Technological map of Solyanka meat. Saltian meat collection (TTK3327)

Technical and Technological Card No. Solyanka Meat


This technical and technological card was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and distributed to the dish of Solyanka The national catering meat generated by the catering facility.

  1. Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of existing regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of security and quality, etc.)

3. Reception

Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \\ gross \\ net

Veal95 63 - - - -
Beef (shovel,
breast, Pokrom)110 81 110 81 88 65
Smoked-boiled ham
or boiled (with skin and
bones)53 40 53 40 - -
Sausages or sausages41 40 41 40 41 40
Kidney beef.121 104 73 63 - -
Mass of finished veal - 40 - - - -
Mass of finished beef - 50 - 50 - 40
The mass of the finished ham - 40 - 40 - -
Mass of ready-made sausages
or Sardelka - 40 - 40 - 40
Mass of finished kidneys - 50 - 30 - -
Bulb onions 119 100 107 90 107 90
Pickles 100 60 100 60 100 60
Capers40 20 40 20 40 20
Maslins 50 50 40 40 - -
Tomato Mashed 50 50 40 40 20 20
Butter24 24 20 20 16 16
Bouillon 750 750 800 800 900 900
Lemon16 10 13 8 10 6
Output- 1000 - 1000 - 1000
Sour cream60 60 50 50 20 20

4. Technological process

Solyanka is prepared with a variety of meat and fish products, as well as with fresh and dried mushrooms. For fish solic blots, fish broths are used, which boil out of food fish waste or the heads of fish of the sturgeon family (heads).

Solinski includes salted cucumbers, onions, tomato puree, capers, olives or olives. Salted cucumbers are cut by slices or diamonds. Cucumbers with coarse leather and mature seeds are cleaned of peel and seeds. Cucumbers with thin skin cut together with skin and seeds. Prepared cucumbers are allowed.

Onions are bubbling and passenger with the addition of tomato mashed potatoes. Tomato puree can be passed separately. Olives remove bones, and the olives are washed. Lemon is cleaned of the skin and cut into circles.

Meat products (meat, ham, kidneys, heart, bird, etc.) boil and cut by thin slices.

Fishing of the sturgeon family (with skin without picking or without skin and cartilage) cut 1-2 pieces on a portion and allowed in broth, for solokok, it is possible to use fillets produced by the industry (the perch, cod, fading dull (motley), etc. .).

Pastened onions and tomatoes, swept cucumbers, capers (with brine), prepared meat or fish products, spices and boiled 5-10 minutes are laid in boiling broth. On vacation in the Solyanka, oils or olives, mug of lemon, in the meat plant - sour cream and sprinkled with chopped greens of parsley. Solyanka can be released without lemon.

To give a more acute taste in Solyanka at the end of the cooking, you can add a lessed cucumber brine.

In the manufacture of a soyanka instead of a creamy oil, you can use the oil and margarine canteen. In the absence of olives, they can be replaced with capers.

  1. Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

Feed: The dish is prepared by order of the consumer, used according to the primary dish formulation. Storage and implementation period according to SanPiN2.3.2.1324-03, SanPine2.3.6.1079-01 Note: The technological card is compiled on the basis of an act of study.

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Specialty "Cook" (3 years of study)

Lesson 3.

Topic:Filling Soup Cooking Technology. Salonian.

Objectives lesson


  • To form knowledge of the technology of cooking a soyanok, consolidate knowledge about the technology of cooking boors;


  • Develop the ability to actualize knowledge, attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, to determine the goals, ensure self-control;


  • Rail interest in the subject, activity, organization.

Methods: verbal, problem presentation, partially search, clearly existful.

Equipment: Computer, Projector, Presentation "Solon Cooking Technology", Workbook, Instrument Cards, Products, Overalls, Inventory.

Type of lesson: lesson message of new knowledge.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (3 min)

Check attendance.

II. Preparation for lesson.

Introductory stage (7 min)


An excerpt from the poem "Russian cuisine" (reads teacher) (slide 2).

Think about what we will talk to you today?

Message themes and objectives of the lesson (slide 3).

Survey of homework - crossword puzzle: "Borge-boiling technology" (slides 5-6). (Self-adjoint).

Appendix 1

III. Actualization of reference knowledge

  1. Water work: allowance, passage.
  2. Mechanical culinary processing of the onion of the rep.
  3. Forms cutting onions.
  4. Preparation of saline and pickled vegetables to thermal processing.

