Halves and related souls. Important message for twin flames in separation of the flame of twins

On twin flames

Love ... one for life. Such desired and long-awaited. It is waiting for absolutely everything: believers and atheists, workaholics and unemployed, programmers and academics ... Men and women ... no matter what optimist you or a pessimist, in the depths of your priceless soul there is hope: what if the love of the unique thing happens, which is called the only one, The main, eternal ...

It is very noticeable that people, most of them, care about a meeting with a capital letter. Paul, religion, nationality, age values \u200b\u200bdo not have. everyone is looking for love.

And in our time, the heyday esoteric appeared (or remembered, opened) knowledge of the meeting of spiritual halves, twin flames.

According to the theory (and for someone, an axiom) of the divine origin of a person, in the event of a soul from a powerful beam of light, two energy halves of one whole were gradually formed: Yin-Yang. When they together, they create a single spiritual integer, apart - looking for each other for the divine merger.

Why are the halves in the separation? The reasons are mostly two:

- Divine experiment. For many, it is not a secret that people-angels are embodied on Earth for the sake of knowledge of their infinity, development and further improvement. All this is necessary not only the most soul, but also the whole universe, which expands and develops continuously. The experiment of separated halves is as follows: to know how long they can be in separation in the flesh; What ways will look for each other; Having met whether to preserve relations, etc.

- Carmic parting. Sometimes it happens that halves are not embodied with each other together and do not meet in the flesh for several centuries, and then the Millenniums in the ridge. The reason always lies in one: the energy connection of the twins is seriously violated. Pretty hard methods our higher I give the lessons of patience, forgiveness. Sometimes we can pass these lessons only in separation from our half. Appreciate when we lose. And rejoice when we find.

Rarely, but still the following happens: our half is energy dissipated. Reason: in reluctance to develop, disharmony of light energy. And the higher I am given a given soul gives an agreement on this spray. Such a shower is less than 1% at the time "now." Energy does not disappear, it passes the stages of purification, mixing with rays and crystals, energy clots, complex healing procedure. It will be another entity, and she will have its own half. Lonely soul, devoid of halves, it all feels and suffers. But the masters assured me that such a "orphaned" soul take up his caring "wing" the highest spheres of the universe.

Sometimes our half remains in the world of spirits at our incarnation. The reasons:

- karmic parting;

- Our twin is necessary for the Universal Development of the Soul Now: Galactic and other interdimensional travels, links with the banks of the highest spheres of the Universe, the experiments of creation on other planets, the experience of incarnation in the distant galaxies and much more. Such an agreement is mutually appropriate. That is, we ourselves will give "good" to such development of events;

- Mutual agreement of cooperation with the world of spirits through our twin. Our mission on Earth is so complicated and multifaceted that we need additional help and support from our half. If you were embodied together, it would have energetically weakened you. Almost all the great spiritual leaders of the Earth before the start of the era of the new era (and this is about the middle of the 20th century) were embodied on the planet without their twin, cooperating with him in the top spheres.

These are the main reasons for finding your halves in the world of spirits while you fulfill your mission on Earth. The remaining motives of such a spiritual "slander" are considered in private.

Approaching a session with twin flame

The meeting of the twin flame is a delightful moment of weave energy, colors, sounds, vibrations of light. We mean a meeting in the physical world. My relatives, you see, Twin flames never break up on the thin plan of being (except for spraying cases, we talked about it). Before the meeting, twin flames feel each other. If one is sad, then the other will feel (wherever it is) inexplicable sadness. If the joy entered the heart of one, then the other will smile, even if not knowing the reasons.

The same is the case with the information and knowledge of the soul. All that alone learns to know on a thin plan and the other. Everything that interested alone, responds in the soul of the other, and he (she) is in a hurry to know more unknown. Therefore, halves to the meeting are always developing synchronously. They have one informational field for two. Making something spiritual, spiritual, heartless, you, thereby help your twin in development and give him (her) light and love at a distance. Through time and space, he (she) feels this promise and rises from the knees, wipes tears, straightens his shoulders and ... feels you. Every monthly we observe these sacred moments of love.

So, how to bring the meeting to:

Own continuous spiritual development. Feel the heart that you want to know which books to read which articles of sites to view, with what people you are accelerating in development, etc. Thus, you accelerate the time of the welcome meeting;

Search connection with higher me. Each twin has its highest me. But they are energetically energetically! That is why we say that the twins will never break up! Look for communication with your Az AM presence, intend and realize this, feel the highest energies yourself! Partnership with the highest I will allow the meeting will accelerate;

Work with control over the ego. This is one of the perhaps important cleansing events before the meeting. Contact the purple and blue flame consciously. Watch for emotions, words and actions. Transform emotions to feeling, it is very important! Remove masks without regrets! You are a real inexpressible beautiful (beautiful)!;

