The peculiarity of the treatment and prevention of cervicitis of the cervix. How does the disease manifest

Cervicitis is an inflammatory process in the vaginal segment of the cervix. Cervicitis, the symptoms of which are characterized by purulent or mucous discharge, pain in the lower abdomen (pulling or dull), painful intercourse and urination.

Prolonged chronic cervicitis leads to the development of erosion, thickening of the cervix, the spread of infection to the upper parts of the genital apparatus.

By its structure, the cervix serves as a barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterus. Under certain factors, a violation of its protective function occurs, which leads to the ingress of foreign microflora into this area, thereby contributing to the development of inflammation - cervicitis of the cervix.

Most often, the disease occurs in women between the ages of 18 and 45 who are sexually active. However, many infected women do not receive the necessary treatment, since the symptoms of cervicitis can be hidden.

The reasons

Why does cervicitis occur, and what is it? In order for a woman to develop this ailment, it is necessary to introduce into the genitals of various pathogenic microflora: Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas and other microorganisms. They can enter the cervix through the contact pathways, through the blood and lymph, or from the rectum, specific microflora is sexually transmitted.

In most cases, cervicitis occurs due to the presence of vaginal sexually transmitted infections:,. Herpes genital infections can also provoke inflammation of the cervix, or. In addition, mechanical stimuli can accompany the onset of the disease, these are cervical injuries after abortion, childbirth or due to other injuries.

Cervicitis rarely occurs in isolation, usually its development is accompanied by other pathologies of the reproductive system: vaginitis, ectropion, pseudo-erosion of the cervix. To avoid complications, you need to think in time about how to treat cervicitis and what drugs will be required for this.

Cervicitis symptoms

The disease can occur in two ways. The first is without symptoms, the second is with the manifestation of certain signs. In most cases, the severity of the clinic depends on the causative agent of the infectious process.

With a mild form of cervicitis, a woman may not notice any symptoms at all. Perhaps the periodic appearance of small vaginal discharge, which is predominantly mucous in nature.

Key features cervicitis of the cervix:

  • weak aching;
  • pain or discomfort during intercourse;
  • rare spotting from the vagina, sometimes with an admixture of pus;
  • cloudy mucous discharge from the vagina, regardless of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation.

With cervicitis of the cervix, there are more pronounced symptoms - bleeding, itching in the genital area, pain or discharge with blood interspersed during intercourse, burning sensation when urinating. In addition, a woman with cervicitis has periodic and uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen. If acute cervicitis has a severe course, then it is possible to observe an increase in body temperature, the appearance of dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

If a woman has developed gonorrheal cervicitis, then the discharge becomes with a yellow tinge, with trichomoniasis it becomes foamy. Human papillomavirus can cause genital warts and cervical ulceration of various sizes.

Acute cervicitis is treated with antibiotics. And if the cause of the disease is gonococcus, then treatment of both partners will be required. Cervicitis untreated at this stage turns into a protracted chronic process. The discharge becomes cloudy and slimy. In the chronic stage, signs of inflammation (edema, hyperemia) are less pronounced.

During pregnancy

Cervicitis during pregnancy can be a rather serious problem for both a woman and her baby. With an infectious course of the disease, there is a high probability of infection of the fetus during childbirth.

It is extremely difficult to treat cervicitis during pregnancy due to the fact that many antibacterial agents negatively affect the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to cure cervicitis before pregnancy so that there are no various pathological changes in the fetus.

Chronic cervicitis

If acute cervicitis is not treated properly or is not treated at all, after one to two weeks the acute symptoms subside, and the inflammation takes on the features of a chronic process.

Symptoms of chronic cervicitis can be occasional aching pains in the lower abdomen, mucous discharge from the vagina. Chronic infection poses a great danger to a woman's health, because due to untimely treatment, the walls of the cervix become thickened, which can cause cancer, infertility and dysplasia in the genital area in question.

Purulent cervicitis

This is an inflammatory process in the columnar epithelium, as well as subepithelial damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and any area that is adjacent to the columnar epithelium.

Its main manifestations:

  • copious (with an admixture of pus), foul-smelling discharge from the vagina;
  • uterine bleeding, not associated with menstruation;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • , malaise (in rare cases).

If a woman has purulent cervicitis, it is almost certainly possible to assert that her partner has urethritis caused by a similar type of pathogens.

Cervicitis - treatment

First, you should identify the cause of the disease, and then prescribe a comprehensive treatment for cervicitis. To do this, a woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist, tested for genital infections, bacterial flora of the vagina, as well as standard blood and urine tests. It is worth noting that if an STI is detected, the sexual partner must also be tested.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • prescribing antibiotics after identifying the pathogen.
  • local anti-inflammatory, analgesic therapy.
  • restoration of the microflora of the vagina.
  • physiotherapy.

With chlamydial cervicitis, antibiotics of the tetracycline series (doxycycline), quinolones, macrolides (erythromycin) are indicated. For candidal cervicitis, antifungal agents (itraconazole, fluconazole) are used. Combined local preparations are widely used in the treatment of cervicitis.

After the acute stage of the disease subsides, it is possible to use local methods of treating cervicitis. Candles (terginan) and creams work well for this. Thus, cervical cervicitis treatment requires a long and thorough treatment so that it does not become chronic and heals completely.

In rare cases, if a woman's cervicitis does not go away after a course of antibiotics, cauterization of the inflamed areas is performed.

Preventive measures

Prevention of cervicitis is, first of all, the timely treatment of endocrine disorders, prevention of abortion, adherence to personal hygiene and exclusion of genital infections.

Gynecological diseases can lead to oncology or infertility. But few women pay attention to the symptoms of diseases, sometimes going to the doctor too late. One of these insidious diseases is cervicitis. What is it and what treatment should be taken if such a diagnosis is made?