Main stage (23 min)

1. The message of new knowledge.

2. The history of the emergence of the Solinok. (Slide 13).

With the arrival of fast food, sushi bars, we began to forget the original Russian dishes. Russian cuisine is distinguished by the variety of first dishes of knowledge on the topic: "Solokovaya cooking technology" will be useful to you in everyday life.

3. Basic rules for the preparation of Soleanok (teacher's story).

Solyanka belong to the refueling soups and consist of a liquid base, side dish and refueling. Concentrated meat, fish and mushroom broths are used as a liquid base. Solinski includes salted cucumbers, packed onions, tomato puree, capers, olives and olives. Mushroom solvents are cooked with fresh and dried mushrooms.

Salted cucumbers are cut with straw or slices and allowed. The onions slightly bold and passenger. Tomato mashed potatoes are parated separately or introduced onions at the end of the passage. Olives and olives take bones. The lemon is washed, cleaned skin and cut into circles. Meat products are boiled and cutting with a slice or straw. Meat and mushroom solvents are served with lemon, sour cream and greens, fish - without sour cream (slides from 14-17).

3. Technology for the preparation of Solyanka of the Meat Meat (independent work of students with a textbook. Appendix 2.

4. Fizkultminutka - eye exercise (slide 19).

5. Instrument card preparation of the salt plant of meat (slides 20-28)

Pork fry and boil in salted water (1 hour). Meat take out, cool, cut into small pieces. Onions finely crumble. Cucumbers cut into straws. Delicatesses cut into straws. Delicacies fry. On the vegetable oil fry onions. Add cucumbers, fry 3 minutes. Add tomato paste, stew 5 minutes. Add delicacies to broth. Add pork, cook for 7 minutes. Add onions, cucumbers.

After that, add greens, salt, pepper. It is half an hour.

Pour in plates, put a circle of lemon, olives and olives and sour cream and chopped greens.

6. Features of the preparation of various types of Solyanka (homework - speeches of students with mini-projects).

Features of the preparation of various types of saltwind (slides 30-35).

Final stage (7 min)

1. Fastening the material passed.


3. Technical and technological map for the Domestic Salonian dish

polysaccharide starch Solyanka dish

Develop 2 technical and technological maps on dishes:

1) House Solyanka (Appendix No. 1.)

2) AzU (Appendix No. 2.)

Indicate the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of these dishes, as well as the food and energy (kcal) value of the culinary product data.

"I argue"

(Organization, enterprise) _____________________________

(Head of the enterprise, Fm.O.)

"__" _________ 200_ g

Technical and technological card number 1.

Name of dishes (products) "Solyanka Home"

Reception number 124. Collection of recipes, 1965

Scope: For catering enterprises, manufacturing enterprises and educational institutions

(Enterprises that are given the right to produce and implement this dish)

List of raw materials: beef (bladder, sublock part, sneaker, crumpled), smoked and boiled chickens or boiled, sausages or sausages,

beef kidneys, onion, cucumbers pickles, potatoes, tomato mashed potatoes, butter creamy, sour cream, olives or olives, lemon.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this course (products) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and (or) quality certificates.

Reception dish

Product name

Log bookmark

for 1 portion (1000g), g

Log bookmark

(net), kg

10 servings (kg)

20 servings (kg)

Beef (bladder, sublock part, sneaker, crudge)

Smoked boiled or boiled

(with skin and bones)

Sausages or sausages

Kidney beef.

Mass of finished meat

Mass of the finished eye of rock

Mass of ready-made sausages or sardel

Mass of finished kidneys

Bulb onions



Tomato Mashed


Cooking technology.

Potatoes chopped into boiling broth and boil almost until readiness.

Salted cucumbers are cut by slices or diamonds. Cucumbers with coarse leather and mature seeds are cleaned of peel and seeds. Cucumbers with thin skin cut together with skin and seeds. Prepared cucumbers are allowed. Onions are bubbling and passenger with the addition of tomato mashed potatoes. Tomato puree can be passed separately. Olives remove bones, and the olives are washed.

Lemon is cleaned of the skin and cut into circles.

Meat products (meat, ham, kidneys, sausages or sausages) are boiled and cut into thin slices.

