will help you understand which foods are causing this.

4. Training or diet partner

Losing weight together can be your main source of inspiration. Scientists have found that support can lead to greater gains in weight loss.

  • Make your workout more enjoyable by working out together. Keep each other motivated if either of you decides to give up.
  • Ask friends, family or coworkers for support, or invite them to join your new diet and exercise program.

Questions and answers

Protein or granola bars (check calories), fruit, hummus, dry cereal, pistachios, beef jerky, or Greek yogurt are fine.

Is hummus good for you? Can you replace sweet snacks with cottage cheese?

Hummus isn't just healthy, it's perfect! It is made from chickpeas, which are very good for health. Pair it with whole grain crackers, carrots, cucumbers and more! Yes, cottage cheese is much healthier than any sweets.

I eat half a peanut butter and jam sandwich 5 times a week. What can replace it?

Whole grain crackers with hummus and fruit or a regular salad are good alternatives.

Video complex

These schemes include the best exercises that will help you effectively remove the sides and pump the abdominal muscles, but do not forget that the results will be only if you follow a diet.

  • Exercise alone will not get rid of those pesky belly fat. Toning exercises will help to strengthen the muscles under the fat layer, but they will not break down the fat itself. Only limiting the diet will allow you to lose weight.
  • Always check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise program.
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