So that the filling does not flow out of the pies. Jam thickener: which one should you choose? How to cook pies so that the jam does not leak

Which hostess did not face the problem liquid jam who frustrated all her plans for baking delicious cake or fragrant bagels? It is sad when you want to please your family with pleasant smells, but the jam, prepared specially for these purposes, suddenly ended.

There is a way out, and this article will reveal to you little secrets that will remain in your cookbook for a long time, and most importantly, they will save you at the right time! We will be happy to share with you how you can turn liquid jam into a thick jam that does not flow out of the dough and does not spoil all the baked goods!

Effective ways

There are many ways, born by experienced housewives, capable of doing something out of nothing. Let's take a look at the most affordable ones:

  1. The most commonly used is semolina. When added, the taste of the product does not deteriorate and does not change in appearance. It is only necessary to boil the jam with a few tablespoons of cereal (1 tsp per 300 grams of semolina).
  2. The easiest way to make a thick liquid from a liquid is to boil the mixture over low heat for a while, until the required consistency. The advantage is that you can control the desired density and viscosity yourself, as opposed to adding all kinds of thickeners. After all, you can not guess and go overboard with this case.
  3. Many people use starch as a thickener. Moreover, you can use both potato and corn, adding it to an already heated mixture.
  4. In order not to suffer for a long time, you can simply buy an ordinary thickener in the store and add it to the liquid. The proportions are indicated on the packaging.
  5. They will remove excess water and give an amazing taste to the nuts, crushed into powder. Gelatin turns your jam into a gorgeous jam. If you try to use flour for this purpose, the effect will be similar to how you cook goulash. In a small amount of water, stir a little flour until smooth and pour into the jam, stirring constantly.
  6. Some even take egg white. Beat it well, and then pour it into a sweet mass.
  7. Herculean flakes will be able to absorb excess liquid without distorting the taste.

All these options have been tested by many smart chefs and culinary specialists who were able to find a way out of a difficult situation on their own and with imagination.

Not everyone adds something to the jam itself, some consider it advisable to simply sprinkle the surface of the cake with some kind of mass so that the liquid mixture does not penetrate into the dough and spoil it. Here are some of their recommendations:

  • flour;
  • cereals;
  • starch, biscuits (crushed);
  • special powder.

Cover the surface with these free-flowing ones, as thick as possible, so that the liquid jam does not seep onto the cake.

Perhaps you, too, can find for yourself some interesting way with which you can successfully eliminate any difficulty that has arisen on the way to preparing a treat for your family.

Any pastry stuffed with jam is a tasty and satisfying dish. But when preparing such a dessert, many housewives are faced with the fact that the jam flows out. Moreover, it is not so important whether small buns or a hearty sweet cake are being prepared.

In addition to jam, wet fillings also include jam and fresh fruit. These ingredients create problems for inexperienced housewives in the kitchen. An excess of juice can make even the most delicious dessert look so unpresentable that you simply won't want to eat it. Therefore, the question of what to add to the jam is very relevant so that it does not flow out of the pies or pie.

There are several solutions to the problem described above:
You can not add anything, just put less filling. But this is not a very advantageous option from the side that such savings will not affect the taste for the better;
The filling must be thickened with a product that absorbs moisture. But, what to add to the jam for thickening, so that it does not affect the taste of the product? The actual options will be discussed in the next section of this article;

What to add to the jam so that it does not flow out. Actual tips:
1. Boil the jam a few hours before making the dessert and add semolina to it. One tablespoon of cereal is taken in a glass of jam. It is also a good solution when looking for an answer to the question of what to add to the jam so that it does not spread. But in the case of jam, a teaspoon of semolina is taken in a glass of the product. This secret will help you put more toppings in.

Note! When processing jam or marmalade in this way, it is important that it cool beforehand. Only when cooled down can it be added as a filling in the preparation of various baked goods.

