Greasy hair: tips and tricks for hair care. Why hair grows oily quickly, how to deal with it, advice from a trichologist What to do if the head quickly becomes oily

If you have oily hair, what should you do in this case? Indeed, the next day after washing your hair, your hair does not look very attractive, your hair shines, sticks together. In addition, oily hair is more likely to develop dandruff flakes on it. How to get rid of oily hair? After all, you want to always have a neat appearance, to be confident. If the hair quickly becomes oily, this is a sign of increased sebum production by the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Why does hair turn oily quickly?

If you have oily hair, you need to understand the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon. Factors that contribute to excessive sebum production include:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Genetic factor.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Long-term uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Improper nutrition.
  • Improper care.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • In winter, the roots can grow greasy due to wearing a hat, scarf.
  • Stressful situations.

If you are concerned about oily hair and want to wash your hair less often than every day, follow these tips and tricks:

  • Rinse your hair with lemon juice: simply squeeze out the juice of one lemon, then mix with 1.5 liters of water. Rinse your hair with this water after washing.
  • Wash your hair in the morning.

How to properly organize care

As a rule, those with oily hair wash their hair daily. And this is the main mistake. So the protective film is washed off from the roots and scalp, which can provoke overdrying of the scalp. As a result, the sebaceous glands begin to produce even more fat. Wash your hair at least every other day with warm water, as hot water only irritates the skin.

Folk remedies

If you have oily hair, prepare a natural mask at home. If you are not lazy and regularly do such masks on your hair, they will become less greasy at the roots. Your hair will thank you for such care, becoming soft and silky.

Mask recipes:

  1. Chamomile mask
    • Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers,
    • insist 3 hours, strain,
    • beat the egg white and mix with the chamomile infusion,
    • apply the mixture to the root area and leave until it dries,
    • wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  2. Yeast mask
    • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of yeast in a little warm water,
    • stir until a homogeneous gruel is formed,
    • beat egg white and mix with yeast,
    • gently massage the mixture into the root area,
    • when the mask is dry, wash your hair with warm water.

What hairstyles are suitable for owners of oily strands

If you have oily curls, it makes your look untidy, even if you are in the most fashionable and expensive clothes. But with some tricks, this flaw can be hidden:

  • Backbrush at the roots.
  • Oily hair can be slightly masked with wavy curls.
  • If you're not sorry, get a short haircut.
  • Blow dry your hair with your head down. This will give you the volume you want.
  • Make sure that the curls are not snug against the head.
  • Don't brush your hair too often.
  • Do not braid tight braids, give up tight elastic bands and hairpins.

Most owners of oily hair dream about getting rid of such problems as dull greasy strands and loss of volume on the second day after washing. Bangs get greasy quickly, hair looks thin and lifeless - familiar? If you are concerned about such difficulties, the article will help to identify the causes of the painful condition of the hair and find the right solution to eliminate it.

Why hair quickly becomes oily

there is a few reasons the fact that the hair gets greasy very quickly:

How to get rid of oily hair

First of all, determine the type of scalp. If you have very oily skin, chances are your scalp will be the same type. Increased sebum secretion with oily skin type is due to genetic disposition. Does your mom have to wash her hair every day to keep it looking good? In this case, excessive oiliness of the skin cannot be eliminated by accustoming to rare washing, the result will be only clogged pores, which provoke loss.

The optimal solution for owners of oily hair will become:

  • Selection of specialized care (shampoo, balm). Try the pharmacy series, in these products the combination of active ingredients is selected optimally to solve the problem of oily hair.
  • Shampooing is best done in the morning: so your hair will look fresh and voluminous throughout the day.
  • Observe the drinking regime, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Saturation of the body with water will reduce the secretion of sebum.
  • With excess oil content, clogging of pores is possible: the scalp stops breathing and hair loss begins. Will help scrubbing scalp. Add a little water to the sea salt and apply this mixture to the roots. Massage. The salt will remove the stratum corneum and remove impurities from the pores.
  • masksfrom clay will make oily hair more voluminous and increase the freshness period. Apply the diluted clay to hair roots before washing.
  • dry the skin, but beware of burns. 2 tbsp dilute mustard with warm water until the consistency of liquid sour cream and apply to the scalp. Mustard spreads more easily if the hair is wet beforehand. Leave it on for 5-15 minutes. If the mask burns unbearably, do not keep it on your head for more than 5 minutes. This mask, in addition to degreasing and drying, stimulates hair growth and the awakening of dormant hair follicles.

