How to save the souls from eternal death. Saving the soul what does save the soul

There are people who wanted to save their soul, but do not know how to start this business. Many postpone care for the rescue of the soul to the future time.

Young people think: "We are still early to think about salvation; It is difficult to save the soul, and we want to live, have fun. After when we are older, let's start thinking about the soul. "

Mature people think: "Now it is impossible for me to think about salvation of the soul. After all, to save the soul, it is necessary to leave all the everyday and retire somewhere on privacy. And I have a family, the economy and can not leave it. After someday, when old age comes, then I will save. "

And the old men think: "We have become old olds, there is no strength to work for the rescue of the soul: I can't fast, we cannot pray, we will not be taken to the monastery. Waiting for the way they lived; The disease will come, then I will send for the priest and we repeat. "

So imposes its salvation and young, and mature age, they will not be happy about her soul and old men. So deceive yourself and those and others, and third. How young people will not start their salvation, reaching mature age, so, and in adulthood, without starting salvation, they will not begin in old age; Also, those who have achieved and senile age do not have time to repent on her deathbed, because the priest will have come to them, they often move away from this life with unspecified and crude. So die soul and youth, and maturity, and old age.

All of them lose salvation, which is acquired as expensive price as the blood of the Son of God.

And they lose their salvation because they consider this business too difficult, boring, obstacles to that are unicramked for themselves.

In fact, the salvation of the soul is not as hard as it seems.

All obstacles can easily be eliminated if people will use those means that they are already given as Christians. The main reason that people postpone their salvation to a real time is that they lack determination - often because they do not know how to start this important thing.

How to do it? It is best to start salvation with the fact that it is more difficult, not with the deletion of the world, not from strict post and long prayers, but from the easiest.

The most easy thing is that the sinner is aware of his sinfulness, I rejected myself and turned with a prayer to God, although a brief, but zealous, like next: "Lord, sin, I die - save me!" This prayer must be repeated every day and at the same time think that you need to start your salvation.

This Duma is about salvation and will be the beginning leading to salvation. After that, you need to proceed to cleanse your soul from those sins, which put it, just as a fading corpse fill a different kind of reptile: flies, beetles, worms, and so on. It is necessary to remove this gadine from the heart one after another and throw from ourselves. Otherwise, you need to start the fight with your bad habits, with your vices, with your passions. But this struggle should be started with small.

After all, and in grave sins, we do not suddenly fall, and approach them gradually, starting with a small one, almost with an insignificant case. Let's see, for example, as a man got a drunkard. He almost and did not notice the first case when he began to eat wine in the smallest size. Here he is young, sitting in the society of senior who use wine. There was a case for everyone to drink a common bowl for the health of anyone or on the occasion of any event or holiday. All drink - and for him is nanite the bowl of wine.

What should he do? Drinking out or not to drink? Next sitting telling him, sometimes even relatives, father or mother: "You, Large, do not drink, but only a vigue. " And he listened to, sought, that is, touched his lips or drank one sip of wine. But this premise for him was fatal: after that, he began boldly not only to summarize, but also to peel, then drink, maybe, first of the strollie, then on the full bowl, and the farther, the more. He was already pulling to the guilt. With any case, with joy and with grief, he began to drink, and then drink without any reason, because just that I want to drink. And, here, the first, apparently, the innocent sip of wine made him drunkard.

What was his mistake? In the fact that he should not have made the first throat, and having done it, did not follow it, and if he repeated, he stops when he had no strong calling for the guilt. When he noticed this urvey in himself, he had to resolutely oppose him: it was necessary to approve himself so as not to fulfill the desire to drink in him until it was not much; Therefore, it was necessary to pray to God mentally, so that he would not let him add to the guilt. Do it it, I would not be drunkard.

Like this person tends to theft. We also take care without demand, secretly someone else, although the most insignificant. Beware Cut the found someone else's penny. One Christian in his daily record so depicts a gradual skill to sin, ranging from an insignificant occasion and ending with a grave fall:

"If, by committing a serious sin, I would want to get to the reason that led me to such action, and I would first remember the thinking, who aroused lust, then the case that thorms this though it would see that it was almost nothing, the littleness, the bellish is barely noticeable . It was the word ambiguous, which I heard and to which I grinned; It was indifferent to the look after which my conscience, however, kept me; It was an unnecessary toas with which I achieved from empty curiosity; It was a prayer, which I neglected and which was replaced by another occupation, more entertaining; It was my work left by me while I watched my mind for something indefinite ... a week later repeated the same thing more prolonged - the remorse of the conscience was shriveling and, finally, silently ... more week ... But we will not Continue: everyone who experienced this, he himself can finish his story and remove moral. "

From this story it is visible as the most insignificant case, ambiguous word and about his smile, led a man to a severe sin.

