Biography Chicatilo over the years. Biography Andrei Chikatilo (7 photos)

Among the numerous crimes, which is so rich in the criminal chronicle, there are those from which blood flows.

Perfect with a special cruelty, they do not fit into the framework of further criminal morality, make rims not only the usual, but also the criminal environment of those who have crossed the line.

While there was a consequence in the case of the "Killer of the Century" Andrei Chikatilo, the detainee was contained in a single chamber of the KGB of the remand insulator. Why? First, investigators explained, among the victims there is a worker of the bodies of corrective and labor institutions, and in this case it would be difficult to ensure that the police insulators do not get to the arrestant. Secondly, feared: such can strangle the models.

The name Andrew Chikatilo over the past decade has become nominal: maniac, sadist, cruel killer, pervert. Scientists of a number of countries have dreamed of studying this phenomenon, offering for one brain Manyak-record holder huge currency sums.

What was the path of a strong, conscientious rustic boy, whom peers called "Andrei-power", to that monster, what appeared before the court? Want to finish the life path behind bars, as a beast, exposed in the zoo? Of course no.

Andrei Chikatilo was the son of "traitor, traitor and a coward," since his father was captured at the front. The family lived very poorly. But Chikatilo said later that it was this poverty and the immesible shame of gave birth to a stubborn dream of a high political career in him: "I firmly believed: I will not be the last person. My place in the Kremlin ..."

He told him about his childhood: "In September 1944 he went to school. He was too shy, timid, shy, was the object of ridicule and could not defend himself. Teachers were surprised at my helplessness: if I had no handle or ink, I I was sitting and crying. Because of congenital myopia, I had a bad thing written on the board and was afraid to ask. There were no glasses at all, besides, I was afraid of his puddler, I began to wear them only for 30 years, when I got married ... Tears of resentment kept me all life.

In the spring of 1954, being already in the tenth grade, I once broke down. A thirteen-year-old girl went to the courtyard, from under her dress, she had blue pantalons ... I said that my sisters were not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, fell and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress himself. But I immediately came sophisticated. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After that, I decided to told my flesh, my low-lying motivations and gave him an oath to no one to touch anyone, except for his future wife. "

According to psychiatrists, the maniac has any exciting image and, perhaps, in the yard of the old house in the village of Apple, where Andryusha Chikatilo poured a little girl to the ground, which brought him a minute relief, the origins of the rebirth of a timid young man in a rapist who stacked the object violence defenseless victim. Increased exactly this exciting way, he, having a technical specialty, already established in it, suddenly he did to study in absentia to the Rostov State University at the Faculty of Rostov State University. And in the future, Andrei Chikatilo, a student Philfak, decided to become a teacher only because the case in the village of Apple was postponed in the subconscious and gave rise to a painful idea, who dictated to him even the choice of profession.

Andrei-Power did not choose this path - maniac, rapist and killer, this girl crashed into a living picture in his memory, and the nature itself, then received a discharge, led him. Even being a mature man, husband and father, he himself, perhaps, not conscious, sought to study such as she, to penetrate their psychology, learn to manage them freely. To do this, he settled as Chairman of the District Committee of Physical Education and Sports, where, he knew exactly, it would be necessary to communicate with teenagers in different situations, to travel with them on business trips to competitions, Olympics ... then - the teacher of the Russian language and literature, the teacher in School-boarding © 32, later - in the city vocational school © 39 cities of Novoshakhtinsk, in the same school in the city of Shakhty.

Former pupils of the boarding school, where Andrey Romanovich worked, already adult people, recalled at court, as a teacher, under the guise of helping when performing written works, sat down to them and "Torogal for various parts of the body" ... Suddenly went into the girls' rooms in that The moment they undressed to go to bed. When one among the girls remained, he became crazy ... Chikatilo constantly through the pockets of trousers was engaged in masturbation, for this his students frankly teased ...

Being already behind bars, Chikatilo recalled the events of his life, which brought it closer to the killings. For example, as he once led the children on the pond: relax, swim, sunbathe. One of the girls, with a pretty well-well-wearing feminine body, sailed from everyone and there, away, splashed, was not in danger. He sailed to her, depicting an angry educator, designed to follow the order and, pretending to drive to the shore, became all her roughly feeling. She screamed.

"I felt," he said in court, "that she was louder, and I will start this ... pleasure ... I began to pinch her painfully ... She, pulling out, shouted frantically ... and immediately I have everything started".

Soon because of the scandal in the boarding school, connected with the rough attire, he had to change the place of work. In a new place, the objects of his close attention were boys. One of them, as he testified later, waking up once at night, discovered that Andrei Romanovich leaned over him and he touches his penis. This was repeated with him, and with other boys, students stopped respecting him and even notice, there were no disciplines, there were sustainable conversations among the guys: Andrei Romanovich "Pedic", "concerned" and is engaged in masturbation ... It was hard not to notice, As a teacher through a pocket, he constantly rubbed his dick in his hand.

Despite all his deviations, which he could not help but notice in himself, Chikatilo still continued to believe in his high purpose and in the "this" life tried to grow to a height intended for him. Four the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Marxism-Leninism. I read lectures. Worked with local newspapers: wrote on the topics of morality.

However, it was already impossible without a psychiatrist's specialist intervention to stop the rebirth of a person in Monster. And for help to turn was ashamed - it would mean to recognize your inconsistency as a man.

Terrible crime statistics began since 1982, when they were found in the Rostov region. But these were not just murders, these were the consequences of theracy. Even seeing the types of police officers shuddered, falling into place of crime. There they found the corpses of people over which someone cruelly mocked: the stems, cut.

Almost all, without exception, the murder was distinguished by the "handwriting" - sadism, special cruelty.

The murderer was a monster, and he turned out to be a very peculiar man: Validated his family, he was tied to his wife and children, modest and even shy, timid. It was hard to believe that this meek creation could pump out her eyes. But just as it turned out, quite explained: the maniac cannot withstand someone else's look.

The city was filled with fear. The unknown strengthened the nightmare. Mothers accompanied children to school and met from school. However, all new and new reports on the disappearance of children appeared in newspapers and people found all new and new corpses with the same sadistic "handwriting".

The more time passed, the more the victims appeared on the account of the killer, the clearer had a certain "route": the bodies were found in forest belts, not far from the path of the electric trains of Rostov-Zverevo. This gave an operation to find a criminal who horrified on the population of the region, the name of the "forest belt". It was one of the longest, difficult, but at the same time the most famous operations, during which a huge number of other crimes were disclosed.

Naturally, the brigade, the investigating business, included the most experienced detectives. Almost fifty. Ten years of searching ... In recent years, they conducted especially intensively. Every man with a teenager - a girl or a boy - wherever they saw, fixed a hidden photo or a video camera, then installed: who is who? And in the future, in suspicious cases, this material was tracked: will not be recharged again, with another child?

Many methods were used to search for maniac killer. Hundreds of police officers, appropriately disguised, made the view that they work on the railway, catch fish, collect mushrooms, care for grapes, work on household plots or just waiting for another train, in general, a huge number of options are worked out.

Not without participation and female militiamen. They, felt under the homeless, to which the criminal had a special traction as the most affordable and least wanted category of people, also drove in electricians under the protection of disguised colleagues in the hope that the maniac would not hide their attention, "bend."

The development of the investigation was complicated by the fact that no testimony from the police was not. Yet one hook was - on the body of a 9-year-old boy who deceased in the summer of 1982, a sperm of the fourth group was discovered. And this in all the classical laws of forensics meant that the blood of the criminal is also the fourth group.

But as it turned out, these unshakable "classical laws of criminals" played with a consequence of the evil joke. Even at the beginning of operations, in 1984, one of the operational groups detained Chikatilo at the station, turning attention to his suspicious behavior and difficult-of-hand interest in adolescents. At the same time, he had a blood sample, but since the group turned out to be the second, the criminal was quietly released. Subsequently, it turned out that physiology was chikatilo was anomalous - he had different group of sperm and blood group. Holy faith of those who led the investigation, in the forensic dogmas gave the sadist the opportunity for six years to rape and kill people.

Going to a dead end, the members of the operational group went to consult the same maniac killer Anatoly Slotko, while the death penalty in the Stavropol prison.

Sunguntman turned out to be talkative. "First," he convinced, "here you need to look for not one, and a few killers: one is not capable of this. Secondly, we are looking for someone who has some kind of exciting image." But the tips of the maniac did not help the consequence.

And the accident helped. Although, maybe the right and those who claim that no accidents happen. Most likely it is a regularity - how much rope is no longer ...

The end of this bloody drama came in 1990. This year was for chikatilo especially "yield" - six murders. He committed the last crime on October 6 near the Leschoz station. On October 13, the corpse of the killed woman was discovered with the signs of the same characteristic "handwriting" of the criminal. When a survey of possible witnesses, it turned out that the police sergeant Igor Rybakov on October 7 drew attention to a man with a portfolio, which Bold to the station, and checked his documents. Documents were in order, but fortunately, Sergeant remembered that the last name of the detainee began on the letter C.

It was not possible to find chikatilo work, but immediately took it no sense - what if a mistake? Behind him began to follow. Only looking at his behavior and make sure that this elderly man is actively interested in the boys, he was arrested.

"On the territory of the Rostov region in 1982-1990. More than 30 killings of children and women with particularly cruelty for sexual motives were committed. November 20, 1990, in the process of carrying out operational search events, a citizen of Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich was detained, born in 1936, a native of Sumy Areas of the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian, higher education, in 1970 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Rostov State University, a member of the CPSU since 1960, in 1984, was excluded from the CPSU series in connection with criminal responsibility for the embezzlement, married, has 2 adult children , I lived with my family in the city of Mine, Novoshakhtinsk, and at the time of detention - in Novocherkassk, ul. Guards ...

Chikatilo is arrested. He was charged with committing murders, including outside the region.

The investigation on the case continues.

Head of the Department of Internal Affairs Colonel Militia M. G. Fetisov. "

First, the arrested denied his involvement in the crimes, which he was charged in guilt, and only for the tenth day after arrest, Andrei Chikatilo began to testify. He argued: His crime is the result of a psyche violation caused by sexual powerlessness. I urged the investigator: I did not seek the victims, I did not choose, I did not organize anything in advance.