Accustoming to rare washing

If your hair type is initially normal but you are washing your hair more often, try the following methods.

Gradually wean your hair from frequent washing... Was your daily washing routine a routine? Start washing your hair every two days. When the discomfort caused by the reduced wash frequency has passed, switch to twice a week.

If it is unpleasant for you to walk with greasy strands, it will help dry shampoo... It is sold in almost all cosmetic stores. An additional effect of dry shampoo will be hair volume, sometimes it is used as a styling product. You can make dry shampoo do it yourself... It's very simple: take a few tablespoons of store-bought potato starch and add cocoa powder to it, which will add a pleasant aroma and darken the shampoo of your homemade dry shampoo. Blondes need to add quite a bit of cocoa, brunettes need more so that this shampoo does not look like gray on the hair. Apply the powder along the parting with a wide powder brush and comb out well. The starch will absorb excess oil, making your hair look fresher and fuller.

Sebum production will reduce rinsing decoction of medicinal herbs... Nettle is good for these purposes: 1 sachet (or 1 tablespoon, if you purchased nettle in powder) is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. Rinse your hair with the resulting broth after washing, paying special attention to the scalp. The broth can dry out the dry tips even more. In this case, spray the decoction from the spray bottle over the partings without applying it to the entire length. In addition to reducing the fat content, nettles will help to thicken your hair.

Increased sebum production is stimulated by too hot water when washing and frequent use of a hair dryer. Wash your hair with lukewarm water, finish rinsing with a cool one - this smooths the hair cuticle scales and stimulates their growth. Do not brush your hair too often, head massage promotes active sebum production.

Be sure to change your pillowcase often. Ideally, for the beauty of hair, sleep on a silk pillowcase, silk removes static electricity from the hair, protects it from damage and makes it smooth.

By following the above tips, you can reduce the oily hair and reduce the frequency of washing. Now your curls will shine clean and healthy for a long time!

Oily hair treatment - reviews

I tried a mustard mask on my oily hair. My head burned a little, but I held out for 15 minutes. The next day the hair was fluffy and flying out, I like this effect, I will do it from time to time! Natalia

There are many reasons why hair looks unhealthy. In some cases, this indicates a rather serious illness. The most common complaints are dandruff, as well as dryness, greasiness, thinning, etc. In this article we will try to explain why hair quickly becomes oily, and also consider ways to get rid of this problem.

How to fight?

If girls walk with their hair loose and often touch them with their hands, they may suffer from this unpleasant phenomenon. What if the hair turns oily for this very reason? Unlearn the bad habit of constantly pulling at your hair, after which the problem will be solved. If they begin to produce too much sebum, then this condition is called. Most often, young people suffer from this. It looks shiny and oily. The hair quickly absorbs all the oil, making it look straight and greasy. In the acute form of seborrhea, the hair even shines. On the hair, you can see oily scales, which are formed from falling cells in combination with excess fat. If you touch such curls, then traces of sebum will remain on your hands. Usually, along with this disease, a teenager may suffer from acne and increased greasiness of the facial skin. Such covers are a favorable habitat for pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to serious hair disease.


The main reason why is the following: there is a disruption in the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems. This is revealed after an appropriate examination. Try to immediately identify the reason why your hair quickly becomes oily and start grooming it.

Flour rushes to the rescue

If you have, then you need to regularly remove excess fat and fight dandruff. The version that hair should not be washed often must be ruled out, as this can contribute to the spread of dangerous infections. Try to wash your hair with sulfur or egg shampoo every 5 days (but not more often). Very frequent shampooing can speed up the sebum production process. Rinse your hair only with soft, warm and slightly acidified water. To do this, prepare a special solution - dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of water.

What to do if oily hair looks untidy on the second day? In this case, we recommend that you use the "dry wash". To do this, using a cotton swab and flour, it is worth wiping the hair in separate strands. After the end of the procedure, comb the hair with a comb to clear the head of the remaining flour. This method is a real salvation for people with oily hair.

Effective method

We hope we have answered the question of why hair quickly becomes oily and you now know how to prevent it. Another effective way to help you improve the condition of the scalp: rubbing with a cotton ball dipped in a 5% solution of borax or vodka, to which you need to add lemon juice in a ratio of 1/10. The main thing is to start treatment on time, and your hair will look well-groomed and healthy!