2. You can add berry or fruit jelly to jam or jam. A tablespoon of jelly is taken into a glass of filling. It will be very unusual to add it to baked goods.
3. Another option is to add wheat flour or even corn flour. The proportion will be standard when a tablespoon of one of the listed additional ingredients is taken into a glass of this kind of filling.

4. Ordinary oatmeal can be used as a thickener. They are taken in a standard proportion: a tablespoon of cereal per glass of jam.
5. Alternatively, housewives can use corn or potato starch to thicken. Many modern nutritionists argue that it is better to opt for cornstarch. By adding starch you will get canceled baked goods.
6. Another option for adding jam to thicken it is bread crumbs. It is best to take not a purchased product, but to cook crackers yourself. To do this, you need to take a good white bun, cut it into rather large pieces and dry it on a baking sheet. Then shallowly crush.
7. Instead of crackers, you can use ground biscuits. To do this, take ordinary cookies without additives and crush them finely and finely on a cutting board with a rolling pin. It is best to choose crackers and always without any additional flavoring fillers, salt.

All these options will help in the event that the hostess is looking for what to do so that the jam does not flow out of the pie. But, if some part of the filling does get on the baking sheet, it will be difficult to wash it. Therefore, pies and desserts with wet fillings should always be baked on special baking paper.
When deciding exactly what to add to the jam, so that it does not flow out of the pies from the above, the choice must be made in favor of the ingredient that is at hand. Over time, you can try each of the options and decide what you like best and which suits each particular case.

Let the homemade baked goods always be delicious, and the filling that flows out not during cooking, but when absorbing the finished product!

Jam pies are a delicious, tender, ruddy delicacy from childhood, so simple and uncomplicated ... Maybe because it immediately reminds of cozy family evenings filled with soulfulness and warmth with long conversations over tea. Favorite grandmother's pies with jam were gathered at the table for several generations at once, so that, following the old Russian tradition, they could “feast” to glory. Time passes, tastes change, but the desire to bake pies with jam among our hostesses has not disappeared anywhere, just as the taste of this unique, primordially Russian delicacy has not changed.

The dough for pies is most often made with yeast, although no one bothers to experiment and make pies from unleavened, choux or puff pastry. Any jam for the filling can be used. The main thing is that it is not too liquid, so that the filling does not flow out of the pies - the thicker the better. But if you only have liquid jam available, then this situation can be easily corrected by adding a little wheat or corn flour, corn or potato starch, or 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal for 1 glass of jam. You can also add bread crumbs or ground biscuits.

If you decide to use yeast dough, let it come up, then cut into small balls and leave again for a while to come up. After that, roll the balls into flat cakes, put the jam filling in the center of each, shape the pies, let them come up too, and only then grease with a beaten egg and send to the oven preheated to 180-200 ° C. After 20-25 minutes, the jam pies are ready. It's time to put the kettle on the stove and set the table!

750 g flour
500 ml of milk
8 g dry yeast
50 g sugar
3 eggs,
55 g butter
zest of one orange,
95 ml of vegetable oil,
250 ml raspberry jam.

Combine all dry ingredients. Pour barely warm milk into the dry mixture along with beaten eggs and vegetable oil. Add orange zest to the dough before kneading. Roll an elastic ball out of the dough, cover it and put it in a warm place for 1 hour to come up. Then roll it out, divide it into pieces, roll out a cake from each, put the jam in the center and pinch the edges. Place the pies on a baking sheet, brush with melted butter and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

Yeast pies with currant jam in the oven

For the test:
5 stacks flour,
500 ml of milk
35 g of compressed yeast,
2 eggs,
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
5 tbsp. l. butter,
5 tbsp. l. Sahara,
vanillin, salt - to taste.
For filling:
1 stack. currant jam.