Pastened onions and tomato puree are laid in boiling broth, sweened cucumbers, prepared meat products, spices and boiled 5-10 minutes. To give a more acute taste in Solyanka at the end of the cooking, you can add a lessed cucumber brine.

In the manufacture of a soyanka instead of a creamy oil, you can use foam oil or margarine table. In the absence of olives, they can be replaced with capers.

Requirements for registration, submission and implementation

The dish is implemented in the portion dishes immediately after cooking. Owlines, lemon circles, sour cream and sprinkled with chopped greens of parsley are put on vacation.

According to the requirements of SanPiN, the temperature of the dishes should be no less than 75 ° C.

The permissible shelf life of a homemade dish before implementation, according to Sanpin, is 2-3 hours at a storage temperature not less than 75 ° C.

The shelf life of the dish "Saltian home" according to SanPine is 48 hours at storage temperature from + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C.

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance: The dish is a harmonious ratio of fluid and products. Components are not unloaded, distributed evenly.

Color: Broth - transparent, with the addition of tomato paste-- reddish, ingredients - the peculiar components that are part of the dish.

Consistency: Liquid consistency, components in the composition - sufficiently dense, not wasteful, characteristic of the types of ingredients in the dish

Taste and smell: pleasant components inherent. Moderately sharp, salty. Without extraneous impurities and defamatory signs.

Quality and safety indicators

Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators affecting the safety of the dish correspond to the criteria specified in the Appendix to GOST R 50763-95 "Public diet. Culinary products implemented by the population. General technical conditions."

Food and Energy Valuation Indicators

Energy value 773,1kkal

Production director____________________________________

Developer: Zaripova D.A. _____________________________

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Purpose of work: Acquaintance with the assortment and receiving practical skills in the production of restaurant level soups.

Assortment of dishes:1. Salted meat collection (No. 352) (Fig. 4.2.).

2. Puree soup from different vegetables (No. 369).

3. Broth from chickens transparent (№379).

Crowns with cheese (№ 1366).

4. Fresh fruit or berries soup (No. 419).

Tools and inventory: Pans with a capacity of 2, 1 and 0.5 liters; Small frying pan; Cook knives (medium and rooted); Messel; skimmer; sieve; Plotting and tablespoons; Soup plates; Cups soup; Plate cakes.

Technology cooking dishes.

Bouillon bone (№ 260) Gross Net

food bones * 400400


parsley (root) 118

onion onion1210



* Food bones include: beef - joint heads of tubular bones, breast, vertebrate and sacral bones; Pork and lamb - vertebrate, chest, pelvic, tubular and sacred bones. Rib and blatant bones of beef carons for making broths are not used, they are handed over to technical processing. Vertebrates are used for cooking sauces.

Meat broth transparent (№ 378) Gross Net

food bones (beef,

in addition to vertebrates) 500500

beef (cutlet meat) for deception190140

eggs for deception2 / 5 pcs.16


parsley (root) 1510

or celery (root) 1510

onion 0513



1. Saltian Meat Media (№ 352) Gross Net


beef (bladder, sublock

parts, Breast, Pokrom) 11081

smoked-boiled ham

or boiled (with skin and bones) 5340

sausages or sausages4140

beef kidneys121104.

mass of finished veal-104

mass ready beef-50

mass of finished ham-40

mass of finished sausages or sackcloth-40

mass of finished kidneys-50

onion onion119100

salted cucumbers10060



tomato puree5050

creamy butter2424




with sour cream6060

Sequence of performance "Salted meat collection" (Fig. 4.2):

1. Prepare meat and cook meat broth.

2. Process and weld the kidneys, Cut the kidney along, rinse well, pour cold water and soak 1.5 hours, periodically changing water. It is then rinsed again, pour cold water again and put cooking. When the water boils, wash it, rinse it to remove the residues of foam, pour hot water and cook 1.5 hours, without covering the dishes with a lid. Welded kidneys should easily calculate the cook needle. Finished kidneys are removed from the broth, rinse with cold water.

3. Treat salted cucumbers. Cucumbers with coarse skin and mature seeds clean. Cucumbers with thin skin cut together with skin and seeds thin slices.

4. Pour prepared pickled cucumbers.

5. Cut and spruit bow . The onions cut into thin half rings and spasserize when the bow is brokened, add tomato-mashed to it and continue heating another 3-5 min.

