Make teeth veneers. The best dentistry in Ulyanovsk

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MediLine was opened in 2008. And from the first day of work, we maintain a high level of service and introduce innovative technologies to increase the accuracy of treatment. Our specialists are trained in new techniques, adopt the experience of Russian and foreign colleagues in order to use all new ideas to improve the condition of patients. You can find out more about the life and development of the clinic in the News and Events section.

Of course, in Ulyanovsk there are multidisciplinary dentistry with a wide range of services, which is now difficult to surprise. However, not every clinic can boast of the latest equipment as in MediLine. You can see how our dentistry looks like right on the website. Each page is illustrated with live photos taken in MediLine. For more photos of our specialists, interior design and equipment, see the "Photo Gallery" section.

Attentive attitude

For many clinics, the phrase “individual approach” is just a line in the “benefits” section. For us, this is the main principle of work.

We are always waiting for you, come to MediLine to meet your dentist. Our clinic is located next to Ulyanovskiy Avenue (New City), at st. 40th anniversary of Victory, 9.

We work seven days a week

We are glad to receive you at any time! Our clinic is open every day, even on weekends and holidays. You can make an appointment at any time, when you especially need help. In addition, you can bring your child to the MediLine dentistry in New Town. Our administrators will be happy to meet you, and after the examination, the doctors will offer the best treatment option and provide qualified assistance.

Are you looking for an attentive attitude of specialists, high quality treatment and impeccable service? All this is in MediLine. Come to our clinic, we will help you find an attractive smile and improve your health.

In "MediLine" there is a VIP-department for the most demanding patients. Here, only dentists of the highest category and heads of departments are engaged in treatment. Each such patient undergoing long-term dental and gum treatment is taken care of by his personal manager. He reminds you of the appointment, organizes consultations with several specialists and accompanies you throughout the entire treatment period. During the treatment at the clinic, the manager is in touch with you without weekends and holidays, so you can always count on special attention to any of your questions.
Veneers made of zirconium dioxide are resistant to coloring pigments, temperature extremes and mechanical stress. Lumineers are extremely thin and therefore do not require preliminary teeth turning. Beware of counterfeits! Original lumineers are made in the USA using a patented technology and are strictly individual for the patient. When choosing a dental clinic, you should pay attention to the availability of the necessary licenses, staff qualifications, equipment, as well as the reputation of the organization.

Veneers: a snow-white smile without labor and pain

A sincere wide smile is the best adornment for any person. And if something is wrong with the teeth, many are simply embarrassed to smile. It doesn't matter if the flaw is uneven teeth or imperfect enamel color, cracks, chips or other defects. Modern dentistry can correct almost any deficiency. Today we are going to talk about one of the simplest and quickest methods of creating the perfect smile - veneers.

What are veneers in dentistry?

A veneer is a thin but very strong plate that attaches to the front surface of a damaged tooth and literally transforms it. To install veneers, the tooth needs to be slightly sharpened (and not nearly as hard as for installing a crown!). Any defect can be hidden under the veneer: an uneven growing tooth, a crack, a gap between teeth, a filling, stains on the enamel - in a word, a number of common imperfections. Simply put, veneers are a more modern alternative to crowns. And although it is not possible to replace the crown in all cases, veneers are very widespread in aesthetic dentistry. Suffice it to say that the radiant smiles of celebrities with their perfectly straight teeth are in most cases not a gift from a generous nature, but the result of using veneers.

The idea of \u200b\u200bveneers is not new - back in the 1930s, film actors were glued to their teeth with thin plates to create the illusion of a perfect smile. It was a temporary solution - such records were kept for only a few days, only until the end of filming. Much has changed since then. Modern veneers are a high-tech piece of dental art, they can solve many aesthetic problems: from cracks and uneven teeth to sensitive enamel.

Veneers in appearance, color and texture are completely indistinguishable from healthy white enamel. They are installed in such a way that they cover not only the front part of the tooth, but also its lower edge. So from the outside it will be completely imperceptible that an experienced dentist has worked on the tooth. You can choose any color - veneers, repeating the shade of your "native" enamel, will hide a defect in several teeth. And the snow-white veneers installed on all front teeth will give you that very Hollywood smile, which previously could only be obtained after several years of wearing braces and a whole series of whitenings.

The process of installing veneers is completely painless, and they serve for a long time and reliably. There are several types of veneers in use these days, the difference between which lies in the material, application, durability and, of course, price. Let's talk about the types of veneers in more detail.

