The state is the political organization of the Company with the apparatus. The concept and signs of the state

The concept of public political power is a generic concept for all applications.

There are various types of personal and social power in society - the power of the head of the family, the power of Mr. over a slave or servant, the economic power of the owners of the means of production, spiritual power (authority) of the Church, etc. All species mentioned are either an individual or corporate, group government. It exists due to personal dependence subjects, does not apply to all members of society, is not carried out by the name of the people, does not claim unauthority, is not public.

Power is also covered by the territorial principle, everything is subject to everything on a certain "subjectable" territory. These "all" are a proven people, the population, a set of abstract subjects (subjects or citizens). It doesn't matter for public authority, due to blood-based, ethnic bonds or not. Public power on its territory obey all, including foreigners (with rare exceptions).

Political power is power management in the interests of the well-being of society as a whole and regulatory public relations in order to achieve or maintain stability and order.

Public political power is carried out by a special layer of people professionally involved in the management and component of the authority. This device subordinates all sectors of society, social groups of their will (the will of the ruler, parliamentary majority, political elite, etc.), manages on the basis of organized coercion until the possibility of physical violence against social groups and individuals. The apparatus of public political power exists and functions at the expense of taxes from the population, which are established and charged either by law - when taxpayers are free owners, or arbitrarily, by force - when they are not free. In the latter case, these are no longer taxes in their own sense, but tribute or grant.

The apparatus of public political power is intended to act in a general interest. But the device and, above all, his leaders express the interests of society as they understand them; More precisely, during democracy, the device expresses the real interests of most social groups, and during authoritarianism the rulers themselves determine what the interests and needs of society are. Due to the relative independence of the authority from society, the corporate interests of the apparatus and individual rulers may not coincide with the interests of the majority of other social groups. The device and rulers always seek to issue their interests for the interests of society as a whole, and their interests are primarily to preserve and strengthen the authorities, in the preservation of power in their hands.

In a broad sense, the office of public political power includes the legislator (they may be parliament, and the sole ruler), government-administrative and financial bodies, police, armed forces, court, punitive institutions. All the highest powers of public political power can be connected in one person or authority, but can be separated. In the narrow sense, the Authority, or the Office of the Office, is a combination of authorities and officials, excluding the elected members of the Legislative Assembly (government representative office) and judges.

The apparatus of public political power has a monopoly for coercion up to violence throughout the subject matter and in relation to the entire population. No other social power can compete with public political power and apply force without its permission. This means the sovereignty of public political power, i.e. Her supremacy on the subject territory and independence from the authorities of the authorities operating outside of this territory. Only the apparatus of public political power can issue laws and other general obligatory acts. All orders of this power are mandatory for execution. state sovereignty power tax

Thus, public political power is characterized by the following formal features:

  • - unites the subject (the people, the population of the country) by territorial sign, creates the territorial organization of the subject, political association integrated by public-environmental relations and institutions;
  • - is carried out by a special apparatus that does not coincide with all members of society and existing at the expense of taxes, the organization management society based on coercion up to violence;
  • - It has sovereignty and prerogative of lawmaking.

The organization of public political power and its functioning can be regulated by laws. At the same time, real political public-power relations can more or less significantly deviate because of the law. Power can be carried out by law and regardless of the law.

Finally, the public political power can be different in content, namely, two fundamentally opposite types are possible: either the power is limited to freedom of contempt and intended to protect their freedom, or it exists in society where there is no freedom, and is unlimited. Thus, the legal type of organization and the implementation of political power (statehood) and the power type (from old despotism to modern totalitarianism) are distinguished.

If at least a part of the subjectable is free to power, it means that they are politically free and participate in state-legal communication, they have rights towards the authority, and therefore participate in the formation and implementation of public political power. The opposite type, the despotium is such an organization of the authorities in which subjects are not free, have no rights. The power of this type forms and regulates all relations between the subject, creates a public order, and society itself.

In modern science, the relationship between the state and the right is generally accepted, the need for the legal framework of power in the state. But if we assume that the right and law is identical, then the state can be considered any organization of public political power, since the despotic power relies on the laws. If proceeding from distinguishing the right and law and a libertarian understanding of the right, then it should be recognized that the state power is only such a public political power, at least part of the subject, part of the members of society has freedom.

