Examination "Economic Sphere". Economy and its role in the life of society to direct taxes belongs

Part 1

A1.. What is peculiar and man and animal?

A2.. The regular election of parliament deputies is primarily refer to the sphere of society

A3.. Are the following judgments about global problems true?

A. Global call problems affecting people around the world.

B. Global problems created a threat to the further existence of humanity.

A4.. What institution of culture is comprehensively engaged in restoration, storage and demonstration of cultural values?

A5.. The master sought the perfect combination of shades of red, golden, brown and other colors, trying to convey the beauty of the autumn forest. This is an example of activities in the field of

A6.. Are the following judgments about morality true?

A. The fulfillment of the norms of morality is a free choice of man.

B. Morale standards rely on the ideas of people about good and evil.

3) Public Funds Benefits

2) subsidies to enterprises

4) customs duties

2) the right to live in the family

4) Election Rights

A18.. President of the Russian Federation is the chapter

2) disciplinary misconduct

4) criminal crime

A20.. Are the following judgments about the constitution?

A. The Constitution has the highest legal force.

B. The Constitution is the arch of all state laws.

Part 2

IN 1. The listed list shows the similarities and differences between the role of the state in the conditions of the market and in the context of the command economy. Select and write down the sequence numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the second column is the sequence numbers of differences.

1) tax collecting taxes

2) Sets prices for basic types of raw materials

4) creates a legal framework for the development of competition

AT 2. Find the socio-territorial community in the list below and write the numbers in the response string under which they are indicated.

Answer: _________________________

AT 3. Install the correspondence between the types of political modes and their characteristics: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


Types of modes

A) guarantees of personal rights and freedoms

1) Democratic

B) the power of the Unified Mass Party

2) Totalitarian

C) official mandatory ideology

D) political pluralism

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 4. Below is a series of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the concept of "Legal State".

Find and write down the term of the term falling out of this row.

Answer: ___________

Part 3.

For answers to the tasks of this part (C1 - C6), use a separate signed sheet. Write down first the task number (C1, etc.), and then the answer to it.

Read the text and execute the C1 - C6 tasks.

As an extensive, but not put in order, the library cannot bring so much benefits as at least a very moderate, but quite created a book; So exactly and the huge mass of knowledge, if they are not recycled with their own thinking, has much less value than a much less information, but deep and multilaterally thoughtful ... You can only think about what you know; That is why you need to learn something; But you also know what he thought. But to read and to the teaching you can voluntarily forced; To thinking, actually no.

Scientists are those who have read books; But thinkers, geniuses, enlighteners of the world and motors of humanity are those who read directly in the book of the Universe.

In essence, only its own main thoughts have truth and life, because, in fact, only you understand them quite and properly. Aliens, consumed thoughts essence of someone else's meal, discarded clothes of someone else's guest. A stranger deductible thought refers to independent, pop-ups from the inside of thought, as an impression on the stone of the plants of the primitive world to the flowering spring plant ...

If sometimes it happens that slowly and with great difficulty, by one's own thinking and considerations, you come to the truth and the conclusion that could be found with the amenities ready to be ready in the book, all the same, this truth will be more valuable, if you reach it through Own thinking ...

A. Shopenhauer. Aphorisms and Maxima

C1.. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Cover each of them (make up the text plan).

C3.. Find two explanations in the text why "only our own main thoughts have truth and life."

C4. What figurative comparisons use A. Shopenhauer to characterize the thinking process? Name any three images. Explain any of the figurative comparisons you called.

C5. From a long time, the principle is known: "Reading is the best teaching." Does this phrase correspond to the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe text? Give a text fragment to help answer this question.

C6. How do you understand the attitude of A. Schopenhauer to read? Do you agree with the relationship of the philosopher? With support for text and social scientific knowledge, bring the argument (explanation) in defense of your position.

Keys Option 3.

Quest Number

Quest Number

Quest Number

530 "STYLE \u003d" WIDTH: 397.65PT; Border-Collapse: Collapse; Border: None "\u003e

The following semantic parts can be allocated:

1) knowledge and thinking;

2) the value of their own thoughts;

Other formulations are possible, not distorting the essence of text fragments, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

The main semantic parts of the text, their names (plans) correspond to the content. The number of selected parts may be different

Not all the main parts of the text are allocated, their names (plans) correspond to the main ideas of the selected fragments, or not all selected parts of the text correspond to the content and logically completed text components, or not all the names of the selected parts correspond to their content.