And, of course, did not kill the victims. Usually it all started at voluntary principles, on harmony. But when he was inconsistent due to physiological potential when he was insulted, some rabies found him, and he, not recognizing his actions, began to cut. Of course, everything turned out, spontaneously. Is it possible to blame for this person?

"In that period, I was simply irresistibly toward the children. There was some kind of desire to see their bare bodies ... I wanted to take a sexual act ..." he said to the investigator.

So that children somehow went to contact with him, had to invent various bait. Often he bought them "Zhumakhka", treated. It was on this soil that acquaintances with children arose. So there was acquaintance and the very first victim of the maniac - Lena Zh. In the case of the murder of this girl, Alexander Kravchenko was convicted and shot, and the real killer was heard by challenge to the investigator.

Chikatilo himself tells this way: "I had the first crime killing of this girl, and I myself, without anyone, I sincerely spoke about the circumstances of her murder. At the time of my detention of this case, the investigative authorities could not know what it Murder was committed by me. After this crime, I began to kill other victims ... "

She was killed on December 22, 1978. After that, Lena's girlfriend was told to operational employees: "Lena on the way home was supposed to go to the grandfather for" chewing "," said one. The second: "Lena said she agreed with the grandfather, who gives her imported" chewing ", after lessons She will go to him and that he lives along the way; She needs to "go off the tram one stop before."

"... we went to my Mazanka," he called. "I turned on the light and as soon as the door closed, immediately snatched on her, drowned under myself, cooking on the floor, began to tear the clothes. The girl was frightened, shouted, and I was. He began to pour her mouth with his hands ... Her cry opened me even more ... I wanted to break everything and touch. She hoarse, I had sulfate her, and it brought me some relief. When I realized that I killed the girl, got up, got dressed And I decided to get rid of the corpse ... "

Talking about his first murder, Chikatilo himself celebrates the main thing: the cry of the girl excited. And the type of blood led to indescribable excitement. He experienced a pronounced orgasm, which before he did not know ...

Family members, relatives and employees were chikatilo at that time, which coincided in time with this murder, noticed changes in it. He suddenly was unwritten, she was in a hurry, hurried. Then he returned, looked around, as if I forgot something, I fled again and again returned, as if it was not in myself. Now it can be assumed that, most likely, in this way he fought with the one who called him, Chikatilo, who wanted to repeat the fact that so unexpectedly delivered to him the flour and blood of a little, weak sacrifice.

The experienced impressions and sensations did not give rest, the entire creature required the repetition; The first crime of this kind was deeply shocked, sank into the soul, and, as he noted, Chikatilo himself, it called him somewhere.

On August 14, 1990, Chikatilo killed 11-year-old Ivan F-on. "... Vanya lay naked. He leaned over him, who was closer, considered.

What is with the skin? Really from the shotgun is abandoned, - said someone from officers.

No, no, "signed another, examining the boy, - a knife. All this is a knife ... "

Oleg Fn, Vanya's father, the captain of the internal service, performed in the courtroom on May 19, 1992. He could not say: he liked something like something. Then she gathered with the Spirit, smoothly, clearly said:

Tomorrow, Vane would turn thirteen years old, he has a birthday ... I have a girl with my wife. She is fourteen years old. The second boy is eight. The third child was born when Vanya was no longer. We wanted to call him Ivan. But the old people said that it was impossible. Probably, so we called him Victor ... Yes, I have a request for a court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let less. But then from the KGBAs, where it is hidden so long, he will fall to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what we will do with you. We will repeat everything you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything. And you all, on the droplet, you feel ... how it hurts. "

According to the conclusion of the judicial commentary expertise, the death of Ivan F-on occurred as a result of 42nd rare wounds of chest, abdomen, left shoulder, which led to abundant blood loss.

The boy was alive when the maniac cut off his testicles from him ... Chikatilo explains: he cut the genital organs, releasing evil for her impotence. I received not only sexual satisfaction, but also removed the tension, it got rid of the feeling of gravity and inferiority.

Usually Chikatilo used the tried method: so that the victim did not notice anything, did not feel, went ahead. Then he unexpectedly pounced, hit, immobilized. Swinging the blow, started to act with a knife. I hit the blows carefully, so as not to kill immediately. After all, it delivered pleasure - to feel the resistance of the victim. At such moments, the knife served as a penis: usually at the top of the body experts found wounds in which the blade, without leaving the surface, made up to twenty returning movements. Thus, there was a peculiar imitation of sexual intercourse. And when everything was over, Chikatilo collected the clothes killed or the dead, tearing, cut it into parts, walked around and spread. Having finished, was taken for shoes with which he did in the same way.

Creepy death ritual ...

A huge number of victims on the conscience of this maniac, but did he have problems with their choice? He himself tells about it:

"... I had to come to train stations, in trains, trains, trains and buses ... There is a lot of all sorts of vagrants, young and old. They are asked, and require, and select. In the morning we get drunk somewhere ... these Tramps are drawn and minors. From the stations spread throughout the electricians in different directions. It is necessary to see the scenes of sex life of these vagrants at train stations and in train stories. And I remembered my humiliation that I could never undress myself as a full-fledged man. The question arose: Do they have The right to exist these declassed elements? .. It is not difficult to get acquainted with them, they themselves are not shy, climb into the soul, they ask for money, products, vodka and offer themselves for sexual life. I saw how they left with partners in secluded places. .. "

Professional teacher and psychologist, he found approaches to those who then absorbed the "forest belt". So, seeing hungry, Chikatilo offered to feed. Alpassely sucked the drink. An impatient woman is a bed. A chess lover is a secret of victory. Radiotelemaster - complained about the burned fuse. Fascinating seeing - sex or horrors - offered both. Tired - rest. Lost in the way - a short road. He promised to everyone that at that moment it was most likely. Disinterested. And nearby, voon only through the forest belt and immediately ... But on this forest belt, all the death was waited without exception - the cruel, painful, liquefying horror.

Who was this man, even if now, after His execution, shudder from one thought about what he did? Devil? Watch? Probably no one else. The reason for his criminal longevity and the huge number of it born on his tricks and persuasion is that he, unlike many, could see individual people who flicker in the general anthill, was able to consider everyone, to understand, unravel, determine all his strengths and weak Parties: To estimate whether the sacrifice is suitable for "Purpose" of his passion.

Searches chikatilo were carried out almost a decade. How many victims do he have? In the indictment, it was said about the 53rs, and he himself believed that there were more than seventy.

Close-like Chikatilo (wife and two adult children) experienced shock when they learned about his arrest. Everyone was shocked and could not believe that their sutured, the unpretentious head of the family turned out to be a cruel killer. "After all, he was so soft, kind and responsive!"

Yes, no matter what I do not believe you, "said Wife Chikatilo, Kostic, some kind of elongated woman, very similar to her husband. - He does not hurt flies, and here people kill ...

Already being in the investigative insulator, Chikatilo wrote his wife: "The brightest in my life is my clean, my beloved holy wife. Why did I disappointed you, dear when you said - work near the house, do not drive anywhere on a business trip. Why not closed me Under house arrest - after all, I always submitted to you. Now I would sit at home and kneeling would pray at you, my sunshine.

As I could go down to atrocities, before the primitive state, when everything is so clean and elevated. I have already flusted all the tears at night. And why did God sent me to this land, there is a tender, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses ... "

Now that in society raise the question of canceling the death penalty, it is necessary to think. Isn't it too early? Maybe the monster should know that there will be no mercy?

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was Prigo-Rod to the death penalty in the criminal codecs of the three republics - Ukraine, Russia and Uzbekistan. The sentence was pursued.

On this "Chikatilo" does not erect. The continuation was followed in 1996, after the execution of Andrei Romanovich.

We have already mentioned that some scientists (for example, a geneticist V. Kolpakov) believe that there are no signs of non-oveurrable signs, and the "sign of crime" is transmitted by one genome.

Perhaps this gene with a "sign of crime" played his role in the fate of the Son's "Killer of the Century" Andrei Chikatilo - Yuri Andreevich.

After his arrest, Articles 117, 108 and 126 were charged in guilt, that is, the illegal deprivation of the Freedom of the Man, whom he tied, fake documents, rape ...

As for rape, they are suspected of several: one of their familiar, for example, in case of refusal, he promised to cut off her friend's ears. But the application is one. From the twenty-year-old girlfriend owner of the apartment from "Rostselmash", because of which Yura was tightly beaten, and even took the "BMW" on which he arrived in the city. Having had, Yura "hit" the owner of the apartment, demanding a receipt for 10 thousand green Otherwise threatened to cut the family and scatter pieces around the city.

In these threats, his terribly famous Father is felt in these threats.

Yuri Andreyevich worked in Rostov, choosing a very original method: I walked through the kiosks allegedly on behalf of their owner and allegedly took money as a cashier.

At the time of Yura worked by the "shuttle", from Turkey the skin and other consumer goods. Transporting one day such goods for him, the driver of the furybolchegruza Lesha almost lost his life. He downloaded a car in Kursk and drove the cargo on the highway to the destination, in Rostov-on-Don. Then he did not imagine that this trip would turn the nightmare, which neither of his colleagues could have thought about. The loaded machine unexpectedly stalled under Kamensky, the Lesha's engine could not fix it, I had to seek help. Well, it happens with the most experienced from drivers. The hosts, however, perceived the incident otherwise: I threw! Where is the product?..

Soon Alexey was already in the hands of his "customer". When he was bilted, thought that the worst had come. But the worst was ahead.

He came to himself from pain connected. And I felt that the knife was slow and tastefully in his body.

Yuri Andreyevich cut them skillfully, long and pleasure. He also beat the day after day - brutally and infinitely, beat, when the ribs broken them were already sorted by lungs and blood, bubbing, broke out of them out with air. "Check, all the goods in place, I did not take anything," Lesha hoarse, while he could talk. "Yes? Then write a receipt," Yuri dictated. "His Majesty Yury Andreevich. I undertake to give money in dollars in the amount ... Posted? That's right. And now let's work further."