Causes of occurrence

Cervicitis is an inflammation that occurs in the uterine cervix. In the case of the development of chronic cervicitis, erosion appears, thickening in the cervix. Infection can occur in other organs of the small pelvis, causing complications. The main reason for the development of the disease is viral and bacterial sexually transmitted infections:

  • gonococci;
  • microplasma;
  • trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes;
  • papilloma;
  • candida;
  • gardnerella;
  • proteas;
  • pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • STDs.

Indirect contributing factors are:

  • spread of opportunistic flora (streptococci, staphylococci and others);
  • early sexual activity and frequent change of partners;
  • injuries of the cervix as a result of abortion, curettage;
  • allergy to condom materials;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • decreased immunity.

Forms of cervicitis

There are 2 main forms of cervicitis. Treatment will be prescribed depending on the site of the lesion and pathogens.

  • Exocervicitis. Inflammation affecting the vaginal part of the uterine cervix. In the acute form, the disease makes itself felt with discharge with pus and a dull pain in the lower abdomen. In the chronic form, exocervicitis is less noticeable, but can lead to the fact that the cervix is \u200b\u200bhypertrophied and thickened. The inflammatory process spreads to adjacent muscles and connective tissues.
  • Endocervicitis. The disease consists in the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the cervix with subsequent erosion and deformation of the cervix. With good immunity, there is a sufficient number of microorganisms on the mucous membrane that prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. However, with immunodeficiency, the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, and the pathogenic flora enters the cervical canal.

According to the characteristics of the course of the disease, chronic and acute forms of cervicitis are distinguished, according to the lesion, diffuse and focal.


A mild form of cervicitis of the cervix practically does not manifest itself as symptoms. In more severe forms, the following signs are distinguished:

  • profuse vaginal discharge for several days after the end of menstruation;
  • itchy and burning sensations in the genitals and perineum;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • discharge mixed with blood after intercourse;
  • false or painful urge to urinate.

By the nature of the pathogen that caused the disease, the symptoms of cervicitis may also differ. For example, with gonorrhea, the discharge becomes yellowish, and with trichomoniasis, it becomes foamy.

Consequences and associated diseases

Cervicitis is dangerous in any form. Complications may develop against its background:

  • infection of the tubes, ovaries, pelvic organs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infertility;
  • erosion of the uterine neck.

Cervicitis is often accompanied by other gynecological diseases:

  • vaginitis (an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa);
  • vulvitis (inflammation in the lining of the vulva);
  • bartholinitis (inflammation of the bartholin gland located at the entrance to the vagina);
  • pseudo-erosion of the uterine cervix.

Diagnostic methods

In the presence of the described symptoms, a woman may suspect she has cervicitis, but it is very difficult to diagnose herself on her own. The gynecological arsenal provides for this:

  • examination by a gynecologist using mirrors;
  • smear for analysis of microflora and vaginal cytology;
  • colposcopy - examination of the uterine cervix using a colposcope;
  • biopsy - taking a sample of the cervical tissue (often done in conjunction with colposcopy);
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • pCR analysis.

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Medical and surgical treatment

For cervicitis, traditional treatment is with antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs. Individual treatment is determined by the nature of the pathogen. If cervicitis is caused by chlamydia, the following are prescribed:

  • tetracyclines (tetracycline, doxycycline, metacyclin, monomycin);
  • a group of macrolides (erythromycin);
  • the group of azalids ("Sumamed");
  • quinolone group (maxaquin).

For cervicitis of candidiasis, fluconazole or diflucan are used. In addition, preparations are used in the form of topical ointments and suppositories, for example, terzhinan. As a local treatment, the uterine neck is treated:

  • chlorophylliptus;
  • silver nitrate;
  • dimexide.

In atrophic cervicitis, a group of estrogens is used, for example, ovestin or estriol. If the disease is viral, use:

  • antiviral drugs (acyclovir);
  • antiherpetic IG.

When papilloma is used:

  • cyostatics;
  • interferons;
  • condylomas are removed.

Treatment with antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs is always accompanied by the intake of vitamin complexes and immunostimulating drugs to maintain immunity. Medicines are also used to restore microflora (eubiotics). If necessary, surgical intervention is performed:

  • cryotherapy (treatment under the influence of low temperatures);
  • laser exposure;
  • diathermocoagulation (moxibustion with high-frequency current).

Treatment with folk methods

Folk remedies can be used in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment. It is recommended to prepare an infusion from:

  • birch buds;
  • yarrow;
  • juniper berries;
  • tansy flowers;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sage leaves;
  • alder cones.

Boil the infusion in a water bath for 10 minutes, and then leave for half an hour. Drink 1 tbsp. a day, dividing the portion into 3 times. The infusion can be used for douching.

Cervicitis during pregnancy

When planning to conceive, it is better to treat cervicitis in advance. During pregnancy, the disease can provoke:

  • infection of the skin and internal organs of the fetus;
  • fading pregnancy, miscarriage;
  • development of deformities in a child.

Treatment during this special period is with antibiotics and antiviral drugs.


More than half of women with pathological discharge have vaginal candidiasis. The prevalence of candidiasis is due to predisposing factors and the mechanism of occurrence of fungal infection.

Vaginal candidiasis is usually called a fungal infection of the external genital area, including the skin of the anogenital zone. In another way, the disease is called thrush because of the characteristic cheesy-looking discharge, which often has a sour odor.

Vaginal candidiasis occurs at any age in both women and men. However, in women, a fungal infection is diagnosed more often. In men, thrush is usually caused by serious causes.