The answer is incorrect or absent

Maximum score

Quests of the GIA line "Economy"

Economy and its role in society

Economy is a knowledge area that studies

1) Natural processes and phenomena

2) human behavior

3) methods of rational economic

4) Environmental Protection Ways

What does it relate mainly to the economic sphere of society?

1) Consumption of spiritual values

2) distribution of material benefits

3) the creation of legal norms

4) Exchange of cultural achievements

Are the following judgments about the economic sphere of society?

A. Economic sphere besides production, exchange, distribution of material goods includes their consumption.

B. The economic sphere has an impact on all other spheres of society.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

Are the following judgments about the economy true?

A. The economy studies the effect of objective laws of history.

B. Economy studies the laws of the development of the economy.

Products and Services, Resources and Needs, Limit

1. The existence of a problem of economic choice is due

1) infinity of human needs and limited production opportunities

2) the variability of human needs

3) infinity of production capabilities and limited labor resources

4) limited natural resources

2. Are the following judgments are true about the problem of limited resources in the economy?

A. The problem of limited resources exists only for poor countries.

B. Manufacturers and consumers are forced to make an economic selection in the conditions of limited resources.

1) just and 3) are true of both judgments

2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

3. Are the following judgments are true about the problem of limited resources in the economy?

A. The existence of the problem of limited resources determines the need for a rational organization of human economic activity.

B. The problem of limited resources is that the needs of people always exceed resources available to meet them.

1) just and 3) are true of both judgments

2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

4. Are the following judgments about limited resources?

A. The basis of economic selection lies the limited resources.

B. Natural resources are not enough to fully meet the needs of society.

1) just and 3) are true of both judgments

2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

Economic Systems and Property

1. In the state of N., production resources are distributed through planned tasks, a solid currency rate is established. These features are characteristic of economics.

1) Traditional

2) Market

3) team

4) mixed

And in the market, and in the command economy

1) There is a commodity deficit

2) Economic proportions are established

3) leading positions occupies state ownership

4) labor is a commodity

In a market economy, in contrast to command

1) Production resources are freely sold and bought

2) the firm course of the official currency is established

3) leading positions occupies state ownership

4) Economic proportions fold

4. Are the following private property judgments are true?

A. Transfer of state ownership to private hands is called nationalization.

B. Private property is the basis of the command economy.

1) just and 3) are true of both judgments

2) true only b 4) both judgments are incorrect

The process of transition of state-owned enterprises in private hands is called

1) privatization

2) Nationalization

3) upgrades

4) socialization

The listed list shows the similarities and differences between the role of the state in the conditions of the market and in the context of the command economy. Select and write down the sequence numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the second column is the sequence numbers of differences.

1) tax collecting taxes

2) Sets prices for basic types of raw materials

3) performs redistribution of funds through the state budget

4) creates a legal framework for the development of competition

The company built greenhouses on the leased plot of land, where vegetables and greens are growing throughout the year. Products of the company are supplied to large shops of the city. To work as a production resource of the company refers (in)

1) land plot

2) employees of the company

3) Produced Production

4) Greenhouses and equipment

Exchange, trade

Market and market mechanism.


Direct taxes apply

2) customs duty

3) property tax

4) Sales Tax

Indirect tax is

1) income tax

2) customs duty

3) property tax

4) income tax

3. Set the correspondence between an example and structural element of the tax: to each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column

4. The list shows the features of direct and indirect taxes and differences in direct taxes from indirect. Select and write down the sequence numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the second column is the sequence numbers of differences.

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Option 1

1. The main factors (resources) of production belongs:

a) capital b) trade in) Price d) demand

2. Prices for goods indicate where more demand. Resources are rushed and rushed

production. This situation is characteristic of the economy:

a) traditional b) command c) crisis d) market

3. Set the correspondence between production factors and income types:

a) salary 1) land

b) profit 2) labor

c) rent 3) capital

4. Are the following judgments about the areas of economic life?

A. The economic sphere regulates the organization of state power

B. Economic sphere ensures the satisfaction of material needs.


5. Indirect taxes include:

a) income tax b) excise tax c) income tax

6. Income to the state budget brings:

b) subsidies to enterprises

c) benefits to public funds

d) customs duties

7. In the state of N. Production resources are distributed through the planned

8. The expenditure part of the state-contract includes:

a) public debt service

b) government duty

c) excise tax

d) income tax

9. The government at its meeting decided to raise the prices of meat and

meat products due to their deficit. This situation is characteristic of the economy:

a) traditional b) market c) command d) mixed

10. In the country of M. All washing powders are produced on three enterprises

giants. Large enterprises absorb small and in other areas of production.

