What will give the rejection of meat. Is it true that avoiding meat will benefit your health? Explains the doctor

Avoiding meat is a decision that many people make quite consciously. What are the main reasons for this?

The whole world has not yet switched to veganism, but more and more people are choosing to reduce the amount of meat in their diet.

For reference: Vegetarianism means giving up meat, dairy products and everything else in the diet can be present (there are several varieties of vegetarianism where dairy products or eggs are avoided). Veganism, on the other hand, implies a complete rejection of animal products, and not only food, but also clothing made of leather, animal fur, as well as cosmetics and household products that have been tested on animals.

Some of the top reasons why people give up meat. You may also consider following their example.

1. Health

Meat consumption contributes to the spread of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. A huge number of people suffer from these diseases, or at least know such people personally.

These diseases are debilitating, expensive to treat, and terrifying. Avoiding or cutting back on meat can increase your chances of avoiding these health problems.

Many books have been written on this topic. One of the most popular is "China Study" Colin and Thomas Campbell. It contains information about research that has been carried out for more than a dozen years. The authors support with facts that meat has a negative effect on the human body.

For many years people have been fed the myth that meat is needed to build strength, but this is not the case. Rip Esselstin is one of the most famous athletes in the world who follows a plant-based diet. And this is far from the only professional athlete who is vegan.

2. Environment

The livestock industry creates a lot of greenhouse gases. There is evidence that the consumption of meat and dairy products has a huge negative impact on the entire planet.

Giving up 500 g of beef is equivalent to skipping one car from the road. It takes about 2,000 liters of water to get 500 g of chicken meat. Also, animal husbandry requires huge areas: land is needed not only to grow fodder for livestock, but also directly for the animals themselves. If all this land is used to grow various crops, many more people can be fed.

Once, caring for the environment seemed like something that only hippies and crazy people do, but over the years, more and more people understand that humanity is destroying the world around us faster and faster.

If you plan to live on this earth for many years and save it for your children, why not cut down on your consumption of animal products?

3. Product quality, abuse

Today, almost everyone knows that pesticides and overuse of antibiotics are harmful to human health. However, pollinated fruits and vegetables are not the only way pesticides enter our bodies. Seeing a doctor is no longer the only way to get antibiotics.

To meet consumer demand, animals are raised in dire conditions. Only in America, according to the USDA, about 8.5 billion chickens... They are kept in very close quarters.

Not to mention the cruel treatment that animals undergo during their "life", you need to realize the fact that in such conditions they are extremely susceptible to disease. A documentary film called "Earthlings" was made on this topic. It reveals the truth about how the livestock industry works.

Of course, to fight these diseases, the animals are given antibiotics. Together with meat, they subsequently enter the human body. Also, pesticides that are passed to animals through feed end up in the human body.

People who learn about the living conditions of animals, about how they are treated, as a rule, give up meat completely or reduce its consumption. They understand that what is happening in factories is contrary to their values.

4. It's easy

It seems that we have always consumed a lot of meat, but this is not the case.

Back in the early 2000s, per capita meat consumption in Russia did not even reach 50 kg. For 2018, this figure is close to 75 kg / person. Back in the 20th century, most of our diet consisted of plant foods.

There are many herbal substitutes for meat and dairy products. However, this is not the only way to reduce your intake of animal products. You can follow some rules: for example, meat only on Mondays. This will help newbies make a smooth transition to a healthier diet.

However, some young ladies put an end to meat not for moral reasons, but succumbing to fashion trends. Natalie Portman, Olivia Wilde, Alicia Silverstone, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Liv Tyler - these actresses have long since given up animal food and still look stunning. Not surprisingly, many girls draw parallels between the stunning looks of the stars and their food cravings. However, at the same time, fans forget that the actresses work with entire teams of nutritionists and doctors who make sure that the daily diet of celebrities meets all the principles of healthy eating. If you do not have such support behind your back, do not rush to rush into vegetarianism, like into a whirlpool, headlong. It, like meat-eating, has not only pluses, but also minuses.

Man is a predator

Eating meat naturally. Vegetarianism was not inherent in our ancestors. During the Ice Age, there was almost no plant food, and the carcasses of animals helped people not to die of hunger. Now vegetables and fruits are available at any time of the year, regardless of the whims of nature, but nutritionists are in no hurry to delete meat from the food pyramid - the basis of a balanced diet.