The power of intent. Make the own text of the sacred intention, in which reflect the desire and relevance (willingness) of the meeting. You can contact your highest, keeper, master, lord, who you believe, who you feel most with your heart and soul;

Visualization of the result.Close your eyes, breathe deeply with the belly, relax, feel your proximity to the twin is the instant mutual response of the shower. And now try energy to visualize the joy of the meeting, the thrill of the soul, the delight of the body, the radiance of your magic, clean eyes. Feel the love emanating from the Meeting Energy. But ... Do not use emotions (pendulum, for example, delight - disappointment, etc.) and do not bind to the result. Feel and release this joy to freedom;

Freedom from religions and flows. In the era of the new era, twins are found when their soul gained the status of awareness. In a state of awareness, it is impossible to belong to some kind of denomination. You understand that your way is unique. And that is common that you bind into a sacred one - this is a planet and humanity. Unleash your hands for the free development of the soul

Meditation, prayers, mantras, affirmations, etc. Try to find a few minutes for light and love every day, wishes to all people rest, joy, love, presence, health, awareness, freedom ... This light is like a light manits your twins to you. This communication is not only with the creator and the highest me, this is a communication with the most love;

Open, accept masculhood (femininity). Discover yourself for yourself. Remove the images, comparisons, approach yourself with someone. Make yourself to give your twin ... yourself! Honesty, cheerfulness, humor, kindness, openness, cleanliness, desire for beauty and perfection ... What do you feel?;

Healthy lifestyle: Vegetarian food, spiritual exercise, hardening, hiking, traveling, improving your flexibility, plasticity, etc. This will improve your health, will improve the appearance and significantly overtakes you. You will shine new paints of updated, high-frequency vibrations. What do you think, who is the first of these changes to feel?

Desire to find your way, reveal the gifts of the destination. Create the intention to find your secret path before meeting with the twin;

Conscious passage of karmic lessons. Boldly, unleash all your remaining karmic nodes with people. Do it with love, forgiveness, awareness. This is the greatest joy of the liberation of the soul!;

Try to find spiritual care: To see signs, listen to the inner voice, feel intuition. It will help find traces leading to the meeting!

Let your soul materialize your impulses. Your soul is an amazing worker. Good deeds are absolutely necessary for it, words, thoughts and actions. Do not pass by, if you feel you can help. Smile passersby if the fire of joy is burning in you. Serve help hand. Give the book to the neighbor, which helped you reveal. Create with love!

Twin flames before embodiment

So, twin flames are created by a single ministry beam (or a ball of the Divine Mother). Created by one energy ... created to love each other ... fine ...

The era of the new era - the era of the meeting of the twins. They are embodied in a pair bundle with the closest souls. it Those you instantly recognize at a meeting you know "thousand years." And you say so! But maybe the term of your mutual knowledge is greater, and is the aons of the years? Well, this is a question for reflection ...

So twins before the embodiment. Briefly denote the main and relevant moments of their joint training plan of the earthly way:

Choosing a mission-purpose. This selection depends on radial or ball origin, from the design of the creation, from the experience of past embodiments and from the relevance of the expansion of the service of ministry in this embodiment;

Selection of gifts. The gifts are also closely related to the specifics of the ministry of the beam. Twin gifts are always unique for everyone. Mission is one, and the gifts complement the ministry of each;

Settings for sacred glow codes. Together with the mentors-friends, twins design settings that will learn to learn the glow of their divine supplement, feel each other among the many shower. Settings are the following: sacred radial (ball) colors, as well as the color of the level of ministry (depends on the conscious passage of lessons in past embodiments); unique sounds; The intensity of the glow; The height of the vibration frequencies. All these qualities are embedded in the projection of the biofield of the selected body for incarnation;

Set of signs that will resemble a twin flame (dreams of joint embodiments, words and images of love from books, films about divine add-ons, songs, literary works; memories "reality" (at the subconscious level), names, geographical locations of past incarnations, sign situations, people);

Adjustment settings at a distance: sadness, joy, feeling of physical approximation and removal, spiritual achievements or temporary stops in the spiritual development of your twin;

Communication settings across dreams: Meetings on a fine plan, discussion of the ways of faster permission of individual and joint karmic problems to speed up the meeting, traveling to other planets, travel on the ground in five-dimensional dimensions, reading Akasha chronicles, flights to the advice of the Mentors for subsequent adjustment at the time of the "Now" of the incarnation plan Meetings with relative souls and much more. As you can see twins communication is sacred strong. They never break up on a thin plan, figuratively speaking, never squeeze hands, never let each other from Divine Love Hugs;

The meeting on the earthly is carefully organized by the highest twins. The date and place of the meeting, as well as its circumstances, directly depend on the compliance of spiritual development to start a joint mission. Accordingly, the meeting can be accelerated or slowed down;

Conclusion of contract agreements with relative souls: Karmic contracts lessons, teaches of teacher, apprenticeship contracts, mutual assistance contracts and much more.