This manifests itself in this:

a) privatization b) nationalization c) monopolization


If a person is given freedom to choose a kind of activity and place of work, in

every summer employees are in the "Between

works. " Some go themselves in search of more interesting or better paid work.

There are those who are dismissed. There are those who first go to the labor market (this applies

first of all, to young people). All these varieties are combined with the concept

"Friction unemployment."

It also happens that the demand for some types of professions is sharply reduced. Most often that

arises due to changes in demand for goods and services and, as a result, demand for working

strength. As a result, many people who are not able to quickly master other skills,

are among the unemployed. For example, many years ago

highly qualified glass windows remained without work due to the invention

machines on which bottles are manufactured. This type of unemployment is called structural.

The number of unemployed is growing in a certain phase economic cycle, in a crisis

production. Such unemployment is called cyclic. It is distributed

unemployment is uneven among various categories of workable population.

Full employment does not mean the absolute absence of unemployment. Unemployment rate

with full employment is called the natural level of unemployment. He arises then

when the number of job seekers is equal to the number of free places. If the number of job seekers

exceeds the available vacancies, there is a deficit of demand and as a result of unemployment. WITH

the other side, in excessive demand there is a lack of labor. In such

situations The unemployment rate is lower than a natural level.

Thus, a certain level of unemployment is inevitable. Some economists I.

sociologists consider this phenomenon even as a positive, healing and

stimulating the development of the economy as a whole.

cover each of them.

on social scientific and historical knowledge, give two specific examples of situations

in which unemployment in a particular country was significantly higher than natural

C5. In the 80s of the last century, the average unemployment rate in the United States was approximately

ten%. At the same time, among the workers, it was equal to 14%, "white collar" - 5%, and in age

group 16-19 years -23%. What position of the text illustrate this data? Relying on

social scientific knowledge, other social information, indicate one of the reasons so

high unemployment among young people.

C6. The text notes that some researchers consider unemployment as

positive phenomenon. Do the highest view agree? Give two arguments in

justification of your point of view.

Examination on the topic "Economic Sphere"

Option 2.

a) industrial production b) costs and income

c) national economic proportions d) economy growth rates

2. Are the following inflation judgments are true?

A. Losses from inflation in the middle layers of the population are greater than that of the poor.

B. Inflation involves rising prices for goods and services.

a) really only a b) is true only

c) Orders both judgments d) both judgments are incorrect

3. In the market economy, in contrast to the command:

a) production resources are free and bought and bought

b) the solid course of the official currency is established

c) leading positions occupies state ownership

d) make up economic proportions

4. In 1992, the federal budget revenues amounted to 350 billion rubles, and expenses -

357 billion rubles. These data indicate:

a) the preservation of planned began in the economy b) an increase in tax revenues

5. Which of the listed refers to factors (resources) of production:

a) work b) goods c) exchange d) demand

6. A distinctive feature of a market economy is:

a) centralized resource allocation b) free pricing

c) the introduction of income tax c) commodity deficit

7. Reflies to direct taxes:

a) excise b) customs duty

c) property tax d) sales tax

8. What will happen with prices for goods, if they offer them, with other things being equal

conditions will increase:

a) prices will decrease b) prices will remain unchanged

c) prices will increase d) there will be an inflationary jump

9. Economic Sphere of the Company In addition to production, exchange, consumption

materials includes:

a) the creation of spiritual values \u200b\u200bb) the exchange of cultural achievements

c) distribution of material benefits d) preservation of traditions and customs

10. Overcome the deficit of the state budget can help:

a) reducing income tax

b) increase in the size of the state duty

c) expansion of education financing

Read the text and execute C1- C6 tasks

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or

lack of law of private ownership of economic resources. To different

epochs of history Small-friendly farms created the best conditions for

formation of a market system with its classical signs of competition,

equilibrium demand and suggestions, free pricing. Destruction

traditions of private property destroys both the market system itself ...

