Treatment of medium caries without teeth drilling. Is it possible to treat caries without drilling

The cost of treating teeth without drilling depends on the method that the doctor chooses. It is important to remember that only the initial caries is eliminated by gentle way. Whether the treatment is suitable for a specific patient without drilling tooth, will determine the doctor at the reception. If not, you will have to drill and put a seal.


The popular method of treatment without born. The price of icon begins from 1 500 rubles and comes to 10,000 rubles for the tooth. Tooth treatment with a special solution allows you to postpone operational treatment with a seal setting for several years.


If the surface caries did not go beyond the enamel, the dentist can recommend disinfection treatment with ozone. This is another technique for treating teeth without drilling. Ozone and subsequent remineralization of the surface of the enamel will cost 1,500 - 2,000 rubles.


Treatment of caries of teeth with a laser also relates to conservative treatment. The treatment of one tooth will cost a minimum of 2,000 rubles. The laser will have an antibacterial effect on dentin and enamel.

Icon technology is painless caries treatment that does not require enamel drilling. A special solution (polymer) is applied to damaged enamel, making it durable and resistant to bacteria. As a result, the development of caries is stopped and the natural color of the teeth is restored.

Liquid seal icon: What is it?

Icon - Abbreviation from the words of Infiltration Concept, which means "Infiltration Concept". Infiltration is a microinvasive, that is, gentle teeth treatment. The principle is that the liquid light bulk material penetrates into the porous enamel and reliably "seals" the open surface of the tooth.

The Icon is designed by the German company DMG and applies worldwide since 2000.

Advantages Compared to a traditional seal:

Laser therapy and ozone treatment also includes gentle teeth treatment methods. However, such procedures require special equipment. It is much easier to use infiltrate.

When is the treatment of teeth without born?

The treatment with the ICON method is used only at the initial stage of caries (superficial stain stage). There are several categories of carious focus in the depth of the defeat. According to the degree of penetration into enamel, the forms E1 and E2 are distinguished, and in the depth of penetration into dentin - d1, d2 and d3.

With the help of infiltrate, it is possible to eliminate the defects of the types E1, E2 and D1. That is, with a deep carious "Dupell", which touched Most Dentin, it is already necessary to drip the affected areas and put a seal.

The drug can be used in the defeat of any enamel zone, including in the sera and intersuban area, as well as on fissuras (the surface of chewing teeth). Liquid signs of what you should apply Icon - the formation of a challennel spot on the crown and improving sensitivity to cold and hot food.

It makes no sense to apply a solution and for healthy enamel, for example, for the purpose of remineralization. In this case, it is better to carry out fluorination. There are no other contraindications to use icon.

Procedure for the treatment of caries by Icon

The ICON gentle treatment procedure takes from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the number of carious foci in the oral cavity. At the same time, there is no buzz and vibration of bormer, does not arise painful sensations.

The set includes several applicators with different preparations that need to be applied alternately.

Stages Treatment icon:

  1. Insulation of the corrodium of the tooth cofferdam (thin latex film).
  2. Applying a "grassy" gel with HCl for opening pores in the carious zone.
  3. Drainage of the processed section of a jet of warm air.
  4. Application of infiltrant (is carried out twice).
  5. Turning the polymerization lamp to harden liquid.
  6. Removing insulating film.
  7. Polishing the surface of the tooth to achieve perfect smoothness and gloss.

After the procedure, you can conduct a normal lifestyle and consume your favorite food.

Photo after treatment by Icon

Is the icon suitable for children?

Icon method is ideal for the treatment of children's teeth, including dairy. Children and adolescents well transfer the procedure much easier than sealing.

Previously, dentists were used silvering of dairy teeth, which stained enamel in a dark color. And the child walked with such "terrible" teeth until the change of them for permanent. Icon method is deprived of such a shortage.

However, many doctors do not apply infiltration for children up to 3 years, due to the fact that at this age, the kids are unreasonable. They are hard to sit in the chair of the dentist even 15-20 minutes.

In 80% of cases, the Icon method helps to avoid sealing over the next few years. And in many cases, patients do not have to put seals at all. But remember, the sooner you refer to the dentist, the more chances to apply microcomputer treatment without drilling.

To select a reliable dentist, use the search engine of our site.

Visiting a dentist in itself causes, especially with the memories of the work of Bormashin.

Perhaps, only the most bolder is not trembling from one type of this device, and plus also pain that may appear during the preparation procedure of the carious area ...