The beloved family, we only touched on the main and universal moments of the preparation of twin flames to the joint embodiment. As you can see, the carefulness and clarity of the vision of the goals and spiritual tasks is obvious.

You are preparing for love in love. And you are looking for the only one, native all your incarnation, without losing hope, not lowering hands. In a dream and reveal, you subtly feel the presence of a divine supplement in your energies.

Hope and faith are the main keys to the meeting. The astral plan provides you with the lessons of the ego: at the moment they are important to distract you from the secret teaching about the twin flames, offering karmic and related unions in return, which would be sufficient for you. But ... family, do you hear us? Is it enough for you? There are cases when the twin flame is waiting for you on a thin plan. But this is not a reason to lower your hands and let your spiritual development, which is said, "on a self-shot." All that you have achieved in the form of the experience of an embodiment, all you own in the form of wisdom and awareness, love and accomplishment of destination - everything develops into the invisible "spiritual piggy bank" of your nearest spiritual twin family. And the storm will be rented at the meeting, wherever it happens ...

Divine flames of light, the energy of love, pure divided consciousness ... The truth about the connection of the twin flames, plus, who and what were you before this life?

First of all, I want to thank everyone who writes to me, and leaves comments to publications - I am so grateful for your positiveness that you are open and share your experience!

If you come here to seek help in a difficult situation, know that no matter what happened before - everything can change for the better!

Today I am answering what many of you asked last years:

"What is this twin flame? And why are we here? "

- Courtney

Answer: To answer this question, we need to go back.

Outside of human names and lives, the very sources of origin of energy and consciousness. Because in essence, the twin compound is a spiritual connection - just energy.

The origin of the twin flame

The twin flames are two souls that were once the same energy consciousness - actually therefore they are called "twin flames", since their energy can manifest itself as flames resembling flames.

Two parts of one initial consciousness, which decided to divide in two to test the nature of duality, expand the training and evolution of understanding, and, ultimately, reunite through love.

Why twin flames like magnets are attracted to each other

One of the important things you need to know about twin flames are always the same at the level of the energy core, since they were originally the same consciousness.

This is what we call the "Soul of the Twin Flame Soul", an identical frequency, which no one else has - which creates such a magnetic attraction and a sense of mutual deep understanding between twin flames.

Despite the fact that many twin flames have different views and can be completely different from the point of view of age, race and previous experience, there are always certain common features between them, and as a rule, specific additional features are manifested when they are balancing strong and "weak »Faces each other.

Compare with the physical world of twins: two identical infants who have grown side by side from the same original embryo, which was divided into two instead of one.

Most often, such twins grow so much like people in which it is difficult to guess the difference. They are the same in some way.

Like identical human twins that are born from one divided embryo, twin flames are the expressions of one consciousness divided by the sun.

Why twin flames so often have problems together

Of all the creatures in the universe, only you and your twin flame have the same frequency. This is the basis of your essence.

In addition to this, however, you still have a physical body in which you now live, convictions, thoughts and habits that you have acquired during your upbringing, as well as all past lives that you may have had.

As you and your twin spent time living on Earth, interacting with other people and testing ups and downs along the way, you have collected the energies that do not match the resonance with your main frequency that you share.

You could say that your joint "Soul's Song" failed due to energy "pollution" that you have accumulated. And this is what flows so frightening many flights / persecution / parting ...

What is the ascension of the twin flame

Therefore, when you enter into direct contact with your twin flame (even if it is meditation, sleep or astral experience, and not physical), your systems switch to "activation" - a grinding process of release and clean this pollution in order to return you to His deeper harmony.

The union of twin flames cannot occur in the lowest consciousness of the disharmony space, so your systems begin to cleanse negativity, seeking to bring you to the state of complete harmony - unconditional love.

It includes the "Awakening" period to your deeper identities of the soul, the memory of who you really are under our current earthly personality in reality.

Your souls launch this deep "soul song" in each other as the key to the long-lost castle.

Twin flames "Wall from one test"

Twin flames have a lot in common with biological twins in the fact that they are always connected with each other and have certain general similarities regardless of how much time they spend each other.

To illustrate this, we could have metaphysically to say that the twin flames "are born from the same separated cell of consciousness" or they are "molded from one test" - in truth, they have the same energy frequency.

The term twin flames comes from the visual perception of the energy consciousness, which often looks like a flame tongues or fire flows. From this point of view, twin flames look like two identical flame petals burning side by side from the same original source of fire.

The twin flames are something more than just a romantic term for two people who are deeply in love or are deeply passionate about each other, although most often there is such a strong romantic aspect in connection with twin flames.

Twin flames here to raise the concept of love, evolving the perception of unity

This resonance of the same kernel energy is the reason that the connection of twin flames is so deeply tangible on the physical and metaphysical level, and why the twin flames are so tuned to each other as emotionally and energy.