On this basis, various concepts of the state are built, i.e. In different concepts, the sphere of public-power political phenomena, described as a state, turns out to be more or less broad. As part of the positivist type of understanding of law and the state, the sociological and legist concept of the state is known. Within the framework of the Uzpolystivist, legal type of ruthlessness in modern science, a libertarian concept is developing the explanatory state as the legal type of organization and the implementation of public political power.


Human society is in the process of constant changes that occur under the influence of various factors. Social relationships between people are complicated, new needs appear, and, accordingly, activities that satisfy them. Therefore, the question of how society adapts to changing conditions is always relevant. The answer to it will allow to identify the mechanisms of the adaptation of society, which constitute the basis of its viability and stability. The ability of society to respond to the needs of individuals, adapt to changing conditions is provided by the political system due to the action of political institutions and structures, the political system has an impact on various aspects of society. The effect of the mechanisms of the political system is based on the ability to distribute values \u200b\u200band resources within society, to prescribe certain norms of behavior and standards to the population. In this regard, the political system also includes the interaction of the ruled and subject. Thus, the political system is a characteristic of the relationship between the state and society.

The concept and essence of the political system of the republic


The term "political system" was introduced into the constitutional right of the Bulgarian Constitution of 1971, which secured some principles of the "socialist political system". Subsequently, this term was used in the Constitutions of Salvador 1983, Nicaragua 1987 and Ethiopia 1987 (the latter currently does not work). The Constitution of the USSR of 1977 contained a whole chapter dedicated to the political system. In the overwhelming majority of the Constitutions of the countries of the world, the term "political system" is not used, but they all regulate those or others of its links, parties, elements: the state, political regime, often - political parties, sometimes political ideology. Therefore, the political system is traditionally the object of studying constitutional law, although only its individual parties were studied for a long time and only in the past two decades it became the object of study as a comprehensive Constitutional Law Institute.

The constitutional legislation does not contain the definitions of the political system, and in modern social science (mainly in political science) there are two approaches to this concept. The structural and functional approach in its behavior (behavioral) interpretation, which formed on the basis of American political science, is considering a political system as political behavior, the process within various human teams: parties, trade unions, firms, clubs, cities, etc. From this point of view, in any society there are many political (parapolytic) systems that are not necessarily related to state power.

The institutional approach, submitted, in particular, by French political science (although in recent years, has a significant impact of American postbicheviorism), it comes from existence in any state-organized society of one political system, which is associated with state power. Along with such institutes, as a state, party, etc., the concept of a political system is included usually political regime, although some French political scientists identify the system with a regime, while others interpret it very widely, understanding the entire political (and sometimes not only political ) a life. In the domestic literature, the political system is defined as a universal management system of a socially asymmetric society, the components of which (institutional - party, state, etc., regulatory - political standards, including the relevant industries and institutions of law, functional - political regime, ideological - political ideology) Combined into a dialectically controversial, but a holistic education "secondary" political relations - between the links of the system ("primary" political relations are the relationship between the major social communities of the country). Ultimately, the political system regulates the production and distribution of social benefits between various communities and personalities based on the use of state power, participation in it, the struggle for it.

The constitutions of countries contain provisions relating to the political system. They proclaim the power of the people. In fact, the main role in political power in developed countries is played by the "middle class", which has good living conditions and interested in political stability, and the real levers of power are in the hands of society's political elite. In a number of developing countries, political power belongs to a wider layer of the population, including the primitives of the emerging "middle class", or a narrow grouping (political elite), which is not connected by the pressure of various segments of the population and is valid in self-supporting interests (some countries of tropical Africa, Oceania).

Public power in all countries is carried out by the relevant state bodies. They will be considered below.