The negative perception of bormer and drilling, as such, led to the popularity of ICON technology (caries infiltration), when treatment is carried out without dispersion. This technique has a lot of advantages. The main of which are painlessness of the procedure and the safety of the natural structure of the tooth.

Icon - Infiltration Concept, translated into Russian denotes the concept of infiltration. Above the invention of this technology worked the best scientists of the German DMG company. The technique was introduced into European dentistry almost immediately, and a little later reached the Russian clinic.

Icon is a minimally invasive treatment method, which is based on the introduction of a polymer composition into an affected area. The main task of this composition is to seal the carious cavity. With this treatment, it turns out to be restored to the tooth surface, giving it the resistance to acidifies.

Indications and restrictions for use

Main readings for using technology icon:

Among the large number of advantages, the method of infiltration has some contraindications:

  • children's age up to three years.

Technological features and materials

In this way, it is possible to stop the defeat process. True, it will still have to put a seal, but not soon if you follow all the tips.

Lizok, 24.

Opinion of specialists

Not so long ago, Icon technology began in our clinic. Patients are satisfied, doctors too. The procedure is carried out quickly, painlessly, which favorably affects the emotional state of patients. From this and we calmly. Such treatment does not frighten, and therefore a person will try to seek help in time, not allowing complications.

Dentist, 11 years of experience

I am a children's therapist in dentistry. Definitely, such a technology is perfection in the medical field. Treatment of teeth always caused an unpleasant feeling, and the children do not tighten the children at all.

How many tears and fear in the eyes I saw for my professional activities. Recently, in simple situations, I practic only treatment with the ICON method and can note only the positive aspects of this approach. Quickly, high quality and reliable! It remains to wait, when it can also be painlessly cured.

Children's dentist

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure - Patient View

Icon technology, with patients, has a mass gain:

  • it remains untouched a healthy part of the tooth due to the absence of drilling;
  • prevents further development of the destructive process;
  • the surface of the cured tooth does not differ from the rest of the teeth;
  • the health of the teeth is extended for a long time;
  • painlessness procedure;
  • no use of anesthesia;
  • just one visit to the dentist;
  • treatment in complex places with difficult access to them.

Despite the large number of positive feedback and this technique has some drawbacks:

  1. High price. For the treatment of one tooth, you will have to spend about 4,000 rubles. In principle, currently and traditional sealing costs about the same.
  2. You can apply technology only at the very beginning of the development of the disease., at the stain stage.
  3. With improper definition of lesion depth you can get a negative resultthat will require further treatment with familiar methods. Negative patient reviews are completely connected with this error of dentists conducted by caries treatment using the Icon technique.
  4. During the procedure a thin layer of dental fabric evaporatesBut much on a smaller scale than with the use of bormers.
  5. In rare cases, the carious process continuesBut the percentage of such an effect is very small.

Summing up

The Icon system is a new modern technology, and everything is expensive, so the price of treating one tooth will be from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. It all depends on the pricing policy of the clinic, where treatment will be carried out.

This cost is due to imported equipment and expensive materials.

The use of the method of infiltration for the treatment of teeth will help to make the density of damaged enamel, protect it from the effects of an aggressive medium, will retain a healthy tissue. The whole procedure is carried out without mechanical intervention, there is no need for anesthesia.

The advantages of the method will appreciate all patients who were not previously wishing to go to the dentist because of ordinary fear.

Caries is a process leading to the softening of solid tooth tissues followed by the formation of the cavity.

Currently, the occurrence of caries is associated with a local change in pH on the surface of the tooth under the action of dental tax. As a result, enamel is destroyed with the formation of an open pore system in its structure. The appearance of white spots during caries is associated with the penetration of air into the demineralization zone and the change in the reflective properties of the enamel.

In the depth of defeat, the caries shall be divided into:

  • caries in stains
  • surface
  • middle
  • deep

At the first two kinds of patient, two treatment options were usually offered:

1 - fluorination of the tooth and monitoring the dynamics of the development of caries (efficiently only in the earliest stages, long-term treatment);

2 - Mechanical processing of the affected area and cavity sealing.

Now the revolutionary solution of this problem has appeared - this is a microenvasive treatment of caries by infiltration using the system Icon.

Icon is the world's first material for caries infiltration. The special polymer penetrates the area affected by caries, and seals pores. After exposure to the ICON drug, damaged enamel from porous and fragile turns into a dense, solid and resistant to the effects of the aggressive medium. In addition, the transparency of the enamel and the color of the tooth is restored (except for very rare cases when the color is not restored on the entire area).