Types of veneers

Composite. Composite veneers are a relatively inexpensive type of dental onlays. Many patients are attracted by the ease of installation. Such veneers can be delivered literally in one visit to the doctor, they are made right on the spot, however, they require minor grinding of the tooth. In addition, the price of composite veneers seems to be very attractive. But before deciding on such savings, you need to take into account all the disadvantages of composite veneers. In particular, a relatively short service life - veneers of this type are designed for 5 years. This means that from time to time they will have to be corrected. In addition, they must be handled with extreme caution - of course, they are strong enough, but still a sharp mechanical impact can damage them. Most often, composite veneers are installed on those teeth that are invisible with a wide smile, since their color may change slightly over time.

Ceramic. These veneers are made from special, ultra-strong ceramics. Despite its strength, this ceramic transmits light a little, which allows you to achieve the effect of natural enamel. The thickness of such veneers does not exceed 0.5 mm, however, to install them, the surface of the tooth will still have to be slightly sharpened. There is another drawback - it will take a lot of time to make such veneers, you may need several visits to the dentist. After all, in order to make perfect veneers, you need not only to grind the tooth, but also to make a model of the jaw and make the onlays themselves. By the way, during the manufacture of veneers, the doctor will put on special temporary caps on the grinded teeth - they will preserve the surface of the tooth and relieve you of discomfort.

However, ceramic veneers from pressed ceramics are also made today, which do not always require enamel turning. If initially the teeth are straight, then they will not need to be ground. Compared to conventional ceramic pressed ceramic veneers, they are thinner and much more durable.

And of course the budget is worth considering as ceramic veneers are not cheap. But all these complications are worth it. Ceramic veneers are strong and durable, they can be installed not only on the front teeth, but also on the canines, on the first molars. Even very serious damage can be hidden with their help. Actually, this is why many patients choose the ceramic option. The service life of such veneers is 10 years (and sometimes even more), they do not deform, do not change color and are not afraid of temperature changes - of course, within reasonable limits.

Zirconium... This is the most modern type of veneer. They are made from zirconium dioxide and ceramics - this combination gives the plates amazing strength combined with aesthetics. The technology for creating zirconium onlays is very complicated, and not everyone in our country owns it - not only expensive equipment, but also experience is required for 3D milling. Of course, all this affects the price - zirconium veneers are expensive. But they will last longer, in some cases - up to 20 years. Moreover, over all these years, they do not deform and do not change color.

Important! Veneers can only be installed on healthy teeth, therefore, before installation, it is necessary to cure caries (even at the earliest stage), as well as to treat periodontal tissues if there is gum disease. After that, it is necessary to carry out professional teeth cleaning, removing tartar and plaque, and only after that the doctor will start installing veneers.

What type of veneers should I prefer? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question; each individual case has its own optimal solution. However, in most cases, you can recommend ceramic or zirconia veneers - they are durable, durable, look very natural and beautiful, and also allow you to correct many smile defects. Dentists themselves admit that they prefer to work with zirconium veneers, since this technology allows you to achieve the most natural effect.

Alternative to veneers - Lumineers?

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about lumineers - a new generation of veneers. Is this nothing more than a marketing gimmick or is it really a unique technology of tomorrow?

Lumineers are, in essence, the same veneers, but super thin, no thicker than 0.3 mm. It is important that this does not in any way affect their strength and durability, in their characteristics they differ little from veneers. But such a small thickness, as a rule, allows them to be installed on the teeth without prior turning. True, it should be understood that there are exceptions to any rule and in some cases the correction of the shape of one's own tooth is necessary - for example, with a significant curvature of the tooth. So the final decision - whether to grind the tooth or not - remains with the doctor.

In addition, even local anesthesia is not required to install Lumineers. The surface of the tooth is leveled with a special transparent glue, on which the onlay itself is attached. And that's all, you can say goodbye and leave - lumineers will serve you for about 20 years.

Lumineers of the Cerinate and DUO-PCH brands are on the market today. Their quality is comparable, but the companies practice a different approach to the manufacture of linings. Cerinate is made to order in the USA - the doctor creates a 3D model of the dentition and sends it to the manufacturer. Manufacturing and shipping takes time, so you will have to wait (about 3-4 weeks).