6. Prepare broth. Stewed meat remove from broth, strain broth.

7. Prepare a meat set for a soyanka. Boiled meat, kidneys, ham, sausages or sausages (without a shell) cut into thin slices.

8. Put cooking a saltwater. In boiling broth, put the passerian onions and tomato mashed potatoes, sweened cucumbers, capers, together with brine, prepared meat products, spices and cook 5-10 minutes.

9. To issue a saltwater. When you leave in the Solyanka, we put olives or olives, lemon circles, peeled from the skin, sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Figure 4.2. Technological scheme for the production of soup "Solyanka Meat Media"

2. Puree soup from various vegetables (No. 369) Gross Net

cabbage Fresh10080





leek 22620.

green canned peas77 50

wheat flour2020

creamy oil3030


eggs2 / 5 pcs.16

broth or water750750


The sequence of performing the work of "Pure-puree of vegetables" (Fig. 4.3):

1. Put cooking broth.

2. Clean vegetables.

3. Onions chopping and spruce.

4. Cut vegetables And let go. Repa to pre-blanch. 5-10 minutes before the end of the allowance add a pastened bow and green peas.

5. Water wipe vegetables.

6. Prepare refueling (leaps). Eggs beat the wedge, dilute with hot milk and, stirring the fun, peel in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed 70-75 o C. Ready mixture.

7. Prepare the liquid base of soup. To hot flour fatpasserovka Add 1/3 of hot broth rates and wash the mass until it becomes homogeneous, then add the rest of the broth in two receptions. Write and strain sauce.

8. Connect the liquid base With puree vegetable.

9. Fill soup soup. Soup to cool up to 80 o C and fill with spine.

9. To issue soup. To soup plates pour soup soup. From above, you can put a part of the green peas in general, as well as leek, sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw and packed.


Figure 4.3. Technological scheme of production of soup puree
from different vegetables

3. Broth of chickens transparent (№ 379) Gross Net


mass of boiled birds * -188

or dice hero 750750

eggs for deception2 / 5 pcs.16


parsley (root) 1310

or celery (root) 1510

onion onion1210

water 13001300.


* Taking into account portioning losses

Crowns with cheese (№ 1366) Gross Net

wheat bread13851165

cheese386350 *

butter cream115115


* Mass of grated cheese

Sequence of performance "Broth of chickens transparent" (Fig. 4.4.):

1. Put cooking broth. Wash chicken or dice, pour water and cook with weak heating, removing foam and fat.

2. Prepare a delay. For the preparation of deceit consumption of additional bones of the bird in 200 g per 1000 g of broth. Grinded bones of chickens pour cold water (1-1.5 g per 1 kg of bones), add salt and withstand 1-2 hours in the cold, then add a slightly whipped egg protein.

3. Froach purified vegetables For broth. Carrots, parsley and onions cut into large slices, put on a hot dry frying pan and suite without fat. Vegetables put in broth 40-60 minutes until readiness.

4. Prepare a transparent broth. At the end of cooking from the broth, once again remove the fat, strain the broth and cool up to 50-60 o C. Then enter the delay, mix well and cook the broth whenvery weak boiling for another 45-60 min. At the end of cooking, the broth salute (if necessary), strain.

5. Prepare croutons with cheese. Bread to cut a thickness of 0.5 cm, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with butter and bake in the roast cabinet (Fig. 4.5).

6. Take up work. The broth is transparent pour into the broth cups, on the pierbling plate to feed the croutons with cheese.

Fig. 4.4. Technological scheme for the production of transparent broth
from Kur.

Fig. 4.5. Technological scheme for the production of dishes "Grops with cheese"

4. Fresh fruits and berries soup (No. 419) Gross Net

raspberry or424360

strawberries (garden) 424360


cherry424360 *


plum400 360.





starch potato2020.


cinnamon (for soups of apples) 11

water 800800.


* Net weight for cherry without fruit and bone

The sequence of performing the work "soup soup from fruits and berries" (Fig. 4.6):

1. Prepare berries or fruits. Apple clean the skin and remove seed nests. Berries or fruits go through, remove the frozen and rinse. Part of the best berry leave the whole, in the bone to remove the bones.

2. Open juice.From cherry, cranberries, cherries, raspberries and strawberries squeeze the juice and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Pour apples And difficult fruits are fruitful.