It is most often described as a deep feeling that you "came home" in our other I or "belong to" to each other. Mirror souls.

Most twin flames see repetitive numbers 11:11 on the eve of their initial meeting.

Twin flames forever linked heart to heart

Twin flames are always connected with each other energy thread, which binds their hearts, no matter what. It can never be broken.

That is why many twins feel emotions each other and dream of each other, even if they were divided for a long time or never met in this current life.

When you clean yourself from any negative and overloaded energy that keeps you in a low vibration, you can clean the way opening to your twin flame - as well as climb into vibrations of love, joy, rest and enter into conformity with happy relationship with your twin flame. .

Or, you can try a free tool for cleaning the energy that made wonders for so many twin pairs!

Every week I hear from someone that the "fluent twin" returned to contact after they used this managed meditation.

For what twin flames are really here

Twin flames are a real metaphysical connection that many people feel first-hand in the modern world.

Many souls were divided into twin flames to go through the lessons about love and help the highest development of society on Earth - from the consciousness of division based on conflicts, to the consciousness of unity on the basis of love.

More and more twin flames awaken to their connection every day, and, as you probably know, it has a special purpose.

When the twin flames remove negative luggage of conflicts, pain and "dividing mentality" historical paradigms of human relationships and reunite in the space of unconditional love - their love positively affects the space around them.

Thus, they form the "portal" of high vibration energies on the earthly. Raising, healing, harmonizing everything and all around themselves.

How to avoid a terrible battle with twin flame

Energy healing is crucial for smooth deployment of the journey of twin flames - since negativity rising to the surface for study can cause "escape", parting and other expressions of the energy repulsion between the pair.

The terrible factor between twin flames is that two separate interconnected energy and karmic fields where both in a pair affect each other. This is often referred to as a twin flame mirror.

In fact, the life experience of your twin and your own experiences will influence each other, as you are the same energetic frequency and are two aspects of the same original soul.

As people on earth, you can be in physically separate bodies, but "behind the scenes" of this you are always connected. The illusion of separation is the main and final lesson that many twin flames are forced to learn in this life.

The advantage of this deep connection is that in the energy plans, twin flames can interact without any restrictions - it often occurs through dreams, telepathy, feelings and feeling of emotions to each other, remote interaction and the like.

Past and his role in the way of twin flames

Karma is an important part of the twin flames. Twin flames share a karmic field and a collective energy field.

Many twin flames for this reason live, as if developing in parallel to each other, with general features and reflections of the same experience, as they karmically and energetically affect each other.

Because you and your twin flame may have experienced overall pain on Earth in the past, there is also the likelihood that you are energetically connected to each other on lower vibrations.

This is what it would be useful for you to figure it out and clean. We are cleaning the karmic wounds, old attachments to past lovers, outdated soul contracts and much more in the vibrational alignment program for twin flames.

For example, if you had a life in which one of you was forced to leave another, or you were close, and one of you died before another - you may have threads of fears tensioned between you, the bonds associated with fear to be abandoned and fear of separation.

These negative threads will still be in place, even if you did not experience this situation in our current life.

Negative connections like this should be cleared so that you two rose to higher energy vibrations and experienced increased harmony, and it is absolutely necessary when preparing for the merger of twin flames.

If they are not cleared, it is very likely that there will be repeated "flight" and parting repeated cycles, since your souls insist on the resolution of these triggers.

What is the difference between twin flames and relative souls?

As a result, we all have a lot of related souls, but only one twin flame. Your twin flame or twin soul is your identical energy second half or identical mirror soul. The one who shares your accurate basic identity as consciousness.

This means that in the energy plane you are in perfect in accordance with the deepest domestic level - you can live in two human bodies, but your souls are two parts of the same whole.

Related souls are those who share with us similar energy resonance. We often "subscribe" to meetings with your relative souls to learn from each other and develop as a soul. However, our twin flame is the only other creature in the universe that shares the same frequency as we.

That is why energy management is crucial to achieve the reunification of the twin shower - return to our main frequency, where we are without effort in harmony. With our twin flame we are in the accelerated experience of learning, focused around love. We always impact each other, "automatically" push each other to learn, heal old wounds and solve internal problems.

Since the energies of twin flames have the same frequency, all our "problems" and internal shadows tend to play hard in the dynamics of the twin plants relations. You could call it an almost effect of ping-pong, with which the inner fears of each twin affect the other.

This is happening in an attempt to learn the spiritual lesson that all fears are based on illusions and that love is the only truth ... to awaken to "insight", being in the physical body, to become "enlightened" through love.

Go here for more information on the links of the twin flames and the way to reunite.

Until the next time, I send you love and light for your further path!

The moment you meet your twin flame is the very moment when the earth begins to float from under your feet.