The causative agent of vaginal candidiasis is Candida mushrooms. This pathogen belongs to a nonspecific or conditionally pathogenic microflora. Its peculiarity is that it is part of the normal microflora of the vagina. Anaerobic bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci and Candida fungi can be found on the skin and mucous membranes in small quantities. However, with their increased reproduction, an inflammatory process occurs with a characteristic clinical picture.

Reproduction of opportunistic microorganismsassociated with disorders of the immune and endocrine nature in the body and the presence of external provoking factors.

The growth of opportunistic microflora is restrained by the protective mechanism of the vaginal mucosa. It is known that a significant part of the vaginal microflora is represented by lactic acid bacteria. These lactobacilli break down glycogen, which is formed on the surface of the mucous membrane under the influence of estrogens. Thus, lactic acid is formed. Thanks to this component, the optimal level of acidity is maintained, which does not allow bacteria to multiply.

A glycocalyx is also formed on the surface of the epithelium. This is a protective film, which is formed by colonies of lactobacilli together with the products of their vital activity. Glycocalyx prevents the introduction of pathogenic flora into the thickness of the vaginal epithelium.

When the number of lactic acid bacteria and the acidity level change, the bacteria receive the necessary conditions for reproduction. Candida mushrooms tend to enter into microbial associations. In this case, the clinical picture can be represented by various symptoms.

However, if the woman's immune system functions adequately, minor changes in the vaginal microflora will soon be stopped. Thus, the inflammatory process does not develop.

The reasons

Vaginal candidiasis has many causes and factors of its occurrence. The most common provocateur of vaginal candidiasis is long-term use of antibacterial drugs, which significantly affects the state of immunity.

Sometimes vaginal candidiasis has physiological reasons for its occurrence. It is known that during pregnancy, natural changes occur in a woman's body:

  • the mucous membrane is rebuilt;
  • the level of progesterone rises many times over;
  • the body's defenses are weakened.

These changes are also typical for women during lactation. If there are no other causes of vaginal candidiasis, the symptoms of the disease disappear over time.

Physiological appearance of vaginal candidiasis in women during menopause. There is a decline in reproductive function, which causes changes in the mucous membrane, for example, atrophy.

The reasons for the appearance of vaginal candidiasis include:

  • poor hygiene of the genitals;
  • frequent washing and douching, especially with aggressive agents;
  • trauma to the epithelium;
  • immature flora in girls;
  • genital infections and inflammation;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • hormone therapy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Usually, a complex of different causes leads to vaginal candidiasis. The disease can be cured only by eliminating the provoking factors. Otherwise, candidiasis will recur. However, with adequate therapy, permanent remission can be achieved.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The clinical picture depends on many factors. It matters whether the disease is acute or chronic, what state the immune system is in.

Sometimes vaginal candidiasis is present in the body as a carrier. However, weakening of the immune system provokes the occurrence of relapses.

The acute form is characterized by the limited duration of the course. In particular, the acute form is considered the appearance of the first signs of vaginal candidiasis, which can disturb the patient for up to two months. If treatment was absent or was incorrect, vaginal candidiasis becomes chronic recurrent. This pathology is characterized by a long course, which is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations.

Acute vaginal candidiasis is pronounced and has the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort when performing hygiene procedures;
  • increased discomfort at night, when walking;
  • soreness when urinating;
  • cheesy discharge with a sour odor;
  • a rash on the genitals.

When several infections are combined the clinical picture may include other manifestations. Discharge can differ in different consistency and color.

In lactating women, signs of thrush may be seen on the nipples. As a rule, this pathology is combined with vaginal candidiasis.

Many women consider vaginal candidiasis a non-serious disease, the signs of which can be easily stopped by taking any antifungal drug. In fact, thrush symptoms are easily treated with modern medications. However, the lack of full therapy leads not only to the transition of vaginal candidiasis into a chronic form, but also to the resistance of microorganisms. As a result, the specialist is not always able to find an effective therapy.

In chronic vaginal candidiasis, symptoms are less pronounced. The discharge is cloudy. The appearance of signs is possible only during periods of exacerbations.

Thrush can be identified through a gynecological examination and a smear on the flora. However, in order to diagnose the causative agent of a fungal infection and determine the sensitivity to drugs, it is necessary to perform a more detailed study.

Determination of the specific causative agent of vaginal candidiasis is necessary for recurrent chronic thrush. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude hormonal, immune and infectious factors.

Fluconazole treatment

In modern gynecology, the antifungal drug Fluconazole is often used to treat vaginal candidiasis. The tool is relatively safe and easy to use. Fluconazole is well tolerated and comes in several dosage forms.

Active substance

Like any medicinal product, Fluconazole contains active and auxiliary substances. The main active ingredient is fluconazole. The composition of the capsules varies depending on the manufacturer.

The auxiliary components in the composition of the tablets include lactose, potato starch, magnesium stearate and others. The solution contains sodium chloride, water for injection and sodium hydroxide.

Dosage forms

For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, both capsules and tablets are used. The volume of the active substance is 50, 150 or 100 mg. The capsules are colored blue, the contents include a white powder mixture.

In addition to capsules and tablets, other dosage forms are used to treat candidiasis:

  • syrup;
  • gel;
  • solution for parenteral administration;
  • candles.

Mechanism of action

Fluconazole is indicated for fungal infections, particularly vaginal candidiasis. The active ingredient blocks the enzymatic activity of the fungal flora. This leads to an improvement in the permeability of cell membranes and inhibition of fungal growth.

It is noteworthy that Fluconazole has selective activity. The active substance has no effect on healthy cells.

Fluconazole can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For example, doctors prescribe Fluconazole for antibiotic treatment.