The market is a universal system of using limited

resources. Limited resources does not allow all kinds of

consumer goods in which people need. Limitable is peculiar

minerals, capital, knowledge and technology information

production. Limited land resources. And not only in the sense of earth limits

sushi or geographically designated territories of individual states. Earth

peculiarity in the sense that each of its plot in the same thing

time can be used either in the agricultural sector or in mining

industry or for construction.

The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is estimated differently.

Along with those who consider the market system of the most efficient economic

the model, quite a few and those who see serious shortcomings in this system.

Critics of the market, in particular, pay attention to the fact that there are areas of life where

market regulation inappropriate, does not reach the necessary goals (public

transport, defense, etc.).

C1. Make up text plan. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of text and

cover each of them.

C2. What three signs of the market system are indicated in the text?

C4. List four types of resources, which are stated in the text. What

the type of resources will not mention? On a concrete example, show the limitations of this species.


nationalization of industry. This served as the beginning of the market elimination.

economy in the country. Give the position of the text in which this dependence is expressed.

Relying on historical and social science knowledge, specify one of the features of that

the economic system, which was established in the country in 20- 30 - e years of the 20th century.

C6. Interest, criminal proceedings are that many researchers are seen in the market system

serious shortcomings. Do you agree with such an assessment of the market? With support for text and

social knowledge to bring two arguments in defense of their position.

Examination on the topic "Economic Sphere"

Option 3.

1. What is characteristic of the command economic system:

a) variety of ownership forms c) freedom of entrepreneurial activity

b) the predominance of agriculture d) centralized pricing

2. Company R. produces carpet cleaning. The capital of the firm includes:

a) carpets that cleans the firm b) company management

c) equipment and cleaning products d) tax deductions

3. Are the following judgments about economic systems true?

A. Traditional economic systems are characterized by a high level of development

commodity and money relations

B. Command Economic System involves a policy distribution

production factors

a) really only a b) is true only

c) Orders both judgments d) both judgments are incorrect

4. There are various meanings of the concept of "economy". What relates to K.

economy as science:

a) production of economic funds c) sale of real estate

b) prediction of energy prices d) gradual depreciation of money

5. As a result of absorption or displacement from the market of cellular services of others

firms in the country M. there was only one firm providing similar services.

What economic phenomenon was reflected in this example:

a) demand b) unemployment c) inflation d) monopoly

6. Employees of the firm "Good owner", grow seedlings of fruit trees and

shrubs, receive dividends from securities of this enterprise. This is the right

it is stored for them even in case of dismissal. What form of property

represents this company:

a) joint-stock b) private c) cooperative d) state

7. As a consumer, a person acts when:

a) buys products b) composes music c) writes a book

8. Citizens of the state I. pay income tax. What type of tax they


a) indirect b) excise c) direct d) federal

9. To indirect taxes include:

a) income tax enterprise b) customs duties

c) income tax d) property tax

10. In the state budget revenues come from:

a) excise fees b) public debt service

c) subsidies to enterprises d) conducting social programs

Read the text and execute C1 tasks. - C6.

Competition and monopoly

imperfect competition. Perfect competition is characterized by many

manufacturers that make one and the same products of the same quality.

One manufacturer cannot affect prices and demand. The market of perfect competition

it is a rare exception (the market for agricultural products and securities). He

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Economy 8 class

Option 1

1. Such an organization of production, when a separate person is engaged in the production of a separate good, called

1) labor productivity

2) labor separation

3) labor means

4) labor participation

2. The main instrument of monetary policy belongs ()

1) regulation of a bank interest rate

2) Social benefits of low-income

3) Introduction of planned performance indicators

4) monitoring the observance of guests

3. In the state of N., production resources are distributed through planned tasks, a solid currency rate is established. These features are characteristic of economics.