But when worse, it would seem, and I could not, Alexey experienced a new shock. Having beating his owner put his birth certificate under his breath. In the column "Parents", Lesha read with horror: "Mother - Chikatilo Evdokia Semenovna, Russian. Father - Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich, Ukrainian."

The new surname of the Son, Yury Andreevich, born in 1969, was also aimed in the testimony shown - changed on January 11, 1991 in the registry office of the Novocherkassky City Executive Committee of the Rostov Region, recording © 3. Records in the book for that period there were few: renamed now not fashionable, and Everything touched one name - Chikatilo.

It was the police that insisted then to this in order to secure the family: too much wishing to take revenge if not the Andrei Romanovich himself, then at least his loved ones. Everything was done so that Yura did not believe, like a terrible cross, the surname of his father and his business.

Yuri just as once his father requires psychiatric examination. And it does it in the same SIZO, where his father was before.

Accident? Or regularity?

Biography Andrei Chikatilo, Soviet serial killer (1936 - 1994)

Nicknames: "Mad Beast", "Rostov Rutter", "Red Ripper", "Magnaya Forestry", "Citizen X".

Number of victims: 53

Action time: 1978 - 1990.

Husband, father of two children, member of the CPSU, school teacher - and the most terrible Russian maniac killer, sadist, ripper, cannibal. On his account 53 proven murders (he himself confessed in 56), which he made in the forest belongings adjacent to the cities of Mine, Novoshakhtinsk, Novocherkassk, as well as in Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent and other cities of the USSR, where he Traveled on a business trip.

Just for July and August 1984, Chikatilo killed 8 women and children.

Future victims made on chikatilo the impression of the fate of the fate, unfortunate, among them there were many women alcoholic and mentally retarded, which he was kept in the forest belt under the pretext of drinking. He lured the promises to show a video recorder, computer, puppies, rare stamps, etc.

Chikatilo urged the body of his victims: cut off and bonus languages, nipples, genitals, noses, fingers, revealed the abdominal cavity, biting and gnawed internal organs, especially the uterus. Many victims at this time were still alive. Almost all of the victims were painted eyes (Chikatilo explained it with a superstitious fear that his image could remain on their retina, but most likely, he simply could not bear the look of his victims). Sliced \u200b\u200bparts of bodies (genitals, chest glands, uterus) Chikatilo helped with them, but they were subsequently not found. Most likely, Chikatilo used them in food (his wife was told on the investigation that he often took a saucepan with him). With victims in direct sexual contact, Chikatilo took it rarely, because He was impotent. He reached sexual satisfaction at the time of the murder, touching the Côte duty. After each murder, he received such discharge that she slept around a day.

* * *

October 16, 1936. - Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was born in the village of Apple, Sumy region, Ukrainian SSR. According to family legend, Chikatilo was born into a strong thunderstorm, unknown at this time of the year for these latitudes. There is information that Chikatilo was born with signs of hydrocephalus. Up to 12 years old, he suffered to night incontinence of urine, for which he was constantly Bit Mother.

1941 – 1945 - The Great Patriotic War. In the absence of a father who went to the front, Chikatilo sleeps in the same bed with her mother. Father Chikatilo gets into German captivity and is automatically credited to the "Mother Transfer".

1944 - Chikatilo goes to the first class.

1946 – 1947 - Hunger in Ukraine. 10-year-old Chikatilo is afraid to leave the house, as it fears that he can catch it and eat. Parents told him that during the famine of 1933 his elder brother Stepana allegedly kidnapped and eaten.

1954 - Chikatilo ends high school and is trying to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University, but does not pass through the competition. However, he believes that he was not taken to the university because of his father - "Traitor" and "Motherland".

1955 - Chikatilo ends the Akhtyra Technical School of Communications. After the school enters the correspondence department of the Moscow Electromechanical Plant.

From 1957 to 1960 - Chikatilo serves in the army, in the military of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he was subjected to all sorts of humiliation, including sexual.

1960 - Chikatilo moves to the village Rodionovo-Nesbetaevsky, not far from Rostov. There it is arranged to work as an engineer at the telephone station.

1962 - Sister Chikatilo Tatiana introduces him with his friend Faine, who will be his wife.

1964 - Chikatilo marries Faine. Enters the correspondence department of the Philology of the Faculty of Rostov University. His son is born, which soon dies.

1965 - Chikatilo is born daughter Lyudmila.

April 1965. - Chikatilo is arranged for the position of Chairman of the District Committee of Physical Education and Sports.

August 15, 1969.- Chikatilo Son Yuri is born (later he will become a criminal).

1970 - Chikatilo in absentia ends the Pedagogical Institute At the rate of Marxism-Leninism and literature and is arranged by the teacher of the Russian language and literature (and then the educator) at the boarding school number 32 of Novoshakhtinsk.

1972 - Chikatilo beat his disciples after he tried to do oral sex with a sleeping student. After this incident, Chikatilo began to always carry a knife with him.

January 1974. - It is arranged by the Master of Industrial Training in Novoshakhtinsky GPTU-39.

1978 - Moves with family in Mine, Rostov region.

September 1978. - It is satisfied with the teacher in GPTU-33 in the mines.

December 22, 1978. - Chikatilo kills his first sacrifice - 9-year-old Elena Zaktnov. The murder occurred in the evening in the city of Shakhty, in the house number 26 (so-called "Mazanka") on the district pass, which Chikatilo bought for 1500 rubles in secret from the family and used for meetings with prostitutes. At first, Chikatilo did not plan to kill the girl. Having lured her in the "Mazanka" to give the promises to give "American Zhumakhka", he wanted to "only pour out with her", i.e. "Pink" and "see her genitals" (he made it many times with other children). But when he began to undress schan, she began to resist, bite, break out, scratch. After frightened that her neighbors would hear her, Chikatilo hired on her and began to choke. Suffering the girls opened him, he experienced an orgasm.

The body of the cattle and her school portfolio chikatilo threw into the river GRASHSOVA. On December 24, the corpse found and on the same day detained the suspect in the murder - Alexander Kravchenko. Previously, he served ten years for rape and killing his ride. Kravchenko's wife gave him Alibi on December 22, and already 27 numbers were released. However, on January 23, 1979, Kravchenko committed theft from his neighbor. The next day, the police found the Kravchenko house stolen on the attic and retained him again. To the camera, Kravchenko was planted a killer and a drug addict who beat him, forcing him to confess the murder of scabs. Kravchenko's wife reported that her husband was already sitting 10 years for the murder (she did not know about it), and accused her in complicity in the murder of scabs. A frightened woman signed everything that they demanded.

February 16, 1979. - Alexander Kravchenko confessed to the murder of Helena Zaktnova.

March 1981. - Chikatilo comes to the post of senior engineer of the supply department of the RostovNudrud plant.

September 3, 1981. - The second murder of Chikatilo. The victim is a 17-year-old prostitute Larisa Tkachenko. Her body was found the next day.

June 12, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the third sacrifice - 13-year-old Love Biryuk. The body was found on June 27.

July 25, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the fourth sacrifice - 14-year-old love Volobuev. The body was found on August 7.

August 13, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the fifth sacrifice - 9-year-old Oleg Vidhevayev. Chikatilo cut off his genitals and was taken with him. The body of Indulsive was not found.

August 16, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the sixth sacrifice - 16-year-old Olga Kuprina. The body was found on October 27.

September 8, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the seventh sacrifice - 9-year-old Irina Shippetnik. The body was found on September 20.

September 15, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the eighth sacrifice - 15-year-old Sergey Kuzmina. The body was found on January 12, 1983.

December 11, 1982. - Chikatilo kills the ninth sacrifice 10-year-old Olga Stalmachin. On her body, found on April 11, 1983, found more than 50 knife wounds. In 1982, Chikatilo killed a total of 7 people.

After June 18, 1983 - Chikatilo kills the tenth sacrifice - 15-year-old Laura Sargsyan. The body of Sargsyan was not found.

July 1983. - Alexander Kravchenko was shot for the murder of Helena Zaktnova (before that, his business was sent three times for the investigation). Chikatilo kills the eleventh sacrifice - 13-year-old Irina Duneenkov. The body was found on August 8. A little later - the twelfth - 24-year-old Lyudmila Kutsubu. The body was found on March 12, 1984.

August 8, 1983. - Chikatilo kills the thirteenth sacrifice - 7-year-old Igor Gudkov. The body was found on August 28.

After September 19, 1983 - Chikatilo kills the fourteenth victim of 22-year-old Valentina Tsutsuyev. The body was found on November 27th.

Summer or autumn 1983 - Chicatilo kills the fifteenth sacrifice - an unknown woman of 18 - 25 years old. Body found October 28

October 27, 1983. - Chikatilo kills the sixteenth sacrifice - the 19-year-old faith of Shevkun. The body was found on October 30th.

December 27, 1983. - Chikatilo kills the seventeenth sacrifice - 14-year-old Sergey Markov. The body was found on April 1, 1984. In 1983, Chikatilo will kill a total of 8 people.

January 9, 1984. - Chikatilo kills the eighteenth sacrifice - 18-year-old Natalia Shaliapinin. The body is found the next day.

February 21, 1984. - Chikatilo kills the nineteenth sacrifice - 44-year-old Marta Ryabenko. Ryabenko was a vagabond and alcoholic. The body is found the next day.

March 24, 1984. - Chikatilo kills the twentieth sacrifice - 10-year-old Dmitry Ptashnikov in Novoshakhtinsk. The body was found on March 27. At the crime scene, the police for the first time discovers the evidence - footprint.

May 1984. - Double murder Chikatilo - 32-year-old Tatiana Petrosyan and her daughter - 11-year-old Svetlana Petrosyan. Tatiana Petrosyan was chikatilo's mistress. Her body was found on July 27, the body Svetlana - July 5.

June 1984. - Twenty-third victim Chikatilo - 22-year-old Elena Bakulina. The body was found on August 27.