This is the path of falling. Such can be the return from sinful life to repentance and correction.

For Mary of the Egyptian, this first Great sinner, then a great difficulty, the beginning of the appeal was a certain force, for her first unknown, who did not allow it to enter the temple of Jerusalem to worship the life-giving cross. Look in this power, she then gave a promise to correct and immediately went to the desert.

One person spoke of himself the presence of Paul a rebellious thing that the words hearding him in the Church were the reason for the appeal to God: Okay, clean; Remove your evil deeds from my eyes (Is. 1,16). And he began his salvation from these words.

But these examples may seem for someone inimitable: "After all, these were people who have reached the Great Holyness, they de, maybe they received a special grace from God, and we are ordinary people." No, and they were ordinary people - and if they got a special grace, then after they had a lot of zeal in their salvation.

However, leave them and write other examples, more suitable for us. Here is the gospel prodigal son - where did he start his salvation? From prayer feats and fasting? No; He just came to himself, caught and said himself: Stand up, go to my father (Luke 15,18), got up and went, and what was next - you know.

Get up and you, brother and sister, stand up, go to the Father, Fuck and say: "Father! I sinned against the sky and before you, the introduction of me that I knew and merry me. " From this moment, start the launch of yourself and fulfill what your conscience is.

So the evangelsk Zak, how did he start his salvation? Do not promise to correct and satisfy with the excess of all he offended (LK. 19, 8)? So again an example for you, Brother Christian, where to start your correction.

And then what to do? Then start with God's help forces by your fight against vices. First of all, find the main vice, which you really loved and which you served as a god. For example, you used to drink wine. Start the fight against this sin now, without deploying to your future. When you pull it there, where old your friends will arrange a drunken break, you don't go there, decide to overcome your desire, which enhanced you to share with friends drunk fun. It will be difficult first - but you are asked, ask God's help; When you cake with you, then you will be great joy on your soul: know that you won the diabolian temptation. After that, it will be easier for you to fight sin. And then, the victory over sin will deliver the Great Joy and your family, and you yourself. You will be much more fun with your family than when you share your drunk fun with your friends.

Many temptation occurs during public enjoyments arranged in cities and villages. Many young people die on these entertainment meetings: in cities - in theaters, masquerades, public gardens, villages and villages - at parties, swing and other similar places. Young people are also accustomed to this kind of fun, as a working people to drunk boots. Who is accustomed to the entertainment meetings of this kind, Gulbishchi, gardens, parties and other places of temptation, this is necessary to fight these sinful habits just like a drunkard with wine, Warmer with theft. As no wine needed, you need to take care of the first glass, so young people need to be afraid of the first way out of the places of fun: one thing - in theaters, gardens, places of festivities, others - to parties, swing and the like assembly. And who is already accustomed to this, it is necessary to use all the effort of the will to stop visiting these entertainment meetings. First, it will be boring and difficult, but then, with the help of God, you can overcome yourself and return myself peace and rescue of the soul.

So, go to the struggle with your sinful skills, do not fear - God's assistant. Fight and pray. Saving the soul is most expensive. It is necessary to work hard for him, even before shedding blood, if it was necessary!

Saint Makariya (Nevsky), Metropolitan of Moscow and Altai. "One for the Reservation". Sermons, words, speeches, conversations and teachings. Volume 2.

Sergey Khudiyev
  • archim. Janurian (Ivliev)
  • ieria
  • about. N. Kim
  • archite
  • sVT.
  • Yu. Ruban.
  • martyr
  • sVT.
  • The rescue (from Greek. "ΣΩττίία" - deliverance, preservation, killing, salvation, good, happiness) -
    1) Spring Action, aimed at connecting man and god, getting rid of it from the power of the devil, sin, tensions, mortality, admission to the eternal blissful life in ();
    2) activities embodied for the sake of the reunification of a person and God, it from sin, exemption from slavery foril, deterioration, mortality; created, incessantly caring for her as her unchanged chapter ();
    3) the human activity carried out with the assistance of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, aimed at the likelihood and spiritual unity with him, an admission to an eternal blissful life;
    4) the actions of the saints aimed at providing some kind of assistance to sinners.