DUO-PCH Lumineers are supplied in standard sizes and shapes - if necessary, the doctor can adjust them to fit perfectly. In this case, there is no need to wait - the dentist will do everything right on the spot.

Lumineers, of course, can make a smile truly Hollywood, like veneers, but they are not suitable for everyone. Firstly, Lumineers will not save the day if your enamel is very dark, since Lumineers are extremely thin, due to which they are almost translucent. In addition, if veneers can be placed on only one tooth, lumineers are installed on all front teeth, otherwise one tooth will be visually knocked out of the general dentition. Therefore, calculate the cost in advance and get ready to shell out about 35,000 rubles for 1 tooth. And although certain clinics make a significant discount when installing lumineers on the entire smile line, such a procedure will cost a pretty penny anyway.

Cost of veneers for teeth

Composite veneers are the most affordable - an average of about 7,000 per tooth. However, given the short lifespan of this type of veneer, this is not the most economical solution. Indeed, after a few years they will have to be changed, and therefore, they will have to pay extra for consultation, oral cavity sanitation, and teeth preparation.

The price of ceramic veneers starts at 30,000 rubles per tooth; zirconium veneers now cost about the same. However, some clinics often hold promotions and cut prices - if you are lucky, you can pay only 18,000-20,000 for one tooth. Considering the long service life of zirconia and ceramic veneers, this is a profitable investment in your own appearance.

Of course, it is difficult to call veneers a budget solution. However, if you compare the cost with lumineers, it turns out about half the price. Moreover, confidence in yourself and your attractiveness and the joy of the opportunity to give a radiant, sincere smile to everyone around you, having installed veneers, is undoubtedly worth the expense.

Which dental center can I go to for veneers?

« Tooth restoration with veneers is a rather complicated dental procedure, - says the orthopedic surgeon of the Smile-at-Once dental clinic Stanislav Chorny. - To create and install beautiful, durable veneers that look natural, expensive equipment, the highest qualifications of a specialist and not least artistic talent are required. Work experience, continuous professional development and practical skills are very important - all our doctors master new dental horizons, go on internships. The materials used by the clinic are no less important. We use products from reputable manufacturers - materials E.max, Empress, Porcelain, Cerinate, DUO-PCH, which have earned trust all over the world.. For those who are thinking about veneers, I recommend visiting our free consultation, where we can show you what the patient's future smile will look like. You can make an appointment on the clinic's website or by calling +7 495 540-50-42 ".

P. S. - a network of dental clinics in Moscow. Here the emphasis is placed on the aesthetic and functional restoration of teeth. Dental restoration with the help of implants is carried out, only original instruments, equipment and materials for dental prosthetics are used. Carries out medical activities on the basis of license No. LO-77-01-013995 dated March 14, 2017.

Monday, 16.07.2018

Editorial opinion

The installation of veneers does not negate regular visits to the dentist - at least once every six months, a routine examination must be carried out, during which the doctor will check the condition of the teeth under the linings.

Beautiful and durable veneers can only be made taking into account the peculiarities of the bite, muscles and joints of the patient. For example, if a patient grinds his teeth or clenches them strongly during sleep, there is a high probability of chipping on the plates. Therefore, before making the restorations, it is necessary to carry out a thorough diagnosis and, if necessary, restore the balance between joints, muscles and teeth for the correct operation of the dentoalveolar apparatus. And only after that, restore the teeth with veneers. This approach guarantees the following advantages:

Veneers will last for years

The smile will be harmonious and natural

The lower third of the face will be tightened without plastic surgery

Indications for installing veneers

Installing veneers on the front teeth is required to correct the following problems:

  • Tint. If the teeth have turned yellow or darkened, then it is not always possible to restore their natural shade with the help of whitening. Installing veneers allows you to regain a beautiful smile without the use of hazardous whitening chemicals. The same applies to solving the problem of tetracycline teeth.

  • Cracks.A crack or chipped tooth enamel is a direct path to the formation of caries and further tooth decay. The best way to get rid of the problem permanently is to use a dental veneer.

  • Interdental gaps.Many people experience psychological discomfort due to the fact that the teeth in a row are located at an unequal distance from each other. Veneers will help to avoid radical treatment with braces and visually correct the gaps.

  • Defects. Onlays can hide a number of dental defects: short teeth, enamel hypoplasia, wedge-shaped defect, slight curvatures, gum smile (in combination with gum plastic).