July 10, 1984. - Twenty-fourth victim Chikatilo - 13-year-old Dmitry Illarionov. The body was found on August 12.

July 19, 1984. - Twenty-fifth victim Chicatilo - 19-year-old Anna Lemesheva (Mine). The body was found on July 25th.

July 1984. - Twenty-sixth victim Chikatilo - 20-year-old Svetlana Tsana. The body was found on September 9.

August 1, 1984. - Chikatilo is satisfied with the position of an engineer for supplying one of the Rostov factories.

August 2, 1984. - Twenty-seventh victim Chikatilo - 16-year-old Natalia Votor.

August 7, 1984. - Twenty-eighth victim Chicatilo - 17-year-old Lyudmila Alekseeva. The body was found on August 10.

August 8, 1984. - Chikatilo rides in his first business trip - to Tashkent, where he will kill two sacrifices.

Between 8 and 11 August 1984 - Twenty-ninth victim Chikatilo is an unknown woman.

August 13, 1984. - Thirtieth Victim Chicatilo - 12-year-old Akmaral Seidaleeva.

August 28, 1984. - Thirty first victim Chicatilo - 11-year-old Alexander Chapel. The body was found on September 2.

September 6, 1984. - Thirty-second victim Chikatilo - 24-year-old Irina Luchinskaya. The body is found the next day. In 1984, Chikatilo killed a total of 15 (!) Man - it was for him the most "yield" year.

From the report of the captain of the police Alexander Zanosovsky, who delayed Chikatilo:

"I was on duty at the bus station with Akhmatkhanov. Dressed were in a civilian form. Being near the public transport stop, they have noticed a high, approximately 180 centimeters, a thin man of forty five years. The features of his face resembled a wanted photographic. He was in glasses, without a head guard, with him had a brown briefcase. He also behaved suspiciously, and we decided to watch him. The N7 bus came to the railway station toward the airport. The observed twisted among the passengers and rose to the bus. We entered the following. Immediately rushed into the eyes of his strange behavior. He led himself restlessly, constantly spit head, as if he checked, does not follow him. Without noticing anything suspicious, the observed tried to get in touch with the girl standing next to the next. She was dressed in a dress with a cut on his chest. He did not descend his eyes off her body. In the way, a citizen touched someone from women behind his feet, a conflict began, and he was forced to get out of the salon. It switched to the other side and stood up with passengers who were waiting for a bus buses to the other side. The bus came up, went back ... He got up in the cabin in front of women, looked at them closely, pressed against them. Harred to a lonely girl, tried to speak with her, but she got up and came out at the nearest stop. The observed hurried after her, but the girl quickly gone. A citizen moved to the store, near which a group of women stood. He came to them, then moved away. So it lasted 15-20 minutes. He then moved on foot to the next stop, and from there came to the railway station. Twenty minutes sat, looking around, next to a sleeping woman and went to the main bus station. Sent to groups of women, listened, rose to the waiting room. Harred to the girl who read the book, he said something affectionately. When the girl went down to the first floor, we learned from her that a citizen was interested in where she was going. Having learned that the girl goes to the village Morozovsk, the observed was delighted and said that she was going there. He said about himself that he was working as a teacher. When the first girl left, a young woman hooked to a citizen. They talked. The observed at first hugged her, and then she put his head on his knees, covered with a jacket and began manipulating a clearly sexual character. After that, they spoiled from the building of the bus station. From there, the observed went to the central market, where he was detained "( cyt. by:Modestov N.S., "Serial killers").

When Chikatilo had a certificate of the warranty. In his portfolio, he had an acutely sharpened knife, two days of rope and vaseline bank (all this for some strange mistake was returned to Chikatilo ... or, according to other information, simply "lost"). When he was asked why he was Vazeline, he replied that he would use it instead of shaving cream. Chikatilo was released only because his blood group (second) did not coincide with a group of sperm (fourth) found on the body of one of the victims (this is a rare phenomenon - so-called "paradoxical separation", one person has been observed from several million, usually All fluids and the allocation of the body coincide in the group). However, it is excluded from the CPSU and put it in prison for a year for the "theft of socialist property" - theft of linoleum from the factory (according to other information - batteries).

December 12, 1984. - Chikatilo is freed from prison (although the sentence was a year).

January 1985. - Chikatilo is satisfied with the post of engineer at the Novocherkassian electric-building factory. Later, he will become the head of the metals department of this plant. In 1990, he will get a job on Rostov electric locomotive Plant, where it will work until his arrest.

August 1, 1985. - Being on a business trip in Moscow, near Domodedovo Airport, Chikatilo kills his thirty-third sacrifice - 17-year-old Natalia Pryvistov. Tied her hands with twine, he scores her with a knife to death, his nipples bite off her. The body was found on August 3.

August 27, 1985. - Thirty-fourth sacrifice chikatilo - 18-year-old alcoholic and trumps of Inessa (or Irina) Glyaev (Mine). Chikatilo scored her mouth and esophagus with dry foliage and mud. The body is found the next day. In 1985, Chikatilo killed a total of two people.

December 1985. - The Operation of the "Lesopolos" begins, passing under the control of the CPSU Central Committee. For all the time Operations for involvement in committing murders, more than 200 thousand (!) Man, more than a thousand other crimes were revealed. Military helicopters were even used to patrol railway tracks and the forest adjacent to them. Chikatilo, being a degree, he himself participates in this operation, on duty at the stations - in general, helps the police to seek himself.

December 30, 1985. - Anatoly Slavropol region was arrested in Nevinnomyssk - Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, a master of sports in mountain tourism, a deputy of the city council - and a killer maniac who killed from 1964 to 1985 seven boys.

1986 - This year, Chikatilo did not kill anyone. In October, it marks 50 years.

May 16, 1987. - Thirty-fifth victim Chicatilo - 13-year-old Oleg Makarenkov. Its remained found in 1990, after arrest chikatilo.

July 29, 1987. - Thirty-sixth victim Chikatilo - 12-year-old Ivan Bilotetsky. The body was found two days later.

September 15, 1987. - Thirty-seventh victim Chikatilo - 16-year-old Yuri Tereshonok. His body was not found. In 1987, Chikatilo killed a total of 3 people.

April 1988. - Thirty-eighth victim Chicatilo is an unknown woman. The body was found on April 6.

May 14, 1988. - Thirty-ninth victim Chicatilo - 9-year-old Lyudmila Voronko. The body is found on the same day.

July 14, 1988. - The forty victim Chicatilo - 15-year-old Evgeny Muratov. The body was found on April 11, 1989. In 1988, Chikatilo killed a total of 3 people.

March 1989. - Forty first victim Chicatilo - 16-year-old Tatyana Ryzhova. Chikatilo killed her in the apartment of his daughter in the city of Shakhty (the apartment was empty after she divorced her husband). Chikatilo drove red and stabbed. With the help of a conventional kitchen knife, he cut her head and legs. Parts of the body wrapped in a rag and newspapers and on sledding that borrowed from a neighbor, Takes to the wasteland. The body was found on March 9.

May 11, 1989. "Forty-second victim Chicatilo - 8-year-old Sasha Deakonov. The body was found on July 14th.

June 20, 1989. "Forty-third victim Chicatilo - 10-year-old Alexey Moiseev. The body was found on September 6.

August 19, 1989. - Forty fourth victim Chikatilo - 19-year-old Hungarian student Elena Varga. Having become acquainted with her at the bus stop, he suggested holding it to the house. Chikatilo killed her when she was on his father's birthday. Changing the uterus and chest of Varga and cutting off the soft fabrics of her face, Chikatilo wraps these "trophies" in the scraps of clothing and continues his way for the holiday. The body was found on September 1.

August 28, 1989. "Forty-fifth victim Chicatilo - 10-year-old Alexey Kobotov. The location of the body in a year at the interrogation indicated himself Chikatilo. He buried the trunk at the Rostov cemetery in the grave, which he had a person on himself for himself in 1987 (Chikatilo plucked suicide). Corpse found on December 12, 1990. In 1989, Chikatilo killed a total of 5 people.

September 1989. "To Anatoly Slotko, sitting in a suicide cameras in a Novocherkassa prison, a 2-day Issa Costaev came to the shooting in the hope that it would help to calculate the" murderer from the forest belt. " But I could not help anything: "it is useless. This is impossible to calculate. I know by yourself. " He also said, repeating the mistake of the investigation that in forest belts, most likely, two maniacs act - one kills girls and women, the other "specializes" in the boys. A few hours after the conversation with Kosteochoe, the cream was executed.

January 14, 1990. "Forty-sixth victim Chicatilo - 11-year-old Andrei Kravchenko. The body was found on February 19.

March 7, 1990. "The forty-seventh victim Chicatilo - 10-year-old Yaroslav Makarov, killed in the Botanical Garden of Rostov-on-Don. The body was found the next day. Chikatilo snatched him and threw the rectum.

April 1990. "Forty-eighth victim Chicatilo - 31-year-old love Zueva. The body was found on August 24.

July 28, 1990. "Forty-ninth victim Chicatilo - 13-year-old Victor Petrov, killed in the Botanical Garden of Rostov-on-Don. The body was found at the end of September 1990.

August 14, 1990. - The fiftieth victim Chicatilo - 11-year-old Ivan Fomin. Chikatilo defeated 42 knives and castrated. The body was found on August 17th.

October 17, 1990. "Fifty-first victim Chicatilo - 16-year-old Vadim Gromov. Chikatilo caused him 27 knife wounds, bit off his tongue, testicles, scic than eyes. The body was found on October 21.

October 30, 1990. "Fifty-second victim Chikatilo - 16-year-old Victor Tishchenko. The body was found on November 2.

November 6, 1990. - Fifty-third (and last) victim Chicatilo - 22-year-old Svetlana Kostostik. Chikatilo blesses her and swallows the tip of the tongue and nipples. The body was found on November 13, and smoothly a weekly chikatilo arrest. In 1990, Chikatilo killed a total of 8 people.

November 20, 1990. - Arrest Chikatilo. He had a finger, who was tracked by Tishchenko during the struggle. After conspicing from work, Chikatilo went to the clinic, where he made X-ray (it turned out that the finger was broken). Chikatilo returned home, and then went to the kioster beer. He had an avoska and a three-liter bank. On the way, he tried to get acquainted with the boys.