    How are people are interrelated and free in salvation?

    Obviously, a child brought up in a disadvantaged family, for example, in a family of drug addicts or just boots, initially has less opportunities to know God than a child from a relatively prosperous Christian family. People affect each other, for example, we see in the surrounding world numerous examples, when one person kills or cripples another. Nevertheless, salvation can achieve each, because God gave each of us an internal landmark - conscience and calls for every person to his church. "... and from anyone who is given a lot, much and will need; And who entrusted a lot of things, "().

    Is it possible that God for his categorical only pushing people to a greater diligence in salvation, used rigor only as a pedagogical reception, but will eventually save everyone?

    No, not all will be saved. Moreover, we see that quite often the Lord encourages people not in a tight, threatening form, but in a soft form, but when a person does not hear this sublime call, he gives him to reap the fruits of his unbelief through heavy trials, tragic circumstances. People who are not intersected during the earthly life will become relevant to their lives of fruit. One of the consequences of their entry into hell will be their personal inability to live on the norms of the kingdom of God.

    Who is more categorical in the question of the possibility of salvation of all people: the apostles, the holy fathers of the former centuries or modern theologians?

    Apostles and holy fathers are more categorical. For a rare exception, how, for example, it is possible to recognize the opinion marked by the saint, the general view of the Church's holy fathers was reduced to a literal understanding of the evangelical certificate of the separation of sinners from the righteous on the terrible court and the eternity of the adversal torment.

    Why exclude the possibility of repentance in the terrible court of atheist or a fallen sinner who saw God in glory? Is it really instantly preferred to enjoy communication with God, enter the kingdom of God? Did God not help him?

    The shortest answer to this question is simple: if a person beyond the feature of the earthly life even the repentance, then the Lord will help him, no wonder we know Christ the Savior. It remains to understand how really the atheist is on the worldview or in life repent and turn to God after death.
    After all, atheists do not consider themselves sinners, they do not want and do not have the experience of repentance and bob. During earthly life, there is a deep internal self-determination of a person; Without the experience of repentance in this world, how can an atheist be able to reveal it in the world? If someone does not want to learn to swim, what is the probability that he learns this when the boat is crashes? If a person was hidden from the sun, what would he be on the sunny beach afternoon?
    In the terrible court, God will appear in the radiance of holiness and the power of grace, for Christians it is desirable and glad, they have experience of God-ebbing and connections with God in the sacraments. Atheists are alienated from God, they have no experience in God, for them this energy is tormented, because sin and holiness are unseedy. If a person did not seek God, did not know him, then why can we assume that he can accommodate him grace in eternity?
    And will they see the atheists of God, how are those who are welcome for them? Or for them, his phenomenon will be unbearable, as unbearable for a liar to hear the truth about himself?

    Belonging to the Church of Christ in the world a little, did the kingdom of Heaven will find so few people?

    Christ warned about it: " Come in close gates, because the broad gates and the path to the destruction, and many go them; Because the tested goat and narrow path leading, and few find them " ().

    First, we will not forget that all humanity potentially died in the fall.
    Secondly, some will be saved by the prayers of the church.
    Thirdly, salvation is voluntary, it is impossible to make someone to love God and neighbors, and the kingdom of heaven can be called the kingdom of love.
    Let us remember the biblical modest of salvation to us - Noah's Ark, in which only 8 people wished to escape.

    Is it permissible in the framework of theology to use the word "salvation" in relation to particular cases of assisting some members of the Church to others?

    At the same time, theological practice allows the use of the term "salvation" in more private sound.

    Thus, in the book of Judges of Israel, the Savior was named Hufonil, having lost (with the assistance of God) Israelis from the power of the Husarsafhem ().

    The text of one of the most common prayers to the Most Holy contains an appeal to it, as to the Lady, asking for salvation: Most Holy, save us!

    In this case, under salvation, the value is relative to every way: getting rid of danger, disasters, illness, death, etc. On the other hand, the meaning in the request of salvation may be deeper.