Veneers can be placed not only on the front teeth, but also on the side teeth. This little trick will give your face a lifting effect. In Russia, such a procedure is still rare, but in the West it is very popular.

How veneers are installed

How are veneers placed on teeth? Together with the aesthetics of the dentition, the patient gains youth. This happens due to the effect of lifting the lower third of the face, after a thorough diagnosis and creation of the physiological position of the lower jaw. And all this thanks only to veneers, without any plastic surgery. The production and installation of several ceramic onlays by an orthopedic dentist takes 7-14 days. The whole procedure is divided into several stages.

The production and installation of several ceramic onlays by an orthopedic dentist takes 7 to 10 days. The whole procedure is divided into several stages.

  1. Dissection. It means turning the surface of the tooth enamel to a certain depth. Small and well-shaped teeth require minimal preparation. The turning procedure is completely painless.

  2. ScanningThe installation of veneers is an individual and very precise process. The use of impression material is not required today. The dentist simply scans the teeth with an intraoral scanner and sends the file to a dental laboratory, which can be located anywhere in the world.

  3. Manufacturing. In modern dental laboratories, a microscope is used for perfectly accurate veneers. With its help, the dental technician can easily achieve the maximum tightness of the marginal adhesion of the onlay to the tooth, which guarantees a long service life of veneers.

  4. Fixation of veneers.When the onlays are ready, the patient is invited to the clinic to place the veneers on the teeth. The procedure will take approximately 30-60 minutes per tooth, depending on the number of constructions.

All the described installation steps relate to orthopedic or indirect veneers. You can put therapeutic, or composite ones in one visit to the doctor. Composite onlays are created directly in the oral cavity. The composite material is similar to a filling, and the manufacturing technology itself resembles the installation of a seal. After the composite has hardened, the dentist will grind it in accordance with the anatomical shape of the tooth and polish it.

Photo of installed veneers (color bleach 3)

Reliable fixation of veneers

The veneers are fixed using a special durable dental glue, which results in a monolithic “veneer + tooth” construction. The inner surface of the plates has roughness - for better adhesion to dental tissues. When preparing the enamel, the dentist will also create the necessary microrelief. Then the doctor treats the surfaces of the veneer and tooth with special preparations, applies glue and carefully fixes the patch. If all the nuances of the technology are followed, there will be no problems with falling veneers. High-quality micro-prostheses will last from 10 to 15 years or more.

Temporary veneers

It often takes 1 - 1.5 weeks between the preparation of teeth and the placement of orthopedic veneers. To prevent the patient from walking around with ugly, sharpened teeth, the orthopedic dentist will install temporary onlays made of plastic. Such constructions will withstand everyday stress and provide psychological comfort for the period of making permanent veneers.

Almost every one of us dreams of a flawless snow-white smile. Modern medical technologies in the field of dentistry allow you to provide an effective result in the shortest possible time thanks to the use of veneers.

In most cases, dental restorations using filling materials or whitening procedures do not give a perfect result, which is especially important when it comes to the front teeth.

In such situations, modern veneers are the best option.

Miraculous records

These are plates made of ceramic or composite material, the purpose of which is to replace the outer layer of teeth in order to correct color, shape or protection.

Unlike a crown, which completely covers the tooth, veneers cover one or two surfaces.

A tooth covered with a thin overlay not only recovers externally, but also gains additional strength. Due to the possibility of making veneers of the required shape and color, it is impossible to visually distinguish such a tooth from the rest.

As a rule, with the help of these plates, the front surface of the teeth falling into the smile line is veneered, that is, 10 upper and 8 lower.

Installation indications

  • chips and irregularities;
  • wedge-shaped defect;
  • old fillings differing in color;
  • color changes;
  • pathological abrasion;
  • the consequences of trauma or disorders resulting from root canal treatment.

Also, dental onlays are indicated for correcting occlusion errors such as crowding of teeth or the presence of small diastemas between them.

In the photo, the teeth before and after the installation of veneers

Contraindications and restrictions

Plates cannot be placed on the front teeth if:

  • wrong bite (forward or backward);
  • absence of chewing teeth (sixes and sevens);
  • ineradicable bad habits in the form of biting nails and threads;
  • bruxism (night gnashing of teeth);
  • extreme lifestyle with a high risk of injury;
  • severe destruction of the inner surface of the tooth;
  • the presence of a large or medium-sized filling on the inner surface of the tooth;
  • pathological abrasion of teeth above 1 degree.