One of the indications for taking Fluconazole is vaginal candidiasis. A high level of concentration of fluconazole in the secreted secretion is observed after eight hours. The required therapeutic level is maintained throughout the day.


Any drug, including Fluconazole, has contraindications. Doctors identify the following contraindications for taking Fluconazole:

  • hypersensitivity to antifungal drugs;
  • complex treatment with terfanadine or astemizole;
  • the presence of side effects that are caused by hypersensitivity;
  • children's age up to one year.

Fluconazole is prescribed with caution in the presence of liver and kidney pathologies. During the treatment of vaginal candidiasis with Fluconazole, laboratory tests should be performed.

Mode of application

The choice of the dosage form is carried out by the doctor. The dosage recommended for the patient is prescribed in accordance with the severity of the course of vaginal candidiasis.

Usually, the use of Fluconazole for vaginal candidiasis involves a single dose of the drug. However, the treatment regimen is prescribed on an individual basis.

If vaginal candidiasis is chronic, it is recommended to take the drug twice every month. Treatment is long-term, up to a year.

Fluconazole can be taken on any day of the cycle.

Side effects

The drug Fluconazole is well tolerated. However, in some cases, side effects may occur.

Side effects while taking Fluconazole include:

  • lack of appetite;
  • the occurrence of perversion of taste sensations;
  • dyspeptic disorders, for example, flatulence, nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • dizziness;
  • changes in the general blood test, in particular, leukopenia;
  • skin rashes;
  • disorders of the functioning of the kidneys.

If side effects occur, Fluconazole must be discontinued. As a rule, after discontinuation of Fluconazole, unwanted side effects are eliminated. Usually no additional therapy is required.

In recent years, there has been a pronounced trend towards an increase in the incidence of female infertility. Many patients are faced with the fact that inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are the cause of reproductive system problems. Most often, doctors have to treat cervicitis. This pathology is extremely dangerous in that at the initial stages of development it is almost impossible to suspect it: up to 90% of cases are detected during random examination. That is why doctors recommend that you devote more time to the rules of individual prevention and carefully take care of your health.

What is cervicitis

Cervicitis is an inflammatory disease of an infectious or non-infectious nature, which is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. Women of any age suffer from this pathology, but vulnerable groups of the population are also distinguished:

  • adolescents during the formation of menstruation;
  • pregnant women;
  • persons who have undergone surgery in the cervical region;
  • patients after radiation or chemotherapy.

“Cervix” in Latin means the cervix, and the ending “it” means inflammation. That is why pathology is called that way.

With cervicitis, the mucous membrane is affected

What types of disease exist

Classification of cervicitis by the nature of the course:

  • acute (intense increase in symptoms in 1-2 days);
  • subacute (smooth onset, duration 2–4 weeks);
  • chronic (smoothed for more than six months with periodic worsening).

Types of the disease for the reason that caused it:

  • infectious (pathogenic microflora like fungi, protozoa, bacteria, viruses);
  • non-infectious (triggered by trauma, radiation, pharmaceuticals, poisoning).

Classification of infectious cervicitis by the nature of microorganisms:

  • non-specific - under the influence of microbes that normally inhabit the human body (Candida, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli);
  • specific - when pathogens are introduced into the body that are not found in a healthy person (chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, amoeba, herpes virus).

Varieties of the disease according to the localization of the focus of altered cells:

  • endocervicitis (the inner surface of the cervix);
  • exocervicitis (the outer part of the cervix).

Classification of pathology by morphological changes in the mucous membrane:

  • cystic (the formation of cavities, inside which there is a clear liquid);
  • lymphocytic (mucosal infiltration by lymphocyte cells);
  • atrophic (death of the upper layer of soft tissues with the formation of inflammatory segments);
  • herpetic (the appearance of pathological rashes in the form of bubbles).

Forms of the disease according to the severity of clinical manifestations:

  • minimal (there are practically no symptoms);
  • moderate (more intense symptoms);
  • maximum (intoxication of the body and severe damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix).

Video: the doctor talks about the disease

Why does cervicitis occur?

The inflammatory process is formed against the background of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses or fungi) into the mucous membrane. They enter the human body through unprotected sexual intercourse, the use of someone else's hygiene products or from another source of infection (carious tooth, abscess, phlegmon). Gradually, microbes multiply and accumulate, forming toxins. This contributes to the formation of pathological secretions. If cervicitis is of a non-infectious nature, the mucous membrane is affected mainly by mechanical means.

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • promiscuous sex;
  • carrying out surgical procedures, dressings and manipulations in the cervical area;
  • difficult labor with ruptures or abortions with curettage of the mucous membrane;
  • intrauterine contraceptives (spiral);
  • cicatricial deformities;
  • intense sexual intercourse;
  • anomalies in the development of the genital organs;
  • primary or secondary immune deficiencies;
  • uncontrolled intake of antibacterial and hormonal drugs;
  • obesity and sedentary lifestyle;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • violation of normal blood circulation in the vessels of the lower half of the body ().

The main symptomatic manifestations of pathology

Cervicitis develops gradually in 90% of cases. The symptoms of the disease are slowly and steadily increasing, which forces the patient to seek medical help. If you have not experienced a similar ailment before, it will be extremely difficult to suspect it yourself. Cervicitis is characterized by:

  1. Formation of pathological secretions. They are toxic products of the activity of microorganisms in combination with dying cells of the mucous membrane. The discharge is yellow, brown or green in color, may contain blood impurities with massive vascular lesions. The smell and their consistency depend on the pathogenic microflora that caused the inflammatory process.
  2. Soreness during intercourse and increased sensitivity. The soft tissues of the vagina and cervix react sharply even to a minor impact, which brings discomfort to women. With physical exertion or stress, this symptom intensifies. Painful sensations of a whining and pulling character may also be present at rest, which is an unfavorable prognostic sign.
  3. Swelling and redness of soft tissues. When the inflammatory process spreads beyond the cervix, the mucous membrane of the vagina and external genital organs is affected. They turn red, increase in size, which also indicates an acute course of pathology.
  4. Syndrome of general intoxication is typical for massive lesions of the cervix. Patients complain of fever up to 38-39 degrees, periodic chills, weakness, sleep disturbances, headaches and dizziness. 70% of the victims have nausea and vomiting unrelated to food intake. Doctors attribute this to the body's response to soft tissue damage caused by microbial toxins.