Pros: irreplaceable product

Meat contains a number of amino acids that are ingested only with food. According to doctors' observations, steak lovers rarely complain of fragile bones and problems with the central nervous system. And all because red meat contains a loading dose of vitamin D and the entire group of vitamins B. In addition, beef, pork and lamb are rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine and iron. Despite the fact that the last element is present in vegetables and fruits by an order of magnitude, it is almost not absorbed from plants. Therefore, every second vegetarian is deficient in iron. And this is fraught with a host of problems, ranging from hair loss and ending with a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. However, meat is valued not only by vitamins, minerals and protein. It contains special substances that have a property that is very necessary for the body. They enhance the secretion of digestive juices, facilitate the digestion of food and facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But keep in mind that only natural meat has such qualities. There is almost no benefit in semi-finished products, but there are plenty of extra calories and fat.

Cons: hormones and excess weight

There is an opinion that the level of cholesterol in meat is off scale, and this is fraught with malfunctions of the thyroid gland, liver problems and the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In fact, everything is not so scary. To avoid these troubles, it is enough to cut off all the fat, do not fry the meat in lard and do not pour it with mayonnaise. The fear is something completely different.

To keep the animals from getting sick and gaining weight quickly, they are often pumped with antibiotics, tranquilizers, and growth hormones. Unfortunately, these harmful substances do not disappear anywhere even after heat treatment and enter the human body. Adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that are produced in the body of the animal at the time of slaughter, rush there. Perhaps for this reason, meat eaters often suffer from stress and have problems with weight, because excess cortisol is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles in the waist area. But what really scares you is that, devouring the meat of an animal of the opposite sex, you can pump up foreign hormones and disorient your own hormonal system. However, these troubles are easy to avoid if you buy organic meat and not get too carried away with it.

With and without fish

If you nevertheless decide to become a vegetarian, you should decide which one - lax or strict. The first are of two types. The so-called lacto-vegetarianism, in addition to plants, allows the consumption of milk and dairy products, and in ovolacto-vegetarianism it is also allowed to eat eggs. The most loyal followers of this trend allow themselves to feast on fish, seafood and poultry on weekends and holidays. As for strict anti-meat eaters - vegans, they exclude animal products from their diet and everyday life, arguing that they cannot be obtained without the exploitation of animals. The vegan menu is pretty sparse. It contains only plant food, and it is often consumed without culinary processing or cooked at a temperature not exceeding 18ºC.

Non-strict vegetarians: an ethical issue

A balanced diet is unthinkable without animal proteins. In principle, high-protein foods are interchangeable, therefore, the meat gap formed in the menu can be “patched” with cottage cheese, milk and eggs without much loss. This is exactly what lacto and ovolactic vegetarians do. However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to compensate for the lack of well-assimilable "meat" iron with dairy and plant products. This task can only be done by fish and poultry. Therefore, non-strict vegetarians, who at least occasionally feast on fish and seafood, are in a more advantageous position. There is a lot of selenium in sea reptiles, which keeps the blood vessels in good shape. And fish is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which regulate blood cholesterol levels, strengthen immunity and serve as an excellent prevention of cancer.

Non-strict vegetarians are advocates of mixed foods and get pretty much anything for a balanced diet. If there is no meat in the diet, but there is fish and poultry, then such a system has no disadvantages. But in this case, an ethical issue remains unresolved, which is important for most vegetarians. It turns out that they do not support the slaughter of cows, pigs and lambs, but they have nothing against catching fish.

Vegans: a blow to the organs

There is a lot of plant fiber in the diet of strict vegetarians, and it perfectly stimulates intestinal motility and maintains an optimal balance of its microflora. In addition, vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of phytoncides - biologically active substances that kill harmful bacteria and suppress the processes of putrefaction in the intestines. Vegans rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and kidney and gallstones. Experts say that the reason lies in the property of plant foods to remove from the body not only "harmful" cholesterol, but also toxins accumulated over the years. Finally, do not forget that such foods contain a lot of healthy carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy.