I like to think about a meeting of two mirror souls, as an earthquake at the level of being: like a thunder among a clear sky, you can feel that your life entered a very important person. In an instant, you suddenly get a stunning feeling that your life will change - you still do not know how exactly, and, nevertheless, you are already intuitively know that the changes will be ambitious, as never before in your life, and so huge on their magnitude, What is already breathtaking.

I know all this because I was lucky to meet with my own twin flame a few years ago, so I have already passed through a sparkling, tense and transforming process of meeting your soul mirror.

Although I feel great gratitude for the gift of communication with my twin flame, I am happy to report that this blessing is open to all; However, such a gift is not always perceived openly or even recognized by us at the conscious level. Sometimes we are at such a point in our life, where we are simply not susceptible to yourself and to the presence of our twin flame because of stress, excessive work, lifestyle habits and negative models of thinking, which lead to low self-esteem.

For this reason, I suppose it is important to recognize some of the main signs of the twin flames that you can experience or have already experienced in your life. In the end, the appearance of our mirror soul is always a mystery and rarely be predicted. So pay attention.

What is a twin flame?

Your twin flame or twin soul is a person with whom it is intended to feel the relationship on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Your twin flame is your friend, a beloved and teacher in this life. He or she is a catalyst for your spiritual growth and a mirror of your deepest desires, needs and fears. Your twin flame will reflect all your inner shadows, as well as your deepest beauty and greatest strength. Thus, your twin flame helps you gain access to a huge emotional, psychological and spiritual growth.

Who is your mirror soul?

I like to treat our twins flames as a mirror soul, because they are essentially reflecting the deepest needs, desires, dreams and shadow elements of our souls. We will look at it a little later.

However, before that, I want to simply note that our twin flames are not always beloved and not necessarily - as it is customary - heterosexual. In fact, our twin flames can be romantic partners of the same sex (or without sex), and often they can be platonic friends or even family members who have long known.

Regardless of this, the twin flames are most often romantic in nature and tend to manifest themselves as people with whom we can passionately connect at all levels.

In addition, the opinion is widespread that the twin flames remain together for life, but I personally do not think that this is. Deep connection with another person does not necessarily guarantee that you will remain with them forever - it depends on the level of development of your own consciousness and your twin flame.

Also, in the spiritual community, most people believe that we have only one twin flame in our lives. Such a conviction stems from the sources of the idea of \u200b\u200b"twin flames" in the dialogue of Platon "PIR", which indicated that people initially had two faces, four hands and four legs. Because of this, people were once so powerful that they had a threat to defeat the gods, so the mythical god Zeus divided them in half. However, it says as soon as we discover our "other half" again, we fill a deep sense of integrity. Is this an explanation of the twin flames outdated or not - to solve you.

Finally, for us, it is typically tested by a real delight on meeting with our "twin flame." However, sometimes such education leads to a romanticized projection, meaning that we draw an idealized image of another person to whom they may not be happy and do not match what leads to serious disappointment. In addition, when we suffer from low self-confidence and lack of our own love for yourself, it is natural for us to try to find some confirmation of us on the need for us (from here and projection), so be careful with blind recklessness and idealization. Your twin flame is probably not perfect - exactly the same as you.

Top 20 signs of twin flames

"Beloved, in the end, not somewhere occur. They are always present to each other. "
- Rumi ("essence" by Rumi)

We are not always susceptible to the emergence of our twin Pame in life. We can be with a broken heart, killed by grief concluded in marriage, or just frankly tired and disappointed when they suddenly appear suddenly (like snow on the head). In fact, we may even have already met our twin flames or a mirror soul, but we could not see them, not to give the value or perceive as something of granted.

In whatever emotional or psychological period of life you are, it is always helpful to realize the people with whom you live and meet. These following signs of twin flames can help you open up new ways and unity opportunities:

1. You feel a strange, inexplicable feeling of "recognition" when you meet a person. This can manifest as a deja vu or unshakable feeling that you knew this man before or in some sense "should be together."

2. You have the feeling that they will play a very important role in your own development, without understanding when, why and how.

3. You have an immediate strong connection with them, which gives strength and shocks at the same time.

4. You feel that in spite of everything, you finally found a "house" or a safe place with another person.

5. You are able to be your true me - with all the "specklers and pupils" - without fear of non-acceptance, persecution or condemnation on their part.

6. You both personify Yin and Yang, in other words, your dark side is balanced by them with a light side, and their dark side is balanced by your bright face.

7. You feel the feeling of expansion with them, as if you are more than your limited personality.

8. They make you better and you make them better.

9. When you together, you are both connected, but are free, tied, but do not attach. In other words, you still retain your freedom, although you may be in relations with them.

10. You are finely configured to their energy, and they are accurately configured to your. This means that you both are very aware of the real game of energy (whether it is a happy or sad, angry or forgiving, open or taped) present in connection. So you both deeply emphasize each other.

11. You feel as if you were waiting for this man all my life.

12. You both are deeply connected and reflect the advantages of each other and aspiration in life, outside of external similarity.