Photo gallery: changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix with cervicitis

Damage to the cervix is \u200b\u200baccompanied by pathological discharge In the inflammatory process, protrusion of the mucous membrane occurs On examination, you can see redness and swelling of the soft tissues due to inflammation.

Cervicitis and pregnancy

Inflammatory process in the cervix is \u200b\u200ba serious threat not only for those who want to become a mother, but also for women who are already bearing offspring. During pregnancy, the girl's body undergoes intense hormonal changes, as a result of which the immune system becomes more vulnerable to the effects of harmful environmental factors. For infection, even a fleeting contact with pathogenic bacteria, fungi or viruses is enough.

Cervicitis during pregnancy is much more severe: women experience intense pain in the uterus and vagina, and the child is extremely restless. The placenta (baby's place), through which the baby receives nutrients, is also permeable to most pathogenic microorganisms. This often leads to infection of the fetus and various complications of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • miscarriage: spontaneous abortions and miscarriages in the late and early stages;
  • placental insufficiency and oxygen deficiency;
  • abnormalities of labor (low or high tone of the uterus);
  • delayed growth and development of the child.

Methods for diagnosing cervicitis of the cervix

If you suspect an inflammatory process, you should immediately seek help from the hospital. At the initial examination, only changes in the external and internal genital organs (swelling, redness, the presence of discharge) can be detected. Symptoms of cervicitis are similar to other diseases:

  • candidiasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • colpitis;
  • endometritis;
  • syphilis;
  • herpes virus.

Do not forget that it is forbidden to wash or douch the vagina 4 hours before visiting the doctor and taking tests, as this contributes to the appearance of unreliable results. I took part in the treatment of a patient whose doctors were unable to diagnose in time for this reason. The victim, an hour before going to the gynecologist, did vaginal douching with an antiseptic solution. This led to the destruction of most of the secretions contaminated with microbes. The smear data showed a negative result, while in fact the woman had chronic cervicitis. The disease was identified a few months later, when the symptoms became more than obvious.

Methods used to confirm the diagnosis:

Which doctor should you contact

If you have been suffering from symptoms of a disease that resembles cervicitis for a long time, you need to visit a gynecologist. It is he who will appoint all the necessary examinations and help to confirm or refute the diagnosis. In the event that there is no such doctor, it is permissible to visit a dermatovenerologist and take smears in his office that reveal pathogenic microflora.

Different treatment options for the disease

Therapy for cervicitis begins with the use of medications. With an uncomplicated form of the disease, doctors use sparing agents that are easily excreted by the kidneys and utilized by the liver. If the disease exists in the body for a long time, more powerful and heavy drugs are used, which have the maximum effect. In the case when cervicitis is not amenable to medication, doctors decide on the need for surgery. At the stages of recovery, physiotherapeutic procedures of various directions are widely used.

The use of pharmaceuticals

Medication therapy for cervicitis consists in the use of drugs that eliminate symptoms and are responsible for combating the pathogen. The first group includes etiotropic drugs, most of which are sold only by prescription. Many of the medicines are used topically in the form of ointments, gels, suppositories, and douches.

Do not forget that the duration of the therapeutic course and the peculiarities of the use of medications are determined only by the gynecologist. Self-administration can lead to uncontrollable consequences.

Drugs for the etiotropic treatment of cervicitis:

  1. Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria that cause inflammation. They contribute to the death of harmful microbes and prevent their further development. Most often, Keflex, Claforan, Rocefin, Fortum, Vancomycin, Augmentin, Rondomycin, Tienam, Teicoplanin, Primaxin, Imipenem, Keyten, Cefoperazone, Ceftriaxone, Tseclor, Cephalothinicocin, Maksiplorami, Tseklor, Cefalotinicocin, Maxiploram,
  2. Antiviral agents destroy viral microflora and strengthen the body's immunity. These include Oxolin, Metisazon, Saquinavir, Poludan, Megosin, Cycloferon, Foscanet, Neviapin, Stavudi, Zerit, Azidothymidine, Midantan, Arbidol.
  3. Antifungal drugs kill various fungi that are also the cause of cervicitis. For this, Miconazole, Pimafucin, Griseofulvin, Natamycin, Naftifin, Fetimin, Nitrofungin, Batrafen, Cyclopirox, Clotrimazole, Decamine, Fluconazole, Terbinafin, Nizoral are used.

Photo gallery: etiotropic drugs to combat inflammation of the cervix

Augmentin is a broad spectrum antibiotic to fight bacteria Cycloferon causes the death of viruses and strengthens the immune system Pimafucin effectively fights fungus

Means for the symptomatic treatment of cervicitis:

  1. Douching solutions cleanse the vagina of excess discharge and prepare it for the introduction of suppositories or creams. This group includes antiseptics Furacilin, potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs help fight itching, burning, abnormal discharge and swelling. Some of them also have analgesic effects. The most commonly used are Tamoxifen, Nurofen, Ibuklin, Ortofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, Naprosin, Indomethacin, Metindol, Ponstan.
  3. Medicines to normalize the microflora of the vaginal mucosa are used together with etiotropic therapy. They revive the beneficial bacteria that will clear up the infection on their own. For this purpose, Vaginorm-S, Atzilakt, Lactonorm, Lactobacterrin, Vagilak are used.