Chikatilo interrogated ten days, but he did not confess anything. There were no straight evidence against him. The testimony of a few witnesses who identified it as a person who communicated with the children whose corpses were found in the Rostov region, could not serve as a reason for initiating a criminal case. The term of the content of Chikatilo in custody has already expired.

Then the investigation asked the Rostov Psychiatrist Alexander Olympiyevich Bukhanovsky to talk with Chikatilo. Bukhanovsky agreed. He said Chikatilo: "I think I know who you are. I understand what drives you. " And he gave him a psychological portrait, compiled when he was looking for. Chikatilo read and cried: "I want to tell you everything, I have a lot in the shower."

Psychiatrist Andrei Pokozkato described his impressions from the conversation with Chikatilo:

"He made the impression of calm, shy. Multiple Tugodum. The questions was answered in detail, led many insignificant details, not responding essentially. As a result, the story became uninformative. When he was asked, complemented his story with new circumstances, but again, having no meaning. His thinking was distinguished by viscosity, rigidity, or election, it is slowed down by the tempo, with difficulties in understanding questions, switching from one topic to another. There was also a formalism of thinking with a tendency to describe only the outer side of the event. As a result, the conversation with him was very tightened. Before his detention, at all places of work, it was constantly a member, eternally wrote complaints in the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Secretary-General, to the central newspapers. Successful justice, which "was above all" for him. Just think, in the year of arrest, in 1984, that is, in the midst of bloody orgies (killed 15 people), he wrote more than 50 complaints, went to Moscow, went with a banner, demanding justice. Personally, this man, as well as most of his colleagues and acquaintances, was unpleasant. He was distinguished by an unemployed and very inconvenient character, a somewhat unpleasant manner to speak and express his thoughts. It was something that repulsive in it. After killing 56 people, he himself was terribly afraid of death and at the same time he tried her, she was manila and fascinated. He was in all respects necrophil, that is, the destroyer of life, and many people subconsciously feeling this, treated him aggressively, disliked, insulted and despised him. He was very afraid of physical impact and aggression from other people, and this is explained by his politeness and preventability as the desire not to cause aggression. Speaking about his crimes, I was calm and absolutely not emotional, told as they say about the things of everyday life, albeit not quite pleasant, constantly complained about the fate and attitude of others. But he never flashed repentance or pity for his victims. However, is it possible to expect something other from a person who chosen death with his craft? "

November 30, 1990. - Chikatilo begins to give confessions. At first, he was accused of 36 murders, and he admitted to 56. The first victim, in whose murder he admitted, was Alexey Kobotov, killed by him on August 28, 1989.

April 14, 1992. - The trial of Chikatilo began, which was held in the Rostov House of Justice. During the process, Chikatilo tried to simulate the madness - shouted, insulted the judges and those present in the hall, and once he even exposed a member and began to shout out: "Look at this useless [ echman]!»

July 18, 1993. - Chikatilos writes a request for pardon by the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin:

"President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin Boris Nikolayevich

From convicted 15.10.1992 Rostov region. The court to the highest punishment - the death penalty of a citizen of Russia and Ukraine Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich

Pasting forgiveness.

I ask you to pardon me - save, leave me life. 40 years old I worked for the benefit of our Motherland, 30 years in the ranks of the CPSU at the construction of communism. All my life lived in labor, in difficulties. I want to live in the new revived free Russian, with a new constitution, where all freedoms and human rights are guaranteed, when our Russia is returning to the number of civilized peoples, after communist tyranny. All his life from early childhood, my wife, Feodosia, Semenovna worked hard, hoped for a ghostly brief future, waited for the worldwide victory of communism. We didn't get anything, only humiliated, pursued us, every initiative in labor was broken - they beat the hands and brains to be universal equality in poverty. I do not want to leave life, leave my wife - a girlfriend of hard many years, sick, helpless, she will not survive. Three years try to inspire me and the whole world public opinion that Chikatilo is a criminal, rapist, killer, cannibal. Without any facts and evidence. In pursuit of sensation, no one notices unfolded, contrived statements. Contain me, a sick person, in a suicide cameer, in a fabricated case, without trial and without investigation. I have psychopathy schizo-mosaic circle with sexual perversions, headaches from cranial and brain pressure, insomnia, nightmares, heart arrhythmia. My history of the disease remained in the Shakhtinsky Psychological Center, for life, indefinitely. To intimidate me, first put me on three days, without any design and called children to institutes: "Your father sits here, defeated." When I called from the police, so that I voluntarily wrote an application for dismissal, so as not to interfere with predators. Yes, in such cases I changed the place of work, translated into a translation into another organization - although it does not like the judge now. CEO called me for all the fascist. This is me - Communist number 1. All party meetings took place at the same time, with one report: "The Secretary General Chernenko successfully leads us to communism, and he chikatilo, in opposition sits." I wrote to all party bodies from the bottom to the top: "Chernenko was and remains the editor of the" Notepad of the Agitator ". The former editor of the Women's Wall newspaper Chikatilo: I graduated from 5 faculties of five universities of Marxism-Leninism. I have 8 diplomas and any profession. What did I dedicated life? Unless after such a portion poison-Marxism Can be normal, navigate in life? I am the only one who certainly believed in the ambulance victory of communism around the world, I was a fanatic of communism, and the rest were only agitated and listened, and pretended. And here my tragedy coincided with the crisis of communism. I am a victim and an instrument of this monster. I ask to rehabilitate my grandfather and father, to cancel the ridiculous sentence of 1984 for 3 months in prison for the embezzlement of what I stole my CEO Palagin. My life is connected with the life of the country. We are peaceful people. Napoleon and Hitler's aggression did not wait, but they answered the guerrilla. They were poisoned, pursued as a mad wolf dozens of years from birth, I was expelled from work, from the housing - to the train stations, in the train, in the forest belt. I warned everyone: "Save, help." But the Assyrian mafia I finished me. I forced me to go to the partisan defense methods, against all who walked to the partisan forest, pursued me, all the agents of the mafia I sent as "languages" to the commander of the partisan detachment. I defended my honor and my hut on the barricade to the last. Please translate me to Moscow, where you can tell the truth about this strange, sensational case to write memoirs about my tragic life, to meet with specialists - lawyers, sex patlatologists, psychiatricians.

I ask you to leave me life.

Chicatilo A.R. "

February 14, 1994. - The last request for pardon addressed to the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin was rejected. Chikatilo executed the only shot in the head. Some sources call the date of February 21 (for example, the TV program "Criminal Russia" - "Hunt for Satan"), as well as 15 or 16 February. There were rumors that Chikatilo was killed by a shot not in the back of the head (in the photograph of his body on the back of the head there was no inlet bullet hole) to preserve its brain for research. And that he was not killed at all, but was sold for several million dollars with Japanese scientists.

1995 - In the US, a television feature film "Citizen Iks". The role of Chikatilo performed Jeffrey Demann, the role of Bukhanovsky - Max von Zudov, famous for the roles in the films of Ingmar Bergman. The film "replete many actual errors."

2004 - The film "Evilenko" ("Zlodeenko") with Malcarm McDowell as Evilenko.

© 2006 VitaExtensa.

Today I will tell about, perhaps, the most famous serial maniac in the history of mankind and definitely in Russia and the USSR about Andrei Chikatilo. Singing David Beckham from the world of maniacs and murderers - it seemed to have more bloody maniacs, and more terrible rasows, and in the number of victims he is not the first, because in our ranking of the tet of the highest and dangerous maniacs of the world, which we started a few articles back, he occupies Just seventh position.

The most famous serial maniac

But still, it was that the most popular serial maniac killer, and his name knows in many countries of the world, and in Russia his name is a none nickname of any maniac and even a strange person, so today's story will be devoted exclusively to his person.

About Chikatilo was shot by several films ("Citizen X", "Evilenko"), a lot of songs were dedicated to him, a large number of books were written and thousands of dissertations were defended.

October 16, 1936 was born Chikatilo. According to eyewitnesses, at that time, the storm was hit, whom did not have the inhabitants of a small village in the Sumy region.

Then the Rostov Ripper appeared on the light. It can be assumed that he is already the screaming and crying, designed evil, looking at the surrounding joyful people. But it will be quite a cheap reception - such inclinations appear and fixed a little later.

Unfortunate childhood Chikatilo

Heavy and hungry time. Missing without a trace brother, according to some researchers, was eaten by the parents themselves. Father , Gone to the front when Andrei was five years old. I left and did not return, getting captured and receiving the status of a departure of the Motherland - one of the reasons for which the young vane boy branded.

Like most of the serial killers, Andrei Chikatilo had unhappy childhood, he grew up closed and unlikely, especially his lack of success in the female. Drowning and ridicule were one of the main entertainment and, perhaps, the only way to communicate with thinness was chikatilo in lovely and young ladies.

Serial Maniac Killer - Best Father and Loving Family

After graduating from school, the future of the raw went to the institute. Extinguished, I received a telephone engineer. In 1962, he met the future spouse, not without the help of his sister.

Subsequently, Faina (so called the girl who took Chicatilo's surname) remembers her husband solely as a gentle and loving satellite of life. In the 1965th and 69th year, his children are born - Lyudmila and Yuri, respectively.

Further, the facts about the habituality of Andrei to students are pop up (by that time the future maniac has already worked at school), although they do not indulge in public. But after several unpleasant cases, Chikatilo with his family moves to the city of Mine.

Bloody history Andrei Chikatilo

December 22, 1978, becomes a reference point. From that moment on, the bloody path of the most famous serial maniac Killer Chikatilo, which included 52 corpses.

The first murder did not go smoothly - the death of Elena Zaktnova, nine years old, could become the latter for maniac from the forest belt. There were witnesses who saw Chikatilo and Lena together, but the wife of Andrei was commissioned for him by providing Alibi Maniac.