13. Your twin flame is a mirror of what you are afraid, and at the same time you wish most for your own internal healing. For example, if you are a very assembled person, your twin flame is likely to be relaxed and sloppy. If you like to be sacrificed, your twin flame will be a strong character who refuses to regret or sympathize, perpetuating your complex. If you are creatively detained, your twin flame will become a prosperous master of his case. Thus, our twin flames provoke and bring us into rabies, as well as teach us important lessons about our fears, deep wounds and depressed.

14. No matter how many times you avoid or leave your twin flame, you always pulls the magnet back to them. (Do not confuse it with complex obsessive relationships).

15. One of you is more spiritually mature than the other, and often serves as a teacher, the adviser or the "confessor" in relations.

16. You pass important life lessons, such as forgiveness, gratitude, empathy, empathy and openness to them with them.

17. Your connection is multifaceted. In other words, your twin flame is probably your best friend, beloved, teacher, educator and muse in one person.

18. Your twin flame is not trying to change you. They accept you as you are and at what level you are, and urge you to do the same for yourself (and on the contrary).

19. You can be truthful with each other about anything.

20. Together you both feel guided towards a higher goal, whether it is spiritual, public or environmental.

Meeting with this soul will change your life, you will discover yourself - true, real, happy. How to find the twin flame?

We are all, people who dream of sincere, supporting, confidence Joyful and happy relationships.

It is such a relationship that the souls of which are twin flames.

With such a meeting, the intensive development of the human soul begins in incarnation.

Meeting with a twin flame helps to remember yourself what are we reallyBut does not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship.

You can be one sex with your twin soul, or the age difference can be 50 years old, or you both can already consist in relationships.

You can become the best friends, colleagues at work or break in different directions on the road of fate, but this meeting will definitely affect you: make more present, core and when you pass through all the tests - happy.

How to find the twin flame?

You will feel. Seriously, the meeting of the twin flames is similar to both the elements, and magic - you can not notice half of your soul.

But only to believe and realize something completely incredible is not easy: no duality, recognition and unconditional love that can be experienced by a completely unfamiliar person who can help and shock anyone.

That is why in this article you will find a 23 sign that you met your twin flame.

Perhaps they will help your brain adapt to a fateful meeting when it occurs, or understand that you have already passed through this experience.

The emergence of twin flames

Twin flames - two halves of one. This is one soul that divided into two full-fledged souls, but the remaining absolutely energetically identical.

In the book "Related souls and twin flames", Elizabeth Profyet leads the words of the Apostle Paul:

"We are twin flames due to what happened from the same sphere of being called a white-fiery body. Only we two came out of this single - only we share a unique divine design - "a man and a woman" "(Gen. 1:27).

In this starting point of creation, every single consciousness is a monad - contains the seeds of the divine female and divine male, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality.

On the descent to the reality of the third dimension, these two aspects of one were divided, and twin flames were created. One of them is the flame of alfa, the other is the flame of Omega.

Both flames are embodied to live their lives separated from each other, but they always know about the loss of aspect.

Also at the deep levels of their souls, they know how to find out the twin flame.

The purpose of the transmission of twin flames

Usually, twin flames are not embodied together, except when they pass to the ground for the highest goal.

At this time, many evolving twin flames are embodied to help improve the consciousness of humanity.

Usually, when one flame is embodied, the other remains outside the form, preferring to energetically support its embodied twin.

When the twin flames are embodied together, their union on the physical plane is often chaotic and fully voltage: physical, emotional, mental (mental) and spiritual.

Their relationship is very intense. A romantic version of the love that we all dream is really for the twin shower.

When twin flames are combined, they become mirrors for each other.

They are here to reflect the shortcomings and imperfections of each other, since the ultimate goal of twin flames is their full association at all levels again, now in the embodiment.

Relationships of Gemini Souls

Twin flames can be of different ages, gender (one and the same floor is also possible) may not coincide with their geographic location, moral, belief, race, income levels.

And yet this connection is such that their relationship is very similar to returning home.

Attraction is strong at each level, and spiritually they know that they are one.

This knowledge helps them to overcome many obstacles, most of which are created by conventions, beliefs and the peculiarities of their individual perception of the world.

Since the twin souls develop and expand when they are together, their ministry here, on the planet, becomes more global.

When they realize him, they spiritually grow faster than when they were divided.

Their spiritual gifts are accurately adjusted: each of them has a giftwho is not in the other.

They are sensitive to energy flows and mood shifts each other. When they are not together - they do not live in full force, as if "function" in a limited mode.

Together they become balanced, full of energy and capable of performing their mission of embodiment at full capacity.

Together they are becoming more those who are in fact, just being in the energy of each other.

Union Caduceus

When twin flames are reunited in physical forms, there is a special awakening.

Such an awakening is possible only when twin flames are energetically connected in 3D density.