4. Applesand other swept fruit wipe.

5. Mesu pour water , cook and strain.

6. Prepare starch. Starch dilute in chilled brave and strain (on 1 part of starch 4 pieces of beam).

7. Finish the preparation of soup puree. Add sugar to a lesioned decoction, bring to a boil, boil the starch, bring to a boil, add berry juice or mashed potatoes and cool.

8. To issue soup. In the soup plates pour soup soup, on top of putting whole berries.

Fig. 4.6. Technological dish production scheme
"Puree soup from fruits and berries"

Quality Requirements


Taste and smell

Solyanka meat

Meat products and cucumbers are cut into thin slices, onion by half rings. On the surface of soup - sour cream, finely chopped greens

Reddish brown. Fat - orange

Meat products, salt cucumbers, spices. Very intense, sharp

Puree soup from different vegetables

Uniform masculine mass


Boiled vegetables with a taste and aroma of a packed bow, milk and butter

Broth chicken transparent

Transparent liquid with single fat droplets on the surface


Chicken broth, well pronounced

Crowns with cheese

Slices of bread with a thickness of 7-8 mm, coated with a layer of molten cheese. Consistency crispy

Cream with brown sections

Dried bread, baked cheese and melted oil

Fresh fruits or berries soup soup

Uniform masculine mass

Characteristic color of fruits or berries

Characteristic fruits and berries are sweet. With aroma cinnamon for soup puree from apples

1. Saltian meat collection (No. 352) gross net

veal 95 63.

beef (bladder, sublock

parts, Breast, Pokrom) 110 81

smoked-boiled ham

or boiled (with skin and bones) 53 40

sausages or sausages 41 40

beef kidney 121 104

mass of finished veal - 104

mass of finished beef - 50

mass of the finished ham - 40

mass of ready-made sausages or sackcloth - 40

mass of finished kidneys - 50

onions on 119 100

salted cucumbers 100 60

cappers 40 20.

oils 50 50.

tomato Puree 50 50

butter cream 24 24

broth 750 750.

lemon 16 10.

Exit - 1000.

with sour cream 60 60

Sequence of the work of "Salted Meat Collection":

1. Prepare meat and cook meat broth.

2. Process and weld the kidneys, cut the kidneys along, rinse well, pour cold water and soak 1.5 hours, periodically changing water. It is then rinsed again, pour cold water again and put cooking. When the water boils, wash it, rinse it to remove the residues of foam, pour hot water and cook 1.5 hours, without covering the dishes with a lid. Welded kidneys should easily calculate the cook needle. Finished kidneys are removed from the broth, rinse with cold water.

3. Treat salted cucumbers. Cucumbers with coarse skin and mature seeds clean. Cucumbers with thin skin cut together with skin and seeds thin slices.

4. Pour prepared pickled cucumbers.

5. Cut and spastern onions. The onions cut into thin half rings and spasserize when the bow is brokened, add tomato-mashed to it and continue heating another 3-5 min.

6. Prepare broth. Stewed meat remove from broth, strain broth.

7. Prepare a meat set for a soyanka. Boiled meat, kidneys, ham, sausages or sausages (without a shell) cut into thin slices.

8. Put cooking a saltwater. In boiling broth, put the passerian onions and tomato mashed potatoes, sweened cucumbers, capers, together with brine, prepared meat products, spices and cook 5-10 minutes.

9. To issue a saltwater. When you leave in the Solyanka, we put olives or olives, lemon circles, peeled from the skin, sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Technological preparation scheme


A public catering company is an amazing organism, which is intertwined by many components that require proper configuration for efficient operation. To do it, you need experience, time and energy. And the problems here are not in all increasing competition in the restaurant services market, but in the correct creation of an adequate pricing policy and designing a unique image of a restaurant.

The work on the topic "Cooking Soup Cooking Technology" helped read how it should be organized to prepare these types of dishes, how it is necessary to calculate the raw materials laying for their preparation, and also on the example of the preparation of SUPA Solyanka, it turned out how the processing of a dish. During the work, the terms related to the preparation of soups were assimilated, their classification, the practical cooking skills were formed, the sequence of performing technological operations was studied during the preparation of soups. Also, much attention was paid to working with regulatory and technological documentation, the definition of taste, dishes, compliance with the rules of filing, storage conditions and the periods of implementation. Based on this, it can be said that the purpose of this course work was successful.

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