1) Traditional

2) Market

3) team

4) mixed

4. Are the following unemployment judgments are true?

A. Unemployment is a natural consequence of market regulation of the economy.

B. In each country, the unemployment rate has been established for many decades.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

5. The direct negative consequence of inflation may become

1) Weakening Competition Between Enterprises

2) Reducing the range of products manufactured

3) Falling the real value of personal savings

4) the weakening of state regulation of the economy

6. Remuneration that the company is obliged to pay for the labor of their employees, called

1) subsistence minimum

2) consumer basket

3) wages

4) Dividends

7. Entrepreneur Z, having studied the situation on the market, found out that the product that it produces, there is a high price, demand exceeds the proposal; As a result, he to increase profits, decided

1) increase wages by hired workers

2) Send a part of workers in unpaid leave

3) reduce production volumes

4) expand production

8. Are the following state-owned judgments are true?

A. State property can persist in market conditions.

B. The joint stock company is one of the types of state enterprise.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

9. For a long time in our country, there was an administrative and command Planned Economy. The list listed the advantages and negative aspects of this economic system. Select and record first of the sequence numbers of advantages to the table, and then the negative properties of the economy of this type.

1) full employment of the population

2) lack of manufacturing and commercial independence of the manufacturer

3) price stability

4) the predominance of administrative methods in the management of the economy, the underestimation of material incentives.

Answer _______________ 1324.

Part 2.


If a person is given freedom to choose a kind of activity and place of work, at any given moment some workers are in the "Between Works" position. Some go themselves in search of more interesting or better paid work. There are those who are dismissed. There are those who first go to the labor market (this applies primarily to young people). All these varieties are combined with the concept of "friction unemployment".

It also happens that the demand for some types of professions is sharply reduced. Most often it arises due to changes in demand for goods and services and, as a result, demand for labor. As a result, many people who are not able to quickly master other skills are among the unemployed. For example, many years ago, highly qualified glass windows remained without work due to the invention of machines on which bottles are manufactured. This type of unemployment is called structural. The number of unemployed is growing in a certain phase of the economic cycle, in the conditions of the crisis of production. Such unemployment is called cyclic. At the same time, unemployment is unevenly separated among various categories of workable population.

Full employment does not mean the absolute absence of unemployment. The unemployment rate in full employment is called the natural level of unemployment. It arises when the number of job seekers is equal to the number of free places. If the number of job seekers exceeds the available vacancies, the deficit of demand and as a result of unemployment occurs. On the other hand, during excessive demand there is a shortage of labor. In such a situation, the unemployment rate is lower than a natural level.

Thus, a certain level of unemployment is inevitable. Some economists and sociologists consider this phenomenon even as a positive, well-being and stimulating development of the economy as a whole.

On kN. K. Macconel, S. Bruk "Economics". M., 1995. P. 158-159

26. Make up text plan. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and encroach each of them.

The following semantic parts can be allocated:

1) the main types of unemployed;

2) Natural unemployment rate;

3) Estimation of unemployment as an economic phenomenon.

Other formulations are possible, not distorting the essence of the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

27. What types of unemployment are the authors? Specify three types.

The following types of unemployment should be indicated:

1) frictional;

2) structural;

3) cyclic.

28. What categories of people threatens friction unemployment? Specify three categories.

The response indicates the following categories of people:

1) those who leave the job itself;

2) those who were fired by the administration;

3) Those who first go to the labor market. Categories of people can be called otherwise.

Other categories of people may be indicated.

29. What, according to the authors, is characterized by the natural level of unemployment? Based on social science and historical knowledge, give two specific examples of situations in which unemployment in a particular country was significantly higher than the natural level.

1) the characteristic of the natural level of unemployment: the number of seekers of RA [bot is equal to the number of free places;

2) two examples of situations in which the unemployment rate is higher than natural, let's say:

- economic crisis in Western countries in the late 20s - early 30s of the XX century;

- radical restructuring in the economy of Eastern European countries in the 1990s.

Other examples can be shown.

30. In the 80s of the XX century, the average unemployment rate in the United States was about 10%. At the same time, among the workers, it was equal to 14%, "white collar" - 5%, and in the age group of 16-19 years - 23%. What position of the text illustrate this data? Relying on social science knowledge, other social information, indicate one of the reasons for so high unemployment among young people.

The correct answer must contain the following items:

1) The position of the text: "unemployment is distributed unevenly among various categories of workable population";

2) The cause of a high level of unemployment among young, for example:

- lack of experience;

- low qualifications;

- active search for better work;

- high expectations.

Other reasons may be indicated.

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