Photo gallery: symptomatic therapy of cervicitis

Nurofen reduces pain Vagilak softens the mucous membrane Chlorhexidine has antiseptic properties

Table: physiotherapy to combat the disease

Procedure nameWhat is the essence of treatmentThe number of procedures and their durationThe main effects of using
InductothermyApplication of magnetic fields of various frequencies and intensities7-10 in 1 monthReducing inflammation and pain
AcupunctureThe introduction of thin needles into certain areas of the patient's body to a depth of several centimeters5-6 within six monthsImproving the processes of regeneration and healing of the wound surface due to the formation of new cells
MassagesPoint mechanical effect on the lumbar region and pubis by rubbing movementsFull timeStimulation of blood circulation and outflow of lymph from the pelvic area
Conducting electrical current through connected sensorsUp to 30 procedures per yearRemoval of swelling of soft tissues, relaxation of the muscles of the perineum
Using a sound wave with a specific length20 procedures within 6 monthsDeath of the remaining pathogenic microorganisms
Electrophoresis with medicinesIntroduction into the body of a pharmaceutical product using a current10-14 for 3 monthsFaster drug distribution in tissues

Photo gallery: physiotherapy used in the inflammatory process

Ultrasound therapy kills many microbes Medicinal electrophoresis allows you to quickly and efficiently inject the desired drug into the tissues UHF therapy effectively combats the manifestations of the disease

Surgical treatment of cervicitis

If conservative therapy does not bring the expected result within a few months, doctors decide on a particular operation. The indications for this type of treatment are:

  • long-term pain syndrome;
  • planning pregnancy;
  • large lesion area.

There are several types of surgery that differ in their technique:

  1. The use of laser moxibustion. Laser beams are directed to the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflammatory focus. They destroy damaged cells and cause the formation of a dense scab on the surface of the mucous membrane, under which healing occurs. The moxibustion itself is carried out under anesthesia and lasts from 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Cryosurgical procedure. A special device is inserted into the vagina, inside of which there is liquid nitrogen. Its temperature is extremely low, as a result of which the device itself cools and cauterizes soft tissues. The procedure is carried out in 2 stages with a difference of 3-5 minutes, which allows you to destroy dead areas. Recovery after this treatment technique is faster, which is associated with less damage to the mucous membrane.

Folk recipes as an aid

If in the near future you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor, and the symptoms of cervicitis continue to cause inconvenience, it is permissible to use decoctions, infusions and baths based on medicinal plants and herbs. Many of them are extremely low cost and are sold in any pharmacy, which makes these techniques very popular. But do not forget that almost all folk remedies have a temporary effect and do not help get rid of the cause of cervicitis - pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, doctors forbid getting away from traditional treatment.

Folk recipes, like medications, have contraindications for use. Most often in my practice I have come across the phenomena of individual intolerance to a particular substance. One woman, suffering from inflammation of the cervix, on the recommendation of a friend, decided to douch with a solution of celandine. After preparing the product and washing the vagina, after a few minutes, she developed Quincke's edema. This is an acute allergic reaction to the components of the mixture, which is accompanied by reddening of the soft tissues and a sharp spasm of the vocal cords. The patient was saved from death only thanks to the introduction of adrenaline. That is why all doctors advise first to check your sensitivity to the substance by applying a small amount to the skin. In the absence of a reaction, it is permissible to continue using this method.

The most popular folk recipes for fighting cervicitis:

  1. Mix 100 grams of chopped plantain with the same amount of burdock. Place the resulting powder in a bowl of boiling water and wait until it cools down to an acceptable temperature. Submerge your lower body in this bath and spend 10-15 minutes in it. Plantain in combination with burdock has pronounced healing properties and eliminates existing cracks and tears in the mucous membrane. It is recommended to use this method 2–5 times a week before bed.
  2. Grate a bar of laundry soap on a fine grater and pour into a clean jar. Stir one tablespoon of shavings in a container with 0.5 liters of warm water. Draw the solution into the syringe and flush the vagina several times. Laundry soap creates an environment that is unfavorable for the reproduction and further growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The danger of frequent use of such a remedy consists in drying out the mucous membrane: that is why it is used once a week.
  3. Dissolve 50 grams of calendula in a glass of boiling water and cover with a saucer. After 10-15 minutes, remove the remaining raw materials with a sieve and draw the solution into the syringe. Rinse several times. Calendula is the best natural anti-inflammatory agent that relieves puffiness, relieves itching and unpleasant discharge. The procedure should be carried out daily at bedtime for maximum results.

Photo gallery: basic folk remedies for combating ailment

Plantain improves soft tissue regeneration Soap creates an alkaline environment where germs die
Calendula Reduces Inflammation

Treatment projections and possible complications of pathology

Any inflammatory diseases pose a serious threat to the body, since microbes with the blood flow are easily transferred to other places. That is why, with a long course of cervicitis without specific therapy, various complications arise. On average, it takes 2 to 7 months to treat such an ailment, and it takes several years to fully recover and rehabilitate the body. The success of therapy largely depends on the age of the victim, whether she has other acute or chronic infections (ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, syphilis, genital herpes).

Doctors advise to postpone pregnancy for several years after suffering from cervicitis. This will allow the female body to adapt to the stress and carry a healthy baby.