Olga Budina:

I gave up meat when I found out that I was expecting a baby. At that moment, I realized that from now on I was responsible for the health of my unborn son. However, the moral side of the question is not alien to me: I look animals in the eyes and cannot eat them. Naturally, meat contains not only harmful, but also useful components, such as protein. However, beef and pork are not the only sources of this substance. It is also found in legumes.

Nadezhda Babkina:

Since I gave up meat, it became easier for me to live. First, the body feels light. Secondly, the load on the digestive organs decreases, because meat is a heavy product. Thirdly, even the complexion is getting better. And I take all the nutrients from fish. In general, the vegetarian menu can hardly be called inferior. I think no one will argue with the fact that vegetables, cereals and nuts contain a lot of vitamins.

Valeriy Meladze:

Most people don't give up meat because they love animals. They believe that this is an extremely harmful product: a source of cholesterol, hormones ... This is true, but only on the condition that we are talking about such dishes as French meat. Naturally, if you constantly eat pork drenched in mayonnaise, you can say goodbye to health. But a steak made from excellent meat has not hurt anyone yet.

Expert opinion

Dmitry Krylov, therapist:

If you decide to join the ranks of vegetarians, be sure to undergo a comprehensive therapeutic and gastroenterological examination. A sharp change in the dietary system can provoke a number of diseases and exacerbate existing ones. The transition to plant foods is undesirable for those who are engaged in hard physical labor, suffering from anemia, problems with the pancreas and thyroid glands, inflammatory bowel disease and gastritis. And such a diet is absolutely contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

We offer you an article about such a real life experience as giving up meat food. How has the state of health and quality of life changed? How difficult is it to give up meat and what happens to the body that does not receive meat food? Read, think, decide ...

Eat right, appreciate every moment of your life and!

To begin with, I am not a vegetarian. Even a lacto-vegetarian. Since I still eat fish and my favorite seafood. But I do not eat meat or poultry at all in any form. I have little experience - a little over a year. But already during this time I felt the difference between "before" and "after".

What did giving up meat give me?

1. Improved digestion.

As far back as I can remember, I have always had problems with this. From early childhood. I don’t want to describe them in full detail, I’ll just say that I very often had malfunctions in the path. Failures are global, causing a lot of trouble. So after I eliminated meat from my diet, I forgot about these problems. Of course, things didn't work out the next day or even a week later. The first changes began about a month later. And the further, the better!

2. Lightness and energy.

Many sources write about this. But just to read and really feel for yourself are completely different things. It's amazing, but I began to feel completely differently. I have more strength, enthusiasm and. And it is not surprising, because not only is meat very difficult to digest by our body, it requires large expenditures of energy resources, but it also carries the energy of death and violence.

3. Ability to get up early.

I have always considered myself an owl, getting up even at 7 in the morning was quite a challenge for me. Now I am an absolute morning person and I wake up on my own without an alarm clock at 6 in the morning. Why am I attributing these changes to a meat-free diet? Yes, because the body, cluttered, always works in tear mode, especially if you dine on a meat dish. And digesting vegetables for a maximum of an hour in the evening, with the sunrise he is ready to stay awake!

4. Changing taste preferences.

I have read for a long time that taste can be cultivated, just like the qualities of your character. But I did not understand the meaning of this statement. Now I know what the author meant. When I was still eating meat, the modest and simple dishes did not give me any appetite. I did not understand how you can love porridge, dressed with a creamy sauce and go crazy at the sight of a vegetable salad with cereals.

But all kinds of fatty and fried foods, grilled chicken, the smell of fast food made me more hungry. Now everything has changed. And it's not just about meat dishes. Any fatty, heavily fried, peppery food leaves me deeply indifferent. But dishes made from fresh vegetables and fruits seem very appetizing. I have discovered so many new flavors of wholesome and healthy food!

5. Calmness and serenity.

Before, I considered myself an absolute choleric, I was very hot-tempered, loud and overly emotional. Now I seemed to start living on a different wave, emitting vibrations of a completely different frequency. Inside there was calmness and tranquility, harmony, which I had only read about before. The most amazing thing is that in such a state I practically stopped attracting aggressive people and conflict situations into my life. Although, what is surprising here, if earlier, together with meat, I absorbed the energy of murder, pain and aggression, but now I have stopped feeding on such energies.