In scientific literature, there are many classifications of political systems. Socialist, bourgeois-democratic and bourgeois-authoritarian political systems, political systems in countries of socialist and capitalist orientation, single-party, bipartisan and multi-party systems, etc. The most recognized is the division of political systems for democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian. In democratic systems, the main structural principle is pluralism, and the functional - role autonomy. There is a multiparty (often parties more than a hundred, and even thousands, for example, in Japan, among them are the smallest), and the parties of the political opposition are allowed (in constitutions is sometimes enshrined the principle of competitiveness, for example, in the Czech Republic); The separation of authorities is recognized (together with the principles of checks and counterweights and the interaction of the branches of power); There are several decision-making centers; recognized the right to make decisions by the majority and protection of the minority rights; The main human rights and citizen are carried out; proclaimed and implemented the principle of legal equality; The ideas of legal state and legality are recognized and carried out; There is ideological pluralism; The election method is decisive in the formation of the state leadership and various political associations; The main methods of solving conflicts serve as a compromise and consensus. In a word, in this system there are all the basic elements of democracy. This is an open system, and various segments of the population, "interested groups", parties can achieve concessions, solve their problems with the help of various forms of peaceful pressure on state power. The change in political groups and persons in the levers of power is carried out by free elections.

In the conditions of an authoritarian system, the principles of pluralism and role autonomy may not be denied, but in fact they are minimized. These principles apply only to a small part of society. One-partyness is not introduced, but only certain political parties and organizations are allowed. The permitted parties are not a genuine political opposition, but reconstructive parties, loyal quasiopposition. Although there are parliament and judicial authorities, however, the separation of the authorities mentioned sometimes in the Constitution, in practice does not exist: the executive authorities led by re-elected 5, 6, and even 8 times (Paraguay) by the president, which is actually, and sometimes legally He heads the ruling party and takes all the most important decisions; The constitutions declared the basic human rights and citizen, but many of them are actually limited or not respected (some parties and publications are prohibited); Socio-economic rights are not provided / personal rights of citizens are violated by the omnipotent administrative apparatus; In the formation of various kinds of organs, the principle of destination is often dominated, and elections under the conditions of prohibiting opposition parties and publications give distorted results; There is an official dominant ideology enshrined by the Constitution, although they still do not care for evading it; When settling conflicts, compromises are rarely used, the main method of resolution of contradictions is violence (in the east dominates the principle of consensus, but this applies only to the regulation of relations in parliament, in the environment of the ruling top and does not apply to the opposition part of the population).

In a word, with this political system, there are only minor elements of democracy, and even then in the texts of the constitutions, but not in practice. This is almost closed, half-closed system. The opposition is actually excluded from it, it is difficult for it to organize peaceful pressure on state power in order to achieve certain concessions, and the state power is responsible for mass performances. But some elements of the opposition can still be allowed.

In the conditions of the totalitarian system, even limited pluralism is eliminated, there is no role autonomy of the political system links. A single, fusion total organization, connecting the state, ruling party, and sometimes other permitted parties. The center of adoption of all socially significant solutions is the top of the ruling, essentially the only legal party (some small parties are sometimes allowed, but they recognize the leading role of the ruling party in society and the state and are its peculiar branches). In some countries, all parties (Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, etc.) are prohibited in a religious and totalitarian system. They are usually prohibited at military coup, when military totalitarianism is established. Public organizations are treated as "drive belts" of the party, and the state is often like its technical apparatus. The concept of separation of the authorities is rejected, dominates the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of power, which is headed by Führer, Trude, Caudillo, "Lifelong President". Sometimes he is not proclaimed lifelong and re-elected, but actually remains in place until his death, managing the country, in particular, with the help of the political bureau of the ruling party. It happens that the basic human rights and, in particular, the citizen are directly limited by law (for example, in accordance with the Racist ideology of the regime, as it was in South Africa) or proclaimed in constitutions, but are actually not carried out (violence over dissidents, the premises of dissenters in psychiatric hospitals , punitive role of all-competition committees and ministries of state security, etc.). In fact, the principle of destination is dominated, only externally covered by elections, because only candidates from the ruling party are offered for election. In the conditions of the totalitarian system, there is a mandatory ideology (the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Aryan race with fascism). The criticism of this ideology is not allowed and entails punishment. Totalitarian system is a closed, closed system. It is possible only illegal, underground opposition, whose activities are criminally punishable; It cannot have peaceful pressure on state power, its leaders are expelled from the country and put in prisons, psychiatric hospitals.

Along with three main varieties of political systems and within them there are other gradations. In some countries, semi-democratic systems operate, in other totalitarian systems exist in conditions of military regimes (for example, Haiti, Nigeria).

State as political organization of society. Organs

State power

Each structural element of the political system is a subject of social relations, which, depending on their content, occupies one or another place in the organization of society. Due to the differences in the content of social relations, their subjects are the elements of the political system - have a different competence.