Instead of Chikatilo, the punishment was rapidly another person - Alexander Kravchenko, who was bothering before a similar crime. In 1984, Kravchenko was shot. One of the many people who suffered a punishment instead of Satan, as called Chikatilo the authors of the program "Criminal Russia".

Unusual anomaly or negligence

Further Andrei Chikatilo was no longer stopped. He, like a mad dog, once tried blood could no longer stop. Only in 1983, law enforcement agencies came to the conclusion , That dozens of similar murders were committed by the same person. In the same year, the first evidence appears - sample sperm maniac.

In 1984, a suspicious long-grade person was delayed, who introduced Andrei Chikatilo. But his blood group does not coincide with a sperm pattern. What it was - the negligence of criminologists or an anomaly, which is one per million - no one will know. Anyway, the Rostov monster once again broke out of the femid paws.

To help catch a maniac can only another maniac

Time goes, Chikatilo continues to kill, participating in search of himself. The chief investigator in the case of Lesopolos Issa Kostoev anticipates the events of the film "Silence of the Lambs" , having enlisted with the support of another maniac - Anatoly cream.

But the result did not give. A few more times, the maniac slipped out of the chain paws of operatives. Chikatilo commits crimes and in other regions, in order to finally configure the investigation.

Operatives dress up to civilian, arrange numerous areas, but everything is no means - until the 1990s, the maniac continues the bloody feast.

The sixth of November Chikatilo makes another murder, already the fifty-thousand - Svetlana Kostostik, 22 years old, going to the call of the elderly intelligent man, makes a fatal, and last mistake.

However, for Chikatilo, this evening became a fatal - at the exit of the forest belt, he faces the policeman, Igor Fishermen. There are no grounds for detention from a young sergeant, but suspicious data is rewritten and reflects in the report.

How caught chikatilo?

Costaev drew attention to the sergeant's report, raised the paper and had earlier episodes. Therefore, the chikatil is fixed.

The "tail" recorded a few unsuccessful attempts by the maniac to take away young boys in the forest. There was no doubt left to November 20th, 1990, handcuffs slammed on the hands of Chikatilo.

The process and court over Andrei Chikatilo was incredibly loud as in the literal , and in the figurative sense. Creames of parents of victims, shocked sighs of witnesses when demonstrating business materials.

Protection naturally insisted on the insaneness of the Rostov Rutter and now the killery of the killers of the killers of the most famous of serial maniacs, but any sentence besides a deadly caused a real riot. Therefore, on February 14, 1994, the maniac was shot. Read more about the court over Andrei Chikatilo can look at the video:

"I love to kill people. I love to watch how they die ... I cut them the throat with a knife and watched as a whitewash their face. I love all this blood. "

This remained in the history of this truly famous killer and maniac, while an exceptionally delicate and loving husband, who made his atrocities, exconially from the house beyond the bottle of beer with Avoska, this is such a genius of conspiracy, whose account has 52 officially registered victims that you You can see in this video:

Well, the next time you learn who turned out to be in the next 6th place in our ranking Top Manyakov and serial murderers of the world. And if you are not afraid to go further into this part of the terrible and dark history of mankind, then I ask you to learn about even more dangerous and cruel maniac on the nickname "Forest Hunter", as well.

On Friday, 20 years old since the execution of the most famous serial maniac Andrei in Russia. In 1994, at the age of 58, he was executed by a shot in the back of the Novocherkassian prison. He was called by the Soviet Jack-Ripper, the Rostov Ripper, a mad beast, a citizen of X and even Satan. Chikatilo was found guilty of committing 53 kills, he himself confessed to 56, and operational sources spoke about 65 episodes. The youngest victim was just seven years.

Chicatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in the village of Apple Akhtyr district of Sumy region (now Ukraine). It is known about his children's years, therefore, for researchers of his biography, the only source of information was actually the story of Chikatilo himself. It should be done a discount on the fact that not all of his narrations look healthy, although all three psychiatric examinations argued that he was weakening.

So, the serial maniac told that shortly before his birth, in 1933, his older brother Stepan died: some people ate it "from hungeries."

It is not possible to check this information: at the time of the trial, the parents of Chikatilo died, the younger sister could not know about it, and after the war, there were no documentary evidence. However, some researchers believe that Stepan's eaten brother could invent parents who rushed the child so that he did not walk far from home.

The maniac recalled that in the war years they often had to hide from bombing, in 1944 he went to the first class "Hungry and broken." "In school from hungry frost, I fell under the desk. Walked in rags. It was the subject of ridicule and could not defend. It was too shy, timid, shy. If I had no handle or ink in my class, I just sat at the desk and cried. Sometimes the disciples talked about this teacher. That was surprised: "What, Andrei has no language?!" If I had to go to the toilet - I was afraid to save, "Mikhail Krivich writer (Gurevich) in the book" Comrade Killer "leads him. In his memoirs, he calls himself thin, but his classmates described chikatilo as a physically strong child who wore Andrei-power's nickname. The boy suffered from incontinence of urine, because of this, under 12 years old, his mother was constantly beating.

At the age of 18, first fell in love - in ten-graders, Lil Baryshev. He liked "modesty" and "feminine". "We were taught at school sublime love. I liked the freckles on the face of Lily. What eyes she had, I do not know, I could not look into them with my myntic eyes, "the maniac recalled. - But we were with a lily and close relationship. Frequently, we were sitting next to the cinema, connecting the shoulders, while holding the breath. I was afraid that our classmates would not notice us that we sit down without lying. I always wanted to talk to a lily or go home along the way, but never dreamed. "

As I admitted Chikatilo, he "dreamed of high love," but the girls Robel trembled and trembled.

"But in the spring of 1954, in the 10th grade, I once broke down. Tanya Bala went to our courtyard, thirteen years old. From under her dress, she had blue pantalonians, "she continued Chikatilo. - She asked her sister, which at that time was not at home. I told her about it, but she did not leave. Then I pushed her, fell, and myself lay down on her. It was under the trees. I did not undress her, did not touch and did not undress myself. But I only lay down on her, as I had seeds. "

After graduating from school, he went to Moscow and filed documents to the Faculty of Law, but was not accepted. Chikatilo himself argued that she passed the exams well, but did not take it because of the repressed father-partisan. After failure, he returned home and entered the Akhtyra Technical School of Communications. His peers, who was friends with his sister, recalled Chikatilo as a high dark blond young man with a pleasant appearance. Young people began to meet, but their novel lasted only a month and a half: the young man failed for failure in an intimate life.

After study, he went to the army. First served in border troops in Central Asia, and then served a link in Berlin. There he joined in which he stayed 25 years before exception in 1984.

After the army, Chikatilo decided to move to Novocherkassk, where he found his job in a specialty on the communication node. Having lived there, moved to the village of Rodionovo-Nesvetai in the Rostov region. Sometimes Chikatilo wrote articles for district newspapers, one of them dedicated to a colleague-summertime, which he liked. However, due to the shyness, the novel did not come out. Then he fell in love with a library worker, but their communication was limited to discussion of books. Soon sister Chikatilo introduced him to his girlfriend Fainan, on which he married. Together they lived 27 years, until the day of his arrest. Two years after the wedding, they had a daughter of Luda, and in 1969 Son Yura.

In 1965, Chikatilo entered the correspondence department of the Philological Faculty of Rostov University. He studied in the evenings after work. Closer to the diploma, he took the post of chairman of the district committee for physical education and sports, and then moved to the city of Novoshakhtinsk and became a school teacher of Russian and literature. Here began his criminal biography. One of the students recalled how the teacher praised her, but she jumped out the window.

He made the first murder on December 22, 1978 in the city of the mine of the Rostov region, where Chicatilo moved with his wife. The victim was the second-classman Lena Zaktnova.

There was a cloudy and cool day. Schoolgirl on the way home decided to run to my grandfather. For the last time it was alive saw about six o'clock in the evening on a tram stop next to a middle-aged man in a dark coat and a Tsigicheskogo hat, which he said something. As it turned out later, Chikatilo promised the girl a chewing gum, and she went after him. Chikatilo invited her to the house, which bought secretly from his wife. As soon as they entered, on his own confessions, he immediately attacked the girl. It was not possible to rape it because of impotence, and then he pulled out the knife and began to strike her blows. Only after that he was able to get sexual satisfaction. He later threw the corpse into the local river.

As it turned out later, Zaktnova could become his first and last victim. Indirect evidence (witnesses identified a man) led to the school teacher. However, he chikatilo denied, and the police believed him. At that time, another suspect was detained - Alexander. It was for the murder of the scan, he was later mistaken. Kravchenko was previously convicted of murder, and in the fact that he could make another crime, no one doubted.

The second murder occurred in two and a half years.

Subsequently, Chikatilo committed crime more and more. But acted cautious. The killer did not leave the blood. Fingerprints detected failed. In 1984, he was again detained: on the bus station in Tashkent he was engaged in oral sex with a prostitute. With it, there were vaseline, soap and two ropes. But the tests that he took, did not coincide with the victims found. Later it turned out that the doctors simply negotiated work when Chikatilo took tests.

His last sacrifice was called Svetlana Kostostik. She was 22 years old. This happened in the forest at the Leschoz Platform on November 6, 1990. The woman was a prostitute and voluntarily went to the forest with him. Corpse he planted, some parts of the body ate. The policeman who duty on the platform, drew attention to a man leaving the forest. His clothes seemed to him as strange, he was not like a mushroom. The officer asked him documents. Chikatilo got them. He was late for the train, the policeman had to let him go. About a suspicious man he wrote a report. Then he chikatilo and attracted the attention of law enforcement officers. Two weeks he was arrested.

In April 1992, a court began, where Chikatilo pretended to be crazy. And on October 15, he was sentenced to death. In all subsequent postures about the pardon, the serial killer was denied.