Was it difficult for me to give up meat?

No, I did it abruptly without smooth transitions, and did not suffer at all from the desire to eat the forbidden cutlet. Although she used to consider herself a terrible meat lover and, being in a cafe, always preferred a piece of steak to a sweet cake. I think in my case everything happened so easily only because I was internally ready for it. I am convinced that first changes must occur in consciousness, and only then be accompanied by actions.

Now I will answer the question that many readers ask me. Do I cook meat?

Yes, because my husband loves him, and I respect his choice. But I completely abstract myself, trying to perceive such an occupation that is not entirely permissible for me, as austerity and the opportunity to make a loved one enjoyable. Of course, at the same time I do not taste the dish, but add salt, spices and other ingredients, guided by intuition.

Yes, I forgot to say the main thing. For my own curiosity, I periodically pass tests, since there is an opinion that if you do not eat meat, then many indicators go beyond the norm. Even a reduced one is credited with giving up meat. But there is no problem with that. Therefore, I simply cannot name a single minus.

Meat is a heavy food containing "bad" cholesterol. In large quantities, it is very dangerous, as it promotes the deposition of fatty plaques in the vessels and impaired circulation, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eliminating it from the diet, you prolong youth and take care of your beauty!

18:22 1.03.2013

"Everything, from today - not a piece of meat!" - you promise yourself and put porridge with salad on a plate, and at lunch you have cabbage soup. But at night you dream of a big juicy chop and a ham sandwich ... To prevent this from happening, switch to vegetarianism wisely! We offer you a program that will help you do this without any problems.

What do you get?

The body will say “thank you” to you: it will get rid of toxins and toxins, the digestion processes will normalize, the complexion and skin condition, mood will improve, you will be less tired and sleep better. In addition, the risk of gallstones and biliary tract formation will decrease: vegetable fats are absorbed much more easily. And a large amount of fiber will cleanse the intestines.

How to do it?

Step 1: Prepare your body for the transition to a new diet so that it does not go on strike. Arrange for yourself several fasting days - vegetable, fruit and kefir. In the first week, give up only red meat (pork, lamb, beef and offal, pates, sausage) and broths. You can eat fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

You don't have to give up meat altogether.

Step 2: Keep it up! You’ll be surprised, but you don’t want smoked sausage and roast beef anymore. Now exclude the bird. Eat vegetables, cereals, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts, dried fruits. In principle, you can stop there. It is not necessary to exclude fish, eggs and dairy products: even eating them will not reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

Step 3: Follow the menu. There is no more meat in the diet, and your body still needs vitamins and minerals contained in it. Therefore, do not forget about foods that are rich in protein and iron (legumes, soybeans, nuts), calcium (fermented milk products, asparagus, cabbage, raisins, eggs), zinc (buckwheat porridge, corn, seafood), vitamin B12 (bean curd, soy meat, steaks, tofu).

Step 4: Diversify your meals.Have you been a vegetarian for three weeks now? This is a reason for pride. Fried meat, sausages, dumplings, pates disappeared from the table. Alas, sometimes you really miss them, although you do not feel constant hunger. So that's not the point! If your food is varied enough, then soon you will not even remember about them. Buy yourself a vegetarian recipe book. Make stews with vegetables and mushrooms, make bean and cottage cheese pâtés, stuffed vegetables, pizzas with cheese and vegetables, omelettes with mushrooms, pancakes with a variety of fillings, casseroles - there are many options. Master the science of combining spices: if your taste buds get irritated enough (salty, sour, sweet, spicy food), you will give up meat painlessly. You will soon be convinced that you began to eat much tastier and more varied than before the diet!

Step 5: Don't set a goal for yourself give up steaks and sausages forever - when you really want to, allow yourself a small piece. If you decide that vegetarianism is not for you, and remain in the ranks of convinced meat eaters, no one bothers you just from time to time to "sit" on vegetables and fruits.

To whom - yes, to whom - and no

Even after believing that meat is poison, do not rush to transfer the whole family to a vegetarian diet. After all, the system does not benefit everyone!

Need to



For people with chronic diseases (irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, constipation, liver problems) vegetarianism is a real panacea because the digestive tract works with less stress.