    Thus, the request to save is appropriate and in the conditions of ordinary everyday danger, and in the conditions of the threat arising within the framework of religious life. For example, a believer can ask (or other saints) to rescue from attacks of unclean, getting rid of their evil influences.

    As part of regular prayers to the Mother of God, the fiction on salvation can be consumed relative to the relief from the eternal

    Publication or update date 01.05.2017

  • To the table of contents: a satellite of a Christian
  • How to save your souls from eternal death.

    Would you like to get rid of slavery by passions, complacently and easily endure diseases, grief and disaster of life? Contact all with a prayer to Mother of God, ask for her high assistance, her consolation, ask for hotly, relentlessly, as if you saw her before her eyes in her divine glory; And you really get her help; It will surely squeeze you with your cover.

    You will see it yourself, you will feel that it will be so easy, peacefully, fun. And if you do not get, blame yourself: it means you prayed insincere, unworthy. Who more and condescend for us, who is more and listening to our prayers, if not the mother of God?

    Although she is now in heaven, in all heavenly glory, but she is from us, with our sinful land; She lived here, like us, and also tested a lot of sorrows; How not to listen from there, how not to get up for his own? Just do not need, you never need to forget that she is the Most Holy and does not like lawlessness.

    Therefore, asking for the prayers of our presentation for us from God, we will try to be distant from every sin, as uncleanness, which disgusts from us and eyes, and the hearing of the intercession and enthusiasm the anger of Heaven (from "Prob. I. Sergiev, t. 1).

    Saint Makariya (Nevsky)

    There are people who wanted to save their soul, but do not know how to start this business. Many postpone care for the rescue of the soul to the future time. Young people think: "We are still early to think about salvation; It is difficult to save the soul, and we want to live, have fun. After when we are older, let's start thinking about the soul. " Mature people think: "Now it is impossible for me to think about salvation of the soul. After all, to save the soul, it is necessary to leave all the everyday and retire somewhere on privacy. And I have a family, the economy and can not leave it. After someday, when old age comes, then I will save. " And the old men think: "We have become old olds, there is no strength to work for the rescue of the soul: I can't fast, we cannot pray, we will not be taken to the monastery. Waiting for the way they lived; The disease will come, then I will send for the priest and we repeat. "

    So imposes its salvation and young, and mature age, they will not be happy about her soul and old men. So deceive yourself and those and others, and third. How young people will not start their salvation, reaching mature age, so, and in adulthood, without starting salvation, they will not begin in old age; Also, those who have achieved and senile age do not have time to repent on her deathbed, because the priest will have come to them, they often move away from this life with unspecified and crude. So die soul and youth, and maturity, and old age.

    All of them lose salvation, which is acquired as expensive price as the blood of the Son of God.

    And they lose their salvation because they consider this business too difficult, boring, obstacles to that are unicramked for themselves.

    In fact, the salvation of the soul is not as hard as it seems. All obstacles can easily be eliminated if people will use those means that they are already given as Christians. The main reason that people postpone their salvation to a real time is that they lack determination - often because they do not know how to start this important thing. How to do it? It is best to start salvation with the fact that it is more difficult, not with the deletion of the world, not from strict post and long prayers, but from the easiest. The most easy thing is that the sinner is aware of his sinfulness, I rejected myself and turned with a prayer to God, although a brief, but zealous, like next: "Lord, sin, I die - save me!" This prayer must be repeated every day and at the same time think that you need to start your salvation. This Duma is about salvation and will be the beginning leading to salvation. After that, you need to proceed to cleanse your soul from those sins, which put it, just as a fading corpse fill a different kind of reptile: flies, beetles, worms, and so on. It is necessary to remove this gadine from the heart one after another and throw from ourselves. Otherwise, you need to start the fight with your bad habits, with your vices, with your passions. But this struggle should be started with small. After all, and in grave sins, we do not suddenly fall, and approach them gradually, starting with a small one, almost with an insignificant case. Let's see, for example, as a man got a drunkard. He almost and did not notice the first case when he began to eat wine in the smallest size. Here he is young, sitting in the society of senior who use wine. There was a case for everyone to drink a common bowl for the health of anyone or on the occasion of any event or holiday. All drink - and for him is nanite the bowl of wine. What should he do? Drinking out or not to drink? Next sitting telling him, sometimes even relatives, father or mother: "You, Large, do not drink, but only a vigue. " And he listened to, sought, that is, touched his lips or drank one sip of wine. But this premise for him was fatal: after that, he began boldly not only to summarize, but also to peel, then drink, maybe, first of the strollie, then on the full bowl, and the farther, the more. He was already pulling to the guilt. With any case, with joy and with grief, he began to drink, and then drink without any reason, because just that I want to drink. And here is the first, apparently, the innocent sip of wine made him drunkard. What was his mistake? In the fact that he should not have made the first throat, and having done it, did not follow it, and if he repeated, he stops when he had no strong calling for the guilt. When he noticed this urvey in himself, he had to resolutely oppose him: it was necessary to approve himself so as not to fulfill the desire to drink in him until it was not much; Therefore, it was necessary to pray to God mentally, so that he would not let him add to the guilt. Do it it, I would not be drunkard.

