Checked irrepresentable consonants in the root of the word. Didactic materials in Russian for elementary school

Sometimes consonants

Play with us in hide and seek,

They are not pronounced

but they are written in a notebook.

In Russian, there are words having combinations of three or four consonants, one of which D, t, l, in Not pronounced. This, for example, combinations sTN, ZDN, STL, VSS, NTSC, NDK in words valiant, late, happy, hello, amateur, dutch.To check the unprofitable consonant, it is necessary to change the word form or pick up a single word so that this consonant is heard is clearly:

No sound is heard -

So check

dangerous \u003d\u003e dangerous \u003d\u003e dangerous
hummy? Ny \u003d\u003e sadness \u003d\u003e Sad

Slot, unenk.

Mes t., Us. t., Ches. t..

GROOS. t.ny and nonsense

Rados, unhappy t..

SO l.nCC, Chu atpraz d.nick,

Ser. d.tse and contract zn.iR,

Forest t.nitsa and Stars

Head atand pose d..

From words with non-promotable consonants it is necessary to distinguish words in which non-pronounced no consonants, eg: delicious, vowel, skillful, tacial, dangerous, peer, liteness, terrible, participate, honor, march, disassemble.

Delicious, vowel, interesting,

safe and Heavenly,

And wonderful and beautiful,

and terrible, and in vain -

Do not forget these words

letter T. in them do not insert.


1. Design the missed letters: In the names of adjectives - unprofitable consonants (if any), and in the names of nouns - pairs on the basis of the deafness-belling consonants.

sail ... Naya Lo ... ka
de ... Skye bed ... ka
capus ... pyro ... ki
rados ... Naya Ul ... ka
beautiful ... naya bro ... ka
goro ... Sky area ... ka
sad ... naya ska ... ka
interest ... naya book ... ka

prelas ... ny gray ... ki
gian ... Skye ... ka
taste ... niche ... ki
rust ... Blue ...
woke ... Loe ... Chick
miracles ... Naya Nazu ...
right ... naya ... ka

2.Connect the names of the adjectives with the nouns suitable by meaning. Insert where it is necessary, unprofitable consonants.

stars ... ny pie
vlas ... a turn
danger ...
wait ... The prevails
taste ... a writer
rados ... ny day
miracles ... nyheskil
poses ...
interesting case
came ...

3.From these names of nouns, form a single name of adjectives with a non-promotable or steam room by deaf-belling consonant in the root of the word.

city - urban
children -

rage -


bad weather

misfortune -

cabbage -


honour -


4. Insert missing letters.

Forest ... Nitsa, Praz ... Nick, Occasions ... Library, Ser ... Tse, Ces ... Nacific ... NCU, SUN ... ka, month ... .. love, known ... Luck, cabbus ... Nick, de ... ultrasound.

5. Insert the missed letters.

It came poses ... Nyaya in ... sleep. P ... years cost h ... Des ... nia. Rays with ... NCA L ... Skye Earth. (From) ... Mley (by) Casalas ... m ... l ... giving tra ... ka. Appeared (under) Snezhnik and Lily of the Lily ... (For) d ... roar ... yach (for) boots ... ki. In the forest smelling the slate ... Kim b ... Ryzovy juice. Soon on d ... roar ... zaz ... leaf leaf ... I. Now in ... the bottom of their first s .... Lyona tongue ... ki. Good in ... sleep!
Birds sing funny songs. Rados ... But twikate in ... Rob ... and. Jump shumbstick ... ki. All are welcome in the spring!

Test "Non-pronounced consonants".

1. Specify the Word with the unreleased consonant T:
1) Ravom ...
2) month ...
3) Miracles ...

2. In what word there is no irrepresentable consonant?
1) with ... NCC
2) bad ...
3) interest ...

3. In what word there is a non-pronounced consonant in?
1) learning ...
2) Chu ... go
3) Travel ...

4. Specify the word with unreleased consonant T:
1) Occasions ...
2) Heaven ...
3) horror ...

5. In what word there is no irrepresentable consonant t?
1) cell ...
2) Radoz ...
3) taste ...

6. In what word there is no irrepresentable consultation t?
1) Me ... Nick
2) Res ... Nice
3) Wait ...

7. Specify the word with the unreleased consonant T:
1) Pasch ... Beach
2) Ser ... tse
3) poses ...

8. In what word there is no irrepresentable consonant?
1) Stars ...
2) brightly gloss ... zero
3) Zdra ...

As far as the Russian language is, it is so complicated. It contains a huge number of rules, cases and decline, vocabulary. And besides all this, we need to pay attention to the words in which a non-promotable consonant letter may be present.

The concept of "unresponsible consonant"

Under unprofitable consonants, we understand the sound that is not pronounced in the aggregate of several consonant letters in the Word. In our Russian speech there are quite complicated for the pronunciation of these sounds:

  • "vests" (feel, hello);
  • NTSC (gigantic);
  • STSK (racist, nationalist);
  • "NDK" (Dutch, Scottish) and others.