Women during menopause you just need to switch to a meat-free diet. Phytoestrogens, which are found in legumes (primarily in soy), help to transfer menopause easier.

Women of reproductive age from time to time it is good not to eat meat. But without fanaticism! Constant strict vegetarianism will not be beneficial. For the normal functioning of the body, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium are needed, the sources of which are food of animal origin. In addition, it is necessaryreplenish iron deficiency due to monthly blood loss.

In adulthood food is digested worse, so it is good to give up red meat, leaving poultry and fish on the menu.

Children and adolescents you cannot refuse animal products (except red meat): protein is a building material for cells, and cholesterol is necessary for the nervous system (if you exclude it, the body will develop poorly, not only health will worsen, but also mental activity).

Pregnant and lactating vegetarian can cause serious harm to the mental development of the baby, because he does not receive enough vitamin B12, which is contained mainly in animal food.

Who is who

Vegetarians are those who have taken meat off their menu. But some of them have eliminated all animal products, while others have expanded the list of what is allowed.

Vegans (old vegetarians ) - eat exclusively vegetable products without salt.

Raw foodists (vitarians) - eat fruits and vegetables that have not been heat-treated, as well as dairy products.

Fruitarians - only fruits and nuts appear on their plates.

Lactovegetarians - allow the use of dairy products.

Lactovegetarians - in addition to milk and dairy products, they also eat eggs.

Semi-vegetarians - do not eat mammalian meat, but eat poultry and fish.

Fact versus fact

The British Medical Journal published the results of observations of 11,000 people over 13 years. It turned out that vegetarians are 40% less likely to get any form of cancer and 30% less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases, and the risk of premature death is 20% lower than those who eat meat!

There are 22 amino acids in total, of which 8 cannot be synthesized by the body: they must be obtained only from food. A lack of them leads to a decrease in muscle mass, anemia and osteoporosis, and according to British studies, also to a drop in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone, which leads to a decrease in sexual activity.

According to the American Medical Association, 90 to 97% of heart disease, which accounts for more than half of US deaths, could be prevented by a vegetarian diet.

According to research by Italian scientists, people who have given up meat and have not changed their diet in any way suffer from a lack of protein foods, vitamins and iron.

American scientists examined 400 inmates at Illimore Prison. The study found that of 250 non-vegetarian prisoners, 85 were aggressive, while of 150 vegetarians, 148 were calm and sociable.

According to American doctors, the biggest misconception of vegetarianism is that meat can be replaced with soy. Yes, soy contains many beneficial substances, but it cannot be a worthy alternative to beef or pork.

The Hunza tribe living in the Himalayas has an average life expectancy of between 80 and 100 years! Scientists are convinced that vegetarianism is the reason for their excellent health.

Eskimos who eat fish and meat age quickly and rarely live to old age. The Kyrgyz at one time also ate mainly meat and rarely lived longer than 50 years.

Avoiding meat is a test of willpower

Maxim Slyshinsky, 27 years old, height 177 cm, weight 70 kg.

I got my vegetarian experience thanks to Orthodox fasting. I decided to observe it not for religious reasons, but in order to test myself and "pacify" the normal male desire - to eat more and tastier. Frankly, fierce battles were fought with myself: every now and then I was drawn to the refrigerator. But then I was surprised to notice that vegetables, which I considered an optional side dish for meat, can also be tasty and even satisfying. For the first time in my life, I thought about the fact that meat is part of a once living creature that clearly did not want to die ... Gradually, I excluded from the diet not only it, but also eggs, fish, dairy products. I bought canned vegetables, ate salads, cereals. By the end of the post, I had lost 8 kilos, but I think they were not "good". All this time I felt great! Lightness appeared, memory improved, I became less irritable: I was tempted to continue living without meat. But I decided to return to my usual diet. I think that the test was good for me and somehow I will repeat it.

12/05/2017 17:56

For many centuries, meat was considered a valuable product, a kind of basis for human existence. But since about the middle of the 19th century, representatives of a new culture, vegetarians, have been trying to destroy this theory. In their opinion, food of animal origin is not only unhealthy, but also carries some harm to human health. In particular, arguments are made about the relationship between meat consumption and the development of cancer.

Is this really so, and what is hidden under the slogans about the spread of a diet that excludes meat products from the diet?