    Like this person tends to theft. We also take care without demand, secretly someone else, although the most insignificant. Beware Cut the found someone else's penny. One Christian in his daily record so depicts a gradual skill to sin, ranging from an insignificant occasion and ending with a grave fall:

    "If, by committing a serious sin, I would want to get to the reason that led me to such action, and I would first remember the thinking, who aroused lust, then the case that thorms this though it would see that it was almost nothing, the littleness, the bellish is barely noticeable . It was the word ambiguous, which I heard and to which I grinned; It was indifferent to the look after which my conscience, however, kept me; It was an unnecessary toas with which I achieved from empty curiosity; It was a prayer, which I neglected and which was replaced by another occupation, more entertaining; It was my work left by me while I watched my mind for something indefinite ... a week later repeated the same thing more prolonged - the remorse of the conscience was shriveling and, finally, silently ... more week ... But we will not Continue: everyone who experienced this, he himself can finish his story and remove moral. "

    From this story it is visible as the most insignificant case, ambiguous word and about his smile, led a man to a severe sin.

    This is the path of falling. Such can be the return from sinful life to repentance and correction.

    For Mary of the Egyptian, this first Great sinner, then a great difficulty, the beginning of the appeal was a certain force, for her first unknown, who did not allow it to enter the temple of Jerusalem to worship the life-giving cross. Look in this power, she then gave a promise to correct and immediately went to the desert.

    One person spoke of himself the presence of Paul a rebellious thing that the words hearding him in the Church were the reason for the appeal to God: Okay, clean; Remove your evil deeds from my eyes (Is. 1, 16). And he began his salvation from these words.

    But these examples may seem for someone inimitable: "After all, these were people who have reached the Great Holyness, they de, maybe they received a special grace from God, and we are ordinary people." No, and they were ordinary people - and if they got a special grace, then after they had a lot of zeal in their salvation.

    However, leave them and write other examples, more suitable for us. Here is the gospel prodigal son - where did he start his salvation? From prayer feats and fasting? No; He just came to himself, caught and said himself: Stand up, go to my father (Luke 15, 18), got up and went, and what was next - you know.

    Get up and you, brother and sister, stand up, go to the Father, Fuck and say: "Father! I sinned against the sky and before you, the introduction of me that I knew and merry me. " From this moment, start the launch of yourself and fulfill what your conscience is.

    So the evangelsk Zak, how did he start his salvation? Do not promise to correct and satisfy with the excess of all he offended (LK. 19, 8)? So again an example for you, Brother Christian, where to start your correction.

    And then what to do? Then start with God's help forces by your fight against vices. First of all, find the main vice, which you really loved and which you served as a god. For example, you used to drink wine. Start the fight against this sin now, without deploying to your future. When you pull it there, where old your friends will arrange a drunken break, you don't go there, decide to overcome your desire, which enhanced you to share with friends drunk fun. It will be difficult first - but you are asked, ask God's help; When you cake with you, then you will be great joy on your soul: know that you won the diabolian temptation. After that, it will be easier for you to fight sin. And then, the victory over sin will deliver the Great Joy and your family, and you yourself. You will be much more fun with your family than when you share your drunk fun with your friends.