Prepare a dough: dissolve yeast in warm milk, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 cups sifted flour. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream. Cover the dough with a towel, place in a warm place and leave for 25 minutes to rise. In the meantime, beat the egg whites into a stable foam, mash the yolks with 1 tbsp. l. sugar to a white airy mass. Add the yolks to the protein mass and mix well. Pour the prepared egg mixture into the matched dough, add vanillin, salt, melted butter and 2 cups of sifted flour. Knead the dough well and season with vegetable oil. Continuing to knead the dough, add a little of the remaining flour, bringing the dough to an elastic state. Leave the finished dough warm for 25-35 minutes, so that it rises well and brightens. Place the dough on a cutting board, roll it into a ball, hit it several times to expel all the air from the yeast mass, dust the dough with flour and let it sit for 7 minutes. Then roll out the dough on a table sprinkled with flour into a 1 cm thick layer, cut out circles, put 1 tsp in the center of each. currant jam, pinch the edges well and shape into patties. Place them on a greased baking sheet, grease the top of the patties with beaten egg or vegetable oil and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 30 minutes until golden brown. Cover the finished baked goods with a towel, this will protect them from drying out.

Strawberry jam pies

500 g flour
250 ml of milk
50 ml of water,
7 g dry yeast,
50 g butter
1 egg,
5 tbsp. l. Sahara,
1-2 tbsp. l. starch
½ tsp salt,
400 g of strawberry jam.

Sift flour, mix it with salt, dry yeast and sugar. Add soft butter to the flour mixture and crush everything into crumbs. Then pour a little milk and water into the flour mixture and continue kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Cover the finished dough with cling film and leave in a warm place until doubled in volume. Pull back and let it rise again. Knead the dough a little again and leave again to rise. Place the dough on the table, shape it into a sausage, divide it into pieces and let them lie down for a long time. Roll each piece into a flat cake and put the filling in the center - a little jam mixed with starch. Connect the edges of the cakes and form the cakes. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, place the patties, cover with cling film and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Then grease the pies with a slightly beaten egg, send to the oven preheated to 180-200 ° C and bake until golden brown.

Patties with apricot jam and pumpkin

250 ml of milk
10 g yeast
flour - how much dough will take,
1 tsp Sahara,
1.5 tsp salt,
1 egg,
8 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
250 g apricot jam,
100 g pumpkin.

Dissolve yeast in milk, add sugar and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then add salt, vegetable oil, flour to the mass, knead a non-steep dough, put it in a plastic bag and leave for 40 minutes. In the meantime, heat the apricot jam, if it's runny, add a little starch to it and reheat. If the jam is thick, then you don't need to do this. Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater and add to the jam, boil everything together for 5 minutes and cool. Lightly wrap the dough that has come up, divide it into equal balls and shape into patties. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the patties seam side down. Let them lie on a baking sheet for a while, then brush with an egg, send them to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, and bake until tender.

Pies with pear jam and walnuts

butter yeast dough (prepared in any way you are used to),
300-400 g of pear jam,
100-150 g of walnuts,
3 strips of orange peel
45 ml of milk.

Knead the yeast dough in any way you like and let it sit. To prepare the filling, combine the grated orange zest with pear jam and chopped walnuts. Then heat this mixture over medium heat until boiling and cool. Form the patties, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, brush the surface of the patties with milk and send to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, bake until browning.

Fried pies with strawberry jam on kefir

500-700 g flour
500 ml of kefir,
2 eggs,
½ stack. Sahara,
50 g yeast
1 pinch of salt

Combine eggs, sugar, kefir, salt and yeast and whisk. Then, gradually adding flour, knead a homogeneous dough. Leave it in a cool place for a few hours for it to come up. Shape the patties. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan, gradually lay out the pies and fry them on all sides until golden brown. Put the finished pies on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Puff pastries with cherry jam

1 pack of ready-made yeast puff pastry,
Cherry jam,
1 egg,
a little flour - for sprinkling the table.

Sprinkle flour on the table surface and roll out the dough thinly, cut it into rectangles with a knife. Put the jam berries on one edge of the dough rectangles, cover the filling with the second half of the dough. Pin the edges together with the teeth of a fork and place the patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Grease the top of the patties with a beaten egg and bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 ° C for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Curd dough pies with jam

700 g flour
500 g of cottage cheese,
3 eggs,
1 stack. vegetable oil,
1 stack. Sahara,
3 sachets (10 g each) baking powder,
1 bag of vanilla sugar
any jam.