What is vegetarianism?

Vegetarianism is a conscious transition from omnivorousness to the consumption of food of plant origin, in other words, the rejection of meat products. And vegetarianism is perceived to a greater extent not as a healthy diet, but as a cult that protects animals from violence against them and their subsequent killing.

There are several branches of vegetarianism:

  • Classic- meat and fish are excluded from the diet, but dairy products and eggs, as well as bee products are acceptable.
  • Lacto vegetarianism - only milk and honey are allowed from animal products.
  • Ovo vegetarianism - eggs and honey are acceptable.
  • Veganism - a complete transition to products only of plant origin, including mushrooms.

On the other hand, people who have adopted such a diet strive to cleanse the body, free it from the accumulated, possibly to cure serious illnesses. On the other hand, switching to vegetarianism on an ongoing basis may not have the best consequences for the same organism.

Why is rejection of meat dangerous for humans?

Any unbalanced diet can lead to malfunction of internal organs, which is not always reversible. Therefore, before deciding to take such a step, you need to be sure that the diet does not become detrimental to health.

What vitamins will become deficient, and how will this affect the work of the whole body:

For some time, the rejection of meat will manifest itself in positive moments: you will really feel lightness, add energy, and endurance. But this is a temporary phenomenon. The gradual consumption of the stock of microelements that were previously supplied with animal products will be exhausted, the body will begin to "pull" them out of itself - this will start the reverse process, which threatens complete depletion.

  • The body will stop receiving proteins, which are important for metabolism and full synthesis of hormones. Proteins are the building blocks of cells, which is especially important for the child's body.
  • Lack of vitamin B12 will affect the healthy formation of red cells in the blood, which threatens the development of anemia. This will affect not only the appearance of a person, but also his health - fatigue, sleep disturbance, depression of the psychological mood, decreased mental performance will become constant companions. And a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels can cause death. Lack of this element threatens babies who are breastfed by a vegetarian mother.
  • Inadequate intake of vitamin D will lead to weakening and wasting of bone tissue, which contributes to frequent fractures in adults, and in children it causes "early nutritional rickets in adolescents", which will also complicate their adult life.
  • For the correct development and formation of the skeleton, the work of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, the body needs one more component - omega-3 fatty acid. Its deficiency can be expressed by distracted attention, memory instability, joint pain, hypertension. In addition, diseases of the mammary glands can develop and skin problems appear - acne, dryness, dandruff.
  • Reduction of creatine, which enters the human body when consuming beef, will manifest itself as a decrease in physical activity and fatigue, memory impairment.
  • Oddly enough, but cholesterol, which admirers of a plant-based diet are so afraid of, is also important for the normal development of a child's body. It affects the proper development of cells and the development of sex hormones. If adults need to reduce its consumption, then the child's body should receive cholesterol in full, and it is contained only in animal products.

The lack of such a vitamin complex will affect the reproductive system of both men and women: hormonal imbalance leads to a decrease in the possibility of conception, and in some cases this can result in complete infertility.

Of course, all these elements, except cholesterol, can also be found in plant foods, but the difference between them is that it is vitamins and minerals from meat that are absorbed by the human body faster than from vegetables. In addition, for a full replenishment, it is necessary to consume a sufficiently large amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts, greens, which not everyone can afford, especially during the frost period, when plant food grows only in greenhouses and soars in price. By the way, at this time, vegetables become not just an expensive pleasure - greenhouse products can not always boast as many vitamins as those grown in natural conditions are rich in.

Fears of pediatric doctors

Having become vegetarians, adults often "add" their children to such a diet. But the opinion of doctors on this matter is completely different, and not only among pediatricians.

Most pediatric doctors have a negative attitude towards vegetarianism for children. Even if adults feel great after giving up meat, in children it can seriously affect their health, and not for the better.

Lack of essential amino acids, vitamins, cholesterol, which are found only in animal products, affects the general endurance of children - they are weaker, and usually do not gain weight. In addition, unbalanced nutrition affects psychomotor performance.

Dentists also have a negative attitude towards vegetarianism. They find it incompatible to develop a well-formed jaw apparatus and a strict meat-free diet.