An important role is played by adherence to a special regimen during treatment. I happened to come across one patient who had suffered from manifestations of chronic cervicitis for 2 years. The doctors prescribed a course of therapy, which consisted of taking medications and suppositories inserted into the vagina. During the period of treatment, it was necessary to observe sexual rest so as not to irritate the mucous membrane and not to introduce additional infection. Unfortunately, the patient did not follow this rule, as a result of which another partner infected her with gonorrhea. In damaged tissues, pathogenic microorganisms began to develop much more actively, and the inflammation spread to neighboring areas. The woman was urgently taken to the gynecology department and operated on. Due to the infection, adhesions have formed over several years - areas of the connective substance that disrupted the normal process of conception. The patient could not get pregnant on her own for a long time, after which she resorted to in vitro fertilization.

What complications can occur in patients with cervicitis:

  • violation of reproductive function (temporary or permanent infertility);
  • the formation of polyps - outgrowths on the uterine lining;
  • the formation of acute or chronic urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis,);
  • pain during intercourse;
  • the transition of the inflammatory process into the uterine cavity (myometritis, endometritis) or into the zone of the ovaries and tubes;
  • the occurrence of septic shock during the penetration of microbes into the systemic circulation and their further migration through the body.

Photo gallery: unpleasant consequences of cervicitis

A polyp is a bulging of the mucous membrane into the lumen The adhesion process leads to female infertility Cystitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder Erosion is damage to the cell layer in the cervical region

How to protect yourself from illness

Cervicitis is a fairly common pathology that leads to impaired reproductive functions of the female body. That is why many obstetricians-gynecologists make it their direct task to prevent it. For this purpose, anonymous health rooms are being created at the bases of various hospitals and clinics, where everyone can get full advice on an issue of interest and get tested.

During my studies at the medical university, I had the opportunity to participate in the organization of seminars on gynecology, which were devoted to the problem of early infertility. For this, the doctors selected more than 200 case histories of patients aged 18 to 30 years who could not have children for some reason. During the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that 60% of them suffered from acute or chronic cervicitis, but did not go to the doctor. The doctors decided to organize a portable gynecological service in the form of a car with special equipment, where each patient can be examined. In the first few months, such a car traveled around a couple of dozen schools, colleges and universities, many girls were able to get tested without unnecessary queues. With the help of this method, many cases of cervicitis at the initial stage have been identified, and specific treatment and restoration of reproductive health have been initiated. After six months, almost all patients were able to forget about the existing problem once and for all and have healthy offspring. The doctors decided to arrange similar checks in conjunction with an annual preventive medical examination, which revealed other inflammatory diseases.

Rules for individual prevention of cervicitis:

  1. Find the right way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Most inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system are the result of abortion. During these procedures, the mucous membrane is significantly damaged and the sensitivity to microbial influences increases. That is why doctors strongly advise avoiding such interventions. To protect against unwanted pregnancy, suppositories, implants, Novaring ring, hormonal contraceptives in the form of pills or condoms are used. The latter are recommended for use during intercourse with a new partner: latex reliably protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms that cause an inflammatory process in the cervix.
  2. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. During menstruation, it is necessary to change the tampon or pad every 2-3 hours to prevent the development of bacteria in the thick layer of cotton wool. In the morning and in the evening, you need to wash with the use of gentle means for intimate hygiene. This will allow you to keep your perineum and external genitals clean throughout the day.
  3. Remember to keep track of your diet. The abundance of fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods is a serious blow to the body. Many sweets, savory snacks, sodas, convenience foods, and fast foods contain harmful additives and flavor enhancers that slow your metabolism. That is why patients with such a diet have a much greater predisposition to the development of inflammatory diseases. Doctors advise to eat small portions and eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals and lean meat, dairy products.
  4. Play sports and try to be active. Constant being in a forced position causes stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. Various exercises help to improve the circulation of fluid through the vessels, as a result of which the organs of the reproductive system receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. It is recommended to practice in the gym 2-3 times a week, or choose another sport for yourself: swimming, tennis, active ball games. The alternatives are dancing, yoga, gymnastics. If you have absolutely no time to visit the gym, you need to allocate 5-10 minutes during the day and carry out a light warm-up.

Inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and reproductive system are common. They may differ in the place of localization, the severity of the lesion, the nature of the course and the reasons, however, they have one thing in common - they quickly spread to other organs in the system, and this happens almost always. Therefore, it is important to recognize and treat such processes in a timely manner. This article describes how to recognize and cure an inflammatory process localized on the cervix, and what it happens.


What it is? Cervicitis is an inflammatory process that is localized on the outer or inner sides of the cervix. It can develop for various reasons and give more or less pronounced symptoms. Treat this condition with antibiotics. If untreated, it can lead to adhesions, increased inflammation, and infertility.

Why does it arise?

The causes of this disease are in contact with the cervical mucosa of a pathogenic agent. It could be a bacteria, virus, or fungus. If the local tissue and general immunity is weak, then the body cannot resist the infection, it settles on the mucous membrane and develops, causing the corresponding symptoms. In addition, getting directly into the blood through microtrauma also helps the pathological process to strengthen and grow quickly and actively.

An infectious agent can get into this zone during sexual activity, douching, surgery, etc.

There are several types of cervicitis. Depending on why the cervix is \u200b\u200binflamed and how the process proceeds, appropriate treatment is prescribed. All types of such inflammation currently identified by doctors are described below.

After childbirth

During childbirth, tears and microtrauma can form on the cervix due to its significant stretching, which greatly increases the likelihood of a bacterial or viral infection. For this reason, cervicitis often occurs after childbirth, especially if the rules of asepsis and antisepsis were poorly followed during them. Inflammation of the cervix after childbirth is treated, like any other cervicitis - with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

During pregnancy

Inflammation of the cervix during pregnancy is very undesirable, since there is a high probability that the infectious process will spread to the fetus. Moreover, the treatment of the disease during this period is also significantly complicated due to the fact that according to the standard regimens it is carried out with antibiotics, which can have an extremely negative effect on the fetus. For this reason, during pregnancy, you need to be especially careful about hygiene and use methods of barrier contraception in order to avoid illness.