Combine all the ingredients and knead into an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands and remains soft. Leave the finished dough to stand for 2 hours in a warm place. Divide the dough into pieces and shape into patties. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, brush with egg yolk and send in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Pumpkin Pastry Nut Jam Patties

600 g flour
300 g pumpkin puree
2 eggs,
1 sachet of dry yeast,
3 tbsp. l. milk,
60 g butter
2 tbsp. l. honey,
½ tsp salt.
For filling:
500 ml of green walnut jam (you can replace it with cherry, pear, quince), but that will be a completely different story.

Grate the pumpkin with a fine grater. Drain the syrup from the jam. For pumpkin dough, combine ⅓ flour, pumpkin puree, honey, salt, 1 egg and 1 protein, yeast and milk. Stir, add melted butter and more flour, stirring occasionally. Knead an elastic dough, cover it with a towel and place in a warm place for 2 hours. Knead the risen dough, adding the remaining flour. Make tortillas out of the dough and shape into patties. Put on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and oiled, let them stand for 10-15 minutes, brush with egg yolk, beaten with 1 tsp. milk, and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

Fried yeast pies with apple jam

For the test:
5 stacks flour,
20 g of regular yeast or 1 tbsp. l. dry (optional),
5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
500 ml of milk
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
vegetable oil - for frying.
For filling:
homemade apple jam.

Combine vegetable oil, yeast, salt and sugar, add warm milk and, while stirring, gradually add flour. Put the resulting viscous dough in a bag and refrigerate for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour, lay out the dough, sprinkle with flour and smooth with your hands. Using a cup, cut out the circles, place the apple filling in the center of each circle, pinch the edges and shape into patties. Fry the pies in a frying pan with vegetable oil, over low heat, under the lid, so that they bake well and turn out fluffy and ruddy.

Viennese jam pies

400 g flour
100 g sugar
8 egg yolks
200 g butter
100 g of semi-sweet wine,
200 g of sour jam,
cinnamon and powdered sugar to taste.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then cut into slices. Sift the flour and grind it with butter until fine crumbs, add the egg yolks, and then all the other ingredients, knead into a homogeneous dough that does not stick to your hands. Roll the finished dough into a sausage and cut into small pieces. Roll each piece of dough into a not very thin strip, brush each piece with melted butter and stack one on top of the other. Wrap a stack of strips in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then roll out this structure approximately 0.3 cm thick and cut out circles, which can also be rolled out slightly. Place some jam filling in the center of each mug (blackcurrant jam is ideal in this case) and mold the pies by folding the filled mugs in half. Pinch the edges carefully and place not too close together on a greased baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes. When they have cooled slightly, sprinkle with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Many housewives at least once faced the problem of “running away” and burning sweet filling. The bottom of the pies is blurred from it, and the baking trays are then very difficult to wipe off. All this spoils the result of baking, nullifies all efforts. Some even completely refuse to use it, so as not to waste their nerves and not to spoil the mood.

How do you make your pastries delicious, with plenty of sweet filling that behaves perfectly? There are a few tricks that you can use to achieve the desired result.

Making the jam thicker

To prevent the filling from flowing out of the pies, you can specially thicken the jam or jam in several ways:

  • boil a little, adding a small amount of semolina (1 teaspoon per glass);
  • the filling will certainly thicken if you put powdered fruit or berry jelly in it (again, a teaspoon per glass);
  • an old effective way is to add a little of any starch;
  • flour, oatmeal, bread crumbs, ground dry biscuits will serve perfectly for the same purposes;
  • you can make jam or confiture yourself, specially thickening it with gelatin.

Tricks of Cooking Pies

To prevent the bottom of the pie from getting wet from the wet filling, you can sprinkle the berries on top with flour from ground oatmeal. The oatmeal will not affect the taste of the baked goods and will absorb excess liquid.