Flames of the twin alpha and twins of Omega light up. Prior to this reunion of flames inactive.

From this ignition golden spiral ariseswhich, pressing, illuminates their essence. Some call this spiral of the snake.

In fact, this is the awakening of unity, which they once shared, and is their Christ Light / Monad / "I - Presence", awakened in recognition.

As they become closer in the connection at all levels, these spirals are intertwined to form caduceus - Combining the Light of Christ.

These two flames become one.

Because they are more balanced with each other, the kadukevi spirals are increasingly combined until there is no visible separation between them.

The twin souls transformed all inconsistencies and unbalances that separated them, and stepped on the path of Alfa and Omega, returning home as two parts of one whole, reunited in the ministry.

The reunification of the flame creates the deepest relationships for these two people.

Twin flame: signs of meeting

Until recently, most of the half of the twin flames were not embodied at the same time, but came to the ground in turn, supporting each other throughout the whole human lives.

Now the twin partners are embodied together in more with a special purpose:

  • help manage and master temporary lines
  • protect and increase energy
  • promote our world forward, especially forward in time.

Since nowadays with related souls are also in demand, familiar and strong, sometimes people do not know how to distinguish the twin flames from other souls of the nearest group.

How to find the twin flame in 3D density?

To admit the following signs of the relations of twin flames in something.

Of course, they are not immutable truths - after all, each of us passes their personal experience, but are based on the experience of meetings and relations of shower twins, and therefore may be helpful.

23 signs of twin flames

1. You had dreams or human vision and / or energy relationships to a meeting in this life. Or you learned that we met our energy twin in some other unusual way.

For example, Elizabeth Profet, says that after acquaintance with his future husband, he saw his face in the mirror when he looked at himself, and realized that he met the twin part of his soul in the male body.

Some people tell that looking into their energy twin in their eyes, they felt unearthly love.

2. Having met his partner, you felt as if "at home", as if returned to a familiar, but long-time lost energy.

After the meeting, you have "memories" of other times and places with this person who are not part of the current life.

3. Your partner reflects your problems, concerns and disadvantages, but you also complement the skills, talents and opportunities for each other.

Together you are the completed merge of Yin-Yang.

4. At least one of the partners has a higher frequency.

Maybe he is Indigo and / or Crystal Shower Or the first wave of cosmic volunteers.

The first wave of space volunteers, as tells in his book "Three Waves of Volunteers and New Earth" Dolores Cannon was born between the end of the 1950s and 1960s, coming directly from the "source", from other planets or measurements.

They embodied on Earth to enhance the vibration level of our world, so that the souls who have long lived on Earth are bogged down in Karma and forgot about their mission, they did not destroy the planet.

5. You can be of different ages, one or the opposite sex, of various origin and education, belong to "opposing" religions or cultures.

But you Feel an incredible unity Or with nothing comparable sense of inefficionship with your partner.

6. You feel the symptoms, illness and emotions of each other, even when you are not near or do not communicate.

7. You are "functioning" weakened or much less optimally when you are divided with your twin flame. You physically hurt when you are not together.

8. When you with your partner and your relationship in the balance, you become stronger than, more powerful, and more capable than ever. You feel united in a mission or calling to serve others and the world.

9. Your unconditional love for your partner is unique, no longer looks like.

Your partner is likely to have a certain habit, quality or "baggage", which would lead to the rupture of any other relations.

However, you do not pay attention to this or willingly work on relationships with this partner, no matter how difficult it is.

10. You met your partner when one or both of you were in other respects or, in other words, "unavailable." It is likely that you met when and where you could easily expect it.

11. You or your partner was afraid of the connection strength of the twin flames and fled from relationships, so as not to feel stunned and / or vulnerable.

Being years before you both will find yourself in one place to finally fully accept your relationship.

12. Partner who escaped from the twin flame, finally "wakes up" and understands the meaning of what is happening. His or her "Yeah" -Moment comes as a result of losses, illness or other personal catastrophes.

He or she then agrees with the fact that there is no other person or priority, more important than the twin partner.

13. Regardless of how many times you disagree or teeth, it seems that unknown forces will reduce you again with each other. You see "Signs" and reminders On the twin connection everywhere, and they call you to be together again.

14. Your relationship is characterized by extreme lifts and oblivions, including passion and severe pain that you most likely never felt before.

15. To harmonize, balance karma and each other, you "Press each other's buttons" And check the limits and boundaries of each other, like no one else before or later.

However, the maximum heights in relations are consistently becoming even higher.

16. Friends, family members and others in your environment can not understand the drama of the twin flames and do not understand what you feel in this relationship.

They are always trying to make you move towards someone or something else that seems more logical or the best for you in theory.

17. Growth that you experience, the lessons you benefit, and the person you become in relations with a twin flame is a completely different level of development.

This happens faster and more powerful than in any other experience or a period of growth in your life.