The legal literature established a single opinion that the state belongs to a decisive place in the political system of society. However, in this context, the state should be considered not as a set of scattered power bodies, but as a holistic political institution.

Why does the state act as a special link in the structure of the political system of society? Why is his role and place in this system can not be identified, for example, with the ruling party or with another public organization? According to the researchers, the special place and role of the state in the political system of society are due to the following factors:

First, stood out of society, the state becomes its main political organization. State power is the main, uniting, organizing and forcing the force in society. With his action, she covers all persons living in the state. Consequently, the state is not just the most massive political association of citizens, and the association of all members of society in political and legal communication with the state, regardless of the class, age, professional and other affiliation. Relative and wide wide opportunities for all citizens participate in the political life of society related to state activities.

Secondly, the state has the unity of legislative, managerial and control functions, this is the only full-fledged organization on the scale of the country. A branched system of legal means allows to use various methods of coercion and belief.

Thirdly, the state plays an important role in improving society as the owner of the main tools and means of production, determines the main directions of its development in the interests of all and each.

Fourth, the state has sovereignty. It is an official, representative of the entire people within the country and in the international arena.

Fifth, the state carries out a creative role in the development of society, is the organizing principle of defining national policies. If the state ceases to serve the interests of social development, society has the right to make relevant adjustments to the practical organization of its statehood.

However, history testifies to the fact that occupying a decisive place in the political system of society, the state can absorb not only this system, but also the whole society. Actually this happens in states with a totalitarian, fascist or authoritarian regime. Therefore, the excessive strengthening of state intervention in the political life of society leads to the nationalization of the political system, lawlessness and arbitrariness. That is why it is so important to constitutionally establish and really ensure the limits of the state of the state, to bring those social relations from the sphere that should be free from state regulation, control and intervention.

As for political systems based on class antagonism, they observe the splicing of the state and political organizations of the dominant classes that act together. They are also opposed by their class and political opponents in the person of their organizations. Of course, between these two poles there are intermediate layers, organizations that occupy a often contradictory position.

In conclusion, we note, "that the state refers to the number of political organizations itself, which, being equipped with a special apparatus for coercion and suppressing with the corresponding" real appendens "in the form of prisons and other forced institutions, the state acts as a major force in the hands of the political forces standing in power As the main conductor of their will and interests in life as the most important means of making political power. "

The specifics of any state authority constitutes what he carries out the tasks and functions of the state and speaks on his behalf, is endowed with state-powerful powers. These powers are in the law of the authority to publish legal acts on behalf of the state that are mandatory for those who are addressed, and apply measures to implement legal acts, including measures of persuasion, stimulation and coercion.

The state body is an organized team that form an independent part of the state apparatus, endowed with its own competence performing public functions, the structure and activity of which is regulated by the right.

For the state body, it is characteristic that it is a political organization, i.e. endowed with state power. This implies the most essential sign of the state body - the existence of a state-powerful authority at its disposal. The content of state-powerful powers is, firstly, in the publication on behalf of the state legally binding acts, i.e. mandatory for the execution of those who are addressed; secondly, the state is entitled to ensure the implementation of adopted acts by applying the state of education, beliefs and promotion on behalf of the state; Thirdly, in the law of the state for the implementation on behalf of the state of observation (above the thief) for the fulfillment of the requirements of legal acts.

It is characteristic that in the implementation of state-powerful powers of state bodies in order to protect the legal acts published on violations in the necessary cases, coercive measures are used.

Thus, the main signs of the state of the state are expressed as follows:

a) the state authority is a link, part of the state apparatus;

b) the authority of the state - the organization, cell of society, the team, in a certain way organized;

c) for the state body is characterized by the fact that it is a political organization (endowed with state power);

d) performs on behalf of the state of its task and functions;

e) possesses state-powerful powers;

e) has its own organized structure, territorial scale of activity, competence;

g) formed in the manner prescribed by law, carries out the tasks assigned to it through one of the types of state activities;

h) is responsible to the state for their activities.

In the current legislation, the terms of state administration and the body of the state almost coincide, however, the concept of the state body is broader, unlike the concept: government authority.