Every girl wants to be stylish, elegant and attractive. To do this, you need to create an ideal look, in which hair plays a significant role. If the hair is unkempt, then the lady will seem unkempt. But more and more often there are cases when hair washed in the morning becomes greasy by the evening.

This situation is very unpleasant, since the strands stick together, and it becomes impossible to style the hairstyle. Oily dandruff and even crusts form on the skin, which can peel off and fall on clothing. In addition, the access of oxygen to the scalp becomes difficult, and because of the fat it begins to itch. As a result, a person can injure themselves and even become infected. In order to fix the problem, you must first identify the cause of oily hair.

Why hair quickly becomes oily

If the hair shines 2 days after washing, then the reason for this is oily seborrhea. If the hairs stick together by the evening, then we are talking about hyperseborrhea.

In any case, the cause must be sought in the impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, excess sebum (sebum) forms under the skin, which is quickly excreted.

It should be understood that the functioning of the glands is not impaired by itself. This happens due to malfunctions of the endocrine system, in the case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and even as a result of stress or nervous shocks. More rare reasons include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • poor unbalanced diet;
  • excessive consumption of yeast and fat;
  • pregnancy or menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance due to puberty.

Therefore, it is worth contacting a trichologist and passing the necessary tests. A specialist will help determine the cause of the problems and identify hormonal imbalances in time, if any.

Consequences of violations

Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands does not pass without a trace. Indeed, if there is too much sebum, then it closes the release of fat to the surface, mixing with old cells, and partially gets into the follicle. This leads to severe thinning and weakening of the hair, and can cause hair loss. In addition, microcirculation of blood is disturbed, and the respiration of the follicle is complicated. If you do not fight the problem, then in a few years you can irrevocably lose a significant part of your hair.

Care errors

Many girls who do not know what to do if their hair quickly becomes oily begin to wash their hair daily. This is the most common mistake. So it is impossible to get rid of the problem, and in some cases there is a chance to even aggravate the situation. It should be understood that most shampoos attack the scalp and can even damage the hair. In addition, washing removes the natural protective layer of oil, which protects hair from damage and gives it a healthy shine. The body tries to make up for these losses, which is why the sebaceous glands work with a vengeance. Thus, the more often a girl washes her hair, the faster her hair will become greasy.

How to get rid of oily hair

Owners of oily hair should pay special attention to them. You need to start with a scalp massage, which will increase the outflow of sebum from the follicle. Movements should be quick and light, and the procedure itself is carried out exclusively before washing. You need to repeat the massage no more than twice a week for one minute.

You can also try to brush less often. It is enough to detangle your hair twice a day: morning and evening. After all, frequent use of the comb promotes the distribution of sebum along the entire length of the hair, which makes them more oily.

Proper nutrition

Diet food is of great importance. It is imperative to revise your diet and exclude white bread, baked goods, fatty and fried foods from the menu. It's also best to avoid fast food and alcohol altogether.

Be sure to add pumpkin seed oil to the menu, which improves the work of the sebaceous glands.

It is necessary to introduce fresh carrots, pumpkin seeds, corn and millet porridge into the diet.

Fish, meat, liver and eggs are very useful.

Sesame seeds, almonds, peanuts, lentils and beans can help prevent scalp diseases. It is necessary to additionally take vitamin complexes, but before that it is better to consult a specialist.

How to care for oily hair

First you need to purchase quality care products that match your hair type. It is better if they contain a maximum of natural ingredients. Wash your hair only as needed, trying not to do this daily. The water should not be hot, but only slightly warm, so that the pores will not expand.

After water procedures, be sure to do nourishing masks. It is better not to dry your hair with a hairdryer and use special aerosols.

Masks for oily hair

At home, you can prepare special masks that will help you cope with the problem. Such procedures do not take much time, and the effect can be amazing. You need to apply masks once a week.

  1. Clay mask. Powdered blue clay is ideal for oily hair. It is necessary to dilute 3 tablespoons of the product in boiled water until sour cream is thick. Add yolk and burdock oil (1 tsp) to the mixture, a few drops of aloe juice. Apply to the scalp, hold for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Vinegar mask. Better to use apple cider vinegar mixed with yellow clay. Apply the mixture to damp scalp. Keep for several hours and then rinse off.
  • Kefir mask. You need to purchase fresh kefir of medium fat content and apply it to dry hair. Keep for about an hour, rinse with shampoo.