Veneers are not placed on teeth for which the resorcinol-pharmacaline method was used, due to the high probability of the miniature "prosthesis" falling out.

If necessary, a veneer and a crown made of the same material can be placed on adjacent teeth (if they have been damaged to a different extent).

Ceramic plates

This type of veneer is presented in two types, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Porcelain... Porcelain is most often used for the manufacture of dental veneers because of its strength, color fastness, and characteristics of structure and transparency similar to tooth enamel.
  2. Zirconium... For their manufacture, a zirconium dioxide frame, characterized by high strength, is used, on which the porcelain mass is sintered. In terms of strength, this type is not inferior to pressed porcelain.

The advantages of ceramics

The advantages of such veneers for teeth are due to the properties of ceramics and manufacturing characteristics.

When choosing a ceramic onlay, there is no doubt about its aesthetics, color stability, reliability and long service life with a careful attitude to the teeth.

How much does dental ceramics cost?

The high cost is the only drawback of ceramic veneers. Linings made of porcelain will cost an average of 16 thousand rubles, in a zirconium analogue it will cost at least 3 thousand more.

Composite veneers can be made both in the laboratory and directly in the patient's mouth.

This type is less popular than ceramic counterparts due to a number of negative aspects associated with aesthetics and reliability.

Typical disadvantages:

  • color change over time and the need for replacement;
  • the complexity of the selection of tone;
  • high fragility and low reliability, due to the design features and the influence of the human factor in the manufacturing process.

The price of the issue

If the process of making a veneer takes place directly in the patient's mouth, the cost does not exceed the price for traditional tooth restoration, amounting to about 5 thousand rubles.

When choosing a laboratory manufacturing option, you should count on a larger amount (about 14 thousand) due to significant labor costs.

Thus, the price is a plus, and the quality and aesthetics are a minus of composite onlays on the teeth.

Features of the manufacture and installation of plates

Teeth veneering involves the sequential execution of several stages:

The process of making and installing veneers on the front teeth:

Service life of different types of veneers

Despite their thinness, ceramic veneers are quite resistant to chemicals, the environment, and food. Covered with a durable pad, teeth receive reliable protection from decay, which, with proper care and regular visits to the dentist, will last at least 10 years. The service life can be reduced only due to sports or other injuries, regular consumption of seeds, ingestion of pellets in food.

Composite veneers last a maximum of 3-4 years, requiring periodic polishing. Over time, the color of the linings fades and becomes darker. At the end of its service life, the veneer can be replaced with a new one. Lost ceramic veneers can be reinstalled right in the dentist's office.

For the restoration of damaged teeth, veneers are widely used in dentistry, the wearing period of which depends on the material. They are plates - composite, porcelain, replacing damaged surfaces. They are also placed as a protective barrier against contact, for example, with the mouthpiece when playing the trumpet.

To understand what veneers look like, it is necessary to analyze their classification list. Three key types stand out, focusing on the material used to make them.

  1. Ceramic veneers with a thickness of 0.3 ÷ 0.5 mm are considered reliable due to their strength. They are made in a laboratory using zirconium dioxide and medical porcelain. They completely match natural teeth in shade for a long time.
  2. Composite plates are giving way to more modern and durable counterparts. They are quick to install, but not aesthetically pleasing and wear out quickly.
  3. Porcelain lumineers with a thickness of ≥ 0.2 mm, which came from California, do not require preliminary grinding of teeth, are quickly installed and serve for a long time.

What are veneers?

Veneer manufacturing techniques

For many, the term remains unclear: dental veneers, what it is - a universal remedy for getting rid of problems or serious medical intervention. These are simple dental constructions with an excellent effect of restoring the former beauty of a smile.

There are several ways to make ceramic devices:

  • the classical technique is the application of ceramic powders over layers, which are then fired;
  • press - ceramics or casting of durable micro dentures under pressure;
  • milling the required plates from blocks.

The creation of a zirconia block plate begins with the preparation of the tooth and the taking of the impression. Then, using a computer, a veneer model is created, which is automatically turned on a milling machine. It is fixed on a cement composition.

Teeth with veneers installed on them

It should be understood, while studying composite dental veneers, that these are microprostheses that have passed a fairly long period of use.

They are made traditionally using two technologies:

  • a therapeutic method implemented directly in the dental chair. Having removed the enamel layer, the doctor applies in thin layers a special composite material from a series of light-polymer compositions, restoring the tooth surface to the previous healthy state;
  • a technique for making a veneer by a dental technician based on an impression of a pre-ground tooth by a dentist.