For the right writing of these and other words with an unprofitable consonant, it is necessary to choose such a test word (change its shape or find a related), in which after the "unprofitable" consonant, which we have already been clearly heard, or the next consonant sound stood vowel. Then this consonant sound becomes a strong position and we can easily determine it.

Examples of words with non-promotable consonant in the root

"The bright sun on time completely blinded my eyes." In this sentence in the word "Sun" there is a non-pronounced consonant "L" in the root, which we do not hear when pronunciation. We select the test word: solar (for example, light). Here, the consonant sound "L" is already clearly audible.

"After school holiday, I am happy and joyful, ran home." In the proposal at once, three words with unprofitable vowels at the root: Praz (e) nickname - Prazden (from the adjective "idle"), then (t), happiness, joyful - joy.

However, it is not for all the words you can choose verification, there are vocabulary words that just need to be remembered. The books include: Chu (c), forest (T) Nitsa, referred (T) Nick.

There are also words in which there is no irrepresentable consonant, but to make sure it is also necessary to pick up a single word. For example: "My brother started a dangerous game." In the word "dangerous" in combination of the consonants "CH" there is no unfinished consonant, since the test word is "dangerous", between the consonants there is a vowel sound.

When pronouncing some words with combinations of consonants can occur loss of sounds.Running when pronouncing consonants call non-crisisy (region t.noah, non-law t.nyu).

To check the spelling of words with non-promotable consonants (usually it combines Sten., stel, zdn., lNC., rDD. ), It is necessary to choose such a related word in which this consonant is pronounced, for example: region t.noah - Ollas t.b, SHARS - Say t.oE, Praz. d.nick - Praz. d.eN, SOL. n.tse - SOL. n.spray, ser. d.tse - Ser. d.tie.

It is impossible to insert unnecessary letters that are not in the test word, for example: tasty (taste), verbal (Literary).

Remember writing words: chu atble sNtread (though ble artet), re sNitsy, Rove sNiR, Super artnick, I. artv. (Kushan, from an antique verb yASTI), former (from ancient Russian word easy - before ).

Stunning and sponsoring

Ring consistent b., at, g., d., j., z. Before the deaf consonants and at the end of the word are stunned, for example: eastern b., Eastern, Bura at, Bura atchick, ne g., Square d., Gara. j., Moro. z., Re. z.kiy. etc. On the contrary, the deaf consonants p, f., to, t., sh, with Before ringing are spinning, for example: ko withfony, Molo. t.fB. In writing, stunning and sounding consonants, as a rule, is not reflected.

In order not to make a mistake in writing deaf and calling consonants at the root, the word must be changed or pick up the related word so that after these sounds there was a vowel (or l., m., n., r ), eg: eastern b. - Eastern b.s; Moro. z. - Moro. z.s, moro; ko withfB - Co. withit; MO g. - M. g.lee; MO to - M. tolee.

Word sW d.fB S. is written d. (though sW t.aT), Word le. withinnitsa - with letter with (though le. z.t.).

For some consonants, it is impossible to choose a check word, for example: ru tozack, V. tohall, Anne todot, Ku attires, ka f.tang. Such words need to memorize.

During the pronunciation of words, some morphemes (usually roots) in certain combinations with other morphems are losing one or another sound. As a result, letters devoid of sound values \u200b\u200bare in writing words, the so-called non-pronounced consonants. Non-pronounced consonants include:

1) t.- In combination sten. (Wed: oblique and bone) stel (happy), nTSC - NDKK (Wed: giant - Initrigan, Dutch - Hooligan), sTSK (Wed: marxist and Tunisian);

2) d. - In combination zDN (cf. : holiday, ugrelim). RDD (wed: heart and door);

3) at -in combination cSA (Wed: feel and participate) leav (silence);

4) l -in combination of LC (Wed: sun and window).

5. Pronunciation of consonant sounds designated by two identical letters.

In the Russian words, the combination of two identical consonants is usually located between the vowels at the junction of the morphological parts of the word: the prefixes and root, root and suffix. In foreign language words, double consonants can be long and in the root of words. Since the longitude of sounds is not peculiar to the Russian languageist system, foreign language words lose the longitude of the consonants and pronounced with a single sound (Wed: then [n] spruce, those [p] as, those [p] or [p] arat, and [p] eating, ko [m] Ercia and t.P.

Double consonants are usually pronounced in the position after the strike consonant (Wed: vA [NN] A, MA [SS] A, GRU [PP] A, Program [mm] Aetc.).

Pronunciation of double consonants in both Russian words and in foreign language regulated in vocabulary (see: "Russian literary pronunciation and emphasis. Dictionary - Directory", M. 1959).