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Look attractive, feminine and sexy, changing your image at will, experiment and find new ones.

Duftafit is a great thing, I'm not the only one who says this, the comments above have already written about it. Try this foot odor remedy and live a normal life.

On the night of December 31, when everyone was asleep, the picture fell and the mirror broke, it remained hanging, just the corner broke off. We didn't notice right away. We looked at him. Out of ignorance, when they noticed it, they simply cut it off in the workshop, threw out the fragments. And then it started! In January, the dog died, in February, the husband left, and further along the knurled one. They smashed the car, all the equipment in the house breaks down, they brought in a new puppy, then she broke Paw, then she was pinched by a chair. Really bad luck. I wonder if it's too late to throw out the mirror.

Not a big mistake in the text, not tocopheron, but tocopherol (vitamin E). and vitamin C is ascorbic acid

Update: October 2018

Oily hair is a type of hair caused by overactive sebaceous glands located on the scalp. Even with daily washing in the morning in the evening, the hair already looks oily and greasy, styling and hairstyles practically do not hold. If the hair is not washed for 2-3 days, it sticks together in strands and looks very untidy.

This problem is not purely aesthetic, and, of course, cannot characterize the owners of oily hair as sloppy and not taking care of themselves. To improve the condition of the scalp, first of all, you should consult a trichologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist, and only then, together with specialists, choose the appropriate comprehensive care.

At-risk groups

Most often, this type of hairline is found in brunettes, somewhat less often in redheads and blondes. The age group at risk includes adolescents and the elderly. Fat people often suffer from a similar problem.

It has been noticed that oily hair is characteristic of people who are under constant stress, often nervous and worried, as well as those who occupy responsible leadership positions.

Since hormone imbalance is one of the causes of oily hair, the problem can occur in women during periods of natural hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, lactation, as well as those taking contraceptives or other hormonal drugs.

Causes of increased oily hair

Why is hair greasy? The answer to this question is individual in each case, but the root cause of unaesthetic hair is always the excessive formation of sebum.

With the normal, physiological function of the sebaceous glands, their secretion forms a hydrolipidic film on the scalp. A thin fat mantle performs a protective function and prevents overdrying of the hairline, prevents moisture loss and the penetration of ultraviolet rays, bacteria and dirt into the scalp.

The activity and number of the sebaceous glands are programmed at the genetic level. Accordingly, it is impossible to drastically influence their function. It is possible to improve the condition of the scalp through proper daily care and nutrition.

So, the main reasons for increased hair grease:

  • Hormonal changes - adolescence, pregnancy and menopause in women, stress. During the period of hormonal changes, the production of the hormone testosterone increases, which means that the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to it also increases.
  • Internal reasons... Dysfunction of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system also negatively affects the condition of the hairline. This cause is most often found when the hair suddenly becomes oily.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis... One of the pathological causes of oily scalp (see), in which not only the amount of sebum increases, but also changes in its composition (see).
  • Diet . Spicy, fatty, smoked, salted and canned food, sweet soda, fast food, alcohol, confectionery can increase the production of sebum.
  • Improper care... Excessive use of greasy masks and oils. Constant wearing of hats made of synthetic materials, etc.
  • External factors such as high humidity and heat enhance the function of the sebaceous glands.

Oily hair - characteristic

  • Increased greasiness, which is first noted on the scalp, literally a few hours after washing, then on the roots and hair shaft.
  • Hair clumping into separate untidy strands.
  • Unpleasant odor from the head, which is formed due to the high adsorption of particles of dust and dirt by fat.
  • The fragility of styling and hairstyles, even when using fixing products.
  • Dandruff that sticks together and is visible on both the scalp and hair shafts.

In almost 100% of cases, oily hair is accompanied by oily skin as a whole. If the hair roots are oily and the rest of the hair shaft is dry, this is a mixed hair type.

Home care for oily hair

What to do if your hair is oily? This feature requires special daily care, which will have to be followed throughout your life. The following is strongly discouraged:

  • Using hot water for washing.
  • Use a hair dryer to dry, especially hot air.
  • The use of irons and styling pans.
  • Using waxes and gels to fix the hairstyle.
  • Active scalp massage.
  • Frequent brushing of hair.
  • Tight hairstyles and complex styling.
  • Metal hair accessories.
  • Long hair - short or medium hair is optimal for owners of oily hair.