Installation motivation

The question of what veneers for teeth are often arises in an emergency when it is required to carry out a sparing restoration of tooth surfaces that have lost their former beauty. There are quite a few such reasons:

  • erosion of enamel;
  • noticeable unaesthetic yellowness of the front planes;
  • defects with significant damage to dental tissues;
  • darkening after depulpation;
  • significant interdental spaces;
  • ugly form;
  • chips;
  • fluoro spots;
  • excessive crowding of the incisors;
  • unsuccessful restoration procedures;
  • incorrect rotation of the tooth;
  • the presence of other fillings in color.

Veneers - photo before and after treatment

Single teeth are subject to restoration, but the result is more effective when the plate is applied to several adjacent surfaces. Increasingly, this technique is resorted to in order to gain a "Hollywood smile".


Before placing veneers, you need to understand that restoration of teeth with the use of micro prostheses, like any medical technique, has certain contraindications, which an experienced dentist will certainly inform about:

  • malocclusion;
  • destruction of enamel from the seamy side;
  • pathological, progressive tendency to wear out teeth;
  • significant absence (more than six) of chewing teeth;
  • pronounced involuntary grinding of teeth;
  • activities (for example, boxing) leading to jaw injuries;
  • habits that negatively affect enamel: open bottles, gnaw seeds, bite nuts, bite nails;
  • the presence of a large seal.

Potential buyers of a dazzling smile will certainly be interested in the pros and cons of veneers in order to assess the degree of risk.


The method of acquiring perfect teeth evenness, which is excellent in terms of the achieved effect, has many advantages:

  • speed of manufacture;
  • durability of ceramics;
  • great external aesthetics;
  • closeness to natural shades of tooth enamel.


When deciding on a trip to the dentist, it is advisable to comprehensively study veneers, the pros and cons of their installation. In addition to the undoubted advantages, a modern erudite person will certainly pay attention to some disadvantages:

  • insufficient strength of composite materials;
  • the inability to completely mask significant defects;
  • high cost of ceramic plates;
  • with each subsequent fixation of structures, it will be necessary to grind the enamel.

Installation process

The algorithm for working with ceramic veneers involves a number of sequential operations.

  1. The shade of the future disc is selected.
  2. Depending on the degree of tooth damage, the tooth surface is treated before veneers are placed.
  3. Using a special plastic mass, an impression is taken, which is sent to the technicians in the laboratory.
  4. A temporary plastic patch is fixed on the ground teeth.
  5. According to the cast, the master first casts a plaster model, which serves as a prototype for the manufacture of the plate itself.

It clearly demonstrates how veneers are installed on teeth, photos before and after restoration. In the dental office, they are fixed on a special glue, followed by bite control and cleaning the surfaces from excess adhesive.

A more gentle technique without grinding came to dentistry with innovative dental constructions - lumineers. Outwardly, they resemble thin petals that are easily attached to the restored surface with dental glue. What a similar installation of veneers on teeth looks like, the photo allows you to see in all details.

Standardized lumineers are selected according to certain parameters from ready-made sets. Individual plates are specially made for a specific patient in the laboratory.

Lumineer plates for teeth

Recovery period

How much they transform the appearance, make a person younger than veneers, photos before and after make it possible to fully appreciate this.

To maintain the installed veneer, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations. Usually, a control examination is prescribed after half a month, which makes it possible to determine the degree of reliability of the structure and to assess the reaction of the surrounding tissues and gums to the appearance of the plate.

Patients sometimes notice an increase in sensitivity to drinks, both excessively cold and hot. In cases of detection of processes of destruction of the restored tooth, a decision is made to protect it with a crown.

Option selection

When deciding which veneers are best to place, you should pay attention to several factors.

Ceramic structures take longer to manufacture than composite ones, but their service life is much longer.

In terms of financial benefit, composite veneers are cheaper to install. Considering that after about five years they will have to be changed again, the savings are quite dubious.

Veneers - before and after photos

The photo demonstrates clearly and impartially how strong and excellent in the resultant ceramic veneers teeth are refined. Such plates practically do not lose their original whiteness, and composite materials tend to change color. But when installing more modern veneers, teeth are subject to more grinding.

The decision is made jointly with the doctor, since only a specialist can give a comprehensive consultation.

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