The thing is that the structure of the human jaw is adapted for chewing tough food, which includes meat:

  • We have incisors whose main task is to cut food and muscle fibers;
  • Fangs are needed to break food;
  • And chewableteeth are designed to be thoroughly chewed.

So, if a child from an early age is switched to plant foods, and in most cases it is soft, this can lead to problems with the teeth and the jaw as a whole - the teeth can be crowded, out of line. Eating meat puts a certain strain on the teeth, helping to form the correct bite. In addition, harsh food is a good prevention of tooth decay.

It is worth noting that there are exceptions to the rule when doctors themselves prescribe a strict diet for their little patients, but this happens only with serious indications. The diet in such cases is prescribed by a nutritionist. At the same time, the child is under constant control: tests are regularly carried out to monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood and other vital indicators, the height and weight of the child is monitored, and if there is a deviation, the diet is adjusted.

10 reasons for meat

Vegetarians make many of the arguments for a meat-free life, but few have gone into the heart of those arguments. Let's figure it out together.

Myth 1. Man is not a predator

Eating meat is an unnatural process for humans. The structure of the teeth and the general digestive system is not similar to that of animals. This is true, but we also have little in common with the digestive system of herbivores. Man is omnivorous. If our stomach was not adapted to accept food of animal origin, it would have let know about it within half an hour after eating it. And the use of meat by man for many centuries speaks just in his favor.

Myth 2. Human's closest relatives are gorillas, and they are herbivores

Firstly, it is not worth connecting a person with "family ties" with this animal, since the relationship has not been proven to date. And secondly, it is worth recalling chimpanzees and pigs - they are omnivores. And the gorilla in captivity does not refuse to eat meat.

Myth 3. Meat rots in the digestive system, poisoning the body

This is a big misconception. Yes, meat products take longer to digest, but at the same time they do not rot. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach eliminates this process. Such phenomena can occur only in case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for this is not meat, but a violation of the principles of healthy eating: overeating, monotonous food, lack in the diet. In the right diet, everything should be in moderation.

Myth 4. Vegetarians are long-livers

Not a proven fact. If you take India as an example - it has the highest rates of adherents of a vegetarian diet, but they have an average life expectancy of 63 years. But the inhabitants of the northern countries, where vegetables are less available and meat is the main food, live on average 75 years.

Another vivid example is Georgia: the inhabitants of this country are great admirers of meat products and at the same time Georgia is famous for its long-livers.

Myth 5. Protein of plant origin is not worse than animal, and there are more vitamins and minerals in plant food

Vegetarians get their protein from legumes, particularly soy, and they never tire of arguing that this type of protein is most similar to that obtained from meat. Yes, it is similar, but it cannot completely replace it. In addition, soy is saturated with estrogens, which negatively affect the work of the male hormonal system. Another disadvantage of legumes is that not every organism is ready to process the cellulose membrane, which causes gas formation and problems with stool. The use of such products in large quantities is especially harmful for children - an immature digestive system will respond with frustration to such experiments.

Protein Sources Meat
Protein Sources Fish & Seafood

Protein Sources Eggs and Dairy Products
Protein Sources Legumes

Protein Sources Cereals

Myth 6. People who eat meat are more likely to be overweight.

It is not true. Everyone who eats unbalanced, has problems with metabolism and health in general is inclined to be overweight. Heredity also plays a role.

As for such a popular vegetarian diet, not everything is so rosy here. That there are only "dietary" fruits, dried fruits and cereals - they contain a lot of carbohydrates, the abuse of which leads to obesity. There are cases when pregnant women, due to a lot of weight gain, went on an apple diet, but instead of the long-awaited weight regulation, they received the opposite effect - they gained even more kilograms. Human activity also plays an important role in weight regulation - any diet is powerless if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Myth 7. Meat provokes the development of cancer

Moderate consumption of any food (including meat) cannot cause serious illness. The likelihood of contracting cancer in a meat-eater and a vegetarian is the same, since many other factors influence the development of this phenomenon: ecology, unhealthy diet, chronic diseases, stress, decreased general immunity, genetic abnormalities. All this can happen to both the meat eater and the vegetarian.