Improper and irrational nutrition, as it turned out above, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands. As much as possible, you should abandon the "harmful", increase the proportion of vegetables, unsweetened fruits, whole grains and fish, and also try to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Taking vitamin and mineral complexes

Oily hair is not directly related to hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiencies, but some experts recommend taking such drugs, especially during recovery periods after illness, in winter and spring.

Healthy lifestyle

This includes giving up bad habits, giving up physical inactivity, frequent walks in the fresh air, etc.

Washing head

Experts differ - some believe that washing too often aggravates the problem, while others consider frequent leaving as a vital necessity. How often to wash oily hair? You should adhere to the golden mean and wash your hair as it gets dirty, once a day. But you really shouldn't go to extremes - washing your hair several times a day leads to a compensatory activation of the sebaceous glands, while oily, greasy hair and dirty skin is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

  • you should wash your hair in the morning, since the sebaceous glands work most actively at night;
  • you need to use warm water, but not hot;
  • it is advisable to apply shampoo twice and rinse thoroughly;
  • it is best if the hair dries naturally.


To reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and prolong the aesthetic appearance of the hairstyle, it is recommended to rinse oily hair after each wash with decoctions and herbal infusions, and also gently rub them into clean skin.

The following plants have a normalizing effect on the sebaceous glands: calamus, horsetail, oak bark. To obtain an infusion of about 2 tbsp. dry raw materials are taken for 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. To obtain a decoction, the composition is kept in the same proportions in a water bath for 30 minutes.

As a natural rinse, you can use water to which a few drops of rose, mint, bergamot, citrus essential oils have been added.

Natural substitutes for shampoos

Low-fat fermented milk products such as yogurt, milk whey and kefir have a positive effect on the scalp. Biocultures and trace elements in their composition strengthen the hair roots and normalize the hydrolipid balance of the skin.

Homemade masks for oily hair

  • Red clay mask... Cleans and improves hair, restores water-lipid balance, eliminates irritation. Red clay powder is mixed with boiling water until a slurry is obtained, 1 tsp is added to the mixture. dry mustard, which also dries the skin, is cooled to a warm state and applied to the scalp for 15 minutes, then washed off.
  • Green clay mask... Contributes to the normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands, actively absorbs fat. Helps prevent dandruff formation. Clay powder is mixed with olive oil and applied to the scalp for 40 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. Apply this mask no more than 1 p per week.
  • White clay mask... Reduces oiliness, strengthens hair follicles and stops hair loss. White clay powder is mixed with mineral water without gas until a slurry is formed and applied for 25 minutes on the head, after which it is thoroughly washed off.
  • Blue clay mask... Reduces hair oiliness, prevents dandruff formation. Clay powder is diluted with warm water, add 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, mix and apply on the head for 20 minutes, rinse and rinse with 1 liter of warm water, to which is added 50 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  • Colorless henna mask... Suitable for the care of very oily scalp. It dries and soothes the skin - after the mask, the hair is fresh and clean for a long time. Henna powder is diluted with hot serum, heated in a water bath, to the consistency of sour cream and is not applied to the scalp and hair, except for the ends, to avoid drying them out, cover the head with a towel and keep the mask for 1 hour, then rinse.

Home care for oily hair plays a key role in the health of the scalp. They cannot be neglected.

Shampoos for oily hair

The best shampoo for oily hair should be chosen individually based on the condition of the scalp. There are much fewer series for oily hair than for dry and dyed hair, however, there is a considerable choice. The most bought and popular shampoos in this series:

Wella Regulate is a professional shampoo that regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. The price is about 1700 rubles, but the bottle is economical (1000 ml). Bioderma Node is an effective pharmacy shampoo for increased oiliness and sensitivity of the scalp. The price is about 1200 rubles. Schwarzkopf Professional BC Deep Cleansing is an active cleansing shampoo that has a positive effect on both skin and hair. Price RUB 750 Loreal Professionel Pure Resource is a professional product that is optimal for combination hair (dry hair with oily roots), but also copes well with oily scalp. The price is about 600 rubles. Batiste Original is a very effective dry shampoo for oily hair. The price is about 400 rubles.