State administration authorities (executive), being one of the types of state authorities, possess the above features. They differ from other bodies (legislative and judicial) appointment, content of their activities and its character. They carry out a specific content, forms and methods of state activities - state administration, thus also by the authority. Each state administration body, like any other state body, has its own organizational structure, i.e. The system for constructing its internal, or working, apparatus, determined by the tasks of the organ, the territorial scale of activity, competence, with the help of which its objects of reference and authority are determined. Their education, structure, the procedure for activity is mainly regulated by the norms of law.

All state authorities have legal personality, which is determined by the charter or provision on a particular authority.

The competence of public administration authorities is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, laws, decrets and decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the charters or regulations on one or another authority.

Statethe main instrument of political power in a class society. In a broader sense, under the city, they understand the political form of the organization of the life of society, which develops as a result of the emergence and activities of public authorities - a special management system, guiding the main areas of public life and based on the need for force of coercion. Since the city is based on the territorial principle, this term is sometimes inaccurately consumed as the synonym for the concept of "country". Various types of GG are known - slave-owned, feudal, bourgeois, socialist; various forms of organization G. - monarchy,republic.

Main signs G.: 1) The presence of a special system of bodies and institutions that form a combination of the mechanism of G. 2) The presence of the right, i.e., the obligatory rules of the behavior established or authorized by G. Using the right of G. How political power enshrines a certain order of public relations, as well as the structure and procedure for the activities of the state mechanism; 3) the presence of a certain territory, the limits of which this state power is limited. Speaking as a territorial organization, G. actively contributed to the procedure for the formation of nations.

- the main, but not the only political institution of class society; Along with G. In the developed society, various parties, unions, religious associations, etc., are functioning, which, together with G. form a political organization of society. The difference between DR. Political institutions of the class society is that he owns the highest power in society (sovereignty of state power). The rule of state power is specifically expressed in universality (its powerful force applies to the entire population and public organizations of this country), prerogatives (state power can abolish any manifestation of any other public authority), as well as in the presence of such means of the impact that any other public power It does not have (for example, a monopoly of legislation, justice).

G. is a social phenomenon limited to certain historical frameworks. The primitive purchase system did not know. It arises as a result of public division of labor, the emergence of private property and split society into classes. Economically dominant classes need to protect their privileges and consolidation of an exploitation system in a special power mechanism of political domination, which and its device appeared. With the advent of G. This mechanism no longer coincides with society, as it should be over it and is due at the expense of society (taxes, fees). None of the historical forms of the city, state power and the organization of the apparatus of G. His essence, the nature of his relationship with society is the political power of the dominant class (class dictatorship). Classes owning the means of production become politically dominant and thereby enshrine their economic and social dominance and a leading role within this society and in its relationship with others. G. and countries.

Thus, it is ultimately due to the nature of the production relations and the method of production as a whole. During the history of the city, it acquires independence. Its independent impact on the main spheres of society, historical and social processes are very substantially and carried out in different directions, i.e. G. can contribute to the development of social relations or, on the contrary, to slow down. As a complication of the state-organized society, the role of this impact increases.

44. Functions of the state. The concept of political power. Forms of power.

State - This system of the Company's bodies, which provides organized internal legal life of the people as a whole, protects the rights of its citizens, performs the normal functioning of the institutions of power - legislative, judicial and executive, controls its territory, protects its people before the external threat, guarantees fulfillment of obligations to others States, retains natural environment and cultural values, contributing to the survival of society and its progress. Signs: 1) Department of public authority from society, 2) Territory, limited to a clearly-defined border, 3) Sovereignty, 4) The right to collect taxes and fees from the population, 5) citizenship commitment. State functions (internal): 1) political

2) Economic

3) Social

4) ideological

5) cultural and educational

6) Environmental

7) Sewing the rights of citizens (by lectures: 1 Regulation of Right. Between the layers, 2 management Society. Citizens' affairs. In this area and the body. In state-in., Functions are carried out through tasks 1-7)

1) Protection of Borders

2) integration into the world economy

3) Protection of international security

Politics - represents participation in state affairs, in determining the direction

its functioning, in determining forms, tasks and content

states. The purpose of the policy is to preserve or create the most acceptable

for certain social layers or classes, as well as societies in general conditions and

ways to implement power. Political power - it's subtle art

government controlled. It is a totality of elements,

who are officially recognized executors of political power (state apparatus,

political parties, movements, trade unions). This is the main elements of the branched mechanism, with

which is carried out by political power in society.