You can even cover the rolled dough with a thin layer of starch, ground crackers, gelatin before spreading the filling. Then lay out the berry layer and repeat the sprinkling on top.

Fruit is best spread with the skin down and sprinkled with sugar on top. This applies to peaches, apricots, small pears, apples, plums.

Alternatively, raisins, dried apricots, and prunes added to fruit also do a good job with excess liquid. But there is one nuance, they must be washed, but not soaked, and not overdried.

Fresh cherries can be juiced, sprinkled with sugar and left for a while. The juice that appears is drained, and the berry is ready to be placed in the product. It will not be superfluous to sprinkle it with starch in the end.

Apples pre-baked without the skin will make a wonderful, non-wet filling and absolutely no hassle.

All fruits will give up some of the moisture if they are boiled a little beforehand.

If the buns, conceived with pieces of fruit, end up without them at the end of baking, then to prevent this from happening, the fruit should be rolled in starch or flour before adding.

Maybe you shouldn't cut it in the heat and give up sweet pastries with berries and fruits? Try it again and see that such fillings can bring aesthetic and gustatory pleasure!

I prefer to make pies with sweet and floating fillings in the oven. And I sculpt them with a double bottom. And I sculpt them in large quantities with almost one hand.

Now I'll tell you how this is done. But first, the filling.

Peel and core the apples and rub them on a coarse grater. I put a few pieces of butter at the bottom of the saucepan. For 5 apples - about 50 grams of butter. I put it on the stove, and as soon as the butter starts to melt, I add the apples. Sprinkle with sugar (2 tablespoons). And I warm up constantly stirring. Until the moment when all the liquid (apple juice) evaporates, and the filling becomes dense, without liquid. It takes about five minutes.

You can add a little cinnamon to the finished filling. Or you can increase the amount of sugar right away and add a little lemon juice at the very beginning.

I'm making some dough for piesin a safe way ... It was for these pies that I made it a little more abruptly - in a ratio of 1 to 2 (two kilograms of flour per liter of water).
When the dough came up, I put it on the table and divided it into an equal number of pieces. (I have 90 pieces of three kilograms of dough, but don't be guided by me, I have an ever-industrial scale).

I roll out the dough into a cake. Immediately roll out into the number of pies for one baking sheet. The rest of the dough, so as not to dry, I cover with a film.

I spread the filling.

And I start to mold the pies.
I fold it in half.

I press the dough with my hand in a semicircle, squeezing the filling a little.

Look from the back.

And then I just turn the pie to the side, and the bend is at the bottom (the bottom of the pie).
It turns out such an oblong bar.

I slap it a little with my palm to expand the shape of the pie.

And put it on a baking sheet.

I just pinch the edges of the pies with my fingers. Like this.

The bottom of the pies is not even double, but triple. But in fact, it is not at all as thick as it might seem. But the filling does not leak.

For the sake of example, I made two pies with regular jam.

And put them separately. To confirm your words.

I give proofing to pies - 25-30 minutes.

Before putting in the oven, grease with an egg stirred in water.
I bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Here are the jam pies. Didn't leak.

But all the rest - the sweet filling has not leaked anywhere either.
On the reverse side, they turn out like this.

This method is suitable not only for sweet cakes. It is very convenient when you need to quickly stick a lot of pies. Because the sculpting process itself is very fast. With one hand they folded it, pressed it, turned it over, flattened it, put it on a baking sheet, pinched the corners.

And if you get used to doing it with both hands, it’s scary to think about what inconceivable scale of production can be achieved. (kidding)

2. Tips from the Internet:

Cooking tricks for fruit fillings.

So that the filling does not flow out of the jam.

To prevent the fruit cake from getting wet from the filling.

Wet fillings: jam, jam, fresh fruit often create problems for newcomers to the kitchen: jam filling flows out, fruit pie becomes wet from excess juice and looks unbaked.

The simplest solution is to put less filling. Not everyone will like it, it tastes better when there are a lot of fillings. In addition, if the fruit is very juicy, the pie gets wet even from a small amount of filling.