  • Caries enamel in the stain stage on the vestibular surfaces of the teeth;
  • Caries enamel and caries dentin with damage to the initial layers (levels E1-D1 on x-ray classification) on the approximal surfaces of the teeth.


  • Treatment of caries dentin when defeated more than half of its thickness (levels D2-D3);
  • Curious caries enamel and dentin;
  • Changing the color of enamel due to injury;
  • Individual intolerance of material components.


  • the development of caries stops for a long time
  • preservation of healthy tooth tissues
  • the surface of a treated tooth looks like a healthy enamel
  • painless technique without anesthesia and preparation
  • simple technique in one visit;

Observations show that in 80% of cases, the treatment of the caries of teeth (active carious stains) using the Icon method helps to avoid the installation of the seal several years ahead.

Liquid seal icon: What is it?

Icon - Abbreviation from the words of Infiltration Concept, which means "Infiltration Concept". Infiltration is a microinvasive, that is, gentle teeth treatment. The principle is that the liquid light bulk material penetrates into the porous enamel and reliably "seals" the open surface of the tooth.

The Icon is designed by the German company DMG and applies worldwide since 2000.

Advantages Compared to a traditional seal:

Laser therapy and ozone treatment also includes gentle teeth treatment methods. However, such procedures require special equipment. It is much easier to use infiltrate.

When is the treatment of teeth without born?

The treatment with the ICON method is used only at the initial stage of caries (superficial stain stage). There are several categories of carious focus in the depth of the defeat. According to the degree of penetration into enamel, the forms E1 and E2 are distinguished, and in the depth of penetration into dentin - d1, d2 and d3.

The drug can be used in the defeat of any enamel zone, including in the sera and intersuban area, as well as on fissuras (the surface of chewing teeth). Liquid signs of what you should apply Icon - the formation of a challennel spot on the crown and improving sensitivity to cold and hot food.

It makes no sense to apply a solution and for healthy enamel, for example, for the purpose of remineralization. In this case, it is better to carry out fluorination. There are no other contraindications to use icon.

Procedure for the treatment of caries by Icon

The set includes several applicators with different preparations that need to be applied alternately.

Stages Treatment icon:

  1. Insulation of the corrodium of the tooth cofferdam (thin latex film).
  2. Applying a "grassy" gel with HCl for opening pores in the carious zone.
  3. Drainage of the processed section of a jet of warm air.
  4. Application of infiltrant (is carried out twice).
  5. Turning the polymerization lamp to harden liquid.
  6. Removing insulating film.
  7. Polishing the surface of the tooth to achieve perfect smoothness and gloss.

After the procedure, you can conduct a normal lifestyle and consume your favorite food.

Photo after treatment by Icon

Is the icon suitable for children?

Icon method is ideal for the treatment of children's teeth, including dairy. Children and adolescents well transfer the procedure much easier than sealing.

Previously, dentists were used silvering of dairy teeth, which stained enamel in a dark color. And the child walked with such "terrible" teeth until the change of them for permanent. Icon method is deprived of such a shortage.

However, many doctors do not apply infiltration for children up to 3 years, due to the fact that at this age, the kids are unreasonable. They are hard to sit in the chair of the dentist even 15-20 minutes.

To select a reliable dentist, use the search engine of our site.

Modern methods of treating caries without drilling

Unfortunately, all methods of treatment without bormers are directed mainly to combat the surface form of caries. Their task is to stop the resulting carious process, and in some cases and warn it. Before their appearance, the treatment of caries of the teeth was carried out only when he received development, and in the early stages it simply did not pay attention to him. The main advantages of modern techniques are the absence of drilling bormers, as well as the possibility of removing the affected tissue tissue without affecting its healthy part. So, the processing of carious lesions without drilling is based on various principles of impact. Among the most common techniques in the newest dental industry - infiltration, caries treatment with ozone, air-abrasive processing and laser treatment of caries.

Method of infiltration

Technology of infiltration was invented in the Celtic University of Germany. This method of microenvalic treatment of caries refers to chemical-mechanical processing, which completely eliminates the preparation - drilling tooth, and applies only in the treatment of initial caries, initial carious lesions after using braces, as well as caries in the stain stain. The principle of operation of the method is to apply a special gel to the surface to the surface, which splits the enamel, after which the carious focus is dried with 99% ethyl alcohol in combination with an air jet and impregnate with a polymer resin. The procedure protocol is clearly shown in the figure below.