Green Mama with nettle and black currant is one of the best shampoos in the middle price category (about 190 rubles). Le Petit Marseillais White Clay is a good shampoo for everyday use. Price 160 rubles. Natura Siberica is one of the most popular shampoos in this series. Price 280 rubles. Clean Line is a budget shampoo that guarantees effective cleansing of the most difficult cases, when even the ends of the hair are very oily. Price 90 rubles. Schauma 7 Herbs is an inexpensive shampoo for everyday use. The price is about 100 rubles.

It happens that the owners of oily hair purchase medicinal shampoos against seborrhea, relying on a significant improvement of the scalp. However, this should not be done, since such shampoos contain substances that have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic flora that is present on the skin in the case of seborrhea. This is not very good for a healthy scalp, since its microbiocenosis will be disturbed.

Professional treatment for oily hair

Before you get appointments and recommendations from a specialist, you should conduct a computer diagnosis of the condition of the hair and examine them for trace elements. If the problem is really serious or appeared suddenly, the doctor will prescribe certain examinations and refer you for consultation to narrow specialists.

In the competence of the trichologist is the choice of care products for this type of hair and physiotherapy. An integrated approach is recommended, i.e. the use of several products at once - masks, shampoos, lotions that help fight high fat content. It should be understood that it is impossible to change the hair structure, but it is quite possible to maintain a healthy scalp, regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and thus maintain the hydrolipid balance.

Professional treatment procedures

Ozone therapy

The procedure improves blood circulation, oxygenates the tissues, destroys pathogenic flora living on the scalp, and reduces the amount of sebum secreted. The procedure is indicated in complex treatment and is often combined with mesotherapy, improving the effectiveness of the latter.

As a rule, the ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the scalp or intradermally using fine needles, in a course of 7-10 procedures lasting about 20 minutes. The "greenhouse" method is used somewhat less often, in which the ozonized agent is applied to the head, and a special device is put on top that creates a greenhouse effect.


Another injection technique, the purpose of which is to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and normalize the condition of the scalp.

Mesotherapy cocktails are injected into the scalp with thin needles, which include vitamins, medicinal substances, micro- and macroelements that suppress the work of the sebaceous glands. A course of procedures is prescribed. Each procedure lasts 30-60 minutes, the course will require 5 to 10 procedures.

Plasmolifting or plasma therapy

The procedure, in which a person's own blood plasma is injected subcutaneously, leads to the activation of the body's internal reserves and self-restoration of the normal state of the skin.

The technique is similar to mesotherapy. This procedure is preceded by patient preparation, spectral hair analysis, blood test, etc. To obtain plasma, venous blood is taken, which is processed on a special apparatus. In the finished plasma, vitamins, trace elements and drugs are added, and if necessary. The procedure itself is quick, within 3-4 minutes, the doctor makes accurate and quick injections under the scalp.


A popular physiotherapy procedure that has practically no contraindications, since it excludes allergic or toxic effects on the body. Liquid nitrogen has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of fat.

The procedure is carried out using a special applicator, with which the surface of the scalp is treated for 5-10 minutes. Cryomassage is prescribed for a course of treatment, 15 sessions in 2-3 days.


Electrotherapeutic technique in which micro-pulses of high-frequency current act on the scalp. This leads to a change in the physical and chemical processes in the tissues, a decrease in the production of sebum, the disappearance of dandruff, inflammation and a narrowing of the pores.

Course treatment, 10-12 procedures are prescribed. This treatment can be carried out at home, if you purchase the appropriate device (see).

Laser shower

The quantum therapy procedure is based on the effect of laser energy on the sebaceous glands. It has a revitalizing effect on the scalp, reduces sebum production, and improves hair structure.

The painless procedure is carried out within 10 minutes using a special device. The course is 10-12 procedures, which are repeated in 1 day.

How do I choose personalized care?

Obviously, both traditional medicine and official cosmetology and medicine offer many therapeutic and supportive methods to improve and normalize the condition of the hair and scalp. How to get rid of oily hair?

Owners of a genetically determined oily scalp should focus on everyday home care, normalization of nutrition and healthy lifestyle - this is the key to the health and aesthetics of hair. Once a quarter, you can conduct a course of salon procedures.

If the excessive fat content of the hairline is due to somatic pathology or changes in hormonal levels, emphasis should be placed on treating the underlying disease, and in the case of hormonal changes, just wait out this period, competently caring for the hair at home.

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