Myth 8. It's cheaper to be a vegetarian

The misconception of many beginner vegetarians. In fact, in order for the body to receive all the necessary trace elements, which a person deprived of it by giving up meat, it is necessary to consume a large amount of plant products. And they (nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs) are not so affordable, especially in winter.

Myth 9. Meat increases blood cholesterol

Yes, this is true, but only if a lot of fatty meat is consumed and cooked incorrectly. That's right: boil, bake, simmer, but not fry. During meals, do not pour mayonnaise on the meat and cover it with a lot of spices.

It is also worth remembering that cholesterol in moderation is necessary our body, because it regulates the work of the nervous system, helps to absorb vitamin K (this element affects blood clotting), participates in the regulation of hormonal levels.

Myth 10. Meat eaters are more aggressive, they have little energy.

It is not true. It is vegetarians who are more often susceptible to a decrease in energy and vitality. The reason for this is the violation of the hormonal balance when refusing meat, which affects the general condition of a person. In addition, with a decrease in energy reserves, the muscular system is depleted, metabolic processes slow down, and the activity of the nervous system decreases. To replenish energy, you need to consume at least 1600 kcal per day, which is extremely difficult to achieve with the help of vegetable salad.

We will also show you what spices are suitable for different types of meat, so that your meat dishes are always not only healthy, but also delicious!

Many more arguments and refutations can be made both in the direction of meat-eating and in the direction of vegetarianism. But before accepting or rejecting them, it is worth considering: who benefits from people switching to a lean diet on an ongoing basis?

Marketing and vegetarianism

Is it all that simple with the transition to vegetarianism? If you look in more detail, then this has become another niche for business. And often there is another way to make money behind the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

With the development of vegetarian culture in the world, the production of relevant goods has expanded and flourishes, various literature is sold, and public catering establishments are opening. Mass media and advertising work great in this direction. Nutritional training for nutritionists is widespread, and they are far from free. According to some estimates, the industry's revenues reach $ 30 billion annually, and this figure is growing every year. Agree, rather big indicators for just a hobby.

It should be understood that most of the incoming information about the dangers of meat and the benefits of vegetarianism is nothing more than advertising, which is abundant on the Internet.

On the websites of such talented nutritionists, there is practically no information about the benefits of meat, but when searching for such articles, requests often fall out that meat is harmful, that people are killing themselves by continuing to eat food of animal origin.

Advanced nutritionists-businessmen suggest that a meat-eater is a killer, and not every consumer is able to accept such pressure on the psyche. Unprepared for such a psychological attack, a person begins to think about his lifestyle, eventually agrees with the arguments in favor of vegetarianism and gradually switches to a new lifestyle. After a certain period of time, an understanding comes that the body really lacks something, and here another advertisement is triggered - in stores and pharmacies you will find all the necessary supplements that a person needs, and at the same time he will remain humane in relation to animals. This is exactly how the consumer becomes brainwashed.

It is important to understand that any overly disseminated information is a reason to think about its truthfulness and ask the main question: who benefits from it?

No doctor or nutritionist can prevent an adult from taking the path of vegetarianism.

  • Before you go on a meat-free diet, you need to consult your doctor about the readiness of your body for such changes. Tests will help determine if there are serious problems with the digestive system, heart, and other vital organs.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy soon, switching to plant foods can provoke difficulties in conceiving and carrying a child.
  • You should not radically change the power system before the age of 30. Until this age, some body functions continue to form, and a sharp decrease in nutrients can provoke their failure. After crossing this age limit, a person is considered fully formed: incoming vitamins and minerals are more needed to maintain these vital functions, so a certain balanced diet will not be able to harm.
  • It is important that an experienced nutritionist helps shape the diet, which will take into account the peculiarities of your body and help you choose the optimal grocery basket in all respects.
  • Regularly undergo professional examinations and get tested, to track the slightest changes. Replenish missing micronutrients with medications as needed (but only as directed by your dietitian).


Finally, before crossing the line of vegetarianism, you should pay attention to the possibilities of your wallet. A complete diet without animal products is very expensive. Yes, individually, vegetables, fruits and other vegetarian products are seemingly inexpensive, but their required amount for consumption significantly exceeds this "plus". Otherwise, a diet based on the "it's fashionable" principle can turn into a difficult test for the body, and in the future the consequences will not manifest themselves in the best way.

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