Power - It is always organized will and the power of any subjects aimed at

people, regardless of their installations regarding such an influence.

There are monarchical and republican forms of government. Monarchy - this is

the state whose head is the monarch; There is an autocratic or

limited power of one person (king, king, emperor), which usually

inheritance is transferred and the birth determines who be the ruler. Republic -

the form of the Board carried out by elected bodies, i.e. By law, the source

the authorities are popular majority. The Republic implies legal order,

publicity and separation of the authorities.

Oligarchy - The form of the board in which state power belongs

the small group of people is usually the most economically powerful.

Despotism - the form of the state device and the Board in which the autocratic

the ruler is unlimited in the state, speaking in relation to

subscribed as a master and owner.

Democracy - the state form in which the supreme power belongs to everything

Theocracy - form of a state in which both political and spiritual power

focus in the hands of the clergy (church).

45 Political and legal consciousness, their role in the life of the general.

The political consciousness arose in antiquity as an answer to the real need to understand such new phenomenon as a state and state power, the cat. For the first time, there were a split society on the anthemistry classes. Since the public division of labor leads to the occurrence of classes, and hence both sharp differences in the conditions of their lives and activities, it is necessary to maintain the current class structure through state power, the cat. Most often, naturally expresses the interests of the dominant class. In this way, political consciousness is a reflection of the production and economic and public relations of classes in their cumulative attitude to state power.. In this conditionality, direct economic and class interests are the specifics of political consciousness. Device of state power Central problem of political thinking. The political struggle for the definition of the device, the tasks and content of the state of the state is historically enhanced in the most different form-starts from the vowel discussion of social problems, from parliamentary discussions and economic requirements leading to private reforms, and ending with violent state coups, social revolutions.

(2Var) It is political interests that are most often the rod of socially active associations, and even more so, social clashes. Not only the socio-political, but also the spiritual life of society is depending on political interests.

While the classes will not disappear (\u003d the problem of state power), all the aspirations of the human spirit will be involved deliberately or forcibly into political contradictions. Legal consciousness- This is the form of public consciousness, which expresses knowledge and assessment of the regulatory laws adopted in this society as legal laws of the normatively social and economic activity of various subjects of law (individual, enterprises, labor collectives, organizations. Officials, etc.). As if intermediate between political and moral consciousness. If political consciousness is formed depending on objective socio-economic interests. That legal consciousness is more focused on rationally-production assessments.

The inner proximity of the legal consciousness with rationally-production categories has historical reasons. In the classless primitive society with his mythological worldview, the laws were considered as a moral tradition, they "wore the form of establishments authorized by the gods" (Hegel).

The legal consciousness of society is always supporting the very idea of \u200b\u200bregulated relations between the person and the state, the cat. They are recognized as necessary to maintain society against the forces of anarchy. Cot. You need to know and observe, but cannot be considered absolute, that is, free from the critical assessment. Political and legal consciousness exist both on publicly practical and theoretical levels.

The state is the political organization of the Company with the authority.

The state serves society, solves the tasks facing the society as a whole, as well as the tasks reflecting the interests of individual social groups, territorial communities of the country's population. The solution of these objectives of the organization and life of society is the expression of the social purpose of the state. Changes in the life of the country, society, for example, industrialization, urbanization, population growth, put forward new tasks before the state in the field of social policy, in developing measures of the life of society in new conditions.

The most important tasks, in the resolution of which the expression of the social purpose of the state is to ensure the integrity of society, equitable cooperation of various social groups, timely overcoming the acute contradictions in the life of society and the components of its community and groups.

Social destination and the active role of the state are expressed in ensuring a solid public order, scientifically based use of nature, in the protection of the life and human activity. And the most important thing in the characteristic of the social purpose of the state is to ensure a decent life of a person, the welfare of the people.

The ideas of the social purpose of the state received concretization and development in the concept (theory) of the "social state". The provisions on the social state are enshrined in a number of constitutions of democratic states.

The democratic social state is designed to provide all citizens constitutional rights and freedoms. Provide not only material well-being, but also cultural rights and freedoms. Social state is a country with developed culture. In the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted on December 16, 1966, it is said that the ideal of a free human person, free from fear and needs, can be implemented only if such conditions are created under which everyone can use their economic , social and cultural rights, as well as civil and political rights.