6. Pronunciation of individual sounds.

1. Sound [g] before vowels, consonant ringing and sonorous pronounced as a ring consonant explosive: mountain, where, hail;before the deaf consonants and at the end of the word - as [K]: overall, burn [Lzhoks Kъ] ,. The pronunciation of fricative sound [j] is possible in limited cases, and with fluctuations: in words god, Lord, grace, rich; in adverbs when, always, then, sometimes; in interdomieties yeah, wow, ego, gop, gopl, gav-gav. On the site [y] at the end of words god, good (from the good) pronunciation [x]: [Boh], [Blah].

2. At the place of letters well, sh, c In all positions, solid sounds are pronounced [W], [W], [C]: parachute, Brashure - [PerLSHUT ], [BRLSHUR]; Kansa, end - [kl nCA], [toL. nOT], but in the word jurypreferably pronunciation [Z Uri].

3. At the place of letters h, ShAlways pronounce soft consonants [h], [sh] or [Sch]: hour, chur - [h ac], [h ur]; Grove, Shchors, Twitter, Pike - [Rosh Kommersant], [Shores], [w ebet], In place letters and after well, sh, csound is pronounced [s]: he lived, sewed, cycle - [zhayl], [spin], [Tsykl].

5. In place of the letter within return particles -, -, - pronounced soft sound [s]: i'm afraid I was afraid, I was afraid - [bLJUS], [BLJALS Kommersant], [Bljal].

6. At the place of all consonants (except as well, W, C) pronounces the corresponding soft consonants ( sat down, sang, chalk, affairs and t.p.) [villages], [sang], [chalk], [affairs].

7. Pronunciation for individual grammatical forms.

1. The unstressed end of the nominative case of the unit. h. Male. kind of adjectives - hay, -y.pronounce as [bi], [bi]: [Dobgy], [Gordi], [Lower], but the pronunciation of these endings, respectively, writing: [good], [Gordy], [Lower].

End pronunciation - iYafter [K], [g], [x] is permissible in two versions: [H, III II |], [wretched okui Иi], [t of theirii andi].

2. In place of the letter the end of the genitive case of units. h. adjective male and medium kind - it isa rather distinct sound [in] is pronounced with relevant reduction of vowels: acute, of this, of whom - [Acquision], [etail], [tL. vъ], [toLV]. Sound [in] pronounced at the place of the letter words: today, today's, Total.

3. Unstable endings of adjectives - one, -during pronunciation coincide: good, good [Dobii - Dobyi].

4. Ending (unstressed) adjectives - I, -Yupronounced in accordance with writing: warm, summer [t OPUIU], [LES N UIU].

5. End - IEin the nominative case of a multiple of adjectives, pronoun, communities, are pronounced as [yi], [II]: good, blue - [kind], [Sin AI].

6. At the site of the unstressed end of the 3rd face of the multiple number of verbs of the 2nd Hiding -AT - Yat.pronounced [âte]: breathe, go - [breathing], [stroke]. The pronunciation of forms with vowels [y] in the end comes out of use (Wed: [Regga - Mstod])).

7. Forms of verbs on -Yes, - to go they are pronounced with soft [k`], [g`], [x`]: [SKKUK IVL], [WALLED IVL], [PLLSH IVL]. It is permissible to pronounce these verbs and with solid [k], [g], [x].

As far as the Russian language is, it is so complicated. It contains a huge number of rules, cases and decline, vocabulary. And besides all this, we need to pay attention to the words in which a non-promotable consonant letter may be present.

The concept of "unresponsible consonant"

Under unprofitable consonants, we understand the sound that is not pronounced in the aggregate of several consonant letters in the Word. In our Russian speech there are quite complicated for the pronunciation of these sounds:

  • "vests" (feel, hello);
  • NTSC (gigantic);
  • STSK (racist, nationalist);
  • "NDK" (Dutch, Scottish) and others.

For the right writing of these and other words with an unprofitable consonant, it is necessary to choose such a test word (change its shape or find a related), in which after the "unprofitable" consonant, which we have already been clearly heard, or the next consonant sound stood vowel. Then this consonant sound becomes a strong position and we can easily determine it.

Examples of words with non-promotable consonant in the root

"The bright sun on time completely blinded my eyes." In this sentence in the word "Sun" there is a non-pronounced consonant "L" in the root, which we do not hear when pronunciation. We select the test word: solar (for example, light). Here, the consonant sound "L" is already clearly audible.

"After school holiday, I am happy and joyful, ran home." In the proposal at once, three words with unprofitable vowels at the root: Praz (e) nickname - Prazden (from the adjective "idle"), then (t), happiness, joyful - joy.

However, it is not for all the words you can choose verification, there are vocabulary words that just need to be remembered. The books include: Chu (c), forest (T) Nitsa, referred (T) Nick.

There are also words in which there is no irrepresentable consonant, but to make sure it is also necessary to pick up a single word. For example: "My brother started a dangerous game." In the word "dangerous" in combination of the consonants "CH" there is no unfinished consonant, since the test word is "dangerous", between the consonants there is a vowel sound.

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