Chronic inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bformed in a situation where the acute process was not properly treated, and in such a situation it began to partially suppress the immune system. Chronic cervicitis of the cervix causes extremely mild symptoms or does not cause them at all, it can have an undulating or paroxysmal course with a periodic increase in the severity of symptoms. Poorly amenable to drug treatment, surgical methods are preferable.


Purulent inflammation in the cervix develops when the cylindrical epithelium is affected - decay processes begin, the epithelium exfoliates and, together with a large number of leukocytes, forms pus. It is quite well diagnosed for severe symptoms - significant discharge with the presence of pus, subfebrile body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen. Easier than other types of this condition, it is sexually transmitted.


Viral cervicitis of the cervix develops as a result of contact with the mucous membranes of a viral agent with weak local tissue immunity. Over time, the infectious component often joins the viral component, and symptoms of an acute and / or purulent condition appear. By itself, viral inflammation is difficult to treat, therefore the basis of therapy is antiviral drugs that increase the general immunity of the body.


Such inflammation develops when bacteria enter the endometrium of the cervix, but only if tissue immunity is so weak that it cannot withstand invasion (or in a situation of trauma, when the bacteria enters the bloodstream directly). This can happen during an intimate life, with a general lack of hygiene, as well as with other bacterial processes in the vagina or uterus, when the lesion spreads to the cervix.


As the name implies, the atrophic inflammatory process is associated with tissue atrophy of the cervical canal. Most often, this is a nonspecific form, accompanied by other symptoms or proceeding without it at all, since atrophic inflammatory disease of the cervix is \u200b\u200bextremely chronic. Occurs solely as a result of injury or damage during childbirth.


Such inflammation is released when, as a result of a pathological infectious process, the glands of the cervix are blocked. As a result, cysts form in the areas of the blockage, which are visible to the doctor on examination. At the same time, the inflammatory process continues to develop.


Acute inflammation develops with very weak local immunity or with a large number of pathogenic agents. In these circumstances, bacteria or viruses begin vigorous activity, which leads to the formation of acute symptoms: pain, low-grade body temperature, pathological discharge, etc. If untreated, this form can develop into a chronic one, and then the cervix will be affected for a long time time, while not showing characteristic symptoms.

According to where exactly the inflammatory process is localized, two types of the disease are also distinguished. Depending on this, the diagnosis is easier or more difficult.

  1. ... With this type of course, inflammation is localized on the outside of the cervix, on its vaginal part. For this reason, it is quite easy to diagnose such a lesion. It can be seen even with a cursory gynecological examination. It causes a fairly pronounced symptomatology, therefore, patients consult a doctor in a timely manner.
  2. ... Under this name, all inflammatory processes are combined, regardless of what they may be caused by, which develop on the inner side of the cervix - outside its vaginal part, in the cervical canal. This condition is not so obvious, therefore it is much more difficult to diagnose it, but it gives the same severity of symptoms as exocervicitis. But for its diagnosis, a more thorough and detailed gynecological examination is required.

Signs and symptoms

In a chronic process, symptoms may not appear at all. When proceeding in an acute form, a clinical picture is observed, including certain symptoms:

  1. Pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. Uncharacteristic, sometimes purulent, discharge;
  4. Subfebrile body temperature.

On the part of the menstrual cycle, there are usually no changes.


The condition can be diagnosed with a simple gynecological examination with mirrors. In most cases, this is sufficient. If outwardly the doctor does not see the characteristic manifestations, but symptoms are present, a colposcopy may be prescribed. Blood is also donated for a general study to determine the signs of a pathological process in the body. How such a defeat looks like can be seen in the photo.


How is cervical inflammation treated? Like other similar processes, this one is cured with the use of antiseptic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. In addition, it is important to raise immunity so that the body can fight infection on its own. It is also recommended to check and, if necessary, correct the hormonal background.

How to treat cervical inflammation specifically? It depends on which pathogen is causing the inflammation. If possible, antibiotics of a narrow spectrum are prescribed, which act on a specific pathogen and have fewer side effects for the rest of the body. But if there are several pathogens or it was not possible to establish it, then agents of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed - amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, etc. If the cervicitis is viral, then antiviral drugs are used.

The main approaches to treatment are as follows:

  • With chlamydia, a tetracycline series of antibiotics is prescribed (the dosage is calculated based on the patient's weight);
  • With candida - fluconazole (at a dosage of 150 mg once or repeated in two days);
  • With viruses - Viferon, Interferon (funds help to raise immunity);
  • Treatment of cervicitis involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, which help relieve not only inflammation, but also pain.

The disease can only be cured with the simultaneous use of local medicines in the form of anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antimicrobial creams.

When the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the cervix become less pronounced, it is recommended to sanitize the vagina and uterine cervix with dimethyl sulfoxide solution (3%) or chlorophyllipt solution (1.5%), silver nitrate solution twice a day in the form of douching and baths.

In case of a chronic course, the inflammatory process of the cervical canal is not treated very well with medication, therefore surgical methods can be used. These are diathermocoagulation, electrocoagulation, laser cauterization of inflammation foci, etc. Concomitant pathologies are treated in parallel with the use of antibiotics.

The intervention can be carried out only in the complete absence of infections.


Many women do not visit a gynecologist at all before the onset of pregnancy, and with such a forced visit to this specialist after conception, during the examination they often reveal a number of inflammatory processes in chronic ...

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