While there was a consequence in the case of the "Killer of the Century" Andrei Chikatilo, the detainee was contained in a single chamber of the KGB of the remand insulator. Why? First, investigators explained, among the victims there is a worker of the bodies of corrective and labor institutions, and in this case it would be difficult to ensure that the police insulators do not get to the arrestant. Secondly, feared: such can strangle the models.
The name Andrew Chikatilo over the past decade has become nominal: maniac, sadist, cruel killer, pervert. Scientists of a number of countries have dreamed of studying this phenomenon, offering for one brain Manyak-record holder huge currency sums.
What was the path of a strong, conscientious rustic boy, whom peers called "Andrei-power", to that monster, what appeared before the court? Want to finish the life path behind bars, as a beast, exposed in the zoo? Of course no. Andrei Chikatilo was the son of "traitor, traitor and a coward," since his father was captured at the front. The family lived very poorly. But Chikatilo said later that it was this poverty and the immesible shame of gave birth to a stubborn dream of a high political career in him: "I firmly believed: I will not be the last person. My place in the Kremlin ..."
He told him about his childhood: "In September 1944 he went to school. He was too shy, timid, shy, was the object of ridicule and could not defend himself. Teachers were surprised at my helplessness: if I had no handle or ink, I I was sitting and crying. Because of congenital myopia, I had a bad thing written on the board and was afraid to ask. There were no glasses at all, besides, I was afraid of his puddler, I began to wear them only for 30 years, when I got married ... Tears of resentment kept me all life.
In the spring of 1954, being already in the tenth grade, I once broke down. A thirteen-year-old girl went to the courtyard, from under her dress, she had blue pantalons ... I said that my sisters were not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, fell and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress himself. But I immediately came sophisticated. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After that, I decided to told my flesh, my low-lying motivations and gave him an oath to no one to touch anyone, except for his future wife. "
According to psychiatrists, the maniac has any exciting image and, perhaps, in the yard of the old house in the village of Apple, where Andryusha Chikatilo poured a little girl to the ground, which brought him a minute relief, the origins of the rebirth of a timid young man in a rapist who stacked the object violence defenseless victim. Increased exactly this exciting way, he, having a technical specialty, already established in it, suddenly he did to study in absentia to the Rostov State University at the Faculty of Rostov State University. And in the future, Andrei Chikatilo, a student Philfak, decided to become a teacher only because the case in the village of Apple was postponed in the subconscious and gave rise to a painful idea, who dictated to him even the choice of profession.
Andrei-Power did not choose this path - maniac, rapist and killer, this girl crashed into a living picture in his memory, and the nature itself, then received a discharge, led him. Even being a mature man, husband and father, he himself, perhaps, not conscious, sought to study such as she, to penetrate their psychology, learn to manage them freely. To do this, he settled as Chairman of the District Committee of Physical Education and Sports, where, he knew exactly, it would be necessary to communicate with teenagers in different situations, to travel with them on business trips to competitions, Olympics ... then - the teacher of the Russian language and literature, the teacher in Boarding school №32, later - in the city vocational school number 39 of the city of Novoshakhtinsk, in the same school in the city of Shakhty.
Former pupils of the boarding school, where Andrey Romanovich worked, already adult people, recalled at court, as a teacher, under the guise of helping when performing written works, sat down to them and "Torogal for various parts of the body" ... Suddenly went into the girls' rooms in that The moment they undressed to go to bed. When one among the girls remained, he became crazy ... Chikatilo constantly through the pockets of trousers was engaged in masturbation, for this his students frankly teased ...
Being already behind bars, Chikatilo recalled the events of his life, which brought it closer to the killings. For example, as he once led the children on the pond: relax, swim, sunbathe. One of the girls, with a pretty well-well-wearing feminine body, sailed from everyone and there, away, splashed, was not in danger. He sailed to her, depicting an angry educator, designed to follow the order and, pretending to drive to the shore, became all her roughly feeling. She screamed.
"I felt," he said in court, "that she was louder, and I will start this ... pleasure ... I began to pinch her painfully ... She, pulling out, shouted frantically ... and immediately I have everything started".
Soon because of the scandal in the boarding school, connected with the rough attire, he had to change the place of work. In a new place, the objects of his close attention were boys. One of them, as he testified later, waking up once at night, discovered that Andrei Romanovich leaned over him and he touches his penis. This was repeated with him, and with other boys, students stopped respecting him and even notice, there were no disciplines, there were sustainable conversations among the guys: Andrei Romanovich "Pedic", "concerned" and is engaged in masturbation ... It was hard not to notice, As a teacher through a pocket, he constantly rubbed his dick in his hand.
Despite all his deviations, which he could not help but notice in himself, Chikatilo still continued to believe in his high purpose and in the "this" life tried to grow to a height intended for him. Four the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Marxism-Leninism. I read lectures. Worked with local newspapers: wrote on the topics of morality. However, it was already impossible without a psychiatrist's specialist intervention to stop the rebirth of a person in Monster. And for help to turn was ashamed - it would mean to recognize your inconsistency as a man.
Terrible crime statistics began since 1982, when they were found in the Rostov region. But these were not just murders, these were the consequences of theracy. Even seeing the types of police officers shuddered, falling into place of crime. There they found the corpses of people over which someone cruelly mocked: the stems, cut. Almost all, without exception, the murder was distinguished by such a "handwriting" - sadism, special cruelty.
The murderer was a monster, and he turned out to be a very peculiar man: Validated his family, he was tied to his wife and children, modest and even shy, timid. It was hard to believe that this meek creation could pump out her eyes. But just as it turned out, quite explained: the maniac cannot withstand someone else's look.
The city was filled with fear. The unknown strengthened the nightmare. Mothers accompanied children to school and met from school. However, all new and new reports on the disappearance of children appeared in newspapers and people found all new and new corpses with the same sadistic "handwriting". The more time passed, the more the victims appeared on the account of the killer, the clearer had a certain "route": the bodies were found in forest belts, not far from the path of the electric trains of Rostov-Zverevo. This gave an operation to find a criminal who horrified on the population of the region, the name of the "forest belt". It was one of the longest, difficult, but at the same time the most famous operations, during which a huge number of other crimes were disclosed.
Naturally, the brigade, the investigating business, included the most experienced detectives. Almost fifty. Ten years of searching ... In recent years, they conducted especially intensively. Every man with a teenager - a girl or a boy - wherever they saw, fixed a hidden photo or a video camera, then installed: who is who? And in the future, in suspicious cases, this material was tracked: will not be recharged again, with another child?
Many methods were used to search for maniac killer. Hundreds of police officers, appropriately disguised, made the view that they work on the railway, catch fish, collect mushrooms, care for grapes, work on household plots or just waiting for another train, in general, a huge number of options are worked out. Not without participation and female militiamen. They, felt under the homeless, to which the criminal had a special traction as the most affordable and least wanted category of people, also drove in electricians under the protection of disguised colleagues in the hope that the maniac would not hide their attention, "bend."
The development of the investigation was complicated by the fact that no testimony from the police was not. Yet one hook was - on the body of a 9-year-old boy who deceased in the summer of 1982, a sperm of the fourth group was discovered. And this in all the classical laws of forensics meant that the blood of the criminal is also the fourth group.
But as it turned out, these unshakable "classical laws of criminals" played with a consequence of the evil joke. Even at the beginning of operations, in 1984, one of the operational groups detained Chikatilo at the station, turning attention to his suspicious behavior and difficult-of-hand interest in adolescents. At the same time, he had a blood sample, but since the group turned out to be the second, the criminal was quietly released. Subsequently, it turned out that physiology was chikatilo was anomalous - he had different group of sperm and blood group. Holy faith of those who led the investigation, in the forensic dogmas gave the sadist the opportunity for six years to rape and kill people. Going to a dead end, the members of the operational group went to consult the same maniac killer Anatoly Slotko, while the death penalty in the Stavropol prison.
Sunguntman turned out to be talkative. "First," he convinced, "here you need to look for not one, and a few killers: one is not capable of this. Secondly, we are looking for someone who has some kind of exciting image." But the tips of the maniac did not help the consequence. And the accident helped. Although, maybe the right and those who claim that no accidents happen. Most likely it is a regularity - how much rope is no longer ...
The end of this bloody drama came in 1990. This year was for chikatilo especially "yield" - six murders. He committed the last crime on October 6 near the Leschoz station. On October 13, the corpse of the killed woman was discovered with the signs of the same characteristic "handwriting" of the criminal. When a survey of possible witnesses, it turned out that the police sergeant Igor Rybakov on October 7 drew attention to a man with a portfolio, which Bold to the station, and checked his documents. Documents were in order, but fortunately, Sergeant remembered that the last name of the detainee began on the letter C.
It was not possible to find chikatilo work, but immediately took it no sense - what if a mistake? Behind him began to follow. Only looking at his behavior and make sure that this elderly man is actively interested in the boys, he was arrested.
"On the territory of the Rostov region in 1982-1990. More than 30 killings of children and women with particularly cruelty for sexual motives were committed. November 20, 1990, in the process of carrying out operational search events, a citizen of Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich was detained, born in 1936, a native of Sumy Areas of the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian, higher education, in 1970 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Rostov State University, a member of the CPSU since 1960, in 1984, was excluded from the CPSU series in connection with criminal responsibility for the embezzlement, married, has 2 adult children , I lived with my family in the city of Mine, Novoshakhtinsk, and at the time of detention - in Novocherkassk, ul. Guards ...
Chikatilo is arrested. He was charged with committing murders, including outside the region. The investigation on the case continues.
First, the arrested denied his involvement in the crimes, which he was charged in guilt, and only for the tenth day after arrest, Andrei Chikatilo began to testify. He argued: His crime is the result of a psyche violation caused by sexual powerlessness. I urged the investigator: I did not seek the victims, I did not choose, I did not organize anything in advance.
And, of course, did not kill the victims. Usually it all started at voluntary principles, on harmony. But when he was inconsistent due to physiological potential when he was insulted, some rabies found him, and he, not recognizing his actions, began to cut. Of course, everything turned out, spontaneously. Is it possible to blame for this person?