In modern conditions, in Russia, the urgent tasks in the social policy of the state are to ensure the right to work and measures to overcome unemployment, labor protection, improving its organization and payment. It is necessary to multiply and improve measures to strengthen and state support for family, motherhood and childhood. Social policy needs to stimulate assistance to elderly citizens, disabled, strengthening health, other social institutions and services. The great tasks of the social policy of the state are in the field of regulating the demographic processes of society, the incentiveness of the birth rate, the elevation of the role of a woman in the life of the state society.

State - Organization of political power, carrying out the management of society and ensures in it procedure and stability.

Basic signs of state These are: the presence of a certain territory, sovereignty, a wide social base, a monopoly on legitimate violence, the right to collect taxes, the public nature of power, the presence of state symbolism.

State is performed internal functions, among which - the economic, stabilization, coordination, social, etc. exist and external functions The most important of which are the provision of defense and the establishment of international cooperation.

By form of board States are divided into monarchies (constitutional and absolute) and republic (parliamentary, presidential and mixed). Depending on the forms of the State Device Unitary states, federation and confederation.


State - This is a special organization of political power, which has a special apparatus (mechanism) of society management to ensure its normal activity.

AT historical The state of the state can be defined as a social organization that has the ultimate power over all people living within the boundaries of a certain territory, and has the main purpose of solving common problems and ensuring the overall good while maintaining, first of all, of the order.

AT structural Plan the state appears as an extensive network of institutions and organizations personifying three branches of power: legislative, executive and judicial.

Government It is sovereign, that is, the Supreme, in relation to all organizations and persons within the country, as well as independent, independent to other states. The state is the official representative of the whole society, all of its members, referred to as citizens.

Challenged from the population and the loans received from it are sent for the maintenance of the state office of power.

The state is a universal organization, which is distinguished by a number of no analogues of attributes and signs.

Signs of state

  • Forcedness - state coercion primary and priority to the right to force other actors within this state and is carried out by specialized bodies in situations defined by law.
  • Sovereignty - the state has the highest and unlimited power in relation to all persons and organizations operating within the historically established boundaries.
  • Universality - the state speaks on behalf of the whole society and distributes its power to the entire territory.

Signs of state There are territorial organization of the population, state sovereignty, tax collection, lawmaking. The state subordinates the entire population living on a certain territory, regardless of administrative-territorial division.

Attributes of state

  • The territory is determined by the boundaries separating the spheres of the sovereignty of individual states.
  • The population is subject to states on which its power is applied and under the protection of which they are located.
  • The device is a system of organs and the presence of a special "class of officials" through which the state is functioning and developing. The publication of the laws and rules obligatory for the entire population of this state is carried out by the state legislature.

The concept of state

The state arises at a certain stage of the development of society as a political organization as the Institute of Power and Management of the Company. There are two main concepts of the state. In accordance with the first concept, the state arises during the natural development of society and the conclusion of a contract between citizens and rulers (T. Gobbs, J. Locke). The second concept goes back to Plato's ideas. She rejects the first and insists that the state arises as a result of conquest (conquest) of a relatively small group of warlike and organized people (tribe, race) significantly superior in numbers, but less organized population (D. Yum, F. Nietzsche). Obviously, in the history of mankind, there were both the first and second way of the emergence of the state.

As mentioned, at first the state was the only political organization in society. In the future, during the development of the political system of society, there are other political organizations (parties, movements, blocks, etc.).

The term "state" is usually used in a wide and narrow value.

In a broad sense The state is identified with society, with a certain country. For example, we say: "States included in the UN", "NATO Member States", "India State". In the examples under the state, whole countries are understood together with their peoples living in a certain territory. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state dominated antiquity and in the Middle Ages.

In a narrow sense The state is understood as one of the institutions of a political system, which has the supreme power in society. Such an understanding of the role and place of the state is substantiated during the formation of civil society institutions (XVIII - XIX centuries), when the complication of the political system and the social structure of society occurs, the need to separate the state institutions actually and institutions and other non-governmental institutions of the political system.

The state is the main socio-political institution of society, the core of the political system. Possessing the sovereign power in society, it manages the vital activity of people, regulates relations between different social layers and classes, is responsible for the stability of society and the safety of its citizens.