Positive moments of this technology can be considered painless and fast (the procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes) the removal of an exclusively affected part of the tooth. However, the method is applicable only on the smooth surface of the teeth or between them. Also, the form of "holes" should be perfect - with smooth edges and a wide input. International studies confirmed the effectiveness of the method of infiltration that allowed for many years to stop the development of caries in both adult patients and children.

Method of treating caries ozone

Ozone therapy was developed in England. Unlike other modern methods of treatment of initial caries, the ozone method is aimed at suppressing bacteria that destroy the tooth, and the subsequent remineralization of the dental fabrics. But it also allows not to resort to drilling, and therefore anesthesia. In some cases it is possible to do without a seal! The essence of the method is such: the special apparatus converts oxygen into ozone, which instantly neutralizes carious foci and destroys harmful bacteria, provoking the destruction of dental tissues. Then he "comes out" from the tooth, reapproed to oxygen. Healthy cells remain intact, since they are more resistant to oxidation and are able to withstand the effects of ozone. The procedure lasts some 20 - 40 seconds.

Who can recommend the treatment of caries ozone? Almost any patient with the initial stage of caries, because allergic reactions, like irritation of the oral cavity, cannot cause ozone. But if there is a deep carious process, then you still have to resort to drilling. In addition, ozone treatment is recommended to everyone without exception as the prevention of caries in adults and children. Despite all the advantages of the method, the practice of introducing ozone therapy into Russian dental clinics is small. The reason for the relatively high cost of equipment. To obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bhow ozone treatment occurs in the figure below.

Treatment of caries with ozone

Air-abrasive treatment

The air-abrasive method involves the mechanical processing of carious lesions using special sandblasting machines, which are also used for professional oral hygiene. The idea of \u200b\u200b"knocking out" surface caries by air flow with impurities arose in the 40s in the United States. Then as an abrasive (impurities with high hardness), quartz sand was used, and later - aluminum oxide, a substance is colorless and non-toxic. Stream-abrasive systems "shoot" with a power, which is enough to remove softened fabrics affected by caries, without harming healthy. In the case of an air-abrasive processing, the possibility of the development of secondary caries is practically eliminated. The procedure is safe, painless, and in the treatment of primary caries does not require anesthesia.

As with other methods of treating caries without born, the air-abrasive method does not heat the tooth tissue, does not create noise and vibrations. Moreover, it reduces the risk of microcracks, which can later be the cause of the destruction of the entire tooth. The "knocking out of the air jet with abrasives occurs impulsively, 5 to 10 seconds, which is more efficient than the preparation of bormer. The method of air-abrasive processing is not ideal, because in some cases it may still take the clearance of caries with a drill and setting only a composite seal. Sometimes this method of treating teeth is generally not applicable due to the unavailability of the installation tip to the affected area. Another minus is a possible increase in the sensitivity of the tooth in the future.

Laser teeth treatment without born

Treatment of caries with a laser, in other words, laser fluorescence, as well as the above methods, implies treatment of caries without drilling in the sense, in which we used to understand the drilling and associated feelings.

What does the unpleasant pain occur during the work of Bormashin? The fact is that there is intensive heating and friction between the dental drill and enamel, dentin. And to these sensations is added vibration propagating to the tooth facilities. In the treatment of the laser does not heat the tissues due to low radiation power. In addition, laser devices are 20 times silent than Bormishina! In this case, the main thing is not to fall asleep in the office of the dentist. No wonder this method is recommended not only for people with increased sensitivity to pain and sounds, but also the most sensitive to the perception of external stimuli - pregnant and children. In addition, the procedure of laser treatment of caries is absolutely sterile - the tip of the laser installation does not come into contact with your teeth.

The displacement of the cavity is carried out by selectively affecting caries, and, more precisely, only the fabric infected caries. Impact fully suppresses the growth of carious bacteria and eliminates the risk of secondary caries. At the same time, the laser method does not harm healthy teeth, and also does not lead to microcracks on enamel. And the time spent on the treatment of caries is reduced by about 40% compared with traditional treatment - it is not necessary to change the nozzles, and in the treatment of surface caries - and make anesthesia. Today, dentistry uses a laser not only as a method for treating caries, but also as its diagnosis. The second is a significant advantage in comparison with X-ray diagnostics, since in the case of a laser "verification" there is no radiation.

Disadvantages of caries treatment without teeth drilling

  • high cost of laser installation;
  • high requirements for specialists working with a laser;
  • such treatment requires the use of protective sunglasses as a patient and a doctor; Points with darkened glasses can distort the actual and reduce the clarity of view;
  • in some cases, damage to the soft tissues, applied by a laser, slowly and badly heal;
  • it is also likely that the laser will reflect from metal objects in the office of the dentist, if any will not be removed, and the fire will be caused.