    Many temptation occurs during public enjoyments arranged in cities and villages. Many young people die on these entertainment meetings: in cities - in theaters, masquerades, public gardens, villages and villages - at parties, swing and other similar places. Young people are also accustomed to this kind of fun, as a working people to drunk boots. Who is accustomed to the entertainment meetings of this kind, Gulbishchi, gardens, parties and other places of temptation, this is necessary to fight these sinful habits just like a drunkard with wine, Warmer with theft. As no wine needed, you need to take care of the first glass, so young people need to be afraid of the first way out of the places of fun: one thing - in theaters, gardens, places of festivities, others - to parties, swing and the like assembly. And who is already accustomed to this, it is necessary to use all the effort of the will to stop visiting these entertainment meetings. First, it will be boring and difficult, but then, with the help of God, you can overcome yourself and return myself peace and rescue of the soul.

    So, go to the struggle with your sinful skills, do not fear - God's assistant. Fight and pray. Saving the soul is most expensive. It is necessary to work hard for him, even before shedding blood, if it was necessary!

    "To save your soul, you need to save someone else."


    My very close friend - Fairy from Mozhaisk Forests, is a very large personal grief. From her a very close friend was left. At all. There from where it is not returned ...

    A friend was called by a pug. And he was a cat. ... I don't know anything about him - she, despite all my requests, does not tell anything, "I only know that she probably picked him out somewhere on the street - unhappy, perhaps a patient, and gave him a chance to life. ... but now it is not. And how this misfortune happened, I don't know too.

    She does this not the first time - picks up dying, patients with kittens or puppies and hugs them. And then attaches, as she hopes, in good hands.

    "Abnormal ..." - you say. - "What, she has no problems? .." And you will be absolutely right. It is abnormal. For the norm adopted in your society is to pass by the helplessless municipal lump of wool, in which life will burn, and whom the fate of Ugrozdili would be born on the street or who thrown into the street you, people, because you have a lot of "our own problems." ... In the extreme case, you leave this lump of a piece from the boiler or pinpout sausages, which then calmly milk yourself. Houses. Warm and comfort.

    You, people, it is accepted to destroy other people's souls, if you are so profitable, convenient if it solves your momentum problems. And you most often so comfortable. For you, this is the norm. And she, yes - abnormal. She is not like you. So she is fairy. Fairy all such. Although I only know one.

    Therefore, it lives cats on trees, seagulls fly over the pond, flying birds, which are not in scientific directories, and tomatoes grow on cucumbers. And in the new year, cats get off their trees and without demand come to visit her. .. They are all abnormal.

    Therefore, it has light. And most of you are not. Therefore, she has already saved her soul and soul of one who is next to her. And you can hardly ever get it ... Because you are not up to that. You have too many problems ...

    I will tell you the secret - do not ask where I know it, you are not able to understand more elementary things, just listen - to save your soul, you need to save someone else's. There is no other way.

    It is meaningless to worship the idols invented by you, make invented rites, which are invented posts, loss painted boards with dark faces of those who were appointed to you as an idol for worship, to give their money to those who declare themselves with an intermediary between you and "higher forces" . All this is meaningless and is valuable only in your naive imagination. And you need to save someone else's soul.

    No matter what is like that, or this is so barely breathable shaggy lump, which will die if you pass by. A living creature must continue to breathe - thanks to you.

    You need to love the other more than you love yourself. To be your problems with your. More important than yours.

    Lily love just how animals can love - sincerely and forever.

    Those who you yourself are, but whoever does not want to admit yourself.

    Maybe precisely because you do not want to love sincerely and forever, you have come up with a game of "love", which is always for something, and always time. Before the same game.

    Fate once will give you a chance and offer you this choice. But, most likely, you will pass by. Because you are normal. And you have your own problems.

    Everything is simple, as always.

    "... And what are you? .." - you ask.

    Good question. And the answer to it is also simple.

    Once I tried to do it. Now there is no. I am a representative of the other party. ... and now I have another role ... so she does it for me too.

    Think of yourself. Not about your trough. About me. If you, of course, understand the difference. And then, perhaps you will have a friend.

    Animals are the most sincere and true friends.

    And while they can, they will definitely come back ...

    And when they can not, they will still be with you, warming you with their light.

    And then the light will be shown in you ... only then. May be...

    My fairy is mistaken.

    Her Moska did not leave her. He will always be with her - a warm loyal woolen lump somewhere in the corner of her bright soul ...

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