The state has a complex organizational structure, which includes the following elements: legislative institutions, executive and administrative bodies, judicial system, public order and state security bodies, armed forces, etc. All this allows the state not only the functions of managing society, but also the functions of coercion (institutionalized violence) in relation to both individual citizens and large social communities (classes, classes, nation). So, during the years of Soviet power, many classes and class (bourgeoisie, merchants, wealthy peasantry, etc.) were actually destroyed, entire peoples (Chechens, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Germans, etc.) were exposed to political repression.

Signs of state

The main subject of political activity is the state. WITH functional The point of view is the state is the leading political institution that carries out the management of society and ensures order and stability in it. WITH organizational The point of view of the state is the organization of political power, entering into relations with other actors of political activities (for example, citizens). In such an understanding, the state is considered as a totality of political institutions (courts, social security system, army, bureaucracy, local authorities, etc.) responsible for organizing social life and companies funded by society.

Signswho distinguish the state from other political actors, are as follows:

Availability of specific territory - The jurisdiction of the state (the right to finance the court and solve legal issues) is determined by its territorial boundaries. In these borders, state power extends to all members of society (both those who have citizenship of the country and not possessing it);

Sovereignty - the state is fully independent of the internal affairs and in the conduct of foreign policy;

Diversity of resources used - the state accumulates the main power resources (economic, social, spiritual, etc.) to exercise their powers;

The desire for the representation of the interests of the whole society - The state speaks on behalf of the entire society, and not individuals or social groups;

Monopoly on legitimate violence - the state has the right to apply power to ensure the execution of laws and punish their violators;

The right to collect taxes - the state establishes and collects various taxes and fees from the population, which are sent to the financing of state bodies and the solution of various managerial tasks;

Public nature of power - The state ensures the protection of public interests, and not private. In the implementation of state policies, it usually does not arise personal relations between the authorities and citizens;

Availability of symbols - The state has its own signs of statehood - flag, coat of arms, anthem, special symbols and attributes of power (for example, crown, silepteer and power in some monarchies), etc.

In a number of contexts, the concept of "state" is perceived as a "country", "society", "government", but this is not so close to the concepts of the concepts of the concepts.

The country - The concept is primarily cultural and geographical. This term is usually used in cases where they say about the area, climate, natural areas, population, nationalities, religions, etc. The state is a political concept and denotes the political organization of that other country - the form of its board and device, political regime, etc.

Society - The concept is wider than the state. For example, society may be above the state (society as all of humanity) or DOGO (such a tribe and primitive genus). At the present stage, the concepts of society and the state also do not coincide: the public power (say, a layer of managers' professionals) is relatively independent and separate from the rest of society.

Government - Only part of the state, its highest administrative and executive body, tool for the implementation of political power. The state is a steady institute, the time as governments come and go.

General signs of state

Despite all the variety of species and forms of state formations that have previously arising and currently existing, general features that are in one degree or another are characteristic of any state. The most fully and reasoned, in our opinion, these signs were set out by V. P. Pugachev.

These features include the following:

  • public power separated from society and does not coincide with the social organization; the presence of a special layer of people engaged in political management of society;
  • a certain territory (political space), outlined by the boundaries, the laws and powers of the state are subject to;
  • sovereignty is the supreme power over all citizens living on a certain territory, their institutions and organizations;
  • monopoly on legal use of force. Only the state has "legitimate" grounds in order to limit the rights and freedoms of citizens and even deprive their lives. For these purposes, it has special strength structures: army, police, courts, IT prisons. P.;
  • the right to collect taxes and fees from the population, which is necessary for the content of state bodies and material support of state policy: defense, economic, social, etc.;
  • the obligation of membership in the state. A person receives citizenship from the moment of birth. Unlike membership in a party or other organizations, citizenship is a necessary attribute of any person;
  • claim for the representation of the whole society as a whole and to protect common interests and goals. In reality, no state or other organization is able to fully reflect the interests of all social groups, classes and individual citizens of society.

All state functions can be divided into two main types: internal and external.

While doing internal functions The activities of the state are aimed at managing society, to coordinate the interests of various social layers and classes, to maintain their powerful powers. Exercising external functions, the state acts as a subject of international relations representing a certain people, territory and sovereign power.

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