Stock Foto Tooth treatment with laser

Innodent - a new direction in the treatment of caries

Thanks to the drug Innodent, the president's dentists at the president's clinic appeared in the opportunity to painlessly treat caries. For this, it is not necessary to resort to the work of the bormer and the use of acrylic materials. Using only one drop, the doctor makes the composition for damaged tooth parts. The procedure allows you to activate the natural restoration of enamel and dentin, which opens up new horizons in invasive caries therapy.
Using Innodent preparations, our dentists rise to a better level of providing their services to the patient.

What are the advantages of using Innodent dentists-therapists?

Among the benefits for professional dentists are distinguished:
- Innovative technology allows the reverse of caries to a new healthy enamel;
- efficiency (the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes);
- prestige, since the leading dental clinics have long used this method of treating caries;
- no drilling and injections of anesthesia;
- The safety of the drug is proved by clinical trials.

How does the drug act?

The drug represents an analogue of Amelogenin protein, which is so necessary for Enamel formation. But in the teeth of an adult, Amelogenin is no longer produced, so without this component, the enamel will not be destroyed by caries.
Innodent Junior and Repair are biocompatible implants that produce a new enamel. The revolutionism of this technology is that the components of the drug build the optimal crystal hydroxiapatitis lattice based on the patient's saliva having a ratio of 1.67.
Destroyed by caries enamel begins to recover within 1 month.

It acquires the necessary morpho physiological indicators:
- the right color;
- shine;
- strength;
- Mineralization.

The Innodent action occurs as follows:
1. The droplet of the drug penetrates the microcertility of the tooth (no anesthesia is required). You do not feel pain.
2. The formation of 3D biomatrix and a crystal lattice of patient saliva occurs.
3. Enamel regeneration - a new protective shell appears on your teeth.
The preparation from Switzerland has passed many clinical trials. The tool allows you to form an organic matrix in the middle of carious lesion, stimulating the regeneration of the new enamel. The new biomatrix collects phosphorus and calcium from human saliva, forming the formation of a protective layer.

When do the drug prescribe?

Unlike remineralization, which is used to strengthen enamel and protection against the effects of acid medium, Innodent is used to treat caries in the early stages.
Dentists use drug:
- during carious stain;
- When there are cracked enamel;
- with enamel hypoplasia;
- traced desessitization of caries V type;
- fluorosis is observed;
- You need to give a shine to a smile and strengthen the enamel after abrasive whitening.

What are the advantages of using Innodent droplets for the patient?

There are such benefits of the drug for patients:
- no discomfort (you do not feel pain, no need to do);
- aesthetics (your teeth will be beautifully shine, besides, pigment spots, cracks and chalk stains are cleaned);
- savings (instead of paying the cost of the seal, you get a tool that will not only get rid of drilling, but also give you a new enamel for many years);
- A nice smile (strong and healthy teeth without caries wants to demonstrate more often).

Indications and restrictions for use

Main readings for using technology icon:

Among the large number of advantages, the method of infiltration has some contraindications:

  • late stage of caries;
  • children's age up to three years.

Technological features and materials

The method when the treatment of caries passes without drilling, has a number of features:

  • you can treat the disease only at the stain stage, that is, when there are no surface damage;
  • no need to resort to anesthesia;
  • the use of bormers is not required for the procedure;
  • icon method strengthens the structure of the teeth, preventing it from the negative effects of the external environment;
  • the method of infiltration does not lead to the formation of microcracks, which minimizes possible repeated lesions;
  • the tooth, which has undergone treatment on this method, retains the former color without differing from the rest of the tooth row.

Such a treatment method does not imply a preliminary preparation. Elimination of caries is carried out by special materials:

Sets for infiltration are manufactured in two versions:

  • for processing in those places where the immediate proximity to the mucous membrane is observed;
  • for processing areas where contact with neighboring healthy teeth occurs.

All sets include the necessary tools and medicinal solutions. The active components of the solutions after their application penetrate directly into the damaged cavity, without affecting the tissue of the tooth. As a result of treatment, enamel acquires smoothness, transparency, healthy appearance.

How is the treatment?

The duration of the procedure is only about 25 minutes and will require a patient only one visit to the dentist. For treatment, anesthesia is not required, thanks to the perfect painlessness.

Caries treatment by the ICON method is carried out according to the following scheme:

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