"In that period, I was simply irresistibly toward the children. There was some kind of desire to see their bare bodies ... I wanted to take a sexual act ..." he said to the investigator.
So that children somehow went to contact with him, had to invent various bait. Often he bought them "Zhumakhka", treated. It was on this soil that acquaintances with children arose. So there was acquaintance and the very first victim of the maniac - Lena Zh. In the case of the murder of this girl, Alexander Kravchenko was convicted and shot, and the real killer was heard by challenge to the investigator.
Chikatilo himself tells this way: "I had the first crime killing of this girl, and I myself, without anyone, I sincerely spoke about the circumstances of her murder. At the time of my detention of this case, the investigative authorities could not know what it Murder was committed by me. After this crime, I began to kill other victims ... "
She was killed on December 22, 1978. After that, Lena's girlfriend was told to operational employees: "Lena on the way home was supposed to go to the grandfather for" chewing "," said one. The second: "Lena said she agreed with the grandfather, who gives her imported" chewing ", after lessons She will go to him and that he lives along the way; She needs to "go off the tram one stop before."
"... we went to my Mazanko," he told. "I turned on the light and as soon as the door closed, immediately hired on it, drowned under myself, cooking on the floor, began to tear the clothes. The girl was frightened, shouted, and I began to clamp. her mouth with his hands ... Her cry opened me even more ... I wanted to break everything and touch. She hoarsely, I stole it, and it brought me some relief. When I realized that I killed the girl, got up, got dressed and decided get rid of the corpse ... "
Talking about his first murder, Chikatilo himself celebrates the main thing: the cry of the girl excited. And the type of blood led to indescribable excitement. He experienced a pronounced orgasm, which before he did not know ...
Family members, relatives and employees were chikatilo at that time, which coincided in time with this murder, noticed changes in it. He suddenly was unwritten, she was in a hurry, hurried. Then he returned, looked around, as if I forgot something, I fled again and again returned, as if it was not in myself. Now it can be assumed that, most likely, in this way he fought with the one who called him, Chikatilo, who wanted to repeat the fact that so unexpectedly delivered to him the flour and blood of a little, weak sacrifice.
The experienced impressions and sensations did not give rest, the entire creature required the repetition; The first crime of this kind was deeply shocked, sank into the soul, and, as he noted, Chikatilo himself, it called him somewhere.
On August 14, 1990, Chikatilo killed 11-year-old Ivan F-on. "... Vanya lay naked. He leaned over him, who was closer, considered.
- What is with the skin? Really from the shotgun is abandoned, - said someone from officers.
"No," he concluded another, watching the boy, - a knife. All this is a knife ... "
... Oleg Fn, the father of Vanya, the captain of the internal service, performed in the courtroom on May 19, 1992. He could not say: he liked something like something. Then she gathered with the Spirit, smoothly, clearly said:
- Tomorrow Vanya would turn thirteen years old, he has a birthday ... I have a girl with my wife. She is fourteen years old. The second boy is eight. The third child was born when Vanya was no longer. We wanted to call him Ivan. But the old people said that it was impossible. Probably, so we called him Victor ... Yes, I have a request for a court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let less. But then from the KGBAs, where it is hidden so long, he will fall to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what we will do with you. We will repeat everything you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything. And you all, on the droplet, you feel ... how it hurts. "
... According to the conclusion of a forensic examination, the death of Ivan F-on occurred as a result of 42-korean wounds of chest, abdomen, left shoulder, which led to abundant blood loss. The boy was alive when the maniac cut off his testicles from him ... Chikatilo explains: he cut the genital organs, releasing evil for her impotence. I received not only sexual satisfaction, but also removed the tension, it got rid of the feeling of gravity and inferiority.
Usually Chikatilo used the tried method: so that the victim did not notice anything, did not feel, went ahead. Then he unexpectedly pounced, hit, immobilized. Swinging the blow, started to act with a knife. I hit the blows carefully, so as not to kill immediately. After all, it delivered pleasure - to feel the resistance of the victim. At such moments, the knife served as a penis: usually at the top of the body experts found wounds in which the blade, without leaving the surface, made up to twenty returning movements. Thus, there was a peculiar imitation of sexual intercourse. And when everything was over, Chikatilo collected the clothes killed or the dead, tearing, cut it into parts, walked around and spread. Having finished, was taken for shoes with which he did in the same way. Creepy death ritual ...
A huge number of victims on the conscience of this maniac, but did he have problems with their choice? He himself tells about it:
"... I had to come to train stations, in trains, trains, trains and buses ... There is a lot of all sorts of vagrants, young and old. They are asked, and require, and select. In the morning we get drunk somewhere ... these Tramps are drawn and minors. From the stations spread throughout the electricians in different directions. It is necessary to see the scenes of sex life of these vagrants at train stations and in train stories. And I remembered my humiliation that I could never undress myself as a full-fledged man. The question arose: Do they have The right to exist these declassed elements? .. It is not difficult to get acquainted with them, they themselves are not shy, climb into the soul, they ask for money, products, vodka and offer themselves for sexual life. I saw how they left with partners in secluded places. .. "
Professional teacher and psychologist, he found approaches to those who then absorbed the "forest belt". So, seeing hungry, Chikatilo offered to feed. Alpassely sucked the drink. An impatient woman is a bed. A chess lover is a secret of victory. Radiotelemaster - complained about the burned fuse. Fascinating seeing - sex or horrors - offered both. Tired - rest. Lost in the way - a short road. He promised to everyone that at that moment it was most likely. Disinterested. And nearby, voon only through the forest belt and immediately ... But on this forest belt, all the death was waited without exception - the cruel, painful, liquefying horror.
Who was this man, even if now, after His execution, shudder from one thought about what he did? Devil? Watch? Probably no one else. The reason for his criminal longevity and the huge number of it born on his tricks and persuasion is that he, unlike many, could see individual people who flicker in the general anthill, was able to consider everyone, to understand, unravel, determine all his strengths and weak Parties: To estimate whether the sacrifice is suitable for "Purpose" of his passion.
Searches chikatilo were carried out almost a decade. How many victims do he have? In the indictment, it was said about the 53rs, and he himself believed that there were more than seventy.
Close-like Chikatilo (wife and two adult children) experienced shock when they learned about his arrest. Everyone was shocked and could not believe that their sutured, the unpretentious head of the family turned out to be a cruel killer. "After all, he was so soft, kind and responsive!"
"Yes, I will not believe you for you," said Wife Chikatilo, Kostic, some kind of elongated woman, very similar to her husband. - He does not hurt flies, and here people kill ...
Already being in the investigative insulator, Chikatilo wrote his wife: "The brightest in my life is my clean, my beloved holy wife. Why did I disappointed you, dear when you said - work near the house, do not drive anywhere on a business trip. Why not closed me Under house arrest - after all, I always submitted to you. Now I would sit at home and kneeling would pray at you, my sunshine.
As I could go down to atrocities, before the primitive state, when everything is so clean and elevated. I have already flusted all the tears at night. And why God sent me to this land - such a gentle, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses ... "
Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was sentenced to the death penalty in the criminal codecs of the three republics - Ukraine, Russia and Uzbekistan. The sentence was pursued.
On this "Chikatilo" does not erect. The continuation was followed in 1996, after the execution of Andrei Romanovich. We have already mentioned that some scientists (for example, a geneticist V. Kolpakov) believe that there are no signs of non-oveurrable signs, and the "sign of crime" is transmitted by one genome.
Perhaps this gene with a "sign of crime" played his role in the fate of the Son's "Killer of the Century" Andrei Chikatilo - Yuri Andreevich. After his arrest, Articles 117, 108 and 126 were charged in guilt, that is, the illegal deprivation of the Freedom of the Man, whom he tied, fake documents, rape ...
As for rape, they are suspected of several: one of their familiar, for example, in case of refusal, he promised to cut off her friend's ears. But the application is one. From the twenty-year-old girlfriend owner of the apartment from "Rostselmash", because of which Yura was tightly beaten, and even took the "BMW" on which he arrived in the city. Having had, Yura "hit" the owner of the apartment, demanding a receipt for 10 thousand green Otherwise threatened to cut the family and scatter pieces around the city.
In these threats, his terribly famous Father is felt in these threats. Yuri Andreyevich worked in Rostov, choosing a very original method: I walked through the kiosks allegedly on behalf of their owner and allegedly took money as a cashier. At the time of Yura worked by the "shuttle", from Turkey the skin and other consumer goods. Transporting one day such goods for him, the driver of the furybolchegruza Lesha almost lost his life. He downloaded a car in Kursk and drove the cargo on the highway to the destination, in Rostov-on-Don. Then he did not imagine that this trip would turn the nightmare, which neither of his colleagues could have thought about. The loaded machine unexpectedly stalled under Kamensky, the Lesha's engine could not fix it, I had to seek help. Well, it happens with the most experienced from drivers. The hosts, however, perceived the incident otherwise: I threw! Where is the product?..
Soon Alexey was already in the hands of his "customer". When he was bilted, thought that the worst had come. But the worst was ahead. He came to himself from pain connected. And I felt that the knife was slow and tastefully in his body.
Yuri Andreyevich cut them skillfully, long and pleasure. He also beat the day after day - brutally and infinitely, beat, when the ribs broken them were already sorted by lungs and blood, bubbing, broke out of them out with air. "Check, all the goods in place, I did not take anything," Lesha hoarse, while he could talk. "Yes? Then write a receipt," Yuri dictated. "His Majesty Yury Andreevich. I undertake to give money in dollars in the amount ... Posted? That's right. And now let's work further." But when worse, it would seem, and I could not, Alexey experienced a new shock. Having beating his owner put his birth certificate under his breath. In the column "Parents", Lesha read with horror: "Mother - Chikatilo Evdokia Semenovna, Russian. Father - Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich, Ukrainian."
The new surname of the Son, Yuri Andreevich, born in 1969, was also aimed at the testimony shown - changed on January 11, 1991 in the registry office of the Novocherkassk City Executive Committee of the Rostov Region, record number 3. Records in that book for that period were a bit: it is not fashionable to rename now, and everything concerned one name - Chikatilo.
It was the police that insisted then to this in order to secure the family: too much wishing to take revenge if not the Andrei Romanovich himself, then at least his loved ones. Everything was done so that Yura did not believe, like a terrible cross, the surname of his father and his business.
Yuri just as once his father requires psychiatric examination. And it does it in the same SIZO, where his father was before. Accident? Or regularity?

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