Another solution is to thicken the filling with a product that absorbs moisture. It is advisable that this product does not impose its own taste.

There can be no exact recipe regarding the amount of filler, because the jam used for the filling can be of different thicknesses, and the quality of filler products today differ from different manufacturers.

Usually housewives find their method empirically.

So that the filling does not flow out of the jam, jam or jam, they do this:

Boil the jam in advance, add semolina to it. On average, 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon (depending on the thickness of the jam or jam) per glass of jam. Cool, the jam will thicken and will not flow out;

Add berry or fruit jelly powder to jam or jam - 1 tablespoon per glass of jam;

Add wheat or corn flour or oatmeal about 1 tablespoon to a glass of jam or jam;

Add corn or potato starch, you can boil the jam with starch in advance. Which starch is better? Today, many write that corn is less felt, but this depends on the manufacturer. The same can be said for the amount of starch;

Add breadcrumbs to the jam, it is better if you cook them yourself from a very good white bun;

Add ground cookies to the jam (crush with a rolling pin on a cutting board), preferably a cracker with a neutral taste, no flavors and not salty;

Especially for baking, prepare a very thick jam using natural gelling agents: pectin, quittin, gelatin, confiture.

P.s. By the way, it is with such jam or marmalade that you can very easily and quickly prepare a fruit biscuit roll:

Bake a thin rectangular sponge cake, roll it up with baking paper,

Then, when it cools down, gently unfold and spread with jam or homemade marmalade, roll up (no paper),

Put in a plastic bag, refrigerate for 1 hour;

You can make such a filling: stir the jam well, beat with a fork, add egg whites whipped into a thick foam to it.

To prevent a pie with fruit filling from excess juice from getting too wet, you can do this:

Put the fruit or berry filling on the rolled dough, sprinkle the filling with oatmeal flour (grind the flakes in advance with a blender), for example: 1-2 tablespoons for 4-5 medium-sized apples. You don't have to grind the flakes;

P.s. Whole grain oat flakes do a great job and don't affect the taste. I use German, we have been selling them everywhere for a long time.

Sprinkle the rolled dough with starch or gelatin or ground breadcrumbs, you can also use neutral cookies, put the fruit filling on top. If the filling layer is high, sprinkle on top as well;

P.s. I used to sprinkle the Golden apple filling only on top.

Cut apricots, plums, small apples and pears into halves, remove seeds, core, spread in one layer with the skin down, sprinkle on top with sugar, almond petals, and ground breadcrumbs. You can add washed, but not soaked, raisins or dried apricots to the fruit to absorb moisture, just not dry as a stone;

Large apples and pears can be cut into wedges and put skin side down as in the German apple tart recipe;

Rinse fresh cherries, drain, sprinkle with sugar, let stand for half an hour or an hour, so that she let the juice out, drain the juice. Put the cherries on the dough, sprinkle with starch on top;

Prepare the baked apple filling without the skin;

Boil the fruit for a short time;

If you add small pieces of fruit to the dough (instead of raisins): apricots, apples, pears, etc., they must first be rolled in flour.

And also, in order not to rip burnt jam or dried fruit juice from the baking sheet, always use baking paper for baking with wet fillings.

I, too, used to always have jam from pies, until I looked at how my friend added a couple of tablespoons of flour to the jam or jam for the filling. Now that's the only thing I do. Since then - no problem.

And I pinch the dough by dipping my hands in flour and put it pinched down.

How to pinch the edges of a puff pastry so that the filling doesn't come out. I have a little secret - after I connect the edges with my hands, I walk along them with a fork (teeth), the fork must be held perpendicular to the pinched edge of the dough, and the filling does not flow in this case.

3. Patties with jam. How to roll out and pinch pies so that the filling does not leak out

The edges of the cake should be rolled out thinner than the middle, where the filling will be. Grease the edges of the cake with protein, and pinch with dry fingers, dusty with flour.

4. Pies with "Divine Filling" from Alla Budnitskaya

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