18. You understand that your previous related souls or other relationships prepared you to reunite with twin flames.

Your twin flame can even have a lot of unusual characteristics of your previous partners, or friends.

19. You feel like all my life was waiting for this person.

When you look at your life, you see diseases that have not been established relationships or other situations that manifested themselves because you were still waiting and still looking for "the only one."

20. Even if you are extremely tired of existence in 3D density on Earth, you are healing, developing, becoming mature and continue to live, only to stay with your twin flame partner.

21. You are "Old Soul", and this is your last human experience.

22. The more you and your twin flame spend time together, the faster and more complete you "wake up" to the highest consciousness.

23. You have a deep knowledge that your twin partner is your fate - not only in this lifetime, but also when you return the "home", and reunite for eternity.

Not all twin flames are embodied ...

Twin flames can include the search for your twin flame, which may be or not to be here, in this time and space.

Twin flame is literally another half of your soulwhich makes you the whole, but at the same time, every "twin" is a complete shower.

But the twin flames can be reunited can only if both partners are holistic.

Your previous relationships were also contracts between souls to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin, you immediately recognize him.

Some twin flames are not here, not on earth - they are not embodied in 3D density.

This does not mean that you should not marry or have children, because your twin flame, even in unearthly worlds, wishes you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this life.

Just like learning so many life lessons to help your spiritual growth.

He or she is still part of your nearest soul group, but accepted / and the decision not to join you in this embodiment. Do not take it on your personal account! They are still with you in the heart and in the spirit.

It is also important to remember that some twin flames remain on the other side to provide you help and spiritual guide.

Some souls decided to come here without their twins, because they "heard the call" and they knew that they were needed here in this embodiment.

It should be borne in mind that not all of your soul group is embodied at the same time!

Session of a new hypnologist

AT.I have a friend. We are very close to him spiritually despite the fact that we cannot be physically, at least at the present time. There is a feeling that we are in the energy level - one whole. If he is engaged in some energy practices, I feel all this on myself. Whatever I do, I do not leave me feeling that there is nothing more important to me in life than to be with him together. He is my joy and my sadness. What it is? Can I see what we imagine at the energy level? Why such a strong connection?

O. In the intergalactic space there is a certain type of holographic entity filled with a certain energy having one light composition, a wave frequency, a light spectrum. This matrix essence exhibits an earth in the form of wave structures, several very close to the wave characteristics of elements. All these elements are interconnected through these wave structures, it is called spiritual connection. And this connection comes with this one hologram. At the moment, this entity has 12 elements that are embodied on Earth, someone has already left, someone has not come, next to you, close, there are no other items. These elements, if they meet, can create an absolute spiritual entity *.

These people can learn if they gather together, teleconnesis, telepathy, they can completely reproduce each other's thoughts, actions and for later life in the manifested form on Earth they will be enough to be together a few seconds to come to full harmonization, which was mentioned above ( The question about the activation of the crystal body). The greatest difficulty of such actions on Earth is to meet them. But even 2 elements met, have the opportunity to develop much faster than they would do it separately.

V. Ie Do we need to be physically?
O. not necessarily. This is how you want. What is "physically being together"? For you, you can simply close your eyes and be on different sides of the globe and at the same time physically be together. You have a connection at the spiritual level, and whether to hold you right by hand or something else - to solve only you. The main thing is not this, the main thing is to communicate from a single matrix.

Q. Is there any particular purpose of our meeting, what is the joint mission?
Oh. The choice is always for a person! You can offer several options. Actually the uniqueness of the human soul is that she has a voluntary choice. And only you depends on how much such road will be in favor of you or not. Only you yourself can decide - on what road you go. And you still have the right to make a mistake. A person can go on one road, but, realizing at some point that this is not the way, he can choose another road. The choice is always yours.

Q. And you can see what happens during our daily meditations? I have the feeling that our energies are somehow united and affect people.
O. You came from one matrix, you have a similar wave spectrum, similar energy, you have very close to the frequency all the wave characteristics. Of course, at the time of your joint energy work, you all bring together. At this moment you can clearly ask a question - whether you should continue to continue in the same way, connect your energies so that they become a single channel, which will be on Earth in the manifested form, as a couple, or still leave as There is - you still have a dual channel, it is already much more powerful than people around you. You need to clearly ask - for the best harmonization of the surrounding people, you're important to be in this form, or you will be much more affected by people, harmonize them, manifesting them on the ground with one stream - like a couple. This is your task! And no higher forces have the right to make this choice for you!

We read on the topic:
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* Let me remind the passage from a longtime post:

What happens now with us happened and will probably happen to happen and with everyone who went here to develop - in this dimension and in this created evolutionary space.
The challenge is to wake up and wake your own, who will be able to reach, if possible, at the maximum. The task is worth, stood and may always stand - this is the basis of this system, in which we hit and in which we are, its meaning, the task, everything is aimed at developing and moving forward, all for the acquisition of experience.

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